Hand luggage restrictions at the airport. Carry-on baggage on an airplane - permitted dimensions and weight

In law Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (as amended on January 14, 2019) “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules” air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007 No. 10186)
In any Russian airline you can carry up to 5 kg of things on board for free. There are carriers that allow you to take 10 or 15 kg.

As a rule, the more expensive the ticket, the more things you can carry in the cabin. Typically, economy class flights are limited to one seat. hand luggage, and for business class - two. But here everything depends on the carrier: some companies have their own standards for each fare, route, aircraft, while others have a single standard for everyone.

Dimensions are not specified in the law, so each carrier can set its own rules. Typically, bags with dimensions of 55 × 40 × 20 cm or with the sum of three dimensions equal to 115 cm are allowed on board. Such a suitcase will fit in the overhead luggage rack along with the hand luggage of other passengers.

You can also take a handbag, briefcase or backpack with things in excess of the norm. It is assumed that you will place them under the seat in front, so the permitted weight and dimensions may be less than for carry-on luggage. For example, up to 3 kg and no more than 80 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Carefully read the rules on the company’s website: if the weight of free excess baggage is not indicated there, check this on the website or by phone.

Also, instead of an additional bag, briefcase or backpack, you can take for free:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • suit in a suitcase (check weight and dimensions);
  • a device for carrying a child (cradle, chair, stroller) - provided that you are flying with a child and can fit these things on a shelf or under the seat;
  • medications, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, a folding wheelchair, if you can fit them in the cabin on a shelf or under the seat;
  • goods from Duty Free, if they are suitable in weight and dimensions and are sealed in a sealed bag (check weight and dimensions).

The basic rule: what you are going to take into the cabin must fit on a shelf or under the seat. Ask the carrier in advance how much excess hand luggage he will allow you to carry.

How to check hand luggage at the airport

If your hand luggage looks bulky, it will be weighed at the airport and the dimensions will be checked using a special frame. This is a plastic container or two walls that your suitcase should fit into. In this case, everything should fit in, including handles and wheels.

Frame for checking carry-on baggage sizes / consumerreports.org

To avoid having to pay extra for hand luggage, choose soft bags or a backpack with drawstring straps that reduce the size of the already packed travel accessory.

Backpacks, bags, purses, purses, knapsacks, baskets, suitcases, or, more simply, hand luggage. All these objects have their own shape and size. They also allow you to cram in a myriad of important and necessary items during the flight. Vigilant airlines are prepared for such a turn of events and strictly regulate the amount, size and weight of hand luggage that is allowed per passenger during the flight.

Each airline sets its own requirements for hand luggage. This depends on the carrying capacity of the aircraft fleet and its technical equipment. Next we will talk about that carry-on baggage that is called free. Or rather, it is included in the ticket price for the selected fare. And also about what size and weight standards need to be observed in order not to pay extra money to the airline.

If tourist travelers are more concerned about the maximum size of a suitcase that will travel in the luggage compartment, then citizens on business trips are more often interested in the maximum permitted overall size of hand luggage when flying in Russia and abroad. With careful planning, a two or three day business trip or visit to friends does not require you to move a lot of things. This means there is a chance to significantly save on airfare. First, let's look at the sizes of bags and suitcases.

So, according to transportation standards, you can take hand luggage with you into the cabin in the size of 55x40x20 cm. These are the most common parameters for the width, depth and height of bags, suitcases or backpacks for many airlines. Of course, deviations from the standard volume occur, but this is at the discretion of the individual air carrier. For example, Pobeda Airlines LLC set a frankly meager hand luggage size of 36 x 30 x 27 cm. Passengers who encountered this domestic low-cost airline for the first time complained that often even their bag with a laptop did not pass control, and completely unexpectedly I had to pay extra for it.

Before departure, always try to check the permitted size of hand luggage with your airline.

It’s good when an air carrier allows you to carry a suitcase larger than the usual 55 x 40 x 20 cm, such as British Airways. Their permitted dimensions of hand luggage for air travel international flights and within the country - 56 x 45 x 22 cm. But it’s a shame not to fit into the validator (a means of checking the size of hand luggage at the airport) Emirates - 55 x 38 x 20 cm.

But don't be upset. Various airlines- different rules. Clear parameters for the height, width and depth of a passenger’s bag are not typical for all air carriers. Often an indulgence is made, and the company gives permission to baggage allowance based on the sum of three dimensions. Basically, this figure does not exceed 115 cm.

Measuring the dimensions of hand luggage in three dimensions is easy. Just measure with a ruler:

  • height,
  • width,
  • the depth of a suitcase or bag.

Measure an oval backpack at its widest and highest part. Experienced domestic travelers and tourists advise taking a soft bag as hand luggage in Europe, rather than a small hard suitcase. It's easier to squeeze into the validator at the airport.

By the way, be careful when reading information on airlines’ pages. There are countries that provide information on sizes in inches rather than centimeters (Great Britain, USA, partly Canada and others).

There is a concept of large carry-on luggage. Of course, the company will not be happy if a passenger brings something bulky and heavy into the cabin. They will do their best to persuade him to hand over the cargo to luggage compartment airplane. The situation here is individual, but in any case, an additional payment is required for such an item. If a musician is carrying a valuable cello, which he does not agree to hand over to the responsibility of the movers, then he must be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy one seat to place your tool there.

What is the maximum weight of hand luggage that can be carried on an airplane?

Limiting the weight of hand luggage on an airplane is a normal practice for airlines. Typically, a suitcase, bag or backpack should weigh no more than 10 kg. Although information from Air France states that per person on a plane you can take 12-18 kg of hand luggage (depending on the cabin in which you are flying). And the same generous British Airways allows you to carry a passenger bag weighing 23 kilograms in the cabin! Even in the Basic tariff!

The permitted weight on airplanes in Russia at Aeroflot will not exceed an average of 10 kg per person. And here Ural Airlines for economy class tickets they offer to carry only 5 kg of hand luggage free of charge, as was the case with the low-cost airline Pobeda until recently. Recently, the company announced that it allows you to carry any weight of hand luggage in the cabin, as long as the bag fits within the specified dimensions (remember, this is 36x30x27 cm).

How do they check the size and weight of hand luggage at the airport?

Experienced passengers say that airport workers have such a trained eye on passenger luggage that checking the dimensions or weight of bags and suitcases is very rare. However, to avoid problems, first measure your hand luggage at home with a ruler. And when you arrive at the airport, use the established frame to check your hand luggage. