The Bund in Shanghai is a free tourist attraction. Bund or Bund embankment

The Bund or Shanghai Quay is a stretch of Sun Yat-sen Street, one part of which borders the former international settlement in the eastern part of the Huangpu District. The name of the embankment also includes buildings and marinas located on it and adjacent territories. On the opposite bank of the river is the famous business district of Shanghai - Pudong.


The name of the embankment "Bund" in Shanghai is translated from the Chinese language as "outer coast". You can often hear the second name of this architectural ensemble - bund. This English word in Asian countries means "embankment" or "pier". In English, the word comes from Hindi, which means "shore". In India, China and Japan there are a lot of places with this name, but only by their own name Gangs always name a section of the Shanghai embankment.


Dozens of buildings owned by European states are concentrated on the territory of the Bund. Each of them houses banks and offices of various trading companies, including international ones. The British consulate was once located here, and the Consulate General of Russia is still located here.
The embankment area is located north of the old town. It began as a British settlement, but after the construction boom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it became the main financial center of East Asia.


The territory of the embankment stretches for more than one and a half thousand meters, in the continuation of which there are more than fifty diverse buildings made in various architectural styles. Because of this diversity, the Bund in Shanghai is often referred to as the "Museum of World Architecture." By the way, there are a lot of Art Deco buildings in Shanghai.
Among the most notable buildings on the embankment are the Peace Hotel, the HSBC Building, and the Shanghai Customs Building. The hotel is called the Sasoon Building and was built by Sir Victor Sassoon, the so-called "master of half of Shanghai." On the top floor of the building were his personal apartments.
The second building houses the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and was once the headquarters of the Hong Kong-Shanghai Corporation. The builders of the building in 1923. At that time, this building became "the most luxurious building between the Bering Strait and the Suez Canal."
Shanghai Customs merged with the architectural ensemble of the Bund in 1927.
The northern end of the territory is marked with the "Monument to the People's Heroes", erected in memory of those who died during the revolutionary struggle in China.

The Bund of the Bund is a visiting card of the city of Shanghai, as it is here that you can enjoy that incredible view of the skyscrapers and the legendary television tower "Pearl of the East" which is talked about all over the world!

When you come to the embankment and you have a view of the financial center of the city - Pudong area- for a couple of minutes you are simply under the most powerful impression of the might of the metropolis and the majesty of the buildings. But all this was created by man!

The Bund of the Bund is located in the center of Shanghai and is a huge pedestrian street 1.5 km long, which from the city side is surrounded by buildings in the Baroque style, Classicism, Gothic - well, everything that has nothing to do with Chinese culture, and on the other hand - the financial center of Shanghai - Pudong area.

Why are the buildings built in architectural styles that are not at all inherent in Chinese culture?

Since earlier this area was allocated for construction to foreign citizens. And during the military invasion of the French and British into China, it became the center of their foreign concessions.

Now, in the center of Shanghai, you can see as many foreigners as you will not find anywhere else in China. In terms of the number of foreigners permanently residing in China, only Guangzhou can compete with Shanghai, since it is closely connected with international trade.

Embankment Bund how to get there?

The nearest metro station is East Nanjing Road (南京 东路) is the 2nd line.

Coming out of it, you need to walk to the embankment itself, about 600 meters. You need to go all the time in a straight line, following the majority of people who now and then move in an uncontrolled stream.

Here they will have time to offer you copies of famous brands, and become friends for mutual learning of languages, and massage, and even intimate services. Therefore, we turn on the "full frost" and move to the planned place.

What do you need to see at Bund?

In addition to admiring the view of the skyscrapers, on Bund in Shanghai, you can also walk along the waterfront, cross the underwater tunnel to the other side of the city and take a ride on tourist ferries.

Regarding the underwater tunnel, I'm in a hurry to upset you - this is an attraction for tourists, which is not worth the money ( 80 yuan). They just put you in a glass cart and let you through the tunnel, which is illuminated by lasers. Better to move to the other side of the city by metro - it will be more spectacular!

