Excursions in Riga in Russian. Excursions around Riga, Latvia - where to book, where to go, what you must see Sightseeing tours around Riga

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You will see the most interesting and picturesque part of the city – Old Riga. Its narrow streets, making you remember the Middle Ages, beautiful churches, cozy cafes. You will listen to street musicians play and learn a lot of interesting things about city buildings. The walk lasts about 2 hours. During this time, you will walk along the “Cinematographic” street, along which artists who became legends of Russian cinema walked.

You will see an unusual and touching monument to the Bremen Town Musicians - by the way, you can make wishes near it. You will take photographs of the most famous churches in the city. For example, the Cathedral in honor of the Virgin Mary (Domsky) is the oldest sacred building in the Baltics. You will also see the palace of Emperor Peter the Great, ancient buildings with impressive decoration. Admire the Powder Tower and the “House with Cats”.

Hear the legend of the Magpie Witch and other memorable stories associated with Riga. You will also find out where the local Big and Small Guilds of merchants and artisans gathered. Designed for a small group of tourists - up to 4 people.

Stories of Old Riga

This excursion will allow you to touch the very origins of Riga. Because it will begin with a story about that distant summer day in 1201, when Bishop Albert landed on the bank of a river called Riga. He decided to found a city here. This river no longer exists, but you can walk along its bed. And hear the story of what the first streets of the small town were called.

A stone building has been preserved from those times - a church in honor of St. George. You will also hear a fascinating story about the crusading knights. Their last castle today houses the residence of the President of Latvia. But there are many stories and legends about treasures that are supposedly hidden in the castle’s recesses, and about the ghosts that guard them.

The remains of the fortress walls are also impressive, because Riga was considered an impregnable fortress for a long time. The guide will tell you about how the people of Riga lived in the Middle Ages and later, what crafts they did, what they traded and how luxurious the merchants became. Town Hall Square and Baker Street, criminals and beauties of yesteryear - in a word, Riga will reveal its secrets to you.

Big overview: the most interesting places in 4 hours

A long but not at all tiring walk. However, at any moment you can stop and go to a cafe to relax and drink coffee. You will see the main historical sights of Riga, learn how the city's architecture has changed over the centuries, and get an idea of ​​the most unusual architectural styles. You will be able to photograph the remains of ancient fortresses, the Powder Tower and the “Cat House”, the Dome Cathedral and Town Hall Square, and much more.

The program will begin with a walk through the streets of Old Riga. In addition to the history of the city, you will learn a fun fact about which Riga monuments can make wishes come true. The guide will take you to the boulevards, which are reminiscent of Vienna. Except the ones here are more charming. A story about the imperial Art Deco style and the bridge “The Eighth Wonder of the World” awaits you. You'll see a gas factory that resembles a castle and learn about the fantasies of the city's architects. Magnificent sculptures, unusual architectural combinations - Riga will open up to you from a new side.

Delicious walks around the city

Riga has taste. Do you want to know him? In this special city, sitting in a cozy cafe, you can see a pop star at the next table. Or a minister passing by on the street. There are also exhibitions and performances by artists in cafes and restaurants. So a gastronomic tour is not just an introduction to new dishes, but also a lot of impressions.

You will taste delicious local pastries, visit cafes with stunning interiors, and restaurants that serve only national Latvian dishes, made from local products. You will visit eco-bazaars and the Central Market, buy delicious and fresh food, and have a picnic on the embankment.

And, of course, you can get advice from your guide about where it is best to celebrate this or that event in Riga, and which local restaurants are worth visiting. After all, there are great chefs here, and not all of them are widely advertised. And the guide will also tell you what products and gastronomic souvenirs you should bring from Riga, and where it’s best to buy them.

First date with the city

If you are visiting this wonderful city for the first time, then you should start getting acquainted with it with this excursion. After all, over 8 centuries - and this is the age of the city - many interesting events have happened here. The program will begin, of course, with Riga during the Middle Ages. You will walk along narrow and crooked streets, admire small squares, learn the history of the “3 Rulers” and how the Church of St. Petra became the tallest building in the city.

