Is it possible to export shells in foil? What souvenirs can get you jailed for

Paintings, sculptures, vases, furniture and any antiques or works of art are prohibited from being freely exported from Italy if the item is over 100 years old. To export such items from Italy, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture.

This is where the Italian joke came from: “My grandfather is 101 years old, can I take him out of Italy or do I need permission from the Ministry of Culture?” Italians have a lot of humor.

Popular souvenirs such as Venetian masks and Murano glass may fall into this category of items. Theoretically, a customs officer may suspect that any mask or glass product is of “respectful” age.

To protect yourself from problems, keep receipts and certificates for any items that can in any way be suspected of being antiques. A check and a certificate are a guarantee of success, a check without a certificate is not a complete guarantee, but it’s not bad.

Be careful with stones and pieces of ceramic. It is prohibited to export objects of archaeological value from Italy. They may suspect that a pebble was suddenly broken off and a piece of ceramic was taken from it.

Attention! Counterfeit

Italy has introduced strict measures against the spread of counterfeit products, especially they want to protect their fashion brands. Not only the seller is punished, but also the buyer!

If you bring an item with a Valentino, Giorgio Armani or Versace label, but the item is counterfeit, you could be in serious trouble. Fine – up to 10 thousand euros, or up to 8 years in prison.

According to Italian law, anyone who buys a counterfeit cannot be fined. Just as in the case of buying stolen goods, the accused must know that he was buying a counterfeit. Buying such items secondhand is already serious risk, it is better to refrain from such purchases.

If you buy an item in a store, be sure to take the receipt and certificate. The receipt must contain the seller’s details and the name of the product indicating the brand. If you have such a check, then you will pass through customs without problems. Even if the item turns out to be a fake, the receipt will protect you personally from trouble. With this check you prove that you were indeed deceived. The fake will, of course, be confiscated.


You can take any amount of alcohol from Italy. But you can only import alcohol into Russia to a limited extent. You are allowed to import a maximum of 3 liters duty free. alcoholic drinks. Two more liters can be imported with a fee of 10 euros per liter. A private person cannot import more than 5 liters into Russia.

Russian legislation does not distinguish alcohol by strength or type. That is, you can import duty-free either 3 liters of beer, or 3 liters of wine, or 3 liters of whiskey, or 1 liter of wine + 2 liters of beer - there is no difference.

Only adults can bring alcohol into Russia.


Few people think of bringing Italian cigarettes. In Italy, cigarettes cost from 4 euros per pack, and they clearly do not differ in quality and taste. But just in case, let's talk about the standards for cigarettes.

Cigarettes can be exported from Italy without restrictions. You can import 200 cigarettes (10 packs) or 250 grams of tobacco by weight into Russia.

Customs regulations different countries- this is something that you should pay close attention to on any trip, because no trip is complete without souvenirs, but you need to be aware of which items can be taken out and which cannot. Everyone has long known about drugs and weapons, but every country has its own nuances even without them. For example, in almost all countries, prohibitions concern items that are valuable from a historical and cultural point of view, and in order to export them it is necessary to obtain permission from special authorities (often these are departments of culture, etc.). In this short article we will look at what cannot be exported from popular tourist countries.


One of my favorites Russian tourists countries have fairly strict customs rules. In particular, it is prohibited to export corals, sea shells, sea ​​urchins, ivory and even stuffed crocodiles. If the same corals were purchased in a store, then you should have a receipt with you. We should also mention antiques. When purchasing antique items, you need to ask the seller for a certificate that would confirm that the object is not an antique and has no historical value. In addition, it is prohibited to export gold worth more than $3,000.


Turkey has strict rules regarding the export of antiques and antiquities - this is simply prohibited if the items are more than a hundred years old. You can confirm the fact that an object is less than a century old in museums (a separate certificate is issued). The same goes for carpets. In addition, you cannot export jewelry purchased for more than $15,000.


In the United United Arab Emirates, a country with strict morals, customs rules are not the strictest. When exporting jewelry, you should have a receipt with you to avoid misunderstandings. The same should be kept in mind when removing carpets. Naturally, you cannot remove objects of historical and cultural heritage UAE and wild animals.


