The main attractions of Luxembourg. Sights of Luxembourg with photos and descriptions What is interesting in Luxembourg

Paradise in miniature, where no one is in a hurry, and the streets and houses breathe bourgeois quality. The small but strikingly interesting county of Luxembourg, despite its size, is very attractive. It is not easy to see it on the map. This is the largest among small European states and the smallest among large ones. For your information, in 2008 Luxembourg was recognized as the richest country in Europe.

The average annual income per person is about 44.5 thousand US dollars, and this is only from a population of 500 thousand. The minimum wage is 1200 euros. The phenomenon of this is the result of the post-war government policy regarding taxation and the preservation of banking secrecy, as a result of which rivers of capital flowed into inconspicuous Luxembourg from all over the world.

Let's go back to history

Translated from Old German, Luxembourg means a small castle or fortress. Situated on steep cliffs that rise above the river, this castle was truly impregnable. It existed until 1867. The important strategic position of this city in the very center of Europe, which changed hands more than once, belonged to Spain, France, Austria and other hunters to take possession of profitable territory.

In the eighteenth century, the Grand Duchy was created in the territories adjacent to the city of Luxembourg, which began to be considered an independent state. Gaining independence contributed to accelerated economic growth. Metallurgy began to develop especially quickly. Energy consumed, including oil, gas, coal, is imported. Therefore, local residents are turning to alternative heating methods - solar panels, heat pumps.

Boundless spaces in a small state

Since 1995, Luxembourg City has become the cultural capital of Europe. And a year before that, the old part of the city was declared a cultural heritage of humanity. Two rivers divide Luxembourg into an upper and lower city. In the upper part you can see houses in the Gothic style, spiers and towers on the edge of cliffs, which nature skillfully depicted in the form of romantic scenes.

Due to its special location, bridges play an important role in the architectural ensemble of the city. There are more than a hundred of them in Luxembourg. Each of them is built according to an individual project. Two of them - the Adolphe Bridge and the Duchess Charlotte Bridge - connect two parts of the city.

Whatever will be will be

The Burgundians, Spaniards, French, Austrians, Prussians came and went, but the Luxembourgers had no say in their fortress. The Sentinel of Luxembourg's Little Army is the latest reminder of the city's military past, the oldest part of which was built in the Spanish Renaissance style. The Grand Ducal Palace symbolizes Luxembourg's independence and is one of the country's most significant landmarks. Today it serves for representative purposes. Walking along the old fortress walls is a journey into the past.

The country, which was played like a ball by powerful powers, has turned into a great power, which is now rightly called the cradle of Europe.

Residence of the Grand Duke

In the center of the upper city, not far from Place Guillaume, is the residence of the Grand Duke. The palace with sophisticated towers and an ornate façade, made in the Mauritanian style, is in perfect harmony with the parliament building and the city hall. Local residents consider the Federal Cathedral of Notre Dame, built at the beginning of the seventeenth century, to be a source of pride for the main city square. There are always a lot of tourists here admiring the cathedral.

"Golden Frau"

Sights that Luxembourgers treasure:

  • Notre Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg;
  • monument "Golden Frau";
  • Beaufort Castle;
  • wine trail;
  • Bok casemates;
  • Chapel Saint-Kieren;
  • Place Guillaume;
  • Fort Thüngen;
  • Palace of the Grand Dukes.

The casemates were built in the form of labyrinths back in 1644 during Spanish rule; in the eighteenth century, the Austrians reconstructed the catacombs, which are about 40 meters deep. At the end of the nineteenth century, most of the catacombs were destroyed, but seventeen kilometers of tunnels remained. The casemates are open to tourists and are one of the attractions reminiscent of war times.

Museums of Luxembourg

The most famous museums of Luxembourg, which are important attractions of the duchy:

  • National Museum of History and Art.
  • Museum of fortifications and weapons.
  • Telecommunications Museum.
  • Casino Luxembourg.
  • Museum of Ancient Musical Instruments.
  • Palace of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg.

Public Transport Museum

This is a museum where no one meets you or tells you anything. In it you can find trams, drivers' caps, printing presses, and stamps. Small, high-quality trams and their updated counterparts, buses - all small in size, for ease of travel along small streets. Another exhibit of the museum is a model of a bus stop.

High-tech in a medieval body

The medieval capital is being reborn beyond recognition. Modern high-tech fills part of its center, surprising with its cold, fantastic forms. One of these buildings houses the conservatory, where the most important cultural events take place. Luxembourgers are proud of the fact that they built cosmic forms into the medieval body of the city, which they proudly call their landmarks.

Bizarre Monuments of the Duchy

The monument to a bank office worker is a reminder that the duchy became a banking state, home to the largest investment funds.
The direct opposite of the previous monument is the monument to the very first Luxembourger.

Luxury state

The small territory of Luxembourg contains vineyards and castles, real mountain gorges and river valleys, quiet small towns and a cosmopolitan capital city. The population of this country speaks four languages, but their native language is Luxembourgish, which unites them into one nation.

