Guide diagram of the tomb of sargeras. Preview of the Tomb of Sargeras raid Brief historical background

The Tomb of Sargeras is one of the central places in the Warcraft lore. A number of key events in the history of the world took place here. In patch 7.2, the Tomb of Sargeras will become available to players. The upper part will be presented in a five-person instance format and will contain four bosses. The bottom section is a raid with nine bosses. Below the cut is an overview of the history of this place, as well as the latest information on the location.

Update 06/01/2017: The Tomb of Sargeras raid will be open to players on June 20 (Normal and Heroic modes)

Brief historical background

Originally, the site of the tomb was the Suramar Temple of Elune. During the Legion's invasion during the War of the Ancients, the Legion planned to open a second portal here, in addition to the one already in the Well of Eternity area. Grand Master Elisande and her loyal night elves used the Pillars of Creation to prevent the installation of the portal and seal the Temple. During the Great Schism, part of Suramar, where the Temple of Elune was located, sank to the bottom of the sea.

In 823, before the opening of the Dark Portal, Guardian of Tirisfal Aegwynn battled the Avatar of Sargeras in the wastes of Northrend. The corpse of a defeated enemy needed to be buried somewhere, and Aegwynn considered the sunken Temple of Elune to be the most reliable place. The main reason she chose this place was precisely the seals that the Highborne, led by Elisande, placed on the Temple. Aegwynn believed that their spells would restrain any evil, then how the Pillars of Creation were artifacts of the Titans. True, the question remains - how did the Guardian of Tirisfal herself manage to penetrate the Temple sealed with spells?

Be that as it may, the remains of the Avatar of Sargeras rested at the bottom of the sea for eight centuries. Then there was an invasion of orcs from Draenor and during the Second War between the Alliance and the Horde, the clans of the Thunderlords and the Twilight's Hammer landed on the shores. They were led by Gul'dan and his best student, the ogre Cho'gall. Gul'dan raised the Tomb from the bottom of the sea, driven by the desire to take possession of the power of the Dark Titan and the artifacts that belonged to him. Gul'dan was killed by demons who escaped from the Tomb (they are suspected to be nagas). Cho'gall managed to escape. The remnants of the clans they led were killed on the orders of Doomhammer, who was enraged by the warlock's betrayal - Gul'dan left the Horde at one of the critical moments of the Second War.

Although Gul'dan died, it was not possible to completely get rid of the warlock's influence. His skull, which had absorbed part of his soul, was an artifact that was not used for good purposes. A little later, a Horde detachment arrived here, sent by Ner’zhul, whose goal was the Scepter of Sargeras. Ner'zhul used this artifact to open portals to other worlds, but ultimately these experiments led to a planetary catastrophe and tore Draenor apart. During the Third War, Illidan was here and managed to take possession of the Eye of Sargeras. By the way, this is what the Tomb of Sargeras looked like in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.

A plot twist in Warlords of Draenor saw Gul'dan return to Azeroth. A warlock from an alternate universe, brought here by Archimonde's last effort, returns to the Broken Isles with the same goal - to open the portal wider.

Actually, that's all you need to know about the history of the Tomb of Sargeras. Now a little about what the Tomb is and who we will meet there.

Raid layout and bosses

The raid design was revealed at Blizzcon 2016. Let's look below.

And here is a video that appeared on WoWhead the other day.

The passage of the raid is partially non-linear. First we must kill Goroth. There are then three paths to choose from:

1. Demonic Inquisition

2. Kharjatan and then Sashj’in

3. Sisters of the Moon and the Song of Suffering

After these bosses are killed, the sequence is linear: Vigilant Maiden -> Avatar of the Fallen -> Kil'jaeden.

