Destruction of the bridge to the Russian island. The “Miracle Bridge” in Vladivostok could collapse at any moment

I quote an article in the Khabarovsk Express newspaper. It turns out that the astronomical sums allocated for the Potemkin village were stupidly stolen, and the miracle bridge that was built and other mirages will collapse, burying thousands of people. The question arises: are things the same with the Olympic construction in Sochi? The conditions are, in principle, the same: a lot of money and a lot of crooks.

From the editor.

The author of the article has previously raised the topic of the safety of unique bridges in Khabarovsk Express. I contacted Rosavtodor, Rostechnadzor, the Prosecutor General's Office, the embassy, ​​and the President of the Russian Federation. In response, having made a bureaucratic circle, came complacent replies. The unreliability and technical neglect of the main facilities of the APEC summit was emphasized two years ago by the suicide of engineer Vyacheslav Polyanskikh. He committed suicide right in the bay where he was building a bridge. A suicide note was left: “The bridge is being built with gross violations. I don’t want to be extreme when the bridge collapses and there are a lot of victims...”

“Khabarovsk Express”, No. 43, 10/26/11

APEC Summit Bridges: Russian Roulette

Gross violations of the design and construction standards for bridges to Russky Island and across the Zolotoy Rog Bay in Vladivostok, bordering on crime, have already been set out in many of my publications. The facts I have made public, which are officially documented in reports on monitoring the quality of work, convincingly prove that the reliability of bridge foundations and the durability of concrete are not ensured. Simply put, the monitoring materials are a verdict: according to the law, bridges cannot be put into operation and traffic cannot be opened on them - they can collapse at any moment!

One of the reasons for this state of the bridges, I believe, is that the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District evaded control of the implementation of urban planning legislation on the bridges, instructing the customer to control himself, and this is prohibited by Part 6 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 59.

And not so long ago, the plenipotentiary suddenly announced: “For some objects of the APEC 2012 summit, work schedules, unfortunately, do not fully take into account natural and climatic conditions - rain, fog, wind, so there is a slight lag. And if the bridge to Russky Island is not completed by the deadline, then there is no tragedy in it...”

The Internet responded to the statement in different ways. “They are being cunning at the embassy - most likely, they realized that Ryazanov was right about the unreliability of the bridges. By continuing to violate, we would have met the deadlines...” “No need to push it. The goal is not for all sorts of officials to drive across the bridge in Mercedes, but to master new technologies and become a real bridge power.”

It’s a strong word about the “power”! But the customer (Rosavtodor), starting with the surveys, did little to ensure the reliability of these unique cable-stayed bridges (the largest span in the world, 1100 m). First of all, this concerns the bearing capacity of foundations, as well as the durability of concrete.

And the “specialists” (in quotes) who build these bridges believe that to assess the reliability of structures, one single characteristic of concrete is sufficient - strength. And the fact that concrete should and can be guaranteed to be an eternal material, in the literal sense, they, it seems, “didn’t learn” at the university.

At one time, our country adopted the standards of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), requiring a probability of 0.95 for the characteristics of materials and a 0.98 confidence level for soils, taking into account possible changes during construction and operation.

The following were published: GOST “Reliability of building structures and foundations” (total 8 pages) and GOST “Concrete. Rules for strength control" (total 20 pages). Links to them are provided in my publications.

But, apparently, the “specialists” who build APEC bridges do not know these requirements. Here is their response on an online forum: “Have you ever seen or heard of that Ryazanov? An old senile who remained living in the last century, denying modern achievements, claiming that the most reliable was in the 70-80s!”

The author of the poisonous response was immediately dubbed “a young senile” on the forum. Where could he have seen or heard something, if the last 30 years, using my inventions on all the bridges Far East, the designers, contrary to the law, did not refer to these inventions (more than 150 publications and books, including “Columnar foundations and bridge supports...” - Khabarovsk, 2009, 452 pp.). The “old senile man” repeatedly descended into the holes under the pillars to a depth of 25 m, so that it would be safe for young senile people who had not studied the foundations.

