Where is Aachen? Sights of Aachen - what to see

Aachen (Germany) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Aachen with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Aachen (Germany)

How to get there

Aachen has general airport with the Dutch city of Maastricht. It is located 40 km from the city in the Netherlands and operates a limited number of intra-European flights. Immediate major airports in Germany are located in Düsseldorf and Cologne, from where Aachen can be easily reached by train. The airports of Belgian Liege and the Netherlands Antwerp are also nearby.

Trains run to Aachen from Paris, Liege, Brussels, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf, Cologne. Net bus routes connects Aachen with others major cities Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands.

Shopping and purchases

Aachen is famous for its sweets and culinary products. The very famous Christmas market, which takes place on old square between the cathedral and the town hall.

Shopping areas and centers:

  • AquisPlaza - modern shopping complex downtown.
  • Adalbertstraße is one of the main shopping streets in Aachen. Pedestrian area with numerous shops and cafes.
  • Krämerstraßeand Market
  • Aachen Arkaden, Trierer Straße 1 - large shopping mall
  • Großkölnstraße - large shopping area

Food and drink

Aachen can offer tourists many different establishments where you can try not only German and European, but also Asian cuisines. Among the traditional dishes, Aachener Printen gingerbread, which is produced only in Aachen, is in demand. They can be purchased at historical center almost everywhere.

There are many bars, cafes and restaurants along Pontstraße, which runs from the old market square to the bridge gate. This is one of the favorite places for young people.


The most famous landmark of Aachen is Aachen Cathedral, founded by Charlemagne in the 9th century and serving as his tomb. This imposing sacred structure is one of the greatest examples of Western architecture and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The main chapel of the cathedral was built around 800, and the Gothic choir, north and south chapels were added in the 14th and 15th centuries. During its entire existence, more than 30 German kings and a dozen queens were crowned here, and the building itself was repeatedly rebuilt, restored and expanded. Today the cathedral is a beautiful monumental building in a predominantly Gothic style with a unique interior containing the most valuable exhibits of history and culture. Aachen Cathedral is open from 7.00 to 19.00 (winter until 18.00). The cost of visiting is 4 euros.

If you love history and rarities of the past, then it is worth visiting the treasury of the Aachen Cathedral, which contains more than 100 unique historical exhibits from the 9th to the 16th centuries. The cost of visiting is 5 euros.

Another iconic landmark of the old town is the Aachen Town Hall. This is a beautiful Gothic building built on the foundations of the ancient residence (palace) of Charlemagne. The cost of visiting the town hall is 6 euros.

Between the town hall and Aachen Cathedral, surrounded by ancient buildings, is the market square, which is the heart of the old city and the venue for various fairs.

On Pontstraße towards the Bridge Gate you can see a beautiful church from the early 20th century, named after St. Cross.

If you move along Pontstraße from the old market square, the final destination will be the Bridge Gate, built in the 14th century. These powerful stone structure was the northwestern entrance to the inner city. In the Middle Ages, the city wall of Aachen had 11 city gates. Only two of them have survived to this day.

The marching gate is one of the two surviving city gates of Aachen, located in the southern part of the old city. They were built in the 12-13th century and were one of the main entrances to the inner city. The marching gate got its name because the garrison and parade ground were located here.

Aachen is one of the most picturesque cities in North Rhine Westphalia. This town is located in a lowland, surrounded by fields, meadows, hills and is literally surrounded by greenery.

– one of the most picturesque cities North Rhine Westphalia. This town is located in a lowland, surrounded by fields, meadows, hills and is literally surrounded by greenery. Aachen borders three countries at once: the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. For tourists it is interesting primarily as balneological resort, and also as a place of large concentration of historical monuments.

City `s history

Story Aachen begins with the Celtic tribes living here back in the 1st century. BC. Then the Romans and Franks came to these lands. The city was first mentioned in chronicles in 765 AD. Charlemagne in the 8th century founded his main residence here, and for some time the city became the capital of the Great Roman Empire. Aachen left its mark on German history, first of all, as a city of coronations: here, in the main cathedral, for several centuries, German emperors received their right to the throne.

Modern city

Modern Aachen combines a rich historical past and the high-tech attributes of the present time. There are many new medical clinics and research centers here, and cultural and music festivals are regularly held, attracting tens of thousands of spectators.

