Where is Brazil located on the world map? Detailed map of Brazil in Russian Brazil on the physical map of the world.


(Federal Republic of Brazil)

Geographical position. Brazil is the largest country in Latin America by territory and the fifth largest in the world. Brazil borders: in the north with Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname and French Guiana; in the northwest with Colombia; in the west with Peru and Bolivia; in the southwest with Paraguay and Argentina; in the south with Uruguay. In the east, Brazil is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Square. The territory of Brazil covers 8,511,996 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of the country is the city of Brazil. Largest cities: Sao Paulo (16,000 thousand people), Rio de Janeiro (6,500 thousand people), Salvador (2,200 thousand people), Belo Horizonte (2,100 thousand people), Brazil (1,700 thousand people), Recife (1,400 thousand people), Curitiba (1,300 thousand people), Porto Alegre (1,300 thousand people). Belem (1,200 thousand people) , Manaus (1,100 thousand people), Fortaleza (1,000 people).

Political system

Brazil is a republic. The head of state and government is the president. The legislative body is the National Congress, consisting of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Relief. The predominant form of the terrain is plateaus (58% of the country's territory), the largest of which are the Guiana, Brazilian (divided in turn into the Atlantic, Central, Southern, Rio Grande do Sul plateaus). Among the flat areas (41% of the territory) the Amazon and Atlantic lowlands stand out. The prevailing altitudes of Brazil range from 200 to 1,200 m above sea level. Near the Venezuelan border is Brazil's highest mountain, Peak Neblina (3,014 m).

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains significant reserves of iron ore, manganese, nickel, uranium, bauxite, phosphorites, tin, gold, platinum, and oil.

Climate. Most of the country's territory is characterized by average annual temperatures above 20°C. This is due to Brazil's proximity to the equator and the low elevation of the terrain. Average temperature in Brasilia in January: +18°C, +27°C, in July +13°C, +26°C; in Rio de Janeiro in January +13°C, +30°C, in July +18°C, +25°C.

It is customary to distinguish 6 climatic zones in Brazil: equatorial, tropical, tropical highland, tropical Atlantic, semi-arid, subtropical. The Amazon region receives the highest amount of precipitation - up to 2,000 mm per year. In areas with a semi-arid climate, annual precipitation does not exceed 800 mm. In general, the Brazilian tropical regions are characterized by dry winters and rainy summers.

Inland waters. The country's largest rivers originate from the heights of the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus and the Andes mountain ranges: the Amazon, La Plata, San Francisco, and Tocantins. The Amazon flows through Brazil for 3,615 km. It is the second longest river in the world and the first in the world in terms of water reserves. Sao Francisco originates in the Central Plateau and has a length of 1,609 km.

Soils and vegetation. The Amazon basin is covered with selva - evergreen, humid, tropical jungle, which has not yet been sufficiently explored and is impassable. Tropical forests dominate the rest of the country.

Animal world. The Brazilian fauna is characterized by puma, jaguar, ocelot, fox, anteater, armadillo, deer, maned wolf, tapir, sloth, possum, crocodile, alligator, many birds, insects and reptiles.

Population and language

In terms of population, Brazil ranks sixth in the world. The population density is about 18 inhabitants per 1 sq. km. The bulk of the population is concentrated in cities (about 57%) and along the Atlantic coast. About half of the country's industrial population lives in Sao Paulo. Ethnic groups: in the formation of the Brazilian nation, three races played the main role: red-skinned natives, hundreds of multilingual Indian tribes, until the 16th century. representing a single race; European colonialists, who came mainly from Portugal, and Africans. In the first years of the 20th century. there was active immigration from Japan. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Brazilian Portuguese has no dialects. In addition to the national one, the population of Brazil speaks about 180 different Indian languages.


About 90% of the country's population belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, the rest are Protestants: Pentecostals, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, and Episcopalians. Brazil has a fairly large number of citizens who officially profess occult religions. The country also has small communities of Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists.

