Red settlement. Krasnaya Sloboda Village Krasnaya Sloboda Azerbaijan


Several years ago, it seemed to the public and residents of Moscow that the capital had been cleared for a long time of two hotbeds of crime, corruption and illegal migration that had existed for almost 20 years. In 2009, the Cherkizovo clothing market closed (the main owner of the AST group of companies, a native of Azerbaijan, Telman Ismailov). Four years later, in 2013, the same fate befell the Pokrovskaya vegetable base in Biryulyovo (the owners are brothers from Dagestan Aliaskhab Gadzhiev and Igor Isaev, aka Ibragim Gadzhiev). It seemed that Yuri Luzhkov had left, and with him his associates from the business world, their ethnic businesses and ethnic criminal groups. But today it is clear that this was a delusion. It’s just that traders from markets have moved to large shopping centers and European-style agricultural wholesale stores, which are owned by representatives of the same ethnic business and which are controlled by the same ethnic organized crime groups.
Today, the role of “Cherkizovo” in Moscow is played by the capital’s largest clothing market “Sadovod” (located on the site of the Poultry Market, its area is 60 hectares) and the Moscow shopping center in Lyublino (this is the territory of the former Moscow Ball Bearing Plant, the area is 175 thousand square meters ). Instead of a vegetable base in Biryulyovo there is a huge wholesale of agricultural products "Foodcity" on Kaluzhskoe Highway (area - 80 hectares). And “Sadovod”, and the shopping center “Moscow”, and “Foodcity” are all projects of Telman Ismailov’s former business partners - Zarakh Iliev and God Nisanov. These two businessmen own so many properties that at the end of 2016, Forbes awarded them the title of kings of Russian real estate. Their rental income for the year is $1.3 billion.
Friend of Luzhkov and “godfather” of Mountain Jews
The godfather in the capital's business for Iliev and Nisanov was once the owner of AST.
All three - Telman Ismailov, Zarakh Iliev and God Nisanov - consider themselves to be part of the community of Mountain Jews from Azerbaijan. Only Ismailov was born in Baku, and Iliev and Nisanov were born in Krasnaya Sloboda, located 150 kilometers from the Azerbaijani capital and which is the only place of compact residence of Mountain Jews in the entire post-Soviet space. (Back in the 1980s, the mountaineers developed friendly relations with Heydar Aliyev’s clan, and it is still believed in Azerbaijan that the current president, Ilham Aliyev, retains his post largely thanks to the support of mountain Jews and Israel).

Telman Ismailov (he was born in 1956), raised by his father, a shop worker, opened the first consignment store in Baku while still a first-year student at the Republican Narxoz. But then he decided to expand his career horizons and in the 1980s he left for Moscow. Here, after briefly working as an economist in the Ministry of Trade and as an expert at Vostokintorg, he created his first enterprise - the AS group
In the early 1990s, the company opened the first commercial stores in the capital, or komki, as they were then called. There were more than 50 of them. At that time, food supply was difficult in Moscow and Yuri Luzhkov, who became the mayor of the capital in 1992, supported the idea of ​​lumps.
Apparently, Telman Ismailov was introduced to Mayor Luzhkov by his older brother Fazil Izmailov (formerly Ismailov), a graduate of the Moscow State University Law Faculty, who has worked in various management structures in Moscow since 1991. For many years he was the first deputy head of the Sokol district administration. Later, Telman Ismailov's AST company began to earn money from wholesale markets - Luzhniki and Cherkizovo, or Cherkizon. By the mid-2000s, the businessman himself estimated the company's assets at $3 billion. At that time, Telman Ismailov and Fazil Izmailov were considered key figures in the Moscow community of Mountain Jews. The brothers helped their fellow tribesmen advance in Moscow.
Zarakh Iliev (born in 1966), the son of a shoemaker from Krasnaya Sloboda, ended up in Moscow in the 1980s. He engaged in small-scale commerce (trading flowers and cognac), and, having met Telman Ismailov, eventually became a co-owner of Cherkizon. In the 1990s, Ismailov accepted into his company AST God Nisanov (born in 1972), the son of the director of a cannery from Krasnaya Sloboda. Nisanov later said that he took the initial capital for promoting the business - more than 80 thousand dollars - from his father. However, experts are inclined to think that the Soviet director could not have had so much cash, and that Nisanov earned the money from Cherkizon.
Nimble “godsons”

