Hearthstone Guide: Walkthrough of the Lich King with all classes. Hearthstone Guide: Walkthrough of the Lich King with all classes Video

The first ships sailed from Kalimdor to Northrend about a year ago. This happened with an increase in the threat from all sides of the Scourge, because Northrend concentrated all their forces in itself. Hidden behind the walls of the legendary Icecrown Citadel is the main traitor and enemy of the entire kingdom of Lordaeron - Arthas or the Lich King. Defeating the head of the Icecrown Citadel, the Lich King, will reward you with the achievement “Dethroned the King.” Because Arthas is a very complex and, at the same time, interesting character, and fighting him even at normal levels is a serious test.

Abilities in the first phase of the Lich King

“Infection” - uses ice magic to inflict up to 7k damage and knocks enemies back, also inflicting damage from endless dark magic.
“Summon Shambling Terror or Ghoul Minions” - The Lich King can summon either one ghoul or three minions to help.
“Dead Plague” - the target is infected, which will be dealt 50k damage over fifteen seconds. If the affected target dies, this effect can be cumulative and transferred to a nearby player. If you tried to heal, only one charge from the effect is removed and the disease jumps to a nearby target. With each passing of the disease, the Lich King's power constantly increases.

Abilities in the second phase of the Lich King

“Desecration” - removes HP to the entire raid using dark magic in a selected area on the platform.
“Summon Valkyra” - The Lich King summons one Valkyra for help, who grabs a random target and tries to drag her off the platform. Quickly take down the Valkyra, otherwise the player will be thrown down and, of course, the hero will crash.
“Soul Reaper” - Emits approximately 50 percent of the weapon’s effect on the target and applies “Soul Reaper,” which will deal 50k units of damage with dark magic, which constantly increases the caster’s casting speed of all spells.

Abilities in the third phase of the Lich King

In the third phase, the Lich King always uses the abilities that I described above - these are: “Soul Reaper”, “Desecration”, “Harvest of Souls”, “Summon Evil Spirits”. They are not so important for you here, I think it's simple.
Frostmourne's Fury is an ability that everyone should be wary of, as it deals 100k damage and the player who dies cannot revive or even leave their body.
When transitioning between phases, the Lich King also uses a number of abilities, but they are not so important for you, since they cause minor damage.

Tactics for fighting the Lich King. Phase one

In the first phase we deal with the Lich and several types of undead - these are ghouls and shambling horrors. They need to be filled quickly. The main danger for the raid is the “Dead Plague” - which will be the key to passing the first phase. It hangs on a random player and must be constantly dispelled from raiders no later than five seconds from the moment it appears on the player. Read about the plague above.

If the Plague kills one target and receives an additional stack, then the main task of the raid is to “unravel” the Plague so that it itself kills all the summoned adds. But remember that always with each transition of the plague, the Lich King begins to strike 2 percent harder.
The raid should stand in a triangle at the very edge of the site, this will make it easier for you to enter the transition phase. The main task of tanks is to catch the largest number of adds and horrors, keeping their back to the raid. Rogs and Khanty must not forget about the off-tank and remove the Enrage from the Shambling Horror, otherwise the tank will go down. In this case, Proto Var is considered the best off-tank, since he puts vigilance on the main tank and calmly taunts pop-up adds.

The process itself looks like this:

We throw taunt spam at any mob before it gets close, then be sure to Split Armor and Powerful Shield Blow. When the SHU enrage, we use Shock Wave in case the buff does not have time to be removed. This way you will get two groups and an off-tank with a large crowd of adds. Periodically, a plague attacks a random player. This player must instantly run up to the mobs that are hanging on the off-tank. You need to run up not to the off-tank, but to the adds. It is advisable to run up to the ghouls. They have little HP and the plague will quickly kill them by jumping onto a nearby ghoul with + one stack. At the end of the first phase, you will have an “accelerated” plague, which, when running up to mobs, will take them out. At 70 percent health, the Lich King will run away to the central part of the hall and the transition phase begins.

First transition phase of the Lich King

The transition phase lasts one minute. The Lich stands in the center and uses Relentless Winter. Also periodically, the Lich throws an AOE cone strike at one of the raiders. So it’s not worth standing in a heap.
Ice spheres will appear in the center, they select a target and slowly fly up to it, causing pulsating damage to the target and damage to all nearby players. Don't stand in a crowd.
The “Wrathful Spirit” debuff flies to a random target, from which an Wrathful Spirit hatches, which will hit in miles of damage control, plus a frontal AoE, with significant damage which causes silence. The tank's task is to quickly grab the Spirit, turn its back to the raid and fill it in as quickly as possible.

Tank and miles always beat all spirits
The rangers should stand in a group from the tank counter-clockwise and hit the spirits and manifesting spheres.
The healers stand in the third group only clockwise and heal intensively.
Quickly run away from the edge of the platform, as the Lich will bring it down, and while running, hit the last spirit.
At the end of the phase, the Lich King stops using Winter and the second phase begins.

Tactics of the battle with the Lich King in the second phase

In the second phase, the Lich King begins to summon Val'kyr, who rushes at a random target and begins to drag him along the shortest path to the edge in order to throw him into the abyss. The Val'kyr can be stunned and slowed, but do not root or pull it in any way. As a raid, stay close to the center of the platform. If the raid is on one side of the center, then you can easily guess in which direction the Val’kyr will pull the player to reset. And this will allow you to quickly drain it every time you try.

