The most favorable climate in Russia for humans. Places with the best climate for human life in the world The best places to live

Continuing the description of good places to live, it’s time to turn our gaze to the Motherland. So, Russia

It’s a good country overall, I think there are quite a few places on Earth where life is significantly worse, and, at first, I studied options for living in Russia.
The advantages of our country are clear and obvious.

In general, there are also disadvantages, but I will still list the main ones (from my point of view):

  • Most of the territory is polluted from an environmental point of view, and where everything is in order with the environment, everything is often sad with the economy, and accordingly, the adequate population often leaves there.
  • low level of culture and high level of aggression of a significant part of the population, as a result - low personal safety and many places where garbage lies right on the streets.
  • high level of alcoholism and drug addiction
  • huge corruption
  • a clear division into boyars and serfs, while if a person falls into the category of boyars, then he can not care about all the laws (as long as he is in this category).

Now let's move on to the cities. There are many cities in our country, I will describe here only those that I myself considered for moving. If the city you live in is located in Russia, and is clean, beautiful, well-groomed, with a good climate, excellent ecology, developed infrastructure and low crime rate, and is not included in this list, write about it to me, and I don’t think so just interesting to me


I never got around to going, because... more on that below.
I studied the city using Internet materials.
What emerges is such a clean, beautiful, well-groomed small town, with a good climate, excellent ecology and the lowest crime rate in the country.
It would seem, live and be happy.
There is only one, but BIG, minus that prevented me from considering this city as a potential place of residence:

The church in the Belgorod region is not separated from the state. This is a land of VICTORIOUS ORTHODOXY, in which there is no place for pluralism. Accordingly, God's law has been mandatory in schools, on the streets there is a curfew at night for teenagers under ... years of age, vigilantes are marching, rock concerts are canceled, the celebration of St. Valentine's Day is prohibited, as “corrupting our youth,” etc.

That is, if you are an Orthodox person who is calm about the restriction of your freedoms in exchange for cleanliness and order, then welcome to Belgorod. Somehow, I think there will be a few of these among the readers of my blog

Well, the second, already small minus - no work / no good salaries. Thanks to this, everything is quite inexpensive - real estate, utilities, food... It will be expensive - the population simply won’t be able to cope with such and such incomes... So, maybe it’s even the other way around, not a minus, but a plus

UPD: 60 km away is Kharkov, where everything is cheaper and there is more entertainment...


Perhaps the most interesting city in terms of permanent residence in our country. Many Kaliningrad residents have not been to Russia and do not see the point in going there; there are embassies of most European countries, the city is the closest to Europe - it is convenient to travel. From what was especially pleasing - there is virtually no industry = excellent ecology (not counting pollution from cars), COMPARATIVELY inexpensive Czech, German, Lithuanian beer (it used to be much cheaper), delicious cider, a lot of greenery - parks, fountains, helpful people - We asked for directions many times - everyone tried to help.

What was surprising was that the prices for windbreakers at the Central Market turned out to be more expensive than on sale in a branded boutique of one of the shopping centers. I have long developed a habit - the cheapest things on the market, this is not the case here...

In Kaliningrad there is the Museum of the World Ocean and the Amber Museum. Cool idea to make most of the exhibition on ships in the ocean museum. It's great to crawl around a submarine and a research vessel that has sailed almost the entire world many times and collected a rich collection.

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The Amber Museum - I think one of the most interesting museums in our country, fancy pieces of amber of different colors and shapes, some even with insects frozen in them + exquisite jewelry - is definitely worth a look. The museum itself also sells amber, and next to the museum there is a whole amber market! In general, amber, pressed amber and fake amber are sold EVERYWHERE - in Kaliningrad, Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk... many, many amber sellers.

Now about what I didn’t like about Kaliningrad - in the morning it’s almost impossible to buy anything if the smallest bill you have is 500 rubles. - almost no one has change; (As I understand it, the last thing I, as a buyer, should care about is where the seller will get the change - but no - with pockets full of money, it’s quite possible to fly by and not get what you want - from museum tickets to hot -dog or ice cream... Sad :(

Another big disadvantage is that the narrow German roads of the city cannot cope with the flow of cars (considering that cars are cheaper there than in Russia, sometimes looking at this traffic flow one gets the feeling that the majority of the population has cars), and there is no money for a radical expansion of the roadway parts - as in the entire Russian province... In general, it is felt that with a good injection of money from the city it would be possible to make a complete “candy”; for now, only certain areas are equipped “in a European way”, however, against the backdrop of the vast majority of Russian cities and You are already happy about this.

We visited the Curonian Spit. The first 6 km at the entrance to the spit we were accompanied by the disgusting smell of blooming algae and rotting fish; as it turned out, algae bloom here for two weeks a year and the smell is VERY sad.

In general, Spit is an interesting place - a dancing forest with curved, forked, strange trees, the dunes on which “Long Road in the Dunes” and certain episodes of “White Sun of the Desert” were filmed and which I really wanted to walk through, but unfortunately they are low... White-white sandy beach, with perfect sand and convenient entrance to the sea...