Sights of Vianden

The great Victor Hugo lived in the city of Vianden, this fact is the pride of the town. And the second pride is the castle that towers over the city. This is not only the pride of Luxembourgers, but also the most epoch-making castle in the history of the state. This stone giant survived for several centuries. The portraits on the walls of the castle represent the entire history of the ruling dynasties. The Russian Embassy is another attraction of this town. On a hill in a quiet green park corner there is a castle in which our embassy has been located for more than fifty years. The former owner of the castle was the founder of a metallurgical dynasty.

Tourists are not the main source of income

Tourists for Luxembourg are not a profitable part of the country. The state receives its main income from vineyards and banks. And nothing else is needed for quiet, cozy European happiness. But Luxembourgers are always happy to see foreigners in their country. They are attentive, sociable and hospitable.

But in a small country there is always something to see, and one day is not enough to see all the sights. To continue your acquaintance with mini-countries, we advise you to go to those that also deserve your attention.

Luxembourg is a fabulous country, a kingdom with its own characteristics. The convenient location between the Moselle and Meuse rivers, picturesque natural landscapes, and ancient architecture attract lovers of hiking and medieval history. The Grand Duchy is a place where the atmosphere of old and new is organically combined. Chic boutiques, restaurants, numerous high-rise buildings of business centers and banks contrast with narrow cobbled streets, bridges, viaducts and castles. The small territory of the country contains enough attractions to keep tourists “busy” both on short day trips and during week-long tours.

Description of the country

Luxembourg is a small independent European state with a preserved monarchy. Luxembourg has always been and remains an influential region of Europe economically and strategically. Today it is a major financial center of international importance.

The flag of Luxembourg is similar to the Dutch one, but differs from it in a lighter shade of the lower stripe

Official full name

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is the official name of the state. The name "Lucilinburhuk" translated from Old German means "small fortress" or "small castle". The name "Luxembourg" appeared during the annexation of the Duchy to France under Louis XIV.

Geographical location, capital

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is located in the center of Western Europe, forming a “triangle” between Germany and France and Belgium. The country's territory consists of two main geographical zones:

  • Eslinga in the north;
  • Gutland, the eastern part of which is occupied by the Moselle Valley.

The country's area is 2,586 km2. The capital of the Grand Duchy is the city of Luxembourg.

Luxembourg borders Belgium, France and Germany


Luxembourg has three official languages:

  • German,
  • French,
  • Luxembourgish.

In government agencies, French is more often used, in business circles German predominates, and in everyday situations they speak Luxembourgish.

Interesting fact: in Luxembourg, all official languages ​​coexist harmoniously thanks to the education system. Luxembourgish is used in primary schools, German is taught in secondary schools, and French is taught in the final stages of education.


Since 2002, Luxembourg has had a single European currency - the euro. You can exchange currency in banks and specialized points. It is most profitable to do this at a bank, but you must take into account that they do not work on weekends and holidays.

Note: dollars can be exchanged at a favorable rate in souvenir shops. Of course, this requires making a purchase. Change will be given in euros.

In Luxembourg there are no problems with cashless payments, even in remote parts of the country.

In Luxembourg there are no problems with cashless payments, even in remote parts of the country


The predominant religion in the country is Roman Catholic (97%). There are Protestant and Jewish communities in big cities.

Local time

The entire territory of the state is in the same time zone: UTC+02:00. The difference with Moscow is +2 hours.

The most tourist regions and cities

Despite its small area, tourism in Luxembourg has many faces, and destinations largely depend on the area:

The region of Oesling is a wooded region in the north of Luxembourg that is particularly attractive to travellers. Here is the highest point in the country - Kneiff Hill (560 m). On the slopes of the hills there are picturesque villages, rivers and lakes. The climate in this area is harsher than in other parts of the country. The main cities of the region - Wiltz, Vianden - are famous for their castles.

The northern part of Luxembourg is home to picturesque villages, rivers and lakes

The region of Gutland is located in the south and center of the Duchy. Together with the capital, the region occupies most of the country's territory. This area includes the following tourist cities and territories:

  • Luxembourg is a beautiful and lively city with a thousand-year history. Churches, bridges, palaces, parks - all these are the main attributes of the Upper City. Beyond the Petrus River, the Lower City begins. There are neighborhoods with modern buildings and industrial structures;
    Luxembourg is a beautiful city with a rich history
  • The Moselle Valley is impressive in size and variety of landscapes. Tourists are attracted by the region's wine-making traditions. The valley is located 40 km north of the village of Schengen, from which the territory of the famous Mosel vineyards begins, where the Riesling, Riwaner, and Traminer varieties grow. On the territory of the valley there is a quiet provincial town of Remich;
    Luxembourg is famous for its white wines
  • north of the Moselle Valley is the Müllertal region - "Luxembourg's Little Switzerland" (La Petite Suisse). The territory acquired this name due to its colorful landscape: deep gorges, oddly shaped stones, covered with moss and lichens. The main city, Echternach, is one of the oldest cities in Luxembourg.
    In Müllerthal, tourists are impressed by the colorful landscapes

The most famous attractions of Luxembourg

The territory of the duchy contains many architectural, cultural, historical and natural attractions. Both in the center of the country and in remote corners there are interesting places to visit. A significant number of architectural objects are located in the capital of the Duchy:

  1. Casemates du Bock are a labyrinth of underground corridors that were built by the Spaniards under a cliff in 1644. Over the years, slaughterhouses and bakeries were located here, and during wartime the casemates were used as a bomb shelter. Today these unique buildings are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visiting is possible from April to October. Ticket price: 4 € adults, 2 € children.

