Who is afraid to fly on an airplane? What to do if you are afraid to fly? Can Russian airlines be trusted?

“I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do?” - 30% of the Earth's inhabitants ask themselves this question.10% of them suffer from real aerophobia, which is why they do not travel abroad on vacation, do not visit relatives, and travel exclusively by land means of transport.

Of course, everyone experiences discomfort to one degree or another before or during a flight.But real aerophobia is a complex mental disorder that can be treated with a psychotherapist and rarely develops outside of a set of other phobias.Moderate fear of flying, especially if you are about to travel for the first time, can be overcome on your own.Let's find out how to do this using simple and working tricks.

And first, let’s define a couple of simple details about what to do if you are afraid of flying on an airplane.The first and basic rule is not to use as a sedative.

Dry air and low pressure on board, supported by a glass of whiskey, will instantly intoxicate and increase excitement, and by the end of the flight a hangover will set in.

Therefore, try to make do with lollipops during landing and landing, eat or drink water, since coffee can also excite an already excited nervous system.Now let's move on to the main part.

Trick #1: Read the stats before you fly.

While you are traveling on the train, about 5,000 planes are flying in the sky

You've probably heard that the plane is considered the safest mode of transport: every second, on average, there are 5,000 (!) thousand cars in the sky.

Every year, 5 billion (!) people travel by air, and the average annual number of air crash victims hovers around 300-400.That is, 1 out of 12 million dies.

Now, if you are looking for advice on what to do if you are afraid to fly on an airplane, remember the number of victims in all kinds of accidents. The count goes into tens of thousands.

Tip: If you fly every day, it will take you 21,000 years to become a victim of a plane crash.

Trick No. 2: Study the equipment correctly

Before each flight, aircraft are thoroughly checked

The key word is correct.Once you have purchased your tickets, do not immediately start Googling statistics on air accidents involving the aircraft you will be flying on.These attempts will end in insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and lost money.

Better read some useful reassuring facts:

  1. All systems on the plane have 2-3 takes.
  2. Each airliner has 2 engines: if one fails, the ship can safely fly on the second for at least 2 hours, while the risk that both will fail at the same time is equivalent to two hundred years of its continuous operation.
  3. Aircraft have a long technical life and undergo a thorough check before each flight. Do not be afraid to fly on planes that are 15 or 20 years old, be it Lufthansa or Air Nigeria - all air companies are necessarily certified in accordance with international standards.
  4. Each case of a plane crash is a combination of circumstances that are carefully studied to prevent them in the future.
  5. Every year the number of accidents, despite their replication on television, decreases by 15%.

Trick No. 3: I'm afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do? Prepare in advance

Arrive at the airport early to give yourself time to settle in

Minimize stress by choosing the right flight. Some people find it more convenient to fly at night, while others prefer daytime flights.Think about what is more comfortable for you. When purchasing a ticket, do not forget to take into account the time difference.

Before your flight, check in online to avoid any additional worries.The night before your trip, try to do as little as possible - this increases the chance that you will fall asleep on board and the flight will be easy.

Tip: When purchasing a ticket, reserve your seat. The most comfortable places for those who are afraid of flying - in the front part and at the wings. For Airbus A 320 it is 8-15 rows, for Boeing 737-800 it is 12-18.

Trick No. 4: I'm afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do? Trust the crew

Take your cue from the crew

Tips from pilots and flight attendants can be viewed in advance on YouTube (including at the end of this article), but the most therapeutic effect on you should be the confident and friendly appearance of the team.

Imagine these people are on board airplanes most of their lives.They would hardly devote themselves to heights if they were driven by the fear of falling into air pocket or, worse, a plane crash.

And they also want to return home safe and sound to hug their family and friends.Some airlines allow you to go into the cockpit and get acquainted with him so that his appearance will inspire you with confidence.

But, to be honest, we have not yet encountered such precedents. Just in case, ask the flight attendant.

Trick #5: Have Fun!

Find someone to talk to

By all available means. Listen, read books, find someone to talk to.In general, do everything that will help you abstract yourself from the feeling of danger.

Psychologists believe that the best way to overcome the fear of flying while on board is audiobooks - unlike songs, when listening to the text, you will have to concentrate your attention to understand what is being said.

Trick #6: Wear the right clothes

It is important to feel comfortable during the flight - do not wear ties, tight trousers and jackets, avoid synthetic fabrics and uncomfortable shoes.

Sneakers, a loose jumper that doesn't restrict movement, and jeans are the ideal option.

Tip: If you have a long flight, don't forget to pack a travel neck pillow.

Trick #7: Stay Fluid Balanced

Drink water instead of alcohol and medications

“I’m afraid to fly on an airplane, what should I do, what medications should I take to dull my feelings?” - this question is one of the most popular on aerophobe forums.

We answer: none, since a tablet (even two) of valerian is unlikely to help.Serious sedatives and hypnotics can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since it is unknown how side effects will manifest themselves at altitude.

But a sufficient amount of liquid will not harm: the air on board is very dry. Drink plain still water or natural juices. And don't forget to grab hand cream.

Trick #8: Use Useful Mobile Apps

There are quite a few of these specially invented for aerophobes.Just download one of the many on your smartphone and while on board you will be able to monitor the bank angle, speed and altitude, and g-force during turbulence.

