The Grand Canyon of Crimea: how to get there from Kerch. Route Sokolinoe - Grand Canyon of Crimea (to the bath of youth)

Crimean peninsula – at these words, many travelers’ hearts begin to beat quickly. And the reason for this is the many natural and man-made beauties with which the area is generous and rich.

Mountain peaks alternate with smooth plateaus, cave cities with monasteries, but everything pales before the majestic canyon! The Grand Canyon in Crimea (GBK) is truly a sight that needs to be seen at least once in a lifetime. And don’t think that this is a small crevice exaggerated by impressionable tourists - this is a place of power, incredible emotions, beauty and joy.

Where is the Grand Canyon in Crimea?

Between the Boyka mountain range and the Ai-Petrinsky highlands, on the south-eastern side of the village of Sokolinoe, lies the most beautiful Grand Canyon of Crimea. The natural attraction is the deepest on the peninsula and reaches 320 meters, while the narrowest part is only 2 meters, and the length of the chasm is 3.5 km. The Great Crimean Canyon is rich in water flows, there are countless streams, and the Azu-Uzen River runs along the bottom - incessant and stormy, originating from the very upper reaches and “accompanying” travelers along the entire route.

Grand Canyon routes

Travelers are always offered a route starting from the “Three Gudgeons” cafe - it is believed that even a novice tourist will walk the path from here to the “Bath of Youth”. The entrance fee is still charged (about 100 rubles each), but you can go in for free if the collectors have already earned money and left. So, from the foresters’ post, next to the cafe, the trail leads to Sary-Uzen.

The river fills only during heavy rains, so in summer you can literally cross it “without getting your feet wet.” The stone boulders are smooth and safe; you only need good shoes to make walking easy and comfortable. Following the first there will be a second crossing - this is the Kokozka River, which is formed at the confluence of a couple of other rivers. It’s not difficult to cross Kokozka, at the same time admire the local beauty, bushes and go to a well-marked path leading up.

There, where oak and hornbeam forests spread freely. For “wild” travelers there is the opportunity to turn along the river and move along with the riverbed, but this path is a little more difficult.

And along the path, which is well trampled by hundreds of tourists’ feet, it is easy, free and simple to walk. Having risen, travelers will find themselves at a crossroads: the roads are divided, it’s up to you to choose, but if you go to the left, you will definitely come out to the village of Sokolinoe, and to the right there will be the Great Crimean Canyon - we’ll go there. From the fork the road becomes more difficult, so count on your strength.

A little forward and you can already see the landmark itself, you can hear the sound of water and you can photograph a huge gorge with steep slopes covered with trees and bushes. On the left, the Sentinel cliff rises; it is the first to meet all travelers and escort them to the Second, Third and Fourth (Cave) cliffs. But this is all on the left “side”, on the right the Pine Cliff freely stretches out, hiding behind it the Almanchuk tract with the playful Yabloneva (Almanchuk) river. The name of the Almanchuk tract comes from a grove of wild apple trees that grow here to this day. After walking a little, you can stand on the observation deck and enjoy the stunning panoramic views to your heart's content.

And now further! The water can no longer just be heard, but also seen - soon the entire expanse of the Blue Lake, so named because of the bluish reflection of the water playing in the rays of the sun, will open. In general, this is not a lake, but just a backwater, but if it’s the Big Canyon, then let everything be called “large”. The path through the Apple Ford to the confluence with Kokozka is fast, and there is already a floodplain with dogwood bushes, hazel, wild apple trees - a little further the riverbed will lead to the Ai-Petri plateau, but it is better to first have a good rest in a small grotto under an overhanging stone. This is where all the tourists who do not violate the travel rules stop. Rest will be required, as the trail becomes more difficult and narrower, there are steep descents, ascents and zigzag turns.

