The lifestyle of crayfish and how to catch them. Everything you need to know about catching crayfish

The result of crayfish hunting largely depends on the bait chosen. The arthropod inhabitants of water bodies are not so simple, and they cannot be attracted by ordinary food. A good bait for crayfish should exude a bright aroma and correspond to the food they are accustomed to.

The diet of crayfish is varied. They feed on food of plant and animal origin. They do not disdain carrion, for this they are nicknamed “orderlies” of reservoirs. But rotten food can only lure hungry crayfish, which live in scanty water areas or in very cold water.

Plants make up about 90% of the crayfish menu. The rest is aquatic life. They love to eat mollusks, tadpoles, worms, insects, larvae, small fish or carrion of large individuals. Among plants, they happily eat algae, water lilies, horsetail, elodea, nettles, pondweed, and fallen leaves.

Photo 1. These crayfish were attracted to the trout's head.

For meat, a poultry carcass or a piece of beef is suitable. It may also be stale. Mollusks, frogs, and snails are caught in the same reservoir where it is planned to catch crayfish. Worms are used in rare cases when there are no other options. They are placed in a piece of thin gauze to prevent them from spreading.

The most effective plant baits for crayfish are:

  • dill;
  • garlic;
  • makha (cake);

Attention! Peas and corn are boiled, steamed, or a canned product is used. Crustaceans are attracted to the smell of garlic; it can be added to other foods.

When choosing what bait to catch crayfish with, you should consider the season. In the summer, when it’s hot, the best option is a piece of liver, meat or chicken giblets. To enhance the smell, you can add a little fish oil to them. In spring, vegetable bait or fish are suitable. It is first cut along the ridge, turned inside out and left to spoil in the sun. With the onset of cold weather, it is better to lure crayfish with rotten meat or peas.

Habitat also plays a role. For hunting in reservoirs with muddy bottoms, bait made from spoiled fish is suitable. This is a common food for crayfish living in such conditions. They will crawl into the crayfish trap without suspecting anything. If the bottom is covered with a lot of vegetation, then it is better to choose peas or corn for fishing. For fishing in underwater caves or under the shore, bait with a strong odor is used: spoiled meat or garlic mixture. In shallow water you can use shellfish, worms, and corn.


The best homemade bait for catching crayfish is different for each fisherman. But there are universal, time-tested recipes.



  • Rye bread;
  • garlic.

Garlic is grated or cut in half and crushed. With the second option the aroma will be stronger. The bread is cut into pieces and lightly fried in oil. It is permissible to use the product without frying. Garlic is crushed inside the bread and rubbed onto the crust. You can make garlic balls. To prepare them, I pass the garlic together with the loaf through a meat grinder, and the resulting mass is rolled into small balls. To prevent them from becoming soggy in water, they are placed in nylon or gauze bags.

Photo 2. Bread with garlic - delicious!

From the top


  • cake;
  • bread;
  • dill.

The compressed sunflower seeds are cut into medium pieces. Rye bread and dill are added to them. It is advisable that the dill be fresh. But you can also use dried. Mix everything thoroughly and place in gauze.

Fish. Before preparing the bait, fish are caught from the reservoir where the crayfish live. Fresh frozen from the store will also work. An incision is made along the ridge. The air bubble from the carcass is squeezed out or punctured. The scales need to be picked, but it is better to remove them from the crucian carp. Large fish are cut into pieces, and small fish are used whole.



  • beef liver;
  • flavoring (shrimp) or fish oil;
  • chicken entrails.

The liver is left in a warm place for 1-2 days to allow it to spoil. Then it is cut into small pieces and covered with flavoring or sprinkled with a small amount of fish oil. Add some chicken entrails or skins. The bait is wrapped in gauze.


Crayfish love missing and dried carcasses. The dead frog is cut into two or four parts and the skin is removed. You can pick up dried remains of amphibian bodies near a pond.


Canned peas are mixed with dill and poured into cheesecloth. You can add corn, corn, grasshoppers, canned food, and leftover homemade food to it.

Photo 3. Pea crayfish bait.

Lure attachment

There are two main types of crayfish traps: open and closed. The first ones differ in that they require frequent checking - every 20 or 30 minutes. Closed traps are checked 2-3 times a night. For crayfish of any type, the bait is attached to the bottom.