For many centuries Riga was a city of merchants and artisans. So it’s simply impossible not to visit Town Hall Square, where the city’s main market once roared. Here is the beautiful House of the Blackheads - one of the main attractions of the city. You will stop at Dome Square. Nicholas Roerich advised to definitely listen to the organ of the Dome Cathedral, after which the square got its name.

Here you will hear a story about the “Golden Age of Riga”. Of course, you can’t help but get acquainted with the main masterpieces of the city. You will see the Swedish Gate and the Three Brothers. Learn how to make wishes correctly. And the most unusual monuments found their place on Livov Square. Even their names sound funny - the monument to the First Resident, the monument to the Disappearing River and the monument to Irreconcilable Disputants. And the walk will end at the Black Magic Bar, where you can taste the famous Riga balsam.

Stories of Medieval Riga

Riga is a city that is both old and young. You can walk along the cobbled streets and feel the breath of centuries, or you can see Riga of the 21st century. The guide will tell you how the city was founded, what area it originally occupied, and what kind of life the crusading knights led. You will imagine Riga of that era when it was a fortress.

You will walk along the most famous square in the city - Town Hall Square, and of course admire the House of the Blackheads. The ancient churches and Riga Castle will not only remain in your memory, but will also be captured in photographs. The guide will show you where the city executioner lived and tell you in whose memory the “Sinners’ Bell” rang.

You will see wonderful cockerels crowning churches and cats perched on the roofs of buildings. In addition to the main churches, you will see the street where the most famous films of the Soviet era were filmed: “17 Moments of Spring” and “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. And, of course, you will make a stop to sit in a cafe, try national cuisine and wash it down with the famous Riga balsam.

Secrets of the old city

It’s hard to talk about this excursion, because it’s so... mysterious. And the guide will try to keep the secret until the last moment. Let us give you a hint – you will have the opportunity to feel like a resident of a medieval city. When horses pranced along its streets and carts moved creaking. Markets were noisy, merchants invited buyers, and burghers sat in the magistrate and made laws.

You will learn the history of all the city ghosts. You will touch the cannons designed to strike the evil forces of hell, look at the masks in the city churches, take a photo at the House of the Walled Up and Juliet's Balcony. You will hear a lot of urban legends. About the mysterious Magpie Witch, the animated figurine of a toy soldier, the prophetic dream of a local executioner, etc.

The guide’s memory stores many legends, riddles, secrets, and the arguments of science fall silent when otherworldly forces intervene in history. Do you want to touch these secrets? A journey awaits you.

Travel to Vidzeme Switzerland. Sigulde and Turaida

This program is intended for those who would like to get out of Riga for a day and get acquainted with the unusually picturesque ancient town of Sigulde, located 50 km from the capital of Latvia. You'll see the Castle of the Knights of the Sword, which dates back to the 13th century, and the newer Kropotkin Castle. Admire the Bishop's Castle in Turaida. You will forever remember the local mountains and caves. It is no coincidence that this place is called “Vidzeme Switzerland”.

You will be able to appreciate the ancient wooden church, which is several centuries old, and find out why newlyweds bring flowers to the grave of the beautiful girl Maya. And, of course, along the way you will stop for a snack and coffee in one of the cafes. Up to 6 people can go on the trip. The type of transport is discussed additionally - bus, minivan or car.

Riga for people by car and on foot

Designed for both adults and children. It will be interesting for everyone. The journey will not be tiring, since you will travel part of the road by car. The guide is ready to meet you in any place convenient for you - near your hotel or elsewhere in the city. At the beginning you will see quiet streets that look almost as they did at the beginning of the 20th century. The buildings here are very beautiful, thanks to their rich stucco decoration.

You will also climb one of the buildings and be able to see Riga from a bird's eye view. Then you will go to another area where a Jewish ghetto was located during the Second World War. Explore the memorial and wander the streets of the Old Town. Many of them are lined with stone, and you will hear the echoing sound of your own steps. You will learn many legends born in the ancient city, and hear what Riga was famous for in different centuries.