You will also learn a lot of useful technical information: how the plane stays in the air, how the weather affects flight safety, how the aircraft works, how many ships are in flight at a particular moment, etc.There are even special audio trainings that you can listen to on board.

Trick #9: Prepare for Turbulence

Don't be afraid of turbulence

Every plane periodically encounters turbulence.And this is natural, but in the entire history of aviation, no more than 50 people died specifically from turbulence, and that was when suitcases fell on their heads or a passenger was not wearing a seat belt.

The oscillation of an airplane in the air is caused by vortex wind currents. As a rule, an ordinary bumpiness does not threaten anything, and in 9 out of 10 cases the warning to the pilot is just a formality.

Tip: Some airlines refund money to passengers if they cancel their flight at the last minute due to aerophobia. To do this, they must provide a medical certificate of health.

Trick #10: Seek Professional Help

Take courses taught by the pilots themselves

If you cannot overcome your fear of heights on your own, seek help from a psychologist.But remember that one conversation cannot radically change the situation, and you will need a course of therapy.

Experienced specialists use virtual simulators that allow you to get used to flying while on the ground - a sense of reality is created using a specially equipped room and computers.Often such courses are taught former pilots and flight attendants.

Advice: for those who have a hard time flying, it is better to choose a seat by the window and look out the window more often. This will give you the feeling that you are in control of what is happening.

When the liner soars into the sky, a person is understandably overcome with anxious feelings, since he is torn out of his usual habitat.This fear is especially intensified if the flight is for the first time.

Don't deprive yourself of pleasure air travel

Sad news reports and artificial self-inflation add to the tragedy of the situation: “Everyone is flying, but, of course, it’s me who will crash.”

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Nowadays, you can often hear the phrase “I’m afraid to fly on an airplane,” despite the fact that statistics confidently prove that an airplane is the most safe look transport. In reality, there is nothing wrong with being afraid of flying. However, this must definitely be dealt with, because panic and uncontrollable behavior can become a serious problem and significantly ruin the trip. tochka.net I have prepared some tips for those who are afraid of flying. Remember how to behave on an airplane, and then flying into the sky will become your favorite pastime and relaxation.

  1. People who are afraid of flying should have a clear idea of ​​which part of the plane is best to sit in. If you are afraid of heights, then do not sit next to the porthole. If you're afraid of turbulence, don't sit at the back of the plane, that's where it shakes the most. If you suffer from claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), your place should be close to emergency exit or, if it is occupied, at the aisle. You can choose your seat during online check-in or ask at the check-in counter directly at the airport.
  2. Take care of your clothes, they should be comfortable. This will help you feel at home and therefore relax. Especially if you have to spend several hours in the sky. Don't be shy about changing clothes during the flight. Take your favorite slippers with you, ask the flight attendant to bring a blanket and a pillow (of course, if you are not flying low-cost) - and you will see that you will immediately calm down in warmth and comfort.
  3. For those who are afraid of flying, a little banal advice is to use lollipops. To a certain extent, they will distract you, and tasty fun will also prevent motion sickness and ear congestion. Chewing gum will also help in such cases. If it’s fruity or has your favorite flavor, it’s perfect. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that an adult, being in a state of stress, subconsciously strives to return to the happy and carefree moments of childhood. Chewing processes help him with this.

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  1. For those who are afraid of flying, it is contraindicated to think badly. Do some exercises and use your imagination. First try to imagine the frightening situation in the form in which you are afraid of it. After that, replay the ending so that it becomes completely not scary, but, on the contrary, even comical. This is very easy to do when you draw a small comic book in your head (no more than five pictures). For example, after a plane crash you are flying down, you are scared. However, as soon as you reached the level of the clouds, they threw you up like a spring, confetti flew from there, air balloons, and you laughed and flew into the sky on a cloud. Well, or any other positive scenario that the imagination can come up with.
  2. One of the best ways relax - deep breathing. This technique was used by ancient yogis. With its help they achieved a state of peace. So practice it and forget about all your fears. Try to inhale deeply into your belly, and then exhale slowly through your mouth (the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation). Such deep, slow breathing triggers the relaxation reaction, and it is followed by a whole chain of changes in the body: the heart rate slows down, blood flows to the limbs and muscles relax. Also try this: focus on your breathing, close your eyes and imagine how tension and anxiety leave you as you exhale. Draw in your imagination how negative thoughts flow out in the form of a stream with the exhaled air.
  3. During the flight and when you take off, look out the window more often. After all, this is how you see that you are rising into the sky, the situation outside is stable. This way you have the opportunity to control the situation. And when a person feels like the master of events, when he has control, accordingly he feels confident. Then fear and panic disappear.
  4. When flying, take a soft toy or something pleasant to the touch with you so that you always have something pleasant and voluminous in your hands.

After all, there are many nerve endings on the limbs. When your hands are busy with something, it distracts your brain. And there is absolutely no time to think about the bad. This advice is especially useful for those who fly with children. Finally, the most main advice

for those who are afraid of flying - tune in to a positive wave and forget about the existence of the word “panic”.