Brief historical sketch

The first Europeans in Brazil were the Portuguese, who arrived here in the last decades of the 15th century. After the “official” discovery of the territories of the future Brazil by Pedro Alvares Cabral took place in 1500, the border proclaimed on paper became the actual border of the Brazil-Portuguese part of the colonies. The development of the colony began with the construction of fortified villages of San Vicente, in the northeast of the country (1532), Salvador, which soon became the “city of the governor general” (1549). In the middle of the 16th century. The government considered it necessary to establish captainias - administrative districts - for more convenient management. There were fourteen captains in total. The system of administrative districts-capitals largely predetermined the future administrative-territorial structure of the state of Brazil. Until the end of the 16th century. the new colonies actively developed economically. The beginning was laid for the cultivation of sugar cane and the production of sugar with its further transportation to the European market.

After the death of King Sebastian of Portugal in 1578 and the accession to the throne in Lisbon of the Spanish King Philip II, both kingdoms were united, and the boundaries between the colonial possessions of the two countries ceased to exist as such. From 1580 to 1640 - the period of the unification of the two kingdoms - expeditions were organized to collect Indian slaves. In 1640 the Portuguese regained their political sovereignty. Moreover, the Portuguese refused to leave the new lands that lay outside the boundaries allocated to them under the Treaty of Tordesillas. Since 1690, the mining of gold and diamonds has become the new leading stimulus for economic development. Another important factor in the formation of the Brazilian state was the tropical climate, favorable for growing coffee. In 1821, King João VI left a son in Rio de Janeiro with the title of viceroy and regent. On September 7, 1822, the heir to the throne was proclaimed emperor of independent Brazil and crowned on December 1 under the name of Emperor Pedro I. The first attempts to secede from Portugal were noted at the beginning of the 18th century. Thanks to the efforts of Pedro I (1822-1831), Brazil and Portugal, whose throne he inherited after the death of his father, adopted constitutional provisions that were advanced for their time. Pedro II (1831-1889) remained in the memory of Brazilians as an enlightening monarch. In 1888, a final ban was imposed on the slave trade and the use of slave labor (in the absence of the king, the law, later called the “Golden Law,” was signed by Princess Isabel). Social institutions developed and large-scale measures were taken in the field of health care. The authority of the monarch among the common people and in secular society ensured over time a bloodless transition from absolutism to a republic. The constitutional monarchy was replaced by presidential rule. The empire turned into a federal republic. The main government body of Brazil was the Congress, consisting of two chambers - the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The main judicial body is the Supreme Federal Court.

The consequences of the First World War also affected life in Brazil. Due to the global financial and economic crisis, when coffee prices fell, a crisis occurred in the economic and political life of the country. The presidential form of government did not meet the requirements of the moment, and a dictatorship was established in Brazil. Congress was dissolved and Getulio Vargas became head of state. The regime led by Getulio Vargas lasted 15 years. In 1942, Brazil declared war on the countries of the Hitlerite coalition, and an expeditionary force of the Brazilian army was sent to Europe. 25 thousand Brazilian soldiers fought in Italy as part of the 5th American Army. At the end of the war, the Brazilians elected a new president of the republic. It became Enrique Gaspar Dutre. In 1951, J. Vargas was elected again. His reign ended tragically: unable to withstand the intensity of political passions, Vargas committed suicide in 1954, before the end of his presidential term. From 1956 to 1961 Juscelino Kubitschek was the President of Brazil. From 1964 to 1985 Brazil was ruled by military presidents. Civilian presidents were elected first by the College (January 1985) and then by direct vote of the electorate (November). Brazil once experienced presidential impeachment proceedings. This happened to Fernando Collor di Mello, accused in 1992 of corruption. In 1994, Fernanda Henrique Cordozo took over as president of the republic.