The Lich King puts the Reaper of Souls debuff on the tank, which makes one powerful blow and puts a buff on the boss that doubles the attack speed for five seconds. If your tank is well dressed, then it will pass this test, if not, then the off-tank needs to take the boss.

The Lich King also throws “Desecration” - this is a puddle that causes increasing damage, so when used, the tank needs to run to the side and then the puddle will appear outside the raid.
The DBM addon - Deadly Boss Mods - will be indispensable here. In the settings, check the “Shout if desecration is on me” checkbox and in the interface, enable the display of speech above the character’s head. You will be notified in advance what ability the Lich King is going to use. The addon will also warn you about the appearance of Val'kyr. You can also download great selections of raid addons from us for free.
When about 30 percent of HP remains, the Lich King runs to the center and begins to restore the edge of the platform, to which the entire raid will have to move. Spirits appear more often, so we pump up the DPS to the maximum.

The third phase in the duel with the Lich King. TsLK

As soon as the third phase begins, we quickly run away from the edge, because the Lich will bring it down again and the entire battle must be on the edge of the platform. The Lich King begins to summon spirits, which at the beginning do not harm anyone from the raid, then they fly only to their chosen targets and produce a powerful explosion.

As soon as the spirits appear, the tank takes the boss to the other edge of the platform, and the militias run away with him. The Rangers stand in the center of the area and focus their bombs on the spirits. The off-tank will aggravate all the spirits and stand under them, throwing a puddle if it is a Proto Paladin, or any mass AoE spell. The spirits will either be filled with DD or they will simply explode from the tank. Once the Spirits are completely destroyed, the raid moves to the Lich and continues the attack.
The Lich King also uses a new ability, Harvest of Souls. If the target survives, he will be sucked into the Frostmourne hall, in which there will be two mobs: Terenas - friendly and Guardian Spirit - hostile. Here you need to act according to your permanent role in the raid:

DPS – kill the Guardian Spirit faster by interrupting the casting of Soul Rip.
Heal - Heal Terenas and dispel Soul Rip from him.
Tank – take out the Guardian Spirit and be sure to interrupt the soul rupture. And Terenas himself will heal, and the more HP he gets, the more painfully he will hit the Spirit. When the Spirit is killed, you return back to the platform. The Lich King then kills the tank and when he has about 10 percent of his HP left, you have won, and the epilogue begins.

At 10 percent HP, the beautiful phase begins. The Lich King immediately uses Frostmourne's Fury, which instantly kills the entire raid and prevents you from standing up or leaving your body. The Lich King promises Tyrion that he will resurrect the raid like the great champions of the Scourge and slowly begins to resurrect everyone. Tyrion prays in the flask for the light to help him gain strength and the light, of course, helps.
Tyrion instantly climbs out of the flask, takes Frostmourne from the Lich's hand, and begins to lift it in a whirlwind. The spirit of Arthas' father, Terenas, emerges from Frostmourne. He says, “It’s time for us, son...” and raises the entire raid, which should kill the Lich King.

Video. Tactics for fighting the Lich King. TsLK


“Mind yourself in vices” - you need to take out all the spirits before they start to explode. And defeat the Lich. 10 - 25 people.
“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time” - it is necessary for the “Dead Plague” effect to stack 30 times on the character during the battle and fill the Lich King at the same time. 10 – 25 people.

If we draw an analogy with classic WoW, you may get the feeling that after the battle with Garr you were thrown to the mercy of. In this article I will try to help those guilds who are just about to start trying to kill the final boss of the second expansion of World of Warcraft.

Preparing for the raid

Before starting the boss, I analyzed the logs of other guilds. On average, it takes a guild about 220 attempts to kill the Lich King. Some people need a little more, some a little less. What's most interesting is that out of these 220 attempts, only 20-30 last longer than 10 minutes and go into the 3rd phase. For example, the guild that killed Arthas first on our server needed to move to the 3rd phase 13 times. The total number of failures comes down to the same 200. As is easy to calculate, 220 attempts is 5 weeks, if we use all 50 attempts allocated to us by Blizzard for each week.

To do this, you will need to play at least 3 days a week. On the first day of the raid, you clear all the districts up to the Lich King, and in the remaining 2 days you burn the attempts available to you.

Raid composition:

  • 2 tanks
  • 17-18 dd
  • 5-6 healers

It all depends on how confident your healers feel. If they never make mistakes and react very quickly in unforeseen situations, then you can get by with five. But, if you have some uncertainty, then it is better to try at six. To kill the boss as easily as possible, you will need 5 paladins of any spec, 2 hunters, 1-2 priest disciplines in the raid. Again, this is not a panacea. Just because you only have 3 paladins and 1 hunter doesn't mean you can't start trying. Below I will explain why these classes are needed, and you can already replace them, taking into account the roster of your guild.

First phase

Lasts from 100 to 70% boss.

At the beginning of the battle, the raid is located at the foot of the ice throne and is divided into 3 groups:

  • 1 group (on the left in the picture) Lich tank, Lich himself, melee dd, 1 of the tank heals.
  • Group 2 (center in the picture) the Shambling Horrors tank, the Shambling Horrors themselves.
  • Group 3 (on the right in the picture) range damage control, remaining healers.