Almost all people experience mild physical discomfort and a feeling of anxiety when flying on an airplane from time to time. But if the fear becomes so strong that a person tries to avoid flying, experiences uncontrollable panic attacks and is constantly afraid of an accident, we are talking about aerophobia - fear of heights. According to the National Society of Transportation and Aviation Medicine, about 15% of adults have a fear of flying. Among them are famous personalities and those who have to fly frequently for work. Before you read the tips on how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane, we suggest you read real story

a person who had a panicky fear of flying.

How I overcame my fear of flying “I started flying airplanes when I was an adult. I had to fly for work throughout the USSR, and then throughout foreign countries

Years passed, and smoking on airplanes was banned, first in Western airlines, and then in domestic ones. At that time, it was not yet possible to watch movies on airplanes or select music to listen to on headphones. Therefore, I had free time during the flight, and I did not know what to do with it. I began to think about the fact that I could not influence the control of the plane, about the altitude, about accidents. I wanted to constantly listen to all sounds, track vibrations and generally monitor how the plane was moving. That's when the first fears appeared. I realized that I was afraid of flying on an airplane, but I didn’t know what to do about it.

After some time, the fear began to increase and arise long before the flight. The worst thing was during takeoff: I literally pressed myself into the seat, felt my pulse quicken, my palms sweated, and my fingers squeezed the armrests. During the flight, I listened frantically and panicked at turbulence and any “strange” sounds. I was offended that other passengers were sleeping, and for some reason I was trying to control the plane. As soon as the plane began to descend, my fear suddenly disappeared.

To cope with my fear, I started drinking alcohol before flying. But this was not an option, because I flew often, and alcohol had a bad effect on my well-being. Then I began to work on my phobia, to analyze the causes of fear. It turned out that the main problem was unoccupied time during the flight and boredom from being in a confined space. I realized that I couldn’t talk to people freely or get off at the bus stop to warm up. At night, the darkness behind the porthole was alarming.

I wanted to cope with my fear, so I read a lot on the topic of how to stop being afraid of flying on an airplane, and once I went to see a psychologist. Over time, I learned to manage my emotions, shift my attention and keep myself occupied during the flight. I believe that this phobia can be dealt with: the main thing is to start as early as possible and not make the problem worse.”

1. Avoid alcohol

Don't drink alcohol before your flight. This will not calm you down, but will have the opposite effect. When you are on a plane high altitude, under conditions of reduced blood pressure, alcohol penetrates the blood very quickly and causes severe intoxication. Instead of relaxation, you will feel restless, irritable, weak and depressed. In addition, alcohol abuse during flights can lead to thrombosis of the lower extremities, and many airlines adhere to the “prohibition law”.

Give preference to soothing herbal teas or special sedatives. The pharmacy will advise you on medications suitable for use on the plane.

2. Study statistics, not disaster news.

Don’t search the Internet for information about plane crashes, don’t look at scary photos, and try to stay positive. Make sure that the aircraft is the most safe transport, statistics will help you. Just imagine that every second there are up to ten thousand aircraft in the air.

More than 50,000 flights are carried out every day across all countries of the world. In one year, more than 5 billion passengers fly on airplanes, and during this time, an average of 300 people die in accidents. This means that the probability of death during a flight is 1 in 12,000,000. Moreover, in Moscow alone, about 30,000 people die in road accidents per year. It turns out that traveling by car is much more dangerous.

3. Understand what turbulence is

Psychological research shows that most people suffering from aerophobia are guided by prejudice. If you don't know why turbulence occurs and you think the plane might suddenly take off and fall, this only provokes groundless fears. In order not to be afraid of flying on an airplane, you need to know what causes shaking in flight.

Turbulence is a common phenomenon in the atmosphere where humidity and pressure change. When the air density is non-uniform, the aircraft vibrates as it moves through it. This is not dangerous as it is designed to withstand much higher loads. Not a single plane has crashed or been damaged due to turbulence in recent decades. Believe me, pilots are prepared for such zones, so they tell passengers about it in advance.

4. Choose appropriate place

Aerophobia can be combined with other phobias. Figure out what exactly you are afraid of so you can choose the right place. If you have a fear of heights, do not sit near a window. If confined spaces intimidate you, choose an aisle seat. If panic attacks occur due to shaking, sit at the front of the plane. Those who have the means are advised to buy first or business class tickets. There you can lie down comfortably, and it will be easier to relax.

5. Create conditions for a comfortable rest

Give yourself a feeling of home comfort. In the cabin, wear comfortable clothes, slippers, and ask the flight attendant for a blanket and pillow. Drink warm tea, eat chocolate or any other treat you like. Take the most comfortable position and turn on calm music in your headphones: for example, sounds of nature. Read a book or imagine the country you are flying to. Ideally, all this should help you, if not fall asleep, then at least relax and calm down.

6. Try to sleep

Avoid drinking coffee on the plane to avoid triggering anxiety. It is better to use sedatives for sleeping on airplanes (you can buy them in advance at pharmacies). If you follow the previous advice, you will find it easier to fall asleep. If sleep does not come, listen to music with a calm rhythm and breathe deeply with pauses. Focus on how you breathe in and out. Try to imagine the air filling your lungs and then leaving your body. This type of breathing is used during yoga classes.