We went to the Kaliningrad water park. It is located in the Olympic Hotel on Moskovsky Prospekt. The cost on weekdays is 500 rubles - adults / 450 rubles - children - for 3 hours. There is also a sauna complex (for a fee) and the opportunity to take monthly passes. The water park has 3 slides, a jacuzzi, a river, a sauna, a children's pool, a large swimming pool, and hydromassage. In general, the water park is small, but a huge plus is, firstly, that there is a waterpark in the city, secondly, on weekdays there are not many people, and thirdly, the prices are generally affordable.
Kaliningrad has a great zoo! I have been to many zoos both in Russia and abroad, and so - in terms of the composition of animals - Kaliningrad is one of the best. The territory of the zoo itself lacks polish and well-grooming; some of the enclosures should have been made differently - the polar bear was obviously VERY HOT in the summer, and large birds had nowhere to fly properly. But despite this, you can safely be proud of the zoo! Well, improve it of course

One of the signature dishes of the local cuisine is smoked eel.

First we tried it in a restaurant (so that there was a standard), and then we bought smoked eel at the market. The fish is quite expensive - 850 rubles / kg, but... it's worth it - one of the most delicious fish of my life, yum-yum... I highly recommend it.

The general impression is - if you have never been to Europe, Kaliningrad will seem like an ideal place to live, if you have been to Europe but live in any other city in Russia - you will notice the shortcomings, but still want to move if you already live in one From European cities, Köning is unlikely to charm you. In general, it is no longer Russia, not yet Europe...

Utility bills, prices for many local and imported products from Russia are more expensive than in Russia. True, people are getting out of it - they bring tasty and inexpensive products from Poland and sell them directly from their cars...

Also, since the city is located “abroad”, it is constantly in direct dependence on the current relations of Russia with border states...
To summarize, despite some shortcomings, for me, Kaliningrad is definitely the best place to live in Russia.


The city, which is, in fact, ANOTHER country, is so different from the rest of Russia.


  • the country's best specialists in all fields gathered there,
  • no matter what your hobby is, you can always find friends with similar interests,
  • all transport hubs, all cargo flows go through Moscow, so you can get almost EVERYTHING that is produced on Earth, and if you look, it is often cheaper than in other cities, since they are transported there from Moscow...
  • a lot of people and entire organizations work clearly and efficiently, differing favorably from residents of other Russian cities. It’s really, it’s just a pleasure to work with Muscovites; you feel a different level of attitude towards the work. Although, I won’t generalize, Moscow is a big city, maybe I was just so lucky.

Of the minuses:

  • an overpopulated city, with huge distances, traffic jams and poor ecology.
  • many “guests” from the Caucasus and other equally “pleasant” places.
  • very expensive: real estate, vacation, health, decent catering...

Bottom line: For a person earning money remotely, this is probably not the best choice. You have to compete for a place in the sun with people receiving 5 - 10 - 20 K or more of NON-VARIANCE income...

Middle lane

(cities located near Moscow, but not in the Moscow region)
Somehow poor/unkempt/sad. A significant part of the adequate population has left for Moscow, and this is clearly felt...


I’ve been to Ufa several times, I didn’t have the chance to go to Kazan, but almost everyone says that “Kazan is like Ufa, only cooler and richer.” So, I decided to unite these two cities.

What can I say - the residents of the capitals of the national republics, whose budget is formed from oil refining, and to whom Moscow leaves money for development, so as not to aggravate the national issue, in my opinion, are lucky. Quite interesting places to live, the downside is that they are geographically far from Europe, and the republics are still national... As long as there is money, everything is fine, but what will happen next for the Russian population - who knows... What else – you can’t make a career without having a titular nationality; the boss in any state and semi-state office will definitely be a Bashkir/Tatar. Clanism is strong, important issues are resolved exclusively through connections. This is of course true in many places, but especially in these places. But, at least before the crisis, housing and roads were actively built under government programs, everything was developing well. I hope now that the crisis has not affected these good trends. In general, the impression remains that these cities are not like an ordinary Russian province.

South of Russia (Rostov region, Krasnodar region, etc.)

Personally, the climate does not suit me. According to eyewitnesses, it was quietly captured by representatives of the Caucasian republics, and the Russian population is now actively leaving there, because living in such an environment is not particularly comfortable.

UPD: Only some villages were captured. Big cities remain Russian and it’s quite comfortable to be there (if you like a hot climate).


A beautiful ancient merchant city, on the banks of the Volga, one of the main disadvantages, in addition to those systemic ones that I described at the beginning of the post - a lot of dirty industries = a bad environmental situation.

I would like to apologize for the small number of photos; I only inserted those that I managed to copy to my computer in advance. The wife has already packed the portable hard drive, where ALL the photographs are located, into a suitcase (it barely closed :)) and it is not possible to get it out of there. Accordingly, the continuation of posts about choosing good places to live will follow AFTER our move. I hope to connect to the Internet in a new place quickly enough.