3 seconds before the start of the battle, tanks and warriors drink the Potion of Indestructibility [~]. DD classes Potion of Speed ​​[~] or Potion of Wild Magic [~].


4 seconds into the fight, the Lich King uses his first Infect. Next, he will throw Infection every 20 seconds. To combat the Infestation, we used the Paragon tactic with 5 paladins. At the moment, with a 30% buff and priest disciplines in 277 ilvl items, the priest's shields completely absorb 17000-19000 damage. And the debuff from infection immediately disappears. All that remains is to watch out for tanks and melee damage dealers who receive damage from the Ghoul minions, which “eats” the shield. But! It is much better to play it safe and use 5 paladins with the Aura Master and Divine Guardian talents. Don't forget that to be an Aura Master, the paladin must have Shadow Protection Aura enabled.

Paladins should use the following macro:

#showtooltip Sacred Sacrifice
/cancelaura Sacred Sacrifice
/cast Master of Auras
/cast Sacred Sacrifice
/w %NAME OF NEXT PALADIN% You're next.

The macro must be pressed several times for “/cancelaura Sacred Sacrifice” to work, canceling the Sacred Sacrifice buff, which can kill the paladin. Only the buff that reduces raid damage by 20% will remain. “/cast Aura Master” must come before “/cast Sacred Sacrifice”, since Aura Master does not eat GCD. To monitor whether paladins are using their saves correctly, we need the first addon. It shows cooldowns for all paladins on Aura Master and Divine Guard.

As you can see in the picture, there are 5 seconds left until the next infection, 4 paladins have Master of Auras and Sacred Sacrifice still recovering, while the 5th one must save the raid. In fact, I cheated a little and I use ORA3 to track ability recovery, but the addon above is good enough for this purpose. The Lich King will use Infect throughout the first and second phase, if your paladins figure out the order of using abilities, you can calmly survive the taking of priest disciplines by the Valkyries.

Summon Ghouls

1-2 seconds after Infection, the Lich King uses Summon Ghouls. You need to try to keep as many ghouls hanging on the Lich King's tank as possible, and it is absolutely necessary that they do not run out of the melee group. By now, most guilds have 2-3 people with Dark Mourn. The use of the ax, as well as the AoE from warriors, death knights, paladins and feral druids, very quickly destroy all ghouls.

There are 2 nuances associated with Summoning Ghouls:

1) As I already wrote above, ghouls can knock down the shield from the priest, aimed at protecting against Infection, so the tank should try to keep the maximum number of them on himself.

2) From the very first pack of ghouls, the Shambling Horrors tank should take one. This will be difficult to do if the death knights used Army of the Dead before the pool. Ghouls from the army of the dead will taunt the ghouls of the Lich King. So ask your death knights to refrain from using this ability before combat.

You need to take the ghoul in order to transfer the Dead Plague between him and the Shambling Horror.

Shadow Trap

Immediately after Summoning the Ghouls, the boss will throw a Shadow Trap at a random raid member. This is where DBM comes in handy. Each member of the raid should have their DBM configured so that if a shadow trap comes to them, the message “Shadow trap on me” will be displayed in “/s” or “/y” chat.

Considering that we are standing in 3 groups, as soon as it becomes clear which group the Shadow Trap has come to, this group immediately moves in a straight line from the throne, as indicated in the picture. After some time, the remaining groups move in a straight line from the throne. All 3 groups should be approximately on the 1st line in order to have time to run up to the Shambling Horrors tank with the Undead Plague.

Again, 2 features:

1) You should not run ahead of the group, a Shadow Trap may come at you, and you will block the others.

2) If you look at the raid layout, you will see that 1 of the tank’s healers is specially located with the melee group, this is done so that you always have an active healer (not running away from the Shadow Trap).

Traps will be thrown every 15 seconds. If you do everything right, the boss will drop 6-7 traps in the first phase. Even if the traps always fall into the same group, you will have enough space to walk in a straight line from the throne to the edge of the platform. After the first Shadow Trap, use Bloodlust/Heroism.

Summon Shambling Horror

4-5 seconds after the first Shadow Trap, the boss will summon the first Shambling Horror. The Shambling Horror always appears within 10 yards of the Lich King's face. This means that the tank holding the boss can control where the Shambling Horror will appear. It should ideally appear in front of the tank standing in the center so that it can immediately pick it up. The tank holding the horrors should not forget about the Shock Wave and under no circumstances turn the mob towards any of the groups. Shambling Terrors also enter Enrage. 2 hunters will come in handy here. The first hunter focuses on the first horror, the second on the second. And with the help of Tranquils they remove the Enrage. One hunter will not be able to remove Enrage from two horrors. If you have a shortage of hunters, you can try using a roga, but it is more difficult, and the damage from the roga will disappear completely. It happened to us that a second horror appeared simultaneously with a Shadow Trap on a melee group, then the melee group ran forward and ended up in the place where the horror appeared. To allow the tank to calmly take over the horror, Mili stops using any area attacks. The third Shambling Horror should not appear. If he appears, you don’t have enough damage against the Lich King, and you need to come up with something.

Deadening Plague

Everything here is the same as in regular fashion. The one on whom the plague has come runs up to the Shambling Horror, and a specially designated player dispels the plague from it. Ideally, if you have a horror tank-paladin. Then he will be able to remove the plague from everyone himself. Now a little about plague control. There should always be 2 adds on the Shambling Horrors tank. To spread the plague between them. Before the release of the 2nd Shambling Horror, the tank must pull the ghouls out of the melee group. As soon as the second horror appeared, the plague should spread only between them to kill both as quickly as possible.