In the early 2000s, the Moscow Arbitration Court decided to clear the area occupied by Cherkizovo from traders. Knowing about the friendship of Telman Ismailov and Yuri Luzhkov, the metropolitan government clearly delayed the eviction of the market. But fellow countrymen Iliev and Nisanov nevertheless began to look for an alternate airfield in case Cherkizon was closed and already in 2001 they created the Kyiv Ploshchad company and a number of others. Soon, Iliev and Nisanov, together with the capital’s government, which favored them as Ismailov’s business partners, invested in the Moscow shopping center in Lyublino and undertook to build the Evropeisky shopping and business complex in the area of ​​the Kievsky railway station. The complex was supposed to grow on the site of the Kitezh wholesale market (shortly before the deal, its owners, the leaders of the Tagansko-Redkinskaya organized crime group Viktor Ryshkov and Yuri Zamorin, were killed). In the same 2000s, Iliev and Nisanov became the owners of the Sadovod clothing market, the management of which they entrusted to another native of Krasnaya Sloboda, German Zakharyaev. But the most public purchase of the owners of Kievskaya Square was the Ukraine Hotel. At an auction in 2005, businessmen paid the city about $270 million for the Stalinist high-rise building and promised to reconstruct it.
While Iliev and Nisanov were building their own separate business, the main owner of the Cherkizovo market, Telman Ismailov, was building the seven-star Mardan Palace hotel in Turkey. He opened it in the spring of 2009, at the height of the economic crisis in Russia, and immediately fell into disgrace with the federal authorities. That same year Cherkizon was closed - even Luzhkov no longer helped. In 2009, after the loss of the market, AST Ismailov fell to 176th place in the Forbes ranking of the largest non-public companies with revenue of 10.9 billion rubles (versus 18.2 billion in 2008). While “Kyiv Ploshchad” by Iliev and Nisanov rose to 97th place with revenue of 20.7 billion rubles (versus 12.4 billion a year earlier).
Two more attacks on Ismailov soon followed. In 2010, Luzhkov was dismissed by Russian President Medvedev from the post of mayor of Moscow due to loss of trust. In 2012, Fazil Ismailov also left the post of deputy prefect of the northern district of the capital, allegedly to retire. This coincided with the termination of the criminal case against Izmailov’s former boss, prefect Yuri Khardikov. At one time, the wife of Mayor Luzhkov, businesswoman Elena Baturina, accused Khardikov of fraud. In response, the prefect who fled abroad published data on corruption and abuse of power during the allocation of land plots by Luzhkov and Izmailov. (By the way, when the new head of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, began to restore order in street trading and issued a decree on the demolition of over 100 unauthorized buildings at the entrances to the metro, quite a few of them were found in the Sokol district. According to a number of publications, some of the stalls demolished in 2016 belonged to Izmailov).
“Cherkizonov will not be here”
With the arrival of Sobyanin, problems began to arise one after another for Zarakh Iliev and God Nisanov. By the time the Cherkizovo market closed, they already had an alternate airfield, even two - the Sadovod market and the Moscow shopping center. But other projects found themselves in the midst of all sorts of litigation, which, however, were mostly resolved in favor of the businessmen. Firstly, the new mayor Sobyanin found out that instead of the expected 30 percent of the Evropeisky shopping center opened in 2006 on Kievskaya Square, the city owns only ten. The mayor's office went to court. But soon the businessmen and the authorities agreed to make peace - Iliev and Nisanov recognized the disputed share of the city, and Sobyanin allowed the businessmen to later... buy it out.
Secondly, the investment project at VDNKh (formerly All-Russian Exhibition Center), where the owners of Kievskaya Square came in 2011 and where they wanted to build entertainment centers and hotels, was not fully implemented.
“This is a large plot of land, desirable for any developer, the last of those remaining in the central part of the city of this size,” this is how Sayan Tsyrenov, director of the investment department at Colliers International, explained Iliev and Nisanov’s interest in VDNKh in an interview with Forbes. The territory of VDNKh is 238 hectares, and businessmen planned to develop almost a quarter with retail and entertainment facilities. But in 2014, the exhibition completely became the property of Moscow (before that, 69% of the shares belonged to the federal government, 31% to the city, but all shares were under the long-term management of the All-Russian Exhibition Center), and the general director appointed by Sobyanin stated that “there will be no Cherkizons here.” Nevertheless, investors managed to launch an oceanarium at VDNKh in 2015, but further plans for the construction of the exhibition were in great doubt due to the tough position of the authorities.
Thirdly, Iliev and Nisanov managed to appear in the criminal case of Oboronservis - at one time their structures bought the Soyuz Hotel in the Vorobyovy Gory area and the Reception House from the Ministry of Defense. As the investigation suspected, at a price reduced by one and a half times. The claims against these transactions were later dropped. And this story became known only last year, after an investigation by the Transparency International Foundation. The Foundation discovered that the family of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin had a spacious apartment in the Blizhnyaya Dacha residential complex on Starovolynskaya Street, valued at more than 500 million rubles. According to the fund, the property was transferred to Rogozin from one of the managers of the owners of Kievskaya Ploshchad, Livi Isaev, just during the investigation into the Oboronservis case. (The Deputy Prime Minister, however, stated that he did not know Isaev, but purchased the apartment through realtors.)
Sobyanin gave up?
And only the creation of the Food City agricultural wholesale store on the Kaluga Highway seems to have completely reconciled the mountain businessmen with the Sobyanin government. The city hall respectfully calls wholesale the “agrarian cluster” and says that its annual turnover - 2.8 million tons - provides a third of all food supplies to Moscow. Food City supply issues were also resolved at the highest level - in September 2014, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin signed an agreement in Baku with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on food supplies from this country to the Russian capital. God Nisanov was also part of the Moscow delegation. Considering the connections of Mountain Jews with the Aliyev clan, it is still unknown who accompanied whom on this trip - Nisanov Sobyanin or vice versa.