Such “bridge building amateurs” apparently do not understand the required standards (the class of concrete is the strength guaranteed by uniformity). Having purchased equipment, they illiterately adopt foreign technologies.

Obviously, they lack the education to understand the need for automatic dosing of the components of the concrete mixture - depending on the moisture content of crushed stone and sand (indeed, the rains, fogs and humidity of the seaside air mentioned by the plenipotentiary have an effect).

As monitoring of the quality of bridge construction has shown, with cast concrete mixtures, young senile people ignore the GOST requirement to ensure the concrete class “with minimal cement consumption.” Those. They increase the strength of concrete due to the higher cement content. But this is criminally dangerous - the concrete becomes frost-resistant! This is not France or Spain, but the harsh Far East.

Let us give an example of the “professionalism” of a candidate of technical sciences - head of the control department of the bridge construction directorate on Russky Island, as well as acting. head of another department (they say “hereditary bridge builder”, but with the formation of a general construction technical school).

A certificate dated August 21, 2009 from our group of experts who carried out the monitoring lists documented violations: “The composition of the concrete mixture was selected only in the laboratory - without checking the characteristics of concrete uniformity in strength. There is no reason to assess the reliability of structures in accordance with GOST 27751-88...”

However, in their “Explanations” the heads of departments write: “We consider the absence of grounds to be far-fetched, because acceptance of concrete is carried out in accordance with clause 5.2 of GOST 18105-86, ... if the actual strength of the concrete is not lower than the required strength.”

This stupidity is echoed by the head of the State Construction Supervision Department of the FS Rostechnadzor (letter dated December 15, 2010). It turns out that the GOST standards are “far-fetched”: the “required strength” is established in accordance with “its homogeneity achieved.”

Having taken on design and construction, such “specialists” probably did not know that, taking into account the control of frost resistance of concrete, to select the optimal composition in accordance with GOST 18105-86, a preparatory period would be required, and at least a year! We could speed things up by using computer programs to quickly select the composition of the concrete mixture. As far as I know, they haven't used it.

As if justifying such familiarity with GOST, the general director of USK MOST, the general contractor for the bridge on Russky Island, introduces a new concept into the strength characteristics of concrete. Not a “brand” (used until 1985) and not a “class”, which the old idiots introduced in accordance with the CMEA standard, but a certain concept of “class brand” - “brand B60”.* Sorry for the directness, but this borders on sabotage.

“Class Mark” abolishes the concept of “security”, which characterizes the strength class of concrete. Control of the uniformity of concrete strength is eliminated. The practice of adjusting the laboratory selection of the composition of a concrete mixture in production conditions is being abolished.

Finally, the concept of “grade of concrete for frost resistance F - ... number of freezing and thawing cycles of concrete samples tested using the basic method” (GOST 100060.0-95) is discarded. What else did the “old senile people” want? After all, it takes six months to control just one batch of concrete samples using the basic method! And we have APEC 2012 - deadlines!

Young senile people, subverters of norms and standards, trumpet loudly that their bridges will stand forever. A recent legend: such low-quality concrete will last a maximum of twenty years. And after the bridge is commissioned, it will soon need to be put up for reconstruction.

In addition to the durability of concrete, the reliability of the bridge according to current standards can be ensured by calculating the foundations according to the characteristics of the soil, which were obtained during surveys with a high confidence probability - strength 0.98 and deformation 0.9. We also need reliable statistics of test results, at least six soil samples from each engineering geological element (soil layer).

Meanwhile, on pylon No. 9 of the bridge across the Golden Horn Bay, prospectors located all exploration wells on the shore, outside the foundation! The characteristics of the rocks (for example, the weathering coefficient) were not determined at all - for all the wells, by the way, they were established by surveys at a depth of minus 10.5 m.