If the trip takes place in the summer heat, you can walk along the river bed; the stones are covered with a thick soft layer of moss, which bounces pleasantly under your feet. Well, in spring or autumn the stream is always full, so you have to follow the path. When going on a hike along the Crimean canyon, grab a fishing rod - a little further on the river becomes full-flowing and brook trout frolic in it excellently. It’s not difficult to agree with the foresters to catch a couple of pieces, and you will be pleased to bake your catch, of course, with the permission of the guide. If you don't take an umbrella to protect yourself from the heat, pick a huge butterbur leaf - there are plenty of them here. The protection is short-lived, but replaceable, and provides ideal protection from the sun.

The short path to the ford with the river turning around the rock will fly by quickly, but further, a little to the right, a real miracle awaits - the Pania spring. The abundance of the spring is amazing, as is always the cold water in it. Get your cameras ready, we are about to photograph the most beautiful places in the kingdom of stone pits and baths, including the famous Bath of Youth. This is where the usual route to the Grand Canyon of Crimea ends.

But there are many others. For example, go further, because all the most interesting things open up just behind these cliffs. The path will be difficult, not every traveler will be able to pass. But if you have endurance and endurance, then go ahead! There, where the steep walls almost close together, muffling the sunlight and settling gloom and twilight in the gorge.

It is quiet here, there is no sound of water, only pebbles rustle, gradually crumbling under the careless steps of travelers, and somewhere above there is the rustling of invisible trees. Already now the dry bottom is lined with limestone pebbles; you often come across ledges many meters high and rubble rolled in by stones. Sometimes you need to cross them, this is where minimal climbing skills and helping each other are required. There are rare paths that go around the rubble, but you will have to jump a lot. By the way, you shouldn’t be in a particular hurry, condensation settling on the stones is dangerous for fast movements - you can slip and fall.

Rockfalls also pose a danger to travel - at the bottom there are often huge pieces of limestone rock, crushed by the fall. To date, no one has been hurt, but caution is in order. In addition, traces of destruction from water jets are visible everywhere on the walls: grottoes, niches, ledges. Because of this, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot boast of evenness of plumb lines, but all the depressions are convenient for travelers, you can lean on them, and it is also interesting to view the temporary layers of the “pie” of plumb lines.

In general, there are enough interesting things along the way to last a lifetime of memories, the harsh beauty of the canyon is amazing, at every turn a new view, panorama opens up and it seems that you have found yourself in some other world, have become detached from reality and now there will be an entrance to the kingdom of the gnomes. But the two-kilometer difficult path ends, the walls move apart, become lower, and soon a magnificent basin with a waterless bed of the Kuru-Uzen (Dry River) and incredibly beautiful clearings lined with soft grass opens before your eyes.

Now all that remains is to go to inspect Cape Trapis, go down to the Yohagan-Su valley with its springs and carefully look down from the huge Fifth Cape! The spectacle is definitely not for the faint of heart - a view of the entire gorge from a great height leaves in the memory such a storm of emotions that it is impossible to cope with them right away. Then a calm walk along the path, at first gentle, and then steeply running down, and finally, again the murmur of water, the trunks of centuries-old beeches and the Dzhevizlyk spring, where you can rest before leaving the canyon.

There are plenty of routes along the Great Crimean Canyon, they vary in length and complexity. And there is always the opportunity to choose a lighter version, for example, to go on an adventure with the kids.

Map of the Crimean Canyon

When looking at the map, you should pay attention to the large number of rivers, springs and other sources. Formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust, the Grand Canyon of Crimea is indicated on the map as a deep crevice with a length of 3.5 km. The difficulties of crossing the gorge force agencies to offer routes along the upper edge, but if you wish, it is worth looking at the map and taking the risk of creating your own routes. Moreover, there are plenty of turns that allow you to shorten the path and go back to the merge and exit to the cafe.

However, if tourists are not afraid of difficulties, a new world will open up for them - these places are accessible to not many travelers and have retained the almost pristine freshness of natural beauty. It is impossible to see all the beauty of the gorge from above, ledges and dense vegetation interfere, but from below the view enchants and does not let go, the secluded corners of the Great Crimean Canyon are so beautiful.

The tectonic fault has a lot of attractions, both encountered along the way and requiring separate inspection.