However, Iliev and Nisanov had to fight for this “agrarian cluster”. Food City opened in 2014 on the site of the Lotos shopping complex, which was built by structures associated with the business of Arkady Rotenberg. Denis Sugrobov, the former head of the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who is on trial, said that at one time a criminal case was fabricated on the facts of the sale of smuggled and counterfeit goods on the territory of the Lotus shopping center. “The customers of this criminal case were the owners of the shopping and entertainment complex “European” God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev, who wanted to buy out the Lotus shopping center in their own interests,” Novaya Gazeta quotes the general.
It was not enough for Iliev and Nisanov to buy out Lotus - traders preferred other sites to FoodCity. Firstly, since the 1990s, trade in vegetables, fruits and herbs in Moscow has been controlled by criminals, mainly Azerbaijani, and without their knowledge, traders simply will not budge. Secondly, renting “points” in the new agricultural wholesale store was more expensive than in other markets, and there were fewer refrigeration units. Then the co-owners of the “agrarian cluster” had to use old criminal contacts in the person of Vagif Suleymanov and Zakhary Kalashov. The latter communicated with representatives of the Moscow community of Mountain Jews back in the 1990s, when they ran Cherkizovo, komkom and other establishments, which Sobyanin later called unauthorized buildings. One of the establishments - "Sim-Sim" in the Krasnopresnenskaya metro area - belonged to Chevalier Nusuev, vice-president of the Russian Wrestling Federation and a close friend of thief in law Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov. Zakhary Kalashov, previously accused of racketeering, murder and money laundering, was a frequent guest here.

