How to get from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Tavatuy - auto navigator. Recreation center "Tavatuy Russian Railways rest

All the details of the road route from Nizhny Tagil (Nizhny Tagil city district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) on the way to the village of Tavatuy (Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia), indicating all intermediate points, settlements, distances and travel times between them.

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Waypoint of the route
Nizhny Tagil - Tavatuy village
Time and distance
to the next point
from the start of the route
from the beginning of the route
The starting point of your journey is Nizhny Tagil
Nizhny Tagil
Nizhny Tagil city district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
Less than 1 minute
(0 km.)
Less than 1 minute 0 km
Nikolo-Pavlovskoye village
23 minutes
(14.1 km.)
23 minutes 14.1 km
Lenevka village
Gornouralsky urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
3 minutes
(2.3 km.)
26 minutes 16.4 km
Tavatuy village
3 minutes
(2.7 km.)
30 minutes 19.1 km
Ayat village
Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
1 hour, 56 minutes
(95.3 km.)
2 hours, 27 minutes 114.4 km
Tavatuy village
Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
53 minutes
(15.1 km.)
3 hours, 20 minutes 129.5 km
The end point of your journey is the village of Tavatui
Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
We've arrived!

Weather for today (07-05-2019) in Nizhny Tagil

Weather forecast for 07-05-2019 in Nizhny Tagil, Nizhny Tagil city district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia

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Detailed weather forecast for Tavatui

Weather in the village Tavatuy, Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia today, 07-05-2019

Weather in Tavatui is loading...

Closest airports to Tavatui

The following airports and airfields are located near the village of Tavatuy, Nevyansky District, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia:

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Closest airports to Nizhny Tagil

Airports and airfields located near Nizhny Tagil, Nizhny Tagil urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia:

  • Yekaterinburg (city district of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia);
  • Perm (Urban District of Perm, Perm Territory, Russia);
  • Chelyabinsk (city district of Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia);
  • Tyumen (city district of Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia);

Check the price and Buy a return ticket

General information

  • Distance by plane between Nizhny Tagil and Tavatuy is 93.9 kilometers.
  • The flight time to the village of Tavatuy from Nizhny Tagil is 12 minutes (and by train 43 minutes).
  • The cheapest flight ticket from Nizhny Tagil to Tavatuy found by our users today (07-05-2019) costs 52 euros.

Cheap flight tickets from Nizhny Tagil to Tavatuy

In order to get to the village of Tavatui (Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) from Nizhny Tagil (Nizhny Tagil urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) by plane, you can choose the flight that suits you and buy a cheap air ticket.

The site found you the cheapest airfare for Nizhny Tagil - Tavatuy by comparing the cost of an air ticket to Tavatuy using 68 agencies, 17 booking systems, and 728 airlines. Where exactly to buy plane tickets from Nizhny Tagil - the choice is yours.

flying out
we arrive
and fly
Perm (PEE) Yekaterinburg (SVX) direct 7R42 BRA-Transportes Aeros 52 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Tyumen (TJM) direct 7R67 BRA-Transportes Aeros 53 € Let's fly!
Tyumen (TJM) Yekaterinburg (SVX) direct 7R62 BRA-Transportes Aeros 53 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Perm (PEE) direct 7R43 BRA-Transportes Aeros 53 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Yekaterinburg (SVX) 1 stop U6 609 Ural Airlines 277 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Yekaterinburg (SVX) 1 stop FV 712 Russia-Russian Airlines 280 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Chelyabinsk (CEK) 1 stop U6 262 Ural Airlines 281 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Perm (PEE) 1 stop FV 402 Russia-Russian Airlines 282 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Tyumen (TJM) 1 stop S756 S7 Airlines 322 € Let's fly!
Tyumen (TJM) Yekaterinburg (SVX) 1 stop S7 204 S7 Airlines 322 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Tyumen (TJM) 1 stop UT 566 UTair Aviation 361 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Tyumen (TJM) 1 stop S7 18 S7 Airlines 367 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Tyumen (TJM) 2 stops U6 609 Ural Airlines 398 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Perm (PEE) 1 stop UT 556 UTair Aviation 501 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Tyumen (TJM) 2 stops S74419 S7 Airlines 537 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Perm (PEE) 2 stops S.U. 1427 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 556 € Let's fly!
Tyumen (TJM) Yekaterinburg (SVX) 2 stops S7 202 S7 Airlines 605 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Yekaterinburg (SVX) 2 stops U9 449 Tatarstan Airlines 626 € Let's fly!
Yekaterinburg (SVX) Chelyabinsk (CEK) 2 stops U6 266 Ural Airlines 709 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Yekaterinburg (SVX) 2 stops U9 119 Tatarstan Airlines 946 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Tyumen (TJM) 2 stops S.U. 4575 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 1127 € Let's fly!

