Karelia in early October. When is the best time to relax in Karelia?

Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year.
But, undoubtedly, the peak of visitation to Karelia occurs in the summer.
One of the reasons for the summer popularity of Karelia is that the main attractions (Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki) can only be reached by “water”.
Navigation opens from mid-May and closes in mid-September.
Therefore, it is better to plan an excursion holiday in Karelia for the summer (during the navigation period), so that you have the opportunity to visit most of the excursion sites.

Summer or should you choose a winter holiday?

In winter, most likely, you will not be able to visit the famous Solovki and the island of Valaam, as you could do in the summer, when navigation is open.
But you will definitely see real winter northern nature! Snowdrifts, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, dog sledding and other winter activities are available in Karelia in winter.
The most convenient time to visit Karelia in winter is the New Year holidays. A large selection of tours, excursions and active programs are offered on these dates.

Spring and autumn

In spring and autumn, the most popular in Karelia is a relaxing holiday - renting cottages on the lake, sanatorium treatment or small excursion trips with a visit to the Kivach waterfall, Marcial Water springs, museums in the city of Petrozavodsk, a zoo complex with Karelian animals, Karelian villages.

Which summer month is best to choose to visit Karelia?

Any summer month, be it June, July or August, is a time for a great holiday in Karelia.
You should not rely on the weather when planning the dates of your trip to Karelia.
Our weather is very changeable and can change even within one day several times.
We recommend choosing travel dates that are convenient for you.
  • Karelia in June
  • This month the weather is nice and sunny, not too hot, but already warm.
    Navigation is already open, so you can visit the main attractions: Kizhi Island, Valaam Island, Solovki.
    You can enjoy walks in the forest and boat rides on the lake or Marble Canyon.
    The first berries appear in the forest - strawberries.
    The waterfalls of the Ladoga region are especially beautiful in June, when there is still quite a lot of water in them. The Ruskeala mountain park is also beautiful, framed by trees with bright green foliage, reflected in the clear water of the marble canyon. The Kivach Nature Reserve is no less beautiful with flowering arboretum plants and a waterfall.
    In addition, June is the time of “white nights” in Karelia. It is very light outside at night, just like during the day, so you can see more even on evening excursions.
  • Karelia in July
  • July in Karelia is considered one of the warmest months of summer.
    The water in lakes and rivers, as usual, is already warming up.
    There are a lot of blueberries and raspberries in the forest. July is also good for fishing.
    All attractions located on the islands are available for visiting: Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki.
    You will also see more amazing “white nights” of our region.
  • Karelia in August
  • This is the time to collect berries and mushrooms, of which there are a lot in the Karelian forests.
    The weather this month is still warm, you can sunbathe and swim, since the water has warmed up well over the previous two summer months. It is believed that after August 2, Ilya’s Day, you can no longer swim, but this is just a legend, and, of course, local residents and tourists who come on vacation enjoy swimming in lakes and rivers and sunbathing on the beautiful sandy Karelian beaches.
    It happens that in August in our northern region it is very warm and even hot, but the weather is quite changeable and can change to cool with rain, so it is better to take with you both light clothing and something warmer, as well as an umbrella. In the second half of August, the flow of tourists to Karelia becomes less, usually the weather is not as hot as in July, so a holiday in August is suitable for those who do not like heat and would like to visit the sights as part of a small group.
    You will be able to see Valaam, Kizhi, and Solovki; navigation is still open to all islands in August.

When is the best time to come for an active holiday?

The natural conditions of Karelia contribute to the development of the water recreation industry. There are more than 59 thousand lakes and 26 thousand rivers in Karelia.
Rafting on the stormy Karelian rivers begins in early May. This type of holiday is suitable for experienced water divers, because rafting in the spring requires experience and special clothing (neoprene suit).
In June, July, and August there are water trips for both beginners and experienced tourists.
In addition to rafting, jeep tours are in demand in Karelia. There are many interesting roads in our region that only a specially prepared SUV can drive on. There are beautiful and hard-to-reach sights of Karelia, which again can only be visited by jeep (for example, Mount Vottovaara, churches and villages in Zaonezhie and others). Jeep tours are also organized from May to September.
In winter, active recreation in Karelia is represented by snowmobile tours and dog sled tours.

But the main attraction of Karelia is still Karelian nature, with its endless forests, countless lakes and rivers, and, of course, clean air. It fascinates with its unique beauty at any time of the year.
Come and get to know Karelia with our company “Karelia-Lines”! And you will definitely return to Karelia again, regardless of the time of year!