    The Bock casemates stretched deep into the Le Boc rock under the once-existing Luxembourg Fortress for 23 km
  2. The obelisk of Gëlle Fra rises above Place de la Constitution. This monument, known as the "Golden Lady", was built in memory of the Luxembourger volunteers who died in battle during the First World War.

    The 21-meter-high Helle Fra obelisk is crowned with a gilded bronze statue of a woman with an elongated laurel wreath.

    On Roosevelt Boulevard is the Cathedral Notre-Dame, whose architecture combines 17th-century Gothic style with Renaissance elements added during reconstruction and restoration. The building houses a miraculous statue of the city's patroness - Our Lady. Every year, pilgrims from different parts of the country come to the cathedral to celebrate Easter.

    Notre Dame Cathedral contains many sculptures and the crypt-tomb of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg

    The Palace of the Grand Dukes (Palais Grand Ducal) is the official residence of the ruling dynasty. Heads of state visiting Luxembourg stay here and numerous receptions are held. The palace is open to tourists in the summer from July 17 to August. Entrance fee: 7 € for adults, 3.50 € for children.

    During the German occupation in World War II, the Grand Ducal Palace was used by the Nazis as a music hall and tavern

    The exhibition at the National Museum of History and Art covers the history of Luxembourg from the 13th century to the present. Here you can see archaeological artifacts, ancient coins, maps of fortifications, and paintings by local artists. Entrance fee: 5 € adults, 3 € pensioners, children under 18 years old - free.

    The National Museum of History and Art is housed in a purpose-built modernist building

    At the Museum of the History of the City of Luxembourg (Musée d’Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg) you can learn in detail about the history of the city’s development using reconstruction models. There are also temporary exhibitions illustrating the daily life of city residents both in ancient times and in modern times. Entry price: 5 € for adults, 3 € for children.

    The Luxembourg City History Museum has a powerful multimedia network with thousands of video and audio documents available

    Casino Luxembourg - exhibition space for contemporary art is located in the city center (opposite the Gelle Fras obelisk). The exhibitions occupy two floors. The ground floor houses a library and computers with access to an electronic database. Above are the artists' studios. The repertoire of exhibitions is constantly changing. Free admission.

    Once upon a time, the famous Casino Bourgeois was located in the building of the Luxembourg casino

In the Moselle Valley, the following places are popular with tourists:

  1. St. Martin is the main wine cellar in the city of Remich. On the excursion you can learn a lot of interesting things about the traditions of local winemaking, in particular about the production of sparkling wines. Visiting is possible from April to October. Tour cost: from 4.90 €.
    During a tour of the St. Martin cellar you can taste the famous sparkling wine
  2. The Museum of Folklore and Viticulture (MuséeFolklorique et Vincole) attracts tourists to the village of Bech-Kleinmacher (2 km south of Remich). This small stone building, known as A Possen, belonged to local winemakers named Post.
    You can immerse yourself in the daily life of a family of winemakers in the 18th and 19th centuries at the Museum of Folklore and Viticulture (MuséeFolklorique et Vincole)
  3. The State Wine Museum (Musée du Vin) is located 15 km south of Remich, in the picturesque village of Henin. Visiting is possible from April to October. At other times - on request.
    The Wine Museum (Musée du Vin) displays a large amount of equipment for artisanal wine production.
  4. The village of Schengen is the gateway to Europe. Schengen used to be called the gateway to the Moselle Wine Road. Now the area is associated with an important historical event - the signing of the Schengen agreements on June 14, 1985. The countries participating in the agreement (Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) thus contributed to the gradual elimination of controls at their internal borders. Now there is a monument and a museum here.
    Commemorative plaques on the Place de la Concorde in the village of Schengen attract tourists: many seek to take photos in this historical place

If your trip is focused on the Müllerthal area, visit the following attractions:

  1. The city of Echternach is home to the Benedictine Abbey, a large architectural complex of the 18th century. The construction starts from the market square (place du Marché) and stretches almost to the banks of the Sauer. Now there is a city lyceum and abbey museum (Musée de l’Abbaye) with a collection of Roman mosaics, stone fragments of an ancient abbey of the 7th century and medieval manuscripts.
    In the Basilica of St. Willibrord (Basilika Iechternach) you can see frescoes from the 14th century
  2. In the city of Vianden there is the famous castle of the same name (Château de Vianden). It was built on the site of a Roman fortification from the 4th century. The oldest part of the castle dates back to the 11th century. It was periodically completed, so the architecture contains elements of the Renaissance and Romanesque style. In the castle you can explore rooms decorated in a medieval spirit, including the Ducal and Banqueting halls. The dungeons where the prisoners were kept are also open to the public. Numerous interactive entertainment programs are held on the territory of the Castle, a visit to which costs 7 € for an adult and 2 € for children. The schedule can be found on the official website.