“Kalashov gave the go-ahead for Vagif to organize the movement of wholesalers from sites controlled by Azerbaijani thieves in law to Food City,” reported the Azerbaijani portal “... “rivers” of money flowed to Nisanov and Iliev, and part of this flow “flowed” into the pockets of secret partners...” By the way, last year Kalashov was arrested on charges of yet another crime.
New “key figures” of the Moscow community
Thus, after the closure of Cherkizovo and the vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo, the kings of retail in Moscow remained people from Azerbaijan, but not Telman Ismailov (he was declared bankrupt in 2015 and is now forced to live in Turkey). A - Iliev and Nisanov, who managed to outwardly put the capital’s supplies on “European rails.” Albeit using the same ethnic criminals. At the end of 2016, God Nisanov announced that Kievskaya Ploshchad had acquired further real estate properties that it intended to rebuild into hotels - this is a book house on Novy Arbat (the company that owns the building was bought from the Moscow government) and a former apartment building on Varvarka (the owner of the project is a businessman Dmitry Shumkov died a year earlier under strange circumstances, and Iliev and Nisanov bought the project from his heirs).
According to one version, the reason for the successful activities of Iliev and Nisanov is that they brought Ilgam Ragimov into their business as a wedding general. This is an Azerbaijani lawyer, public figure, classmate of Russian President Putin. And now the owners of “Kievskaya Square” do not even need to fight for influence in the Moscow City Duma, the State Duma or the Federation Council - competitors and Moscow authorities often give in to them out of respect for Ragimov.
The owners of Kievskaya Ploshchad supplanted Telman Ismailov and Fazil Izmailov in the hierarchy of the Moscow community of Mountain Jews, moving to the forefront. And in general, the community is growing: in Krasnaya Sloboda, out of 4.5 thousand residents, only 500 now live permanently, and in Moscow the community has exceeded 15 thousand people (the largest in the post-Soviet space). Among the people from Krasnaya Sloboda in the capital is Yakov Yakubov, a former employee of the OBKhSS. He is known for building himself a castle-shaped mansion at VDNKh, on the site of the Assol restaurant and boat station, and buying up houses on Tverskaya.

From Krasnaya Sloboda and German Zakharyaev, who runs the Sadovod market and is vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress.

All businessmen, as a rule, have awards from Azerbaijan for their services in the development of the diaspora abroad and trusting relations with the Israeli authorities. But they seem to view the capital of Russia as just a testing ground for their own enrichment.

The village is an inherently unique village with a rich history and unique culture.

What attracted attention to a small village near the Khachmas railway station in northern Azerbaijan?

Sloboda is the historical territory of the settlement of Mountain Jews. At the moment, the village is the only compact place of residence of this nationality in the entire post-Soviet space.

Surprisingly, for more than 2000 years of residence of Mountain Jews, even with the difficult economic and political situation in Azerbaijan, hostility has never arisen between ethnic groups. The faithful respect the religion and culture of the Jewish people, this is noted even by specialists in the history of Jews.

Synagogue buildings became the basis of the settlement. In general, Krasnaya Sloboda appears to be a modern settlement with neat two-story cottages and small castles.

The streets cannot be called crowded. A significant part of the indigenous population moved to the USA, Israel or Russia, but many come to their native land in the summer months and on the eve of significant religious holidays.

For example, on the day of mourning Tisha B'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, Jews come from all over the world, some even staying for several months.

An obligatory item on the day of mourning is donations for the maintenance of cemeteries and synagogues; it is interesting that each donation is usually formalized, on a special form and even with a stamp. Mountain Jews are generally famous for their hospitality, even towards strangers.

Perhaps the mountain people are one of the few who sacredly revere and preserve their culture, traditions and religion.

Even with such a reverent attitude towards one’s own history, confusion with the Azerbaijani way of life was simply impossible to avoid.

For example, common elements appeared in economic and traditional everyday culture. Many names of clothing items or culinary dishes are based on the Azerbaijani language.

What will also be unusual for many is the fact that local women cannot afford to walk freely. The weaker sex plays the role of homemakers, while men can attend a synagogue or simply sit in some local cafe.

History of Krasnaya Sloboda

The legend indicates the origin of the Mountain Jews from the Jews of ancient Persia. But there are several versions about the dates of appearance in the current territories. According to some theories, the mountain people appeared on the territory of Azerbaijan back in the 1st century AD. e. But the most confirmed theory is about the 5th century and the intervention of Persian rulers.

The Jewish people appeared in Quba during the reign of Nadir Shah. The original location of the settlement was between the villages of Galeduz and Kyupchal. The elders of Kagal managed to enlist the support and protection of the authorities.

About 244 years ago, Fatali Khan, keeping the word given by his ancestors, ordered the resettlement of the Jewish people, who were under attack, to the territory now called Krasnaya Sloboda.

It is interesting to know that the synagogue is located at the meeting place of the grateful mountain people of Fatali Khan. An interesting fact: the hexagonal emblem and each of the six domes of the structure symbolize the very same six days in which the transfer took place.

It is known that at the time of resettlement the settlement consisted of approximately 360 houses. The number of people grew by 1938-1939.

It is worth mentioning that initially the village bore the name “Jewish Settlement”, which was changed to the already familiar name after the Red Army stopped in 1920.

Even in our time, the mountain people have retained their own system of government - Kagal. Of course, many functions of such a device have lost their relevance, but traditions are invariably passed on from generation to generation.

Strict observance of rituals, both religious and cultural, was one of the reasons for the appearance of the unofficial name “Caucasian Jerusalem”.

Wherever they are, those born in this small village, no matter how different they are from each other, everyone is united by a reverent attitude towards their small Motherland and their own culture.

In recent decades, the population has been falling rapidly. The younger generation prefers to pursue a career in other countries or at least in cities with more developed infrastructure.

But not only the younger generation immigrates, the older ones often prefer to change their place of residence. At its core, Krasnaya Sloboda on weekdays remains a city of women and children waiting for their fathers and husbands to make their next visit to their home. And even though Caucasian Jerusalem can already be called a land without a future, history remains.

And a few more details

  • With a population of less than 5,000 people in Krasnaya Sloboda, there are many famous and successful names among its natives. Deputies, businessmen, writers and doctors. Agree, for such a small number this is an amazing result.
  • Sloboda and Kuba are separated by the Gudyalchay River. It was across this river that the longest bridge in Cuba was built in 1841. The construction project belonged to Alexander III himself, who sought to consolidate the military superiority of the empire in the Caucasus.
  • The mountain diaspora is not the only one, although it is the most numerous in Azerbaijan. In addition to her, there are also European (Ashkenazi) and Georgian Jews.
  • Most of the beautiful houses are empty; the owners come only in the summer.
  • The village of Krasnaya Sloboda is officially recognized as the center for the development of the culture of Mountain Jews, hence the title of “Caucasian Jerusalem”
  • To this day, 7 synagogues remain in the village, and the current six-domed synagogue contains an interesting and unique collection of instructions for reading the Torah
  • Three languages ​​coexist quite calmly on the territory of the settlement: Azerbaijani, Jewish and Russian)
  • It is known that the first museum of Mountain Jews is being built in the village.

Roads and paths

Many excursion tours to Azerbaijan involve introductory excursions to Krasnaya Sloboda; it is better to find out about prices on the spot.

There are many cafes in the village where you can get acquainted with local cuisine.

Krasnoslobodsk Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001... Geographical encyclopedia

I Krasnaya Sloboda is an urban-type settlement in the Kubinsky region of the Azerbaijan SSR. Located on the left bank of the river. Kudialchay (opposite the city of Cuba), 29 km from the railway. Khachmas station (on the Baku Makhachkala line). 6.9 thousand inhabitants (1971). Part… …

Otherwise, the village of Krasnoye or Krasnoslobodskoye in Irbitsky district, Perm province; 4 significant fairs. K. is one of the oldest settlements in the Perm province. (founded under Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich). After the K. settlement was surrounded by wooden... ...