Lake Tavatui is the most beautiful and cleanest in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg. No wonder it is often called the pearl of the Middle Urals, and many tourists rest on the shores of the lake. The water here is clean and transparent. On a sunny day, you can see the bottom at depths of up to several meters.

lake name

Where did the name of Lake Tavatui come from? Let us turn to the book of the famous researcher of the Ural toponyms A.K. Matveev "Geographical names of the Sverdlovsk region":

“The name is easy to “decompose” into Komi-Permyak words ta wa tui- this waterway. There is also a legend about a Komi guide who showed the Russians this lake and said that they had to go by water. The legend, of course, is a late Russian invention. But the lake itself, long, elongated from north to south, was indeed a convenient waterway.

There is another explanation. Local historian V.A. Lozhkin interprets this name from the Tatar language as "Feast of the mountains" ( tau- "mountain" tui- "feast"): the mountains gathered to the lake, like guests to the table.

The legend of Tavatui and Neiva

Writer L.A. Fedorov described the legend about these places as follows:

“It was a long time ago, so long ago, that since then a new forest has grown on these mountains a hundred times ... A strong and beautiful, wise and vigilant tribe lived here then. But the most beautiful was the daughter of old Toshem, the beautiful Neiva. Many guys, wooing her, offered her father a rich ransom. And only one young hunter, named Tavatui, did not bow to Toshem. Time passed. The tribe lived quietly, wandering through the ancient forests, hunting. But warlike people appeared from the east in the lake valley. They raided, killed and tortured people. Then the shaman ordered his people to go deep into the forest. But Tavatui was indignant. He called for a fight against the aliens… The battle began… From sunrise to sunset the battle lasted. Tavatui was slain and fell to the trampled earth. With horror, Neiva saw the death of her beloved. Tears poured from her misty eyes and poured so hard that the valley filled with tears. There was a lake in this place, it hid the mighty Tavatui at its bottom. And the beautiful Neiva threw herself off a cliff and, hitting sharp stones, turned into a beautiful river. With a quiet murmur, it flowed over the earth to tell people about the great victory and heroic death of the young hunter.

Lake Features

Lake Tavatuy of tectonic origin, filled with water in the post-glacial period. The lake stretched from north to south for 10 kilometers. Its width reaches 3 kilometers. The area of ​​the lake is about 21.2 km². The average depth of the lake is 6 meters, and the maximum is 9 meters. The coastline is relatively indented.

Two dozen small rivers and streams flow into Lake Tavatui. The largest of them are Bolshaya and Malaya Shamanikha, Vitilka, Kazachikha. In the north, a channel surrounded by swamps connects Lake Tavatui with the Verkh-Neyvinsky Pond and the Neiva River basin. Before the emergence of the Verkh-Neyvinsky pond in the 18th century, Tavatui was smaller in size.

Pine forests grow along the banks. The lake is surrounded by mountains on all sides, some of them have rocks. The most picturesque and high mountains are on the eastern coast: Bolshoi Kamen, Bychikha, Volchya, Vysoka, Stozhok. The highest of these peaks is Mount Stozhok (462 m). It is visible from afar, shaped like a haystack, for which it got its name.

Scheme of Lake Tavatui

Scheme of Lake Tavatui with the names of islands, capes and bays (from the book by N.P. Arkhipova "Natural attractions of Yekaterinburg")

Video about Lake Tavatui

And one more video from Tawatui, taken on June 30 - July 1, 2018, when we finally opened the bathing season, a month late.

How to get to Lake Tavatui

Lake Tavatui is located in the Sverdlovsk region, 50 km from Yekaterinburg. By car, you need to go along the Serovsky tract, turning off the road at the sign "Tavatuy".

You can get to the western shore by train, reaching the Kalinovo or Tavatuy station, from where you can easily walk to the lake on foot (3 or 5 km, respectively). Also, there are regular buses from the railway to the village of Tavatuy. station and from UZTM square.

