Aeroflot flight 106 los angeles.

To find out the schedule of flight U6-106, use the calendar. By choosing the date of departure you are interested in, you will find out the time of departure and arrival of the aircraft, as well as its model. To proceed to ticketing, click "Buy".

General flight information

The flight is operated from Irkutsk to Moscow. Travel time is 06:10. The airline's top priority Ural Airlines”is high flight safety and compliance with the requirements of international quality standards. Our pilots and flight attendants will do everything to make your flight to Moscow as comfortable as possible.

The aviation technical base of Ural Airlines is one of the most professional among the domestic civil aviation. The flight is carried out on a modern Airbus aircraft A319. Thanks to the high technical equipment of the fleet and the great experience of the flight team, we guarantee that the flight will be not only safe, but also comfortable.

Aircraft Information

On this page you can also find out detailed information about the Airbus A319 aircraft. It is presented as specifications aircraft (number of seats, length and width of the passenger cabin, flight range, etc.), and the layout of the cabin (number of seats in economy and business class).

Hi all! Is it worth it to fly Aeroflot from Moscow to Los Angeles? After we have chosen this particular airline in order to fly to West Coast in the USA to Los Angeles, we are no longer sure that it is worth recommending it to other travelers and tourists. We decided that a direct flight is, without a doubt, a great advantage. But, unfortunately, the advantages of the Aeroflot SU 106 flight ended for us, even despite the rather new park aircraft from the main national carrier from Russia. Moreover, during both flights there and back, we had several serious problems through no fault of ours, which Aeroflot did not begin to solve even after we filed an official claim. Therefore, we decided never to fly with Aeroflot airline again. russian airlines” neither in the US nor elsewhere. What our opinion is based on, rather patient and experienced travelers who previously flew part of their Aeroflot, I will now tell you in detail.

Aeroflot flights - our experience

We used to fly with Aeroflot to various destinations. For example, our latest flights host Russian airline included "New York - Moscow", "" and finally "Moscow - Los Angeles - Moscow". The slogan is "Yours sincerely. Aeroflot, we then naively considered really important.

And although each time we were not very satisfied with the service provided by Aeroflot, we continued to buy tickets for its flights. We just told ourselves that we were not very lucky this time, and quickly forgot about any minor troubles when boarding and in flight. After all, the possibility of a direct flight bribed us with the fact that we did not have to waste time on connections, and we were ready to overpay for this and sacrifice a little our comfort.

So it happened this time. After reviewing all the options, we decided to buy ourselves cheap tickets on the only direct flight from Moscow. Comparing the prices for flights of different airlines on the convenient Aviasales website, we eventually bought Flights Moscow Los Angeles on the Aeroflot website a few months before the flight.

In fairness, it must be said that we chose not the cheapest flight option at that time, because even Lufthansa offered to fly 3 thousand cheaper (though with transfers). That is, we unconditionally trusted our national leader and thought that the concept of his brand, which is based on caring for the passenger, would not turn out to be just empty words.

We chose the flights to Los Angeles that were suitable for us using a convenient flight price calendar:

Immediately after booking tickets online and paying for them bank card on the site, we received an email confirmation and a link to our booking, as well as a request to add Additional information about the visa and address of residence in the United States.

We followed the link and checked the tickets, and then, directly from this reservation, we ordered a special meal for ourselves - we chose kosher, as it is tasty, nutritious and more varied. We also sometimes order Asian vegetarian. The main plus is that special meals are usually better in quality and they bring it at the very beginning, so you don’t have to wait until everyone gets food and again suffer from the dilemma: “chicken or fish” (if there is still a choice). So the tickets are bought, the food is ordered, and we look forward to the day of the flight.

Flight Moscow — Los Angeles Aeroflot

The main thing to know about direct flight to Los Angeles from Moscow:

  • Aeroflot operates a direct flight every day on Airbus aircraft A330 or Boeing 777;
  • Round-trip tickets cost about $500-700 per person, one-way tickets cost $400-500;
  • Departure from Moscow at 12:00 from Sheremetyevo Airport, terminal D;
  • The plane does not fly across the Atlantic (as in New York), but over the Arctic Ocean and Canada;
  • Paid Internet works on board the aircraft (price is $5 for 10 MB, $15 for 30 MB and $40 for 100 MB);
  • During the flight, the flight attendants serve drinks and serve hot meals to passengers twice;
  • The flight takes place during daylight hours (with the exception of the polar night in winter) at an altitude of 30,000 feet;
  • The temperature overboard on the echelon is minus 54..58°С;
  • The plane flies at a speed of 850-950 km/h;
  • The distance traveled by an aircraft through the air is 9725 km;
  • Travel time approximately 12.5 hours;
  • Landing in international airport Los Angeles at 13:50 (TBIT - Tom Bradley Terminal).

