Built by the creator of the Alexander Column. Educational program for alt-historians: Alexander Column

St. Petersburg, Palace Square - it is here, in the very center of the cultural capital of Russia, that one of the most majestic monuments not only in our country, but also in the world is located - the Alexander Column. For more than 180 years, an angel on top of a grandiose granite pillar has been overshadowing the city of Peter with its wings, personifying the victory of good over evil and peace over war.

The laconicism of the form, the simplicity and harmony of the silhouette, the beauty of the lines, the elegance of the decoration - literally everything about the Alexander Column delights.

" Alexander I Grateful Russia"

The Alexander Column was inaugurated on August 30, 1834; it took 5 years to build, and the idea of ​​erecting a triumphal monument arose even earlier. The architects were tasked with giving a finished look to the main square of St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya, and, most importantly, perpetuating the memory of the victory of Russian weapons in the Patriotic War of 1812. Another equestrian statue was immediately abandoned, announcing an imperial design competition for the construction of the monument in 1829. Tsar Nicholas I “hinted” that it would be nice to put a column in the center of the Palace, similar to the one that rises on Place Vendôme in Paris (as is known, the French monument glorified Napoleon). The name of the Russian triumphal column was truly imperial - Alexandrovskaya. In honor of Tsar Alexander I (the elder brother of Nicholas I), who ruled Russia during the Napoleonic invasion and defeated the French troops. “To Alexander I Grateful Russia” - these words are inscribed on one of the bas-reliefs decorating the base of the triumphal column.

But perhaps the most quoted name for the monument was given by Pushkin. The great Russian poet in one of his poems called it the “Pillar of Alexandria”.

There are enough triumphal columns in the world. Such structures “for the glory of victories and weapons” were built back in antiquity. And in Europe there are many examples of the perpetuation of historical events in the form of “pillar” monuments. But the St. Petersburg Alexander Column is truly unique.

Firstly, because it is the tallest among similar monuments in the world: the height of the Alexander Column, together with the angel crowning it, is 47.5 m (imagine this is a 19-story building!).

Secondly, the column is made from a single piece of perfectly polished pink granite, without any joints or seams.

Thirdly, the huge Alexander Pillar stands on a granite base without any additional supports, only under the influence of gravity, it is not secured by anything. The total weight of the monument is 704 tons (of which 600 tons are the granite column itself). By the way, in the first years after the opening of the monument, St. Petersburg residents treated it with caution, expecting the column to fall. To dispel all the fears and concerns of the townspeople, the author of the monument, Auguste Montferrand, made it a rule to walk every morning near the Alexander Pillar with his beloved dog. So the architect showed that there was no need to be afraid of the monument falling. The tradition continued for almost 15 years, until Montferrand’s death.

One inevitably wonders: how could such a structure be erected at the beginning of the 19th century, when there was no talk of any electricity, powerful cranes or hydraulic presses? Science fiction or a miracle of engineering calculation? There's probably a little bit of everything here.

First, near Vyborg (about 180 km from St. Petersburg), the required “stone” was found. According to legend, Montferrand himself spotted it while walking in the picturesque surroundings of this ancient city. By the way, it was Finland then. First, the blank for the column itself was cut from the granite rock by hand (the process lasted almost 2 years!), and then the stones for the foundation and pedestal of the monument. The workpiece was partially processed on site, in the Pyuterlak quarry, and then on a specially designed ship it was transported across the Gulf of Finland to Kronstadt, and from there to St. Petersburg, to Palace Square, where the column was “finished to perfection” - polished and processed. By the way, the column, which looks like a perfectly straight pillar, actually has the shape of a truncated cone: the diameter of its base is 3.5 m, and the top is half a meter less.

They explored the Palace Square (conducted a kind of geological exploration) and found a “sandy continent”, which surprisingly fell almost in the center of this space. 1,250 tarred pine piles were driven into the base of the monument and granite blocks were laid. After laying the foundation, a 400-ton monolith stone was rolled onto it, which became the base of the pedestal. It was the frosty winter of 1830, and in order for the stone to “sit” smoothly, the architect ordered cement and vodka to be mixed and soap added to this mixture for the desired glide. The column itself was placed on the pedestal two years later, spending only 105 minutes on this work. The pillar was erected by 2,000 soldiers and 400 workers in the presence of the entire royal family and thousands of townspeople. After this, several more years were spent on finalizing the monument - polishing the column itself, installing bas-reliefs, decorative details and fencing.

Angel over the city

It was not immediately decided what would crown the Alexander Column. There were options to install a cross with a snake (the snake would disguise the fasteners), a statue of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky (patron of St. Petersburg) or a figure personifying virtue. As a result, the figure of an angel with a cross was accepted for execution. But there was also a place for the snake. The angel tramples it with the cross, like enmity and malice. Interestingly, the cross has a “Latin” shape. The head of the angel, to which the sculptor B. Orlovsky gave a portrait resemblance to Emperor Alexander I, is tilted down, as if he is looking at the square, raising his right hand to the sky.

The bronze angel, just like the granite column, is not secured by anything and is supported only by the force of its gravity. The height of the angelic figure is almost 5 meters, and the height of the cross on which it rests is 6.4 m.

In Soviet times, there were several projects to “liquidate” the angel. It was proposed to replace it with an 11-meter sculpture of V. Lenin and even a huge bust of I. Stalin. Fortunately, these plans were not destined to come true. But so that the religious component of the monument did not interfere with political rallies and demonstrations, the angel on the Alexander Column was covered up for the holidays: a red canvas cap was lowered from the airship onto the figure or camouflaged with balloons.

But during the Siege of Leningrad, the angel was not covered by anything. The defenders of the city on the Neva managed to cover the entire Alexander Column to two-thirds of its height. During numerous shelling of the city by German artillery, the monument received numerous “wounds”, and one of the angel’s wings was pierced by a shell fragment. During the restoration of the monument in the early 2000s, about fifty fragments that remained in the column from the Great Patriotic War were removed from it.

A few facts about the Alexander Column

The opening of the monument took place on a significant day for St. Petersburg and Russia - August 30 (September 11, new style) 1834. This is the day of transferring the relics of the city's heavenly patron - the holy blessed Alexander Nevsky to St. Petersburg, on the same day Peter I concluded an "eternal peace" with Sweden, which marked the victory of Russia in the Northern War.

