What time is it in Sharm El Sheikh. Time in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Time zone Sharm el-Sheikh UTC + 2 hours. The time difference between Sharm el-Sheikh and Moscow is minus 1 hour. Here you can find out what time it is in Sharm el-Sheikh. Current time in Sharm el-Sheikh online:

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Sharm el-Sheikh is located in the UTC + 2 hours time zone. Egyptian time is 1 hour behind.

Distance from Sharm el-Sheikh to Moscow– 3114 km.

Distance from Sharm el-Sheikh to Kyiv– 2534 km.

Distance from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg– 3576 km.

Distance from Sharm el-Sheikh to Cairo– 496 km.

Distance from Sharm el-Sheikh to Hurghada– 760 km.

Population of Sharm el-Sheikh: 35 thousand people.

Sharm el-Sheikh telephone code: +20 69.

Sharm el-Sheikh Airport(Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport) Code: SSH: Helpline: +20 69 360 1140.

Sights of Sharm el-Sheikh:

Sharm el-Sheikh. The splendor of this resort is amazing. It is located in a corner of the Sinai Peninsula and is translated into Russian as “Tsar’s Gulf”.

Shores Sharm el-Sheikh represent a large number of various bays, near which dozens of hotels are conveniently located. Sharm el-Sheikh is a very quickly and efficiently developing resort area in Egypt, so prices for holidays in general, and for services in particular, are slightly higher than the average prices for Egypt and neighboring resort areas.

However, despite the relatively high prices, Sharm el-Sheikh annually attracts thousands of tourists from different countries, and there are quite logical justifications for this. One of these justifications is the fact that it is in Sharm el-Sheikh that you have the opportunity to meet an underwater world that cannot be found anywhere else. All this is the merit of the Red Sea, on the shores of which this resort area is located. The underwater world of these places will truly not leave anyone indifferent: neither those who like to watch the unique underwater world, nor diving professionals.

In addition, lovers of a simple beach holiday will also get an unforgettable pleasure - here they have at their disposal several types of coastlines that are stunning in their composition: both sandy and coral beaches.

Fans of historical research will not be left out either: this resort area has plenty of attractions to suit every taste.

The climatic environment of Sharm el-Sheikh is so stable that the swimming season here is year-round. It is also believed that Sharm el-Sheikh is the most favorable resort in winter, because... It is warmer here than in neighboring resort areas, on average, by 2-3 degrees.

Trip to Sharm el-Sheikh- this is not only a wonderful vacation, but also an opportunity to plunge into a great variety of local legends and myths.

Along with this, Sharm el-Sheikh is filled with other natural attractions, among which the main place is occupied by the Colored Canyon, which, due to its size, is one of the ten largest canyons in the world.

For thrill-seekers, there are entire water park areas, the opportunity to take a safari through a real desert (you can choose between jeeps or ATVs), swim and drive a yacht, and much, much more. The most amazing thing is that in front of all this splendor, the prices for all entertainment no longer seem so high.

The most prestigious and most Europeanized Egyptian resort, the mecca of world diving, Sharm el-Sheikh is a city located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula between Africa and Asia and washed by the warm waters of the Red Sea. Find out on the Tour Calendar why the winter months are not particularly popular here, and the busiest tourist period is from September to November and from March to May.

Tourist season in Sharm el-Sheikh

Probably every second traveler began to discover the world by purchasing a trip to Egypt. And today, one of the most popular resorts in the country, Sharm el-Sheikh, no longer needs any special introduction, because it is on everyone’s lips. It used to be a small village in the middle of the sands of the Sinai Desert, but today this amazing green oasis, where every detail screams of luxury, is a massive tourist destination, providing an annual stable influx of vacationers in the amount of 3.5 million people. The most luxurious hotels, the most exciting diving in the world, the most beautiful beaches, and, of course, corresponding prices - you will find all this in Sharm el-Sheikh, where the tourist season does not stop for a minute!

High season

The heaviest tourist traffic is observed at the resort during the New Year holidays; the rush does not last long - no more than 1-1.5 weeks, however, problems can easily arise with booking rooms at this time. Hotels are 90%-95% full. The weather conditions, by Egyptian standards, are quite cool, however, there are a lot of people willing to pay twice as much for a holiday tour as at any other time, which sometimes confirms the demand for the resort and the high quality of the holiday. Another surge in tourism occurs from March to the end of May and from September to the end of November. It is mainly determined by the excellent weather conditions prevailing here at this time. Sharm el-Sheikh has always positioned itself as an elite resort; it is not for nothing that the head of state chose this very place to build his villa, and today the Egyptian elite loves to sunbathe here. Prices for hotels, services and entertainment are approximately 20% more expensive than in other cities of the state, so mainly wealthy tourists or people with above-average incomes come here during the high season. Today the resort is dominated by Italians and Russians, with slightly fewer Ukrainians and Germans.

Low season

Immediately after the end of the New Year and Christmas, most holidaymakers return home, and the new influx of tourists is not so intense. The thing is that in winter the Red Sea is not very warm, it is no longer hot during the day, and even cold at night. Summer is also not in great demand, but for the diametrically opposite reason - it is very hot (*at midday the thermometer can rise to +40 °C, but due to the arid climate, high temperatures are tolerated much more easily here than, for example, in Turkey, suffering from high levels of humidity). All this negatively affects the sales volume of this tourist destination, so in the low season, from June to August and from the second half of January to February, tour operators, in order not to go into the red, have to offer tours literally at cost. Keep in mind that the most profitable last-minute tours can be caught literally 2-3 days before departure. The vacation turns out to be spontaneous, but it turns out to save a large item of vacation expenses.

