What to do in Spain. Things not to do in Spain

Spain is located in southwestern Europe. The shores of this country are washed in the north and west by the waters of the Atlantic, and in the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to the mainland, the territory of Spain includes the Balearic and Canary Islands - popular holiday destinations.

Tours to Spain

When choosing tours to Spain, travelers choose major cities - Barcelona, ​​Granada, Seville, Cordoba. Beach lovers choose the resorts of Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa del Sol and the island of Tenerife.

In winter, you can go skiing and snowboarding in Spain in the resorts of Sierra Nevada and Pradollano.

Visa to Spain

To visit Spain you need. The tourist passport must remain valid for at least 3 more months from the end of the trip to Spain. Your passport must have 2 blank pages.

Round trip flights to Spain

Ticket prices shown are for 1 person departing from Berlin


Climate and weather in Spain

The swimming season on the Mediterranean coast of Spain lasts from June to October. You can swim in the Canary Islands all year round.

July and August are best for visiting the Basque Country, Galicia, Barcelona, ​​Malaga. And for walking around Madrid and Toledo, you should choose late spring or early autumn.

Happy At night Sea Season
January +13 +4 +13 beach
February +14 +5 +13 beach
March +15 +6 +15 beach
April +17 +8 +17 beach
May +20 +12 +18 beach
June +24 +15 +22 beach
July +27 +18 +24 beach
August +28 +19 +26 beach
September +25 +16 +25 beach
October +21 +12 +22 beach
November +17 +8 +20 beach
December +14 +5 +16 beach

Resorts of Spain

While in Barcelona, ​​it is impossible not to look at the most famous unfinished building in the world, the brainchild of the great Gaudi, the fantastic Sagrada Familia - Sagrada Familia. Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí turned Barcelona into a garden of his imagination. Many people call his style modernism, but all the creations of the genius Gaudi are so original, fabulous and unique that only one definition suggests itself - “Gaudi style”.

Sagrada Familia became the main project of the architect - he devoted 43 years of his life to creating drawings and supervising the construction of a grandiose temple. According to Gaudí's plan, three facades were to appear at the temple: Christmas, the Passion of Christ and the Resurrection. Each facade should be crowned with 4 towers of great height - 120 meters each. These 12 towers symbolize the number of apostles. The central tower - 170 meters high - was to be erected to the glory of Jesus. The Sagrada Familia is open to tourists and visitors daily. You can see the interior of the temple, stained glass windows and stucco, mosaics and frescoes. The average tour time is 4 hours.

A huge fountain is located on the hill of Montjuic in Barcelona. Water cascades occupy 3 thousand square meters, and the main bowl of the fountain in the form of an ellipse is 65 meters long and 59 meters wide. The fountain is an adornment of the architectural ensemble of Plaza de España and the National Palace of Catalonia. 3620 water jets soar to a height of 54 meters. The play of light and color is provided by 120 spotlights, in the spectrum of which there are more than 50 colors. Dancing Montjuic to classical music.

The amazing Park Guell is another brainchild of Antonio Gaudi. Mosaic, mysterious paths, fabulous, like "gingerbread" houses - all this is Park Güell, a fantastic garden city in Barcelona. On the roof of the columned hall there is a serpentine bench stretching along the perimeter. It is brightly decorated with mosaics and very comfortable - according to the memoirs, Gaudi asked the builder to sit in soft clay in order to get a cast that follows the contours of the human body.

In Seville, wander through the labyrinth of the Old City and visit the Plaza de España. Among the columns are tile panels, each of which depicts one of the Spanish provinces.

In Valencia, you need to eat paella to your heart's content - it was invented here. It is also worth seeing the legendary Holy Grail and the fantastic City of Sciences and Arts at the bottom of a drained river. Knightly Toledo beckons with its castles and olive groves. And in the restaurants of San Sebastian, in the Basque Country, you need to sign up for six months - the best establishments with Michelin stars are collected here.

In A Coruña, admire the lighthouse, which was built during the Roman Empire. It rises 55 meters above the ground and is still working successfully.

What is Spain without windmills? You can look at the “monster” with which Don Quixote fought on the Hill of Peace.