At the grand opening of the Alexander Column, a parade of 100,000 Russian troops took place on Palace Square. In order to accommodate the troops at the Winter Palace, the architect Montferrand built the Yellow (today it is called Pevchesky) Bridge.

In the 19th century, there was a “disabled person” in a special booth near the Alexander Column - he kept order around the monument. And in the 30s of the last century, the bronze fence of the monument was dismantled to make cartridge cases from it.

Nowadays, newlyweds often come to the Alexander Column. But not only for taking pictures, there is a belief that there will be as many children in a family as many times the groom can carry the bride in his arms around the Pillar of Alexandria.

Address: Palace Square

On Palace Square stands the Pillar of Alexandria, a masterpiece of the engineering genius, Auguste Montferrand. It stands unsupported by anything, only due to its mass, which is almost 600 tons.

In memory of Russia's victory over Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812, the majestic Alexander Column was erected, built in 1829-1834 according to the design and direction of the architect O. Montferrand. The architect A. U. Adamini also took part in the construction.

The Pillar of Alexandria is the unofficial name of the structure, which arose after the publication, several years after the completion of construction, of Pushkin’s poem “Monument”

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands,
The people's path to him will not be overgrown,
He ascended higher with his rebellious head
Alexandrian pillar

Although formally, apparently, the famous wonder of the world, the Pharos lighthouse in Alexandria, is meant, many see in these lines the poet’s unambiguous allusion to the recently erected monument. Some researchers dispute the reliability of this interpretation, but the fact remains that the name is firmly entrenched in the culture of St. Petersburg.

A gigantic, even by modern standards, monolith was hewn out of dark red granite near Vyborg and, with the help of many ingenious technical devices, was transported by water to St. Petersburg. In a solemn ceremony, with the help of more than two thousand soldiers and sailors, among whom were those who distinguished themselves during the Patriotic War of 1812, the Alexander Column was installed on a pedestal, after which its final finishing began.

Immediately after the construction of the Alexandria Column, St. Petersburg residents refused to appear on Palace Square, assuming that such a colossus would sooner or later fall on someone. To dispel the doubts of the townspeople, the architect Montferrand made it a habit to walk under his brainchild every day.

The Alexandria pillar with the figure of an angel is on the list of the most recognizable symbols of St. Petersburg. The height of the structure is 47.5 meters and is the highest among similar monuments in the world, for example: the Roman Trajan Column, the Parisian Vendôme Column and the Alexandrian Column of Pompey. The monolith is held on the pedestal only by gravity, due to its own weight of 841 tons, no additional fastenings are used. A huge number of piles, each 6.4 meters long, were driven under the base of the monument for stability; a granite platform was laid on them, decorated with four floor lamps.

The column is crowned with a six-meter angel with a cross in his hand, trampling on a snake (the figure represents the world; the snake is a symbol of defeated enemies), the work of the Russian sculptor Boris Orlovsky, a former serf. The sculptor gave the angel’s face the portrait features of Emperor Alexander I.

On the pedestal of the Alexander Column there are bronze bas-reliefs on military themes. When creating them, authentic ancient Russian chain mail, shields and cones, which are stored in the Moscow Armory, were used as samples for depicting military armor. From the side of the Winter Palace, the rivers that the Russian army crossed while pursuing the defeated French are symbolically depicted: the Neman - in the form of an old man and the Vistula - in the form of a young woman. The inscription “Grateful Russia to Alexander I” is also located here. The western side, facing the Admiralty, represents an allegory of “Justice and Mercy”, the eastern one - “Wisdom and Plenty”, and the southern one - “Glory” and “Peace”

And today we have the pleasure of observing on the main square in St. Petersburg a giant pink granite column on a square pedestal, personifying the glory of Russian weapons. Like the triumphal structures of antiquity, the Pillar of Alexandria amazes with its clear proportions and laconic form.

Arches of the General Staff, which was dedicated to the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The idea of ​​​​building the monument was proposed by the famous architect Carl Rossi. When planning the space of Palace Square, he believed that a monument should be placed in the center of the square. An open competition was officially announced on behalf of Emperor Nicholas I in 1829 with the wording in memory of the “unforgettable brother”. Auguste Montferrand responded to this challenge with a project to erect a grandiose granite obelisk, but this option was rejected by the emperor.

In honor of the 175th anniversary of the installation of the Alexander Column on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, a solemn ceremony was held, and the Day of the Alexander Column was established in the Hermitage.

On September 25, 2009, the Bank of Russia issued a commemorative coin with a face value of 25 rubles dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the Alexander Column in St. Petersburg. The coin is made of 925 silver, with a circulation of 1000 copies and weighing 169.00 grams.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The Alexander Column appeared on Palace Square in 1834, but this was preceded by a long and complex history of its construction. The idea itself belongs to Karl Rossi, the author of many attractions of the Northern capital. He suggested that one detail was missing for the design of Palace Square - the central monument, and also noted that it should be high enough, otherwise it would be lost against the background of the General Staff building.

Emperor Nicholas I supported this idea and announced a competition for the best design of a monument for Palace Square, adding that it should symbolize the victory of Alexander I over Napoleon. Among all the projects sent to the competition, the work of Auguste Montferrand attracted the emperor's attention.

However, his first sketch was never brought to life. The architect proposed erecting a granite obelisk on the square with bas-reliefs on a military theme, but Nicholas I liked the idea of ​​a column similar to the one installed by Napoleon more. This is how the project of the Alexandria Pillar came about.

Taking as examples the columns of Pompey in and Trajan in, as well as the already mentioned monument in Paris, Auguste Montferrand developed a project for the tallest (at that time) monument in the world. In 1829, this sketch was approved by the emperor, and the architect was assigned to manage the construction process.

Construction of the monument

Implementing the idea of ​​the Alexander Column turned out to be a difficult task. The piece of rock from which the granite base of the monument was hewn was brought from and processed in the Vyborg province. A system of levers was developed specifically for lifting and transporting it, and in order to send the stone block it was necessary to construct a special barge and a pier for it.

In the same 1829, they began to lay the foundation of the future monument on Palace Square. It is interesting that almost the same technology was used for its construction as during the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral. To ensure an even cut of the wooden piles driven as the basis of the foundation, water was used - filling the foundation pit with it, the workers cut the piles to the level of the water surface. This method, innovative at that time, was proposed by Augustine Betancourt, a famous Russian engineer and architect.