We have abandoned the idea of ​​dispelling the plague with small ghouls, as Shambling Horrors will go into Frenzy as soon as their health drops below 20%. Once this happens, the tank must stun the horror and wait for the next tick of the plague, which will kill the mob. If we use the “acceleration” of the plague, then we have had cases where the plague brought the horror to 20% and jumped to the next one, accordingly, there was no next tick, and we received a Shambling horror under Frenzy for 20 seconds (until the plague returns and ticks ). In addition, the Lich King is strengthened with each plague spike using the Plague Capacitor. By the end of the first phase, the boss will in any case have about 15-20 stacks of the buff, and this is very painful. The Lich King's tank should retain its damage-reducing abilities at the end of the first phase.

If we use the tactic of transferring the plague between 2 adds, no such cases were observed. But if suddenly this happens, the tank must use its saving abilities, it can become terrifying. Priests can cast Pain Suppression.

If you did everything correctly, then the boss should go to the center approximately 2 minutes after the pull. Shambling Horrors must be dead or dying. The raid is on the edge of the platform.

First transition

It is worth standing up as thinly as possible, so that the tank can reach each of the players with a taunt, and the healers can also reach it. We stand in 4 groups:

1) 2 healers, 2 RDDs, responsible for the spheres flying to the left side of the raid
2) RDD + healers
3) miles + tanks
4) 2 healers, 2 RDDs, responsible for the spheres flying to the right side of the raid

The tanks stand with their backs to the Lich King at the very edge of Winter's Relentless. They catch the spirits one by one. The first spirit is tank1, the second spirit is tank2, the third spirit is tank1.

It is better to use hunters and magicians to shoot the spheres.

Do not forget that the player towards whom the sphere flies receives the Ice Pulse debuff. With this debuff, it is better to move to the edge of the platform 6 yards away from the raid to avoid damaging other players.

As soon as 2 seconds remain before the start of the second phase, tank1, holding the spirit, runs towards the Lich King, despite the Mercilessness of Winter. This is done so that the rest of the raid can safely leave without fear of being hit by Soul Shriek.

Tank healers should be very careful when exiting after the transition. We had 1 of the healers go out to the edge of the platform and continue to heal the tank while the rest of the healers took their positions in the center of the platform; as soon as the positions were occupied, he caught up with the rest.

Second phase

Lasts from 70 to 40% boss.

At the beginning of the phase, tanks must place the Lich King and the Wrathful Spirit remaining from the transition at one point, but in such a way that the Screech of the Soul of the Wrathful Spirit does not affect the Lich King’s tank, and, of course, the raid. Ideally, you should kill the Wrathful Spirit before the first Val'kyr appear. Don't forget that the Infection remains from the first phase. Paladins should continue to rotate using Aura Master and Sacred Sacrifice.

Calling Val'Kira

First of all, make sure that only one person from the raid is marking the Valkyries. Next, divide your DPS into 3 equal groups, not taking into account the warlocks and shadow priests (they have very strong mass damage. The Spies should use Mind Sear on the Lich King, whom the tank holds together with the Valkyries, while the warlocks use Seed of Corruption on all 3 Valkyries). Each group is responsible for its own Valkyrie. But don’t forget that they only need to be brought to 50%, after that switch and help others.

Stuns and slows

This is where it will come in handy LK|Stuns from the addon assembly mentioned above. It helps to identify all the extra stuns that put the Valkyries into dimming.

Distribute 2 stunners to each Valkyrie. Paladins did this for us. 1 Valkyrie is always stunned by the tank holding the Lich King. The Val'kyr can't grab him, so he doesn't need a backup. The remaining 2 were hung with 2 more paladins. Ideally, if your paladins are doing well with reaction and ping, the first stun should be Hammer of Justice, as it will give 6 seconds But we decided to use Holy Wrath first to give the paladins time to sort out their targets.

The addon helped us figure out why sometimes the Val'kyr became immune to the stun, the reason was the shaman's enhancement wolves. Also, do not forget about slowdowns. A death knight with Desecration copes with this very well.

After 50%, all Valkyrs remain hanging above the battlefield and use Life Siphon. The tank freed after killing the Wrathful Spirit must take them on itself. Otherwise, the Valkyrs will “eat” shields from the raid intended to absorb Infection.


The reason is perhaps 60% of wipes. There are a bunch of addons that help with Desecration. Can be used LK|Warnings from the same pack. There is a very good addon Defile Warning. You can use the standard DBM alert; they say that the DBM announces Desecration the fastest. But nothing can replace training. Learn to take Desecration out of the raid. If you hate wasting attempts, train at the normal difficulty level. Announce in the ventril 2 seconds before the arrival of Desecration. Each player must be prepared for the Desecration to come at him, and must be ready to run away. The rest must be ready to move in the opposite direction.

The most difficult thing is the second Desecration, it occurs either a second before the appearance of Val'kyr, or a second after. A delay of 1 second is equivalent to a wipe.

There are two things you should be wary of inside the sword:

1) Bombs falling from top to bottom. They appear both above players (in most cases) and randomly around the room.