Aachen is one of the world's equestrian centers. In June, the famous competitions are held here annually - International festival equestrian sport (CHIO).

Among the main attractions of Aachen are the following:
Aachen Cathedral (Aachener Dom)- the same main cathedral of the city in which the coronation of many emperors took place. It also contains a tomb Karla Velikog o, which houses his majestic sarcophagus and marble throne. Despite numerous reconstructions of the cathedral over many centuries, its central part, the oktogon, erected under Charlemagne, is still preserved. Aachen Cathedral is included in the list of objects under UNESCO protection.

IN City Hall You can also see traces of the city's centuries-old history. There are wonderful collections of paintings, frescoes and ancient treasures here.

Aachen has several interesting museums to visit. Among them Suermondt-Ludwig–Museum, whose collection includes an extensive collection of sculpture and painting from the Middle Ages, late Gothic, Romanticism, Baroque and classical modernism.

Frankenberg Fortress Museum built back in the 13th century. It presents numerous exhibitions on the history of the city, including models of Charlemagne’s gardens, a collection of old coins, a plan of the monastery, etc.

Couven-Museum dedicated to the history of bourgeois culture of the 18th-19th centuries. The museum's halls are designed in the Rococo, early classicism, Empire, and Biedemeier styles. Of great interest to tourists is the Aachen-Lüttecher furniture of the 18th century, successfully combined with porcelain and earthenware products from this period.

Basically, Aachen museums are open on weekdays and weekends during the daytime from 10-11 to 17-19 hours, some of them receive visitors according to a certain schedule.

Old german city Aachen is located 64 kilometers southwest of Cologne and a few kilometers from the borders with Belgium and the Netherlands. It was founded during the Roman Empire. Was a royal residence. Roman emperors and German kings were crowned here. Since ancient times, it has been known as a balneological resort for its thermal springs. It is located in the center of the basin where coal is mined. South of Aachen the territory begins national park Eiffel.

The chemical, food, and glass industries are developed here. In the city 260 thousand inhabitants, of which 40 thousand are students. Availability natural conditions for health improvement, interesting places and attractions attract tourists from Germany and other countries.

Aachen shrines

The Aachen Cathedral houses shrines to which Christians make pilgrimages. Since the Middle Ages, pilgrims from all over the world come here every seven years. The next pilgrimages will be held in 2021 and 2028. The local treasury contains gifts and relics from many European countries. Here you can see the casket of the Virgin Mary, a horn that belonged to the knight Roland, Lothair's cross, medieval paintings with religious subjects, and many other treasures.

The city has preserved towers erected in the 13th century that protected the gates of the old city wall. The Marching Gates include four round towers, which were erected around a central building covered with a hip roof with an arched gate. The bridge gate is a rectangular tower, which also has a hipped roof, with a four-meter passage.

This old castle associated with the name of Charlemagne. After the death of the king, it was destroyed, flooded, and changed owners. In the early 40s of the last century, the laboratory of the famous German aircraft designer H. Junkers functioned there. In 1961, the castle was restored. The city historical museum worked here and Cultural Center. Public events are regularly organized on the castle grounds.

Location: Bismarckstraße.

The main cathedral of Aachen, built more than twelve centuries ago, is often called the Imperial Cathedral. It was the site of the coronation of the emperors of Rome. It houses the huge tomb of Charlemagne.

The interiors of the temple are decorated with an altar with local shrines, delightful mosaics, stained glass windows and sculptures. This extraordinary beauty majestic gothic cathedral Among the first to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Location: Domhof - 1.

In honor of Crown Princess Elisabeth Louis of Bavaria, a classical building with a spring inside was built in the city in 1827. The 52-degree hydrogen sulfide spring was called “Imperial”. In the 18th-19th years it was used by crowned and noble persons, including Peter I, Frederick the Great, G.F. Handel and others. Special signs indicate their visit to the source. During World War II it was completely bombed. In 1950 it was restored to its original form.

Location: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Platz.

This unusual museum allows you to see the development of newspapers and other printed publications over half a thousand years. In his funds there are almost 200 thousand unique exhibits in different languages ​​from almost all over the world. The museum exposition is organized in an educational and exciting way for adults and children. The most modern forms of educational work are used here, revealing the features of the newspaper world that attract many tourists to this museum.