The most difficult task was the installation of the Alexander Column. For this purpose, an original lift was created from capstans, blocks and unprecedentedly high scaffolding, which rose 47 meters upward. Hundreds of spectators watched the procedure for raising the main part of the monument, and the emperor himself arrived with his entire family. When the granite column sank onto the pedestal, a loud “Hurray!” was heard over the square. And, as the emperor noted, with this monument Montferrand acquired immortality.

The final stage of construction was no longer particularly difficult. From 1832 to 1834, the monument was decorated with bas-reliefs and other decorative elements. The author of the capital in the Roman Doric style was the sculptor Evgeniy Balin, who also developed models of garlands and profiles for the Alexander Column.

The only thing that caused disagreement was the statue that was supposed to crown the monument - Montferrand proposed installing a cross entwined with a snake, but in the end the emperor approved a completely different project. The work of B. Orlovsky was installed on the top of the column - a six-meter angel with a cross, in whose face you can recognize the features of Alexander I.

Discovery of the Pillar of Alexandria

Work on the Alexander Column was completely completed in the summer of 1834, and the grand opening was scheduled for August 30, or September 11 according to the old style. They prepared for this event in advance - Montferrand even created special stands for important guests, which were made in the same style as the Winter Palace.

A service was held at the foot of the monument in the presence of the emperor, foreign diplomats and thousands of Russian troops, and then a military parade took place in front of the stands. In total, more than 100,000 people were involved in the celebration, and this does not count the numerous spectators from St. Petersburg. In honor of the Alexander Column, the mint even issued a commemorative ruble with a portrait of Alexander I.

How to get there

The Alexander Column is located on Palace Square in the historical part of the city. There are many public transport routes here and the area is also very popular for walking. The nearest metro stations are Admiralteyskaya and Nevsky Prospekt.

The exact address: Palace Square, St. Petersburg

    Option 1

    Metro: take the blue or green line to Nevsky Prospekt station.

    On foot: head towards the Admiralty spire until it intersects with Admiralteysky Prospekt, and then on the right you will see the Alexander Column.

    Option 2

    Metro: Take the purple line to Admiralteyskaya station.

    On foot: go out onto Malaya Morskaya Street and walk to Nevsky Prospekt. Then within 5 minutes you can walk to the intersection with Admiralteysky Prospekt and to Palace Square.

    Option 3

    Bus: routes No. 1, 7, 10, 11, 24 and 191 to the “Palace Square” stop.

    Option 4

    Bus: routes No. 3, 22, 27 and 100 to the Admiralteyskaya Metro stop.

    On foot: walk 5 minutes to Palace Square.

    Option 5

    Route: route No. K-252 to the “Dvortsovaya Ploshchad” stop.

    Option 6

    Trolleybus: routes No. 5 and 22 to the Nevsky Prospekt stop.

    On foot: walk 7 minutes to Palace Square.

Also, the Alexander Column is a 5-minute walk from the Palace Bridge and the embankment of the same name.

Alexander Column on the map
  • Some numbers: The Alexandria Pillar, together with the angel on its top, is 47.5 meters high. The figure of the angel with the cross itself has a height of 6.4 meters, and the pedestal on which it is installed is 2.85 meters. The total weight of the monument is about 704 tons, of which 600 tons are allocated to the stone pillar itself. Its installation required the simultaneous participation of 400 workers and the assistance of 2,000 soldiers.
  • The Alexander Column, which is a single piece of granite, is supported on the pedestal by its own weight. It is practically not secured in any way and is not buried in the ground. The strength and reliability of the monument for so many centuries was ensured by precise calculations by engineers.

  • When laying the foundation, a bronze box with 105 coins issued in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1812 was placed at the base of the Alexander Column. They are still kept there along with a memorial plaque.
  • In order to accurately install the monolithic base of the column on the foundation, Montferrand came up with a special “slippery” solution with the addition of soap. This made it possible to move the huge block of stone several times until it took the correct position. To prevent the cement from freezing longer during winter work, vodka was added to it.
  • The angel on top of the Alexander Column symbolizes the victory of Russian troops over the French, and while working on this statue, the emperor wanted it to look like Alexander I. The snake, which the angel tramples, was supposed to resemble Napoleon. Indeed, many recognize a certain similarity of the angelic face with the features of Alexander I, but there is another version that in fact the sculptor sculpted it from the poetess Elizaveta Kulman.

  • Even during the construction of the Alexander Column, Montferrand proposed making a secret spiral staircase inside the column to climb to the top. According to the architect's calculations, this would require one stone carver and one apprentice to remove garbage. The work itself could take up to 10 years. However, Nicholas I rejected the idea because he feared that the walls of the column might eventually be damaged.
  • At first, St. Petersburg residents perceived the new landmark with caution - its unprecedented height raised doubts about its stability. And to prove the safety of the column, Auguste Montferrand himself began to walk near the monument every day. It is not known whether this measure convinced the distrustful townspeople or whether they simply got used to the monument, but within a few years it became one of the most popular attractions in St. Petersburg.
  • There is a funny story connected with the lanterns surrounding the Alexander Column. In the winter of 1889, the Northern capital was flooded with rumors that with the onset of darkness a mysterious letter N appeared on the monument, and in the morning it disappeared without a trace. Foreign Minister Count Vladimir Lamsdorf became interested in this and decided to check the information. And imagine his surprise when a luminous letter actually appeared on the surface of the column! But the count, who was not prone to mysticism, quickly figured out the mystery: it turned out that the glass of the lanterns had the mark of the manufacturer - the Siemens company, and at a certain moment the light fell so that the letter N was reflected on the monument.
  • After the October Revolution, the new authorities decided that the figure of an angel over the city where the cruiser Aurora was stationed was an inappropriate phenomenon that urgently needed to be gotten rid of. In 1925, they tried to cover the top of the Alexander Column with a cap from a balloon. However, over and over again the wind blew him aside, and as a result, this venture was abandoned without achieving success. In addition, it is believed that at one time they wanted to replace the angel with Lenin, but this idea did not come to fruition.
  • There is a legend that after the announcement of the first flight into space in 1961, the inscription “Yuri Gagarin! Hooray!". But the question of how its author was able to climb almost to the top of the column, and even without being noticed, has never been answered.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, they tried to disguise the column in order to protect it from destruction (like other St. Petersburg monuments). However, due to the enormous height of the monument, this was only 2/3 done, and the top with the angel was slightly damaged. In the post-war years, the figure of the angel was restored, and it was also restored in the 1970s and 2000s.
  • One of the relatively new legends associated with the Alexander Column is the rumor that it actually covers an ancient oil field discovered back in the 19th century. It’s difficult to say where this belief came from, but in any case, it is not at all supported by facts.