    Vianden Castle and the surrounding area can be photographed from the cable car as you climb the nearby hill
  3. While in Vianden, you can visit the Victor Hugo Literary Museum (Musée Littéraire Victor Hugo). The museum is located in a small house on the river bank. Opposite, on the parapet of the bridge stands a beautiful bust of Victor Hugo. Free admission. The museum exists on membership fees, which are 15 € for adults, 8 € for schoolchildren and students. In the museum and on its official website you can purchase books by Victor Hugo and various souvenirs with the image of the writer.
    The 7 rooms of the Victor Hugo House Museum in Vianden recreate the environment in which the French novelist lived and worked.
  4. The ancient castle of Bourscheid (Château de Bourscheid) is located near the village of Bourscheid in the north-eastern part of Luxembourg. The structure stands on a sheer rock ledge overlooking the surrounding farmland and the Sur (Sauer) River. The central part of the castle is the oldest, and the entire complex is surrounded by a wall with round towers (XIV century). Ticket price: 5 € for adults, 4 € for students and pensioners, children under 5 years old - free.
    Bourscheid Castle is located on a hill whose height is 380 meters above sea level
  5. To the west of Ashe is Lake Haute-Sûre (Lac de la Haute Sûre) - the main reservoir of the country and the Haute-Sûre Natural Park (Parc Naturel de la Haute Sûre). There are many leisure options for park visitors: walking, visiting cultural monuments, and water sports. On the territory there is a building of a former textile factory, where several weaving looms are preserved in working order. The oldest machine dates back to 1851.
    The area of ​​the Haute-Sur National Park is 28,000 hectares

When is the best time to go to Luxembourg?

The tourist season in Luxembourg lasts from April to August. It is during this period that museums and castles are open to the public. In other months, many objects are either completely unavailable to tourists, or a request must be made. When planning your trip, also consider the calendar of events. Many interesting festivals and holidays are held annually in the country:

  1. On the Tuesday after Trinity Day, a dance procession in honor of St. Willibrord takes place in Echternach. This unique procession is included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
    St. Willibrord's Day is celebrated on the Tuesday after Trinity Day
  2. In the spring (March-April) the Musical Spring festival is held. At this time, musicians from all over the world come to Luxembourg.
  3. Emeshen - an original folklore and pottery festival takes place on Easter Monday. This is one of the most fun holidays, accompanied by noisy fairs and exhibitions and sales of traditional crafts.
  4. June 23 is the birthday of the Grand Duke, a magnificent national holiday. The event includes a torchlight procession in front of the Grand Ducal Palace, fireworks and public festivities.
  5. At the beginning of August the Medieval Festival takes place in Vianden . Processions, festivals, tournaments and street performances take place here.
    The medieval festival in Vianden takes place at the beginning of August
  6. At the end of August and beginning of September, it is worth visiting the Schobermesse fair with interesting rides, entertainment and food stalls.
  7. In August, the capital of the duchy hosts the amusing Schueberführer festival. This is a kind of march of sheep, when shepherds in wide-brimmed hats lead decorated rams right along the central streets to music.
    The Sheep March fountain in Luxembourg is dedicated to the national festival
  8. At the end of summer, the wine festival season begins in the Moselle Valley.
  9. In November-December, the vibrant Winter Lights festival takes place, during which a Christmas market opens on the Place d'Armes in Luxembourg.
    Luxembourg cities are beautifully decorated for Christmas

For lovers of gastronomic tourism, you can take advantage of the “Resto Days” promotion, which allows you to try popular dishes at one price both in a cozy little-known cafe and in a restaurant of the “highest guild”. In 2018, “Resto Days” are scheduled for July 7–18. To participate, you must register on the site.

Short-term travel options

For short trips, it is important to determine the desired places and think through the route. At the main tourist office of the capital (place Guillaume II, 30) you can get free maps and brochures with descriptions of attractions, as well as a program of events for the week.

Depending on the travel time, you can choose one of the following travel options:

  1. In one day's stay it is worth seeing the main attractions of the city of Luxembourg. This option is relevant if the visit is in transit. To save money, purchase one of the tourist discount cards. There are special cards with a one-day validity period. Thus, with Stater Museekart you can visit the main attractions for free: city museums and Bock Casemates.
  2. Three days in the Duchy provide an opportunity not only to admire ancient buildings and castles, but also to take a “wine journey” through the Moselle Valley.
  3. Over 5 days of traveling around the country, explore the unique nature by hiking in the Müllerthal region. Spectacular cliffs, valleys with streams and panoramas create an amazing atmosphere. Depending on the chosen route, the path may run past a medieval fortress or past the city of Echternach.
  4. A week-long tour of Luxembourg is a good opportunity to combine a hiking trip, visiting ancient castles and local restaurants. For history buffs, there are special excursion programs: “The Battle of the Bulge” at the Castle of Clevreux, “Resistance to the Nazi Occupation” (a tour of memorable places in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and Wiltz) and others.

Video: walking route around Luxembourg

What to see when traveling with a child

In every corner of Luxembourg you will find a large number of places and activities suitable for visiting with children. The Grand Duchy has an impressive number of indoor and outdoor playgrounds and areas for both relaxing relaxation and exciting adventures.

Those who want to combine a trip with a visit to the zoo can head to Parc Merveilleux in Bettembourg. The picturesque Gaalgebierg Park, located next to large playgrounds and the beautiful municipal park in Esch-sur-Alzette, is also definitely worth a visit with children.