Thailand has fairly strict restrictions on the export of certain items. When purchasing jewelry in a store, you need to take not only a receipt, but also a special certificate for the smooth export of jewelry from the country. In order to export antiques, you must have an export license from the Department of Fine Arts.

You cannot export from Thailand items made of ivory, untreated coral, or any images of Buddha (in the form of figurines, for example), except on body medallions.


India also has a number of customs regulations governing the export of goods and currency. In particular, you cannot export products made from reptile skins, skins of wild animals (and themselves). As in Turkey, the export of antiques over 100 years old, as well as ancient coins, is prohibited. It is worth remembering that you also cannot leave the country with the national currency, and foreign money in the amount of over $2,000 must be declared, providing a guarantee of the legality of its receipt.


In Vietnam, customs rules resemble those in Thailand: you cannot export corals, wild animals, rare plant species, stuffed turtles, and antiques. In addition, there must be a receipt confirming the purchase of jewelry and folk crafts. As for gold products, if their weight exceeds 300 grams, then permission from the Vietnamese National Bank is required.


All countries of Indochina have approximately similar customs bans. Thus, rare animals, birds and plants, as well as corals and sea shells, cannot be exported from Indonesia (and, accordingly, Bali). It is worth mentioning separately about antiques and things of historical value, which are also prohibited from being exported.


Chinese laws on import and export are quite strict, especially with regard to narcotic substances. In addition, you cannot export rare species of animals and plants with their seeds, as well as documents, objects and works of art of historical value. Antiques can only be exported with permission from the Ministry of Culture. To export purchased paintings or graphics, you must have a receipt from the store, which would serve as confirmation of the legality of the purchase.


Israel, famous for its security standards, pays increased attention to customs control. If we do not take into account the traditional prohibitions on the import and export of weapons and drugs, then plants and animals cannot be exported from the territory of the country without necessary documents, and the transportation of ancient antiques is also subject to control. In particular, if an item was made before 1700, then in order to export it you must have written permission from the director of the Antiquities Directorate.


Cyprus has its own restrictions on import and export, and sometimes extravagant ones - for example, the import of fruits, live plants and, most interestingly, parrots is prohibited. When passing customs control in both directions, attention will be paid to goods that may violate copyright (movies, music, video games, etc.). Naturally, you cannot export objects of historical value - this will require permission from the Department of Antiquities. In addition, it is prohibited to export items that contain more than a quarter of silver, precious stones and pearls, if they are not the tourist’s personal belongings.


Greece pays great attention to its solid historical heritage, which is reflected in its customs regulations. In addition to the classic bans on the transport of drugs and weapons, antiquities cannot be exported from the country, including those taken from the site archaeological excavations stones or objects raised from the bottom of the sea - they will be confiscated at customs, and the violator will face problems with the law. At the same time, copies of ancient works can be purchased without problems. At the same time, it is worth saving the receipts left after purchasing Greek fur coats, jewelry, icons, etc.


When leaving Montenegro, the laws are not the strictest. For example, the amount of currency is not limited, but antiques cannot be exported without documentary evidence of the legality of the purchase.


Naturally, weapons, drugs, and also skins of wild animals and objects of historical and cultural value cannot be exported from the territory of Croatia. Their removal is possible only if a permit has been issued by the state administration for the protection of cultural and natural heritage.


In Italy, customs bans primarily apply to items of historical value. You can safely export purchased souvenirs, but if the item is older than 100 years, then it automatically acquires the status of an antique and a work of art, and in order to export it, you must obtain permission from the Italian Ministry of Culture. The same goes for precious stones and objects found at archaeological sites.


The Spaniards do not have very strict rules when passing through customs control. Of course, you cannot export drugs and weapons with ammunition, as well as antiques that have historical value. In general, like everywhere else in Europe. The maximum amount of currency not subject to declaration is 2,500 euros. Almost all goods for personal use can be exported without restrictions. The number of cigarettes should not exceed 8 blocks.


France has its own peculiarities regarding bans on the export of certain goods. As elsewhere in Europe, you cannot leave the country with weapons, drugs or items of cultural significance. historical meaning. At the same time, when entering and leaving the country, you need to pay attention to whether you are carrying counterfeit products (especially counterfeits of French brands).