Old city

A very interesting program that tourists of any age will be happy to visit. The guide will tell you about the origins of the city. It was formed at the very beginning of the 13th century, when envoys of the Pope, crusading warriors and enterprising merchants arrived here on ships. In subsequent centuries, a beautiful city grew on the banks of the river.

True, life in the Middle Ages was not easy. The guide will tell you about the cruel laws of that time, about how the townspeople tried to protect their city from the tyranny of the knights. You will learn what kind of power merchants had in Riga, in particular, merchants of the Brotherhood of Blackheads. Visit the courtyard of the bishop - the founder of the city, look at houses that were previously only seen in movies.

You've probably watched the domestic series about Sherlock Holmes or another popular series - “17 Moments of Spring”. Many episodes were filmed here. The guide will tell you what the people of Riga ate centuries ago, and will also invite you to the present Medieval. You will go up to the observation deck of the Church of St. Petra, and if you want, finish the tour with a water bus ride along the canal.

Riga is a movie star. The most striking episodes

The capital of Latvia is a real movie star. Well, where else in Soviet times could films be made about Europe, if the USSR and European countries were reliably separated by the “Iron Curtain”? So Riga had to play the role of many cities. The most famous films are, of course, the epics about Stirlitz and Sherlock Holmes. Together with your guide, you will approach the very house in the window of which Professor Pleischner was looking for a flower pot - a prearranged signal for the scouts.

And you will find out where Sherlock Holmes's apartment was located in a house on Baker Street. You will visit the places where the artists worked and hear many funny stories related to the filming. Did you know that a film about the Snow Queen and many other wonderful films were filmed in Riga? The guide will list the names of famous artists who played in them, tell anecdotes related to cinematic characters, and of course, touch on the history of Riga in his stories.

Photo walk through Old Riga

Today no one goes on a trip without a camera. As a last resort, he captures his loved one and various sights on his cell phone. But going on a trip to Riga accompanied by a professional photographer with an excellent camera is a completely different matter. Especially when a person knows the city inside and out. You will see the most beautiful streets and boulevards, famous temples. Stand on Town Hall Square and touch the walls of the House of Blackheads.

Don’t ignore the Riga Castle; take a walk along the “Cinematographic Street”. The city canal and Bastion Hill, observation decks, panoramas of old Riga and the beautiful Daugava River - all this is for you. And in a week you will receive up to 70 photographs in electronic form. The photographs will be ready for printing, and their reduced copies will be ready for publication on the Internet.

Sigulda. Understand the history of Latvia

In small towns, like nowhere else, you can feel the spirit of the times. And Sigulda is clear proof of this. You will hear what power the crusading knights had in these parts, and why their tyranny was eventually overthrown. A detailed story about the famous Livonian War awaits you. You will find out why Sigulda eventually became a popular resort and a famous sports center. The guide will also tell you that the history of the city is closely connected with the name of the Russian prince Nikolai Kropotkin.

Tourists can take a cable car up and then admire the beautiful view from a bird's eye view. You will taste water from the source of “Eternal Youth” and visit the museum located in the bishop’s castle. The Stone Sculpture Garden also makes a great impression. The tour will end in a tavern where national dishes are served. The name of the tavern is poetic: “At Ragana’s”. That was the name of the local beauty. The program involves a fairly long walk, so clothes and shoes should be comfortable.

Parisian chic or Fashion in Riga

Do you want to get acquainted with all the nuances of Latvian fashion? Take a tour with a professional designer. Craftsmen have long lived in the capital of Latvia. Including tailors. Often ideas were suggested to them by local nature - sea waves and the soft shine of amber, dense forests and endless fields. The walk will begin at the Riga Model House. In previous years, purchasing a stylish item created here was a real happiness for any woman. You will find out which pop and film stars were dressed by Riga fashion designers.

Then the guide will tell you a little about the most interesting facts about the architecture of Riga - what would a city tour be without this? Then you can talk with one of the famous designers, and end with a walk in shoe boutiques. The guide will answer all your questions regarding where you can buy stylish handmade items in Riga.

