Amazing castles of Transcarpathia: Schönborn Palace, Mukachevo and Uzhgorod castles. Castles, palaces and fortresses of Western Ukraine Castles of the Carpathians and Transcarpathia

Palanok Castle rises on a hill above the city and has been preserved in excellent condition to this day. Historically, Palanok Castle was a defensive fortress, which was considered one of the most impregnable in Eastern Europe.

Shernborn Palace - a magical castle built for the family of counts who ruled the region. The Shernborn Palace is full of symbolism. There are 365 windows - symbolizing the days of the year, 52 - chimneys, this is the number of weeks in the year, as well as 12 entrances, respectively, the months of the year. Around the castle there is a large park, which is part of the ideal composition conceived by ancient architects. Today it is located in the Schernborn castle. Hundreds of holidaymakers come here to relax and recuperate.

Uzhgorod Castle is an ancient fortress in the regional center. Its special feature is its high walls, which will definitely impress tourists. The Uzhgorod castle has remained in good condition to this day. Now on the territory of the Uzhgorod castle there is a local history museum, where you can get acquainted with both the history of the fortress and the past.

The Vinogradov Fortress is popularly called the Kankov Castle. The first mention of a fortification in the region dates back to the distant year 903. The fortress is located next to the Black Mountain. The castle itself was built in a rectangular shape with square towers around the perimeter already in the 11th century. The main purpose of the castle was to protect the border and escort traders who supplied salt to the west along the Tisza. Over time, the castle became the property of Franciscan monks and a monastery was founded here. It was through the outer clothing of the monks - Kanko, that local residents called the fortress “Kankov Castle”.

In the 15th century Due to civil strife between the feudal lords, the Kankiv castle was destroyed. Today, the ruins of the castle, the remains of the walls, chapel and foundation have been preserved.

Chinadievsky Castle was built in the 15th century. the Pereni family. The castle is located in the valley of the Latoritsa River. Locals call the castle Szent Miklos (St. Nicholas Castle), in fact, it received this name from the old Hungarian name for the region. The main task of the fortress was to guard the border and approaches to. In ancient times, it was from here that the Hungarian kings began their campaigns against Rus'.
Saint Miklos Castle has been well preserved to this day, welcomes tourists and is being restored with funds from donors.

The castles of Transcarpathia are an important part of the history of the region; by visiting them you can personally feel the greatness of their rulers and owners. Not all castles in Transcarpathia are in perfect condition, but all are worthy of attention. They are a clear confirmation of the warlike history of the Transcarpathian region.

Many people wonder why Transcarpathians are so different from other residents of Ukraine? Why is Transcarpathia so unique? Everything will be explained by the history of the region, full of vicissitudes and unexpected turns of fate. The Kingdom of Hungary, Transylvania, the Austrian Habsburg Empire, the Czechoslovak Republic - and this is not a complete list of states that included the lands of Transcarpathia. Throughout history, the region belonged to 22 state entities, each of which left its mark on Transcarpathia, giving it a unique appearance and a peculiar mentality.

You will discover the real Transylvania, free from the stereotypes of the vampire Count Dracula. Few people know that the lands of Transcarpathia were part of the Transylvanian Principality, which existed for only 165 years and was in many ways ahead of its time, becoming a harbinger of European freedom.

Driving through the village of Seredne, located in the middle between Uzhgorod and Mukachevo, you will learn about the oldest castle in Transcarpathia, which in the old days was the easternmost outpost of one of the most mysterious organizations of humanity - the Order of the Knights Templar. Who knows, maybe this is where the mysterious Grail is hidden, haunting human minds for millennia.