In principle, this is all of the activities, so I recommend you to begin your excursion from People's Square station "人民 广场" (exit 2) and immediately embrace, in addition to Waitan, the central pedestrian street of Shanghai - East Nanjing Road... Here you can plunge into the world of shopping, buy edible (for Chinese taste) potions, sweets and sweets.

Also don't pass by one of the world's largest stores. "M & M's"- this is heaven for small and big sweet tooth)

Take a walk and experience the scale of the city with population of 24 million.

What time of day is it better to visit the embankment?

Waitan is such a beautiful and mesmerizing place that I recommend you visit it twice, if time permits. During the day - one beauty, in the evening - another. Therefore, both options are good)

Bund Bund (Shanghai, China) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The Bund, also known as the Bund, is a 1.5-kilometer stretch along the Huangpu River and one of the most popular walking spots in Shanghai. The embankment is called a piece of Europe in the heart of China - in the 19th century, the city authorities allocated an abandoned site for foreign companies working in the Middle Kingdom. And they built their offices in a European style. This gave Shanghai an eclectic and unique neighborhood. Today this old quarter is symbolically adjacent to the modern business district of Pudong, which is on the opposite bank.

What to see

Many people come to Bund in the evening and just to look at the illumination of the "Pearl of the East", the Jin Mao Tower, the financial center and other Pudong skyscrapers. The sight is impressive, but the embankment itself deserves at least an hour's walk - the architecture of the local buildings is painfully unusual. For the sake of preserving such an exhibition of world architectural heritage, construction in the embankment area is strictly limited - the historical appearance does not change over the years.

Waitan has a huge number of souvenir shops and fashionable shops, an abundance of nightclubs and bars. Unfortunately, there are many beggars and scammers - never agree to an offer to drink coffee with strangers, because the drink will cost you a pretty penny.

One of the most fashionable hotels in Shanghai, Fairmont Peace, rises in the heart of Bundan. The lush and pompous dark beige building in the modern Gothic style reaches a height of 77 m. The HSBC building is even more impressive - a luxurious 6-storey neoclassical building was built in 1923 (14 Zhongshan East 1st Rd, WaiTan, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai Shi ). Shanghai Customs is another neoclassical structure with a tall clock tower and a long spire (13 Zhongshan East 1st Rd, WaiTan, Huangpu Qu, Shanghai Shi).

Practical information

How to get there: by metro to the station. Nanjing East Road (lines 2 and 10).

Another Chinese megabyan - Shanghai embankment Waitan(Bund).
It is not as world famous as the Great Wall, but in Shanghai it is the # 1 attraction, eclipsing even the skyscrapers of Pudong. Which, by the way, are located exactly opposite, across the Huangpu River, and offer excellent views from it. We arrived at Waitan at regular time, at dusk and watched the lights turn on around us and the evening turns into night. Its history, when viewed from the bell tower of the Chinese patriots, is very inconvenient - it is located on the territory of the former British settlement and it is the most striking symbol of China's colonial past. Once upon a time, in the first third of the XX century, this place was the financial center not only of East Asia, but also of the Pacific region of the planet in general - then the flows were ruled mainly by English, Dutch and French newcomers. For this, they very much dislike her.

But during the Shanghai colonial heyday, beautiful buildings were built here, many in the Art Deco style - that's why you need to come here. It seemed to me very beautiful, and in China in general (as a whole) I have not seen a more beautiful urban ensemble than the Bund. Yes - she's really stylish. And it was with her that city protection practice began in this region: under Deng, the Chinese reasonably decided that since this is such an architectural gem, and tourists flock here, it would be right to prohibit building something else here, or rebuilding it. Moreover, at that time Shanghai was rising again, and rapidly - but already as the financial capital of Greater Red China.
So let's take a look, together with me, at this very Waitan.