Exactly one day before our departure from Moscow to Los Angeles, we checked in for flight SU 106 online and chose our good places- at the window and nearby, so that the wing does not block the view from the porthole. Boarding passes for the plane were also immediately printed out. It was very important for us to go through this procedure on our own as early as possible in order to fly together and on convenient places, as during check-in, passengers at the airport are seated in the remaining seats. In this case, there may no longer be empty seats next to the porthole, or in general you will have to fly apart at different ends of the cabin, or even next to the toilet, where it is constantly noisy.

We arrived at Sheremetyevo Airport at the start of check-in (about 2.5 hours before departure) by taxi, which we ordered through Yandex. We went to the terminal through the scanner at the entrance and looked at the information board about our flight and went to the counters we needed. I was surprised that there was no queue, and we immediately went to check in luggage past the snake.

At the check-in desk, we showed our boarding passes to the airline employee and foreign passports. She first checked our visas and return tickets, printed out boarding passes already with the gate number, and then weighed our luggage and gave tags for our hand luggage. On flights to the USA with Aeroflot in economy class, you can carry 1 piece of baggage with you free of charge weighing no more than 23 kg and hand luggage no more than 10 kg (sum of measurements no more than 115 cm).

Then we went up to the second floor, there we went through a personal search, where we had to lay out all the equipment - cameras and laptops separately, as well as take off our shoes and remove the belt. Of course, I understand: security measures. But it's so inconvenient.

Then we immediately went to passport control, received an exit stamp and went to their gate through duty free shops. This whole process did not take very much time, since there were no queues anywhere. At the same time, the number of Chinese in the terminal really surprised me. Literally every third passenger is Chinese, and at different gates. And it was also not very convenient to walk along the new Aeroflot terminal at Sheremetyevo, since the main passage was for some reason made so narrow that it was difficult for small groups of people with things walking towards each other to pass each other.

When we finally got to our gate, we immediately saw that our plane was already standing at the air bridge. It was a Boeing 777-300ER bearing the name of the Russian poet Ivan Bunin. We had to wait about an hour and a half before takeoff and 50 minutes before boarding. We found seats near the green corner of Rush Today (RT), which turned out to be located right next to the gates from which many flights to the USA depart. There you can watch TV with a boring news program, but there is still the opportunity to recharge gadgets (many sockets), which is important. As for the Internet, the free Wi-Fi in Sheremetyevo does not work very well, but the mobile Internet from Megafon was much faster.

At some point, I wanted to drink, because the sun was very hot, and the glass windows of the building did not protect from the effects of the luminary. And we also had to fill our bottle of clean water (we, like the Chinese, travel with our thermos). Dima went to the nearest fountain with drinking water, which, as it turned out, did not work, so he had to walk about a kilometer to the next terminal!

The queue for boarding lined up long before the time indicated on the boarding pass. We did not immediately get into it, so as not to wait a long time, but went into the cabin about ten minutes after the start of boarding. The luggage racks were still free, so we calmly put our backpacks there, and then sat down in our seats and fastened our belts. By the way, the distance between the seats in Aeroflot's economy class planes is not very large, and Dima and I are both tall and there is enough space for the knees back to back. It is much better to fly premium economy or business class, where there is more legroom and better seats.

In the economy class cabin, it was not very comfortable due to the not very large distance between the seats

The flight from Moscow to Los Angeles passed without delay. The stewards conducted a safety briefing, checked that all passengers were buckled up, and then closed the door. The pilots started the engines and the tractor pushed our plane onto the taxiway. We quickly drove from the terminal to the runway and took off without stopping.

Almost immediately after takeoff and the end of the climb, the flight attendants handed out menus and a set for the flight to all passengers - slippers, lipstick and a blindfold for sleeping and gave out headphones so that they could listen to music or watch movies on the screen placed in the chair. During a long flight, it is very convenient when each passenger has a personal touch screen and a multimedia system with a remote control with games, music and the latest movies and cartoons.