Location: Pontstraße - 13.

Equestrian Mecca

Aachen is a city where many sports develop. However, it is often called the Mecca of equestrian sports. This is due to the World Equestrian Festival CHIO Aachen, held annually at the main city stadium. Riders from all continents take part in it. Every year, during one week in June, over 360 thousand athletes and fans of equestrian sports come here.

The city has a computer museum created with the help of the technical university. Largely thanks to this technology, the growth of the German economy is ensured. The stages of development of computer technology are demonstrated in a popular form. All types of devices that enable the most complex calculations are collected here. You can see the first abacus, adding machines and calculators, electronic computers of various levels from many countries.

Location: Sommerfeldstr - 32.

The German architect Johann Koufen is famous for the fact that in the 18th-19th centuries he built several interesting mansions for wealthy and eminent citizens of Aachen.

In one of these respectable houses, built by the famous architect, a museum named after him is organized. Its peculiarity is the presentation of the lifestyle of the German bourgeois in past centuries. Here you can see furniture, works of masters of those years. Interiors typical of the eras of Louis XVI and Napoleon Bonaparte with various decorations made of porcelain, glass and silver are demonstrated.

Location: Hühnermarkt - 17.

Called the Ludwig Forum, the museum of modern art is housed in a three-story modern building with an area of ​​6 thousand square meters. A slightly smaller area is used to house exhibits in the museum’s garden. In that unusual place visitors get acquainted with modern art collections and thematic exhibitions. Here you can see works in the pop art style and works of realistic art made in different genres.

Location: Jülicher Street 97-109.

The building of this city governing body was built in the 14th century and is one of the significant architectural monuments of its center. Today it is a beautiful, slightly gloomy Gothic structure, decorated with darkened royal statues, spiers, a fountain and other decorative elements. In the interiors of the town hall there are frescoes with scenes about city and royal life. The international Charlemagne Prize is awarded here annually.

Location: Markt.

Fountain "Circulation of Money"

German sculptor Karl Hening Zeeman created an original sculptural composition, installed in 1976 on one of the city streets. It depicts a group of people. gathered near the fountain bowl. The water in it symbolizes money, which, spinning in a whirlpool, “goes into the sand.” The figures of people symbolize human greed, acquisitiveness and begging. There is also a sculpture of a man telling his son about the circulation of money.

Location: Ursulinerstraße - 3.

Roman legionnaires were well aware of the healing power of local hot springs, who used them to treat wounds received in battle. Emperor Charlemagne built a hospital here.

Today, in its place there is a modern wellness center with 38 thermal pools. The unique Aachen springs are among the hottest on the continent. Unique in its chemical composition hot natural water helps restore joint mobility and improve the health of the body.

RWTH Aachen University is recognized as one of the best in the country and Europe. It consists of ten faculties, in which thirty thousand students receive primarily engineering, as well as mathematical education, and some other specialties. The university occupies a significant part of the city's territory. It receives more funds from the national industry than any other German university.

Location: Templergraben - 55.

In June 2014, a new local history museum was inaugurated in the city. It is officially called the Center of Charlemagne, one of the founders of the city. Its building, built in the mid-20th century, is considered architectural monument. The museum implements non-standard programs educational activities. There is a discussion hall and a museum pedagogy hall. The interiors and equipment of the museum meet the latest technical achievements.

The city was founded by the Romans, who were attracted by the rich mineral deposits. For a long time it remained an industrial center, and reached its peak during the reign of Charlemagne, who granted Aachen many privileges and made it the residence of the Frankish kings.

The city is attractive to tourists due to its large selection of remarkable places, ancient buildings and entertainment; exciting events are held here for vacationers. excursion programs. The main symbol of Aachen remains Cathedral which was included in the list world heritage UNESCO. A magnificent architectural structure, striking in its scale and luxurious decoration of the halls. The main hall of the cathedral is decorated with a beautiful chandelier, which was donated by Frederick Barbarossa. The treasury and the marble throne of Charlemagne have been preserved here, as well as a sarcophagus with his remains. The shrine will be interesting not only from the point of view of its magnificent architecture, but also from the point of view of historical value, because the relics stored here are considered the most valuable museum exhibits.