Karelia has been a popular tourist destination for many years now, with people coming to this region not only in the summer, but throughout the year. People come to this place for active recreation, as well as good fishing. In addition, ideal conditions have been created in Karelia for a person to take a break from the bustle of the city, large crowds of people and be alone with nature. October is far from the worst month for such a trip. Considering that Karelia has access to the sea here, it combines a temperate and continental climate, thanks to which there are no severe frosts in October and it does not rain around the clock. It's cool outside, but it can't be said that it's cold (morning frosts are possible). The weather is mostly humid, there are not many sunny days, but they still occur. You need to take warm clothes and raincoats with you, as strong, cold winds are possible. If you consider yourself to be a homebody or people who lead a passive lifestyle even on vacation, then you are unlikely to go to Karelia. In October, many tourists come to Karelia and everyone has their own goals, but few people pursue the goal of living in comfortable (five-star) conditions. I don’t even know if there are such hotels in Karelia. But considering that you are going to live at a recreation center without any special amenities, your vacation should be wonderful.

If we talk specifically about weather conditions, the weather at this time can be described as unpredictable. If the sun is shining in the morning, it doesn’t mean anything; in an hour the sky may become cloudy and it will rain and vice versa. But this is precisely where many tourists find the romance of traveling to Karelia in October.

One of the main entertainments in Karelia during this period is walking. The republic has simply ideal conditions for such hikes (forests, lakes and many beautiful places where you can have a picnic or simply enjoy the unique beauty of nature, not to mention the cleanest air).

The best conditions for fishing in Karelia begin to be created in October, when valuable species of fish and a lot of fish appear in the reservoirs (you won’t have to sit for several hours to catch one fish). If you or your husband love fishing, then you will have a great opportunity to please yourself with some kind of “trophy”.

It’s a little wrong to think that Karelia is a complete wilderness and all entertainment falls solely on the shoulders of the tourists themselves, but this is not so. Since tourism in the republic is constantly developing, travel agencies are appearing that offer various hikes, excursions and trips. You can also find a professional guide who knows the area like the back of his hand and can arrange an unforgettable hike or other excursion.

When is the best time to go to Karelia?

Karelia is a magical, enchanted, reserved land. You can spend all day exploring its corners and finding more and more new locations, discovering places of enchanting beauty. But when is the best time to go to Karelia? Still, this is not the south of the country: the weather in Karelia can be capricious and capricious. And you don’t want to ruin the whole impression of your trip because of heavy rain or severe wind. That is why we have prepared a small educational program on when it is better to go, what to wear and what to take.

Karelia in different seasons

Winter, spring, summer, autumn - each of these seasons is beautiful in its own way. Karelia changes its outfits all year round and each time appears new, mysterious and beautiful before enchanted wanderers.

Summer, of course, is considered a favorite among tourists. This is due not only to the comfort and joy of the gentle sun, but also to the fact that some of the sights of Karelia can only be reached by water. Among such places are Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki - you must agree, they are not the last items on the list to visit! The navigation season opens in mid-May and closes in mid-September. Therefore, if you want to book an excursion or go on a tour of the main attractions, it is better to plan your trip for the summer.

In winter, spring and autumn, it is better to go to Karelia for a relaxing holiday: get treatment in a sanatorium or rent a cottage on the shore of a lake. You can also go and see the power of the Kivach waterfall, visit the Marcial Waters, famous since Peter’s times, stroll through the exhibitions of Petrozavodsk museums, and admire the animals in Karelian zoo complexes.

It’s especially magical in Karelia on New Year’s Eve and January holidays. You can choose one of many excursion programs and visit the Assumption Church, the zoo complex, Petrozavodsk, the Kivach waterfall, and go to the Karelian Father Frost. This is not to mention the traditional winter activities: cheesecake skiing, skiing, snowmobiling and many others.

When is the best time to go fishing in Karelia?


You can go without waiting until summer: then you won’t be bothered by annoying mosquitoes. At the same time, the sun will warm you up and give you a pleasant natural tan. At the beginning of the month you can catch the last ice and go fishing, but you need to do this very carefully. It’s better not to risk it and fish for roach and bream from the shore using a float rod.

Let us remind you that in early May pike and perch are spawning. After it, they are especially active, so fishermen should be prepared. And the pike, in addition, begins to eat, and it becomes easier to catch it. Around the same time, a bream comes into the bay right up to the houses, and it’s often possible to pull out a big guy weighing 2 kilograms from the shore!

After the ice melts, it is time for active salmon trolling (lane fishing). This is an ancient fishing method that is still very popular and effective. Don’t forget that fishing in early May can be combined with hunting for migratory birds. That's when the season opens.

Summer months

In summer, Karelia has wonderful weather for fishing. In addition, it will be nice to combine it with a visit to various attractions.

At the end of June, the famous white nights arrive, when nature is especially beautiful and open to travelers. On such days, it seems that the sun does not want to go beyond the horizon, and it constantly keeps an eye on the beauties of the protected region. This is a great time for evening fishing. It is in the evenings that large bream swim closer to the shore to feed. In addition to it, pike, roach, ide, perch and salmon are also objects of fishing.