In Germany, as in France, they try (albeit not always successfully) to monitor the import and export of counterfeit products. In addition, a number of products of animal origin cannot be exported from the country: leopard skins, ivory, crocodile bags, etc. The import and export of animals is also regulated by special rules. When leaving the country by car, you cannot carry more than 10 liters of gasoline in a spare canister. As in others European countries oh, you can’t take out significant antiques.


You can freely export alcohol and tobacco products from Finland only after reaching 20 years of age. Maximum volumes are 12 liters and beer and 5 liters of spirits. The export of objects over 50 years old and of historical and artistic value without special permission is prohibited. When purchasing works of art, you must obtain a certificate from the seller stating that they can be exported abroad.


In Austria, customs rules are practically no different from their neighbors - German and Italian. So, for example, you cannot export drugs and weapons, as well as objects and works of art of cultural significance, and gold bars. There are no restrictions on the currency other than the European ones.


It is prohibited to export cultural monuments from the territory of the Czech Republic, and all antique objects, works of art and jewelry will be subject to thorough inspection. In addition, the export of rare species of animals and plants, as well as minerals, is not permitted. Counterfeit products that violate intellectual property rights are also prohibited.


Sweden has customs regulations similar to those in other countries. European countries. Thus, you cannot export drugs and psychotropic substances, weapons, objects of art and antiquities of historical significance for the country, as well as animals without a veterinary certificate and plants without special permits required for their export.


When exporting dairy products, meat, butter (over 0.5 kg) and cheese from the territory of this alpine country, all these products must be declared. You also need to have permission to export works of art and antiques. It is prohibited to export plants along with soil, as well as the skins of wild cats, products made from the skin of crocodiles and lizards.


As in most European countries, the main prohibitions relate to the transportation of cultural property: works of art, antiques, various antiques over 50 years old. If they do not have artistic or historical value, then all these items will need to be declared. Permission to export truly rare items (this also applies to some icons) can be obtained from the National Center of Museums, Galleries and visual arts. For ordinary souvenirs and icons that are sold to tourists, this is not required.


As always, it is impossible to export artistic and historical values ​​that are national treasures from all the Baltic countries. Items over 50 years old are exported from Latvia with a number of restrictions, from Lithuania - with permission from the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage Committee and payment of a 10-20 percent duty. In these same countries, there are bans on the export of amber as raw materials. Precious metals cannot be exported from Estonia, and in Latvia there is a ban similar to the German one on the export of fuel in a canister with a volume of more than 10 liters.


In liberal Holland there are no such strict prohibitions. However, artifacts of historical value cannot be exported from the country (unless there is a separate permission from the authorities), as well as products made from the skins of rare animals. The export of drugs is also prohibited, despite the legal status of marijuana in the country.


In Norway, the rules are similar to those in the rest of Scandinavia: do not export antiquities of cultural value without special permission; The export of plants and animals that are under state protection is prohibited. By the way, products made from skins are also prohibited.

Great Britain

British laws on the export of certain things from the country are in many ways identical to those in force in the rest of Europe: you cannot export objects of artistic and cultural value unless there is a special permit; Smuggling of animals and plants is strictly punished.


No more than 1 liter of strong alcohol, 1 liter of wine and 5 liters of beer can be exported duty-free from Hungary. The maximum quantity of cigarettes is 500 pieces. As throughout Europe, the export of historical property is prohibited unless a permit is issued; You should also not try to smuggle counterfeit products.


Customs rules in socialist Cuba provide for a number of interesting prohibitions. In particular, it is prohibited to export not only artifacts, books and documents of historical value, but also various sea shells, precious metals, bark and wood of valuable tree species, feathers of exotic birds, leather and skins of rare animals. Cigars in quantities of up to 23 pieces can be exported without paying duty, otherwise you need to have a receipt from the store with you, and the cigars themselves must be in the original packaging. You can also request a license from stores to export products made from crocodile skin and precious metals in order to avoid problems with customs officers. An interesting point - as tourists tell us, you cannot take it to hand luggage wooden products, and in luggage - no problem.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has its own characteristics. For example, a number of species of orchids and the hearts of palm trees cannot be exported. The export of historically significant objects, including those found at the bottom of the sea, is also prohibited. The maximum number of cigars that one person can take out is 50 pieces.