Another ancient monument architecture can be seen on the Market Square, here is the Gothic Town Hall, which was built in the 14th century. Opposite the Town Hall is the Granus Tower, as well as the Church of Mary and St. Peter, built in the 19th century. Among the museums, Sürmondt-Ludwig deserves special attention, representing a rich collection of sculpture and painting. There are works dating back to the 12th century, as well as exhibits from the Middle Ages. At the Koofen Museum you will see collections of antique furniture, interior items and fireplaces. Frankenberg Castle is reminiscent of the time of the rapid rise of Aachen; it was here that Charlemagne lived, and today, in memory of the great ruler, the main Historical Museum. Copyright www.site

On one of the historical streets of Aachen is the oldest house in the city - Löwenstein. It is not difficult to find; the historical building is located opposite the Town Hall. This house was built in the 14th century, its first owner was a wealthy person named Leve. Built in 1344, this house was one of the few in the city that managed to survive a severe fire in the mid-17th century. There are many gaps in the history of this building; according to some assumptions, it housed a wine restaurant for a long time. Today, this prominent historical building is occupied by large offices and city archives.

One of the main city attractions is resort park Burtscheid. It was founded back in 1609, when a thermal spring was discovered in the picturesque foothills. The park reached its heyday at the beginning of the 19th century; many beautiful boulevards and squares were built here. Besides beautiful plants historical park decorates many ancient fountains, complemented by sculptural compositions. Just like many years ago, today the resort park is a permanent venue for interesting events. In the warm season, concerts are held here under open air and have dance parties.

Deserves attention architectural ensemble Eliesenbrunnen, also known informally as the Elise Fountain. This architectural complex was built around thermal spring and named after Princess Elisabeth Louis of Bavaria. The very first drinking fountain was built here at the end of the 17th century; over the years of its existence, it was repeatedly rebuilt and supplemented with new buildings. Today the architectural complex includes a small showroom, where interesting events are often held cultural events. After exploring the attraction, you can take a walk through the surrounding park.

Material supply

1. Proper names are arranged in alphabetical order in the Dictionary. Heading words are in bold.

2. To quickly find the desired name, last names are typed in capital letters.

3. If the dictionary entry ( geographical name, name of the press organ, personal name and surname) consists of several words, then the alphabet of subsequent words is also taken into account, for example:

Velicues Dederkaly - Velicues KoroVintsy - VeliKry Krynki;

CARPINSKY Alexandr - CARPINSKY VyacheslaV;

"Journale de GenetV"[de, ne], several, and. (gas, Switzerland) - "Journal du dimansh", several, and. (gas., France).

4. All non-monosyllabic words are stressed: CYPRUSNSKY Orest. The emphasis is also placed on monosyllabic significant words in the compound names of foreign press organs, news agencies, etc. for the correct pronunciation of transliterations:

"New York taims", several, and. (gas., USA);

New ZeeLand Press associatetion[le, re], several, Wed. (a-vo, New Zealand).

Non-monosyllabic function words, in turn, may not bear stress, for example, in the Italian names of press organs “della”, “dello”:

"Corrierre della sera"[re, de, se], several., m. (Western, Italy);

"Gadzeta dello spoRT"[ze, de], several., and. (gas., Italy).

In words that have secondary (secondary) stress, this is also placed:

BarrankabermeHa, -i (city, Colombia);

VernedneproSun, -a (city, Ukraine);

BENKATARAMAN Ramaswami, Ve nkatara mana Ramaswa mi (Indian statesman).

In complex names, two main accents are usually indicated:

Kalach-on-Don(city, Volgograd region, Russian Federation);

Novograd-OxenEnglish(city, Ukraine).

If both components are monosyllabic, then the collateral stress is placed on the first part, and the main stress is placed on the second, for example:

FeRT-of-Fort, Ferth of Forth (hall, UK).

There is no accent mark above the letter e: GOETHE, Gothenburg, DENEV, Cologne, KONENKOV, NEYOLOVA(this letter indicates not only the pronunciation, but also the place of stress). In compound words, if there is a main stress, then the letter e may indicate side stress: DOBEREYNER Yogann Vofgang[re, ne], but if the letter e occurs two or three times in a word, then the stress is placed above the letter e: BörölöX(r., Yakutia).