Waterfall Silver Streams

The waterfall is only 4.5 kilometers south from the village of Sokolinoe, it’s an hour’s journey, but the time spent on the road will more than pay off! The luxurious waterfall is located at the entrance to the Small Canyon and is the “creation” of the Sary-Uzen River. But, contrary to the name (Yellow River), the waterfall is Silver, not yellow, and delights travelers with its sweet-sounding tints.

Visually, the entire flow of water resembles strings with which the wind “plays”. In winter, the streams freeze and the waterfall turns into “Crystal” - the icicles hang in the most bizarre way, forming an intricate pattern and slowly ringing with the blowing wind. The shape itself is very unusual: countless streams of water burst out from under the cap of moss, and behind the stream a black entrance to the grotto opens. Add to this a hornbeam forest interspersed with beech, rowan, and centuries-old oaks and you create a complete feeling of a fabulous place, which is what this waterfall is!

Bath of youth

The Grand Canyon of Crimea gives youth not only to the soul, but also to the body. The famous Bath of Youth is believed to restore the joy of life even to people of the older generation. It is this legend that attracts many travelers to swim in the font, wanting to plunge into the water, the temperature of which rarely exceeds 9-10 degrees. Thought-provoking pleasure. The depth of the bath is 5 meters, so you can even dive, but few people dare to undertake such an undertaking, but you can always try!

Post oak

The Post Oak is another attraction that the Grand Crimean Canyon offers. Once upon a time, partisans used the opportunity to put a letter in a hollow oak tree for delivery. And for a long time the tree delighted travelers with beautiful letters, where people wrote about their dreams and achievements and shared joyful emotions. In fact, writing a letter and leaving it at the Postal Oak was the same as sending a message to Santa Claus. But in 1982 the tree was burned, and today only the skeleton of a mighty oak tree remains at the fork.

But this should not upset travelers; the Grand Canyon of Crimea is replete with wonders and remarkable places:

1. Blue Lake is a place where love declarations acquire indestructible power;

2. On Yablonev Ford, look who will give you a hand - this often turns out to be the very person you have been waiting for all your life;

3. Source Pania always fulfills your deepest desires.

As you can see, here in the canyon nature takes on the fulfillment of your most secret dreams, and therefore you should prepare thoroughly for the excursion.

Excursion to the Grand Canyon

A trip to the Grand Canyon of Crimea is an excursion that gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most remarkable places of the peninsula. As a rule, the route includes: an overview of the South Coast, a trip to the Bakhchisarai region, a walk along the canyon and lunch in a cafe. The duration of the adventure depends on the length of the route and takes from 8 hours. You will have to walk 2-3.5 km through different terrain, so you should take care of comfortable shoes, clothes, replacement socks and a swimsuit. At the end of the trip, tourists will enjoy barbecue, wine, juices, pilaf, and Tatar manti in the Three Peskarya cafe.

How to get there?

When going to the Grand Canyon of Crimea, think about how to get there:

1. By public transport from Yalta, Sevastopol or Simferopol there are regular buses from bus stations along the route to Bakhchisarai. There are also minibus taxis. You need to drive to the village of Sokolinoe, then walk three kilometers in a southerly direction and you will see the entrance to the gorge.

Bus schedule Simferopol-Bakhchisarai

Bus schedule Sevastopol-Bakhchisarai

Bus schedule Yalta-Bakhchisarai

2. From Sokolinoe you can also follow the Yusupov trail; it will lead right to the beginning of the route into the canyon.

If you go by car to the Grand Canyon of Crimea, here’s how to get there by car:

1. Drive along the Yalta highway to Bakhchisarai;

2. Turn to the Ai-Petri pass;

3. Before reaching the pass, there will be the village of Sokolinoe, where you can leave your vehicle in the parking lot.

How to get from Simferopol to the Grand Canyon

From Sevastopol

From Yalta

Attraction coordinates: N 44.3140 E 34.10. And remember that the Grand Canyon in Crimea is a territory where not all areas are open to the public, it is forbidden to pick flowers, eat fruits and cut down trees. You can get a fine for lighting a fire, as well as for an unauthorized overnight stay. It is best to travel in the dry season and under no circumstances swim in the stone “baths” with black water. It's really black and contagious due to rotting algae, don't risk it!