But Serednee is famous not only for its Templar castle. In the 16th century, the owner of these lands was Istvan Dobo, the famous captain of the garrison of the Hungarian fortress of Eger. Thanks to the talent of the commander, in 1552, the two-thousand-strong garrison of Eger Castle withstood the siege of the 120,000-strong Turkish army, thwarting the Ottomans’ conquest. Knight Istvan Dobo drew the right conclusions from the war and created unique impregnable fortifications! Captured Turks carved underground shelters about five kilometers long into the rocks. These shelters later became the world-famous Serednyansky wine cellars.

A visit to the Mukachevo Palanok Castle, which is rightfully considered one of the seven architectural wonders of Ukraine, will give you an unforgettable experience. Throughout its history, since its founding in the IX century. and until the end of the 18th century, the castle played a significant role in the military-political life of Europe, giving its descendants a grandiose historical heritage. Ilona Zrini, Imre Tekeli, Ferenc Rakoczi and many other heroes of their time became role models for us, our descendants.

Having passed through the centuries, Palanok Castle still amazes with its grandeur and perfection, rightfully being one of the most interesting monuments of Transcarpathia. It is no coincidence that the Mukachevo castle “Palanok” ranks second in Ukraine in terms of the number of visitors, after the Kamemnets-Podolsk fortress.

A tour of the historical center of Mukachevo will give you the charm of a European town frozen in time. The majestic churches, cathedrals and ancient houses built during the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not leave anyone indifferent. And, of course, the unusual Transcarpathian flavor will complement the vivid impressions of exploring the Silver Land.

In addition to a walk around the center, a delicious lunch awaits you. And then, along the old trade route to the Veretsky Pass, we will proceed to the village of Chinadievo, where the amazing Saint Miklos castle (XV century) is located.

A fascinating tour of the ancient castle awaits you, where great love was born. In the light of past events, this ancient castle is rightly called the “castle of love”, the walls of which have witnessed history, which the whole of Europe followed with bated breath.

By visiting the castle, you will also become a witness to the story of love for your homeland, for your land. The tenant of the castle, Josip Bartosz, in a short time, from ruins littered with garbage, out of sheer enthusiasm, recreated the historical heritage of our country. The Saint Miklos Castle has become a real pearl of Transcarpathia.

On the territory of the Karpaty sanatorium you will discover the palace of Count Schönborn, where grandeur, beauty and romance are intertwined. It is not for nothing that this creation of a genius architect is recognized as one of the best hunting castles of the European aristocracy. The palace was built in the style of the times of the “Sun King” - Louis IV, and today charms and surprises many sophisticated visitors. A wonderful addition to the excursion will be a walk along the alleys of the ancient castle park with more than a hundred years of history. The paths of the park will lead us to the “Fountain of Youth” spring. Tradition says that whoever washes his face with spring water three times will certainly become younger. Don't believe me? Try it!

On the way back to Uzhgorod you will learn a lot of interesting and funny things about your favorite childhood films. After all, it was in Transcarpathia that episodes of such beloved and world-recognized films as “17 Moments of Spring”, “Waterloo”, “Gold of the Carpathians”, “Tabor Goes to Heaven” and many others were filmed.

Ukrainian Carpathians And Transcarpathia- this is the territory with centuries-old history, with their traditions, legends And rituals. These places are famous for their locks, palaces and ancient fortresses, from the gray of centuries towering above the beautiful forests, fields and impassable mountains.

Talking about castles and fortresses of the Carpathians and Transcarpathia, the first thing that comes to mind is Golden Horseshoe of Ukraine. Three great castles included in the so-called "horseshoe": Olessky, Podgoretsky And .

Architectural monument XIV-XVII centuries. In room castle a branch of the Lviv Art Gallery is located. The following famous films were also filmed on its territory: "The Three Musketeers", "King Stach's Wild Hunt", "Time to Gather Stones" And "Boris Godunov". Olesskylock located near the village Olesko, Bussky area, Lviv areas.

Well preserved Renaissancecastle, surrounded defensive structures. This is where the shooting of the Soviet film took place "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" located in the village Podgortsi, in the east Lviv areas.