- (Georgievskaya identity) settlement of Valuysky district, Voronezh province, in the 59th century. from y. g., at r. Red. Yard 338, zhit. 2710; sowing anise, sewing sheepskin coats. Church, parish school, 5 fairs; sales of anise for 300,500 thousand rubles... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Krasnaya Sloboda- 242181, Bryansk, Suzemsky ...

Krasnaya Sloboda (2)- 243431, Bryansk, Pochepsky ... Settlements and indexes of Russia

Krasnaya Sloboda (3)- 422850, Tatarstan Republic, Spassky ... Settlements and indexes of Russia

Krasnaya Sloboda (4)- 606458, Nizhny Novgorod, Borsky ... Settlements and indexes of Russia

Krasnaya Sloboda- Krasnoslobodsk... Toponymic dictionary

Krasnaya Sloboda, an urban-type settlement in the Kubinsky region of the Azerbaijan SSR. Located on the left bank of the river. Kudialchay (opposite the city of Cuba), 29 km from the railway. Khachmas station (on the Baku ≈ Makhachkala line). 6.9 thousand inhabitants (1971). Part of the population of K.S... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Peterhof Road – 1, Sergey Barichev. PETERHOF ROAD. Part 1. (from Fontanka to Avtovo). Route length: 3 km The audio guide introduces the Peterhof Road, a city highway that passes today in St. Petersburg along... audiobook
  • State, religion, church in Russia and abroad No. 3 (33) 2015, Absent. “State, Religion, Church in Russia and Abroad” is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific publication published by the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration...

Krasnaya Sloboda

Krasnaya Sloboda is a small village in Azerbaijan, where the largest owners of commercial real estate in Moscow, God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev, grew up.

Year of Nisanov

Billionaire God Nisanov, who started his business with a consignment store in the Azerbaijani village of Krasnaya Sloboda.

Moscow exodus

Many houses are now empty. Most residents leave for Moscow, where they start their own businesses. In the Iliev and Nisanov markets, many tenants are natives of Krasnaya Sloboda.

Guest hotel

This hotel for guests coming to Krasnaya Sloboda was built by Iliev’s brother Yarkhom. Iliev and Nisanov are not only business partners, but also friends. They had known each other since childhood - Iliev’s brother Savely studied in the same class with Lev Nisanov, as fellow countrymen say. And we became close friends when we started doing business together in Moscow.

Aliyev Park

The park in honor of Heydar Aliyev was built with money from a foundation financed by businessmen. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, according to local residents, when he travels to the north of the country, often stops at Krasnaya Sloboda and talks with people. When they tell their fellow tribesmen in other Muslim countries about this, they are surprised.

First business

The consignment store, which occupied the first floor of this merchant house, was the first business of God Nisanov and his friend German Zakharyaev. Many people from the village, as soon as the borders opened, left for Israel, the UAE, Germany and the USA. They all sent parcels home. Some goods were brought by shuttles from Turkey. This store was known all over the country. “Deputy ministers even came here from Baku to buy wedding dresses for their daughters,” recalls Psakh Iskhakov.

Matzo for the village

In the house of this family, they used to make matzah for the entire village before Passover. Now the charitable foundation sends each family everything they need for the holiday: matzah from Israel and kiddush - grape juice.

Synagogues of Sloboda

Until 1937, there were 13 synagogues in the settlement. Now there are only two operating ones. This six-domed synagogue is included in the tourist guides of Azerbaijan - there is a similar one only in Istanbul. In Soviet times, there was a hosiery factory here; the building was restored after destruction by the entire community over the course of five years.

In the synagogue

Mountain Jews carefully preserve traditions. The boys learn Hebrew after school. They prefer to marry within the diaspora.

Congress of Compatriots

In August, fellow countrymen from all over the world come to Krasnaya Sloboda. Traditionally, on Parents' Day it is customary to visit the cemetery. In the photo: the graves of Nisanov’s grandfather and grandmother.

“I honestly admit, I’ve never been to a teahouse in my life,” says God Nisanov. Fellow countrymen confirm: he never had time for dominoes and backgammon, he was constantly busy with something.