The Bund Shanghai Customs building (in the center, with a turret and a clock)

2. We go to the embankment, keeping a reference point the tower "Pearl of the East", which is already on the other bank of the Huangpu.

3. We cross the busy road along the river, and we are there. It's still light.

4. The promenade itself is at a higher level, and the wall - the difference between the levels - is decorated with flowers.

5. Perhaps we should rise higher and join the floating people.

6. Embankment from a height of half a kilometer (). This is where we walk.

7. Unfortunately, I did not identify all the specific buildings there; so if you have something to add - welcome to the comments.

8. Looking back where we came from.

9. The Huangpu River has a steep bend here, so the embankment is not straight, it bends. Ahead is a white obelisk - a monument to the People's Heroes of the Revolution.

10. Turn the camera to the right. Opposite us is the Pudong skyscraper district, which I showed you earlier from above. Under construction, the tallest building on the right is the Shanghai Tower, the third tallest skyscraper in the world (632).

12. And the final general plan, even to the right: the embankment stretches from here for another kilometer and a half.

13. Shanghai Art Deco.

14. And the sky darkens, and Pudong becomes brighter with illumination.

15. The colonial past of the embankment is offset by a large number of red state flags.

17. TV tower "Pearl of the East".

18. We go to the monument to the People's Heroes.

19. Crossroads where the embankment ends and the highway goes away from the river.

20. It became completely dark ...

21. Wooden platform for some kind of collective action (stage for performances?).

22. We also attacked a Chinese wedding there.

23. What is interesting - the bride is not in white, but in red :)

24. Some parts of the skyscraper area look like scenery for a fantastic movie :)

25. There are several balls in Pudong.

26. They do not spare money for artistic illumination.

27. It is completely dark.

28. Once again, a general view of Bundan from above.

29. Well, it's time to finish ... We leave for the Central Station, the same street as in photo # 2. We are waiting for a long journey to Harbin, in the snow.

The Bund is the most famous place in Shanghai. Thousands of tourists visit these areas every day. Today about visiting these places.

Drive to Shanghai. Part 2

In one of the previous issues, I wrote about my trip to Shanghai. However, it is obvious that it is impossible to describe everything that I want to say about visiting the largest city in China within the framework of one article.

Arriving in the city center, and this is the area of ​​Nanjing Road, you find yourself in a huge anthill with many tourists, merchants and locals. This street is where all the main notable buildings in the area are located. Coming out of the subway, the tourist heads towards the famous Bund.

Before getting there, you will pass many shops, restaurants, various eateries and entertainment places. Having come to this area for the first time in my life, I was very interested and wanted to visit every institution. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no time left for this, so we went to only a few of them.

M&M store

For example, we managed to visit a large M&M store, which is located right in the center of this street. This is a two-story building, where everything is saturated with the atmosphere of the famous sweets. A store that sells merchandise, an attraction that determines what color you are M&M. By the way, the color palette there is very diverse, and not just the usual yellow and red.

There is a huge wall in the room, where along its entire width there are special containers with chocolates of different colors. The wall is very wide and high, you can grab a bag and pour yourself as much chocolate as you like. At the entrance to the store, there are brand symbols, with which tourists willingly took pictures. This store is unique in that it cannot be found in other cities in China, even in my beloved Beijing.

Having visited the brand boutique, we went to the main point of our visit of that day, to the embankment itself. This is exactly the place by which it is easy to determine from photographs that they were taken in Shanghai, this is the most famous area of ​​Shanghai. There were a lot of people that day and we had to crowd with them. However, when you travel, you don't pay any attention to such trifles.

We walked along the embankment, and for the first time with my own eyes I saw this beauty, which I had previously seen only in pictures. At night, the Bund is especially beautiful and charming. We also took a ferry ticket, which cost a couple of yuan, and crossed to the other side. I was interested in the very fact of crossing the river by boat. The trip takes about 10-15 minutes, but during this time you can enjoy all the beauties around.