Mexico has strict customs regulations regarding antiques and archaeological property, the export of which is prohibited. Also, you should not try to leave the country with rare birds and animals and their stuffed animals. Precious metals (unless they are jewelry and souvenirs) cannot be exported either.

The news periodically flashes stories about tourists who have gone to prison or paid a large fine for importing or exporting prohibited goods and substances. Moreover, we are not talking about drugs, weapons or explosives. Sometimes you can pay with freedom even for a magazine, chewing gum or a coin. Service experts We made a selection of the most unusual restrictions.


Cannot be imported

Diamonds in the rough
For example, if you are returning from a tour of the mines of South Africa and are carrying with you a few inconspicuous pebbles, then get ready for a long and thorough check at customs with the participation of inspectors from the Ministry of Finance.

The import of alcohol into Russia is limited - no more than 5 liters per person.

It is possible to import no more than 250 grams of hookah tobacco into the country.

There are restrictions on the export of caviar, the standards are quite strict: no more than 5 kilograms of red and 250 grams of black (sturgeon) per person. Caviar must be in its original packaging.

Olive oil
Keep in mind: the export of olive oil from Greece, Cyprus or Tunisia is not limited, but no more than 5 kilograms of plant products per person can be imported into Russia. In addition, some airlines (including those operating charter flights) establish their own rules for the transportation of olive oil. For example, it should only be in tin packaging or packaged in containers with a volume of no more than 2 liters.


Cannot be imported

Electronic cigarettes and vapes, as well as liquid for them

Sex toys
To avoid embarrassment at customs, leave it all at home.

Cannot be exported

Items depicting Buddha and the national flag
Customs officers will let small keychains and pictures through, but anything larger than 12 cm will be taken away. Thais are categorically against using their deity as souvenirs and home decoration.

Uncanceled postage stamps
There is no logical explanation why this is so.

Smelling durian fruit
However, if it is packed in a vacuum bag, there will be no problems.


Cannot be imported


Cannot be exported

Fish sauce nuok mam
More precisely, it cannot be taken on a plane (even on domestic flights) due to the pungent odor. There are rumors that there was a case when an airline had to remove a plane that smelled of sauce from the fleet.

Some products
Namely: more than two bottles of wine in hand luggage, three kilograms of coffee and five kilograms of tea. Just like in Thailand, it is prohibited to take unpackaged durians on board planes in Vietnam.


Cannot be imported

Meat and dairy products

More than 200 cigarettes (10 packs)
However, the ban does not apply to electronic cigarettes.

Cannot be exported

Cigarettes and tobacco
In any quantity. The exception is hookah tobacco. Just keep in mind that you can import no more than 250 grams of hookah tobacco into Russia.


Cannot be imported

It is easy to disguise or hide various prohibited substances under henna. IN reverse direction This ban also applies.

Cannot be exported

Palm wood products
This applies to boxes, spoons, and bags made of palm fiber.

Tunisian dinars
This ban is not being followed so zealously.


Cannot be exported

Everything found at the bottom of the sea
These are corals, shells, algae, pirate treasure chests. All this falls into the category of “items of historical value.” However, if you bought a shell in a gift shop, you don't have to worry - you just need to attach a receipt to it.


Cannot be exported

Similar rules apply in Greece: it is prohibited to export from the country not only shells and corals, but also, most importantly, stones, which are considered part of the historical and archaeological heritage of the country.


Cannot be imported

Everything made in Israel
The ban also applies to items with the flag or other symbols of Israel. They will be seized at customs and may even be denied entry.

Home cooked food
It's better to eat it on the plane.

All Muslim countries are strict about the import of alcohol. In the Emirates, even if the bottles are sealed, you face a serious fine, or prison, or deportation from the country without the right to return. The exception is Sharjah.

Cannot be exported

Palm trees
Seeds, fruits and even leaves.