Little travelers of all ages can have a great time exploring the old mines of southern Luxembourg or the underground labyrinths of the Casemates. Those who want to reach the sky will be delighted to try the Vianden chairlift. Many castles and museums offer special activities for children.

More fun activities await children and their parents at Vitarium in Roost, a magical world dedicated to milk. Here you can try 45 interactive zones, 3-D attractions, and take part in culinary master classes.

Video: Pirate ship in a municipal park

Photo gallery: tourist maps

Forests, mostly beech and oak, occupy more than a third of Luxembourg's territory. The picturesque town of Vianden is surrounded by green wooded hills in the valley of the Ur River Luxembourg is located at an altitude of 316 meters above sea level

The sights of Luxembourg can be explored even in a couple of days, because it is a very tiny state. But at the same time, you will spend these days so intensely, receiving a sea of ​​positive emotions and learning a lot of interesting things, that when you leave the hospitable country, you will forever retain vivid and warm memories of the trip. The only thing that tourists should definitely do before their trip is to make a small plan for themselves of what to see in Luxembourg, this way you will save time upon arrival and will immediately plunge into the fascinating world of fabulously interesting places, and, believe me, there are many of them here.

What to see first in Luxembourg

Excursions in Luxembourg are exciting and varied; local residents sacredly value the heritage of their ancestors, protecting every historical and architectural monument. When going to this amazing country, you can create your own itinerary to explore it, and a small rating of the best attractions, supplemented by descriptions and colorful photos, based on reviews from those who have already vacationed here, will help you with this.

1. Ancient quarters and fortifications of the city of Luxembourg

Luxembourg, panorama of the old town Nikilux

The capital of this “dwarf” and very beautiful state has only today become one of the safest cities in the world, but this was not always the case. Throughout its history, the city has been constantly subjected to attacks, devastating conquests, destruction and restoration. The thing is that historically it was a strategically important point for which the French, Spaniards, Prussians, and Austrians fought, because it was located right on the trade route between France and Germany. Thus, a small castle, built in the 10th century by Count Siegfried, first turned into a prosperous settlement, and then into a well-fortified fortress, capable of withstanding any attack and becoming the second most inaccessible, after Gibraltar. Since 1994, the ancient quarters and fortifications have been classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, becoming the main attraction of the state. Those who wish will be able to enjoy the impressive views opening from the wall of the fortification, and then visit the famous Bok casemates.

2. Berg Castle

Grand Duke's Castle in Colmar-Berg PlayMistyForMe

Officially, it is the main residence of the Grand Dukes and is located in the small town of Colmar-Berg, surrounded by picturesque places. To the great regret of tourists, an overview of this historical monument, which first appeared on this site in the 15th century, is closed to tourists, because the Grand Duke's family currently lives here.

3. Place Guillaume II

Panorama of Place Guillaume II Sergey Ashmarin

This is the “heart” of the city, a place that is traditionally included in the list of things to do in Luxembourg. The central square is very beautiful, pedestrian, located in the historical part of the capital and presents great historical monuments to tourists: the ancient city hall building, the Luxembourg Cathedral, the monument to Duke William II. A couple of steps away from it is an elegant palace that has become the residence of the head of state.

4. Moselle River Valley

Landscape of the Moselle river valley

This attraction is called the “pearl” of a region famous for winemaking, and it is in its valley that the most luxurious wines valued throughout the world are produced (Pinot Noir, Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris). Guides in Luxembourg always recommend tourists to walk the “Wine Trail”, along which there are many distilleries, wine cellars and tasting rooms.

5. Monument "Golden Lady"

Monument "Golden Lady" Cayambe

This is one of the most revered monuments in the capital, which is a tribute to the victims of three wars - two world wars and the Korean one. The golden statue of a woman is 21 meters high, the lady holds a crown above two male figures - the body of a dead soldier and a comrade bending near him in deep sorrow. The monument deserves special attention.

See stunning views of Luxembourg in this beautiful video!

6. Vianden town and castle

View of Vianden Castle

All recommendations about what to visit in Luxembourg point to this most beautiful building in Europe. At one time, Elizabeth II visited here, Victor Hugo fell in love with the picturesque town, and its greatest value is the local castle, built in the 11th-14th centuries, which was recently restored and warmly welcomes tourists.

7. Merveilleux Park

Merveilleux Park in Luxembourg Cayambe

To make your trip even more exciting and varied, be sure to check out this amusement park, especially if you have children with you. It will pleasantly surprise you with its beautiful territory, a variety of children's attractions, and will delight you with a miniature railway and a small zoo. You will find it near Bettambourg.

8. Mamersky Castle

Mamer Castle on Independence Square Ipigott at English Wikipedia

You will find this unique historical and architectural ensemble, consisting of four interesting buildings, when you go to the commune of Mamer. The castle, dating back to the 10th century, welcomes guests in the center of the town - on Independence Square.

9. Adolf Bridge

Adolf Bridge

The majestic stone, but rather elegant structure, which connected the Upper and Lower towns, is rightly called the capital’s “calling card” and one of the best attractions of Luxembourg. Construction began by Grand Duke Adolf in 1900, and in just three years the construction of the largest stone bridge in the world at that time was completed. The scale of the structure is still impressive today. The building is magnificent both during the day and in the evening (when its curves are effectively illuminated by illumination).