A little about the bosses:

  • Gorot(). As punishment for unknown sins, Goroth experiences pain with every movement. The only hope for liberation from torment is to curry favor again. He will curry favor with us.
  • Harjatan (). A demon trained to gnaw and kill, Kharjatan is also a deity for the local murlocs.
  • Mrs. Sashzh’in (). A naga who used her dark powers to subjugate the nightmarish inhabitants of the deep sea to her will. She watches over the flooded caves and is ready to send monsters subordinate to her to attack anyone who dares to invade the territory under her control. Apparently, she will be waiting for us somewhere in the flooded part, after Kharjatan.
  • Demonic Inquisition (). Having learned about the invasion of a detachment of twenty “dogs of war,” Kil’jaeden alerts his best jailers, Atrigan and Belak, who must prevent us from using the Pillars of Creation and penetrating further.
  • Sisters of the Moon (). There are three sisters - the huntress Casparia, the captain Yata Moonstrike and the priestess Moonflame.
  • Host of Suffering (). Once upon a time there were sacred chambers where the dead were buried, but the Legion perverted the essence of this place with the Engine of Souls. This machine drains the energy from the dead and turns them into monstrous spirits.
  • Vigilant Virgo (). Titanborn, whom Aigwyn left to guard the inner chambers of the Tomb. But under the influence of the energies of defilement, the Virgin was transformed. True, she has not lost her skills in handling the energies of Light, so she is equally proficient in these essentially opposite magics.
  • Avatar of the Fallen () . After defeating the Avatar, Aigwynn wanted to destroy him, but was unable to. For hundreds of years, the Avatar of the Fallen Titan has been in the Tomb, and now Kil'jaeden wants to reanimate him in order to direct his powers to destroy Azeroth.
  • Kil'jaeden (). We have already met one of Sargeras' closest assistants - this happened in the Sunwell. Then we managed to push him back into the Whirlwind, but did not defeat him completely. In general, meet an old acquaintance.

Tomb of Sargeras. Screenshots

In The Nighthold we saw a direct continuation of the cheerful theme of Suramar. The Tomb of Sargeras consists of three intertwined themes. Nagas, the ancient civilization of the Highborne and the Legion. The combination, frankly speaking, is contradictory, but nevertheless, the designers managed to combine these themes into a single whole. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the atmosphere, but the Tomb of Sargeras gives the impression of a sad, gloomy place, but what exactly should the burial place of the Avatar of the Fallen Titan be like?

In addition to the very impressive visuals, there are some interesting points related to the lore. Pay attention to the screenshots from the Hall of the Fallen Avatar. Apparently the Avatar was being held back by some kind of Titan machine. The question arises - was this machine originally installed in the Temple of Elune? Or did the Highborne manage to assemble it from the relics they managed to collect? It is quite possible that yes, because already in the Hall of the Moon we see stained glass windows with elves holding the Pillars of Creation. And the presence of the Titan-born Vigilant Maiden among the bosses also seems to hint.

Chamber of the Moon

Hall of the Moon. In the background is the first boss, Goroth.

Ceiling in the Hall of the Moon

On the stained glass - the Pillars of Creation held by the Night Elves

Flooded Caves

A collapsed passage in the flooded part of the Tomb of Sargeras. Miniboss Kelpfist

The flooded part of the Tomb of Sargeras. Boss Haryatan

Exit from the flooded part of the Tomb of Sargeras to the “elven wing”

Elven Wing

Abyssal Approach

Abyssal Throne (Throne of the Abyss?)

Abyssal Throne (Throne of the Abyss?)

Terrace of the Moon

Terrace of the Moon

Terrace of the Moon

Terrace of the Moon

Apostate's Reach (Apostate's Refuge?)

Apostate's Reach (Apostate's Refuge?)

With update 7.2 in World of Warcraft, the Tomb of Sargeras became available to players, in which many key events took place. The location is divided into two parts. The top one is a dungeon for a group of players. There are four bosses in it. At the bottom, it is suggested to carry out a raid with great bosses. Below you will learn a brief history of the tomb, features of the passage, enemies and reward.