Beach season in Sharm el-Sheikh

The swimming season in Sharm el-Sheikh lasts all year round, as the minimum water temperature in the Red Sea in the winter season is +20 °C. It is closed only sporadically, after another shark attack on tourists. In summer, the water temperature is quite high - about +28..+29 °C, however, it is much more comfortable for swimming than at the same time on the Turkish Riviera. But in winter, most people may find the sea cool, and even after sunset you won’t be able to sit on the beach. The most favorable time for swimming is autumn and spring.

Diving season

Many divers around the world have an unearthly love for Sharm el-Sheikh because of the rich and vibrant underwater world, and most importantly, the bizarre coral reefs that are located right off the coast. The diving season lasts all year round, but the best conditions for practicing this sport will be from May to October.

Best time for excursions

First of all, those for whom water activities come first, and only then a cultural program, go to Sharm el-Sheikh. However, this does not mean that there is nothing interesting in the city. On the contrary, the “excursion” offered here is very varied - just have time to visit the sights. In summer, few people manage to withstand the heat of the Egyptian sun, but spring and autumn are perfect for traveling to tourist sites. In winter, temperatures are probably the most suitable, but due to periodic winds, excursions may not take place in the most comfortable conditions, so it is worth checking the weather. Priority trips this season are to Cairo and Luxor, as it is very hot there the rest of the year.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Sharm el-Sheikh is completely geared towards tourists; there is no city as such, so the bulk of the holidays celebrated here are aimed at the resort crowd. In May, a grandiose Camel Festival is held, in April the welcoming of spring takes place as part of the Sham el-Nasim holiday, and in October-November there are numerous boat races.

Climate in Sharm el Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh has a subtropical desert climate with insignificant annual precipitation: in winter and spring there is about 1 wet day per month, summer and autumn are characterized by complete drought. The annual temperature variation is quite smooth. The warmest period of the year is from April to October, and the coolest, respectively, is from November to March. Thanks to the protection from the north-west by the Sinai Mountains, the winds here are much weaker, and the climate is a couple of degrees warmer than in Hurghada.

Sharm el-Sheikh in spring

In March, the climate changes from cool to warm season. The thermometer gradually creeps up, and by April the weather becomes truly summer. This also applies to night temperatures, which at this time reach a comfortable +19..+20 °C. The water in the sea is warming up - approximately +23..+25 °C. The active swimming season opens, and the beaches are filled with tourists. In the first two months of spring, there is a risk of sandstorms provoked by the hot wind from the Hasmin desert, but, fortunately, such weather lasts no more than 1-3 days, so there is nothing to fear. In May the weather becomes hot, the sun becomes more active, the evenings are very pleasant and warm.

Temperature and weather in Sharm el Sheikh in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+21 +25 +29
Temperature during the day+25 +30 +34
Temperature at night+16 +20 +24
Water temperature+22 +23 +25
Rain1 day1 day1 day

Sharm el-Sheikh in summer

Summer at the resort is so hot that only “heat-resistant” tourists can endure it

In summer, Sharm el-Sheikh is reserved only for tin soldiers and tourists resistant to high temperatures. Almost every day - 40-degree heat, 13 hours of bright sunshine out of a 14-hour daylight. And even in the dark, the weather is not at all pleasing - the mercury column stably freezes at +26..+27 °C. The sea is very warm, so it does not bring the expected refreshing effect. However, due to the low level of humidity, such weather is somewhat easier to bear, but it is still quite unsafe to go to the resort with children at this time.

Temperature and weather in Sharm el Sheikh in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+32 +33 +33
Temperature during the day+37 +38 +37
Temperature at night+26 +27 +28
Water temperature+26 +28 +29

Sharm el-Sheikh in autumn

Autumn, along with spring, is considered the most favorable time for a holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. This is a kind of velvet season - an improved version of summer with more moderate weather conditions. Clear skies, warm seas and mild evenings with a light breeze. In November there are a lot of tourists at the resort, which is explained by the coming end of the high season in Turkey, as well as a series of public holidays. Temperatures are slightly lower than in the first two autumn months, but quite pleasant for a beach holiday. In addition, the water does not yet think about cooling.

Weather in Sharm el-Sheikh

Yandex.Weather: Sharm el-Sheikh
Freemeteo.com: Sharm el-Sheikh weather

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Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - general information

The length of an earthly day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis, and is 24 hours.
A consequence of the Earth's rotation is both the change of day and night, and the fact that when moving from west to east by 15° longitude, local solar time, determined by the apparent position of the Sun, increases by 1 hour.
In everyday life, official local time is used, which differs to a greater or lesser extent from solar time. The entire surface of the Earth is divided into time zones (in other terminology - time zones). Within the same time zone, the same time is used. The boundaries of time zones are determined by considerations of convenience and, as a rule, coincide with interstate or administrative boundaries. The time difference between adjacent time zones is usually one hour, although in some cases the time in adjacent time zones differs by two or more hours. There is also a time shift of 30 or 45 minutes. For most countries, the entire territory of the country is within the same time zone. The territory of countries extending from west to east over a considerable distance, such as , Russia , USA , Canada Brazil and a number of others, usually divided into several time zones. The exception is China
, throughout which Beijing time is used. The reference point for determining the time zone offset in time is Coordinated Universal Time or UTC
. UTC corresponds to the mean solar time at the prime or Greenwich meridian. Time zone offsets relative to UTC range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00. Almost all countries Europe And North America