Around the monument

Since the Pillar of Alexandria is located in the heart of the city, most of St. Petersburg's famous attractions are located nearby. You can spend more than one day walking around these places, because, in addition to architectural monuments, there are museums here that will be interesting to see not only from the outside.

So, next to the Alexander Column you can visit:

Winter Palace- one of the masterpieces of architect B.F. Rastrelli, created in 1762. Until the October Revolution, it served as the winter residence of several Russian emperors (hence, in fact, its name).

The grandiose museum complex, founded by Catherine II, is located literally a stone's throw from the column. Its rich collections of paintings, sculptures, weapons, and ancient household items are known not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Museum A.S. Pushkin- the former mansion of the Volkonsky princes, where the poet once lived and where his original things were preserved.

Museum of Printing- an interesting place where you can learn about the history of printing in Russia. It is located a 5-7 minute walk from the Alexander Column on the other bank of the Moika River.

House of Scientists- the former Vladimir Palace and the former Soviet club of scientific intelligentsia. Even today, several scientific sections operate there, conferences and business meetings are held.

Even more historical monuments and simply interesting places for a walk can be found on the other side of Nevsky Prospekt and Dvortsovy Proezd.

The closest places to the Alexander Column are:

"Bringing Down the House"- an entertainment center, including several rooms with an “inverted” interior. Visitors come here mainly for fun photos.

Alexander Garden- a park founded in 1874 and today under the protection of UNESCO. Full of green lawns, alleys, and flower beds, it will be an excellent place to relax after an excursion to the Alexander Column and before visiting new sights.

Bronze Horseman- the famous monument to Peter I, made by Etienne Falconet in 1770 by order of Catherine II. From the 18th century to the present day, it has been the main symbol of St. Petersburg, the hero of fairy tales and poems, as well as the object of numerous superstitions, beliefs and legends.

Admiralty- another famous symbol of the Northern capital, whose spire serves as a landmark for many tourists and guests of the city. Originally built as a shipyard, today this building is considered a masterpiece of world architecture.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral- a unique example of late classicism and the largest temple in St. Petersburg. Its facade is decorated with more than 350 sculptures and bas-reliefs.

If you walk from the Alexander Column along the Palace Bridge to the other bank of the Neva, you can get to Vasilyevsky Island, which is considered one big attraction. The Exchange building, the Kunstkamera, the Zoological Museum, the Baroque Menshikov Palace and much more are located here. The island itself, with its amazing layout, strictly parallel streets-lines and rich history, is worthy of a separate excursion.

In short, no matter where you go from the Alexander Column, you will in any case end up at one of the important historical monuments. Being one of the symbols of St. Petersburg, it is surrounded by the same iconic monuments and ancient buildings. The Palace Square itself, where the column is located, is included in the UNESCO list and is one of the best architectural ensembles in Russia. The Winter Palace, the headquarters of the Guards Corps and the General Staff form here a luxurious necklace of architectural masterpieces. On holidays, the square becomes a venue for concerts, sports competitions and other events, and in winter there is a huge ice skating rink.

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Palace Square, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Alexander Column(often called Alexandria pillar, according to A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Monument”) is one of the most famous monuments in St. Petersburg.

It is run by the Museum of Urban Sculpture.

Erected in the Empire style in 1834 in the center of Palace Square by the architect Auguste Montferrand by order of Emperor Nicholas I in memory of the victory of his elder brother Alexander I over Napoleon.

History of creation

This monument complemented the composition of the Arch of the General Staff, which was dedicated to the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The idea of ​​​​building the monument was proposed by the famous architect Carl Rossi. When planning the space of Palace Square, he believed that a monument should be placed in the center of the square. However, he rejected the proposed idea of ​​​​installing another equestrian statue of Peter I.

An open competition was officially announced on behalf of Emperor Nicholas I in 1829 with the wording in memory of “ unforgettable brother" Auguste Montferrand responded to this challenge with a project to erect a grandiose granite obelisk, but this option was rejected by the emperor.

A sketch of that project has been preserved and is currently in the library of the Institute of Railway Engineers. Montferrand proposed installing a huge granite obelisk 25.6 meters (84 feet or 12 fathoms) high on a granite plinth 8.22 meters (27 feet). The front side of the obelisk was supposed to be decorated with bas-reliefs depicting the events of the War of 1812 in photographs from the famous medallions by medalist Count F. P. Tolstoy.

On the pedestal it was planned to carry the inscription “To the Blessed One - Grateful Russia.” On the pedestal, the architect saw a rider on a horse trampling a snake with his feet; a double-headed eagle flies in front of the rider, the goddess of victory follows the rider, crowning him with laurels; the horse is led by two symbolic female figures.

The sketch of the project indicates that the obelisk was supposed to surpass all monoliths known in the world in its height (secretly highlighting the obelisk installed by D. Fontana in front of St. Peter's Cathedral). The artistic part of the project is excellently executed using watercolor techniques and testifies to Montferrand’s high skill in various areas of fine art.

Trying to defend his project, the architect acted within the limits of subordination, dedicating his essay “ Plans et details du monument consacr e a la memoire de l’Empereur Alexandre“, but the idea was still rejected and Montferrand was explicitly pointed to the column as the desired form of the monument.

Final project

The second project, which was subsequently implemented, was to install a column higher than that of Vendôme (erected in honor of Napoleon's victories). Montferrand was offered Trajan's Column in Rome as a source of inspiration.

The narrow scope of the project did not allow the architect to escape the influence of world-famous examples, and his new work was only a slight modification of the ideas of his predecessors. The artist expressed his individuality by refusing to use additional decorations, like the bas-reliefs spiraling around the core of the ancient Trajan's Column. Montferrand showed the beauty of a giant polished pink granite monolith 25.6 meters (12 fathoms) high.