The Costa del Sol is beaches, beaches and more beaches, as many as 240 kilometers of uninterrupted beaches with luxurious sand. In Malaga, see the world through the eyes of Pablo Picasso, who was born here.

Costa Dorada, the "Gold Coast" is the most beautiful Spanish beach resort. Luxurious hotels, clear water and 200 kilometers of golden sand. Families with children like to come here, as well as to Mallorca: the entrance to the water is gentle, there are no strong waves.

The Costa Brava is famous for its wild nature - rocks and pine trees, warm sea and fresh breeze are intertwined here in a truly Spanish symphony of relaxation.

The legendary island of Tenerife attracts tourists from all over the world with its amazing beaches with dark volcanic sand.

Good to know about Spain

Tours to Spain

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow

Going to Spain for the first time, it is useful to know the generally accepted rules and norms of behavior in order not to make stupid mistakes and look decent in this European country. We will try to present all the necessary information for the discoverers of this magical land.


For starters, you should know that not all of Spain speaks Spanish. For example, in Catalonia and the Basque Country, Catalan and Basque are spoken, respectively.


When crossing the border, you cannot carry more than 6,000 euros, and many Spanish shops and restaurants do not accept banknotes with a face value of more than 100 euros. Those. you will have to put money on a bank card or get enough small bills.

By the way, coins will come in handy for paying for left-luggage offices, automatic public toilets, when buying water, snacks in vending machines or visiting cafes or restaurants with. Given that Spaniards can also refuse cashless payments if the purchase amount is less than 3 euros, the presence of coins becomes even more necessary. Also do not forget to carry documents with you- they may also be asked to present with a cashless payment.


If you want to see other cities, you have to choose between bus and train are the main types of public transport in Spain. Buses are the cheapest means of transport. Also, unlike railway stations, they have left-luggage offices.

For long distances (for example, Madrid-Seville) during sales seasons, it is advantageous to use an airplane, since the cost of a flight can be 20-30 euros.

For movement around the city, you can. Depending on the company and car, this service can cost from 30 to 80 euros per day. But the requirements for such a service are quite stringent.

So, you must have an international driving license issued no earlier than a year ago at the time of rental and be at least 23 years old. You may also be asked to leave a passport or credit card as a deposit, as well as pay for the entire service in advance.


In hotels, you can leave a tip of 1 euro per day to the maid, but this is at your discretion. Compulsory tips must be given to the porter(1 euro per seat). You can tip guides and drivers of tourist buses of your choice, and in restaurants and cafes they usually leave 5-10% of the check amount.

What not to do

If you like to visit traditional tourist sites, then be sure to dress in such a way that your knees and elbows are covered, otherwise you may not be allowed into the cathedral.

On many beaches it is forbidden to have sex, and if you violate this rule, you can be issued a significant fine.

Spain is a wonderful land where the sun shines almost all year round, and people do nothing but dance flamenco, drink wine, eat jamon, relax in siesta, celebrate fiestas, smile and do not recognize any rules and prohibitions. Is everything so cloudless? Is there anything you can't do in Spain? What questions are most often of interest to our compatriots when it comes to Spain? Here are the answers to the 11 most common Google user queries.

Can you swim in Spain in September and October?

Can! In some places it is possible even in November. Let's start with the fact that officially in Spain autumn comes on September 22 and lasts until December 21. In September, the air temperature on most of the Mediterranean coast of the country differs from August by only a few degrees. In some regions, the so-called "tropical nights" continue, when the thermometer does not fall below 20 ° C at night. The sea temperature in areas such as Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja (Alicante, Costa Blanca) reaches 27 ° C in early September, and 24–25 ° C at the end. In October, the nights usually become colder, but during the day the summer heat still reigns, and the water in the sea does not have time to cool. Depending on the year and the region, you can safely swim until the middle, and sometimes until the end of October.

Where in Spain you can smoke, and where not?

According to the law in Spain you can not smoke:

  • in all closed public spaces: restaurants, bars, pubs, discos, shopping centers, educational centers, social centers, libraries, museums, airports, etc.;
  • in and around hospitals;
  • on playgrounds and other areas equipped for children;
  • in elevators;
  • in areas where food is prepared or sold;
  • in public transport and taxis.