Riga fantasies on the theme of Art Nouveau

While in Riga, you simply cannot help but hear about this style - elegant and unique Art Nouveau, or, as it is also called, Art Nouveau. The city has over 700 buildings bearing the imprint of Art Nouveau. You will hear the names of famous architects - local and from St. Petersburg. You will walk along famous streets, unraveling the mysteries of architecture. Find out what the “Silver Age in Riga” is. But Art Nouveau is not only houses, but also furniture and porcelain. The story about each of the masters will be exciting.

It is known that the family of the last Russian emperor preferred the Art Nouveau style to all others, and the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo was furnished in this style. The guide will tell you that there were three stages in the development of this style in Riga. You will see the “House of Adam and Eve”, “Cat House”, a building that belonged to the merchant Bobrov. It’s simply amazing how many extraordinary buildings there are in Riga. “House of the Sun”, “House with a Dog”, “House of a Sad Tale”. They will show you the most beautiful staircase in Riga.

Mysteries of Old Riga

To see the true face of Riga, there is no need to rush. You need to take a closer look at this city at different times of the day. Wander through its streets, watch how the lanterns are lit, what bizarre shapes the shadows of ancient churches take. Sit in small cafes and inhale the aroma of coffee. Do you want to see the soul of Riga? Welcome. Together with your guide, you will go through places that are usually not included in sightseeing routes.

You will find out in which house the Riga executioner lived, you will hear about the mistress of Riga - the Magpie Witch. The guide will tell you the story of the city's most famous ghosts: the beautiful Dorothea and the mysterious, polite old man. You will see the architectural ensemble “Three Brothers” in the light of the moon. The guide will also show you a place where you need to make wishes - and they will definitely come true. The program is designed for a small company - up to 4 people.

Passing through the city

Even if you are in Riga for a few hours, you can get a lot done. In this case, take the “Passing through Riga” excursion. She is very comfortable. You'll be picked up from the airport, driven by car to see the city's main attractions, and then driven back so you don't miss your flight. The duration of this short journey is about 2 hours. The guide will tell you the most interesting facts regarding the history of Riga. You will feel the special atmosphere of this city - it’s not for nothing that filmmakers are attracted here like a magnet.

You will walk along the streets that remember the Middle Ages, climb the tower of St. Peter's Church, see three ancient houses called the “Three Brothers,” and take pictures near the fortress walls. You will be impressed by the narrowest street in Old Riga. The guide will tell you a legend about how a merchant, not wanting to pay high taxes, ordered to cut through the gates, which today are called Swedish. And you will drink coffee in the building of an old pharmacy.

At the same time, the guide will tell you about the cellar in which Riga balsam was invented. If there is still time left before the plane departs, the guide can go with you to Jurmala and introduce you to this city. Please note - this tour is possible even at night.

Greater Riga Center: Art Nouveau and Wooden Architecture

Thanks to the guide, you will notice what usually escapes inattentive travelers. Riga is not only home to beautiful Art Nouveau architecture, but also to many wooden houses. In fact, the capital of Latvia has the greatest heritage in the field of wooden architecture, if we compare Riga with other European capitals. You will find out why there are so many similar houses in the center of the old part of the city.

Most of the buildings have been restored, people either live in them, or cafes and various institutions are open. By the way, even the Olympic Committee is located in a beautiful wooden house. Of course, you will be curious to know what such buildings look like from the inside. You will have the opportunity to go inside, look around and relax with a cup of tea.

If you wish, you can continue and take a walk to that part of the city where poor people lived before the First World War. There are many simpler houses preserved here. If the journey seems long, the guide will suggest you stop for a snack at a cafe. He will also organize a photo shoot and then send you a set of professional photographs.

Divine Sigulda in the shadow of the cross and sword

A real immersion in history. Maybe you or your children are interested in the Middle Ages, stern knights and beautiful ladies? A journey into that very era awaits you. The guide will tell you the legends of “Livonian Switzerland”. You will find out what the Horse of Fate, Rose of Turaida, and who was walled up in the ancient church were like.