10. Luxembourg Switzerland

A corner of Luxembourgish Switzerland

If you are attracted not only by architecture, but when going to an amazing country, you are also looking for what to see in Luxembourg to enjoy the beauty of the local landscapes, then be sure to go east - to Luxembourg Switzerland. Picturesque rivers, marvelous nature, rocks formed from sandstone since the Ice Age do not leave you indifferent, and a visit to the ancient city of Echternach will be a wonderful end to your walk.

11. Luxembourg City Tram and Bus Museum

Exhibits from the Luxembourg Tram and Bus Museum Smiley.toerist

This place will certainly appeal to fans of original and unusual museums, ones that are not found in absolutely all cities in the world. Here you will find a unique collection of public transport from different years. Horse-drawn cars, old buses, well-restored pioneer tram cars, samples of travel tickets and service uniforms for drivers, unique photographs - thanks to all this you will learn a lot of new things and get a lot of positive emotions.

12. Larochette

Town of Larochette

This small ancient town is comfortably located between picturesque rocky slopes; on one of them, an ancient castle, built in the 11th century, awaits you. Representatives of the von Fels family lived here for several centuries, until the castle was damaged by fire. Larochette was empty for a long time, but today one of the oldest buildings has been restored and invites guests to plunge into the world of life of medieval feudal lords.

13. Notre Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg

Facade of Notre Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg

This is one of the most famous landmarks in Luxembourg, which in many guidebooks is designated as the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Notre Dame. The majestic building of the 17th century is made in the late Gothic style, but does not look gloomy, because... richly decorated with architectural elements characteristic of the Renaissance. The cathedral is crowned with 3 towers, one of which has a bell tower. An unusual combination of completely different styles gives the building a special charm and external charm, but at the same time the luxurious interior decoration of the cathedral cannot help but amaze: columns with arabesques in the form of decorations, colorful stained glass windows, sculptures, a neo-Gothic confessional. The former Grand Dukes of Luxembourg are buried in the crypt of Notre Dame; the entrance to the tomb is “guarded” by a pair of bronze lions. The main value of the cathedral was the miraculous icon of the Mother of God - the Comforter of the Sorrowful.

14. Walferdange village and castle

Walferdange Castle in the center of Luxembourg Ipigott

When you have time and are thinking about what to visit in Luxembourg, pay attention to the small town of Walferdange. Here you will be greeted by the two-hundred-year-old castle of the same name with an interesting history. The fact is that William I initially built it as... a stud farm, and planned that breeding of pedigree horses would be developed here, and after a while, the duke’s son and heir, William II, turned the castle into a luxurious royal residence. When visiting the town, it is also worth taking time to visit the Roman villa.

15. Casemates Bok

Bock casemates in the thickness of the Le Boc rock

Even if you are limited in time and looking for what to see in Luxembourg in 1 day, be sure to include the Casemates, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Fund, in your excursion program. The 17th-century structure consists of seventeen-kilometer-long tunnels and chambers carved into the Le Boc rock. The excursion will introduce you to caves, archaeological crypts with unique finds, and an unexpected “exit” from a rock at a hundred-meter height will show the city in all its beauty from a bird’s eye view.

16. Three Acorns Fortress

Entrance to the Three Acorns fortress

This is one of the most attractive historical places located in the capital. The three towers are part of a fort built to defend the city in 1732. This is all that remains of the once powerful monumental structure. Today the fortress is open to tourists and invites you to visit the Tüngen Museum located here with an interesting exhibition dedicated to the history of the city.

17. Haute-Sur National Park

Haute-sur-Brocken Inaglory National Park

This is a corner of wild nature that has “crept” into the very heart of Europe. It is located near Essling and was created relatively recently, in 1999, but is already one of the best attractions in Luxembourg. This is both a nature reserve and a place where you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of antiquity (which is facilitated by abandoned chapels and mills). There is beautiful nature here, a lake with clear water, rare species of plants, animals, a reservoir (where water sports are practiced) - a great place to relax.

18. Resort Mondorf-les-Bains

Orangery and French garden in the Christian Ries spa park in Mondorf

This small town in the southeast of the country attracts with its mineral springs, known throughout the world for their healing powers. It has a mild climate, thermal waters with a temperature of 25 degrees, which help in the treatment of rheumatism and a number of diseases.

Sights of Luxembourg: what else to see in Luxembourg

Now that you know exactly which Luxembourg attractions you should definitely see, you can consider backup options in case you have some free time left. This amazing country, although tiny, is rich in historical and architectural monuments from different centuries.

19. Beaufort Castle

The majestic walls of Beaufort Castle

In the small eastern town of Beaufort, you will find a historically significant structure for the country, built in the 11th century as a fortress, which over time became a powerful defensive fortification. The central tower has been preserved, from which a magnificent view of the surrounding area opens, and tourists can also see the famous Beaufort prison, which is equipped with a terrifying torture chamber.

20. Palace of the Grand Dukes

Palace of the Grand Dukes

The magnificent building, the appearance of which today evokes the admiration of tourists and guests of the city, is the official residence of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, intended for audiences and meetings of delegations at the state level, and was erected back in 1572. Initially, the building changed many owners and was used for different purposes (as a city hall, the governor’s estate), but by decree of the last Duke of Nassau, Adolf, it became a permanent official residence. The interior of the palace is constantly updated and maintained in accordance with modern standards of comfort.