In addition, Montferrand made his monument taller than all existing ones. In this new form, on September 24, 1829, the project without sculptural completion was approved by the sovereign.

Construction took place from 1829 to 1834. Since 1831, Count Yu. P. Litta was appointed chairman of the “Commission on the Construction of St. Isaac’s Cathedral,” which was responsible for the installation of the column.

Preparatory work

For the granite monolith - the main part of the column - the rock that the sculptor outlined during his previous trips to Finland was used. Mining and preliminary processing were carried out in 1830-1832 in the Pyuterlak quarry, which was located between Vyborg and Friedrichsham. These works were carried out according to the method of S.K. Sukhanov, the production was supervised by masters S.V. Kolodkin and V.A. Yakovlev.

After the stonemasons examined the rock and confirmed the suitability of the material, a prism was cut off from it, which was significantly larger in size than the future column. Giant devices were used: huge levers and gates to move the block from its place and tip it onto a soft and elastic bedding of spruce branches.

After separating the workpiece, huge stones were cut from the same rock for the foundation of the monument, the largest of which weighed about 25,000 poods (more than 400 tons). Their delivery to St. Petersburg was carried out by water, for this purpose a barge of a special design was used.

The monolith was duped on site and prepared for transportation. Transportation issues were dealt with by naval engineer Colonel Glasin, who designed and built a special boat, named “St. Nicholas,” with a carrying capacity of up to 65,000 poods (1,100 tons). To carry out loading operations, a special pier was built. Loading was carried out from a wooden platform at its end, which coincided in height with the side of the vessel.

Having overcome all difficulties, the column was loaded on board, and the monolith went to Kronstadt on a barge towed by two steamships, from there to go to the Palace Embankment of St. Petersburg.

The arrival of the central part of the column in St. Petersburg took place on July 1, 1832. The contractor, merchant son V. A. Yakovlev, was responsible for all of the above work; further work was carried out on site under the leadership of O. Montferrand.

Yakovlev's business qualities, extraordinary intelligence and management were noted by Montferrand. Most likely he acted independently, " at your own expense» - taking on all financial and other risks associated with the project. This is indirectly confirmed by the words

Works in St. Petersburg

Since 1829, work began on the preparation and construction of the foundation and pedestal of the column on Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The work was supervised by O. Montferrand.

First, a geological survey of the area was carried out, which resulted in the discovery of a suitable sandy continent near the center of the area at a depth of 17 feet (5.2 m). In December 1829, the location for the column was approved, and 1,250 six-meter pine piles were driven under the base. Then the piles were cut to fit the spirit level, forming a platform for the foundation, according to the original method: the bottom of the pit was filled with water, and the piles were cut to the level of the water table, which ensured that the site was horizontal.

This method was proposed by Lieutenant General A. A. Betancourt, an architect and engineer, organizer of construction and transport in the Russian Empire. Previously, using a similar technology, the foundation of St. Isaac's Cathedral was laid.

The foundation of the monument was built from stone granite blocks half a meter thick. It was extended to the horizon of the square using planked masonry. In its center was placed a bronze box with coins minted in honor of the victory of 1812.

The work was completed in October 1830.

Construction of the pedestal

After laying the foundation, a huge four-hundred-ton monolith, brought from the Pyuterlak quarry, was erected on it, which serves as the base of the pedestal.

The engineering problem of installing such a large monolith was solved by O. Montferrand as follows:

  1. Installation of a monolith on the foundation
  • The monolith was rolled on rollers through an inclined plane onto a platform built close to the foundation.
  • The stone was dumped on a pile of sand that had been previously poured next to the platform.

“At the same time, the earth shook so much that eyewitnesses - passers-by who were in the square at that moment, felt something like an underground shock.”

  • Supports were placed, then workers raked out the sand and placed rollers.
  • The supports were cut down and the block was lowered onto the rollers.
  • The stone was rolled onto the foundation.
  • Precise installation of the monolith
    • The ropes, thrown over the blocks, were pulled with nine capstans, and the stone was raised to a height of about one meter.
    • They took out the rollers and added a layer of slippery solution, very unique in its composition, onto which they planted the monolith.

    Setting up the upper parts of the pedestal was a much simpler task - despite the greater height of the rise, subsequent steps consisted of stones of much smaller sizes than the previous ones, and besides, the workers gradually gained experience.

    Column installation

    By July 1832, the monolith of the column was on its way, and the pedestal had already been completed. It's time to begin the most difficult task - installing the column on the pedestal.

    This part of the work was also carried out by Lieutenant General A. A. Betancourt. In December 1830, he designed an original lifting system. It included: scaffolding 22 fathoms (47 meters) high, 60 capstans and a system of blocks, and he took advantage of all this in the following way:

    • The column was rolled along an inclined plane onto a special platform located at the foot of the scaffolding and wrapped in many rings of ropes to which blocks were attached;
    • Another block system was located on top of the scaffolding;
    • A large number of ropes encircling the stone went around the upper and lower blocks and the free ends were wound on capstans placed in the square.

    After all the preparations were completed, the day of the ceremonial ascent was set.

    On August 30, 1832, masses of people gathered to watch this event: they occupied the entire square, and besides this, the windows and roof of the General Staff Building were occupied by spectators. The sovereign and the entire imperial family came to the raising.

    To bring the column into a vertical position on Palace Square, engineer A. A. Betancourt needed to attract the forces of 2000 soldiers and 400 workers, who installed the monolith in 1 hour 45 minutes.

    The block of stone rose obliquely, slowly crawled, then lifted off the ground and was brought to a position above the pedestal. On command, the ropes were released, the column smoothly lowered and fell into place. The people shouted loudly “Hurray!” The sovereign himself was very pleased with the successful completion of the matter.

    The final stage

    After installing the column, all that remained was to attach the bas-relief slabs and decorative elements to the pedestal, as well as to complete the final processing and polishing of the column. The column was surmounted by a bronze capital of the Doric order with a rectangular abacus made of brickwork with bronze facing. A bronze cylindrical pedestal with a hemispherical top was installed on it.