Imagine how the knights and monks lived, what castles Livonia could be proud of, why the beautiful Turaida Castle turned into ruins. You will visit the largest cave in Latvia, see the source of the Good Spirit, which grants good health and long life. You can climb the watchtower or take a ride on the “cable car”, that is, on the cable car. And you will also find the Castle History Museum, where many archaeological finds are stored.

Rundāle Palace

Rundāle Palace was built in the 18th century for the famous Biron, the favorite of the Russian Empress Anna Ioanovna. The building is made in Baroque style. From Riga to Rundale it is approximately 80 km. The guide will take you in his car, the journey will take an hour. Along the way, you will learn a lot of interesting things not only about Biron and the Empress, but also about the Zubov brothers, Catherine the Great and Duchess Dorothea. These names are forever etched in history.

Then you will enjoy visiting the magnificent palace, its stucco decorations, antique furniture, and beautiful paintings by famous masters. There is also a forest park where the nobility hunted. If you find yourself in these parts in the spring, you will see a real sea of ​​tulips; in the summer, roses bloom here. In short, this is a journey into a fairy tale. In winter it is also very beautiful here, and entrance fees are cheaper.

Sacred monuments of Medieval Riga

Yes, Riga also has its own sacred monuments, and you will get to know them. A significant number of them are associated with the influence of Christianity. You will learn how works of art were created that made their masters famous. You will see what amazing results geniuses of different eras achieved.

You will visit religious monuments and see real shrines. This is the Dome Cathedral, the ancient churches that made up the glory of Riga. The guide will tell you interesting facts related to them. If you wish, you can listen to a wonderful organ concert - you just need to book tickets in advance.

Baltic Riviera: Road Trip to Jurmala

It is impossible to get an impression of Latvia without visiting Jurmala - this “Baltic Riviera”. You can come to Riga at any time of the year, but Jurmala is worth a trip in any case - it is always beautiful. You will see the sea, pine trees, “lace” wooden architecture, and the Dzintari concert hall. The guide will tell you about the history of the most popular resort. You will see the holiday complex of Morberg, a tycoon who lived in the 19th century. Visit the City History Museum, and if you want, the Light Painting Theater - an amazing sight. You will walk along the elite Juras Street. The guide will take you to Jurmala by car, and if the group is large, you can use the bus.

Sergey about

Leonella pro

My 13-year-old daughter and I went to Sigulda on an auto walking tour with guide Tatyana. A very rich program, the most beautiful places in Latvian Switzerland. It’s great that during the excursion it was possible for a child to “have a blast” by riding a “sleigh” down the mountain, and then go up the cable car, and listen to the stories of the Middle Ages, visiting a ruined Gothic castle on the territory of the estate of Prince Kropotkin, and then visiting Turaida Castle, learn about the life of the bishop and those times and the mystical history of the Turaida Rose. Tatyana is a wonderful storyteller, very delicate. The trip with a self-guided car was very comfortable for us. Very beautiful landscapes, you can’t take your eyes off them!

Leonella pro

I really enjoyed the excursion. We were with our 13 year old daughter. The guide managed to interest the teenager, which I didn’t even want to finish; throughout the entire excursion she maintained our interest by asking questions. Many interesting facts and places were shown where famous Soviet films were filmed. Lina gave advice on museums and interesting places. 3 hours passed unnoticed. Highly recommend!

Marina about

A wonderful excursion: interesting and educational! The guide Galina is a very interesting conversationalist and an educated person! She makes every effort to make it interesting for everyone, young and old)) She showed us not only ancient sights, but also whispered about new museums and opportunities! So, after her excursion, I visited the Museum of Living Silver and went to the museum of architecture in the “Three Brothers” monument. But I haven’t read anywhere that you can visit them and both are amazing! Galina, thank you very much!