To answer the question “What are the places with the best climate in the world?” First we need to clarify what we mean by “better climate”, because most people would probably give different answers. Some prefer warmer weather, others prefer cooler climates.

In essence, the best one should be the one that is easier to tolerate from the body throughout the year and does not require any serious adaptation to extreme temperatures. The best climate is not too humid or too cold or warm.

Places must be unaffected by extreme weather events such as regular floods, hurricanes, heat waves, snowstorms and others. We must also be completely objective. Places that travel magazines tout as slices of paradise are indeed fabulously beautiful, but very often the climate there is too hot or humid.

We tried to choose places in such a way that their climate was the healthiest. Very often, when it comes to the best climate, everyone thinks first of all about the Caribbean. Yes, the weather there is really wonderful, but the summer half of the year is too rainy and the region often becomes a victim of hurricanes.

During the summer months, Caribbean holidays can be hit hard by rain and tropical storms. In general, the most popular tourist destinations do not always have the best weather conditions. You'll probably notice that most of these places are either extremely densely populated or a popular tourist destination.

And it cannot be otherwise - after all, the weather is of paramount importance. You may also notice that almost all the places that claim to have the most pleasant climate are located near a large body of water (sea or ocean). This is no coincidence. Around large bodies of water the weather is usually the mildest and most pleasant.

1. Canary Islands. They are located near the coast of Africa, the Canary Islands are a Spanish possession. They enjoy probably the best climate you can imagine. It's eternal summer, or rather eternal spring. Typically, places that are located south of the 30th parallel have a very hot tropical climate, but these islands are no exception.

The cold Canary Current cools the islands as ocean temperatures range between 19-25 degrees throughout the year and prevent air temperatures from getting too hot or cold. In summer the daytime temperature is about 26°C, and in winter about 21. The weather is very easily tolerated even by the most pretentious people.

Most places are generally not rainy, so at any time of the year if you go there it is unlikely that rain will ruin your holiday. The exception is the northern part of the island of Tenerife, which experiences quite heavy rainfall, with sometimes rainy days reaching up to 15 per month.

There are no hurricanes because they form in water basins that are too warm, and here there is ocean water with a moderate temperature. Annual temperature amplitudes are quite small, and the islands know neither cold nor heat. And in addition, it’s good to know that the Canary Islands are among the places with the cleanest air and lowest dust levels on the planet.

2. Located near the equator, Kenya's second largest city and neighboring resorts enjoy luxurious weather throughout the year. Here from January to December it is always about 25-30°C. No more, no less.

It's almost always partly cloudy here, which reminds you that you're on the equator and should always be prepared for a little rain.

Light clouds make the weather feel a little cooler - around 24-26°C throughout the year, as we know it's the sun that makes the heat unbearable. In addition, near the equator the weather is usually almost never windy. In general, the conditions are ideal for tourism and recreation throughout the year.

3. Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii is the sunniest and warmest American state, but without extreme high temperatures in the summer. There is no rainy season, no hurricanes and generally no adverse weather conditions. Dust levels in Hawaii are very low, similar to the Canary Islands.

The mild climate is mainly facilitated by the location of the islands in the very center of the Pacific Ocean. This justifies Hawaii's fame as one of the best tourist destinations. Temperatures here range from 26 to 30°C throughout the year. Precipitation increases slightly in winter, but is generally normal throughout the year.

4. Costa Rica. Similar to Kenya, Costa Rica also has a very pleasant warm subequatorial climate. Temperatures are constant, ranging between 24 and 26°C all year round, making the country extremely popular for people looking for a tropical paradise to buy property in.

The climate is humid, but precipitation is usually short. There are almost rarely days when there is no sun. You will feel comfortable without feeling the weather too warm or cold.

5. Situated near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapago Islands enjoy a magnificent equatorial climate. Temperatures range from 21 to 28°C. Usually the weather is relatively dry. The first 6 months of the year are warmer and slightly wetter.

Excellent climatic conditions are one of the reasons why exceptional flora and fauna thrive here. The climate of Galapagos is very easily tolerated by tourists, since there are no extreme costs. In addition, there are no hurricanes here, and the water of the Pacific Ocean has very pleasant moderate temperatures.

6. Bermuda. Bermuda is one of the places in the world with the best climate. They are located quite north in the subtropics, but have a mild and not very hot tropical climate. The reason is the warm Gulf Stream, which brings warm waters far to Europe.

Temperatures here range from 21°C in January to 30°C in August. The ocean acts as a natural air conditioner and the temperatures are at a pleasant level.

7. The capital of Mexico has a cool tropical mountain climate. The high altitude above sea level saves the city from the unbearable heat typical of the tropics. Temperatures here range from 21 to a maximum of 27°C with heavy rainfall during the summer months.

The warmest weather is in May and the coldest in December. The mild climate is one of the reasons for the huge population of the Mexican capital.

