The main attractions of Ukraine: overview, photos and description. St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv

With a glorious and rich history, it is forgotten by people. All over Ukraine there is a lack of architectural monuments that were written in the past and that were the epicenter of historical events. None of them have lost their historical value, but have become simply unnecessary... Historical items are examples of neoclassicism, baroque, neo-gothic and many other styles. It’s a pity that the stench disappeared at the sweaty hour, such an unsweetened creation. We propose the collection of historical spores that will require permanent restoration

Palace of Adolf Grokholsky (Palace of Tereshchenki), Chervone

Established in the 19th century by the lord of the village, nobleman Adolf Grokholsky. Todi was extremely modest. The complex reached its full potential when the village and palace were purchased by Ukrainian entrepreneur Mykola Tereshchenko and his brother, aircraft designer Fedir Tereshchenko. Here they dug a fountain, gardens and parks, and an air station. The palace itself was expanded. This monument of architecture was also respected with the utmost respect for the neo-Gothic style. Since 1917, the complex has passed from hand to hand. There is a cul-de-sac, and a vocational school.

Where to know: Palace of Roztashovani on st. Sverdlova, p. Chervone, Andrushivsky district, Zhytomyr region.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Vyznjani

The first mystery about the cathedral dates back to 1400. The greatest value of the temple is the frescoes. Most of them are from the 1940s. They were created in the stormy rocks of Another World War. The ancient church, the icons, the organ - everything added to the greatness of the temple. That hour and the oversight took their toll. At the Radyansky Clock, St. Nicholas Cathedral was used as a warehouse. So the temple was plundered, the organ lost only its frame, and the frescoes were destroyed. The people will demand a complete restoration. Without losing hope for renewal, the local priest is taking care of the cathedral.

Where to know: Roztashovani Cathedral near the village. Vyzhnyan, Zolochiv district, Lviv region.

Palace complex of princes Sangushko, Izyaslav

Terrible balls reigned here, as the great people of the 18th century lived. One of the guests was the former king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Stanislav August II Poniatowski. Also, two emperors came here - the Russian Petro I and the Austrian Joseph II. The ideological leader of the palace was the widow of Paul Karl Sangushka - Princess Barbara. At that time, there was singing at home. Vaughn asked the Italian architect Paolo Antonio Fontana to come to Izyaslav. Unfortunately, this creation over time became a warehouse and part of the country. Nina’s unique monument of Ukrainian architecture is collapsing. If the existing structures do not respect the historical monument, then it will lose only its serial number...

Where to know: complex of plantings near Izyaslav metro station, Khmelnytskyi region.

Church of St. Mark, Varyazh

Built in the 17th century, the temple has seen multiple ruins. But, apparently, the greatest harm to St. Mark’s Cathedral was not caused by attacks, but by human violence. The great temple, with double-tiered towers, frescoes by Stanislav Stroinsky, with dungeons, where noble people have always been revered for the honor of resting in peace, is now visited by tourists. The hand of a restorer has not touched the walls of the temple for a long time. So the church is completely ruined...

Where to know: Roztashovani Church near the village. Varyazh, Sokal district, Lviv region.

Monastery of the Mother of God, Noviy Zahoriv

The Monastery of the Birth of the Virgin Mary was founded in the 16th century, on the site of the temple. The small church of the Chenci was built here in the 12th century. The monastir supplied the head of the town's wealth to Peter Zagurovsky. Try to take up everyday life as a means of healing from numerous ailments. At its worst, the monastery witnessed battles in the 1940s and 20th century between UPA soldiers and the Nazis. Reconstructions of the military essence have been carried out here more than once, this time against the backdrop of the ruins of the monastery...

Photo: Vadim Voitik,

Where to know: Monastir Roztashovani near the village. Novy Zagoriv, ​​Lokachinsky district, Volinsky region.

Berezhany Castle, Berezhany

The family nest, which at the right time was jealously guarded among the Sinyavskys, will never collapse. All efforts aimed at strengthening the unique five-faced bastion, which had gained the glory of being impregnable, went to the marne. Today anyone can go to Berezhansky Castle. Please take a look at the layout. While only a few managed to get a miniature copy of what the castle would have been like in the Renaissance style, they began to reconstruct it...

Where to know: Roztashovani castle on the street. I. Frank near Berezhany metro station, Ternopil region.