Previously, instead of the tomb of Sargeras, there was a Temple of Elune. The Legion's troops, while the War of the Ancients was going on, sought to open a second portal in it to summon their allies. But Magister Elisande and her subjects used the Pillars of Creation artifact in an effort to protect the Temple and save the world from the threat. As a result of the Great Schism, the temple was buried in the sea.

After 820, the battle between Tirisfali Aegwynn and the Avatar of Sargeras took place in Northrend. The Guardian decided to bury the corpse in the ruins of the Temple of Elune. In her opinion, this place could contain any evil force due to the seals applied, since the Pillars of Creation were artifacts of the Titans. For almost a thousand years, the corpse of the enemy rested in the sea, until the coming of the orcs. Leader Gul'dan of Draenor raised the ruins of the temple, hoping to gain the power of the Dark Titan and decorate powerful artifacts. However, the orc was defeated by demons that escaped from the tomb.

Gul'dan was unable to find peace after death - the orc's skull became a powerful artifact that poses a serious threat to the world. Some time later, Ner'zhul visited this place in search of the Scepter of Sargeras, but its use split Draenor. Illidian also visited the ruins of the temple and took possession of another powerful artifact - the Eye of Sargeras.

Thanks to a plot twist, Gul'dan managed to return to Azeroth. He arrived in the north of the Broken Isles to re-execute the plan. From this moment begins the story added in update 7.2.

Tactics for the Tomb of Sargeras bosses

You will encounter the following enemies in the dungeon:

Consumable Items

Consumable items depend on the player's profession. For example, a high-level alchemist (110 and above) will receive useful potions and infusions. These items will be given to his allies as a reward. Professional missions must be completed.

Legion Enchantments can be placed on cloaks, rings, and amulets.

A player who has studied cooking will receive Legion recipes for completing quests. Or you can contact Nomi.

Jewelers will gain new skills that will allow them to make rare stones. After completing the quest With Love to Dalaran, they will be able to create stones with a +200 bonus to parameters.


Tomb of Sargeras- An excellent large-scale addition. It can take several hours to explore a new location, and to defeat the bosses you will need to gather strong allies and think through tactics. You can study all the levels in several modes, so if you liked the tasks in this place, you can start playing again. WoW fans will appreciate the location, and those who stopped playing now have an excellent reason to revisit the fantasy world.

Updated: Raid Finder Wing 3 (Chamber of the Avatar) is available on July 26
Updated July 12: Raid Finder Wing 2 (Wailing Halls) now available.
Updated June 28: Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder Wing 1 (The Gates of Hell) now available.
Updated June 21: Normal and Heroic difficulty Tomb of Sargeras now available.

Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, the combined forces of the Class Orders have fought their way through the Broken Shore to reach the Tomb of Sargeras. With weapons of great power and the Pillars of Creation at hand, the defenders of Azeroth must face these last foes before the portal is sealed, cutting off the Burning Legion’s access to Azeroth.

Minimum Level: 110
Location: The Broken Shore
Bosses: 9
Difficulty: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic

Aegwynn used this sacred temple of Elune to lock away the defeated Sargeras’ avatar. She hoped it would remain dormant, buried deep within the earth, but the lure of power has continued to draw foul entities to this site. When Gul'dan reentered the tomb, he tore down Aegwynn’s wards and opened a doorway for the Legion to invade. Now the fel army tears at the vault, hoping to reclaim their master’s power.

In structuring the Tomb of Sargeras, we simultaneously wanted to deliver an interior worthy of the epic façade that towers over the Broken Shore, while also leaving room for variety in both atmosphere and the types of bosses standing in players’ path. That goal informed the overall layout of the raid, and the flow from start to finish.