    In parallel with the construction of the column, in September 1830, O. Montferrand worked on a statue intended to be placed above it and, according to the wishes of Nicholas I, facing the Winter Palace. In the original design, the column was completed with a cross entwined with a snake to decorate the fasteners. In addition, the sculptors of the Academy of Arts proposed several options for compositions of figures of angels and virtues with a cross. There was an option to install the figure of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky.

    As a result, the figure of an angel with a cross, made by sculptor B.I. Orlovsky with expressive and understandable symbolism, was accepted for execution - “ You'll win!" These words are connected with the story of the acquisition of the life-giving cross:

    The finishing and polishing of the monument lasted two years.

    Opening of the monument

    The opening of the monument took place on August 30 (September 11), 1834 and marked the completion of work on the design of Palace Square. The ceremony was attended by the sovereign, the royal family, the diplomatic corps, a hundred thousand Russian troops and representatives of the Russian army. It was carried out in a distinctly Orthodox setting and was accompanied by a solemn service at the foot of the column, in which kneeling troops and the emperor himself took part.

    This open-air service drew a parallel with the historical prayer service of Russian troops in Paris on the day of Orthodox Easter on March 29 (April 10), 1814.

    It was impossible to look without deep emotional tenderness at the sovereign, humbly kneeling in front of this numerous army, moved by his word to the foot of the colossus he had built. He prayed for his brother, and everything at that moment spoke of the earthly glory of this sovereign brother: both the monument bearing his name, and the kneeling Russian army, and the people among whom he lived, complacent, accessible to everyone. How amazing this contrast was at that moment. everyday greatness, magnificent, but fleeting, with the greatness of death, gloomy, but unchanging; and how eloquent was this angel in view of both, who, unrelated to everything that surrounded him, stood between earth and heaven, belonging to the one with his monumental granite, depicting what no longer exists, and to the other with his radiant cross, a symbol of what always and forever

    Message from V. A. Zhukovsky “to Emperor Alexander”, revealing the symbolism of this act and giving an interpretation of the new prayer service

    Then a military parade was held on the square. Regiments that distinguished themselves in the Patriotic War of 1812 took part in it; In total, about one hundred thousand people took part in the parade:

    In honor of this event, a memorial ruble was issued in the same year with a circulation of 15,000.

    Description of the monument

    The Alexander Column is reminiscent of examples of triumphal buildings of antiquity; the monument has amazing clarity of proportions, laconism of form, and beauty of silhouette.

    Text on the monument plaque:

    Grateful Russia to Alexander I

    It is the tallest monument in the world, made of solid granite, and the third tallest after the Column of the Grand Army in Boulogne-sur-Mer and Trafalgar (Nelson's Column) in London. It is taller than similar monuments in the world: the Vendôme Column in Paris, Trajan's Column in Rome and Pompey's Column in Alexandria.


    • The total height of the structure is 47.5 m.
      • The height of the trunk (monolithic part) of the column is 25.6 m (12 fathoms).
      • Pedestal height 2.85 m (4 arshins),
      • The height of the angel figure is 4.26 m,
      • The height of the cross is 6.4 m (3 fathoms).
    • The bottom diameter of the column is 3.5 m (12 ft), the top is 3.15 m (10 ft 6 in).
    • The size of the pedestal is 6.3?6.3 m.
    • The dimensions of the bas-reliefs are 5.24 x 3.1 m.
    • Fence dimensions 16.5 x 16.5 m
    • The total weight of the structure is 704 tons.
      • The weight of the stone column trunk is about 600 tons.
      • The total weight of the column top is about 37 tons.

    The column itself stands on a granite base without any additional supports, only under the influence of its own gravity.


    The pedestal of the column, decorated on four sides with bronze bas-reliefs, was cast at the C. Byrd factory in 1833-1834.

    A large team of authors worked on the decoration of the pedestal: sketch drawings were made by O. Montferrand, based on them on cardboard the artists J.B. Scotti, V. Solovyov, Tverskoy, F. Brullo, Markov painted life-size bas-reliefs. Sculptors P.V. Svintsov and I. Leppe sculpted bas-reliefs for casting. Models of double-headed eagles were made by sculptor I. Leppe, models of the base, garlands and other decorations were made by sculptor-ornamentalist E. Balin.

    The bas-reliefs on the pedestal of the column in an allegorical form glorify the victory of Russian weapons and symbolize the courage of the Russian army.

    The bas-reliefs include images of ancient Russian chain mail, cones and shields stored in the Armory Chamber in Moscow, including helmets attributed to Alexander Nevsky and Ermak, as well as the 17th century armor of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and that, despite Montferrand's assertions, it is completely doubtful, the shield Oleg of the 10th century, nailed by him to the gates of Constantinople.

    These ancient Russian images appeared on the work of the Frenchman Montferrand through the efforts of the then president of the Academy of Arts, a famous lover of Russian antiquities A. N. Olenin.

    In addition to armor and allegories, allegorical figures are depicted on the pedestal on the northern (front) side: winged female figures hold a rectangular board with the inscription in civil script: “Grateful Russia to Alexander the First.” Below the board is an exact copy of armor samples from the armory.

    Symmetrically located figures on the sides of the weapons (on the left - a beautiful young woman leaning on an urn from which water is pouring out and on the right - an old Aquarius man) represent the Vistula and Neman rivers, which were crossed by the Russian army during the persecution of Napoleon.

    Other bas-reliefs depict Victory and Glory, recording the dates of memorable battles, and, in addition, on the pedestal are depicted the allegories “Victory and Peace” (the years 1812, 1813 and 1814 are inscribed on the Victory shield), “Justice and Mercy”, “Wisdom and Abundance” "

    At the upper corners of the pedestal there are double-headed eagles; they hold in their paws oak garlands lying on the ledge of the pedestal cornice. On the front side of the pedestal, above the garland, in the middle - in a circle bordered by an oak wreath, is the All-Seeing Eye with the signature “1812”.

    All bas-reliefs depict weapons of a classical nature as decorative elements, which

    Column and angel sculpture

    The stone column is a solid polished element made of pink granite. The column trunk has a conical shape.

    The top of the column is crowned with a bronze capital of the Doric order. Its upper part - a rectangular abacus - is made of brickwork with bronze cladding. A bronze cylindrical pedestal with a hemispherical top is installed on it, inside which is enclosed the main supporting mass, consisting of multi-layer masonry: granite, brick and two more layers of granite at the base.