Chervonograd Castle, Nirkiv

Mystical castle on the red earth. Such a glorious monument has arisen in the past to the legends and unseen colors of the lands. There's a stench of red in here. And for the tales of the local philistines, which have been passed on by word of mouth for centuries, the dungeons of the castle lead to the furnace. The Chenet itself is alive, and Nini is a headless face. Vіn protects the stitches until the very… heat.

Photo: VRoman62,

Where to know: This architectural monument of Ukraine was erected near the village of Nirkiw, Zalishchi district, Ternopil region.

Assumption Church, Ugniv

This memo was still awaited by the restoration. The robots worked on the flooring so much that within an hour new holes began to appear in the walls and ceilings. During the hour of its rebirth, the Assumption Church recognized the ruins and raking. When the village of Ugniv passed to the USSR, the Poles took all the value from the church. One of the towers of the temple was built during the artillery strike during the First World War.

Where to know: Temple of Roztashovani on st. Mitskevicha, 2a, near the village. Ugniv, Sokal district, Lviv region.

Ostrozki Castle, Stare Selo

This reminder has already been updated; in 2015, the number of tourists will be limited. The one given under the concession for 49 years was never restored. I want to accept, who, having recaptured the Ostrozki castle, promised to renew the dispute. Nina, the largest castle in Lviv region, is falling. In six years, only 3 were saved, and the 14-meter muri no longer barked at anyone, and only the hearts of tourists and local bastards grieved and felt sorry. This unique monument will require significant updating.

Photo: Vitaly Ishchuk,

Where to know: castle of roztashovaniy near Stary Seli, Pustomitivsky district, Lviv region.

Church of the Exaltation of St. Joseph, Pidhirtsi

Believers still come here to pray, even though the temple is collapsing. The magnificent sporuda impresses with its beauty: 14 columns, 7 sculptures of saints. Unfortunately, another monument was not preserved. It was built during the hour of Another Light War. The Church of St. Joseph itself was built in the 18th century in the Baroque style as the ancestral tomb of the noble Zhevuski family.

Photo: Vitaly Ishchuk,

Where to know: Roztashovani Church near the village. Pidgirtsi, Brodivskyi district, Lviv region.

Pomeranian castle-palace, Pomeranian

Turks and Tatars stormed this castle more than once. That significant arsenal that the father of the future Polish king, Jakub Sobieski, accumulated here, helped to strengthen the defense. In 1675, the Pomeranian stronghold was destroyed. Having already become King Jan III Sobieski. They spent 25 thousand zlotys on it! In the 20th century, Gestapi and UPA soldiers stood here more than once before the battle. Nina's castle is in emergency condition.

Photo: Vitaly Ishchuk,

Where to know: castle-palace of Roztashovani on the street. Pidzamchiy near the village of Pomorian, Zolochiv district, Lviv region.

Shpikhler, Drogobich

Miska granary - the grain of Drogobich's sacks has been saved here since 1778. Developed in the Baroque style, it later arouses the interest of historians, architects, and scientists. Even when the grain harvesters were on duty, they ground the golden frame. The very creations of the mysteries that were created from the stagnation of this relationship in proportion are respected in detail. The golden retin, standing still, stagnated with Leonardo da Vinci, when he created “The Last Supper” and “The Vitruvian Man.”

Photo: Yaroslav Gaigel,

Where to know: Shpikhler roztashovany on st. Grushevsky, 16, near Drohobychi, Lviv region.

Holy Trinity Monastery, Satanivska Slobidka

The monastery is known because it used to be a lyre workshop. The stinks themselves commemorated the exploits of the Ukrainian Cossacks and visited their graves. Folk singers began to express their thoughts at the Holy Trinity Monastery. This craft has been passed on over the years, so bimoviti, during recessions. From the beginning the monastery was a man, and in 1899 it became a woman. Liquidation at the Radian clock.

Photo: Sergiy Talaver,

Where to know: Monastir Roztashovani near the village. Satanivska Slobidka, Gorodotsky district, Khmelnitsky region.

Palace Kurisiv, Petrivka

Near the estuary there was a palace built in the Moorish style. Do you think this is how overseas cossacks begin? No, this is how the rumors about the historical monument of Odessa region begin. The Kurisiv Palace was decorated with shell rock - full of sea creatures. The palace was without any symmetry, and the main hall was illuminated by a dormouse light through the ceiling. Vlasnik - the Greek Ivan Kuris, having taken part in rich battles and gained a lot of Turkish boudvels, thus adopting a similar style for his great donkey.

In 2015, the palace underwent restoration. We also hope that the memory will preserve its historical appearance.