For many centuries lock was fortress, royal residence, manor house, prison And educational institution. Today it is museum-reserve, department Lviv Art Gallery located in the city Zolochev, Lvovskaya region.

Monument defense architecture Built in the 15th-17th centuries. Initially lock was built as fortress, but after reconstruction in the 17th century it lost its original appearance. The film was also filmed on its premises. "Three Musketeers" is located in a village in Svirzh, Lviv region.

Erected in 1880 according to the design of the French architect Ludwig de Verny with the participation of the Polish architect Julian Cybulski. Previously, on the site of the palace there was a small estate that belonged to Alfred Józef Potocki. The Potocki Palace is located on Kopernik Street, 15 in Lviv.

Built in the 16th century Stanislav Herburt. After the section Poland was dismantled by order Austrian government. The octagonal entrance tower fortresses, fragments walls 2 m thick, and also foundations three other towers and ditch is at the top high forested steep Blind Mountain, at an altitude of 556 m above sea level, 4 km northeast of the city Dobromil, Lviv areas.

Tustan- Old Russian defense complex, customs and impregnable fortress. In the period from the 9th to the 13th centuries, there was a mighty Tustan Castle, erected by tribal nobility White Croats. Leftovers Tustan fortress are located near the village Urych, Skolevsky district Lviv region, near the city Borislav.

Built in XIII century. Lock rises on top of a hill, above the river valley Already, in place more early wooden fortification. located near the village, Kamenica Transcarpathian region, 12 km northeast of.

Uzhgorod Built in Middle Ages tycoons. Lock Drugethi repeatedly was rebuilt , nowadays open as. Lock museum located in the very heart cities Uzhgorod Transcarpathia.

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Serednyansky Castle Built in the 12th century.. Lock Knights Templar forms a quadrangular donjon tower , the height of which reaches 20 m, the thickness of the walls is 2.6 m. It is considered one of main attractions of Transcarpathia , although it is in very. deplorable condition Serednyansky Castle located in the village, Average area, Kamenica areas.

Uzhgorod First mentioned in documents. Lock 11th century rises on the mountain in ulcanic origin 68 m high and covers an area of ​​13,930 m². areas.

Uzhgorod located in the city Mukachevo, Transcarpathian castle XV century . Around And were built earthworks ditches, and on the southern side it was protected by a river lock Latoritsa Lock. Long time used as a prison. Uzhgorod located in the town Chinadievo Kamenica areas.

Mukachevo area, Erected in 1895 by Earl Schönborn And . In past - residence hunting house. Today (since 1946) in Schönborn Castle. Lock sanatorium located "Carpathians" located on the southern slope wooded mountains, in the tract Beregvar, namely in the village Carpathians, Mukachevo region.

district, Transcarpathian No fortress strategic role didn't have a castle. It was ordinary feudal knight, from where it was convenient to attack merchants who were walking "by salt" located on the bank of the river Borzhava, in the village Kvasov, Beregovsky Chinadievo Kamenica areas.

Once upon a time lock had the shape quadrangle with massive square towers on the corners. The length of the castle was 50 meters, and the width is 44.6 meters. Until our time, the building has reached very ruined condition located at the foot of Black Mountain, towering over the city Vinogradov, Kamenica areas.

Built in XIV century after the assault "Kankova" in 1557 royal army. At first the palace was one-story, and only in the 17th century was it built on second floor And towers located near Vinogradova, Kamenica region, on the way to Black Mountain, in a cozy park with exotic trees.

Located in the village Korolevo, Vinogradovsky, namely in the village Kamenica areas. In the 9th-10th centuries in place Nyalab Castle was located Slavic settlement. At the end of the 12th century fortification a wooden one was built royal hunting lodge, from which village Korolevo and got its name. In the 14th century, a building was erected in its place stone fortress. In 1672 the castle was almost completely destroyed after suppressing the tycoons' conspiracy.