Can smoke:

  • on the terraces of bars and restaurants;
  • in areas specially equipped for smokers (and separated from areas for non-smokers) in prisons, nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals and other institutions of a similar type;
  • Smoking is not prohibited in open-air public places, however, each Spanish autonomy has its own rules in this regard. For example, some provinces in Galicia, the Spanish Levant and the Canary Islands prohibit smoking on beaches. The fine for violating this prohibition can be up to €450;
  • Smoking while driving in Spain is also not an offense, but traffic rules are not recommended. In addition, if a traffic police agent decides that the cigarette caused the driver to be distracted from the road, he can issue a fine of up to €100.

Fines for smoking in unauthorized places range from €30 to €600 for minor offenses, €601–10,000 for serious offenses, and €10,001–600,000 for very serious ones.

Can you use marijuana in Spain?

Spain is one of the countries in Europe with a very liberal attitude towards marijuana. Different autonomies set their own rules for the use and even cultivation of cannabis. For example, Barcelona has earned its status as one of the marijuana capitals of the world because of the hundreds of cannabis clubs that exist here.

Marijuana is one of the most used drugs in Spain, and the country's legislation still does not distinguish between medical and "recreational" consumption. The country's criminal code does not prohibit the use of cannabis, but this can only be done within the framework of personal space and never in public places. Simply put, at home (as well as in special clubs) - you can, on the street - you can’t (fine from € 300). It is not forbidden to grow hemp at home for your own use, but it is also impossible to call this activity safe from the point of view of the law. If the police suspect that the plant is being grown for sale, you face criminal prosecution.

Can prescription drugs be bought without a prescription in Spain?

According to Spanish law, medicines for free sale (ETF class - over-the-counter medicines that are allowed to be advertised) can be purchased both in a regular pharmacy and in an online pharmacy that has the appropriate license and has a physical representation. It is logical to assume that prescription drugs (antibiotics, sedatives, hormonal, etc.) will not be sold to you without a prescription, but consumer associations conducted an experiment in which it turned out that many pharmacies do not comply with this rule and can dispense an antibiotic or cough medicine without a prescription with codeine. However, you will definitely not be able to buy sedatives or psychotropic medications.

Can I enter Spain with a Finnish or any other Schengen visa?

Although within the EU people can move freely, there are rules for foreigners entering the EU on a visa.

  • The first country of entry into the Schengen area must be the one that issued the visa. If the visa is single entry, then this means that you must spend most of the period in the country that issued the visa, and stay in all other countries (1–5 days) will be considered transit. In the case of a multivisa, if the duration of stay in all countries is approximately the same, the order of visiting them is crucial: for the first entry, you should choose the country whose visa is in your passportto avoid problems in the future.
  • The largest number of trips should be in the country that issued the visa. That is, you can enter Spain, for example, on a Finnish multivisa, but before or after that you must visit Finland at least once, and these must be targeted, not transit visits. In this case, it is the number of entries that counts, not days: you can go to Finland twice for a couple of days, and then go to Spain for two weeks, and this will be considered the correct use of the visa. If you violate this rule, the country that issued the visa may refuse to reissue you. However, other consulates are likely to open a visa for you.

Where can and where not to drink alcohol in Spain?

Is it legal to drink alcohol on the street or at a picnic in the park in Spain? In 2002, the country's interior minister proposed the so-called "ley antibotellón" - a law banning the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the street and regulating the hours of their advertising and sale. The norm was not adopted, however, some autonomies began to develop regional legislation in this area and took the measures described above. For example, in Madrid, Castile and Leon, the Canary Islands, the Valencian Community and the Basque Country, drinking alcohol on the street can result in a fine of €600. In general, the concept of "botellón" is very important in the culture of the Spaniards and means "party" with the consumption of a fair amount of alcohol. "Hacer botellón" means getting together with friends for a drink and a chat.

Each region (and some cities) has its own rules regarding drinking on the streets, so before enjoying a cold beer on a bench in the park, it's best to ask the locals if it threatens with a fine. By the way, if the drinker is under 18 years old, the parents will pay the fine for him. A new 2017 law prohibits drinking on the street throughout Spain for minors.

As for alcohol while driving, according to the Spanish traffic rules, the alcohol content in the driver's blood must not exceed 0.5 g / l, and in the exhaled air - 0.25 mg / l. If the driving experience does not exceed two years, the figures are even stricter: 0.3 g / l and 0.15 mg / l, respectively. Fines for exceeding these limits start at €500, and you can also lose several points of your driver's license.

