Train schedule Yunost-Komsomolskaya - Priytovo. Priyutovo - Yunost-Komsomolskaya train schedule Train tickets Yunost-Komsomolskaya Priyutovo

This train schedule on the route Yunost-Komsomolskaya - Priyutovo is for informational purposes only and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the station information desk.

About the train schedule Yunost-Komsomolskaya - Priyutovo

Currently, the Yunost-Komsomolskaya Priyutovo train schedule consists of 4 flights: direct trains - 0, passing trains - 4. These are flights 101И, 345Е, 147Е - the fastest of them 147Е Nizhnevartovsk 1 Astrakhan 1, which covers the distance along the route Yunost- Komsomolskaya Priyutovo for 1 day 5 hours 39 minutes, the slowest train is 345E Nizhnevartovsk 1 Adler, departing at 01:31. The number of stops on the Yunost-Komsomolskaya route ranges from 19 to 25 depending on the train schedule and averages 22. Along the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 105 minutes. Trains depart from Yunost-Komsomolskaya station in the first half of the day - 00:12, 01:31, 01:31. All trains leave from Yunost-Komsomolskaya stations and arrive at Priyutovo stations.

Currently, the train schedule board in the direction Yunost-Komsomolskaya - Priyutovo consists of 33 trains long distance. Trains make stops at large stations (such as Yunost-Komsomolskaya, Priyutovo), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time covered by mobile trains between these stations is 35 hours 58 minutes.

All trains can be divided into morning and afternoon. First passenger train, which departs at night on the Russian Railways route Nizhnevartovsk - Penza under number 101Y, goes at 0 hours 12 minutes. from Yunost-Komsomolskaya station and at 8 hours 2 minutes. he arrives at Priyutovo station. Eg, number 101Y leaves Yunost-Komsomolskaya station at 00:12:00 and arrives at the platform at 08:02:00 at Priyutovo station.

The daytime and last, in turn, long-distance train goes under number 147E. Departs from Yunost-Komsomolskaya at 13:52. and accordingly arrives at 19:31. to Priyutovo station. On our website there is a correct online schedule in the direction Yunost-Komsomolskaya - Priyutovo on given time. Due to possible changes in the schedule of Russian Railways trains on the route Yunost-Komsomolskaya - Priyutovo, we recommend contacting

additional information to the information services of railway stations, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train. The Priyutovo Yunost-Komsomolskaya train schedule currently contains 3 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 31 hours 48 m, and the number of stops on this route is 25. Trains running on the Priyutovo Yunost-Komsomolskaya route most often stop at the stations Aksakovo, Talitsa, Kamyshlov, Tyumen, Berdyaush, the schedule for which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction depart, for example, at 03.53, 12.05, 20.06 from Priyutovo station, and they arrive at the final destination Yunost-Komsomolskaya at 12.06, 00.25, 22.58, respectively, local time. The small number of assigned trains in the Priyutovo Yunost-Komsomolskaya schedule is a sign that
this route