8. Sao Paulo. The largest Brazilian city is located in the tropics of South America. It is located on a high plateau, near the shores of the ocean. Although Rio de Janeiro is at almost the same latitude, São Paulo has a much cooler and milder climate.

Temperatures here range from 22 to 27°C throughout the year. Both Mexico City and Sao Paulo have such large populations, to some extent due to their mild climate.

9. Costa del Sol. The southernmost coast of Spain is a popular winter destination for millions of Europeans, as well as people visiting from colder countries around the world.

The Mediterranean coast of Andalusia is the warmest and sunniest place in Europe. Unlike the Caribbean, there is a short winter, but in fact 2-3 months with daytime temperatures around 17-18 degrees are easier to bear than 6 months of the rainy season.

The Mediterranean Sea has a strong influence, maintaining pleasant and healthy temperatures throughout the year. Even according to some scientists, the coast itself on the Costa del Sole has a tropical microclimate, the temperatures of which are abnormally high for Europe. Summers are very warm with temperatures around 29°C. The climate is generally quite dry and sunshine is plentiful 12 months a year.

10. San Diego. The southernmost of all the Pacific cities of the United States, San Diego, has an excellent climate, formed under the influence of the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The cold streams that pass near California make summers pleasant without much heat. At the same time, constant ocean temperatures keep winter values ​​relatively high.

Temperatures in the city range from 19 to 25°C, and the weather is sunny and dry throughout the year. The local climate bears striking similarities to that of the southern Spanish province of Andalusia.

The pleasant climate in San Diego is repeatedly mentioned in many Hollywood movies and is the reason that many wealthy Americans live here.

In contact with

When choosing a locality for further residence, we advise you to look at the rating of Russian cities.

10 Orenburg

The population living in the city of Orenburg is more than five hundred and sixty thousand people. It is among the top 10 best cities to live in Russia, completing the top ten. The city took 4th place in the “quality housing services” category. Having entered the top 10 in the field of healthcare and security, it was ranked 8th. The city also took 10th place in terms of the state of the road industry. And only in the field of education Orenburg occupies 32nd place in the ranking.

9 Novosibirsk

In ninth position is Novosibirsk with a population of over 1.5 million people. Novosibirsk ranks eighth out of the top ten for the quality of its education sector. 12th place in the ranking was given to the condition and quality of service of the housing stock. 17th position – for the state of the road industry. The quality of healthcare and security occupies only 27th place.

8 Krasnoyarsk

The city's population, ranked 8th for living, has exceeded the million mark. It is not included in the top ten in terms of the state of the road industry, but it occupies a strong 22nd place. It is not far behind in the area of ​​housing maintenance – 28th position. 30th place was given for the quality of the education sector and 32nd for merits in the field of health care and security.

7 Yekaterinburg

The city with a population of one and a half million took 7th position. It is also among the top ten for the quality of education – it ranks 6th. 13th place was rightfully given for the good condition and quality of maintenance of the housing stock, 15th for the condition of the road infrastructure. And, not so bad, at 24th position the city provides security and health services.

6 Chelyabinsk

Of the ten largest cities, the city of Chelyabinsk ranks 6th in the ranking of the best cities. It is in the Top 10 in almost all “nominations”. So, for example: silver (2nd place) – education, bronze (3rd place) – road services, top ten (10th place) – housing services. And only in the field of healthcare and security it ranks 20th.

5 St. Petersburg

The top five best cities in Russia for living opens with a city of more than five million people (skipping ahead of Moscow and London) - St. Petersburg. 4th place is shared by the spheres of education, health care and security. 6th place out of ten was given to the condition and quality of work of the housing stock; a close thirteenth place was awarded to the road industry.

4 Krasnodar

The city, bordering the Kuban River, firmly holds fourth position in the ranking of the best, being, by definition, in the top five. It is included in the top ten ratings for the healthcare and security sector, ranking third, and the housing sector, ranking fifth. Next, almost a dozen of the best - 11th position - for the state of the road infrastructure and 13th place the city went to the niche of quality education.

3 Kazan

The prize - bronze - was awarded to the city of Kazan with a population of approximately 1.2 million people. So, the city on the Volga takes an honorable third position in the ranking of the best places to live in great Russia. If not for the healthcare niche, which ranked 16th, the city would have been in the Top 10 for all indicators. The state of the road industry is rated in 6th place, 7th place was awarded for merits in the education niche, and the estimated merits of the condition and quality of housing services are in eighth place.

2 Moscow

The capital's “silver” life in Russia is in second place, but gold rightfully belongs to the capital in terms of population. Going around all the cities not only in Russia, but also in Europe, the number varies around the figure of 12 million people. Although, independent sociological surveys of citizens give first place in the ranking of the best cities to live in Moscow, considering it the most convenient city to live. Third place in Moscow is deserved by the condition and quality of service of the housing stock, leaving Naberezhnye Chelny and Tyumen ahead. The state of the road industry is ranked 8th; the health and safety sector is ranked 14th. A less joyful situation affected the education sector, occupying the last position in the ranking. Perhaps due to fierce competition for places in prestigious educational institutions, public education is not valued so highly.