The Great Crimean Canyon is deservedly called the heart of the local mountains. This is an abandoned world of primeval beauty. A monumental depression with rocky blocks, reaching a depth of up to 3 km, rich in amazing baths and waterfalls, delights and surprises even the most experienced tourists. The unique landscape reserve is under the strictest protection of the state. This means that in protected areas you cannot camp overnight, light fires, cut down trees, bushes, or pick flowers.

A trip to the Grand Canyon of Crimea includes some expenses. To visit it, travelers will have to pay a fixed amount, but this is not an obstacle for many thousands of travelers. Any expenses or difficulties are fully compensated by the bright emotions received.

Where is it on the map

The “Heart of the Crimean Mountains” is located three kilometers from the village of Sokolinoe, in the Bakhchisarai region. A huge number of paved paths and roads lead to the northern zone of the Ai-Petrinsky massif, and therefore everyone can get to the holy of holies of Crimea. In fact, it is best to choose a dry season for travel, since Great Crimean During periods of high water, the canyon can absorb uninvited guests, after all, his heart is stone and does not feel pity.

By the way, you can stay overnight in Sokolino or stay there for several days in one of the guest houses. This will give you the opportunity to visit not only the Grand Canyon, but also other attractions that are in the area. For example, cave cities (Mangup-Kale and Eski-Kermen), the Bath of Youth, the hunting house-palace of Prince Yusupov, the Danilcha-Koba cave-grotto and much more.

Specifics of the area

The expanses of the canyon arose due to the activity of the river. She honed it year after year and still continues to shape limestone. Nowadays, there is a deep depression here, with fairly smooth walls, waterfalls and boulders at the bottom.

Thanks to the specific microclimate, a variety of plants have been able to survive here since the Ice Age. The still lower temperature and lower humidity compared to nearby areas are considered to be the factors that determine the special composition of the plant world.

Depending on the composition of the flora, the Grand Canyon is considered to be a very unique territory, where a huge number of endangered and rare plants grow, including:

  • Crimean orchids, including the surprisingly rare variety Lady's slipper;
  • exceptional species of ferns;
  • yew grove, in which ancient relict berry yews grow, reaching up to 1.5 m in girth.

As for the local fauna, its composition is practically no different from other territories in the south and middle part of the state. Of particular note is the brook trout that lives in local waters, as well as a huge number of amphibian species.

Observation platforms at the gorge

There are tourist observation platforms on the territory of the gorge. The top of Sentinel Cliff is the most famous and popular of these, offering amazing panoramic views of the canyon. A wonderful view of the tract opens from the Fifth Cliff. From such a magnificent viewing platform, the Grand Canyon is perfectly visible along almost its entire length.

Panorama of the canyon from the observation deck

Current tourist routes

The excursion tourist route along the Crimean Canyon starts from the village of Sokolinoe. About five kilometers later the road turns to the gorge. The trail passes through beech forests to a small colorful clearing where the Postal Oak is located - a legendary ancient Crimean tree - whose age exceeds 350 years. Oak gained popularity due to the fact that since the second half of the twentieth century there was a tradition of leaving notes with wishes in the hollow of an old tree. It is believed that if you sincerely make a wish, it will definitely come true.

But in the first half of the 1980s, the oak burned down. The completely burnt out dry giant is transforming more and more into dust every year, despite this it still towers at the beginning of the Grand Canyon.

First stop - Blue Lake

If you follow the path from the Postal Oak, turning to the right, very soon the Silver Streams Waterfall and the Blue Lake will appear before your eyes - these are two incredibly picturesque attractions of the Crimean nature.

Incredible Silver Jets waterfall rises at an altitude of 200 m above the basin. This natural attraction fully justifies its name. In the upper part, a lush green cap of moss hung over the waterfall; the water flowed down the stones, distributed into streams, sparkling in the sun like silver threads.

Waterfall Silver strings

A wide erosion basin in the canyon. It is filled with incredibly transparent, clean waters with a gentle bluish color. Even in the hottest season, the water temperature in the lake does not reach above +12 degrees. While swimming in shallow, refreshing baths will add strength to travelers for the further journey.