The fish is secured to the net with a pin or fishing line. If these are pieces in gauze, then fasten the fabric. Small fish are placed whole. The carcass with the bubble removed will not float. When using mussels as bait, you don’t have to fix them at all. They are quite heavy and are not carried away by the current.

Rye bread with garlic is secured with fishing line. If these are balls in gauze, then you can simply tie it to a crayfish trap. The makukha in the form of briquettes is fixed with special clamps, and in bags - with pins or fishing line.

A convenient mounting option is to sew a nylon or gauze pocket to the bottom of the trap, into which the bait is placed. The pocket is sewn by hand and fixed to the mesh using fishing line. You can use an elastic band, wire or a special hook. Whatever the method of fastening, it must securely hold the bait and not give the arthropod the opportunity to drag it away. Then the animal will eat the food in the crayfish trap and will not crawl away.

Hunting for crayfish will be successful if you try different options for crayfish bait. Only personal experience will help you develop successful tactics and increase your catch.

The method of catching crayfish using equipment such as crayfish traps is the fastest and most effective method of obtaining this arthropod trophy. That is why most fishermen and crayfishers prefer to use this type of gear.

In addition, catching crayfish in this way is not considered poaching, unless, of course, the fisherman exceeds the number of crayfish used per person. Taking into account the characteristics of each region, this limit can range from 3 to 10 pieces.

The big advantage of such fishing is the absence of the need to purchase other fishing elements.

Well, in order to catch cancer you need to know:

  • his habitats;
  • what does he eat;
  • What time of year and day is it best to catch it?

Brief characteristics and design of the shell

The clamshell is a piece of equipment that fishermen have been using for decades. It is designed in such a way that the cancer easily gets inside by the smell of food and can no longer get out.

Fishermen have many types of crayfish in their arsenal, but the most popular of them are:

  • conical;
  • cylinder;
  • rectangular;
  • in the form of a rhombus;
  • ball

The design of the crayfish catcher is quite simple, and even a novice fisherman will not have any difficulty making it himself. To assemble the simplest type of shell, you will need the following parts:

  • Styrofoam;
  • fishing line or rope;
  • net;
  • metal wire;
  • cargo;
  • bait;
  • bait mount.

In fact, it can be built even from improvised means.

The principle of catching crayfish on crayfish traps is that the bait is hung inside the structure in the middle, and there are entrances for crayfish throughout the entire area of ​​the tackle, usually from 1 to 8 pieces. And when a crayfish gets inside the shell, it can no longer get out, because the entrance is in the middle and it is very narrow. The representative of the arthropods, trying to get out, rests against the wall of the structure, and the hole is located higher.

How to install shells?

The location of the crayfish depends on what type of shell is used. Depending on the shape of the gear, the installation method may differ significantly:

  • Cone. It is advisable to install from a boat. Rakolov swims to the desired place and, holding the top foam plastic, gradually lowers the crayfish into the water. If this is not possible, then the stick is threaded through the last bunch of ropes and installed near the shore. But still, it is better to put tackle of this shape from a boat.
  • Ball. A rope is tied to the crayfish and simply thrown into the water so that the bait does not fall out, without any sudden movements. In this case, there is no significant difference in how the installation will be carried out from the shore or from a boat.
  • Rectangular. With this form of gear, it is best to install from the shore. It is placed where there is a smooth descent of the bottom and there are no sharp cliffs of the shore. The principle of casting is the same as for a ball, but you just need to be more careful so that there is no confusion.

Crayfish are considered a tasty and desirable product. In the summer, it is possible to catch them yourself. But not everyone knows how to do this. There are many ways to catch crayfish, all of which will be discussed in the article.

Habits of crayfish

Crayfish prefer to live in clean water. If a body of water was found in which they are present, this indicates the environmental friendliness of this place. Crayfish are a desirable catch, no less popular than fish. Everyone likes the taste of crayfish; this is the product that people love to snack on with beer. In addition, crayfish are used as bait when fishing.

The length of a large specimen without claws can reach up to 20 centimeters, and the weight of an adult varies between 150-200 grams. Catching such a cancer is a great success. In most cases, crayfish fishermen manage to catch medium-sized specimens – 10-12 cm in length.

Crayfish habitats

Cancers are considered loners. They prefer to live on a rocky bottom, where they can easily find a secluded place, or on muddy surfaces - here crayfish can easily dig a hole for themselves. Crayfish burrows are located near the shore; they are narrow dwellings with a long corridor, no more than 1 meter long.