    The monument is crowned with a figure of an angel by Boris Orlovsky. In his left hand the angel holds a four-pointed Latin cross, and raises his right hand to heaven. The angel's head is tilted, his gaze is fixed on the ground.

    Originally designed by Auguste Montferrand, the figure at the top of the column was supported by a steel rod, which was later removed, and during the restoration in 2002-2003 it was revealed that the angel was supported by its own bronze mass.

    Not only is the column itself taller than the Vendôme Column, but the figure of the angel surpasses in height the figure of Napoleon I on the Vendôme Column. The sculptor gave the angel’s facial features a resemblance to the face of Alexander I. In addition, the angel tramples a serpent with a cross, which symbolizes the peace and tranquility that Russia brought to Europe, having won the victory over Napoleonic troops.

    The light figure of an angel, the falling folds of clothing, the clearly defined vertical of the cross, continuing the vertical of the monument, emphasize the slenderness of the column.

    Fence and surroundings of the monument

    The Alexander Column was surrounded by a decorative bronze fence designed by Auguste Montferrand. The height of the fence is about 1.5 meters. The fence was decorated with 136 double-headed eagles and 12 captured cannons (4 in the corners and 2 framed by double-leaf gates on four sides of the fence), which were crowned with three-headed eagles.

    Between them were placed alternating spears and banner poles, topped with guards' double-headed eagles. There were locks on the gates of the fence in accordance with the author's plan.

    In addition, the project included the installation of candelabra with copper lanterns and gas lighting.

    The fence in its original form was installed in 1834, all elements were completely installed in 1836-1837.

    In the north-eastern corner of the fence there was a guard box, in which there was a disabled person dressed in a full guards uniform, who guarded the monument day and night and kept order in the square.

    The entire space of Palace Square was paved with ends.

    Stories and legends associated with the Alexander Column

    • It is noteworthy that the installation of the column on the pedestal and the opening of the monument took place on August 30 (September 11, new style). This is not a coincidence: this is the day of the transfer of the relics of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky to St. Petersburg, the main day of the celebration of St. Alexander Nevsky.

    Alexander Nevsky is the heavenly protector of the city, so the angel looking from the top of the Alexander Column has always been perceived primarily as a protector and guardian.

    • To hold a parade of troops on Palace Square, the Yellow (now Pevchesky) Bridge was built according to the design of O. Montferrand.
    • After the opening of the column, the residents of St. Petersburg were very afraid that it would fall and tried not to get close to it. These fears were based both on the fact that the column was not fixed, and on the fact that Montferrand was forced to make changes to the project at the last moment: the blocks of the power structures of the top - the abacus, on which the figure of the angel is installed, were originally conceived in granite ; but at the last moment it had to be replaced with brickwork with a lime-based bonding mortar.

    In order to dispel the fears of the townspeople, the architect Montferrand made it a rule to walk every morning with his beloved dog right under the pillar, which he did almost until his death.

    • During perestroika, magazines wrote that there was a project to install a huge statue of V.I. Lenin on the pillar, and in 2002 the media spread a message that in 1952 the figure of an angel was going to be replaced with a bust of Stalin.


    • During the construction of the Alexander Column, there were rumors that this monolith turned out by chance in a row of columns for St. Isaac's Cathedral. Allegedly, having received a column longer than necessary, they decided to use this stone on Palace Square.
    • The French envoy to the St. Petersburg court reports interesting information about this monument:

    Regarding this column, one can recall the proposal made to Emperor Nicholas by the skillful French architect Montferrand, who was present at its cutting, transportation and installation, namely: he suggested that the emperor drill a spiral staircase inside this column and demanded for this only two workers: a man and a boy with a hammer, a chisel and a basket in which the boy would carry out fragments of granite as he drilled it out; finally, two lanterns to illuminate the workers in their difficult work. In 10 years, he argued, the worker and the boy (the latter, of course, would grow up a little) would have finished their spiral staircase; but the emperor, justifiably proud of the construction of this one-of-a-kind monument, feared, and perhaps with good reason, that this drilling would not pierce the outer sides of the column, and therefore refused this proposal.

    Baron P. de Bourgoin, French envoy from 1828 to 1832

    • After the restoration began in 2002-2003, unauthorized newspaper publications began to spread information that the column was not solid, but consisted of a certain number of “pancakes” so skillfully adjusted to each other that the seams between them were practically invisible.
    • The newlyweds come to the Alexander Column, and the groom carries the bride in his arms around the pillar. According to legend, the number of times the groom walks around the column with the bride in his arms, the number of children they will have.

    Addition and restoration work

    Two years after the installation of the monument, in 1836, under the bronze top of the granite column, white-gray spots began to appear on the polished surface of the stone, spoiling the appearance of the monument.

    In 1841, Nicholas I ordered an inspection of the defects then noticed on the column, but the conclusion of the examination stated that even during the processing process, the granite crystals partially crumbled in the form of small depressions, which are perceived as cracks.

    In 1861, Alexander II established the “Committee for the Study of Damage to the Alexander Column,” which included scientists and architects. Scaffolding was erected for inspection, as a result of which the committee came to the conclusion that, indeed, there were cracks on the column, originally characteristic of the monolith, but fear was expressed that an increase in the number and size of them “could lead to the collapse of the column.”

    There have been discussions about the materials that should be used to seal these caverns. The Russian “grandfather of chemistry” A. A. Voskresensky proposed a composition “which was supposed to impart a closing mass” and “thanks to which the crack in the Alexander Column was stopped and closed with complete success” ( D. I. Mendeleev).

    For regular inspection of the column, four chains were secured to the abacus of the capital - fasteners for lifting the cradle; in addition, the craftsmen had to periodically “climb” the monument to clean the stone from stains, which was not an easy task, given the large height of the column.

    The decorative lanterns near the column were made 40 years after the opening - in 1876 by the architect K. K. Rachau.

    During the entire period from the moment of its discovery until the end of the 20th century, the column was subjected to restoration work five times, which was more of a cosmetic nature.

    After the events of 1917, the space around the monument was changed, and on holidays the angel was covered with a red tarpaulin cap or camouflaged with balloons lowered from a hovering airship.

    The fence was dismantled and melted down for cartridge casings in the 1930s.