Second stop - Apple Ford

Having descended from the Sentinel Cliff, travelers are greeted by another natural miracle of the Canyon - the Apple Ford. There are wild apple trees in huge numbers higher up the river. Starting from the autumn season, their foliage and fruits begin to fall into the water. The current carries them to the ford, which is located opposite the Almachuk delta - a tributary of the Auzun-Uzen, which translated into Russian means “apple”.

Apple Ford

Third stop - Pania Spring

The river valley behind the ford is gaining depth. Near it is the Paniya spring. This name is a simplified form of “Panagia” (translated as “All-Holy”). On the territory of the Crimean Peninsula there are many holy springs that were discovered during the Middle Ages. Obviously, Pania is one of them. This is one of the largest Crimean fresh water sources. About 1.4 thousand cubic meters. water comes out of it within an hour. Near the spring there is a flooded Pania cave.

Pania Source

Fourth stop - Bath of Youth

The tour ends with the Bath of Youth, a famous landmark of the Crimean Grand Canyon. Along the entire course of the Auzun-Uzen, this cauldron is the deepest (up to 5 meters). A waterfall falls from a height into the basin. This is the legendary “bath of youth” of Crimea. This “bathtub” is filled with clear, cool water that never heats up above 11 degrees even in the sultry heat. If you swim in such a basin, you can invigorate and strengthen yourself. Traditionally, many travelers plunge into it.

Bath of youth

Cost of the excursion (as of 2018)

As mentioned above, the Grand Canyon is a protected area, and yet there is an entrance fee. For adults, the ticket price is 100 rubles. The general condition of the route is excellent. There are steps and railings along the paths; tourists can use maps and follow the signs throughout the entire route.

But if you don’t want to waste time wandering along the paths, we recommend taking this route in the company of an experienced guide who will tell you a lot of interesting things along the way. In general, many places in Crimea keep their secrets, legends are made up about them, signs and beliefs are passed on from mouth to mouth. A good travel guide will also tell you what natural phenomena caused the formation of this gorge. We recommend using the services of a local guide:

How to get to the canyon by car from Sevastopol, Simferopol, Bakhchisaray

The facility can be reached using public transport - by bus "Bakhchisaray - Yalta" or "Bakhchisaray - Sevastopol" to the stop "Great Crimean Canyon", and then walk about 5 km or hitchhike to Sokolinoe.

Information for those who want to get to the Great Crimean Canyon by car. Are you good at navigating the map? You can get to the object from Bakhchisarai - highway N-06. If you are coming from Sevastopol, then you do not get to Bakhchisarai, but turn right.

Tourist information

  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.
  • Canyon address: Russian Federation, Crimean peninsula, Bakhchisarai district, Sokolinoe village.

If we talk about the Crimean Grand Canyon, we can safely say that it will not be possible to find a more incredible and picturesque place on the territory of the peninsula.

Due to such objects as the Pania source, the “Bath” of Youth, the Deep Lake, the canyon was able to gain wide popularity outside of Crimea. And here everyone will find a good reason to visit it. For some, unique flora and local beauty are important, for others it’s an extreme pastime, and for others they come here to find out and check the veracity of terrible Tatar legends. In any case, everyone will find exactly what they need here. Despite the fact that the reasons for visiting differ, the common ones are unique, vivid emotions and impressions that remain for a long time. And in conclusion, we invite you to watch a video about such a delightful place.


Today, the Grand Canyon of Crimea has become one of the main attractions of the peninsula. 300-meter-high cliffs, formed by erosion over 2 million years, overhang the riverbed, the width of which in some places narrows to three meters.

The length of the canyon is about 3.5 km; the most popular among tourists is its first half upstream to the “Bath of Youth”. Most of the sights are concentrated on this section of the route; visiting them takes no more than two hours.

However, it is worth noting that the canyon itself, in the usual sense, begins a little further and is more difficult to get there. The paths used by tourists end, and on the way there are often obstacles from fallen trees, stones and dams, which in spring and early summer can only be overcome by swimming.