Brief Economic Essay

Brazil is an industrial-agrarian country, the largest in terms of economic potential in South America. Extraction of iron and manganese ores, non-ferrous metal ores, including niobium, beryllium, tantalum, bauxite, oil, coal, etc. Ferrous and non-ferrous (smelting of aluminum, copper, nickel, etc.) metallurgy. Mechanical engineering (aircraft and shipbuilding, agricultural, electronic), military, oil refining, chemical and petrochemical, cement, pulp and paper, textile (especially cotton) and food (sugar, oil, meat, tobacco) industries. Main commercial crops: coffee, sugar cane, cocoa, bananas, soybeans, sisal. Pasture cattle breeding, meat and wool sheep breeding. Sea and river fishing. In the forests there is the harvesting of coniferous wood, the collection of hevea juice, carnauba wax, and Brazil nuts. Export: finished products and semi-finished products of heavy and light industry, coffee, iron ore, soybeans, tobacco, sugar.

The monetary unit is the real.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. The style of old Brazilian architecture was formed under the influence of examples of Portuguese religious and secular architecture. Most of the monuments from the era of the first decades of colonization have been preserved in the ancient city of Ore Preto, the former capital of the province of Minas Gerais. The historical quarters of this city have been carefully restored and are now protected not only as a national treasure of Brazil, but also as a monument of world significance, included in the UNESCO list. The traditions of modern architecture in Brazil were laid in the 19th century. and were strongly influenced by French architects. The largest example of modern Brazilian architecture is the country's capital, the city of Brasilia. The city master plan was designed by the architect Luisio Costa. The structures of the main administrative buildings were created according to the designs of Oscar Niemeyer. The most famous are: Itamaraty Palace (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the cathedral, etc. Another characteristic feature in modern Brazilian architecture is the special role of the landscape in creating a single architectural and natural complex. In Brazil, a whole school of landscape painters was formed, headed by Burle Marx. The culture of the natives who inhabited and inhabit Brazil was developed especially in sculpture and ceramics. There are four main branches of the Aboriginal sculptural tradition. One of them developed on the island of Marajo, at the mouth of the Amazon River, and is represented primarily by skillfully made vases. The other, preserved in the Santarem area, is represented by funeral urns, which are decorated with figures of fantastic animals and people.

Music. The main trend in art, as well as the main event in the cultural life of Brazil, is carnival. This is an art form that incorporates several directions at once: music, dance, singing. The historical roots of the carnival go back to the traditions of Greco-Roman pagan culture. The largest and most famous carnival today is the one in Rio de Janeiro. The main event of the carnival in Rio is the procession of samba dancers. For Brazilians, dancing is not limited to carnival time. There is a wide variety of dances, among which the most famous are caboclincos and cayapos (states of Pernambuco and Ala Goas), cavalcade (state of Goias) and capochera. Caboclincos and Kayapos are half dances and half dramas that tell the story of the war between the Indians and the Portuguese colonists. The Cavalcade is a theatrical performance lasting three days, recreating episodes of the struggle of the Christian population of the Iberian Peninsula with the Moors and historically dating back to the knightly tournaments of the Middle Ages. Kapojera is a ritualized form of wrestling that was common in Angola: the dance is performed accompanied by a small musical group; During the dance, wrestlers can strike each other with their feet and heads. Another performance with a Christmas theme - Pastoris - results in a real procession before midnight mass. Among the participants in the procession there are always such characters as the Teacher, Angel, Gypsy, Old Comedian, “Northern Star”, “Southern Cross”. Ranchos are love stories set to music and performed by dancers and singers to a marching rhythm.

is the largest country in South America. The vast territory contains various picturesque landscapes and the largest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through it. The country's climate is tropical: warm and humid. Almost half of Brazil's population is young people under the age of 20, which explains the cheerful mood of the residents themselves: numerous, which in their scope surpass all other holidays in the world, carnivals are a frequent occurrence in the country.

The most famous city is, of course, Rio de Janeiro, the cultural capital of Brazil. More than 5 million tourists come here every year. And, indeed, there is something to see there. Tall, modern skyscrapers and office buildings alternate with slums where millions of Brazilians live. We can safely say that Rio is a city of contrasts. In general, an ideal country to enjoy unforgettable landscapes and the colors of carnivals!