© Pavel Raspopov

According to the map, the distance from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg is 55 km. Our service allows you to work independently with the above map. Using this map, you can accurately build the route you need from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg, and also find out the distance between these points. To make a decision on how to get from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg, you just need to enter the point of departure and destination. After that, the system itself will find the shortest distance and present a possible route plan (It is determined by building a route along the roads). The road from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg is displayed on the plan with a thick line. The map will show the settlements that you will meet on your way while driving along the highway Tavatuy - Yekaterinburg. The route of the village of Tavatui-Ekaterinburg proposed on the map-scheme is only one of the possible ones. You can make your way through any transit point you choose. To get a detailed look at information about settlements, forks, bridges, railway tracks, and other objects on your way, you can use various functions, such as zooming in / out, switching layers (satellite, scheme, hybrid, people's map). Using the "ruler" function, you can determine the distance in a straight line to any point on the map. Some motorists prefer to use maps printed on paper. To print the route map, click on the "Print route" button.

Tavatui is one of the most beautiful and cleanest lakes in our region. It is rightly often called the pearl of the Middle Urals. The water here is extremely clean and transparent. On a clear sunny day, you can see stones shimmering in the sun at the bottom to a depth of several meters. These places always attract many tourists and just vacationers from Yekaterinburg and other cities.

First of all, in order to understand what the toponym "tavatuy" means, let's turn to the research of the famous scientist A.K. Matveeva: “The name is easily decomposed into Komi-Permyak words ta wa tui- this waterway. There is also a legend about a Komi guide who showed the Russians this lake and said that they had to go by water. The legend, of course, is a late Russian invention. But the lake itself, long, elongated from north to south, was indeed a convenient waterway.

There is another explanation. Local historian V.A. Lozhkin interprets this name from the Tatar language as "Feast of the mountains" ( tau- "mountain" tui- “feast”): the mountains gathered to the lake, like guests to the table ... ”(A.K. Matveev“ Geographical names of the Urals ”).

Lake Tavatui has an elongated shape from north to south. Its length is 10 km, and its width is 3-3.5 km. Thus, its area is about 21 square meters. km. The depth reaches 9 meters. The basin of the lake was formed as a result of tectonic movements, but it was filled with water already in the post-glacial period. It turns out that the lake is very young. He is only 15-20 thousand years old.

This area is geologically related to the Upper Iset granite massif. There are many granite outcrops here. The lake is surrounded by mountains on all sides. The most picturesque and high mountains are on the eastern coast: Bolshoi Kamen, Bychikha, Volchya, Vysoka, Stozhok. The highest peak is Mount Stozhok (462 m). It is visible from afar, shaped like a haystack, for which it got its name.

Many mountains near Tavatui are crowned with granite rocks. In addition, relatively close to the lake are the rocks of the Seven Brothers, popular among tourists. There are several islands on Tavatui. Most of them are in the southern part of the lake. The largest island, Olkhov Kust, is located in the southwest of the lake, opposite the village of Priozerny. In addition to its size, it is now unremarkable - low-lying, swampy, overgrown with bushes. But the story of its appearance is amazing! It is said that this island… sailed here from the northern part of the lake! One fine day, he broke away from the raft and the wind brought him to another part of the lake. Here he ran aground, and the roots of plants stuck to the muddy bottom. Now I can’t even believe that once this island was not here at all.

Other islands (Makarenok, Cherny, Sofronovy, Podosinovye) are rocky outcrops and are very picturesque. Makarenok Island is very peculiar. It looks like a heap of smooth stones honed by water a kilometer from the shore. Seagulls especially appreciate this island. A whole group of islands is located in the southeast, near Mount Vysokaya. In summer, they are like a magnet, attracting swimmers. About 30 small rivers and streams flow into the lake (of which the largest tributaries are the rivers Bolshaya and Malaya Shamanikha, Vitilka, Kazachikha). The Tavatuy channel connects with the Verkh-Neyvinsky pond.

In some swampy bays of the lake, you can find trees gnawed by beavers. For example, in the bay in the southeast of the lake. By the way, earlier Lake Tavatui was much smaller in size. The area of ​​the lake increased as a result of the construction of the Verkh-Neyvinskaya dam in the middle of the 18th century. Springed by a dam, the water in the lake rose as much as four meters. Few tourists know that there is also Lake Small Tavatui. It is located near the village of Kalinovo and is very swampy. You can approach the water directly only from the north side.