The distance between the pillars on which the bridge pylon (support) rests is allowed by the standards to be at least 1 m. Because the soil around the pillars, taking into account the methods of developing wells, decompresses and becomes loose. But on the pylons of the bridge across the Golden Horn in such unreliable soil, the project provides for a distance between the pillars of only 0.75 m. At the same time, the authors of the project frivolously dispensed with the mandatory soil characteristics, and the main violation is that only the vertical (top to bottom) loads on the pillars of the giant bridges, i.e. as for country sheds.

What about the most dangerous ones - horizontal, lateral moments and loads? Any engineer familiar with the basics of structural mechanics will understand that without having the characteristics of the soil between the pillars, it is impossible to calculate the grillage (pylon base). The actual difference in the depth of the pillars turned out to be more than 13 meters - with the permissible 25 cm according to the standards! Deep pillars, being in an elastic medium, can be put into operation for horizontal loads only when rigid short pillars embedded in rock lose stability and collapse.

Storm winds, at the upper points of bridges, at an altitude of 200-300 m, reaching a speed of 95 m/sec; temperature changes between subtropical summer and sharp continental winter; the braking force of the vehicles transmitted to the bridge deck - any factor can cause the pillars to tilt. And then even the slightest rolls will irreversibly lead to horizontal movements of the top of the pylons (geometry in volume high school), and therefore the pylons can collapse at any moment.

Hence the question: it is precisely these “modern achievements” in the unreliability of foundations, the “mastery of new technologies” to reduce the strength of concrete that will help us become a “real bridge power”?!

Well, the bridge to Russky Island has finally opened. The bridge to which the right to be called the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world was transferred. And of course, what makes me especially proud is that it was built not just somewhere, in China or the USA, but in Russia, more precisely in Vladivostok.

Right away, in order to avoid “misunderstandings”, I would like to remind you that the length of the cable-stayed and suspension bridges is calculated by the central span, and not by the overall length of the bridge. That is why the bridge to Russky Island has every right to be called the longest. The distance between its pylons is 1104 meters. The previous record, 1088 meters, belonged to Chinese bridge Sutun. But in terms of overall length, the bridge to Russky Island is inferior to many cable-stayed bridges; its indicators here are 3100 meters. For example, the same Sutun has a total length of more than 8 kilometers. But this is no longer so important.

After the development of the investment project "Development of Russky Island", according to which production complexes in the field of bio- and information technologies, research institutes, university, large medical center, residential and hotel complexes, an international business center and much more to attract large businesses and tourists here. The need to build a bridge connecting the island with Vladivostok became obvious. And in 2008, construction began. At first, there were many doubts whether it was even possible to build a bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait? After all, the weather conditions here are very unfavorable (in winter the ice thickness in the strait can reach 70 cm), in addition, the future bridge must withstand strong winds and be earthquake-resistant, but in the end design solutions were found that helped make the project a reality.

The digital indicators of this superstructure are as follows. The depth of the piles under the supports is up to 77 meters. The height of the pylons is 324 meters (the same as the Eiffel Tower).

The height of the roadway above sea level is 70 meters.

The width of the bridge is 29.5 meters (4 lanes for vehicles, two in each direction, plus pedestrian paths). The total weight of the bridge is 23 thousand tons.

The technical opening of the structure took place on July 2, 2012. On July 28, a bike ride was organized across the bridge. And on August 1, 2012, traffic was opened for all transport.

Perhaps the only drawback of the bridge to Russky Island is its high cost. According to various estimates, its construction cost from 1 to 1.5 billion dollars. However, given the weather conditions in which it was built and will operate, this amount is quite understandable.

A few more photos of the bridge to Russky Island:

The Russian Bridge in Vladivostok is cable-stayed and connects the Nazimov Peninsula and Cape Novosilsky on Russian Island, separated by the Eastern Bosphorus Strait. The bridge appeared as part of the APEC summit in 2012. The Russian Bridge is a complex and unique object in the entire practice of bridge construction in Russia and the world.