7. Bring chewing gum or candy on your flight

Chew gum or suck on a piece of hard candy when taking off or landing. This will help with stuffy ears and motion sickness. If you suffer from nausea on a plane, take special anti-sickness pills in advance.

8. Breathe deeply during anxiety attacks.

As soon as you feel a twinge of fear, begin to breathe deeply and slowly. Inhale through your nose and exhale as calmly as possible through your mouth. Focus on your breathing, imagine how you release all fears and anxieties from your body with air. At best, this exercise will help you fall asleep.

9. Be positive

When you're in flight, don't fantasize about disaster. Think about what country you are flying to. Imagine what you will do after arriving: where you will go, where you will live, how you will relax and who you will meet.

10. Prepare distracting activities

Think ahead and prepare activities that will help you take your mind off the flight. Watch a movie, talk with a fellow traveler, read an interesting book, solve a crossword or puzzle. If you like to draw, take a notepad and pencils (crayons) with you. Any activity that interests you is suitable. Many people are well distracted by games: for example, “Cities”, “Contact”, etc.

11. See a psychologist

If advice on how not to be afraid of flying on an airplane does not help you, this means that you have a severe form of aerophobia. In this case, seek help from a psychologist. A specialist will help you find the cause of fear and cope with it.

We hope that our tips will help you, and you will enjoy your time on the flight!

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Even the most fearless person experiences discomfort from time to time when he sees the plane he is about to fly on. And a particularly strong attack of aerophobia is observed when you take that cherished step up the ladder, which separates you from the ground and hands you into the hands of changeable fortune.

“What if the plane crashes?” - everyone without exception asks themselves. However, this question remains for many people just another philosophical problem, but for some people the answer to it becomes the cause of a panicky fear of flying, which they cannot drown out. Such fear can seriously spoil life, because air travel, which often lasts more than several hours, is an integral part of the lives of many people.

Air travel means business trips, visits to distant countries, and visits to relatives. How can you overcome aerophobia and finally allow yourself to live fully?

Do you have aerophobia, mild anxiety, or something else?

First you need to figure out whether you have aerophobia or not. Almost all people experience some discomfort and anxiety during flights, but all these unpleasant emotions cannot yet be called fear of flying. True fear of flying forces a person to avoid flying, and if a flight is unavoidable, then during it the unfortunate person’s nerves will be on edge.

Also, very often, people confuse aerophobia with other “phobias”, for example, claustrophobia, acrophobia (fear of heights), fear of the unknown and the inability to influence an event. In practice, there are mixtures of such fears and one article will not do it.

The most severe cases of aerophobia and other “phobias” can be treated by a psychologist, fortunately in Russia there are specialists working in this field. Pilots, flight attendants and other personnel for whom daily flights have become a part of life are often invited to lectures, while psychologists teach their students to control fear.

If the fear of flying is not too strong, you can cope with it on your own. But! First, let's talk about what methods you shouldn't resort to.

What not to do if you are afraid of flying

Firstly, you should not use alcohol as a sedative. This can only exacerbate anxiety, and coupled with dry air and low pressure on board, even more so. At high altitudes, the effect of alcohol increases and even small portions can lead to intoxication, loss of strength and mood, and quickly cause a hangover.

Secondly, there is no need to study information about the aircraft in too much detail, or scour the Internet for information about accidents involving this aircraft model, no matter how much you would like to do so.

When taking a step on the ramp, remember that the plane is one of the safest today Vehicle. How often do you hear about plane crashes?

Yes, this sometimes happens, once or twice a year, and if you consider how many flights are carried out around the world every day, it turns out that accidents with planes are very, very rare.

Imagine this: every second there are from 4,000 to 10,000 aircraft in the air! There are tens of thousands of flights every day. More than 5 billion people fly on airplanes every year, that is, figuratively, the entire population of the Earth. The total number of victims of plane crashes is 300-400 people. ALONE does not return from a flight! out of 12 million people. That is, in Moscow, relatively speaking, one person dies per year!

But the capital loses about 30 thousand people annually in various road accidents, i.e. 30,000 times more. It's much more dangerous to take a bus; you're not afraid of buses, right? If a passenger boarded a random flight every day, it would take him 21,000 years to get into an accident.

A visual map of daily flights around the world

A little physics and common stereotypes

Studying the issue of aerophobia, we came to the conclusion that about 65% of people who suffer from this ailment (and this is a disease) are afraid of turbulence, the twitching of an airplane in the air, and generally believe that this joke can easily fall from a height of 10 km, failing into the "air pocket". We are preparing an article especially for such passengers - “Turbulence and the elementary laws of physics.”

Another popular opinion is that airlines, especially Russian ones, fly in shambles, and pilots and flight attendants are a mixture of kamikaze suicide bombers and alcoholics. It probably came from the 90s and early 00s.

This is wrong. All Russian airlines, carrying out regular Passenger Transportation, have international quality and safety certificates: IATA, ICAO and IOSA. This means that service and maintenance, as well as condition aircraft and qualifications of flight crews meet international standards.

Take a break!

“Yes, but that doesn’t console me. After all, I'm so unlucky. I won’t be surprised that the plane I’m on will crash,” this is how, despite all the statistics, many passengers “comfort” themselves.