21. Echternach Abbey

Panorama of Echternach Abbey Nikilux

History buffs should definitely visit the oldest city in the country, famous for its abbey, which was founded in the 7th century thanks to the Benedictine Willibrord. Despite the fact that the Germans destroyed the monastery during World War II, the Luxembourgers restored the historical monument, which today welcomes guests.

22. Butterfly garden in Grevenmacher

One of the 50 species of butterflies in Grevenmacher Laura Wolf

An amazing garden filled with lush greenery and luxurious tropical flowers awaits nature lovers in the wine-growing city on the banks of the Moselle River. Here you can see about a hundred exotic species of butterflies, as well as “get acquainted” with chameleons and turtles. The walk will leave an indelible impression.

23. Burscheid Castle

Bourscheid Castle is the largest castle in Luxembourg

A unique landmark of Luxembourg is located on a hill in the small village of Esch-sur-Sur, near the town of Ettelbruck. An interesting structure, dating back to the 10th century, has the shape of a triangle, its longest side stretches 150 meters, and its area is 12 thousand square meters. meters. On the territory of Burscheid Castle there is the Stolzemburger Palace, which today hosts various cultural events.

Now you know exactly all the most interesting and unusual tourist sites of this amazing country, which means your trip will be unforgettable. All that remains is to choose a place to stay, but don’t worry, hotels in Luxembourg will also delight you with both variety and quality of accommodation. Well, one more thing - if you are coming here for the first time, you can hire a professional guide who will take you closer to all the local historical monuments and architectural masterpieces.

Sights of Luxembourg. The most important and interesting sights of the cities of Luxembourg: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

All All Architecture Places for walking Religion

    the very best

    Palace of the Grand Dukes in Luxembourg

    Luxembourg City, Rue du marche-aux-Herbes, 15

    The Palace of the Grand Dukes in Luxembourg did not immediately begin to fulfill the honorable mission of the residence of local monarchs. Until this time, or to be more precise, until 1890, the building managed to serve as both the town hall and the residence of the French administration

    the very best

    Casemates Bock

    Luxembourg City, Montee de Clausen, 10

    In Luxembourg, despite the huge number of pompous palaces, one of the main attractions since 1933 has been and remains the Bock casemates. Even if you came to the capital of a dwarf state for only half a day and with you a man from 5 to 85 years old, this is a must-visit place.

    the very best

    Pont Adolphe in Luxembourg

    Luxembourg City, Uewerstad

    Perhaps the most elegant national symbol that can be found among European countries is the Luxembourg Adolphe Bridge. It is this that can be seen in all sorts of miniature parks scattered around the world, where St. Basil's Cathedral stands for Russia, and the Eiffel Tower stands for Paris.

  • What do many of us know about Luxembourg? That this is a tiny country with a capital of the same name, which is lost in the “patchwork quilt” of Europe. From one German dialect, Luxembourg means “small city”. In principle, this is how it is. Although the residents themselves call it a grand duchy. However, the miniature size of the country does not at all prevent it from being one of the richest in Europe with the highest standard of living, and in terms of income, it ranks 4th in the world.

    Although Luxembourg has a large number of attractions, its territory can easily be covered on foot. The state is included in the Benelux union (together with Belgium and the Netherlands), therefore, as a rule, tourists visit the duchy as part of a tour of the allied states.

    Here's how to create a route to the main attractions of the Grand Duchy. It would be logical to start your acquaintance with Luxembourg from the capital. It is small in size, and half the country's population lives here.

    Luxembourg route

    The face of the capital is the Grand Ducal Palace, built in the Spanish Revival style. The history of this building is rich, and not all of its values ​​have been preserved; today it has the status of the home of the head of state and is the venue for official ceremonies, political conferences and audiences. Notre Dame Cathedral or Notre Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg impresses with its Gothic sublimity, this is the place of annual honoring of the Holy Virgin of Luxembourg, within the walls of which there are many shrines.

    Next after the capital in terms of attractiveness is the town of Clervaux, located on the banks of the Clerf River. And if there are places that are ideal for filming films from the Middle Ages, then this is it. The architecture is impressive and takes you five hundred years into the past.

    If you want to see the places that inspired Victor Hugo, then head to the city of Vianden - it is truly one of the most beautiful and picturesque cities. By the way, now there is a museum dedicated to the great French writer.

    The oldest city in the country is Echternach, which is more than a thousand years old. It can be called an open-air museum, in which everything has remained practically untouched since those time immemorial.

    Luxembourg Switzerland. Yes, it even has its own Switzerland. How it fit here is beyond comprehension, but the nature of these places really resembles a real land of watches and cheese. Another attraction of Luxembourg is the casemates - a system of fortifications, labyrinths and underground passages up to 40 meters deep, for which the country became famous and thanks to which, perhaps, it still retained its independence.

    In general, Luxembourg is a whole collection of ancient castles, abbeys, fortresses and monasteries, caves, chapels, sculptures and ruins of ancient Roman buildings. It seems that this country has remained in a different era, despite the high modern standard of living. There are a huge number of different thematic museums in the capital and on the territory of the principality. They contain cultural and historical objects that were saved after numerous wars in these lands.