Construction of the Russian Bridge in Vladivostok began in September 2008, although the question of its construction arose at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first draft was drawn up in 1939, and the second in 1960. But both remained unfulfilled. It was only in 2008 that the final design of the cable-stayed bridge was approved.

During the construction of the bridge, different positions were expressed regarding the feasibility of its appearance. Some said that the work was economically unjustified, since only five thousand people live on Russky Island. Others insisted that the construction of a bridge to Russky Island would be an impetus for the development of the island and the creation of large economic and cultural centers.


The Russian Bridge is one of the most grandiose in the world. One of the reasons for this is that the length of the bridge in Vladivostok on Russky Island more than three kilometers. The road surface of the structure is supported by diagonal cables. They, in turn, are attached to two pylons, each reaching a height of 324 meters.

The entire structure weighs 23 thousand tons. Its spans reach a kilometer. On top of the bridge you can see stretched cables painted in the color of the Russian flag. Lanterns are installed along the railings. At the descent from the bridge you can see cannons - the remains of the Novosiltsevskaya battery.

Inside each pylon there are stairs hidden, along which you can get to observation decks, but they are only accessible to bridge maintenance personnel and only occasionally to photographers. From a 300-meter height, a breathtaking view opens up: the endless Pacific Ocean and Vladivostok below in barely noticeable outlines

Technical features

The cable-stayed bridge system across the Eastern Bosphorus was designed by the best engineers in Russia and abroad. The cables consist of parallel strands ranging from 13 to 85, each individually protected against corrosion. The shell is made of two layers: the inner one is made of dense polyethylene, the outer one is thinner.

The decorative shell has a spiral-shaped collar - it provides protection from vibrations generated by simultaneous exposure to rain and wind.

The Russian Bridge was built in conditions of strong winds, a humid climate and sudden temperature changes. As a result, the cables, thanks to special steel, are able to withstand temperatures ranging from -40 to +40 degrees, and their service life is up to one hundred years. The aerodynamic cross-section of the structure makes it resistant even to squally winds, which often occur in Vladivostok.


The bridge to Russky Island allows residents to go there on weekends. The structure is designed for passenger vehicles and small trucks.

The roadway has four lanes for traffic - two in both directions. Drivers who find themselves at a height of 70 meters are breathtaking from the expanse of water stretching below and the cables hanging from above. Pedestrians are prohibited from entering the bridge.


The lighting equipment for the bridge to Russky Island was completed at the beginning of 2013. The main task of the lighting is to create the illusion of a bridge floating in the air and at the same time highlight its main elements - giant supports and cables, painted in the colors of the Russian flag.

The lighting equipment is secured in such a way as not to create difficulties during operation. Lighting not only illuminates the bridge, but also significantly transforms appearance in the dark.

Bridge for tourists

The bridge to Russky Island across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait is being built as part of the program to prepare Vladivostok for the APEC summit in 2012. Cable-stayed bridge will connect the mainland and island parts of Vladivostok and will become an important link in the transport system of the Primorsky Territory. The bridge will become a world record holder for the length of the central span - 1104 meters and the length of the cable stays - 580 meters. The height above the water surface is 70 meters. The height of the pylons is 324 meters.

2. At the beginning of October 2007, NPO Mostovik won the tender to design a bridge crossing to Russky Island. The main partner of the association in carrying out design work was the design organization ZAO Giprostroymost Institute St. Petersburg

3. Construction of the bridge began in September 2008. The general construction contractor is JSC "USK Most". The main subcontractors were SK MOST OJSC and NPO Mostovik LLC.

4. The bridge will open to road traffic in July 2012, and in September Russky Island will host delegates to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization summit.

5. The total length of the bridge is 1885.53 m (of which 1104 m is the central channel span)

6. The approaches to the bridge are overpasses with a total length of more than 900 meters. Trestle supports are rack-mount, with a height of 9 to 30 meters. The spans are steel-reinforced concrete, consisting of metal boxes with inclined walls and a monolithic reinforced concrete slab.

