Discounts for schoolchildren on train tickets to. How much is a child train ticket

The government provides school students with various benefits. Their goal is to give the population the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge base for further special education. Benefits for schoolchildren include a considerable list of discounts in various organizations. Let's consider them in more detail.

Benefits for schoolchildren to travel by rail

Throughout the year until June 15, for the category of students from 10 years old, preferential travel is mandatory. However, it is only granted under certain conditions. School students are required to receive a benefit, if they are 10-14 years old, to submit a certificate from their educational institution. Students over the age of 14, in addition to this certificate, must also present a document confirming the student's right to receive this benefit. Except for the period summer holidays the state provides for the study period a discount of 50% of the total cost of an adult ticket.

On the summer period pupils who have already reached the age of 10 are not granted reduced fares. This is due to frequent attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees. Graduates, who no longer have the right to be called schoolchildren, often pretend to be high school students in order to ride on preferential transport.

Getting a discount

Each student is entitled to a discount on the use of transport. However, after the age of 10, special conditions for obtaining reduced fares come into force for the student. Upon reaching the age of 10 years, the child, when purchasing a ticket, must:

  • present to the railway employee a certificate confirming that he is studying at school;
  • show a document that can confirm the identity of the child and his age;
  • for students who are already 14 years old, it is also a prerequisite to submit a statement that confirms the right to the corresponding benefit.

A certificate from the school must have a certain format. Also contain the necessary information about the student and the school. The required elements of the document are:

  1. Name of the student.
  2. The legal address of the institution where the student receives secondary education.
  3. Details of the educational institution that the student attends.
  4. Signature of the director of this educational institution or his deputy;
  5. Seal.

Rail Fare Ordinances 2019

In 2018-2019, the president retained preferential train travel for schoolchildren. However, whether this makes sense is not yet known. According to preliminary data, many regions plan to abandon this category. suburban transport. However, the decree also affected trains. long distance. This benefit for students will be extended. Discounted tickets can be purchased for any type of passenger trains. The discount does not apply only to tickets in extra-comfort carriages.

Other benefits for students

In addition to railway travel, there are other benefits that are legally required for schoolchildren. Pupils during the school year are given a significant discount on air tickets, as well as buses. This type of benefits requires the presentation of the above documents.

With regard to food benefits, the situation has changed somewhat. If for primary school students free lunches are still provided without fail, then the bulk of schoolchildren in grades 5-11 were deleted from the list of beneficiaries. Now a child is entitled to free food only if he belongs to the category of socially unprotected citizens of the Russian Federation.

Over the years, school students have been able to enjoy various benefits provided by the state. The year 2017 is no exception. This year, schoolchildren are also provided with a variety of discounts and benefits so that they have the opportunity to receive a decent education and choose their specialty in the future. In order to assess the level of state care for the younger generation, let's take a closer look at what benefits schoolchildren have and what is needed to use them.

Discounts on train tickets

All students in Russian schools are entitled to preferential travel, that is, the cost of railway tickets for schoolchildren is lower than the regular price. However, in order to get a discount and buy train tickets at a low cost, you must follow a number of rules. First, students between the ages of ten and fourteen must provide a student certificate from their school or college to receive travel benefits. If a teenager aged 14 years and older wants to use the discount, then along with the certificate, he must provide a document confirming his right to do so.
These rules apply only to school time, that is, from the first of September to the fifteenth of June. To buy a Russian Railways ticket at a discount in the summer, a student needs to pay fifty percent of the cost of a regular ticket. Preferential travel during the summer period is not provided to students. This measure is mandatory. Previously, the discount was provided to students all year round, but many cases of attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees were recorded - teenagers who had already graduated from school tried to buy railway tickets at a discount or even travel for free.

What do you need to receive benefits?

Russian schoolchildren are entitled to preferential travel for all types of public transport whether it be buses, subways or trains. Between the ages of seven and ten years, it is not difficult for students to get a discount on travel. But after ten years, special conditions for receiving a discount apply to schoolchildren. To buy tickets in Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd or any other city at a discounted price, the student must provide Russian Railways employees with the following documents:

  • Passport (or other identity document);
  • Student certificate from the educational institution;
  • For students over fourteen years old - a statement with a note that the student is entitled to receive the appropriate benefit.