Photo: Dmitro Voloshenkov,

Where to know: Palace of Roztashovaniy near the village. Petrivka, Kominternivsky district, Odessa region.

Medzhibizh Castle, Medzhibizh

On the birch of the Pivdenny Bug, back in the distant 16th century, the “White Swan” settled. This is how the Medzhibiz Castle was dubbed for its characteristic bluish color. The town itself recognized the greatest development as the rulers of the Sinyavsky gentry. This homeland has held the castle for two centuries. Nowadays, the castle has become the center of historical festivals. In this case, it will require respect from the side of the ruler and the generous hands of the masters.

Where to know: Roztashovani castle on the street. Zhovtnevyiy, 1 near Medzhybizh metro station, Letychivskyi district, Khmelnytskyi region.

Unfortunately, this flavor can be chewed and chewed. You can also learn about other monuments of architecture in Ukraine. Ancient historical castles, palaces, fortresses, temples can tell us a lot about the hour of their discovery, and even more - about the fate of the fall and human life i.

Published by Natalia Seredyuk

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Many novice tourists naively believe that Ukraine does not have any famous sights or unique architectural monuments.

In fact, Ukrainian cities can boast of worthy attractions. In addition, nature surprises with its amazing beauty, which allows us to be convinced that Ukraine is famous not only for its ancient architecture, but also for its worthy nature reserves and national parks.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Kyiv

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is one of the most worthy monasteries in Kyiv. The religious site is officially included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Year of foundation of the Lavra – 1051 . Moreover, the history of the religious complex began thanks to the monk Anthony Pechersky. Unfortunately, the Lavra still had to endure serious trials, because the monastery was burned and destroyed during hostilities. Despite everything, the laurel was always restored.

Currently, on the territory of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra there are churches, bell towers and chapels, and monks’ cells. Moreover, tourists can see the remains of ancient gates and fortifications, underground caves. If you wish, you can visit a small religious museum, where church relics, thematic books and paintings are displayed.

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is considered one of the most worthy attractions of Kyiv.

Location: Lavrskaya street - 21.

Deribasovskaya Street, Odessa

Deribasovskaya street in Odessa is one of the most famous. Nowadays, this street is one of the most popular walking places among Odessa residents and tourists. In addition, here you can enjoy ancient architecture and cozy cafes. Many travelers note that it is on Deribasovskaya Street that one can fully enjoy the special medieval atmosphere.

St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv

St. Sophia Cathedral, which appeared thanks to the order of the prince Yaroslav the Wise, these days is one of the most worthy attractions of Kyiv. To this day, the true beauty of the amazing cathedral, whose history began in the distant 9th century, has been preserved.

St. Sophia Cathedral is one of the most important historical and cultural monuments. This particular landmark deserves to be protected by UNESCO. This is due to the uniqueness of the cathedral, which has been preserved from the very beginning of the existence of this amazing landmark.

Despite the fact that the external appearance of the cathedral has been somewhat changed, the interior decoration is still original. In addition, St. Sophia Cathedral is famous for its special Byzantine mosaics. This uniqueness of the religious object contributes to its special popularity.

Location: Vladimirskaya street - 24.

Golden Gate, Kyiv

The Golden Gate is one of the most famous attractions of Kyiv. This architectural monument was built back in 1164, when Yaroslav the Wise reigned in Rus'. In ancient times, the Golden Gate, which was called the Southern Gate, was part of the defensive structures on the southwestern side of the city. In order to emphasize the grandeur and significance of the structure, a small church was built in honor of the Annunciation, after which the gate began to be called the Golden Gate.

The Golden Gate has survived to this day thanks to regular restoration and architectural work. In addition, a special pavilion was built in 1970, which contributed to the creation of favorable conditions for the preservation of a valuable architectural monument. Now tourists can see the ancient tower with battlements and the gate church, which are traditional ancient Russian buildings. A museum center of the same name operates on the territory of the architectural monument.

House with Chimeras, Kyiv

The House with Chimeras is one of the most famous attractions in Kyiv. This house, designed in Art Nouveau style, was built in 1902 – 1903. The building is made in the shape of a cube, which immediately gives it an original appearance. Moreover, on one side the house has three floors, and on the other – six.

The façade is decorated with original sculptures related to hunting. So, girls are depicted riding fish, crocodiles, toads, lizards, eagles, rhinoceroses, antelopes, and dolphins. Moreover, the trunks of elephants are rainwater drains.