5. The names of information and telegraph agencies, television and radio companies are given in the Dictionary twice: in expanded form and in abbreviation form. For each abbreviation, information about its pronunciation is given in square brackets, including stress, and also a grammatical note indicating gender. If there is a transliteration in a dictionary entry, it is separated from the abbreviation by a dash and is provided with a pronunciation mark, if necessary. The following is a description of the name in parentheses. For example:

AP[a--pe], several,Wed. - Associate ted Pre ss [te, re] (a--vo, USA),

Associatested Press - AP[te, re; a--pe ], several,Wed. (a-vo, USA);

BBC, several, and. - British Broadcasting Corporation [re] (British Broadcasting Corporation),

BreeTish Bropodcasting Corporetion - BBC[re], several, and. (British Broadcasting Corporation).

The names of agencies and radio and television companies are given without quotation marks.

6. For abbreviations of political, public and sports organizations, information is usually given in one dictionary entry:

ICAO[ika o], uncl., w.- International Civil Aviation Organization;

FAPSI[fapsi], uncl., cf.- Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information;

FIDE[fide], uncl., w.- International Chess Federation.

7. Explanations are given for all geographical names. The following information is given in parentheses: a term indicating the type of object - mountains. (city), hall (bay), cape, lake (lake), island (island), river. (river), ridge. (ridge), etc., and the location of the object. For domestic geographical names, the name of the republic, region, autonomous region, autonomous district is given and their nationality, For example:

Zadonsk, -a (city, Lipetsk region, Russian Federation); KalaChinsk, -a (city, Omsk region, Russian Federation).

For foreign toponyms, the term is also given and the location of the object is indicated:

Ploermel, -i (city, France); Yesllas, -a (city, USA).

7.1. When naming a state, its name is given in parentheses. official name, after the term in other parentheses the name of the continent is given:

Gabon, -a (Gabonian Republic) (state in Central Africa);

Guatemala, -ы [te] (Republic of Guatemala) (state in Central America).

7.2. When using the word capital, the name of the state is given in gender form. pad. in brackets:

GaboroNot[ne], several. (capital of Botswana); KaiR, -a (capital of Egypt).

7.3. When submitting names of subjects Russian Federation the traditional Russian name is given in the first place, and the official name adopted in the Constitution of the Russian Federation is indicated in brackets, for example:

Kalmycue, -i (Republic of Kalmykia) (RF);

YakuTia, -i (Republic of Sakha) (RF).

In everyday practice, i.e. when reading ordinary information and other programs, it is recommended to use traditional options: Kalmycue, YakuTia. If we are talking about diplomatic documents (agreements, treaties, etc.), then it is recommended to use the official name: RepublicKalma's glarecue, Republicglare Sakha; also with the names of neighboring countries, for example:

BelorRussia, -и (Belarus) (Republic of Belarus);

MoldaViya, -i (Republic of Moldova).

In everyday use, preference is given to the following options: BelorRussia, MoldaViya, in official speech - options: Republicglare to Belaruss, Republicglare Moldova.

7.4. If the name refers to several objects, the terms denoting these objects are separated from the name of the object's place by a dash:

HaLeweston, -a (hall, city - USA); HeraT, -a (city, province - Afghanistan).

In cases where objects of the same name are located in different states, the corresponding term is separated with a dash, and a semicolon is placed between the names of the states, for example:

HaI, -i (city - India; Niger); GaroNna, -s (r. - Spain; France).

If there are several terms and, accordingly, object locations, they are separated from each other by a semicolon:

Deepkaya, -oy (village, Sverdlovsk, region, Russian Federation; district, Rostov region, Russian Federation).

7.5. If an object (river, lake, mountain range etc.) is located on the territory of two or more states and has, accordingly different names, each of them is given in a separate dictionary entry, and its names in neighboring countries are given:

Gerirud, -a (b. - Afghanistan; Iran); on terr. Turkmenistan - Teje;

Tejen, -a (r., Turkmenistan); on terr. Afghanistan; Iran - Geriru d;

Eforehead, -ы (r., Germany); on terr. Czech Republic; Slovakia - La ba;

Laba, -ы (r. - Czech Republic; Slovakia); on terr. Germany - Elba.

7.6. An explanation is also given for unofficial names:

Gebrichildren's islands(unofficial Hebrides, -and d) (architect. in the Atlantic ca.),

Gebrides, cm. Gebrichildren's islands.