2) Spirits similar to Sinister Spirits, but with only a few thousand HP.

The raid must move at one point, avoiding falling bombs, and your range dds must constantly press the Tab button and shoot instant spells of all Spirits. If someone dies in Frostmourne's room, the Lich King will enrage and you will most likely be wiped. After 40 seconds, the raid will be thrown back onto the platform to the Lich King.

Immediately after the raid appears, the Lich King uses Desecrate. The entire raid should immediately disperse. Once the Corruption has been avoided, the tank holding the Lich King should move him to the opposite side of the platform from the tank holding the last Wrath.

The raid must finish off this spirit as quickly as possible and stand at one point closer to the edge of the platform. At this time, the tank holding the Lich King, as soon as he starts Summoning Sinister Spirits, should move to the raid. Both hunters must place Ice Traps one after another in the Lich King's path for him to activate them. The entire raid gathers at one point, and one of the paladins/shadow priests/tanks runs out to meet the Sinister Spirits shouting “Geronimo!!!” and using the Divine Shield / Merger with Darkness blasts them all against himself. Since the Lich King no longer uses Contagion, paladins at the time of the explosion can continue to use Aura Master and Sacred Sacrifice to protect the raid from one random spirit breaking through.

Approximately when the spirits fly up, another Desecration will come, it is extremely important to very quickly take it out of the raid and then return back to the raid so that all the spirits fly to one point.

After a while, when all the spirits are blown up, the Lich King will summon new ones, here the tank must very quickly move him to the center of the platform, otherwise he will make a Great Harvest of souls under the spirits, and after Frostmourne’s room the raid will drop right on them, which guarantees a wipe.

If the tank managed to take the Lich King to the center, after leaving Frostmourne's room the raid should be wary of Desecration, the hunters place Ice traps at the feet of the Lich King. Immediately after Desecration, the boss is transferred to the opposite side from the Sinister Spirits. Now is the time to use your second Bloodlust/Heroism. The second “Geronimo” runs out to meet the spirits. We repeat this until the bitter end.

It is not for nothing that the battle with the Lich King is considered the most difficult in the entire existence of the game. The battle is very demanding both on the personal skill of each individual player, and on the execution and understanding of general tactics. I hope my notes will help you reduce the number of attempts to kill from 220 to 100 or less.

More than a year ago, the first ships sailed from the shores of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms north to Northrend. The reason for this was the growing threat from the Scourge, and, as is known, its main forces were concentrated in Northrend. The main villain, a protege of the Legion and a traitor to the kingdom of Lordaeron, Arthas the Lich King, has settled within the walls of the Icecrown Citadel.

As a reward for killing the Lich King, players receive a special title - the overthrown of the King. And this is not simply because Arthas is one of the most significant characters in the history of the game (although, of course, this also played a role). The battle with the Lich King, even in normal difficulty mode, will be a truly serious test for you.

Lich King Abilities - Phase 1 (100% - 70%)

Summon Shambling Terror - The Lich King summons 1 Shambling Terror.
Summon Ghoul Minion - The Lich King summons 3 Ghoul Minions over 3 seconds. Application: 0.5 sec.
Deadening Plague

Lich King Abilities - Phase 2 (70% - 40%)

Infection - deals 6598 - 7402 damage. Ice damage to all enemies within a 50,000 radius of the target, knocking them back. Inflicts increasing shadow damage every second. The effect dissipates if the target's health level rises above 90%. Cast 2 sec.
Summoning Val'kira the Guardian of Darkness— The Lich King summons 1 Val'kira of the Guardian of Darkness to help. Val'kira grabs a random player and slowly pulls him off the platform. If not killed quickly, the target will be knocked down and crash.
Soul Reaper - Deals 50% weapon damage to the target and applies the Soul Reaper effect, which deals 50,000 damage. Shadow damage after 5 sec., and also increases the caster's casting speed by 100% for 5 sec.
Dead Plague - Infects an enemy, dealing 50,000 damage. damage from dark magic every 5 sec. within 15 sec. If an enemy dies while affected by the plague, the effect stacks and transfers to an adjacent target. When attempting to heal, one charge of the effect is removed, and the plague also transfers to an adjacent target. Each time the disease jumps from target to target, the Lich King's power increases.

Lich King Abilities - Phase 3 (40% - 10%)

Infection - deals 6598 - 7402 damage. Shadow damage to all players. In addition, targets receive 1000 units. damage from dark magic every second. The damage increases every second. The effect dissipates when the target reaches more than 90% health. Application 2 sec.
Desecrate - Inflicts Shadow damage to all enemies in the targeted area. Each time an enemy takes damage, the size of the area and the amount of damage dealt increases. Lasts 60 seconds.
Soul Reaper - Deals 50,000 damage. damage from dark magic. The caster takes 50% physical damage after 5 seconds.
Summon Sinister Spirits - The Lich King summons 10 Sinister Spirits to attack enemies after 30 seconds with Spirit Pulse, dealing approximately 15,000 damage. damage from dark magic to enemies within 5 meters.
Soul Harvest - The Reaper prepares to consume the target's soul, channeling a spell that deals 7500 damage. Shadow damage per second for 6 sec. If the enemy is still alive when the channeling spell ends, their soul will be consumed by Frostmourne.