During the daytime, the crayfish sits in a hole, closing the entrance with its claws. To search for food, it comes out at night or in the afternoon in cloudy weather. The peculiarities of its existence are taken into account when hunting.

The best places to catch crayfish are:

  • Shell rock. This is a place where crayfish often settle.
  • Thickets of reeds. People don’t swim there and there are no animals, so crayfish can easily set up their home.
  • Sandy bottom. Ideal fishing environment. There is a clean bottom and fine sand, making it easy to distinguish prey.
  • Quiet creek with snags and tree roots. It’s very convenient for a crayfish to hide here, but a crayfish fisher who easily navigates the terrain can easily catch it.
  • Rocky bottom. Here, crayfish set up their burrows, and therefore you will be able to find a lot of prey.


Every crayfisher who decides to go hunting should know what time to catch crayfish. This is necessary in order not to waste your personal time. Crayfish are caught in the dark, when they go for prey - from 22-00 to 3-00. There are reservoirs where crayfish go out in search of food in the early morning.

It is difficult to answer clearly what time to catch crayfish, because different regions have their own deadlines. It is believed that you can catch delicious crayfish in the autumn. It is from the end of August to the end of October that crayfish have delicious and fatty meat.

When is it prohibited to catch crayfish?

Bans on catching crayfish in different regions of Russia are determined by the relevant government agency. Below are some examples of restrictions on fishing for freshwater creatures:

  • From April to June, crayfish are not caught in the Astrakhan region. But the exception is individuals over 10 centimeters - they are allowed to be caught during this period.
  • It is completely prohibited to catch arthropods in Krasnodar and all surrounding rivers.
  • From October to June, a ban on catching crayfish is in effect in the Vladimirov region.
  • From October to June, crayfish hunting is prohibited in the Kirov region.
  • Due to the fact that crayfish reproduce and molt in the Vologda region from mid-June to the end of July, they cannot be caught during this period.
  • In the Moscow area and in the region, year-round fishing for crayfish will not work.
  • In the Orenburg region, from June 5 to July 15, there is a ban on catching arthropods.
  • In the Kursk region, hunting is prohibited from the beginning of October until the end of June.
  • In the Pskov region, it is impossible to catch arthropods from the moment the ice melts until mid-July.

Fishing methods

Due to the fact that today it is popular to catch crayfish with lines, few people use other fishing methods or even forget about them. But there are many options that are used to catch arthropods. Not all methods are easy enough, but this is what makes crayfish hunting so interesting and exciting.

Manual method

The hunt begins as soon as it gets dark, because during the daytime crayfish hide in their burrows where they rest. At night, arthropods go to the shallows and sometimes come ashore. The easiest way is to catch crayfish with your hands - this method is the most traditional, and no less effective than other methods. To prevent the crayfish from being pinched by its claws, wear gloves first.

It is necessary to catch crayfish in shallow reservoirs, under snags or stones. It must be taken into account that arthropods swim quickly. Be sure to take a flashlight with you so that its light attracts the crayfish’s attention. During the fishing process, the reaction speed of the crayfish is especially important, because crayfish instantly orient themselves in space if they sense danger.

Fishing with a crayfish

Catching crayfish by hand is less effective and not safe. For these reasons, it is recommended to use a crayfish trap, which is quite simple to use. Typically, several types of crayfish traps are used simultaneously to increase the chance of catching crayfish. The design is made in such a way that arthropods get in there and cannot get out. And in order for them to get in there, they use bait that attracts crayfish.

Due to the fact that crayfish prefer to burrow in steep, steep banks to build burrows, the structure is installed near the coast. This is done like this:

  1. They take a long, strong stick, at one end of which there is a slingshot.
  2. The cord from the crayfish catcher is hooked with a slingshot so that the structure rises.
  3. The shell is slowly lowered into the water until it touches the bottom.
  4. The cord is tied to reeds, a stick stuck into the bank or any strong tree.

At night, crayfish come to the shore, so you should not throw the crayfish trap too far.

How to fish with a fishing rod?

This option is not easy, because crayfish are not fish, they just don’t bite the bait. Moreover, in the dark it will be difficult to attach the bait. For these reasons, there is only one way out - to catch crayfish with a fishing rod during daylight hours, but closer to sunset. It is recommended to choose a crawler, dung worm, rotten meat or fish as bait. The best time to catch crayfish with a fishing rod is from September to October.