In the forests in the region of Lake Tavatui, cedars that are so rare for our latitudes and therefore even more valuable are often found. So, a large, picturesque cedar meets those who come here by train already at the Kalinovo station. On the western shore between Kalinovo and Priozerny is the Nevyansk Rybzavod. In Tavatui, various varieties of fish (whitefish, ripus, etc.) are successfully bred. In Soviet times, commercial fishing was carried out on the lake, up to several tens of centners of fish were caught per day. Now there are not so many fish here, but you can catch them in your ear.

There are three settlements on the shores of the lake - the villages of Kalinovo, Priozerny (the former ancient village of Shamanikha) and Tavatui (in addition, there are many recreation centers and camps). The oldest of them is the village of Tavatui (second half of the 17th century). It was the first Russian settlement on the lake, founded by Old Believers. The Old Believer community was headed by Pankraty Klementievich Fedorov (Pankraty Tavatuysky).

The well-known Ural writer Mamin-Sibiryak also visited the village of Tavatuy in the 19th century. Here is how he described the first acquaintance with these places in the essay “Cut off a slice”: “We had to travel relatively briefly along the Verkhoturye tract, and after two feedings we turned left from it in order to drive a“ straight road ”by lakes ... This deaf forest road that exists only in winter, extraordinarily beautiful ... In such a forest in winter there is some especially solemn silence, as in an empty church. Dense spruce forests are replaced by through deciduous copses, through which the blue distance glimmers. And it's good, and it's creepy, and I want to drive through this forest desert without end, giving myself up to specially road thoughts.

A straight road through lakes passes through the most remote places, where in summer there is no passage, no drive, because rusty swamps, lakes and forests lie for a hundred miles. The only village on our way was Tavatui, on the steep bank of the lake of the same name. It was a real schismatic nest, running into the impregnable wilderness. We arrived in Tavatuy already at night and in front of the village we met a pack of wolves crossing the lake in a row ... It was still two in the morning, but friendly lights were already glowing in some huts. It was the schismatic women who stoked the stoves for an early working breakfast. All schismatics live hard, and the people are all hard-working, and the women are for the selection of the hostess. It was not easy to get an overnight stay…”

Another settlement on the lake is the village of Kalinovo. It is located almost opposite the village of Tavatui - on the opposite western coast. Kalinovo arose relatively recently - in Soviet times in connection with the construction of a gunpowder factory. The plant is still operating, only the name has changed - now it is called the Kalinovsky Chemical Plant. Produces various explosives for industrial purposes.

In the middle of the village on a hill rises a small rocky outcrop of a bizarre shape. And on the very shore - a monument to those who died in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. The scale of the monument does not fit in with a small village at all. There are even capsules with earth from all the hero cities.

Finally, I note that for some time (1917-1918) Alexei Kabanov lived and worked on Tavatui (in Kalinovo) - a few months later he became one of the executioners of the royal family. A little earlier, his brother Mikhail headed the Bolshevik organization here and in 1917 took part in the seizure of power. For the night on Lake Tavatui, you can stay in a tent or at one of the many recreation centers.

How to get to Lake Tavatui?

The lake is located about 50 km north of Yekaterinburg, approximately halfway between the Ural capital and Nevyansk. There are three options for how to get to Lake Tavatui. The easiest way is by car along the Tagil highway to the sign "Tavatuy", where you turn left and drive another 3-4 km. Also, a passenger bus runs twice a day to the village of Tavatuy from the railway station of Yekaterinburg (route No. 147). You can get on it either at the railway station or at the UZTM square. Departure time from the station: 07:15 and 16:00. Travel time is 1.5 hours. Departure from Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg: 08:50 and 17:35.

In addition, it is easy to get to the lake by train (direction to Nizhny Tagil). You need to go to the station Tavatui or Kalinovo. From Tavatui station, follow the road in a northeasterly direction. The lake is about five kilometers away. If you go straight along the asphalt road without turning anywhere, you will come to the village of Priozerny, which is on the shore of the lake. If you want to settle down in a pleasant forest on the shore of the lake, then it is better to go to Cape Sukharny. To do this, you need to turn off the asphalt road about the third kilometer to the right onto a country road. The landmark is a power line going there. After 15-20 minutes you will see a path going to the left into the forest. Walking along it very soon you will come to the shore of the lake. Here you can set up camp, stay overnight. From the Kalinovo station to the lake, the path will be closer - only three kilometers (if you are too lazy to go, you can even get from the station to the village of Kalinovo by bus).

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