Menu on flight SU 106 Moscow - Los Angeles

Personally, I don't really like films on flights, but sometimes we still watch them. And here a whole 12 hours of flight awaited us, obviously we would have watched one or two films. And we usually do it together: we turn on the same movie on our screen at one moment, so that we can discuss its details or laugh together.

But the main thing that I always keep track of most of the time on the plane with the help of a modern in-flight entertainment system is the flight map. In general, I love maps very much, and watching where exactly we are flying now is very interesting for me!

But something amazing happened! It was at our row (three chairs) that the screens did not work. We tried to draw the attention of the flight attendants to this, but it was noticeable that they acted as if slowly and lazily, as if they already knew that there was a problem and it could not be solved. When about an hour later, after the fifth attempt to reboot, our screens still did not work, the stewardess solemnly said “sorry” and turned to leave.

But we immediately asked her: does she want to somehow solve our problem? She said - let me transplant you from your seats somewhere in the middle of the cabin, where there is no porthole, and even possibly separately. This, of course, did not suit us. To do this, did we register in advance and choose a window seat for ourselves? Of course, we were forced to refuse, and asked for other options that would not worsen our flight conditions.

Then the stewardess in response directly asked: what do you want? We politely hinted to her that since the jamb was not our fault, then maybe all three of us (a man with an American passport was flying with us) should be transferred to another class, where there are empty seats. To this, she only grinned and said that it was impossible, while offering to write a claim right on board, which would be considered only after the flight. Deciding that this would not solve our problem in any way, we refused her last offer.

So we had to find out what 12 hours of flight is without music and movies! It's good that I had a book with me, and Dima took a newspaper at the entrance to the plane, so we remembered the good old way to pass the time - reading.

The rest of the flight was more or less tolerable and fairly fast. In anticipation of meeting with America, I resigned myself to the fact that I could not follow the map, and we discussed ours. At that moment, I was ready to trade all the films that other passengers were watching for only the opportunity to see the map. But the problems didn't end there.

Soon it turned out that the chair in front of me was broken, and the guy who slept in it, reclining his back to the maximum angle, was constantly swinging, as if in a hammock, touching my knees. It was very uncomfortable for me to sit. And the point here is not in him, since he rejected the chair to the prescribed distance. But due to some kind of breakdown of its frame, a few more centimeters were added to this, as the chair literally sagged. Dima even helped me put all the magazines out of his pocket in order to somehow alleviate my situation.

The comfort is minimal, the chairs are broken, the screens did not work - how can one rejoice here?

The views from the porthole sometimes reminded me of a geography lesson about the terrain. Fly over Norway

To this was added permanent turbulence in flight, during which several times and quite seriously shook. It hasn't been like this for a long time. I think the last time we got into such turbulence was when we flew to Israel and. So the whole flight we flew with seat belts fastened.

Plus there was always a big queue for the toilets when they weren't closed due to turbulence and one of them didn't work at all. So not only the seats were broken on this plane. Up ahead in the economy-comfort cabin, there was also something wrong with the toilets, and some of its passengers walked back to us. Of the pluses - in one of the toilets there were sets with toothpaste and a brush, so you can clean yourself up after sleep. But today you won’t surprise anyone like that, because we met disposable toothbrushes even in intercity buses in time !

From above, fabulous Greenland looks like another world: high snowy mountains and frozen rivers where water never flows, winding fjords and a huge number of icebergs. In Greenland, and in the north of Canada, by the Baffin Sea, you understand: there is no global warming. Of course, glaciers are melting in and in the Andes, but not in Greenland.

Only having crossed the Arctic Circle (and they gave us ice cream), I notice the thin snakes of rivers and the eyes of mountain lakes. Here, not under the permafrost, you can see what beauty reigns in the Arctic. The shores are like sand, like on, and the water is blue. However, icebergs are on the horizon. But do not be deceived: we are flying over the north of the planet. The once raised plateau is cut up by rivers that have already frozen, and it seems as if it is bound by cold. I have never seen anything like this anywhere before.

This is how our flight went. Shortly before boarding, the stewards handed out customs declaration forms to all passengers (one per family). We quickly filled it out, since this is not the first time we fly to the USA.