Lich King Abilities - Transition Between Phases

Winter's Relentlessness - Creates a ferocious snowstorm that deals 7069 - 7931 damage. Ice damage to all enemies within a 45 m radius.
Pain and Suffering - Deals 2828 - 3172 Shadow damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster and an additional 500 damage. damage from dark magic every second for 3 seconds. The effect stacks up to 5 times. Application: 0.5 sec.
Angry Spirit - Tears off a piece of the enemy's soul and forces him to attack. The Wrathful Spirit emits a High-pitched Screech, dealing 18850 - 21150 Shadow damage to all enemies within a 15 meter radius cone. Causes Silence for 5 sec.
Concussion - shakes the ground, causing the edges of the platform to begin to crumble. Application: 1.5 sec.
Summon Ice Orb - The Lich King summons an Ice Orb. The sphere pulses with Ice Pulse, dealing 2828 - 3172 damage to enemies within 5 meters. damage from ice magic and erupts into an Ice Flare, knocking back all players within 10 meters in front of the sphere and dealing 9425 - 10575 damage. damage from ice magic.

basic information

Description of the battle

The fight with the Lich King is a very difficult test even for well-dressed players, let alone those who have not yet changed from level 9 to level 10. A mistake by just one of the raid members can easily lead to a wipe. The Lich King, as befits him, has a rich arsenal of spells that can take the lives of a dozen more unlucky raiders. Knowing these abilities will make your task a little easier, so first, carefully read everything written above.

The raid consists of 2 tanks and 3 healers in the 10-player version, and 2 tanks and 6 healers in the 25-player version. The battle begins as soon as you talk to Tirion Fordring.

A fairly protracted battle consists of 4 phases. Three of them replace each other at certain percentages of the Lich King’s life, and the fourth occurs every time the next phase changes. At the beginning of the battle, the raid is located in a semicircle on one side of the platform, and the main tank and Arthas remain in the center. There should be enough space behind the Lich King to tank the Vrykul that spawn during this phase.

The key component of phase 1 is the constantly appearing adds. This is a trio of ghoul minions - Arthas summons them every 20 seconds, and a dead vrykul - he appears approximately once a minute. Ghouls are nothing special and their melee damage is negligible. The Shambling Horror is much more dangerous. This creature has a lot of life (2 million HP in the 10-player version) and only one ability - Shock Wave. The off-tank must pick up this mob and turn it around in such a way that a minimum of people are affected by the stun. You should especially ensure that the main tank does not fall under the Shock Wave, otherwise the Lich King will fold it in a matter of seconds.

In addition to the adds, Arthas uses 2 abilities in this phase - Infection and Deadly Plague. Infection is a very dangerous AoE for raids that needs to be cured as quickly as possible.

Players infected with the Undead Plague must run to the OT within 5 seconds, where the debuff must be instantly removed (the disease spreads either to the OT or to mobs). Attention! The description of the ability is currently incorrect in the Russian version - here is the original version of Necrotic Plague.

At 70% (and also at 40%) the Lich King enters the intermediate phase, entering the center of the platform and calling on Winter's Relentlessness. A strong snow storm forms around it in the center. The only place where you can escape from it is the edges of the platform outside the outlined circle. For a minute, Arthas stands still in the middle and summons Wrathful Spirits and Ice Spheres. The main difficulty here is to kill the spirits very quickly, because their High-pitched screech not only deals a lot of damage, but also causes silence. It is enough to allocate one or two people to the ice spheres; they need to be killed before they reach the edge of the platform from the Lich King and begin to cast their harmful spells.

Don't forget about Pain and Suffering. The spell appears as several black beams directed towards the players. To avoid stacking the effect, the raid should be positioned evenly along the edge of the platform.

60 seconds after the start of this phase, Arthas causes Concussion. Reading takes 1.5 seconds. The raid must run closer to the center of the platform, since its edges (where you stood before) will collapse.

The second phase begins, which will last up to 40%. The Lich King begins to use the spell Reaper of Souls, which hits the tank by 50,000. In addition to enormous damage, this spell doubles the power of the Lich King's blows for 5 seconds. Be vigilant and try to maintain your saving abilities for this blow. Applies to both tanks and healers. The Lich King continues to use the abilities from Phase 1, with the only difference that instead of ghouls and vrykul, Arthas will begin to summon Val'kyr to his aid (1 in the 10-player version, and 3 in the 25-player version). Val'kyr They don’t attack right away, so after calling them you should run up to the middle of the platform. After some time, she lifts a random player into the air and begins to slowly pull him towards the cliff. Damage dealers should be prepared to knock their players out of the Val'kyr's clutches as quickly as possible until they throw them down. The adds do not slow down (they already move very slowly), but they stand up perfectly.

At the same phase, a new and especially dangerous spell appears - Desecration. When the boss is about to use it, a corresponding notification appears in the middle of the screen. The spell is cast at a random player in the raid (including MT), and everyone must be ready to instantly (this is not an exaggeration at all - INSTANTLY) run away from the resulting black funnel, otherwise it threatens to expand into a huge area.

The intermediate phase with all its inherent features is repeated by 40%.

Then the third and last one comes into force. This phase retains the abilities of the previous two, and this time the Lich King summons 10 sinister spirits. They don't have much life and should be killed in less than 30 seconds to avoid an explosion. The perfume itself does nothing for the first 30 seconds.