Cannot be imported

Glossy magazines featuring naked people

In the Maldives, all alcohol will be taken away from you upon receipt at the airport of arrival, and will be returned before departure.


Cannot be imported

Chewing gum
You may be able to bring one pack for personal use if you declare it to customs.

They don't like smokers in Singapore: you can only import one printed pack without duty. The tax on each additional imported pack is $5, and all cigarettes must be marked SDPC (Singapore Duty-Paid Cigarettes) near the filter. Of course, cigarettes purchased in advance in Russia do not have such a mark. The fine for smoking a contraband cigarette is $345. The fine for throwing a cigarette butt past a ballot box is more than $700. Electronic cigarettes are completely prohibited in Singapore.

Greetings, dear friends! As part of the “Tips for Travelers” section, I would like to introduce you to important information, which I hope will come in handy during your holiday abroad. What do our tourists usually bring from a long trip besides a suitcase with dirty things? Of course, as a keepsake for yourself, for your loved ones or friends. As practice shows, during souvenir shopping we rarely forget one important detail. In many countries there are souvenirs, the export of which can get you into a lot of trouble.

Sometimes even the most inconspicuous thing at first glance can completely ruin your vacation. Therefore, before going on holiday to another country, be sure to familiarize yourself with the customs regulations.

To do this, you just need to go to the website of the customs service of the country you are interested in and familiarize yourself with detailed list goods prohibited for export. Also all necessary information you can check with your tour operator.

And of course, everything depends on the quantity of goods exported; there are strict restrictions and they are individual in each country.

In most countries, the law prohibits the export of historical and cultural property. Since such items are unlikely to fit into the category of souvenirs, they will not be included in the presented list.


As a souvenir, it is prohibited to export from Thailand:

  • gold and jewelry stones.
  • ivory products or pure ivory.
  • Buddha figurines, some are allowed with a certificate.
  • products made from the skin of those animals that are under protection. These are products made from tortoise shell, skin and bones of wild cats, monitor lizard skin, Tibetan antelope wool, python and cobra skin (without a certificate).
  • seahorses in any form, mollusk shells: tridacna and Charonia newt, raw corals.
  • stuffed animals (without a certificate), bats and some types of butterflies and beetles.
  • As a fruit, it is prohibited to export fresh durian without processing, due to its specific smell.
  • representatives of the animal and flora can be exported from Thailand, subject to permitting documents and certificates.

A license is required to export some art objects, antiques or antiques.


As a souvenir from China, the following is prohibited:

  • representatives of flora and fauna, with the exception of domestic cats and dogs (with special permission)
  • precious metals and products made from them, precious and semi-precious stones (without certificate)
  • panel with hieroglyphs
  • audio and video media can attract the attention of customs officers regarding stored information
  • food from some areas of China


  • antiques
  • corals and other seafood; for souvenirs purchased in a store you must keep a receipt
  • ivory products
  • stuffed crocodiles


In Turkey, old rules apply, and only a few items are banned from export.

  • antiques
  • antiques
  • carpets without presenting a purchase receipt


  • items of archaeological value, antiques
  • stuffed animals, skins of rare animals, products made from feathers of rare birds


  • products made of ivory, rhinoceros tusks
  • items of historical value
  • wild animals
  • palm fruits and seeds
  • products made of precious metals without a receipt certifying the purchase


  • objects of historical and cultural value, paintings, sculptures, engravings, panels, etc. there must be special documents or a receipt confirming the purchase
  • precious metals


  • items of historical value, antiques
  • birds, bird feather products, rare plants
  • local currency


  • sturgeon caviar (check for information)
  • live plants with soil and in pots


  • products made from leather and fur of rare animals under state protection
  • dry goods from endangered species of plants and animals


  • objects of historical value and antiques
  • rare plants and animals

quantity restrictions apply to:

  • products made of precious metals
  • sturgeon caviar


  • items of cultural and historical value without special permission
  • representatives of flora and fauna that are on the verge of extinction


You can bring many interesting souvenirs from Solnechny, but there are also those that are prohibited from being exported:

  • seafood in the form of stones and shells found at the bottom
  • stones from places where archaeological excavations are being carried out

It is important to remember that souvenirs that are permitted for export from a particular country may be prohibited for import into your country.