Developer Insights

Raid Unlock Schedule

Wednesday, June. 21 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties Open
Wednesday, June. 28 – Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder Wing 1– Gates of Hell (Goroth, Harjatan, Mistress Sass"zine) Open
Wednesday, July 12 – Raid Finder Wing 2– Wailing Halls (Demonic Inquisition, Sisters of the Moon, Desolate Host) Opens
Wednesday, July 26 – Raid Finder Wing 3– Chamber of the Avatar (Maiden of Vigilance, Avatar of Sargeras) Opens
Wednesday, Aug. 9 – Raid Finder Wing 4-Deceiver’s Fall (Kil’Jaeden) Opens

Encounters and Bosses

You can learn a bit about each of the bosses below. Make sure you check out the in-game Adventure Guide (Shift-J) for a full list of tips for Healers, Damage Dealers, and Tanks.

The top level of the Tomb is a direct reflection of the aesthetic of the exterior, and players who have spent time in the Cathedral of Eternal Night dungeon will recognize the nave that the entrance overlooks. This area is under complete Legion control, and the Armies of Legionfall must overcome some of the fiercest demonic commanders in order to gain a foothold in the Tomb.

Developer Insights


As punishment for past failures Goroth’s flesh is marred with searing wounds. With every movement this behemoth makes, his flesh crackles and hesses with unending torment, a scourge he is happy to inflict upon those who oppose him.

Demonic Inquisition

Anticipating the arrival of mortal forces invading the Tomb of Sargeras, Kil'jaeden has called on his best captors, Atrigan and Belac, to lock down the interlopers and prevent them from using the Pillars to advance deeper into the dungeon.

The arrival of the infernal lord Goroth also opens an ancient passage that leads outside the Tomb’s structure, into caverns surrounding its foundations. This allows the second section of the raid to have a significantly different feel from the rest, guiding players through a mix of natural caverns and ancient ruins as they contend with a host of Queen Azshara’s naga minions. This theming is also closely connected to the Tidestone of Golganneth, one of the Pillars of Creation that are the key to sealing the Legion assault of Azeroth.

Developer Insights


Harjatan was trained from birth to demolish his enemies. Through a conquest of savage brutality, he gathered throngs of cave dwelling murlocs who see him as a god. Now, the naga brute merely has to bark a command and hordes of devout followers set themselves to task.

Mistress Sassz'ine

Mistress Sassz’ine has spent a lifetime binding the denizens of the ocean to her dark will. With this power, she summons nightmares from the briny depths to wash away anyone who dare challenge her.

After working their way through the waterlogged caverns beneath the Tomb, players emerge back into lower levels of the Tomb, previously sealed away from the world since ancient times. Thematically, this showcases the elven origins of the Tomb as the one-time Temple of Elune, pristine (though heavily cobwebbed!) and with a decidedly different color scheme than the black-and-fel of the entry hall. But, of course, the influence of the dark power that Aegwynn imprisoned beneath the Tomb has worked its influence upon these halls over the course of centuries….

Developer Insights

Sisters of the Moon

The Sisters of the Moon served as wardens for the temple long before the avatar of Sargeras was buried beneath it. Even in death, the sisters maintained their vigil, but over the millennia something twisted their ability to distinguish friend from foe. Their madness slowly consumed them, and now anyone who enter their sacred chambers are put to death.

The Desolate Host

Once, this was a sacred burial site for the night elves, until the Legion corrupted these grounds with the Engine of Souls. This foul machine draws upon the energy of the dead, twisting them into abominations.These tormented spirits have become monstrosities, looking to feed on any who descend into the tomb’s depths.

Finally, players return to the entry hall of the raid, having used the Pillars of Creation to open a path leading to the final seal, located in the very chamber of the Fallen Avatar of Sargeras, miles beneath the surface. Both the architecture and the foes here reflect the influence of the titans: As mighty as Aegwynn was, a prison for the power of the dark titan was not to be solely of her own making. Crafting the chamber of the Fallen Avatar was a particular challenge, given the scale of the foe players would need to confront. The battle with the Avatar will destroy and transform the players’ surroundings, as they contend with both the threat posed by the blows of the Avatar, and with managing an ever-shrinking playspace.

Of course, the raid does not end with the Fallen Avatar. The battle against Kil'jaeden himself takes players far beyond the walls of the Tomb itself, and even beyond the bounds of our world...