In the vast expanses of the Russian Federation there are many different cities. In some of them, Russians are provided with better working conditions, in others the infrastructure is developing promisingly, and thirdly, it is very comfortable for Russian citizens to live in retirement. To figure out which Russian city is best to live in, many ratings have been compiled. Below we propose to consider some of them.

The standard of living of the population is a combination of several factors. First of all, these are, of course, the level of wages, the level of provision of educational and medical services, clean ecology, safety of living and developed infrastructure. The highest standard of living is found in big cities, where material support allows Russians to live with dignity. The list of the best cities in Russia according to this criterion includes such settlements as Kazan, Moscow, Krasnodar, Tyumen and St. Petersburg.

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is a good place to live for those who want to open their own business or continue running an already started business. This city is developing at a rapid pace and provides a high standard of living for 1.2 million citizens. Kazan also pleases its residents and guests with excellent roads, developed infrastructure, a variety of universities and scientific institutions, as well as many other attractive features.

More than 12 million people live in the capital of the Russian Federation, and this figure is the highest in the country. For those who live in this city, the highest average wages in Russia, high-quality highways, advanced housing and communal services, the best schools and higher education institutions, cultural and historical institutes and much more are available.
However, there are several nuances that prevent Moscow from being the city with the highest standard of living in Russia. For example, the unsatisfactory state of the environment, the high cost of purchasing and renting living space and frequent traffic jams.


More than 800 thousand residents live in Krasnodar, each of them can enjoy a warm climate and modern infrastructure, as well as receive decent medical services. But low-quality roads and a small number of decent universities do not allow Krasnodar to be the best city in terms of living standards.

The city of Tyumen is one of the largest settlements in Siberia and accommodates almost 700 thousand inhabitants. About 10% of the working population of this corner of Russia is involved in the oil and gas industry.

The advantages of Tyumen are rightfully considered to be roads of decent quality, a developed housing and communal services system, a high level of educational services and fairly high average salaries.

Saint Petersburg

More than 5 million people live in the cultural capital of Russia, and this figure ranks second after Moscow. The advantages of St. Petersburg are quite significant for moving to a permanent place of residence: beautiful architecture and nature, a variety of museums and cultural and historical attractions, a large concentration of prestigious higher educational institutions and scientific institutes, high-quality housing and communal services and a modern healthcare system.

Russian cities with the best job prospects

For those for whom the opportunity to find a well-paid job with decent working conditions is of fundamental importance, you should pay attention to cities such as Ryazan, Vologda, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vladivostok. This rating was compiled using a detailed analysis of several important indicators. First of all, the level of competition in the local labor market was determined, an indicator of this is the total number of applicants for each job. In addition, the index of unemployed citizens of working age and those who seek to leave the city in order to find a job was taken into account. Based on these calculations, the most attractive Russian cities for migrants looking for decent work were identified.

The most promising cities of the Russian Federation

Every migrant who plans to move permanently to a new city strives to choose a city with a sustainable infrastructure and great development potential. Those. the city that has a promising future. There are 4 Russian cities with the greatest development potential: Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk.

This promising city on the banks of the Volga is one of the largest tourist centers in the Russian Federation, thanks to which thousands of tourists visit it every year. Kazan has earned the right to be considered a city with prospects for further development thanks to the development of large chemical and aviation enterprises, as well as due to the high volumes of new housing construction.


This region is considered the largest center of economics, education and sports in the entire central and eastern districts of Siberia. An important note is that this city has several times won the title of “The Most Comfortable City in Russia.” The leading sectors of the economy here are: mechanical engineering and, of course, non-ferrous metallurgy. The listed advantages bring more and more migrants to Krasnoyarsk every year.


Huge potential in economic terms has accompanied Krasnodar in recent years. This city in the south of Russia has repeatedly been at the top of the ranking of the most developed cities for doing business in the Russian Federation. In addition, there is rapid industrial development here, thanks to which domestic and foreign businessmen are investing in this region. More than 30% of the working age population is employed in a variety of enterprises, in particular in machine-building plants.


The main indicator of the prospects of this city is that it is the largest logistics center in all of Siberia. Also, the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through this region. Over the past decade, science, medium and small businesses, the transport system, the service sector and logistics have been actively developing in Novosibirsk. These advantages provide Novosibirsk with an annual increase in the number of residents, thanks to migrants from other cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring CIS countries.

Top Russian cities by salary

If you need to move to another city in order to get a big salary, you should pay attention to the following cities: Moscow, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Kamchatka Territory, Yekaterinburg.

The capital has the largest number of enterprises, organizations and entertainment establishments, which provides the largest number of jobs throughout Russia. If desired, anyone can find a job, both a certified highly qualified specialist in any field, and a worker without work experience or without education.