When July comes, the rivers of Karelia become so warm that you can stay out of them for days. You can swim all day long. But we know that this will not tempt fishermen: after all, it is in July that it is good to catch steam perch on the luds. Steam perch is a classic of northern reservoirs. It is in the summer, when it gets hot, that there are especially many perches. At the same time, they greedily peck at any filling: from a worm to a spinner.

The heat can last until August, after which it becomes a little cooler. The nights are getting longer and the annoying mosquitoes are disappearing. Usually, during this season, mushroom pickers and hunters become more active, and real freedom begins for them. There is also plenty of fish, for example the pike that swims very close to the shore in the evening.

Beginning of autumn

In September it is already cool for swimming, but it is an excellent time for fishing. The bite is still good, there are no midges anymore, and the air is quite warm. In October it becomes noticeably colder, and late autumn is slowly coming into its own. At this time, fishing is unstable, you can try to catch perch, but it will be much more pleasant to sit by the fireplace, read a good book or admire the views from the window.

When is the best time to have an active holiday in Karelia?

For those who do not really like sitting for hours with a fishing rod, and who prefer an active pastime, we recommend visiting Karelia in the warm months (from May to September) or during the winter holidays.


There are many lakes and rivers in Karelia (more than 59,000 and 26,000 respectively). Therefore, water routes, excursions, and tourist activities are developed in these parts. For those who want to connect their leisure time with rivers and lakes, an important factor will be the lack of ice on the water. As we mentioned above, you can plow the waters of Karelia from May to September.

The rafting season begins in spring. It is better for beginners not to go out on the water at this time, the rivers are still too stormy. But experienced “watermen” will enjoy such tests. For rafting on spring water, you need a special suit made of neoprene - porous rubber. It will prevent the tourist from freezing by letting a little water through and allowing it to warm up from body heat.

But in the summer you can go rafting, even if you have no experience at all. There is plenty to choose from: routes on catamarans, kayaks, rafting. Choose the duration (from 1 day to 2 weeks) and complexity of the route and give yourself a wonderful adventure that will be remembered for a long time.

Jeep tours

The adventurer can move not only on water. When he arrives in Karelia, endless ribbons of roads stretch out in front of him: inaccessible and mysterious. But they can also be curbed if you have a prepared SUV at your disposal.

It is worth noting that you won’t be able to see some sights without a jeep: some waterfalls in the Ladoga region and villages in Zaonezhie. You can travel by car from May to September.

What to take with you?

The temperature in Karelia is always unpredictable, no matter when you decide to visit it: winter, spring, summer or autumn. Today the warm sun may smile at you, and tomorrow it will be replaced by biting rain - you need to be prepared for this.

So, what is important to take with you?


Windbreaker for protection from cloudy days, warm sweater, sweatpants, light clothing for warm weather (shorts, T-shirts), swimsuits. If you're visiting during the colder months, consider a jacket, thick socks and layered layers.


Sports shoes (for everyday wear), sandals (for hot weather), rubber boots (for fishing).


What it will be is not so important. The main thing is that you do not get sunstroke.


It's easy to carry everything you need. For example, a sweater is for sudden cold snaps.

Remedies for midges

If you are traveling to Karelia on hot days (late June - early July), you should take mosquito repellent with you. Also, be aware of ticks.

North Karelia.

Moscow time.
In the summer from June to mid-July in North Karelia you can experience real white nights. So when it's light outside at night and the sun is shining, don't be surprised. These are white nights.

The longest day- 22nd of June. And in winter from December to mid-January there is polar night. The shortest day- December 22.

Weather in Karelia.

Don't forget that this is north. After 200 km the Arctic Circle. Despite the fact that over the past three years there has been a sharp warming of the climate (early spring; long summer until November; winter generally arrives at the end of December), the north is characterized by its unpredictable weather changes. Take with you warm clothes, protection from the rain (umbrellas, plastic cape, windbreakers, etc.), waterproof shoes, warm socks, tracksuit, hat for sun protection, long-sleeve shirt, sneakers.

We are going to Karelia in our own car.