If, despite all logical arguments, such thoughts creep in, then all that remains is to resort to relaxation methods. For example, you can listen to music or sounds of nature, read a book.

In general, somehow distract yourself from what is happening. As practice shows, many people are calmed by delicious food and drinks, so bring some chocolate with you. But it’s better not to drink coffee on the plane, because caffeine can further inflame your already excited nervous system. Instead of coffee, it is better to take a herbal sedative tablet with some water.

All the above methods do not help you? Then close your eyes, focus on your breathing and imagine the purpose of your trip. Is this a wonderful country you want to visit? You are already on the way to realizing your dreams! Will this trip help you advance your career? Then now, sitting on the plane, you are taking a decisive step towards future well-being.

An airplane is the safest transport on Earth!

And finally, a few more facts about airplanes:

  • The plane stays in the air as confidently as any car on the road, and the ship at sea.
  • On an airplane, absolutely all systems are duplicated, and some even have 2-3 spare duplicates.

    Often on a plane 4 brake systems, 3 landing gear systems, 3 fuel systems, 3 fire protection systems, 3 control systems, etc.

  • U passenger plane, least, two engines. Failure of all engines at once is negligible. For example, on average, a single engine failure occurs every 2 million flight hours, which is 228 years of continuous operation!

    According to existing requirements for aircraft passenger aviation, the aircraft, if one of the engines fails, must retain the ability to fly without descending (at normal flight weight and in normal weather conditions) and safely make a normal landing.

    For example, on the popular Boeing 737, the scheduled time for an emergency flight on one engine is 2 hours.

  • The engine is one of the most expensive parts of an aircraft. His price about 10 million dollars, so they are very carefully monitored and looked after.
  • Each plane crash has its own cause, and often not just one, but a combination of circumstances. Each such case is carefully studied and measures are taken to ensure that it does not happen again.
  • Every year, total passenger traffic increases by 10%, and the number of accidents decreases by 15%

Considering all this and statistical data, we boldly say that an airplane is the safest means of transportation on Earth!

Is the pleasure of the upcoming trip overshadowed by the fear of flying? Don't waste more time on the road buying train or bus tickets, but try to get your aerophobia under control. But how to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane?

The main causes of aerophobia: where does fear come from?

To make aerophobia a thing of the past, identify what causes fear. Psychologists identify several types of fear that prevent you from traveling comfortably.

Distichiphobia and its consequences

You may be afraid of flying on an airplane due to dystychiphobia. This is the name for fear of accidents. This reason is the most common, and the concerns are understandable: the media massively covers every crash. If car accidents received this kind of attention, people would be afraid to get into cars.

To calm your nerves, check out the statistics. You will find that plane crashes are very rare! But sometimes people think: “If bad things happen, they must happen to me.” Are you one of them? Contact a psychotherapist who will conduct a course of conversations and recommend pills to calm you down.

Acrophobia and ways to combat it

An obsessive fear of heights, called acrophobia, interferes with the enjoyment of flying. To eliminate it, you often have to seek professional help. After all, it’s natural to be afraid of an unfamiliar environment!

But in some cases, the fear goes away when you make a little effort and start traveling. by air. After 3-4 flights the situation ceases to be unfamiliar.

Claustrophobia and effective measures to eliminate it

Fear of enclosed spaces, or claustrophobia, can play out in the cabin of an airplane. You can get rid of it by purchasing a ticket for a seat near the porthole. In some cases, sedatives help. Sometimes passengers resort to alcoholic drinks, but the effect is controversial: fear may become stronger, and general well-being worse.

Fear of Losing Control: Trust the Pilot

Often fear is caused by loss of control over the situation. Passengers can only rely on the skill of the pilot, who is responsible for their health and life. Fears can often be alleviated if the crew personally greets travelers upon landing and greets them with smiles. Seeing who will fly the plane, people calm down.

Fear of terrorist attacks

Fear of terrorists, especially on some international lines, natural. But fears are in vain: after the 9/11 incident, security measures have been strengthened to the maximum. Passengers themselves are vigilant, providing information to the crew when necessary.

Remind yourself of the case of terrorist Richard Reid: an attempt to blow up an airplane failed due to the quick reaction of those around him. After takeoff, passengers smelled something burning and complained to the steward. He noticed that Reid was trying to light a match and reminded him that these actions were unacceptable. A few minutes later, a woman sitting nearby noticed her neighbor’s strange behavior. She asked what he was doing and received no answer. Then she saw that Reid was trying to light the fuse from the bomb in the boot, and tried to interfere. The woman loudly called for help, and then, together with the flight attendant and other passengers, immobilized Reid. They tied the unlucky terrorist with seat belts and even headphone cords. The active intervention of passengers prevented the tragedy.

There is no reason to worry, as security services are taking all possible measures. And if necessary, remind yourself that you are able to influence the situation.

Hydrophobia: how it ruins travel

Are you comfortable with short flights, but intercontinental ones turn into a nightmare when the ship flies over the ocean? The phenomenon is called hydrophobia, and it is caused by unpleasant experiences in the past.

If panic attacks occur when flying over water, look for other flights. Was there no alternative? It will be easier to calm your nerves by purchasing a ticket for a seat away from the porthole.