The logical question is: how much can you drink so as not to exceed these indicators? The Civil Guard on its Twitter page carefully posted a table that will help you navigate this issue. Here you will find another interesting plate. You can also use this handy calculator.

Is it possible to export shells, jamon, wine, etc. from Spain?

Customs regulations for the export of items in Spain are not very strict. You can not export weapons, ammunition, drugs and antiques, as well as things of artistic or historical value. Goods for personal use can be exported with virtually no restrictions. However, there are limits for cigarettes (no more than 8 blocks) and spirits (no more than 10 liters of spirits and no more than 90 liters of wine). Without a declaration, you can export currency in the amount of not more than € 2,500. For amounts over €8,400, customs will require documents authorizing its export.

Is it possible to go fishing, including underwater, in Spain?

Yes, you can, but for this you need to obtain a fishing license or permit issued in Spain by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. This document establishes what kind of fish, where, when and in what quantity you can catch. Prices for a license, the documents required to obtain it, as well as the rights that it gives to its owner, differ in different autonomies. In some of them, even a minor can receive such a document.

As a rule, all that is needed to obtain a permit is an identity document (DNI, NIF, NIE or passport), as well as a receipt for payment of the license fee. In the case of underwater fishing, you will also need a certificate from a doctor and an insurance policy that covers the risks of practicing underwater fishing.

Is it possible to pay in dollars in Spain?

Spain is a member of the European Union and uses the single European currency, the Euro. You can't pay with dollars here. If you come to Spain with dollars, they will need to be exchanged for euros. It is best to do this in a bank, but such an exchange will still be less profitable than if you bought euros in your own country.

If you have a dollar plastic card (Visa or MasterCard), you can pay with it without any problems, but conversion losses are inevitable.

Can I use a DVR in Spain?

Can. Spanish law does not regulate the use of DVRs in a car. While there is controversy in the country about the fact that these cameras capture information belonging to third parties without their knowledge, some traffic police agents may use these recordings as evidence. However, the court will not consider them as such.

Is it possible to drive in Spain with a Russian license?

Can. But only if you came on holiday on a tourist visa: your rights are valid in Spain as long as the visa is valid. However, in order to feel more confident (when controlling the roads or renting a car), it is best to get an international driving license or have a translation of Russian driving license into Spanish before the trip.

If you have obtained a residence permit, you have six months to obtain a Spanish driving license. During this time, you can drive with a Russian driver's license. Unfortunately, there is no agreement between Russia and Spain on the exchange of rights, and you will have to go through the standard procedure for obtaining a Spanish driver's license: training in a driving school and exams (theory and practice). Citizens of Ukraine simply exchange their rights for Spanish ones.

Can you drink tap water in Spain?

Yes, in 99.5% of cases tap water in Spain is drinkable and meets all EU quality standards. The Spanish system of filtration, purification and water supply is considered one of the best in the world. While many Spaniards have switched to bottled water in recent years because it's supposedly better than tap water, experts say it's a myth. The only problem may be a slight chemical taste of this water, which, again, according to experts, does not pose any danger. To get rid of it, you can install a special filter.

So, you are going on vacation to the Iberian Peninsula. The voucher is issued, visas are issued and the most interesting begins: packing of suitcases, travel planning, various questions and slight anxiety appear before departure. Take a deep breath, relax and bring to your attention.

Undoubtedly, your wardrobe will depend on the time of year that you have chosen for the trip, but in addition to this, it is also worth considering the destination of your trip. Here are some tips:

- If you are going to travel between October and April, then it is necessary to prepare warm clothes, especially if the trip involves a stay in the northern half of Spain. Of course, not as warm clothes as for Russian weather at this time of the year, but still warm clothes, and sometimes a hat with a scarf, will not be superfluous at all. If you are heading south or to the Mediterranean coast, a leather jacket and a pair of sweaters are a must. Shoes, of course, should be comfortable, but at the same time warm (leather boots or ankle boots will be just right).

I also advise you to prepare umbrellas or raincoats so that an unexpected weather phenomenon does not overshadow your walk. After all, it is at this time of the year that most of the precipitation falls.