To prevent attempts to deceive Russian Railways employees, a certain format has been introduced, which must comply with the certificate provided by the student. The student document must contain the following:

  • Seal of the educational institution;
  • Full name of the student;
  • Signature of the responsible person (usually the headmaster or his deputy);
  • Details of the educational institution and legal address.

Upon providing the specified documentation and its compliance with the established format, the student gets the opportunity to buy Russian Railways tickets at a special price determined by the norms for this year.

Read more about how to issue a train ticket for a child.

Interesting about benefits for schoolchildren for the current year

In 2016, schoolchildren had the right to enjoy benefits when buying tickets for all types of railway transport including trains. But many experts agreed that this is not entirely appropriate, since many regions are now leaning towards the decision to abandon this type of transport altogether. Therefore, it is still unknown whether schoolchildren will enjoy benefits for traveling by train this year. But it is obvious that students will be able to purchase tickets for long-distance trains at the usual low cost.
Please note that schoolchildren can use preferential travel only on standard long-distance trains. For trains and carriages of increased comfort, no types of discounts and benefits for students apply.

What other discounts can students of schools and other educational institutions expect?

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, students of schools, colleges and other educational institutions have the right to use all the benefits provided by the state to this category of persons. In addition to the reduced cost of railway tickets, students have discounts on all types of surface public transport, with the exception of taxis. A discount is also provided for air travel for schoolchildren under the age of fourteen. For discounted airfare and ground transport School and college students must provide all of the documents listed above.
With regard to food benefits in educational institutions, there have been some changes. Previously, students in grades 1-11 had the right to receive free meals. This year, only primary school students are eligible to use this benefit. Students in grades 5-11 cannot use benefits for free meals.
However, all schoolchildren, regardless of age, have the right to buy discounted tickets to theaters and museums, as well as other cultural and educational institutions, regardless of whether they are commercial or state.

Design concession ticket for children aged 10 to 17 will be available both at ticket offices and on the official website of Russian Railways

JSC "Russian railways” will open the sale of discount tickets for long-distance trains for children from 10 to 17 years old, the press center of Russian Railways reports.

As noted in the message, discounts on tickets for schoolchildren are introduced to increase the transport mobility of the population and popularize domestic tourism. You can issue travel documents with a 50% discount for trains departing from June 1 to August 31.
Previously, the right to preferential travel was granted only during the training period - from September 1 to May 31. Thus, for the second year, students can take advantage of a 50% discount throughout the calendar year.

It will be possible to issue a reduced ticket for children aged 10 to 17 inclusive from 8 am on April 3 both at ticket offices and on the official website of Russian Railways. The discount applies to travel in reserved seat, common carriages, carriages with seats for long-distance trains of the "Ambulance" and "Passenger" categories. The discount is provided automatically when specifying the "Full" tariff and entering information about children from 10 to 17 years old. When issuing tickets, it will be sufficient to present a birth certificate or a child's passport (or information about identity documents).

As the site has already reported, on March 27, Oleg Belozerov, President of Russian Railways OJSC, during a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Russian Railways for the first time provided a 50% discount on travel for children during the summer period (from June 1 to August 31) 2016. During this time, more than 2.5 million children took advantage of the discount. The increase in the number of children transported in the summer of 2016 amounted to about 16% compared to the same period in 2015. OAO Russian Railways provided compensation for shortfalls in income from the provision of these benefits at the expense of its own resources. In 2016, shortfall in income of Russian Railways for the provision of a discount amounted to about 2.5 billion rubles, this year it is expected to be 2.65 billion rubles.

Preferential travel documents for long-distance trains all year round can also be purchased for children under 5 years old - free of charge (without occupying a separate seat) and from 5 to 10 years old - at a children's fare, which is 35% of the full (adult) fare).
When boarding the train, the passenger must present travel document and an identity document (or a notarized copy of the birth certificate for children under 14 years old), on the basis of which the travel document is issued. The age of the child is determined on the day of the start of the trip.