The average salary in this city is the highest in the entire Russian Federation and is 56,000 rubles per month, which is almost 2 times more than the average salary throughout the country. Those wishing to find a job in Moscow will have to face tough competition, but finding a job, building a career and even starting your own business here is quite possible.


In the cities of the Kamchatka Territory, the monthly salary is slightly lower than in Moscow, and amounts to 51 thousand rubles. This most remote region of the Russian Federation is currently developing at a rapid pace and offers a wide range of vacancies for specialists of different profiles. Nevertheless, not every visitor will like the capricious climatic conditions, but this is where you can take a break from the noise of big cities, start a calm, measured life, and also get decent wages for a full life.

It is also worth remembering that despite the decent level of wages, prices in Kamchatka are quite high.

In this corner of western Siberia, the monthly salary is also quite high - 42,000 rubles, which corresponds to the “northern coefficient”, which in the Tyumen region is 1.5. It is also important that highly qualified specialists can earn a lot at local enterprises, because here is the highest percentage of vacancies in the Russian Federation with a salary of 100,000 rubles or more. Decent wages also please local education and medical workers.

Saint Petersburg

The average salary in the Northern capital of Russia is 39 thousand rubles per month, which is a fairly high figure. Not only experienced specialists with great qualifications, but also beginners who are just beginning their professional development will be able to find work in this city, as well as in Moscow.


You can also get a relatively high salary in this million-plus city in the Urals. Local workers earn an average of 28 thousand rubles per month. Most of the working population is employed in industry and the service sector, but specialists in other fields will also find their calling here.

An advantage of Yekaterinburg for those who are planning to move here for permanent residence is the low cost of purchasing and renting housing when compared with other cities with a population of over a million.

The best cities in Russia for retirees

If the inherent desire of youth to live in a noisy metropolis has already exhausted itself, and you want a quiet, measured life, then you should pay attention to cities such as Tula, Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma. In these cozy corners of Russia there is a developed infrastructure and all the benefits of a full life are present, but there are no noisy highways and large crowds of people. So these cities will be the best option for older people.

The safest and most crime-prone cities in Russia

In addition to salary, standard of living and other positive factors, before moving for permanent residence, you should pay attention to other important criteria, for example, the crime rate. After all, even with a high salary and in excellent economic conditions, you will not want to live in a city where it is unsafe.

More often than not, safety becomes the prevailing factor for migrants, although people sometimes forget about this fundamental condition for a fulfilling life. To determine the safest cities in Russia, a simple statistical calculation of the number of crimes per 1 thousand citizens was carried out. Based on this criterion, the safest cities in the Russian Federation are:

  • Ryazan (7.8);
  • Ulyanovsk (11.3);
  • Voronezh (11.5);
  • St. Petersburg (12.0);
  • Penza (12.9).

And on the reverse side are the settlements with the highest crime rates:

  • Kemerovo (32.2);
  • Kurgan (31.9);
  • Tyumen (30.7);
  • Nizhny Novgorod (27.7);
  • Samara (24.3).

Where is the best place to live with children?

Before choosing a city for permanent residence, family migrants should pay attention to the presence of a clean environment, a high level of medical and educational services, as well as the presence of sports and entertainment complexes. Settlements in which all of the above factors are present are listed at a high level below:

  • Kazan;
  • Belgorod;
  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Voronezh.

Cities with the most favorable ecology

Before moving, you should also think about the environmental situation in your new place of permanent residence. The Federal Agency of State Statistics calculates the indicators of the most environmentally friendly cities based on a comparison of the number of environmentally harmful enterprises, the availability of compensation for environmental damage and the amount of polluting emissions into the atmosphere. The cleanest cities in Russia are listed below:

  • Sarapul (Republic of Udmurtia);
  • Chapaevsk (Samara region);
  • Essentuki and Mineralnye Vody (Stavropol Territory);
  • Derbent and Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan);
  • Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia);
  • Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov region).

The most prestigious settlements of the Russian Federation

As it would be logical to assume, the most prestigious city in the vast expanses of Russia is the capital Moscow. Many residents of the Russian Federation strive to get to this city to fulfill their dreams and unlock their potential. However, there are other settlements that are currently developing very quickly and can compete with the capital in terms of prestige:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Tyumen;
  • Kazan;
  • Krasnodar;
  • Novosibirsk

Choosing a city for permanent residence should not only be based on various ratings and tops. After all, everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to have your own idea of ​​which city is better to live in and how you can achieve the most comfortable stay, because some factors are fundamental for some, while for others the same factors are secondary and insignificant.

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If you are reading these lines, then you have probably already thought about choosing the best city in Russia to live. Before you understand what to strive for, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the five basic criteria for choosing permanent residence: ecology, standard of living, climate, medical care, development.

Cities with the most favorable ecology

Which cities can be considered environmentally friendly? Firstly, there are no hazardous industrial facilities within their boundaries. Secondly, they are rich in forested areas, walking and cycling paths. Garbage is promptly removed and disposed of. Thirdly, there are few traffic jams on their streets.