The interior decoration surprises with its luxurious style. Here you can appreciate the marble staircases, stucco ceilings, paintings on the walls, a ceramic stove, a chandelier made of elk antlers, and hunting trophies. You can imagine how unique the interior design is. The house with chimeras is one of the symbols of Kyiv.

Location: Bankovaya street - 10.

Mariinsky Palace, Kyiv

The Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv is the ceremonial residence of the President of Ukraine. The palace building was built in 1750 - 1755 under the guidance of the architect I. Michurina.

The Mariinsky Palace is a worthy example of the Baroque style. At the same time, the building is distinguished by strict symmetry, including a main two-story room and side wings. Directly in front of the palace there is a courtyard with green spaces and ancient fountains decorated with sculptures.

The Mariinsky Palace was rebuilt and reconstructed many times. The fire of 1819 and the actions during the Second World War were especially destructive. However, restoration efforts allowed the Mariinsky Palace to become one of the best attractions in Kyiv.

Location: st. Mikhail Grushevsky - 5a.

Pirogovo is an original open-air museum. Every tourist, if desired, can learn a lot of interesting things about peasant life, architecture and Ukrainian creativity. In order to reveal interesting facets of Ukrainian culture, the museum presents more than 300 unique buildings and outbuildings.

Pirogovo is divided into three parts:

  1. Architecture of Ukrainian villages.
  2. Interior decoration of the hut and household premises.
  3. Folk art.

All exhibits were collected from different parts of the world, thanks to which the atmosphere of Pirogovo surprises adults and children.

Palanok Castle is one of the most famous attractions located near Mukachevo. The castle complex is located right on the mountain, thanks to which it deserves even more attention from tourists.

The palanok consists of upper, middle and lower strength. Moreover, the upper castle was created already in the 14th century. Today, Palanok Castle houses an art gallery and a historical museum.

Dendrological Park "Sofievka", Uman

Sofievka Park was founded in 1796. Currently, the park complex is famous even outside of Ukraine. Tourists can appreciate waterfalls, underground rivers, grottoes, fountains and natural landscapes. While visiting the park, you can enjoy walks along the shady alley along which the Kamenka River flows. “Sofievka” is attractive at any time of the year, as nature is always ready to show its amazing beauty.

Location: Kyiv street - 12a.

Olesko Castle is a worthy example of architecture from the 14th to 17th centuries. This castle complex is located next to the small village of Olesko, which belongs to the Lviv region.

The first mention of the castle can be found in documents from 1327. The owners of the castle changed regularly, because the castle is located on the border of Galicia and Volyn. It was here that the struggle for territory between Hungary, Lithuania, and Poland developed, but subsequently the lands still went to Ukraine. Each owner of the castle contributed to the expansion of the castle complex, strengthening the walls and improving the buildings.

Olesko Castle fell into complete disrepair in the first half of the 19th century. Despite this sad period of history, the castle was restored. Now visitors can appreciate the architectural design of the Olesko Castle, see paintings, sculptures, objects of applied art, tapestries, fireplaces and stoves, furniture and antique lamps.

Lychakiv Cemetery, Lviv

Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv is one of the oldest in all of Ukraine. Currently, the Lychakiv Cemetery is recognized as a historical and memorial museum with three thousand tombstones and unique monuments. This site has been open to tourist visits since 1991.

Crypts, tombstones and sculptures are amazing architectural creations. Each visitor can celebrate the emergence of special impressions. Moreover, Gothic buildings contribute to the appearance of a special atmosphere in the cemetery.

Many famous people are buried at the Lychakiv cemetery: Ivan Franko, Nikolai Kolessa, Vitaly Ginzburg, Solomeya Krushelnitskaya, Elena Kulchitskaya.

Location: Pekarskaya street - 95.

The Opera House is one of the most important symbols of Lviv. This building is considered a worthy architectural monument.

The theater is decorated with figures of Drama, Genius, and Music, which immediately put travelers in a special mood. It is interesting to note that the theater visually resembles a temple, but it is also a sacred place for art. If you appreciate the interior, you can enjoy objects made of copper and gold, sculptures and paintings. The external and internal design of the theater surprises many tourists. The Opera House in Lviv has been operating since 1900.

Location: Svobody Avenue - 28.

City Hall, Lviv

The first town hall building in Lviv on the ancient square appeared back in 1381. In those days, demonstration executions were carried out in front of the town hall.