Developer Insights

Maiden of Vigilance

Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilance has stood watch for hundreds of years. Yet, the guardian did not foresee what effect the avatar’s seeping fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowly warped by this maleficence, the maiden now seeks to destroy anyone in her path.

Fallen Avatar

When Aegwynn defeated the Avatar of Sargeras, she was unable to destroy his avatar. In an effort to seal it away, the armor was entombed beneath the Temple of Elune, where it remained dormant for hundreds of years. Now, with the Legion tearing down the tomb's barriers, Kil'jaeden is in a position to reanimate the armor and unleash its power on Azeroth.


Since striking the bargain that chased the Draenei into the stars, Kil'jaeden believed the Legion could not be stopped-yet, none of his deceptions have prevented you from reaching this critical moment. Infuriated that Sargeras’ promise of victory has never come to pass, the demon lord prepares to face you himself, for a final battle that will shape Azeroth’s destiny forever.

In just a few weeks, millions of players around the world will go to battle with the avatar of the fallen titan Sargeras and his servants. Blizzard has prepared a review of the new raid on this occasion.

Tomb of Sargeras Raid Preview

Overcoming unimaginable dangers and countless difficulties, the combined forces of the class strongholds made their way through the Broken Shore and reached the Tomb of Sargeras. Having acquired weapons of great power and the Pillars of Creation, the heroes will fight their enemies one last time before sealing the portal through which the armies of the Burning Legion enter Azeroth.

Minimum level: 110

Zone: Broken Shore

Number of bosses: 9

Complexity: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic

Once upon a time, Aegwynn imprisoned the avatar of the defeated Sargeras in the sacred temple of Elune. She hoped to protect the world from him forever, but even the thickness of the earth could not contain his power, which attracted evil creatures. When Gul'dan visited the tomb again, he destroyed Aegwynn's protective wards and opened the way for the Legion. Now the warriors of fel are trying to break through to the avatar in order to return power to their master.

When creating the Tomb of Sargeras, we tried to make its interior as grand as the façade that overlooks the Broken Shore. At the same time, we wanted players to constantly encounter something new - including different types of bosses that will block their path. This guided us when planning the raid and setting the pace for its passage from start to finish.

Developer Comments

Battles and bosses

Each of the raid bosses is described in detail here. Be sure to check out the in-game Adventure Guide (Shift-J) for tips for healers, fighters, and tanks.

The upper level of the Tomb was built in the style of its external buildings. Players who have completed the Cathedral of Eternal Night will recognize the nave as seen from the entrance to this dungeon. This territory has been completely occupied by the Burning Legion, so in order to gain a foothold in the Tomb, the Legion's Ruin Army will have to defeat the most ferocious demon leaders.

Developer Comments


For his failures, Goroth was severely punished: his body was completely covered with aching wounds. Grinding and hissing accompany his every step, causing him terrible pain. He will gladly bestow it on those who dare to oppose him.

Demon Inquisitors

Kil'jaeden knew that the armies of mortals would come to the Tomb of Sargeras. He ordered his best jailers Atrigan and Belak to cut off the path of uninvited guests, protect the Pillars of Creation and prevent enemies from penetrating even deeper into the Tomb.

With the appearance of the infernal lord Goroth, an ancient passage opened, leading from the Tomb outside to the caves at its foot. For this reason, the second part of the raid is significantly different. Here, players will navigate natural caves and ancient ruins while battling hordes of Queen Azshara's hostile naga. This part of the raid is also closely related to the Tidestone of Golganneth, one of the Pillars of Creation, without which the Legion's invasion of Azeroth cannot be stopped.

Developer Comments


From birth, Harjatan was taught to kill. He conquered vast territories and gathered around him huge hordes of cave murlocs who worshiped him as a god. The brute naga only needs to give an order - and hordes of loyal servants will immediately rush to carry out his will.