Flying low over the Pacific coast of Oregon and California on the final part of our flight, our plane made two turns over the most in the Downtown area, and we landed at LAX airport quite smoothly. I will add that on landing, the ears did not pawn at all, although many often write that this is not uncommon here.

After landing in Los Angeles, unlike the huge one, we quickly found ourselves at the passenger terminal. The plane drove up to the air bridge, and it took us about 5 minutes to get out of it. Since we were seated at the back of the plane, we had to wait for all the business class and premium economy passengers to disembark.

AT international terminal Los Angeles airport, we quickly reached the passport and visa control and faced an innovation there. From now on, upon arrival in the United States, all passengers must fill out an electronic declaration on special terminal and scan your fingerprints, then go to the immigration officer. We approached the border guard together, and this time he did not ask us many questions, asking only for the duration of our stay in the country. But he decided not to let the girl right in front of us, because she did not understand English well and answered him inappropriately.

After we got our luggage and successfully dealt with customs and phytosanitary control, having lost a couple of forgotten bananas on it, we immediately went to the exit and boarded a shuttle that travels to all car rental companies near Los Angeles Airport. We pre-booked ourselves a suitable for trips to national parks car by choosing the best option on the website.

Good to know:

  • How to get from Los Angeles Airport to different parts of the city, we wrote in.

We pretty quickly got to ours and tried to forget about the flight, because we had such an exciting journey through the southwest of the United States ahead of us!

Our review of the flight to Los Angeles with Aeroflot

Summing up our flight from Moscow to Los Angeles on flight SU 106, I would like to note the deteriorating service of Aeroflot airline, whose jambs we have to deal with not for the first time. Since no one fixed the problem with non-working screens in our places, but only verbally apologized, we did not like this service.

It has long been noticed that smiling and caring flight attendants have become a rarity in Russia, and stewards in general are constantly rude. Probably, the influence of the crisis affects them in this way. And even though modern park new aircraft, the cabin of a four-year-old Boeing 777 this time seemed to us very shabby, which we had not previously seen even on 15-year-old aircraft of Asian and American airlines.

And by the way, they began to pour only half a glass of juice and tea, which Tema Lebedev even wrote about on his Facebook. From alcoholic beverages in the economy they offer free of charge only tasteless wine, which I do not advise drinking. Portions of food are also quite small, especially if you do not order special meals for yourself, as we did, but be content with a standard set.

Speaking about the advantages of flying to Los Angeles with Aeroflot, I will only note that the cabin was not full, and therefore the flight was a little more comfortable than usual. And stunning views from the porthole. But this is not the merit of Aeroflot.

This time I did not like several moments at once during the flight by Aeroflot:

  • With non-working monitors, they did not offer to transfer to equivalent seats or to a higher class.
  • A significant part of the flight was turbulent, the plane flapped its wings and shook violently
  • Due to the fact that they flew exclusively during daylight hours, it was not possible to get enough sleep.
  • The steward spoke rudely and doused our neighbor twice with water.
  • One of the toilets didn't work.
  • The broken-down seats in the cabin, which are long overdue for repair, are still in operation and do not allow you to normally survive such long flights as from Moscow to Los Angeles.
  • And on the way back, Aeroflot tore one of our suitcases to pieces, but Aeroflot did not consider it necessary to be responsible for our damaged property and pay compensation, despite our claim.

When we flew back from Los Angeles to Moscow on flight SU 107, it was again a Boeing 777, but already bearing the Turgenev name, and the flight itself was not so bad. But upon arrival, we again encountered the most unpleasant phenomenon. Upon receipt of luggage, we met our suitcase from the tape open and damaged (the main zipper was torn off at the root). It's good that things didn't go missing. But just imagine! The suitcase does not close, you need to somehow bring it home. This is not to mention that you need to buy a new one.

During the flight from Los Angeles to Moscow, our suitcase was torn apart. We found it on the tape like this

Will we still fly with Aeroflot?

For the first time, we decided to write a complaint in order to receive compensation for a damaged suitcase in the amount of $100. But the Aeroflot employee, when drawing up the act, was not interested in helping us somehow and spoke to us so rudely, as if we ourselves were to blame for the damage. Of course, when considering the complaint, the company decided that it did not owe us anything until we showed them a receipt for buying a suitcase 2 years ago, which was damaged to us, and did not show them a link on the Internet to this suitcase, which is no longer available anywhere else. not for sale.