Road. On the way to Karelia you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with all types of departmental highways. The main route will be along the federal road - highway M 18 - St. Petersburg - Murmansk. Since the road is federal, the republic always has money to maintain it in more or less decent condition. Having reached the turn to Kalevala village (20 km after the turn to Kem), you find yourself on a highway of republican significance. From the turn to Kalevala there are 160 km. First, asphalt (rated three plus), then new asphalt, then 20 km of “primer”. But worry, the “primer” is very well rolled. The problem is the crushed stone that flies out from under the wheels and hits the bottom. Therefore, hurry up. To prevent dust from covering the entire interior, hurry to close the windows. After the “priming”, don’t be too happy about the asphalt that appears. On the contrary, slow down. Next 10 km. prepare a “three-story curse.” “Karelian hedgehogs” are waiting for you on the road - these are protruding stumps, on which asphalt was once laid on top. Slow down and be patient. Otherwise, you risk puncturing the crankcase. Then there is a fairly decent asphalt road. Beware of sharp turns and uphill slopes. Whatever the temptation, stay strictly in your lane. The traffic can be intense.
Follow the signs along the entire road through Karelia.
1. The traffic police are constantly on duty: at the first fork on the turn; at the entrance 3-5 km to Medvezhyegorsk; at the fork to Segezha; at Pushny; at the turn to Kem (sometimes). Next is clean. When entering Kalevala, be sure to drop to 40 and fasten your seat belt. In Kalevala they are fined for this, but everything is documented in the Protocol (receipts were not delivered). They don't take bribes.

2. Of course, the road in Karelia is like a washboard. Therefore, if you see a “Rough Road” sign, don’t smile, no one is kidding you. It's just that soon there will be... a ditch, and this is dangerous!

fuels and lubricants.
With gasoline, thank God, there are no problems on the highway now. Lots of TNK gas stations. Prices are reasonable, but higher than in Moscow. There are A-92, A-95. The last TNK gas station opened in the summer of 2005, just before the turn to Kalevala (160 km to Kalevala). Further to Kalevala there is not a single gas station. Fuel up to capacity. There are two gas stations in Kalevala. One of them sometimes carries an A-95 (only it looks like an A-92). Actually, gasoline is not of good quality, so take additives, although they are sold at gas stations. You can buy any oil in Kalevala. Finnish oils are constantly on sale.

Car service.
There is a new service station right in the village of Kalevala in conjunction with a TNK gas station. There are also enough experienced and knowledgeable craftsmen with experience working at Finnish service stations. Tire mounting and balancing are automated.

You are going to the taiga. There are no ATMs here. There is no place to cash out credit cards. Dollars from the USA and euros from Europe can be exchanged, but at a reduced rate. There is no currency exchange office in Kalevala (only by hand). Sberbank of the Russian Federation operates.

Medical care.
Kalevala is a district center, so there is a district hospital and an ambulance too. A new children's clinic and maternity hospital were built. So you can give birth :). There are two pharmacies. Essential medicines are always on sale. The supply is stable. If you need to take any special and expensive medications, take them from home. Due to the high cost and low solvency of the population (and in general, few people get sick here), expensive medicines are brought only to order.

Photo supplies.
Of course, you will take a camera and video camera with you. There are no problems with photographic film. Mostly 200 units. Big difficulties with cassettes for video cameras. Take it from home. There are no photo studios like Kodak or Konica here. The closest ones are in Kemi and Kostomuksha. But there shouldn't be any problems with using digital photography.

MegaFon has been operating since July 1, 2005. In the village of Kalevala the connection is stable. In some places in the forest and on lakes you can also “catch” the connection. Tip: MegaFon will not automatically appear on your phones. Set it up manually. Wired communication works without problems. Communication services can be used at a telegraph office or in a hotel. VHF radio is very different from other regions. A large number of radio stations broadcast to Medvezhyegorsk. In Kalevala you can listen to radio on long and medium frequencies. Finnish radio works well on VHF. Music station "Radio Mafia". And since the beginning of 2005, you can listen to “Dynamite FM” on wave 107.

A television.
In Kalevala there are only two TV channels - ORT and RTR.

The food supply in Kalevala is fine. Don’t take any food with you from Moscow. Well, except that olives with anchovies are difficult to buy. If you can't live without them, take them with you. Take specific products that you are used to. And don’t even think about grinding potatoes and sausage with butter on yourself. All this is sold in assortment (of course, poorer than in the cities). To be honest, in the summer it is problematic to find fruit - everything is sold out at once. Although the trading network is very well developed. More than 30 shops in the village. But with manufactured goods it is much more difficult. There is only one department store and several department stores. There are no problems with hygiene products. Alcohol is sold in different quantities and of different quality: Karelian production is worse, Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. the choice is very large (you can judge the quality for yourself). There is a lot of beer, there are different wines, but they don’t sell elite ones. Expensive alcoholic drinks (whisky, rum, Hennessy cognac, etc.) are not sold in stores, only in cafes.

Of course, Karelia is famous for its mosquitoes and midges. There’s nothing you can do about it - nature (in Sunny Beach in Bulgaria they also come out in July). Take mosquito and midge repellent. We can't recommend anything. Just don’t take Belarusian and Polish production. If you are going fishing or into the forest, then take a mosquito net. Mosquitoes are active in late June - early July in the evenings. At the end of August, midges appear, which is much worse than mosquitoes.
There are no ticks or snakes in northern Karelia.

The article was prepared based on materials from http://kalevala.com.ru