It’s easier to catch crayfish with a classic fishing rod during the feeding season. For a larger catch, it is advisable to tie several hooks to the fishing rod at once, which will increase the likelihood that several crayfish will bite. Arthropods bite very slowly, but the crayfish will immediately feel the bite: the crayfish grabs the bait and drags it, while the float first moves smoothly to the side, and then sinks and hides in the water. Due to the fact that the crayfish does not cling to the bait very tightly, pull out the fishing rod carefully.

Screen efficiency

It is popular to catch crayfish with a screen, which is a round or square structure with sides that prevent the crayfish from falling out when removed from the water. For a good catch, 2-5 screens will be enough. The design of the screen is similar to a conventional clamshell, but differs in its rectangular shape.

They take steel wire, from which they make two squares, then they are fixed at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from each other, then they cover the bottom and side walls of the screen with mesh. Crayfish will crawl through the open top for bait. The screen is tied to a thick pole, which will act as a fishing rod, bait is placed in the center, and the screen itself is carefully placed in the water.

Use of forts

Crayfish are caught by hand using spears, which are created using hard and springy wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm. Pieces of wire up to 45 centimeters long are flattened so that peculiar hooks appear at one end. The more of them there are, the more convenient it will be to capture the cancer. Even if the hooks do not dig into the shell and pierce it, the arthropods will not escape from the prison. It is recommended to use this method when fishing from a boat.

What to feed the crayfish?

Bait for catching crayfish is selected based on the time of year. In spring and summer, the use of bait of plant origin is effective. In autumn and winter, crayfish are lured with animal food. For these purposes use:

  • trimmings of meat, poultry or fish entrails;
  • fish;
  • worms;
  • shellfish;
  • frogs;
  • meat;
  • snails

Fish is used fresh or spoiled. In order for the bait to release a more pronounced aroma, the product is initially dried in the sun. Cancers like bream, roach and crucian carp. For meat baits, it is advisable to give preference to a poultry carcass or a piece of beef. It is acceptable to use stale meat. It is better to catch frogs, snails, and mollusks in the same body of water where you plan to catch crayfish. Worms are a last resort option; they are placed in gauze to prevent them from spreading.

Among plant foods, the following are considered effective:

  • corn;
  • dill;
  • peas;
  • black bread;
  • makukha;
  • garlic

Peas and corn are pre-boiled, steamed or used in canned form. When choosing bait, the season is taken into account. With the onset of cold weather, arthropods are lured out with rotten meat or peas. In spring, use fish or vegetable bait. In summer, when it is very hot, the best option is a piece of liver, meat or chicken giblets. To enhance the smell, add a little fish oil.

It is equally important to choose the right place for catching crayfish, based on which you will be able to accurately select the bait. For example, to catch crayfish in reservoirs with muddy bottoms, spoiled fish are used as bait. For arthropods living in such conditions, this is considered a common food. They will crawl into the trap without feeling any danger. If there is a lot of vegetation on the bottom, crayfish choose peas or corn for fishing.

If the hunt takes place in underwater caves or under the shore, it is advisable to use complementary food with a strong aroma, for example, spoiled meat or a mixture with the addition of garlic. In shallow water, it is effective to use corn, worms or clams.

The best bait for catching crayfish is considered to be the bait you prepare yourself. Several effective recipes have been proposed that are used by experienced crayfish fishermen:

  • Garlic bait. Grate or crush the garlic. Cut the rye bread into pieces and fry a little in oil (optional). Crush the garlic inside the bread and rub the crust with it. Garlic balls will be no worse. To prepare them, both garlic and rye bread are passed through a meat grinder, and small balls are formed from the resulting mass. Next, they are placed in nylon or gauze pockets - this will prevent the balls from becoming soggy in the water.
  • From the top. Cut the pressed sunflower seeds into medium pieces, then add fresh or dried dill and rye bread to them. Mix thoroughly and add the mixture to the gauze.
  • Fish bait. Before preparing the bait, fish are caught from the reservoir where arthropods are found. It is also acceptable to use freshly frozen store-bought fish. An incision is made along the ridge, the air bubble of the fish is squeezed out or pierced. The scales are lightly picked, and the crucian carp is completely removed. Small fish are used whole, and large fish are cut into pieces.