However, this does not stop lovers of active recreation; there is a special route for them, which includes a walk along the entire canyon and a return trip along the capes hanging over the abyss.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Postal Oak"

The first point of the route is Postal Oak. This tree has been known to perhaps every visitor to the canyon since the mid-20th century. For a long time, travelers have been leaving wishes and messages for other tourists in the hollow of a huge old oak tree. The good tradition continued until the 1980s, when the tree was struck by lightning. Although some claim that the tree caught fire due to arson.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Blue Lake"

Then a well-trodden path leads to the Blue Lake - the largest body of water filled with transparent, mirror-clear water. Its depth does not exceed one and a half meters, but on hot summer days there are many people who want to swim.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Source of Pania"

The next stop is one of the largest karst springs in Crimea, Pania. Every second, 370 liters of water burst out of the rocks. This source has been known since the Middle Ages. Previously, there was a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary nearby. It was called “Panagia”, which translated from Greek means “All Holy”.

Grand Canyon of Crimea – stop “Bath of Youth”

Upstream from the source, the most picturesque section of the route begins, running along the rocky bottom of the Auzun-Uzen stream, which has carved out a canyon. The trail ends at the final point of the route - the “Bath of Youth” - a reservoir created by nature in the canyon bed and notable for its constant water temperature of 9-11 degrees even on the hottest days.

You can get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by regular buses or minibuses, which regularly run from the Bakhchisarai railway station to the village of Sokolinoe.

By car you can get much closer, almost to the entrance to the mouth of the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Another road to the Grand Canyon of Crimea goes from Yalta through the Ai-Petri plateau.

Among the natural attractions of Crimea, the Grand Canyon occupies a very special place. This large canyon was formed about 1.5 - 2 million years ago, at the site of a huge tectonic fault.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is one of many similar places in the world. There are stunning mountains, gorges and canyons, for example in Iceland. Norway is incredibly rich in such natural attractions. And if you want to get closer, there are many mountain routes of varying levels of difficulty in Georgia. You can see interesting routes to the mountains on the tourist club page

The Grand Canyon of Crimea was formed over millions of years. Today it is a deep channel, sometimes wider, sometimes narrower. Along the riverbed there are about 150 erosion cauldrons with waterfalls, the so-called baths. Some are very tiny, and some reach a depth of about 2.5 m and a length of up to 10 m. The Blue Lake is the largest cauldron, the bath of youth is also a similar formation.

The canyon is fed by a huge number of streams, springs, and mountain rivers that emerge from the gorge and flow into the Azun-Uzen River. This is a clean, cold river. Throughout its entire length, even in the baths, the water temperature does not exceed 11 degrees.

When can you go to the Grand Canyon?

It is safe enough to be in the canyon only from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. During this period, when it rarely rains, the canyon is drained. And routes for trekking and hiking become available.

During the rainy season, the canyon is dangerous. Not only is there a mountain stream with mud and stones rushing along the riverbed. Because of the rains, the slopes of the canyon become less stable and rock falls occur more often. By the way, even during the dry season, due to the danger of falling stones, you should not go close to the slopes.

Keep in mind that the canyon has developed its own microclimate. It's always a few degrees cooler here than outside. And at the same time, quite humid.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon begins 5 km away. from the village of Sokoliny. If you are going on a hike on your own, you will have to take a taxi from Sokolinoe or walk; there is no public transport to the canyon. You can get to the village of Sokolinoe by bus from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai.

If you are going on a hike with a tourist group, such a tour usually includes a transfer to the canyon.

If you are traveling by car, you need to go through Ai-Petri. On the way to the plateau, about halfway along the path there will be a sign “Grand Canyon”.

What to take on a hike

The minimum duration of a walk through the Grand Canyon is 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, be sure to take enough water with you and, if necessary, a light snack.

Comfortable shoes are a must. The route itself is not too difficult, but you will need to jump somewhere, cross streams, puddles, and stones.

There is an entrance fee to the Grand Canyon because it is a nature reserve. So, you need to take money with you. In the 2017 season, the entrance ticket costs 100 rubles.