Irina about

We were in Riga with a layover of several hours. We decided to take the excursion because... There was no time to explore the city ourselves. We were a family of 3 with a child, and two ladies joined. The tour lasted about 3 hours, despite the fact that it was Monday and the bell tower of St. Peter was closed, we had a great look around the city with Lina. She told a lot and very interestingly, showed old photos of Riga and individual buildings. There were plenty of legends too. The child (8 years old) was not bored at all.
Lina also recommended a place as an overview of the city and a wonderful cafe with a tasting of Riga balsam, and this is NOT the popular Black Magic, which you can’t get into without an appointment and without a group (meaning going down to the basement to the alchemists, go to the upper room of Black Magic and taste no problem, we were there too)
I really liked everything! We ourselves could not have covered so much in the few hours we had in Riga!

Excursions are also actively offered at Riga tourist information centers, which are located in the House of the Blackheads (Town Hall Square 6), near Livu Square (Kaleju St. 16) and at the bus station (Pragas St. 1). Also, booklets with a variety of excursions - from walking tours around Riga, to bike tours and shopping with a guide, can be found at the airport in the “Sveicinati Riga!” hall. (Welcome to Riga!), cafes, souvenir shops and other places that tourists often visit.

Walking tour of Riga

A walking tour of the Old Town is an obligatory part of getting to know Riga, which travel companies include in their program. Tourists are invited to walk, accompanied by a guide, along the streets of Old Riga, learn the stories and secrets of ancient buildings. During the tour they usually show houses "Three Brothers", St. Peter's Church, Powder Tower, St. Jacob's Church, Dome Cathedral and much more, and often take tourists to some cozy cafe, where everyone is invited to taste Riga balsam. Walking tours are also popular to the Art Nouveau area - on Albert Street, where real architectural gems stand, designed by Mikhail Eisenstein (father of director Sergei Eisenstein). In addition to the above places, excursions can also be booked at Town Hall and Dome Square, where there are usually guides with flags who will happily tell you and show you the capital, including if you are alone.

Excursion along the Riga city canal and the Daugava river - water excursion

In the center of the city, among the boulevards, the Riga City Canal runs. It is very beautiful and well-maintained. On both banks, people relax on the green grass in good weather; in the center of the canal, near the Bastion Hill (Bastejkalns), a fountain gushes straight out of the water, and elegant bridges span the canal itself.

From May to October, excursions on pleasure boats are held along the canal. Usually the boats are small, designed for 10-15 people. Some of them are electric - the boat moves silently through the water, and you can not only see but also hear everything around you, just like on a regular walk. After the canal - the boats go out onto the Daugava River. From there you can view the panorama of the Old Town, the view of the Riga trading port and the opposite shore with high-rise buildings and low mansions of the island of Kipsala. A standard tour lasts 1 hour.

Bus excursions around Riga

There are several buses traveling around Riga that offer sightseeing bus tours around the city. Usually I use this system - you buy a ticket and it is valid for 48 hours - that is, within two days you can get off the bus at any stop and get on at others. Starting stop - on Strelkov Square near the House of Blackheads and near the building of the Latvian National Opera.Ticket costs 15 euros per person. It will be more economical if you gather in a group (discounts are available - especially for children's groups!). The audio guide conducts the tour in 10 languages: English, German, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Italian and Latvian.

Interesting places in Riga - what to see in Riga

Excursions to Sigulda, Jurmala, Rundale and other cities of Latvia

There are several central tourist destinations outside of Riga where tourists usually go for a day trip. Among the most popular are bus trips to Sigulda. This city is famous for its beauty - hills, natural parks and medieval architecture. Tourists visit the 13th century Turaida Castle, the Gutman sand cave and other interesting places.

Also very popular is the Rundāle Palace - the pride of Latvia, designed by Rastrelli (Peterhof, Winter Palace), who built this palace for the Duke of Courland E.I. Birona.

And, of course, among the most popular destinations is Jurmala. An excursion to the main Latvian resort also takes about a day (including transfer). Tourists are shown typical Jurmala wooden architecture, the Dzintari concert hall, where various concerts and festivals are held. The program often also includes a visit to the Livu Aquapark - the largest water entertainment center in Latvia.