And don’t fall for the persuasion of souvenir sellers! After you make a purchase, they don’t care what kind of trouble you get into at customs.

Thank you for attention!

An ornate shell from the beach is a cool souvenir and a free gift for a colleague. And for customs officers this is a reason to issue a fine, thoroughly check your luggage and confiscate souvenirs. Read what items cannot be taken out of resorts, even if they seem harmless to you.

At the airport you will definitely be detained for exporting weapons, drugs, pornography, antiques or cannabis seedlings. Everyone is also aware of the restrictions on tobacco and alcohol. In this article we will talk about unusual things and souvenirs that are easy to come across at the airport.

Of course, customs officers often turn a blind eye to an extra shell or a handful of sand. They may even miss some rare antiquity - not everyone understands them. But according to the law, you can’t do this, and if you get caught, it can lead to big problems for your nerves and wallet.


The cost of souvenirs that you take home should be no more than 5,000 Turkish lira (about $820 as of August 2018). Receipts are required for all major purchases. Customs officers pay special attention to carpets - so do not forget to take a receipt and a certificate with the date of manufacture from the seller.

They will definitely check that you are not exporting antiques made more than 50 years ago from the country - they are allowed for export only with a certificate from the Ministry of Culture. This is more for collectors than for ordinary tourists.

It is strictly prohibited to export corals, shells, and even stones and fossils without receipts of purchase. You can buy it, but you can’t pick it up from the land or the sea.

Officially, stones are not prohibited from being exported, but there are a lot of UNESCO sites in the country, and formally, any stone can be part of the historical heritage. If the customs officer is not in a good mood, he may detain you at least until the circumstances are clarified.

It is also prohibited to export firearms and bladed weapons - you should not even buy modern replicas of ancient daggers, sabers and pistols.


You cannot export medicines, leather goods, or palm tree souvenirs. Buy from olive. At the same time, coconuts or dates can be exported, but wood products cannot.

Henna in any form is prohibited for export and import. The ban arose when they tried to smuggle drugs under the guise of henna. You cannot export the national currency of Tunisia.

Not a single dinar. Customs officers will force you to change everything down to the millimeter. There is no minimum allowed, so don't even try.

To export jewelry or carpets, you definitely need a receipt from the store. In general, it is better to stock up on a receipt for everything that resembles cultural heritage - embossed souvenirs, ceramics, etc. The most convenient way is not to throw away receipts from souvenirs at all.

Here, too, any pebble can come under suspicion - suddenly you took it from the excavations of Dougga or Carthage.

Dominican Republic

Here it is strictly for souvenirs and antiques: you cannot take with you the heart of a palm tree, orchids, ancient artifacts and corals found during diving. Theoretically, shells can be exported, but some species are prohibited for export, and remembering them all is tedious - it is better not to export anything at all. It will be possible to take out a shell bracelet with a receipt. The export of the national currency peso is prohibited. You can only carry 50 cigars.

There are no restrictions on the export of rum from the Dominican Republic. But no more than 3 liters of alcohol per adult traveler can be brought into Russia duty-free. 4-5 liters are allowed to be imported with duty, but more than 5 liters will not be allowed through.


Buddha figurines taller than 13 centimeters, dried seahorses, corals, shells, ivory, tortoise shell and products made from it are strictly prohibited. Stuffed animals can only be exported if you have documents. Corals - only in the form of processed souvenirs. It is prohibited to export postage stamps, but you can stick them on a letter and send them from Thailand.

If you decide to take cheap ones to Russia thai fruits, do not take durian and coconut. The nut shell is not visible through the scanner, so customs officers will not let you through with it. And durian just stinks a lot and can ruin the luggage of other visitors.

There is a widespread belief that it is prohibited to export watermelons. In fact, this is not a legal ban, but a restriction of airlines. Some flights do not allow watermelons on board, as they may not withstand the pressure and explode. So it is better to check this with the airline you are flying with - many tourists freely export watermelons without problems with customs.