Ochlophobia: fear of crowds

Psychotherapists say that for some aerophobes the reason is not the fear of leaving the ground. A passenger may be calm about the fact that the aircraft is rising to a high altitude, but feel discomfort in the circle of strangers. The problem intensifies when a person with ochlophobia finds himself in a small chair, sandwiched by neighbors on both sides, and cannot stretch his legs.

Traveling in business class helps alleviate some of the fear. If you can only afford economy class, choose aisle or window seats: you will have 1 neighbor.

Emetophobia: when nausea becomes a threat

Travelers' anxiety is also associated with emetophobia - the fear that they will not be able to cope with the onset of nausea. If you want to avoid the problem, take a tablet of cyclizine or lorazepam (check with your doctor first). And to avoid taking medications, drink a glass of warm milk before the flight: it calms your nerves.

Aerophobia or simple suspiciousness

If you are afraid to fly on an airplane, first determine the type of problem. Perhaps you don’t have aerophobia, and you just need to overcome simple suspiciousness.

It is normal to be afraid of unfamiliar situations, so nervousness before takeoff is not considered a manifestation of a phobia. But when it is accompanied by physical symptoms (rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, dizziness and fainting), you cannot do without a specialist. He will carry out treatment in several stages:

  • In case of severe phobia, the psychotherapist will select medications that alleviate the patient’s condition.
  • The doctor uses individual therapy, during which he will identify the cause of the problems. Half the success depends on whether you can identify what is causing your anxiety.

The methods are used individually or in combination, and the scheme is developed by a specialist. If you suffer from a severe phobia rather than increased anxiety, your chances of coping on your own are slim. Trying to avoid flying by any means possible? The problem cannot be solved by simply wanting to pull yourself together.

By seeking help at an early stage in the development of aerophobia, you will quickly achieve results.

Common stereotypes and their inconsistency

If the issue is suspiciousness, all that remains is to figure out how to overcome it. Consider whether it is caused by a lack of knowledge and belief in stereotypes. Common misconceptions include the following:

  • Russian pilots allegedly abuse alcohol and are therefore unreliable. But all airlines have international certificates confirming that their services comply with international standards.
  • It is safe to fly only on airlines of large corporations. If the plane is at the airport, then it has passed necessary checks. In practice, Samara Airlines air transport will be as safe as an Etihad Airways airliner.
  • Flying an old plane is dangerous. In fact, air transport is divided into 2 categories: serviceable and faulty. The service life does not matter, because the service life of aircraft is initially long. Delta Air Lines' fleet consists of 50% aircraft over 20 years old. This does not prevent it from occupying a leading position in the world in passenger transportation.

If you approach the issue critically, your fears will turn out to be unjustified. Are you afraid that a drunk passenger will throw a heavy object through the window and everyone will die after the cabin depressurizes? This is impossible: the glass consists of several layers, and in addition it will not break due to the difference in pressure outside and in the cabin. Are you afraid that a bird will get into the aircraft's engine? In modern models, the mechanisms duplicate their work, and the failure of one will not cause a tragedy. Even if all the engines are clogged with birds, the airliner will not collapse, but will slowly glide to the ground. The pilot and passengers in the United States found themselves in a similar situation, and the crew coped with the task of landing the plane in New York without causing damage to buildings.

Don’t invent reasons for a possible disaster: 99% of fears are unjustified.

How to stop being afraid of flying

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane? If you feel like you can handle it on your own, try a few methods. Among them you will find one that works!

Knowing how an airplane works: study the equipment

When preparing to travel, do not look for information about disasters that occurred on a particular airline. Although the temptation can be strong, it is more useful to understand the processes that await you. By understanding what is causing the shaking or jolting, you won't assume the worst. Please note the following:

  • The feeling that the aircraft is rushing at tremendous speed is associated with its acceleration for takeoff.
  • Do you see through the window that part of the wing is moving? This is normal during a flight and there is no reason to panic.
  • Due to turbulence, it may seem that the airliner is falling into a bottomless pit. The sensation occurs when the vessel enters an area with a different pressure. In fact, the difference in height is several centimeters. The feeling of falling is due to the fact that the human vestibular apparatus is not “designed” for flight, and therefore gives false information. Speed ​​also intensifies the problem: all movements are felt more strongly.
  • Worried about an airplane door accidentally opening? This is impossible due to the difference in pressure outside and in the cabin.

The more you know about the design of modern airliners, the easier it is to remain calm when encountering turbulence. The chance of crashing is 1 in 11,000,000, so you'll be safe.

Flying First Class: Soothing Comfort

Ali Vanderman shares his experience in the fight against aerophobia. This freelance travel writer makes a living writing travel guides and stories about her adventures. But Ali was afraid of flying until she discovered the possibilities of 1st class.

According to her, Vanderman had to survive 15 hours in the air. So she decided to spend money and ensure her comfort. As a result, for 9 hours she slept peacefully in a chair under a soft blanket, and the rest of the time she enjoyed the menu and drinks.

If premium comfort is not affordable, buy a business class ticket. The distance between the rows will be greater, which will help overcome claustrophobia. Physical comfort largely provides mental comfort!