Stavropol is one of the largest southern Russian cities. . It was awarded the title of “The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia” three times in 2013, 2015 and 2016. among the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The city of Mikhailovsk is located 3 kilometers from the regional capital. On its territory there is a residential eco-district “Harmony” with a measured way of life. Well-maintained streets on which apartment buildings and cottages are built create a feeling of space and comfort that some residents of densely populated areas of megacities miss.

Top 10 environmentally friendly cities in Russia according to Rosstat in 2013* (with a population from 250 thousand to 1 million people)

Number of inhabitants


Republic of Mari El, Volga Federal District

26.2 thousand tons

Tambov region, Central Federal District

25.5 thousand tons

Republic of Mordovia, Volga Federal District

24.1 thousand tons


Republic of Karelia, Northwestern Federal District

23.4 thousand tons


Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Northwestern Federal District

22.8 thousand tons


Kostroma region, Central Federal District

22.6 thousand tons

Republic of Chechnya, North Caucasus Federal District

21.9 thousand tons

Krasnodar region, Southern Federal District

21.2 thousand tons


Rostov region, Southern Federal District

18 thousand tons


Republic of Crimea, Southern Federal District

10.4 thousand tons

Top 10 most polluted cities in Russia in 2013* according to Rosstat

When listing settlements with a good environmental situation, few take into account cities with a bad one. But everything is learned by comparison.

The general state of the environment depends on emissions of industrial waste, exhaust gases from transport, and natural pollution factors.

Number of inhabitants

Annual air emissions


Krasnoyarsk region, Siberian Federal District

1959.5 thousand tons

Moscow region, Central Federal District

1042.1 thousand tons

Saint Petersburg

Leningrad region, Northwestern Federal District

530.2 thousand tons


Vologda region, Northwestern Federal District

364.5 thousand tons

Sverdlovsk region, Ural Federal District

330.4 thousand tons

Lipetsk region, Central Federal District

322.9 thousand tons


Kemerovo region, Siberian Federal District

321 thousand tons

Omsk region, Siberian Federal District

291.6 thousand tons

Irkutsk region, Siberian Federal District

278.5 thousand tons


Chelyabinsk region, Ural Federal District

255.7 thousand tons

*The Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) published in 2013 the bulletin “Main Indicators of Environmental Protection,” which presented data for 181 Russian cities on emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources and road transport. Subsequent issues cannot boast of such complete information.

Historically, a significant share of Russian industry is concentrated there. Plants and factories produce raw materials, tools and goods, but also seriously pollute the surrounding atmosphere.

The population involved in production is guaranteed social packages and paid a decent salary. But over time, people lose their health.

Better standard of living

When looking for a suitable city to live in, they look at the standard of living indicator. It should not be confused with the quality of life index. These are two different but interrelated concepts.

The standard of living index is a measure of the provision of material goods to a particular person or segment of the population. The degree of satisfaction with the volume of goods and services that they can afford in a given period. It is measured by the basic indicator of the ratio of real income to the consumer basket.

The quality of life index is the degree of moral satisfaction with life, health, ecology, safety, and psychological comfort. All of the above refers to intangible factors.

The sum of both indices results in the overall well-being of an individual or population groups. This concept combines both material and spiritual benefits. The level of development of regions cannot be the same due to geographical, social and economic characteristics.

According to Rosstat for 2017, Moscow was on the first line in the ranking of the standard of living of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg follows with a very small margin. Residents of the Moscow region took third place. The Republic of Tatarstan is in fourth place. The fifth line of the rating went to the Belgorod region, the sixth - to the Krasnodar region. The top ten included the Voronezh region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Lipetsk and Kaliningrad regions.

Their level of well-being is determined by high-tech production; high level of remuneration; developed social sphere. The transport infrastructure of the European part of Russia is much better than in Siberia or Transbaikalia.

Let's look at the results of a study of the ranking of Russian cities.

Tyumen region, Ural Federal District


Transport infrastructure;

Housing and communal services sector;

Oil capital of Russia;

High paying jobs.

Unfavorable climate.

Moscow region, Central Federal District

All sectors of the economy are represented;

Developed infrastructure;

Dynamic construction and reconstruction of the city.

Dear Life;

There are a lot of visitors.

Republic of Tatarstan, Volga Federal District

High-quality roads;

Cultural heritage;

Developed tourism.

Outflow of the Russian population.


Krasnodar region, Southern Federal District

High rates of housing construction;

Low unemployment rate;

Proximity to Black Sea resorts

There are a lot of visitors.

Saint Petersburg

Leningrad region, Northwestern Federal District

The cultural capital of Russia and much more.

Dear Life;

There are a lot of visitors.

The million-plus cities cited as an example are a tasty morsel not only for their residents, but also for migrant workers. A high standard of living, jobs, and local flavor always attract a large number of people. It is worth noting that along with this, social tension in society is also increasing.

Nomination optimal climate

It is not surprising that the most favorable climate in Russia is southern. Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, and other neighboring regions can please you with comfortable temperatures and a large number of sunny days a year. Agricultural and ornamental crops have time to grow and mature.