7. The width of the roadway is 24 m. There will be 4 lanes (2 in each direction)

8. For the construction of the M6 ​​pylon, an artificial peninsula was poured on the Nazimov Peninsula, from which wells were drilled for supports. The construction of the pile foundation of the M7 pylon on Russky Island began with water on a temporary working metal island. They are designed to protect ships with a displacement of up to 66,000 tons from piles, ice movements and wave action. The total volume of rock and loose soil moved during the construction of technological sites is 1.5 million cubic meters.

9. The design of the span has an aerodynamic cross-section to accommodate loads from squally winds.

10. At the base of each pylon there are 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters. Piles with a non-removable metal shell under the M7 pylon go deep to 46 meters. On the Nazimov Peninsula maximum depth occurrence of reinforced concrete piles – 77 meters.

11. To construct each pylon grillage, approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required. Tensor sensors are built into the body of the grillage to monitor the condition of this colossal foundation.

12. The height of the pylon is 324 meters, which is comparable to the height of a 90-story building.

13. Top of the pylon

14. Builders are delivered to the pylon by cargo-passenger lifts. The photo shows a German GEDA lift with a lifting capacity of 2 tons, which allows you to simultaneously transport up to 24 people. Lifting speed 65 m/min.

15. Builders worked in extreme conditions weather conditions. The wind speed reaches 36 meters per second, the storm wind raises waves up to six meters, the thickness of the ice reaches 70 centimeters. The temperature in winter drops below minus 36 degrees, and in summer it rises to plus 37.

16. Continuous reinforcement and concreting of pylon M6 (Nazimov Peninsula) was completed in a record 25 months.

17. The solution was supplied to this height by special concrete pumps.

18. View from the Potain MD 1100 tower crane. This level is 348 meters from the ground. As I was told, on this moment, this is the tallest tower crane in Russia.

19. Lifting height – 335 m, boom length – 60 m.

20. Maximum load capacity– 50 tons

21. SK Most uses Kroll tower cranes with a lifting capacity of 40 and 20 tons for the construction of pylons.

22. Thousand-ton crane operator

23. Potain MDT 368 faucet (). Maximum lifting capacity – 16 t, lifting height – 328.7 m, boom length – 40 m.

25. The stiffening beam of the central navigable span of the bridge is all-metal.

26. It is a single box for the entire cross section with a lower and upper orthotropic plate and a system of transverse diaphragms.

27. The metal stiffening beam consists of 103 panels 12 meters long and 26 meters wide. The total weight of the panels is 23,000 tons. The length of the stiffening beam is 1220 meters.

28. The enlarged assembly of the panels was carried out on the territory of the production base on the Nazimov Peninsula ("Mostovik") and in Nakhodka ("SK Most").

29. Large prefabricated sections for installation of the central span into specially designated “windows” were delivered by barges to the assembly site and lifted by cranes to the 76-meter mark, where the cables were joined and secured.

30. For the joints of the vertical walls of the blocks, longitudinal ribs, transverse beams and diaphragms, assembly connections with high-strength bolts are used.

31. "Bridge" on the one hand...

32. ...and "SK Most" on the other - Russian-made derrick cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 400 tons

34. On the night of April 12, 2012, builders completed the installation of the final locking panel of the span, which connected the shores of the Eastern Bosphorus Strait.

35. More than 300 people worked on joining the last panel.

36. For the construction of the bridge to Russky Island, special technological regulations for welding have been developed, which are much more stringent and complex than for other bridge crossings. Each seam is checked using ultrasonic testing devices.

39. On the bridge over the Eastern Bosphorus Strait, an improved system of cables is used with a more dense placement of strands in the shell. The weight of the cable-stayed system is 3,720 tons, the total length of the cables is more than 54 kilometers.

40. The shrouds consist of parallel, individually protected strands, the number of which varies from 13 to 85.

41. Each such strand consists of seven galvanized wires covered with a sheath of high-density polyethylene.