Subsequently, the town hall was rebuilt several times. The current building, which is the fourth, was built in 1835. The Town Hall surprises with a worthy implementation of Viennese classicism, and the ancient clock tower only complements the basis of the architectural ensemble.

Near the entrance to the town hall you can see two lions holding shields with the city coat of arms. If you climb the tower, you can find yourself on an observation deck and enjoy the views of Lviv. It's no surprise that the town hall is a famous landmark in Lviv.

Location: Market Square.

The Carpathian Mountains in the southwestern part of Ukraine are a worthy natural attraction. Recently, numerous attractions of the Carpathians associated with legends have attracted a large number of travelers. In addition, tourists can enjoy the picturesque nature.

The Carpathians allow you to enjoy hiking, horse riding, and rafting on local rivers in the summer. In winter you can enjoy snowboarding, skiing and sledding. At any time of the year, a holiday in the Carpathians will be remembered for a long time.

The Opera House in Odessa is a competitor to the theater in Lviv. The current building was built in 1887, and the first building existed in 1810 - 1873. Thus, theatrical life in Odessa has been developing for a long time.

The Opera House is a worthy example of the Viennese Baroque. At the same time, the auditorium includes the best principles of late French Rococo. You can imagine how beautiful the attraction is.

Nowadays, everyone can worry about attending an interesting performance at the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater.

Location: Tchaikovsky Lane - 1.

Odessa is famous for its amazing catacombs, which are an intricate network of passages and represent an underground labyrinth. It should be noted that the Odessa catacombs are of anthropogenic origin, but the network also includes natural passages and karst caves.

Recently, the catacombs have been of particular importance, because scientists use them to collect environmental, historical and paleontological information for a better understanding of the world. It's no surprise that the catacombs of Odessa are an important tourist attraction.

The castle in Uzhgorod is an important monument of defense architecture of Ukraine. The first information about the ancient fortress can be found in documents of the 9th century, but researchers believe that the castle arose earlier than this time.

It is assumed that it was the Croatian tribe that contributed to the appearance of the castle in Uzhgorod, but the landmark received its current appearance only in the 14th century and is now a worthy example of medieval architecture.

The castle's citadel palace, fortifications, bastions and a deep moat have survived to this day. If desired, tourists can visit a local restaurant and even taste Transcarpathian wines. Such recreational opportunities will certainly give you vivid emotions.

Location: Kapitulnaya street - 33.

DneproGES, Zaporozhye

DneproGES is a hydroelectric power station that was opened in 1932 in Zaporozhye. This hydroelectric power station is the fifth among the stations that were built on the Dnieper River. The DneproGES was developed by domestic engineers with the participation of Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, and the creation of such a facility in Zaporozhye involved the electrification of the USSR according to the plan of V.I. Lenin.

DneproGES is one of the oldest power plants on the Dnieper.

Khortitsa Island, Zaporozhye

Khortytsia Island is one of the most unusual places not only in Zaporozhye, but throughout Ukraine. Mounds, stone sculptures of the “Scythian Camp”, and a pagan sanctuary have survived to this day.

In the 16th century, the Zaporozhye Sich was founded on the island of Khortitsa, which served as the center of the Cossack state and a Cossack camp. This fact contributes to the popularity of Khortytsia.

In 1965, a National Historical and Cultural Reserve was created in Khortytsia. Now tourists can learn even more about the Cossack past.

Podgoretsky Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in the western part of Ukraine. This castle complex surprises with its worthy implementation of Baroque and Renaissance styles.

The castle was built in 1635. It was from that time that he surprised with his architectural execution. In addition, there is a beautiful Italian park around the castle. These days, Podgoretsky Castle is in need of large-scale restoration, but it still surprises many tourists with its splendor.

Ukraine is an amazing country that is ready to open its unusual facets to beginners and experienced tourists.

The main component of complex natural monuments of Ukraine are unique landscape and landscape forms of relief, that is, exotic rocks, river canyons, ancient ravines, river reaches, spits, single mountains and the like. These monuments are the most valuable. Protected natural monuments of Ukraine are treated the same way.