More information about feeding crayfish, their diet and bait -.

You need to know these features.

Crayfish traps are the most effective way to catch them. Today we will talk about the differences in their designs, equipment with baits, and directly about the fishing itself. In such “fishing” it is very important to choose the right place for installation, time of year and day.

Types of traps

Currently, there are various types of crayfish traps, or racheven, which are divided into two large categories:

  • open;
  • closed.

Most of these traps can be purchased in stores, but DIYers can easily make them themselves. If you take into account all the homemade healings, then you will need a rather thick book to describe them.

Open type traps

These traps are based on the principle of operation of lifts. They are attached to a long, strong pole and taken out of the water vertically. You can fish with them both from the shore and from piers or bridges.

Simple screen

The simplest open type traps are screens. They are a ring of metal wire covered with mesh. Three or four cords of the same length go up from the ring, which are tied together.

Then the main cord is tied to their attachment point, which goes to the handle of the trap.

The bait is attached to the middle of the net in a specially sewn mesh pocket or a woman's stocking, and then the bait is lowered into the water. Sensing the bait, the crayfish crawl towards it and concentrate in the center of the trap. This fish trap should be checked every 20-30 minutes. The rise from the water must be done energetically, but evenly, so that the crayfish that look at the “light” do not have time to run away.

It should be noted that the screen can be made not only round, but also square, in the manner of a little fish for catching verkhovka. In this case, the laces can be replaced with knitting needles located at the corners of the structure.

A more convenient harness consists of two hoops. The larger one, covered with mesh, forms the bottom of the structure. The smaller circle is connected to the bottom by a vertical mesh, so that a trimmed mesh cone is created.

This crayfish catcher is installed on the bottom so that the upper small hoop seems to hang in the water. This prevents the cancer caught inside the trap from escaping from it.

The use of such a trap makes it possible to check it less often than a simple screen; you can return to the trap no earlier than 4-6 hours.


You don’t have to check an open “inkwell” type rack for even longer. In appearance, it resembles a metal fish tank without a lid. Imagine the design described in the previous chapter, where inside a smaller hoop in the same plane as it, there is another one, and the gap between them is covered with a mesh.

The cancer will be able to get out of this structure only when it is filled to capacity with its fellow tribesmen. Such crayfish traps can be safely left for a day or more.

Closed traps

Closed traps differ for the better in several ways:

  • crayfish from them practically do not scatter;
  • their large area allows them to attract more prey;
  • they can not be removed from the water for a long time.

Long multi-entry traps

Such shells are most often made square in cross-section, but they can also be round or rectangular. They range in length from three to fifteen meters with numerous entrances located along the axis of the device.

The procedure for installing a long multi-entry clamshell is as follows:

  1. First, such a trap is stretched on the shore.
  2. At the ends it is secured to the ground with pins.
  3. Place bait through the entrances.
  4. Holding the ends together, they carry it stretched out into the water.
  5. The ends are reinforced at the bottom with pins or loaded with stones.


This polygonal structure is in the form of a metal frame covered with mesh. At the base there can be a figure from a square to an octagon with the corresponding number of inputs.

Such a structure can be carried into the water by hand or lowered on a long pole. Of the closed type traps, this gear is the most compact.


A top-type trap is also suitable for catching crayfish. It is a mesh-covered cylinder made of metal rings, which has two end entrances. When folded, this design takes up virtually no space.

This crayfish catcher is installed by simply throwing it into the water in the right place. An elastic spring band located inside the trap prevents it from folding.

Winter retreat

We’ll tell you separately about the winter trap for crayfish. It is a set of knitting needles fastened together at one of their ends so that they are compressed vertically and pass through the hole, and at the bottom they lie radially from the center, opening in the form of a circle with a mesh.


The same baits are used for all shell designs. Crayfish prefer fresh fish, but they also use:

  • dried or burnt meat;
  • white bread with dill or garlic;
  • offal of animals or poultry.

It has been noticed that, contrary to the popular belief that crayfish feed on carrion, fresh food, especially cut fish, attracts them much better.

Crayfish prefer wheat bread rather than rye bread.

Garlic, in addition to being mixed with bread, is often rubbed onto the metal hoops of crayfish traps.