Brazil on the world map

Below is an interactive map of Brazil in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Brazil is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Brazil from a satellite if you click on the “Show satellite map” switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Map of Brazil with cities in Russian

Below is another map of Brazil. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Brazil, which you can always use to search for an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Hot and exotic Brazil on the world map is located on the South American continent. On its home continent, the Brazilian state is based in the east and central part. The state neighbors all the countries of the continent, excluding Chile and the country of Ecuador. The total area of ​​Brazil, including all water and land areas, is approximately 8.5 million square meters. km.

Features of the location of Brazil on the map

In the east the state is washed by the Atlantic. The country's coastline stretches for 7.4 thousand km. The land borders occupy about 16 thousand km. The Rocas and Sao Paulo archipelagos are part of the territorial composition of the Brazilian lands, as is the Fernando de Noronha archipelago.

Brazil shares common borders with the following neighboring countries:

  • French Guiana;
  • State of Suriname;
  • Guyana;
  • Venezuela;
  • Colombia;
  • State of Peru;
  • Bolivia;
  • State of Paraguay;
  • Argentina;
  • State of Uruguay.

Brazil has a population of approximately 212 million inhabitants. The capital of the state has recently been considered the city of Brasilia, consonant with the name of the country itself.

The state that surpasses all other countries of the Southern continent in terms of territory is Brazil.

The relief of the Brazilian terrain is represented by vast plains (Amazonian lowland), hilly areas (Guiana Plateau) and tropical forests.

There are many rivers, lakes and swamps in Brazil. The flora and fauna of the country is rich in hundreds of thousands of different living species. The climate of Brazil can be described as hot and humid.

There really are a lot of monkeys in Brazil. This is not surprising - almost the entire territory is covered with huge tropical forests. Because of this, Brazil is even called the lungs of the planet. However, in the times of scientific and technological revolution, life is quite difficult for the easy ones. Brazil is the largest supplier of valuable wood species.

The map can be enlarged or reduced

The Portuguese name braz itself means heat, coals. And pau is braza, which means braza tree. The colonists believed that they had found the legendary mahogany, which was traded by the Arabs, which was used to produce the most valuable paint and musical instruments.

The official language is Portuguese, the majority of the population is Catholic. So Portugal made no mistake when it purchased these lands from the Netherlands for 63 tons of gold.

In Brazil, local authorities prohibited turning local Indians into slaves, so very soon the widespread import of blacks from Angola began. Of course, they exported the strongest, hardiest and most beautiful - as they say now, “the flower of the nation”, so Angola, as soon as Brazil declared independence, asked to become part of it.

Brazil is famous for its colorful carnivals, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world. And also capoeira dance-fight.
Brazil's economy is currently booming. This state is the most stable in terms of growth in achievements, including scientific ones. Accordingly, office relocation in the South Administrative District is often required. After all, the more income, the better the conditions should be. And if startup companies can huddle in tiny rooms, under the yoke of subtenants, then developed companies must move to beautiful offices.

Brazil on the world map

Map of Brazil detailed

Brazil map

Brazil on the world map is located on the east coast of South America. The country occupies almost half the territory of the mainland. As the map of Brazil will show, the state borders Venezuela, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia and six other countries. In terms of territory, the country ranks fifth in the world. A detailed administrative map of Brazil will show that its territory is divided into five parts. These are the Northern, Northeastern, Central-Western, Southeastern and Southern regions.

At the same time, the detailed map of Brazil contains 26 states and the capital district (also called “federal”). Each state additionally has municipalities with broad rights - local self-government in the country is well developed.

A map of Brazil with landmarks will help you find the world-famous statue of Christ the Redeemer, the beaches of Ipanema and Copocabana in Rio de Janeiro and other memorable places.

Traveling around the country will allow you to get acquainted with traditions and see many interesting objects. On your trip, a map of Brazil in Russian from Arrivo will come in handy.