White Thai sand or a flower in a pot will also not be simply missed. The land and sand in Thailand belong to the King, not the tourists. They will definitely force you to throw away the sand, but they may let the plant through, asking you to shake off the soil from the roots.


You cannot export stuffed turtles, lizards, scorpions, crustaceans and insects, eggs of rare birds, bird nests, corals, and exotic plants. For violation you will have to pay a fine of about $500. If you are carrying more than 5 jewelry sets per person, you will have to obtain permission from the State Bank. Shells, like anywhere else, are also prohibited from being taken out.

The famous fish sauce cannot be exported from Fukuoka. If you accidentally spill it, then because of the magical aroma you will have to change the upholstery of the plane - the airline will not take such a risk.


Israel does not impose any requirements for souvenirs and jewelry. The only problem is the removal of antiques. Anything made before 1700 is considered handmade. They can only be exported with written permission from the Antiquities Authority. Plus, the purchase of such valuables is subject to a 10% tax. But the import and export of currency from the country in any quantity is unlimited. At least come with suitcases of dollars.


Everything is standard here - no corals or shells! Only in the form of processed souvenirs, preferably with a receipt. The export of ivory products, stuffed animals, antiques over 100 years old and samples of flora and fauna of the Red Sea (fish, corals, starfish, etc.) is also prohibited.


The Emirates have a democratic attitude towards exporting souvenirs from the country - you can even bring corals and shells from here. Jewelry and carpets - with sales receipts. You cannot take with you except wild animals, seeds and fruits of palm trees, and objects of the country’s cultural heritage. You also cannot export the same things as import - for example, a deck of playing cards or pornographic magazines or disks. If you managed to smuggle this into the UAE, and on the way back the items were found at customs, you will receive a fine.


Hindus will not forgive you if you take home living plants, animal skins, bird feathers, or antique items made before the 20th century. Gold bars cannot be exported, and jewelry worth more than 2,000 rupees cannot be exported. Indian currency is also prohibited - you will have to spend it at the resort or exchange it back into rubles in advance.


First of all, the bans concern the country's cultural heritage. You cannot take antique mosaics, marble and stones from Italy. To bring home antique furniture over 100 years old, works of art and souvenirs over 50 years old, you need permission from the Italian Ministry of Culture. There is even an Italian joke: “My grandfather is 101 years old, can I take him out of Italy or do I need permission from the Ministry of Culture?”

You cannot remove sand and shells from protected beaches on the Adriatic Riviera and Sardinia. Get a fine of 1500 euros for trying.

It is strictly forbidden to export counterfeit products - items that imitate branded items. For this you can get a fine of up to 10 thousand euros. Therefore, if you buy branded goods, be sure to ask for a receipt and a certificate.

Transporting delicacies is also not easy. Without permission, they will not be released with meat, meat products, or dairy products. It is impossible to export casu marzu cheese from Sardinia - a delicious product with cheese fly larvae. Maybe it's not necessary?


If you bought a painting, jewelry or calligraphy in China, be sure to take a receipt. Strictly with antiques - only with permission from the Chinese Administrative Department for Cultural Property. Local drugs and Chinese medicines can be carried in reasonable quantities, but only with a receipt.

Radio receivers and radio transmitters are prohibited for export. Technically, radio-controlled toys fall into this category, but in fact they are allowed through customs.

Also, you cannot export pornographic materials that are prohibited and cannot be imported - you may be fined for this.

It is also forbidden to export products without original packaging (for example, meat), as well as seeds and plants without a purchase receipt.

Sometimes there are rumors that it is prohibited to export Chinese tea from China. This is not true - at Chinese customs you can be let through even with 10 kg of tea. But among Russian customs officers, such an amount may raise suspicion of importation for commercial purposes, so it is better to limit yourself to a couple of kilograms.


Antiques, skins and stuffed wild animals and birds, archaeological treasures, and precious metals cannot be exported from here. National currency no more than 10 thousand US dollars equivalent. It is also prohibited to export precious metals and stones unless they are part of the jewelry purchased with a receipt.

Knowing about these restrictions, you will save your money and not get into an unpleasant situation on customs control. Read our blog to always fly with pleasure!