How to get compensation from Aeroflot for damaged luggage:

  • A free-form application demanding compensation for material damage should be sent by registered mail to Aeroflot PJSC or the documents should be submitted through the closest representative office of Aeroflot PJSC.
  • The application must be accompanied by:
    - original baggage tag;
    — the original receipt of paid baggage (if any);
    - ticket receipt;
    - original boarding pass:
    - the original of the act on damage to luggage;
    - photos of the brand of the suitcase and its damage;
    - the original receipt for the repair;
    – if the suitcase is beyond repair, then you should provide a receipt for the purchase of the damaged suitcase (in the absence of a receipt, indicate the cost, year of purchase and brand of the suitcase, indicate a link on the Internet to a similar suitcase, attach photos of the brand of the suitcase and its damage).
  • Inform the exact postal address for communication and transfer Money, or indicate the full details of the bank and personal TIN for transferring money through the bank.
  • According to Article 15, clause 2 of the Hague Protocol, which amended the Warsaw Convention, the passenger, upon discovery of damage caused to baggage, must file a claim with the carrier no later than seven days from the date of receipt of the baggage.

So we're on our own personal experience learned how Aeroflot's bureaucratic claims service works, which did not pay us compensation for damage to luggage due to the lack of a receipt for its purchase. That is, she suspended the work on our appeal according to a formal criterion and did not take into account the validity of the complaint on the merits.

This is not the first time we have noticed that employees at Aeroflot speak to customers from the position of doing nothing in approximately the following style: “Your screen doesn’t work? We can't help, be patient! Did your suitcase get torn? And you prove it, spend your time, give it for examination and make an act of its non-repairability. And then also present a receipt for its purchase, otherwise we will not compensate you anything, because without documentary evidence of every little thing, we are not responsible for anything! And although every time they apologize for the inconvenience on behalf of Aeroflot PJSC, we, as passengers, did not get better because the conditions of transportation had already been worsened and this was not compensated by the airline in any way.

After such a boorish attitude, we made a firm decision: never fly with Aeroflot again!

Read about all other flight options to Los Angeles at.

We have flown many different airlines around the world and so far international flights Aeroflot is in the very last place in our rating. No wonder they call him the best airline only Eastern Europe, because he loses dry to all Western ones. Before Emirates, of course, he is like the moon, but over and over again he turns out to be worse than even Chinese airlines. The longer China Southern flight from Guangzhou to Los Angeles didn't leave us with any negative feelings and we endured it much better even though it was a 14 hour flight!

Aeroflot's only competitive advantage for us was the ability to fly direct. It's a pity that Delta finally canceled all its flights to Russia, and now Aeroflot will remain a monopoly with its direct flights from Russia to the United States, which means it will raise prices again and probably worsen the service even more. So now you have to fly to the States with a transfer in Europe.

>> Insurance in the USA<< For the duration of your trip to America, we recommend that you take out medical insurance just in case, since medicine in the USA is very expensive. The easiest way to insure on the site Tripinsurance, which offers Allianz Global Assistance coverage. You can also compare the conditions and prices of different insurance companies on the site and buy the right one for you.

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    How to buy a ticket without leaving home?

    Indicate the route, date of travel and number of passengers in the required fields. The system will select the option from the hundreds of airlines.

    From the list, select the flight that suits you.

    Enter personal data - they are required to issue tickets. transmits them only via a secure channel.

    Pay for tickets with a credit card.

    What does an e-ticket look like and where can I get it?

    After paying on the site, a new entry will appear in the airline's database - this is your electronic ticket.

    Now all information about the flight will be stored by the carrier airline.

    Modern air tickets are not issued in paper form.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport not the ticket itself, but the itinerary receipt. It contains the e-ticket number and all the details of your flight. sends an itinerary receipt by e-mail. We recommend to print it and take it with you to the airport.

    It can come in handy at passport control abroad, although you only need your passport to board the plane.

    How to return an e-ticket?

    The airline determines the rules for returning tickets. Usually, the cheaper the ticket, the less money you can get back.

    To return the ticket as soon as possible contact with the operator.

    To do this, you need to respond to the letter that you will receive after ordering tickets on the website.

    Indicate in the subject of the message "Refund of tickets" and briefly describe your situation. Our specialists will contact you.

    The letter that you will receive after ordering will contain the contacts of the partner agency through which the ticket was issued. You can contact him directly.