Complex natural monuments

Very interesting complex natural monuments located on the territory of Ukraine are:
  • Millennial oak by Maxim Zheleznyak(botanical monument) in Cherkasy region, grows on the territory of the tract. The oak itself is of great value, but its beauty is especially emphasized by the place where it grows - a steep hill.
  • Rare birch trees would not cause delight if they did not grow on a steep wall stretching along the path to Vorokhta, located on Northern Slopes of the Carpathians.
  • Rare nesting sites white handsome swans(zoological monument) benefits greatly from the fact that the birds chose a small cozy lake in deserted places as their place of residence Volyn Polesie.
  • Very unique black beaver colony on a picturesque Tchaikovsky Island in the Kremenchug Sea.
  • In Cherkasy region There are two complex natural monuments that are of historical significance.
    1. IN Chernobaevsky district in the Burty tract there are fragments of a building built for defense against the Polovtsians fortresses from the time of Yaroslav the Wise. The chronicle city of Buroml, and later Buromlya (now the village of Bolshaya Burimka) is located on the slopes of a high hill, on the right bank of the Sula River, from which everything is clearly visible Ambassador. The hump cuts into the swampy floodplain with steep triangular ledges. Around the city there were three rows of powerful earthen ramparts, the so-called Serpentine shafts more than 5 meters high. During the excavations, charred rye, millet, and barley were found. They excavated a dugout in which there were millstones. Remains of ceramic dishes and stone molds for casting women's jewelry were also found. The fortifications of the 11th century were built from thick oaks and clay. Many arrowheads, both Slavic and Polovtsian, have been found.
    2. Has educational value Cossack Val with areas of undeveloped virgin land in Lisyansky district. The height of the shafts is more than 10 meters, the perimeter is 8 kilometers, the total area is 8 hectares. A very unique and original relief of the shafts. Typical vegetation of the Right Bank steppe zone of Ukraine grows on the territory of the monument.
  • Famous complex natural monument Lelia tract in the Dnepropetrovsk region. An oak-maple grove and a patch of steppe covered with virgin vegetation form above the river Aurelius original landscape. Horseshoe Mount Maple as if protecting the eternal landscape and virgin steppes.
  • On the banks of the river, fragments of defensive structures erected in the 18th century to protect against attacks by the Crimean Tatars have been preserved. Among the dilapidated fortifications, steppe vegetation was perfectly preserved. There are especially many different medicinal plants here. Even on earthen defensive structures a rare plant grows - Lessing's feather grass. The tract is home to about 50 species of birds, including kestrel, buzzard, long-eared owl, etc.
  • Attractions include rare picturesque landscapes in floodplains and along river banks. This Goryn slopes in Volyn- the northernmost section of the forest-steppe, which extends into Western Polesie, with oak and pine plantations.
  • IN Vinnytsia region V tract Knyaginya on both banks Kamka River Among the forest plantations, individual sandstones of various shapes come to the surface. There are also springs that feed the Kamenka River. Spring adonis grows on the steep rocky slopes of the tract.
  • IN Yampolsky district in the Stenka tract On the steep slope of the left bank of the Dniester, ash trees grow; in the lower part of the slope there are individual oaks aged 300-380 years. There are also many sandstone outcrops here.
  • Gaydamat well-source in the center of the forest reminds of the historical past Podolia.
  • In Ternopil region(Buchatsky district) a classic complex attraction is a limestone outcrop with a waterfall and a cave Seven Sources. Together with the forest plantation, it occupies 3 hectares.
  • Typical Polesie tracts of Chernihiv region also refer to complex attractions. There are also mixed forests, beaver runs, and rare areas of swamp, meadow and forest vegetation.
  • IN Lavrik tract(the old bed of the Seim River) is located beaver settlement. The outstanding complex monument of the region is Mezin Switzerland- magnificent mountain landscape. Archaeological and paleontological remains have been found here, in particular a settlement of mammoth hunters.
  • In Lviv region valuable original landscapes with remnants of steppe vegetation have the mountains Lysaya, Vysokaya, Svyatoy, Shulitskaya, Barn Owl, Hera and White Stone.
  • 10 monuments of republican significance include mountain landscapes. Three of them are located in the Carpathian region.
    1. Mountains Zhivopisnaya and Kosovo in the Galician region- a rare combination of rocky hills with gypsum outcrops covered with relict steppe vegetation. There are a lot of spring adonis growing here.
    2. Verkhnee Ozerishche tract- a very picturesque basin under mountain Gropa. There are beautiful landscapes here, high-mountain Carpathian forests and subalpine meadows.
    3. IN Transcarpathian region in Volovets district located mountain Vysoky Kamen. These are picturesque rocky landslides on the main watershed of the Eastern Carpathians; sessile oak grows here.
There are also interesting complex natural monuments in other areas. The natural monuments of Ukraine are treated the same