Reading Statistics Before Flight

Check out the statistics: They show that the risk of dying in a car accident is higher than being a victim in a car accident. According to research from Harvard University, the chance of being struck by lightning is 1 in 13,000. The risk is much higher than the risk of a plane crash (1 in 11,000,000), but you are not afraid to walk down the street. Accidents do happen, but the illusion of their frequency is created by media hype.

According to statistics, from 1982 to 2010 in the United States, no more than 110 people per year became victims of plane crashes. And security increases: in the 60s. accidents occurred once every 200,000 flights. Now the ratio is 1:2,000,000, so there is no reason to worry.

Keep in mind that not every problem is fatal. Even if the plane were to be that one out of 2,000,000, studies by the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States show a 95% chance of survival. In other countries the situation is no different.

So that you don’t think about how not to be afraid and fly calmly on an airplane, watch a video about checking air transport before a flight:

Preparing in advance: what to consider

If you feel uncomfortable at the thought of flying, reduce the number of stressful situations. Arriving at the airport for check-in with a minimum amount of time is not best idea, because you will get excited even before landing.

Then, if possible, go to the lounge: it is available to first class passengers and holders bank cards a certain type. But for a fee, everyone will receive additional comfort (subject to availability). The pleasure will cost 40 €, but you will find yourself in a pleasant and calm environment, enjoy food and drinks, and take a shower if you wish. If the journey is enjoyable from the first minutes, you will feel more confident on board.

Register online to avoid additional stress.

Trust the crew: get to know the staff

Pilots often greet passengers personally to reduce their anxiety. Some companies allow travelers to enter the cockpit before takeoff and greet security officials. When you see friendly, calm people, your confidence in their competence will increase. Remind yourself that the crew also wants to return home, where their loved ones are waiting.

If you can’t see the pilots, talk to the flight attendants: ask any questions you have, ask them to give you more attention. But you don't have to worry about the competence of the staff. To get hired by major airlines, pilots must spend at least 1,500 hours in the air, so they have plenty of experience.

Choosing the right clothes

  • Start with comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics: women will pay attention to bras, because the straps should not cut into the shoulders.
  • Choose loose trousers in black or navy blue for their practicality. A model without a belt will come in handy: it can put pressure on your stomach, causing discomfort.
  • Do not wear high heels. A flat-soled model in combination with socks made of natural material will not cause discomfort.

Also pack an eye mask to ensure you get a restful sleep during your flight, and you'll be ready to travel.

Useful mobile apps and in-flight entertainment

Are you trying to overcome fear? It's easier to deal with if you're distracted. Watch the movie that is shown during the flight: even if it is bad or you have already seen the tape, it is better than remembering the stories of the crashes. Bring a book or a tabloid newspaper on board to redirect your attention.

Technology fans will appreciate the SkyGuru mobile application designed for the iOS operating system. It works on regular flights, telling the user what is happening at every moment of the flight. You will get an explanation for all the sounds and sensations: you will no longer have to guess what the mysterious shaking of the ship means.

Do you want to completely switch your attention? Use the Ana Takeoff Mode app: the puzzle will not give you the opportunity to think about anything else. It was developed by a Japanese airline specifically for aerophobes. The creators paid special attention to the soundtrack, and the soothing melody promotes relaxation. The volume automatically increases when the engines switch to takeoff mode, so you won't be disturbed by unfamiliar sounds.

If your child shows fear, bring your favorite toys and coloring books to the salon. Keep your baby busy with a fun game, and most importantly, behave calmly. Seeing the confidence of the parents, the child will stop being nervous.

Maintaining Fluid Balance

Is there a noise in your head, your legs feel weak, does your stomach bother you? Phenomena caused by severe loss of moisture during flight do not add peace of mind. To prevent physical discomfort from increasing psychological discomfort, drink tomato juice. It is rich in potassium and magnesium, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Do not overdose on alcohol: its absorption increases at altitude, and the result will be unpredictable.

Prepare for turbulence

When wondering how to overcome your fear of flying, consider when it hits you . Anxiety increases when you enter a turbulence zone, but simple tricks will come to the rescue:

  • Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your name using your left hand (for left-handed people, your right hand). Repeat until you calm down. The effect is based on the fact that you focus on the task and stop thinking about the bad. You also use the other hemisphere of the brain, which breaks existing patterns. The trick was invented by Ron Nielsen, an English pilot: the effectiveness of the technique was appreciated by aerophobes.
  • When you feel a panic attack coming on, take a straw out of your glass and breathe through it. You will reduce the amount of air entering your lungs and avoid hyperventilation.
  • Reserve seats in the part of the plane that is closest to the cabin or center. The shocks and shaking will be felt less strongly than in the seats at the rear of the plane.

Remind yourself that turbulence is safe: behind the story civil aviation no more than 50 people were injured. Troubles were caused by passengers not staying in their seats or luggage falling on their heads.

Turbulence causes inconvenience, but the ship cannot crash to the ground, falling into an air pocket.

Professional help

Despite your best efforts, does air travel seem like a nightmare? See a psychologist, but don't expect to get rid of your fears after a one-time visit. Prepare to take a course of conversations, and, if necessary, work out on a virtual simulator. It simulates flight conditions, so you get used to the sensations.