A very important event is to secure the baits inside the crayfish traps. To prevent bread from crumbling into pieces or particles of fish or meat from floating away, deal with them as follows:

  1. Wrapped in rare fabric. It could be: gauze, tulle, nylon.
  2. Attach the cloth with bait in the center of the trap.
  3. Anti-floating traps are loaded. To do this, you need to place a stone or a piece of metal, or even just a bag of sand, in the center of the shell.

How to catch

Before you start catching crayfish, you need to properly equip the crayfish trap and install it in the pond. Small traps are usually used several at a time, usually up to five per hunter.

The best time to catch crayfish is autumn, the second half of September and all of October. It is at this time that favorable factors for successful fishing come together:

  • water transparency allows for better control of the process;
  • fattening makes crayfish meat the most delicious;
  • bans on catching crayfish are lifted;
  • as the water cooled, the molting period ended;
  • Daylight hours are shortening, which means fishing time is lengthening.

As for the time of day, crayfish can be most successfully caught at dusk and at night. Having spent the whole day in a hole, the crayfish comes out to feed in the evening and looks for food until dawn.

Where to fish

Crayfish are found in almost all fresh water bodies, where there is sufficiently fresh, preferably running, water and the acidity level is neutral or alkaline. In the reservoir itself, you should look for these animals under steep banks, in snags, or near accumulations of higher aquatic plants, such as reeds, cattails or reeds.

The depth of habitat of crayfish ranges from fifty centimeters to three meters. The bottom in this place is preferably clayey or rocky, although it is best when there is a border of stones and clay near the steep bank.

The muddy and sandy bottom prevents the creation of crayfish burrows, and the silt also makes it difficult for crayfish to move along the bottom.

Areas of clay bottom with sparse grassy cover located in the coastal zone of the reservoir will also be good places. Such clearings are readily visited by crayfish for feeding.

Crayfish are caught almost all year round. But it is believed that they can only be harvested productively in summer and early autumn. Although this, to put it mildly, is not entirely true. In the literature about crayfish, you can find the statement that those caught in months that do not have the letter “P” in their names are “May, June, July, August.” This, of course, is a complete profanation of the question. After all, crayfish were still caught long before the advent of writing...

But this is true, by the way. Catching crayfish itself has several “secrets”. They say that crayfish are more willing to come to catchers before rain or thunderstorms, especially in the late afternoon. Although this is also far from the truth. Like any living creature, first of all, hunger drives crayfish out of their holes to hunt. By nature, cancer is a nocturnal predator. Therefore, the most suitable period for fishing is from 10 pm to 3 am. There are reservoirs where crayfish go out to fish early in the morning.

To increase the night catch, they lay out a large fire or several small ones on the shore of the reservoir (when fishing from the shore) or take an electric torch with them in the boat (if they are fishing far from the shore). Oddly enough, crayfish really love such illumination and are quite good at attracting bait if you “flirt” with them with bright light. And crayfish that have just acquired a new shell are generally easy to catch. At this time they are hungry and go for any bait. Even during the day.

It is worth paying attention to the recommendations related to the display of gear. In silted water, which does not allow enough light to pass through, gear can be placed in the early evening. The word tackle means a crayfish trap into which a piece of rotten meat or large fish is placed. Those who are not squeamish can use a dead dog, cat or chicken as bait. This is how villagers used to catch crayfish. The gear is placed in clear water after dark. As a rule, closer to midnight, the activity of crayfish weakens. Good catches can be obtained in rainy weather, as well as on warm and dark nights. During a thunderstorm, as well as during a full moon (except in late autumn), the catch is much worse.

Our ancestors caught crayfish with their hands. More often to the master's table. Back then the ponds and streams belonged to the landowners. This, by the way, is the origin of the saying “I’ll show you where the crayfish spend the winter!” So in winter, a master could scold a serf (who dared not do something) and then, as punishment, send him to the river to get crayfish. Of course, with diving into an ice hole. Although, it is true, smart men knew how to catch crayfish directly from the ice, they wound underwater mud and algae on a pole. The catches were quite good...

But in the summer, catching crayfish with your hands is an exciting activity for both children and adults. They still catch people like that today. Carefully probe the coastal burrows with your hands (be careful, crayfish are very nibble), where crayfish most often hole up during the day. You can “feel” for crayfish among stones or snags, under tree trunks lying in the water. Whatever you say, catching crayfish is an exciting hunt!

Igor Poloz