8. In some cases, explanations of surnames provide chronological information. This applies to heads of state, major political and public figures, representatives of famous dynasties, family groups, etc., for example:

MERKEL Angela, Merkel Angel (Chancellor of Germany since 2005);

PERES DE CUELYAR XavierR, Pereza de Que llara Javier ra [re, de] (Secretary General of the UN in 1982-1991);

VALOIS, several. (dynasty of French kings in 1328-1589).

When submitting borrowed surnames belonging to the same family, the dictionary entry is given in the following form:

GRIMM, -A; Grimmy, -ov; Icob And Wilgelm;

brothers Grimm (German philologists);

LUMIERR, -A; Lumières, -ov;

LouisJean And Ogyust; Lumier brothers (French inventors).

There are fluctuations in the use of borrowed surnames in combination with the word brothers. As practice shows, the use of the singular has become established in the Russian language, for example: brothers GRIMM, brothers LUMIER P1.

When difficulties arise when submitting names of family groups, in particular with declension, the material is presented in the form of separate articles:

FONDA Genri, Henry Henry Foundation (American actor);

FONDA Jane, Jane Fonda (American actress; daughter of G. Fonda);

FONDA Piter, Peter Fonda [te] (American actor; son of G. Fonda).

9. Normative and non-normative pronunciation options associated with the writing of toponyms and anthroponyms are indicated by using a system of links and font selections. Recommended options are given in bold font, non-recommended ones in light font.

9.1. When submitting pronunciation variants of toponyms, the dictionary entry is given in the following form:

Ahyung, -a (Aachen) (city, Germany),

And Aachen, cm. Ahyung;

Are(A are) [re], several. (b., Switzerland),

A are, cm. Are;

Haeju(Hezhu), several. (city, DPRK),

Haeju, cm. Haeju.

The preferred options are: Ahyung,Are And Haeju, printed in bold.

9.2. When submitting pronunciation options for anthroponyms, after the recommended option, printed in bold, another option (outdated or less common), typed in a light font, is given in parentheses. Then the name is given, then the gender form is indicated in full. case - last name and first name and pronunciation mark (if necessary). The non-recommended option is also given in a separate dictionary entry in its alphabetical place, printed in light font, with the reference cm. to the standard version, printed in bold:

GAZENKLEVER(Ha zenkle ver) Valter, Ga zenkle faith (Ha zenkle faith) Valtera [ze, ze, te] (German poet and playwright),

HA ZENKLE VER Walter, cm. Hazenklever(Ha zenkle ver) Valter.

9.3. In cases different from the previous ones, surnames are presented as follows:

GART(Hart) Frensis Bret, Ha mouth (Ha mouth) Francis Breta (Bre t-Ga rt) (American writer),

Bre t--Ga rt, cm. Garth(Hart) Frensis Bret.

9.4. The names of streets, alleys, avenues, squares of Moscow and some capitals were introduced into the Dictionary for the first time foreign countries, causing difficulty in stress, pronunciation and declension, for example:

GraYvoronovskaya st.(in Moscow);

Gazoprovod, st.(in Moscow);

GoLikovsky lane(in Moscow);

DerbeNevskaya st.(in Moscow);

Tiananmeno, several., and. (area in Beijing).

9.5. For the first time, the Dictionary provides grammatical information for all vocabulary units, i.e. the problem of inflection of different types of proper names is solved (see section “ Declension”).

System of notes and explanations

For many words, various kinds of explanations and notes are given, directly or indirectly related to the purpose of the Dictionary.

1. The following are given in parentheses:

1.1) Explanations for surnames that have the same spelling but different emphasis:

CAPIZA Mihail, Kapitsa Mikhail La (Russian historian, diplomat);

CAPITA Sergeth, Kapitsy Sergei (Russian physicist);

1.2) pronunciation options associated with writing:

Hayay-dahrk(Ha id-pa rk), Ga id-pa rk (Ha id-pa rk) (in London);

GAUV(Ha ugh) Wilgelm, Ga ufa (Ha ufa) Wilhelm (German writer);

1.3) adjectives formed from geographical names and having a different stress from them:

Barbados, -A ( adj. - Barbadian);

HaMbia, -And ( adj. - Gambian);

1.4) other names for the same geographical objects:

Bely Neil(Ba hr-el-A byad);

1.5) former geographical names:

Ekaterinburg, -a (in 1924-1991 Sverdlovsk) (city, Sverdlovsk region, Russian Federation);

Sverdlo vsk, cm. Ekaterinburg;

1.6) explanations for the names of press organs (indicating the type of publication and the name of the state where it is published), news agencies, works of art, etc.:

"Finenshl times", several., and. (gas., UK);

Associatested Press - AP[te, re; a-pe], several., Wed. (a-vo, USA);

"Ivengo"[ve], several., m. (novel by W. Scott);

1.7) explanations for undeclinable borrowed female surnames and given names, indicating profession and markings. (woman) if it is not clear in the description, for example:

SHENNON Liuseed, several. (American astronaut, woman);

CASERM Denmarkl[de, ie], several. (French actress);

1.8) Explanations for ancient Greek and Roman names:

AsklePius, -I ( Old Greek myth.); ancient rome. Aesculus p;

AesculusP, -A ( Old-Roman myth.); Old Greek. Asclepius;

1.9) explanations when submitting the names of some domestic and foreign figures of science and culture:

GAMALEI'm Nikolath, Gamale and Nikola I (Russian microbiologist and epidemiologist);

NOTRO Franko[ne], several. (Italian actor);

1.10) clarifications when submitting pseudonyms of famous figures of literature and art:

GREEN Alexandr, Gri na Alexandra; present femme. Grinevsky (Russian writer);

GREENEVSKY Alexandr (pseudo. - A. Green);

GORYKY Maxim, Gorky Maxim; present Name And femme. Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov (Russian writer);

PESHKOV Alexey 2, Peshkova Alexe I ( pseudo. - Maksim Gorky).

With the surnames of Russian writers and poets the word "Rus" is given. (Russian), since the qualifier is the Russian language in which they wrote or are writing.

2. The following are given in square brackets:

2.1) marks indicating standard pronunciation:

BODOUETN DE COURTENAY, Baudoueton de Courtenay[de, tene] (Russian and Polish linguist);

BONNET Charles, Bonnet Charles [ne] (Swiss naturalist);

Byrt-o--Prens, Po rt-au-Pré nsa [re] (capital of Haiti);

2.2) notes warning against incorrect pronunciation, for example:

AVIJUS Yous, Avi jusa Yo nasa [ Not zhu; ё] (Lithuanian writer);

JURAYTIS Algis, Zhura itisa A lgisa [ Not zhu] (conductor);

Qiurich, -A [ Not zu] (city, Switzerland);

JUPPEAlen, Juppé Ale na [pe; Not zhu] (French statesman);

2.3) marks that fix the syllable division in words with side stress: for example, Folxyuni[s/y], several. (party, Belgium).

3. The names of press organs, literary works, operas, ballets, as well as publishing companies, industrial enterprises, concerns, musical ensembles, sports clubs are given in quotation marks:

"Frankfurter algemeine"[te, ne], several., and. (gas., Germany);

"BahNyuta", “Ba Nyuty” (opera by A. Kalniņš);

"Glazgo ReIngers"[re], several., m. (football club, Scotland).

4. The names of news and telegraph agencies are given without quotation marks:

APA[a--pe-a], several., Wed. - A ustria Pre sse--A gentur [re, se] (a--vo, Austria).

5. Litter several. means that the proper name does not change by case:

Thatkio, several.; SCARLATTI, several.; Orly, several. (airport in Paris).

6. Notes are printed in italics b. - former, several. - indeclinable (word), m. - masculine (gender), and. - feminine (gender), woman, local. - local, Wed. - neuter gender); official. - official, adj. - adjective, decomposition. - conversational, cm. - Look; terr. - territorial, Tibet. - Tibetan, actual. - actually; Some explanations of proper names of persons and geographical names are also given.

Special terms found in the Dictionary

Anthroponym- a person’s own name: personal name, patronymic, surname, nickname, pseudonym.

Toponym(geographical name) - the name of any geographical feature: ocean, continent, country, city, river, town, etc.

Microtoponym- proper name of a small physical-geographical object: name of a grove, spring, tract, street, district, etc.

1 Cm. Rosenthal D. E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 2008.

2 The bearer of the surname himself pronounced it with an emphasis on the end (PESHKO V), but in the Dictionary, in accordance with tradition, the variant PESHKOV is given.