An exception may be the Canary Islands due to its subtropical climate. Here it is better to take lighter clothes, but in the evening it will still be nice to put on a jacket or other warm jacket.

If you plan to visit Spain from May to September, then in this case, only natural light materials, as the summer is very hot, especially in the southern part. Without a protective cream, not a step! Since May, the sun is very insidious and you may not even notice how you burn. Just in case, it is better to have a long-sleeve sweater with you, in the evening it can be windy on the coast and you will want to warm up a little.

Best time of year to travel

If you want to enjoy your trip to the fullest and not worry about the weather taking you by surprise, then the best time to travel is spring (March to June) and autumn (September to December). At this time, the weather is very pleasant, without sudden changes and not many tourists.

If the main purpose of your trip is the sun, the beach and parties, then the ideal time would, of course, be summer. The bright sun and warm air will allow you to enjoy the coast and islands to the maximum. But it is worth bearing in mind that the summer season is not the most suitable for a trip to the central and northern parts of Spain (summers are very stuffy here).

It is also worth knowing that in the summer in many regions there are local holidays and festivals such as San Fermin in Pamplona (July 7) or Tomatina in Bunyol (August 29)

First aid kit and precautions

No special vaccinations are required to travel to Spain.
obtain medical entry permits. Before the trip, just in case, make sure you have the most basic medicines in your first aid kit: painkiller, pills for stomach problems, anti-allergic drugs and (required if we are talking about the summer period) sunscreen.


In Spain, there is a well-developed network of medical centers and hospitals that operate throughout the peninsula and with a high quality of medical care.

Tourists from the European Union have the right to apply to medical institutions by presenting a European insurance card. For citizens of other countries outside the euro area, you need to take out health insurance before you travel, with which you can easily turn to specialists in case of need for medical care and receive the necessary services at a level no lower than that of citizens of the European Union.

electrical appliances

Electricity has a voltage of 220 volts and an alternating current of 50 Hz. It should be borne in mind that the socket outlet in Spain consists of 2 round plugs, if necessary, you need to take an adapter with you to recharge your devices. In many hotels they are provided, but it is better to check.

mobile connection

There are many agreements between mobile operators about roaming around the world, so upon arrival and at the moment you turn on the phone, you will automatically connect to one of the local networks of Vodafone, Movistar, Orange or others.

If you need to make numerous phone calls, a reasonable solution would be to purchase a prepaid (tarjetaSIMdeprepago) SIM card with a favorable rate for you in any telephone store or in a "Chinese" store. With this card, by dialing a toll-free number, and then a pin code and a subscriber's number, you can call other countries at a better rate than using the tariff of the so-called low-cost operators.


Spain has a very extensive and well developed network of high quality motorways, which will allow you to easily get to any city. There is right-hand traffic here, the use of mobile phones while driving is strictly prohibited (with the exception of a wireless headset), and the use of seat belts is mandatory for all passengers.

Citizens of the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein can use their "native" valid rights, for other tourists it is necessary to have the rights of international standard.

If you want to take, then you should keep in mind that for this you need to be over 21 years old and having at least 2 years of experience is more important(some companies lower this figure to 1 year) and you also need to provide a bank card number as a guarantee.


By itself, Spain is a very safe country with a low crime rate, but it is still necessary keep your ears sharp and don't forget the elementary rules. For example, you should not carry large amounts of money with you (everywhere you can pay with a credit card), be attentive to your bags and pockets on busy and crowded streets and public transport, and do not leave mobile phones and wallets on the table.

Working mode

Most businesses and shops are open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4:30 pm to 8 pm (until 8:30 pm in summer). Large shopping centers, since recent times, open their doors 7 days a week (yes, yes, and on Sunday too) from 10 to 22, although there are exceptions during the holidays.

As for banks, here you can use them from Monday to Friday from 8 to 14, pharmacies from 9:30 to 13:30 and from 16:30 to 20 (you can also find 24-hour pharmacies, although this is not so easy)


The coin in use is the euro. You can change currency at any bank, at the airport, at a hotel and at exchange offices.