Living by the sea or close to it is the dream of many. But in fact, resorts are only suitable as a seasonal vacation, and not for permanent living. The humid and hot climate is not suitable for residents of the North and hypertensive patients. The winter Black Sea coast is often flooded with rain and being there, to put it mildly, is depressing. Housing prices are very high due to the popularity of seaside locations.

The rest of the Krasnodar region and the neighboring Stavropol region have a temperate continental climate. As for the Stavropol region, in winter the temperature here rarely drops below -10 degrees. In summer, the hottest temperature does not stagnate for more than two weeks. Autumn does not come immediately. The warm and dry climate is favorable for the average Russian. In other regions, summer ends very quickly.

The regional capital is located on the Stavropol Upland, where winds can blow. This is especially felt in the residential areas of the city. On the flat territory of the residential area "Harmony", as well as in Mikhailovsk as a whole, there are less winds and in the cold season it feels much warmer here.

The best medical care

According to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, in 2017, the quality of medical care for the population in large and medium-sized cities of Russia was measured. Here are the facts.


Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod region, Volga Federal District

There are 33 hospitals, 30 clinics, 9 ambulance stations, 11 dental clinics.

2009 - opening of a plasma center designed to receive up to 200 donors per day, with the ability to procure up to 30 tons of plasma per year.

Republic of Chechnya, North Caucasus Federal District

Now health care in Grozny is considered one of the best in Russia.

Republic of Tatarstan, Volga Federal District

There are 120 medical and preventive institutions in the city, employing more than 15 thousand people.

Republic of Bashkortostan, Volga Federal District

The city scored 82 points, ahead of many larger cities in Russia.

Saint Petersburg

Leningrad region, Northwestern Federal District

The city has 106 outpatient clinics, 33 dental clinics, 44 dispensaries of various profiles, 83 inpatient medical facilities, 24 hospitals, 57 ambulance stations.

Tyumen region, Ural Federal District

There are 4.4 thousand hospital beds in 19 hospital institutions in Tyumen.

In terms of the number of hospital beds per 10 thousand people, the regional center ranks only 19th among the cities of the Tyumen region, and in terms of the provision of clinics - 9th.


Orenburg region, Volga Federal District

Orenburg was also among the leaders in terms of the level of medical care, scoring 80 points.

This picture does not mean that in other cities medicine is not at the proper level. It all comes down to a smaller quantitative ratio of institutions and specialists, then to such concepts as equipment and quality.

According to the RBC Internet portal, we present data from two groups of city ratings that differ in the number of residents.

Among 25 fast-growing Russian cities with a population of 150 thousand people or more, Stavropol is in third place. The first place is occupied by Krasnodar, and the second by Belgorod. The resort city of Sochi is in 16th place. The remaining cities mostly belong to Siberia and the Urals.

The selection criteria were: population growth, wages, number of enterprises, increase in air traffic, retail trade turnover, economic activity, migration over the last 10 years. In addition, the emergence of large retailers.

In the ten cities with the largest population growth over the past 25 years, the following trends have been identified: high birth rates in the republics of the North Caucasus; concentration of qualified specialists in the oil and gas industry of Western Siberia; satellite cities growing to megacities. Let's list some of them: Nazran, Izberbash, Shali, Khanty-Mansiysk, Vsevolzhsk, Kotelniki, Mikhailovsk (Stavropol Territory).


This article examined environmental, natural and social factors in the development of urban settlements in the country. A bright prospect appears that life in Russia exists not only outside the Moscow Ring Road. Capitals and large cities will hold their positions for a long time in terms of level, but not necessarily in terms of quality of life.

At any time, people have changed and will change their place of residence. This happens for various reasons. For example, they were invited to work, a wedding, moving to relatives or friends, climate and ecology, a desire to start everything from scratch, or simply liked the city.

The need for housing is a basic need. Most often, Russian people prefer to have their own property rather than rent it. Residential real estate on the primary market is purchased in order to improve their living conditions. It's nice to live where no one has lived before.

It is necessary to take a closer look at the cost of one square meter and the cooperation of the developer with well-known and reliable banks. If the latter most often has no reason to doubt, then the price per square meter can greatly scare off a potential client. It is clear that a wealthy citizen has more room for maneuver, but there are not many of them.

The cost* of one square meter in Moscow this fall was 197 thousand rubles; in St. Petersburg – 119 thousand rubles; in Kazan - 72 thousand rubles, in Tyumen - 59 thousand rubles; in Krasnodar – 54 thousand rubles; in Stavropol - 41 thousand rubles, in neighboring Mikhailovsk - 29 thousand rubles.

*According to current data from the real estate portal

Being built 9 kilometers from Stavropol, it meets the modern concept of a comfortable life “live, work, relax.” The same is being introduced in some areas of Moscow. Thanks to thoughtful architectural and infrastructure solutions, “Harmony” is considered an area that can compete with Stavropol residential complexes.