    Walks around the country

    Luxembourg is highlighted as one of the best countries for hiking. The territory is literally riddled with narrow paths: forest, mountain and along rivers - very well-equipped and picturesque, which form many routes. It’s quite difficult to get lost here: at almost every step there are various signs that are printed on special maps, and they can be purchased at any bookstore.

    And don’t think that ordinary walks are too boring: the residents have arranged every corner of their miniature cozy country, and the beauty of its surroundings is beyond description.

    Children's holiday

    Children's recreation is well organized in Luxembourg; almost every town has its own amusement park for children: Wonderland Park in Betembourg, a park in Mondorf-les-Bains, and the tourist center Galdenberg in Esch-Alzette. You can also go to the cinema, but films are usually in English with French subtitles, so they are not suitable for everyone.

    Gastronomic attractions

    Another pride is Luxembourg wines. They are not as widespread as those from other countries like Chile or Spain, but they are definitely worth a try. Better yet, go on a wine excursion: visit the famous vineyards in the Moselle Valley, cellars, restaurants and factories that produce various types of wines according to unique ancient recipes.

    In Luxembourg there is a small town of Mondorf with a population of about 4 thousand people, which is a world famous resort. The reason is the mild climate and healing mineral springs with a water temperature of 25 degrees, which is used in all possible ways and treats many diseases.

    Of course, what traveler can do without visiting a cafe or restaurant? The national cuisine of Luxembourg has the motto “French quality in German quantity” and is served in an atmosphere imbued with a medieval spirit. Those who want to party will also find places and company here, but nightlife is mainly represented in the capital.

    It would take a very long time to list the sights of Luxembourg: monuments, cathedrals and fortresses are located at every step, and it seems that you can study the history of this country endlessly.

Luxembourg is a city of contrasts and a small state. Along with palaces made of glass and concrete, the country is home to small ancient houses with vegetable gardens, flower beds and front gardens with roses. In a word, a luxury country. One day is enough for an inspection, although this statement is very controversial. You can't have enough Luxembourg!

While walking around the city, it is striking that there are clouds of Russian-speaking tourist groups on the streets. Let's come here in large numbers. But there are even more Afro-Luxembourgers (or Luxembourgers). They can be found in almost any cafe or restaurant. They sit, drink coffee and chat. I wonder when they work? By the way, it is not so easy to dine in a restaurant in Luxembourg at lunchtime; all tables in restaurants are occupied, especially in the center, with the exception of McDonald's and Chinese restaurants.

View from one of the "balconies".

The frequency is perfect everywhere, the streets seem to be licked and washed with shampoo. If you are lucky enough to be in Luxembourg during the fair, you will be pleasantly surprised by the abundance and variety of cheeses. Cheese is a product made from milk produced by cows that calmly walk along Luxembourg's amazingly green, well-groomed lawns. And the lawns are all on the mountains, and between them are tall, like fairy-tale bridges. Maybe this is why Luxembourg is called the balcony of Europe. These bridge-balconies offer amazing views!
Residents of Luxembourg each speak five languages. They are to be envied. But we tried to talk to the bus driver a couple of times, but he pretended that he didn’t know English and didn’t talk to us. We didn't believe him at all.

The Palace of the Duke of Luxembourg is guarded by a guard of honor consisting of one guard.

The Shier River, where you can fish, having previously obtained a license.

Obelisk in Luxembourg.

On the obelisk in the center of Luxembourg there is an inscription: “We want to remain who we are.” Once upon a time, a long time ago, the Dutch governor argued with the Prussian commander, standing on one of the Luxembourg hills, who the Luxembourgers, the Prussians or the Dutch were. For Luxembourgers it was already clear then that they were neither one nor the other, they were Luxembourgers.

Luxembourg Notre Dame.

Here lies the adored Duchess Charlotte, adored by all Luxembourgers, thanks to whom the country became the richest country in Europe. The secret of such prosperity is simple. Charlotte married her daughter to a wealthy emir of the Middle East, who gave her very valuable advice: make Luxembourg an offshore banking zone with very low interest rates on loans plus complete anonymity for depositors. It's really simple. Learn. With a population of half a million people in Luxembourg, the country soon had nowhere to put money.

In these Luxembourg catacombs, in caves, after the war, a huge arsenal of many European states was kept for a long time.

There are many bridges in Luxembourg.

What to see in Luxembourg.

1. Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral.
2. National Museum of Luxembourg.
3. Palace of the Grand Duke and Cathedral of Our Lady.
4. Rock Chapel of San Kieren.

5. Church of St. John on the Stone.

Hamilius Square, where there is a market every Saturday. From this square you can walk along one of two pedestrian streets: Post Street and Monterey Avenue. At the end of these streets there is Parade Square, where there are many cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops, and tourist life is in full swing here, street performances are held and there are always a lot of people.

There are several museums in Luxembourg:

Weapons museum;

Museum of History;

Museum of Folk Life;

Museum of Ancient Musical Instruments.

You can enjoy cycling around Luxembourg. If you have the opportunity to go to this small but amazing country, don’t hesitate to go, you won’t regret it!

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