At the same time, the Lich King uses the power of his blade. Soul Harvest drains the target player's strength and, if they are still alive, transports them to Frostmourne. A player who finds himself in the Frostmourne “room” must kill the Guardian of the Soul (about 250,000 HP in the 10-person version). He is tanked by the soul of Terenas Menethil, and all you need to do is quickly kill the Guardian and return to the battle with Arthas.

Having brought the boss to 10%, consider the job done. An epic action begins with the participation of Tyrion, Arthas and King Terenas. Upon completion, Arthas dies.


It's unlikely that I'll say anything original. The Lich King is the final boss of the entire expansion and he is very difficult. What were you waiting for? The words “a lot”, “instantly”, “quickly”, “instantly”, “carefully” are used in the article not by chance. The entire fight is a test in which there is no room for error. I sincerely wish you to kill him!

Updated (02/07/2010) In the first phase, the Reaper of Souls is not used.
Updated (02/08/2010) Val'kira does not immediately catch the player. There is time to run to the middle in order to increase the add path when pulling the player.
Updated (02/09/2010) In the version for 25 people, 3 Val'kira appear for 690,000 hp each.

The final boss of Icecrown Citadel will be Prince Arthas, now called the Lich King. Crush it to receive rewards for this difficult journey and save Azeroth from destruction.

The Lich King's first move will be unusual: he will play a card that will significantly weaken your hero, whoever he is.

Features of character classes:

- Druids will not be able to use weak creatures, so you will have to quickly accumulate mana.

- Hunters will receive damage for each animal in the deck.

- The health of the Mages will drop to one.

- All Paladin warriors will go over to the Lich’s side after death.

- The priest will not be able to activate emotions.

- Rogues will not be able to use spell cards.

- All Shaman creatures will be played weakened (1/1).

- The Warlock will receive damage for all copies of cards.

- As for the Warriors, they will have to fight with a strengthened Lich King (30HP and 130 armor).

At first, the battle will not seem difficult to you - you just need to regulate the number of Arthas’s minions on the field and attack him if all his servants are killed.

However, already on the seventh turn, the boss will draw his weapon - Frostmourne, which will instantly kill all his warriors, summoning six Captive souls in return. The Lich himself will become immortal (Harvest of Souls).

To remove the protection from the Lich King, you must quickly deal with the souls that have appeared. While Arthas is immortal, he will constantly use Frostmourne, which also has an infinite supply of charges. When the souls die, the final phase will begin.

This phase will give the Lich a Deadly Winter, which simply makes him stronger. You must kill him as quickly as possible, as your health will melt before your eyes.

Pay attention to the Anti-Magic Shell, which strengthens all Lich minions on the table. It makes sense to leave strong cards for the second phase, since this is when Arthas will become invulnerable and can attack you with Sorrow indefinitely. Finally, know that the enemy has a card called Vague Shadow, which can save him from death.

As a reward for destroying the Lich King, you will receive a set of new cards that came with the adventure. You can also get the Prince Arthas skin if you defeat the Lich with all classes in the game.

Tactics for the Warrior

The deck shown in the screenshot is designed for complete control over the opponent’s field. You need to draw as many cards from his hand as possible by using Regulars a couple of turns before he uses Frostmourne. If you were unable to get the Regulars out of your deck, it's best to start over.

Place all the berserkers on the table, making sure that the enemy will definitely not kill them. After that, do a combo with Commander's Shout, Fire, and Whirlwind to make them much stronger.

The main thing in this case is to wait until the Lich uses two Blizzards and two Destruction cards. One of your Regulars on the table must have high health to survive all storms.


This deck is budget-friendly, so you won’t have to spend money on it. The flow of the battle for the Druid will come down to the following maneuver: you should use cards that will give you more mana while the Lich plays his standard minions; on the fourth turn it is necessary to place the Jade Monster, and after that the Goblin Auctioneer, speeding up the process with the Gift of Nature.

If you fail to do this, it is better to restart the battle.

On the seventh turn, the enemy eliminates all the minions, after which your goblin will be safe, thanks to the provocateur. To ensure its protection, you can gain more mana for this stage and play stronger cards.

Keep in mind that Arthas does not have cards with magic that can deal attacks from the hero's hands. His only direct hit weapon is Darkmourne, which he will most likely use to hit your board rather than you personally (this requires playing more cards).

The Tree of Life will come in handy in the second phase, when the boss starts hitting especially hard. If you can't make it to turn seven, then replace the Flower with a Swamp Guardian.


During mulligan, try to take more 1-mana minions. Kill the Lich's minions and gradually lay out the cards needed to combine with Lyra.

The latter needs to be protected especially carefully until you gather a hand of spells and unleash them on the enemy hero. If Lyra dies, there is an option to pull out a copy of her using the Servant of Kalimos.

T action for the Mage

The Mage deck loses to the other heroes in the battle with the Lich due to an extremely painful initial “debuff”. To win, try to get a Fire Giant in your hand and then combine it with the Intercessor.

Finally, the Arsonist will help you quickly clear the enemy’s field, and the Lump will help you survive a critical situation and not die.

Overall, the deck is very much a matter of chance, so you may have to spend hours with it to achieve victory.

Oh hunter

First of all, you must draw Stray Cat and Hyena from the deck (Hunt may come in handy instead of the first). If the mulligan is unsuccessful, it is worth restarting the match.