TravelerCheque and international bank cards such as Visa, MasterCard, DinnersClub and the less popular American Express are also accepted for payment. You can pay with a card at any point, even at a kiosk when buying a newspaper. There will also be 24-hour ATMs at your disposal, but keep in mind that when withdrawing cash through a “non-native” ATM, it implies a certain transaction fee (usually it is either 3 euros or 2-3%, depending on the amount of the transaction).


In souvenir shops you can find gifts for every taste: t-shirts, mugs, key chains, piles and even costanets and national costumes, all with the symbols of Spain or a particular city. Do not rush to such stores immediately, especially those that are located near the sights. You can often find the same range at a lower price nearby. If you need a lot of gifts, look for products on sale, for example 3 for 2, and try to bargain.

Security measures

When making walks and excursions, try to have a photocopy of your passport with you, and it is best to leave the original, as well as the air ticket with money, in the hotel safe. In shops, tourists need to be vigilant and not leave their wallets and handbags unattended, since theft is not uncommon here, and at a quite professional level.

Do not leave any valuables in the car, either in the cabin or in the trunk. This will help you avoid a lot of trouble.

It is better not to stop on the roads of Spain in order to give someone a lift or just help the voter, especially in this country this is not at all accepted, for these purposes they resort to the help of police and technical assistance, which are called by mobile and landline phones along the roads. Because of this, both those who “vote” for help and those who voluntarily offer it should arouse well-founded suspicions.


As a rule, Spanish resorts have city hotels that do not have their own beaches, they are located in small towns with a large number of bars, shops, discos and restaurants. Swimming pools and sunbeds in almost all hotels are free for tourists.

Animation programs do not exist in all hotels. Children's mini-clubs usually open during the summer season, and indoor pools in hotels operate from June to September. Outdoor pools, as a rule, can be visited from eight, nine o'clock in the morning, until nineteen - twenty o'clock.

Features of a separate base:

Usually, two or three-star hotels located in the city center are given for excursion programs, they are not among the best, since they are intended only for overnight stays, since tourists spend the rest of the time on excursions. From the food there, as a rule, a continental breakfast and dinner are offered. Among the beach hotels there are beaches of almost all possible categories at any price and for different tastes. Meals are usually buffet style. However, at this time, there are already quite a few hotels offering full board ("all inclusive").


Shops are open from nine in the morning to thirteen o'clock, and from sixteen to twenty o'clock (large stores, most often, work without breaks). On Saturday, shops are open until one in the afternoon, and on Sundays they are closed. During the tourist season, retail outlets often close later than usual. When making a purchase of imported goods, the value of which exceeds 91 Euros, many stores offer to issue a "tax free" (refund of part of the taxes), which ranges from six to twelve percent
from the cost of the entire purchase. To do this, a receipt is provided, which will have to be presented at a certain point at the airport before departure. In Spain, prices may be slightly higher than in Turkey, however, they are quite reasonable. In this country, as you know, there is a siesta, the duration of which is from one in the afternoon until four in the evening. During this period of time, most government offices, banks and shops are closed for a break. There is no siesta only in the Sierra Nevada.

When applying for “tax free”, ask to do this on the white and blue “global refund” forms, since these forms allow you to get cash at the airport. It is not always possible to do this using other systems, and either a check by mail is provided, which you can cash out within 2 years in any country in the Eurozone, or a transfer to a credit card.


As you know, Spanish products have a certain value in the world. Folk crafts have developed here over many centuries, and have a well-deserved reputation, largely due to the diversity of products. The pottery of Toledo or Sargodelos is world famous, as is the Manises school in Valencia, which is famous for its extraordinary creativity.

Leather products and leather are very popular products here. Saffiano leather, which is most often trimmed with gold to accentuate its beauty, has been made for many centuries in Cordoba. The market offers to buy bags, clothes, shoes and other modern products. Here the prices are quite reasonable.

Catalonia can offer high-quality leather goods at great prices - this is the quality that distinguishes local shoes. The most popular stores where you can buy leather products are located in such cities of Catalonia as Barcelona, ​​Taragona, Mataro, Tortos, Reus. Although in almost every Spanish city you will find where to buy quality leather goods.

Wood, glass, and other noble materials also take pride of place here. Stunning glassware is produced by the La Granja factory, and glassware from Cadalso in Madrid, as well as those from Ourense, Maria, Cuenca and Mataro, are highly prized by collectors. Religious wood carvings and sculptures and furniture are also an important part of Spain's products.