How to sleep on board an airplane

It will be easier to survive the flight if you fall asleep. But how to do this on board the airliner? Hints will help you:

  • Take care of your own comfort: make a playlist with soothing music, put it in hand luggage your favorite blanket, wear a soft sweater, even if it’s out of fashion. It is difficult to fall asleep in the company of 200 people, being at an altitude of several thousand meters above the ground. To achieve your goal, you need to create convenience.
  • Do not cross your legs: if the flight takes more than 4 hours, the position increases the likelihood of blood clot formation. Ideally, you should book a seat near the window, because you can lean to the side and lean against the cabin wall. The position will be comfortable, even if the seat back does not recline all the way.

Avoid the idea of ​​using alcohol to help you fall asleep. The result is unpredictable, and after waking up you will feel thirsty and have a headache. Discomfort will increase, and the impression of the flight will be negative.

Medicines for aerophobia

Are you hoping to put your worries to rest by taking a pill? Alas, there are no effective remedies for aerophobia. You can relieve the symptoms, but in the subconscious there will be memories that flying is a frightening situation. I even had to take pills!

Manifestations of anxiety will increase, and the dose of medication will need to be increased. To solve the problem, you need to get rid of the phobia. Deal with the reasons for your fear, turning to a professional if necessary. He may prescribe medications to relieve anxiety, but they will only serve as an addition to therapy.

You cannot prescribe medications on your own, even if we are talking about a simple sleeping pill. After all, the consequences of use make themselves felt within a few hours. A foggy head and drowsiness are not the best companions for travelers.

How to choose the right flight and buy a ticket

On forums, travelers share tips on how to choose a flight and seats to reduce discomfort. Recommendations include the following:

  • Traveling on direct flights is more enjoyable because you spend less time in the air.
  • Seats in the center of the cabin are suitable for those who are afraid of flying. In this part the plane is stable, so there will be less vibration. But keep in mind that most models have engines located under the wings. Sitting nearby, you will hear all the noise.
  • If you suffer from a fear of closed spaces and crowds, choose seats near escape hatches. The aisles in front of these rows are wider and you will not feel any discomfort.
  • The phobia often recedes during daytime flights, when you see a beautiful landscape outside the window. Darkness is associated with the unknown, which increases anxiety.

Decide in advance on your flight time and book your seats: by thinking through the details, you will have a good experience.

How to deal with rising anxiety

How to get rid of the fear of flying on an airplane if you feel like you're losing control? Take action in advance: warn the flight attendant and your neighbors about the problem. You need to receive support and sympathy, and not suffer alone. Many passengers are happy to entertain those who are afraid of flying with conversation.

When air transport encounters turbulence, be aware of potholes in the road. Instead of straining, relax your muscles and you will endure unpleasant moments more easily.

If panic persists, move on to controlled breathing techniques. Inhale through your nose and exhale while counting to 10. This will prevent hyperventilation, and focusing on the cycle will distract you from worries. Using a thin elastic band around your wrist also helps. Pull it back and let it go: slight pain will prevent you from coming up with scary scenarios.

What actions to avoid if you are afraid of flying

To ensure your review of airline travel is favorable, eliminate factors that increase anxiety. Consider the following tips:

  • Avoid drinking coffee and caffeinated products. Your nerves are stimulated and no additional stimulation is required.
  • When looking for information about an aircraft model, don't focus on crash data.
  • Don't think that learning to switch thoughts is a difficult task. It is possible to neutralize irrational fears when you have the facts. If you are afraid of turbulence, study the issue thoroughly. After all, most of the fears are due to simple ignorance! The next time you feel anxious, list the facts in your mind that it is safe to fly.
  • Train yourself to ignore the media hype surrounding small problems. For example, at the end of January 2018, an incident occurred in Russia: after the aircraft had landed, passengers were preparing to leave the cabin when one of them’s phone charger caught fire. The problem was fixed within minutes, but the media burst with headlines: “Plane almost caught fire due to gadget.” Why? Journalists want to attract an audience, and this cannot be done by stories about how the crew reacted harmoniously to an ordinary incident.

Remember that ignorance is the main enemy. The more you know about airplanes, the more comfortable you will be when flying. If necessary, you will even go to the airfield and take a few flying lessons: once you understand what is happening, you will stop worrying.

An airplane is the safest transport: a few facts

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane? Remind yourself of the results of statistical research. The US Department of Transportation provided data according to which the greatest danger is the car. If you're traveling on a highway, your risk of dying in a crash is 1 in 654, and for motorcyclists it's 1 in 114.

Why are people afraid of flying? Mainly due to the media hype associated with the disasters. Each event is covered in such detail that it seems as if accidents occur frequently. Remind yourself of this, and the fear will subside.

People with overactive imaginations will make it play into their hands. If you tend to come up with scenarios for how things might turn out, switch to the positive. Imagine your ideal trip: start by arriving at the airport, imagining getting on board, meeting your nice neighbors and arriving safely. The more often you imagine your upcoming flight in a positive light, the easier it will be to cope with the task.

Do not avoid traveling by air, otherwise suspiciousness will play out and cover other areas of life. Overcome fear and take control of the situation!


Research by a Japanese airline showed that 72% of passengers suffer from fear of flying. In some cases, we are talking about a phobia, and it can only be overcome with the help of therapy. But you can deal with suspiciousness on your own: try the advice in practice and choose those that help you.