    During the siege of Leningrad, the monument was covered only 2/3 of its height. Unlike Klodt's horses or the sculptures of the Summer Garden, the sculpture remained in its place and the angel was injured: a deep fragmentation mark remained on one of the wings, in addition to this, the monument suffered more than a hundred minor damage from shell fragments. One of the fragments got stuck in a bas-relief image of the helmet of Alexander Nevsky, from where it was removed in 2003.

    The restoration was carried out in 1963 (foreman N.N. Reshetov, the head of the work was restorer I.G. Black).

    In 1977, restoration work was carried out on Palace Square: historical lanterns were restored around the column, the asphalt surface was replaced with granite and diabase paving stones.

    Engineering and restoration work of the early 21st century

    At the end of the 20th century, after a certain time had passed since the previous restoration, the need for serious restoration work and, first of all, a detailed study of the monument began to be felt more and more acutely. The prologue to the start of work was the exploration of the column. They were forced to produce them on the recommendation of specialists from the Museum of Urban Sculpture. The experts were alarmed by large cracks at the top of the column, visible through binoculars. The inspection was carried out from helicopters and climbers, who in 1991, for the first time in the history of the St. Petersburg restoration school, landed a research “landing force” on the top of the column using a special fire hydrant “Magirus Deutz”.

    Having secured themselves at the top, the climbers took photographs and videos of the sculpture. It was concluded that restoration work was urgently needed.

    The Moscow association Hazer International Rus took over the financing of the restoration. The Intarsia company was chosen to carry out work worth 19.5 million rubles on the monument; this choice was made due to the presence in the organization of personnel with extensive experience working at such critical facilities. Work at the site was carried out by L. Kakabadze, K. Efimov, A. Poshekhonov, P. Portuguese. The work was supervised by first category restorer V. G. Sorin.

    By the fall of 2002, scaffolding had been erected and conservators were conducting on-site research. Almost all the bronze elements of the pommel were in disrepair: everything was covered with a “wild patina”, “bronze disease” began to develop in fragments, the cylinder on which the figure of the angel rested was cracked and took on a barrel-shaped shape. The internal cavities of the monument were examined using a flexible three-meter endoscope. As a result, the restorers were also able to establish what the overall design of the monument looks like and determine the differences between the original project and its actual implementation.

    One of the results of the study was the solution to the stains appearing in the upper part of the column: they turned out to be a product of the destruction of the brickwork, flowing out.

    Carrying out work

    Years of rainy St. Petersburg weather resulted in the following destruction of the monument:

    • The brickwork of the abaca was completely destroyed; at the time of the study, the initial stage of its deformation was recorded.
    • Inside the cylindrical pedestal of the angel, up to 3 tons of water accumulated, which got inside through dozens of cracks and holes in the sculpture’s shell. This water, seeping down into the pedestal and freezing in winter, tore the cylinder, giving it a barrel-shaped shape.

    The restorers were given the following tasks:

    1. Get rid of water:
    • Remove water from the cavities of the pommel;
    • Prevent future accumulation of water;
  • Restore the abacus support structure.
  • The work was carried out mainly in winter at high altitudes without dismantling the sculpture, both outside and inside the structure. Control over the work was carried out by both core and non-core structures, including the Administration of St. Petersburg.

    The restorers carried out work to create a drainage system for the monument: as a result, all the cavities of the monument were connected, and the cavity of the cross, about 15.5 meters high, was used as an “exhaust pipe”. The created drainage system provides for the removal of all moisture, including condensation.

    The brick pommel weight in the abacus was replaced with granite, self-locking structures without binding agents. Thus, Montferrand's original plan was again realized. The bronze surfaces of the monument were protected by patination.

    In addition, more than 50 fragments left over from the siege of Leningrad were recovered from the monument.

    The scaffolding from the monument was removed in March 2003.

    Fence repair

    The fence was made according to a project completed in 1993 by the Lenproektrestavratsiya Institute. The work was financed from the city budget, costs amounted to 14 million 700 thousand rubles. The historical fence of the monument was restored by specialists from Intarsia LLC. The installation of the fence began on November 18, and the grand opening took place on January 24, 2004.

    Soon after the discovery, part of the grating was stolen as a result of two “raids” by vandals - hunters for non-ferrous metals.

    The theft could not be prevented, despite the 24-hour surveillance cameras on Palace Square: they did not record anything in the dark. To monitor the area at night, it is necessary to use special expensive cameras. The leadership of the St. Petersburg Central Internal Affairs Directorate decided to establish a 24-hour police post at the Alexander Column.

    Roller around the column

    At the end of March 2008, an examination of the condition of the column fence was carried out, and a defect sheet was compiled for all losses of elements. It recorded:

    • 53 places of deformation,
    • 83 lost parts,
      • Loss of 24 small eagles and one large eagle,
      • 31 partial loss of parts.
    • 28 eagles
    • 26 peak

    The disappearance did not receive an explanation from St. Petersburg officials and was not commented on by the organizers of the skating rink.

    The organizers of the skating rink committed themselves to the city administration to restore the lost elements of the fence. Work was supposed to begin after the May holidays of 2008.

    Mentions in art

    According to art critics, O. Montferrand’s talented work has clear proportions, laconic form, beauty of lines and silhouette. Both immediately after its creation and subsequently, this architectural work has repeatedly inspired artists.

    It has been repeatedly depicted by landscape painters as an iconic element of the urban landscape.

    An indicative modern example is the video clip for the song “Love” (directed by S. Debezhev, author - Yu. Shevchuk) from the album of the same name by the DDT group. This clip also draws an analogy between a column and the silhouette of a space rocket. In addition to being used in the video clip, a photograph of the bas-relief of the pedestal was used to design the album sleeve.

    The column is also depicted on the cover of the album “Lemur of the Nine” by the St. Petersburg group “Refawn”.

    Column in literature

    • The “Alexandrian Pillar” is mentioned in A. S. Pushkin’s famous poem “Monument”. Pushkin's Alexandria Pillar is a complex image; it contains not only a monument to Alexander I, but also an allusion to the obelisks of Alexandria and Horace. At the first publication, the name “Alexandrian” was replaced by V. A. Zhukovsky for fear of censorship with “Napoleons” (meaning the Vendôme Column).

    In addition, contemporaries attributed the couplet to Pushkin.