Valuable here is such a folk craft as chasing from Toledo. Centuries-old techniques are used here, both for chasing itself and for the production of steel, from which weapons of world fame were made. By the way, tourists often bring such products from these places.

A "typical" dinner in a cafe will cost ten, thirteen euros, and in a restaurant about twenty euros.

Usually they make up ten percent of the total amount of the order.

Spanish national cuisine is abstract, as there are a large number of different regional cuisines. Obvious are such nuances as the type of cooking: dishes are stewed in wine, can be baked with sheep cheese, grilled, grated walnuts, sage greens are widely used. The most common dish here is paella (seafood pilaf). While vacationing in Spain, be sure to try "Jamón", which is dry-cured pork.


Entering the territory of Spain, you can import foreign currency in any amount, if the amount exceeds five hundred euros, then you must issue a declaration. After the perfect tour, you can take out the previously imported currency from here, but not more than the amount declared at the time of entry.

It is allowed to import duty-free two hundred cigarettes, two liters of wine, one liter of stronger spirits, food, things and household items - everything that does not exceed the limits of personal needs. Video - and radio - and photographic equipment must be declared. The import of film equipment needs a special permit at the Spanish embassy.

You cannot import certain medicines, ammunition, drugs, weapons and explosives. Historical values, jewelry and antiques cannot be imported without obtaining a special permit.

Useful Phones

Police - 091;
Ambulance - 061;
General information - 095;
Rescue Service - 122;

Fire - 080;
City codes:
Alicante - 96;
Valencia - 96;
Barcelona - 93;
Granada - 958;
Cadiz - 956;
Girona - 972;
Cordoba - 957;
Madrid - 91;
Las Palmas - 928;
Malaga - 95.


Routes and schedules of public transport can be provided to you by the hotel porter at the "reception".

The T-1 travel card in Barcelona for only ten trips also applies to trips, both on city buses and on railways. A T-2 type card grants the right to travel only on the railway and in the metro. In Spain, there is no difference in fares on the metro or on the bus.

Trains are worthy competitors of buses here, they are good for traveling over longer distances. In addition, they are twice cheaper than buses, and at the same time, they are much faster. For example, a bus from Barcelona to Salou takes two to three hours (depending on the traffic density), while the train will cover this distance in just one hour and forty minutes.

Transport rental

To rent a car, you will need to provide your passport, as well as an international driver's license. In some companies, there are additional requirements, for example, that the driver was at least twenty-one to twenty-three years old, and the rights were issued no earlier than two years ago. You can rent transport here for twenty to one hundred and twenty euros per day. As a rule, companies require a credit card or a deposit equal to the cost of rent in full.

The main highways run along the coast on the French side and connect the provincial cities with Madrid. There are three types of roads in total: state roads (marked on signs and maps with the letter N), you can drive on them for free, freeways (letter A) with a toll, and municipal roads (letter C) with a toll. As a rule, in Catalonia, almost all motorways are tolled.

Toll roads, however, reduce travel time, and are quite acceptable and no more expensive than free roads, thanks to fuel savings.

Saving money on car rental is not justified, because, seduced by the cheapness of a small, unknown company, you can fall under severe “penalties” for any, even very slight, damage to the car, as well as fraudulent handling of funds on your credit card. Keep this in mind if your holiday plans include car rental.

If you are going to Spain in the summer and want to travel by car, then be sure to get a cardboard “shutter” from the sun's rays. It is installed on the "torpedo", closing the windshield. It is sold almost everywhere and costs only two euros. Without such a damper, the car interior (seats and steering wheel) heats up very quickly, as a result of which the driver and passengers begin to feel significant discomfort, which does not add to the positive impressions of walking in Spain.


In As - Neves in the last days of July, the feast of St. Martha is held. It is celebrated in a rather peculiar way - everyone rushes around the church of St. Martha in coffins. At the end of August, the Tomatina (War of the Tomatoes) festival takes place, these days the streets of the cities of Spain are colored with various shades of red.


In the daytime of summer, comfortable clothing designed for relaxation is suitable, in the evening it is best to grab a sweater, jacket or knitted jacket.