Mrs. Sashzh"in

Mrs. Sashjin has devoted her entire life to subjugating the inhabitants of the ocean to her evil will. Now she is able to summon monsters from the bottomless depths that will drag down to the bottom anyone who dares to challenge her.

Once players leave behind the half-flooded caves beneath the Tomb, they will find themselves in its lower levels, hidden from the world since ancient times. This part of the Tomb demonstrates its elven origins, as it was once the site of a temple to Elune. The temple is perfectly preserved, although everything inside is covered with cobwebs. You will see a completely different color scheme than at the beginning of the dungeon, where the gloomy colors of fel predominated. However, of course, the dark forces imprisoned by Aegwynn under the Tomb have changed these halls over the centuries...

Developer Comments

Sisters of the Moon

The Sisters of the Moon were guardians of the temple long before the avatar of Sargeras was buried under it. Even in death they continue to carry out their watch, but over many thousands of years the Sisters have forgotten how to distinguish friends from enemies. Madness gradually overtook them completely, and now anyone who enters the sacred chambers will face death.

A host of suffering

This was once a sacred burial place for the night elves, but the Legion's Soul Engine desecrated it. This disgusting device feeds on the energy of the dead, transforming them into disgusting abominations. These corrupted, tormented spirits will devour alive any brave soul who descends into the depths of the tomb.

Finally, after activating the Pillars of Creation, players will return to the raid entrance and travel to the final seal, located deep underground, in the hall with the fallen avatar of Sargeras. Both the architecture and the enemies show the influence of the titans: no matter how much power Aegwynn possessed, she could not single-handedly build a prison for the powerful dark titan. Creating the Hall of the Fallen Avatar proved challenging given the size of the enemy players would encounter within it. The battle with the avatar will lead to destruction and changes in the game space. Players will have to dodge the avatar's attacks on a battlefield that is constantly getting smaller.

Of course, the raid will not end with a battle with the fallen avatar. The battle with Kil'jaeden himself will take players far beyond the Tomb and even beyond our world...

This guide is meant to be a cheat sheet that is best used immediately before a boss battle in order to quickly go over all the main aspects of the battle with a specific enemy. As a raid leader, you can send it to your comrades so that they can visualize the battle plan more clearly. Of course, this diagram cannot replace a full-fledged guide, so you should still thoroughly study the battle tactics.

In addition, this table is intended for players who have raiding experience. Therefore, it does not indicate such basic points as: Heroism/Bloodlust; turn the boss away from the raid; adds always have higher priority than the boss; interruption of castes; dispelling debuffs; don't stand in the fire. But we will note these mechanics if they are very important or not so obvious.

Not all battle details are available on the PTR server. They will be marked in blue.

Demonic Inquisition

Three interrupt Belak's rotation. The tank won't be able to take it.

The tanks turn Atrigan away from Belak, but do not take him far.

Do not attack Atrigan while he is spinning and Belak while he is burning with green fire. Run away from players with the purple debuff before it dissipates.

Heroic: The feather targets stand still, the rest run away. Stand near purple zones to save space.

During the Green Fire, the active tank and players with 85+ Torment use the button that appears - We get into the dungeon. (The exact time and amount of torment are unknown. The indicators are based on personal feelings).

We hit the add, collect three balls each and leave from there. Tanks and healers leave after DD.

Small group interruptions:

Assign 3 people to knock down castes and a replacement for each. Report an interruption in the head chat, as well as about going to the dungeon, so that you can be replaced in time.

Sisters of the Moon

Always: Move between the light/dark side several times per circle. Or to remove Moonfire or to remove a tank debuff.

The full moon's abilities are activated when the entire floor is in Light or Darkness.

Heroic mechanics are generally the same as on normal difficulty.

First phase:

Tank in a group with miliDD, changes after debuff;

Isolate the target of the blue arrow;

Full moon:

Heroic Full Moon:

Second phase:

We take the blue arrow out of the raid;

Focus on the owl;

Focus healing on the target with Rapid Fire.