Fortification, built in XI-XII centuries. Lock was built as hungarian royal fortress for guard "salt path" from Solotvina and surrounding areas. located in the city, Kamenica areas.

Khust Also known as Bronkovo ​​Castle lock. The fortress was first mentioned in 1273. According to one version was fortified guard post . Until our times, unfortunately, almost not preserved located near the village, Kamenica areas.

Bronka, Irshavsky district Erected to XVIII century castle. The only example of a rural estate of medieval architecture in Europe. Built on site XV century, from which in the basement palace remains remain ancient walls located near the village, Long area, Kamenica areas.

Irshavsky Built in the second half of the 16th century by Polish feudal lords Kuropatwami lock. In the 17th century, after many rebuildings and reconstructions achieved his goal heyday . During Polish-Turkish During the 17th century the fortress played a role outpost Polish forces. areas.

located near the city Nadvirna, Ivano-Frankivsk Chervonogorod (first mentioned in historical chronicles in the 9th century as Castrum rubrum Red Castle). Today is disappeared city located near the village Nyrkov, Zaleshchitsky district, Ternopil.

areas. Also nearby is

Walled up virgins and underground pits, crooked traces of the Dracula family and a mountain of torment - all the legends of Transcarpathia can be recounted. They are more familiar with the castle predilections of the histories of all the lands and powers that have been here, the myths of the castle-palaces, the hidden chambers of ancient fortified strongholds. Thus, over the course of history, dozens (not hundreds) of mystical prophecies have been formed, so that they do not give peace to the reality of the present day.

Uzhgorod Castle, Uzhgorod

The legend speaks of the cruelty of Count Drugeth in marrying his daughter. The girl was walled up alive in the castle walls for unknown danger - apparently the castle's hiding place was hidden by the khan, who had appeared as an enemy commander. For another version - for those who did not want to become the prince’s squad, but gave their heart to a simple lad. And the worst thing is that in the 17th century, when the Drugets ruled and when the Poles attacked Uzhgorod, they would have rightly immured people at the fortification wall. Nothing for the advancement of defense defense...

Nevitsky Castle, Nevitsk

Spread with legends about the unbearable filthy daughter-in-law, who stole some wines. Pogan-girls, as folk tales say, were nicknamed the Turkish princess, who ruled the castle. Vaughn ordered that eggs and milk be added to the defense muri for meat. The walls became stronger, and hunger began among the people... There is no other way to talk about the Nevichanskaya maiden, the young lady of the castle. Running into the Primus Slut, she jumped into the gap right there.

Dzherelo photo:

Templar Castle, Seredne

The monks-knights of the Templars, members of the Order of St. Paul, feudal lords, Uzhgorod magnates... failed to stand up to all their rulers and these historical conflicts that have befallen their lot in this history. The ruins of the fort could have told us, for example, about the beautiful and cunning lady: over there, it seems, if she was procrastinating. But the cunning did not lie to the girl from the murderer-father, who immured people in the castle dungeons. Before speaking, the Transcarpathian people confirm that underground passages undercut several castles of Transcarpathia - Uzhgorod, Nevytsky, Serednyansky and Mukachivsky.

Dzherelo photo:, author - SergeyUA.

Palanok Castle, Mukachevo

The fairy tale is alive, hanging on the great Samotno volcano, which has long since fallen asleep forever. Tim is no lesser, everyone talks about him as about the “mountain of torment” that the villagers suffered through the hard work. Another story about the torment is that people suffered during waking hours by trudging across a steep mountain, due to the need to pull stones. There are also a number of legends about the castle well, where the devil himself knew what to do and then brought misfortune to Prince Koryatovich.