Sharptooth combines well with Hyena, which you can also make immune to magical attacks. Also useful in battle is the Pathfinder, who allows you to draw the above-described animal cards into your hand.

Like the Mage, the battle for the Hunter is difficult. The tactics of the entire battle boil down to fattening the animals, which, with the proper approach, can kill the boss before the seventh turn.

The second Hunter deck depends on Fire Giants. With their help, if you receive a certain amount of damage at the beginning due to the Lich's skill, you can quickly win, since you will have the opportunity to lay them out for free already during the second turn.

Again, the success of the deck depends on chance, namely a good starting hand. If you can't kill the boss before the seventh turn, then start over.

Action for Paladin

Completing The Lich King as a Paladin does not require mastery skills. All you need to do is build a deck of murlocs, which is presented below.

The synergy of these sea creatures will allow you to continuously attack the enemy, as well as maintain their low health at the proper level, thanks to protective and healing spells.


In the inexpensive deck presented, you can notice spell cards that the Lich King, as you remember, will immediately block, removing your health.

However, you shouldn’t remove them, and here’s why: having cards that are instantly destroyed will allow you to unload the deck and quickly get the warriors and skills you need. The essence of the deck is to play through Jeeves, Mechanical Assembler and Sensei

This hero's second tactic is based on pirates. As with the previous deck, this one has a spell card or two that can and should be destroyed to help you get pirates into your hand faster.

You can also use Counterfeit Coin or Caves early on, which will allow you to immediately play a warrior for two mana.


This deck is based on numerous combinations, which, if played smartly, will allow you to quickly achieve success. In the first phase, you need to put regular warriors on the table, or, if there are no such in your hand, use Life Tap to scroll the deck.

Save your spells for those moments when there are as many enemies as possible on the enemy’s half (massive AOE in such cases is amazing). Void Summoner will give you the opportunity to simply live in the last phase.

The second phase should be completed as quickly as possible, so try to get spells for this stage that can instantly eliminate Lich spirits.

Also combine Fire Potion and Thalnos Mage or Zealot; Kazakus Potion and Demonic Wrath; Demonic Wrath, Mage Thalnos and Desecration; Doomsayer and Treachery.

Each option will require eight mana, which will not be difficult for you to accumulate by this stage. So, on the seventh turn, the Messenger of Doom will be able to eliminate all the opponent’s spirits in one go, and on the eighth, he will be able to finish off the remaining ordinary units and field his own.

The last phase involves the rapid destruction of the Lich's warriors. If you don't do this, the enemy will soon put a Bone Mare on the table, or activate the Shell.

Use Life Tap wisely so as not to accidentally kill yourself, but to get Reno, Mal'Ganis, and so on in time. The latter must be put on the table in the finals, as well as the Whirlwind or Doomsayer card, which are capable of inflicting a lot of AoE damage per turn.

Action for the Shaman

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So, you and I, gradually playing Minecraft: we got close to such a boss as the Twilight Lich. Of course, you can only find the boss in his castle, and even then, you will need to get into the main tower and, carefully climbing the steps, find his spawn room.

I think you will recognize the room immediately: it is on the top floor, the middle of the floor of the room will be made of glass blocks, so you will see the enemy immediately.

Twilight Lich: about to attack

It must be said that in this case the manufacturers did their best: the room is really tastefully decorated, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings (which you can take home after the battle), and let’s also consider the owner of the house.

It must be said that he looks like a skeleton, but there are a number of significant differences: our boss is dressed in a bright, purple robe and a massive golden crown.

When you appear on the top floor of the castle, three shields will begin to circle around the boss, which significantly reduces the success of your attack. It is noteworthy that the Lich King in Minecraft has eyes of different colors, one is red, the other is burgundy. Well, now playing Minecraft: how to kill the twilight Lich?

So, let's be more specific about the attack: at the first stage, the gloomy owner of the castle will begin to shoot at you with the Twilight Staff, while you should try to hit the projectiles flying at you: in this case, they will ricochet back to the Lich, and gradually, using such tactics, You will deprive the Lich of his protection in the form of shields rotating around him.

Remember! You only need to deflect projectiles if in a game like Minecraft: the Twilight Lich uses Ghast balls, but if fire projectiles are flying at you, immediately deflect!

How do you know what type of attack will come from the boss? It’s very simple: when struck, he raises his right hand, and if there are blue bubbles swirling around his hand, the attack must be repelled, but if there are fiery ones, then quickly retreat.

An important point: during the first part of the attack, not only the Lich will be against you, but also his translucent doubles, who will try to kill you with no less zeal. However, you should not attack them, just dodge: the doubles are invincible. You will be able to get rid of them at the moment when the Lich's own shields finally fall.

Now before you is the second stage of the battle: the boss will now shoot zombies with a staff, and now the doubles will also become zombies, dressed in gold or iron armor. But now the doubles should be beaten mercilessly, since if measures are not taken against them, then with every moment there will be more and more of them.

The Lich and his counterparts

At the second stage of the battle, it will be advisable to change weapons: now use a bow and arrows, and success will be guaranteed to you!

By defeating the boss of the Twilight Castle, you can become the owner of one of three staves: Death, Twilight or Zombie, and you will also acquire several flasks with ogenic blood, bones, edge pearls, as well as leggings, a sword or a cuirass made of gold.

So, there is a goal - now only forward, to complete victory, because now you know exactly how to kill the Lich in Minecraft!