Full moon: Burst on the boss, burst of healing on the group.

Heroic Full Moon: The target of the light beam is kept behind miliDD, the group absorbs.

Third phase:

Tanks change after the debuff;

Isolate the Moon Lantern's target;

Full moon: avoid the glaive;

Heroic Full Moon: The target of the light beam is kept behind miliDD, the group absorbs.


Tanks: Turn the boss into a raid while he has energy, from the raid when he becomes ice. Taunt after the debuff. Isolate people with a blue circle.

Stack adds from the boss and flood the AoE. Keep the gladiators on stilts.

Use raid cooldowns when Frost Strikes stack on the boss towards the end of the fight.

Heroic Mode: Try to keep the Fang Masters on either side of you. Otherwise, ignore them or kill them as soon as possible. Due to the fact that the numbers on the PTR server do not always coincide with the numbers on the official server, it is not entirely clear what to do more productively.

Mrs. Sashzh"In

Select an area in which you will stack spears. Approximately 5 people will soak up each one.

Tanks change after the debuff. Keep the adds close to the boss.

First phase:

Hide from the Tornado behind the eel puddles. Murloc on you? Stand in the jellyfish.

Second phase:

Avoid the staff. Huge whale shark. Collect purple voidzones and bring them to her.

Third phase:

The first two phases together. Let's score on the shark. We collect voice zones if we need space.

Host of Suffering

Always keep someone in the real world ("Above") and in the spirit world ("Below"). We take the rubbish out to yellow.

Heroic Mode: Do not split the chain until necessary. The left side of the room is “Bottom”, the right side is “Top”.

Above : Keep the adds in X, bring HP to 50%, inform the group “Below”. Spear targets cost miles (but not with a tank). During the Anguished Screams, everyone moves to the very right point, then runs a little to the left when the AoE appears.

Bottom: Keep adds near the bottom boss.

The remaining players do not allow the puddle to grow and explode. Tell the group "Upstairs" when you exploded. If all the top shields are broken, kill the bottom adds.

30% Phase: The group “Above” converges under Destructive Death, the lower ones scatter. Under the Disastrous Destruction, the group “Above” scatters, the “Bottom” comes running.

vigilant maiden

Corrupted players stand in green, Light players in yellow.

Tanks: The light tank starts, changing after each hammer.

All: Avoid the void zone after each hammer. Jump into the pits when there are approximately 2 seconds before your bomb explodes.

Second phase: Run over balls of your color, burst into the shield, knock down castes.

Typically, corrupted players run on one side, and brightened ones on the other. But a little later you can send several players in the other direction to collect unused balls.

Avatar of the Fallen

Reality Rupture reduces damage. Tanks change after two stacks of devastation.

First phase:

Green zones: drive in a straight line. Isolate the Blade's targets. They must move backwards. Tanks keep Virgo in the beam. Burst into her shield. Kill the Maiden when the boss has about 99 energy for a more comfortable transformation.

Heroic Mode: Divide the raid into three groups. Each in turn absorbs the purple zones.

Second phase (starts at 100 energy):

Keep the boss in a corner for more space. Approach the Dark Mark targets.

Heroic Mode: Avoid everything you can.


First phase:

Tanks change after the end of Fel Claws. Stand close, but not in the Singularity. Absorb voidzones. Mostly players with great physical defense. Isolate players with a circle together in one corner, burst adds.

Transition phase:

Voidzones and the singularity remain. The red arrow targets stand in the center of the room, with about four other characters standing between them and the boss.

Second phase(we didn’t see anything after this, further speculation will be only) :

All first and transition phase abilities remain. Some abilities need to be either healed or knocked down.

Transition phase:

Look for Illidan. Kill the adds.

Third phase:

During the Darkness of a Thousand Souls, go to the cracks. Guide the fire spheres to the cracks. (Lead as long as possible, or as quickly as possible. This needs to be tested. This mechanic can only be used in Heroic mode.)

*What do I mean by "Isolate"