Dzherelo photo:

Castle St. Miklos, Chynadijevo

They say that a human skeleton was found immured in its walls. It seems that in the Middle Ages people thought that the person immured in the castle walls was the patron-guardian of the fort and did not respect it by killing it. The richly romantic history of the castle is connected with the deceased - Count Imre Tekeli and Princess Ilona Zrina. It was here that the stench first got together and shook one another... Hire, so it seems, the legends, the leaders of such a fortress, dubbed the “Castle of Kohannya”. Now the fortress is actively reviving and receiving guests.

Dzherelo photo:

Khust Castle, Khust

The true legend about my song has historical roots. She is related to the family in which the woeful Count Dracula was born. Dracula's mother - Vlad the Impaler - was truly from these lands, which were divided between Ukraine and Rumunia, and were called Maramorosh. Lee, Bogdan Iz The family of Sas, the Maramorsky voivode, spent a whole lot of time in the castle. Are they really the ones who then spent their treasures here and did evil things? Hardly, although the version is intriguing.

Trying a graphic design for the castle. Dzherelo photo:

Castle Kankiv, Vynohradiv

Nina is a very spluttering friend, she lost a lot from her. The ruins and crossroads are lonely to stand on, but you still want to poke around them. Vinogradiv legends say that the castle was rebuilt during the hours of the glorious Ugric king, known as St. Stephen. But soon this castle became no longer a target for warfare and war - and then it fell.

Dzherelo photo:, author Yaroslav Kozak.

Nyalab Castle, Korolevo

Also without knowing the mercy of history. Those heavy moors never saved their outlines. There is a legend about him - among the most romantic ones, about King Vladislav and the beautiful Caroline. It is amazing that the legend is not tragic - the sustrich, the kohannya, the lovers and the children follow one after another in it. It is unknown what happened to the royal homeland further away - the tragedy befell them during one of the Tatar raids. They say that the nobles made friends with the princes here under the castle walls and fell asleep forever.

Dzherelo photo:

Vyshkovsky Castle, Vyshkovo

This incredible castle near Vishkovo (a village not far from Khust, with a unique architectural monument -) in the song of the whole picture with the forts of Khust, Vinogradova and the Queen. This is also called the “salt” castle - the cry to bury the extraction of salt in Transcarpathia. Castle legends are associated with twelve robbers who occupied the mountain where the Vyshkivska fortress stood. The robbers were worried about the villagers, and they kidnapped one ruler’s daughter and took her to the castle. She cursed, she prayed, she begged... And such a storm covered the castle that it devastated her. The ruins themselves lost the fort.

Minta Castle, Kvasovo

If you want to get some extra money in Kvasovo over the Borzhava River, hurry up. Just a few more rocks, and from this new one we may not lose anything. People seem to think that if only one unfortunate rich man is procrastinating here. Dying, cursing his goodness. And no one could get away with it or seize the castle... So the stronghold disappeared for centuries.

Dzherelo photo:

Borzhavsky Castle, Vari

The remains of the Borzhavsky castle near the village of Vary were collected in 25 villages from the town of Beregov, known to their people. This place is on the border with Ugorshchina. Due to the transfers, Khan Batiy lost the castle, and it became the same in 1241. Legends tell the tragic story of the unlucky love affair between the Borzhavian prince Chornohora and the Galician princess Miloti. The unfortunate princess loved someone else - and through a tragic breakdown of circumstances, she died under the hour of the Ugric attack, right under the hands of the khan.

Dzherelo photo:

Bronetsky Castle, Bronka

(28 km from Irshava) the area was not preserved at all, as the visible ruins of walls and foundations lost ice. No one knows the time of his appearance. This was the period of the ancient power of Dacia, which later became the Roman Empire. Tragic legends tell the tales of the Bronetskogo Castle's sorrows, its share and destruction, stories about those for whom the fortress fell, no one knows for sure about its ruins. There was also a tragic kohanna: here the robber Brinda died, having married his kohana to another. The unfortunate girl took revenge with a denunciation against the new ruler. At once, the cache of stolen treasures disappeared from Brinda, like the Transcarpathian Robin Hood hovering here in the armored dungeons.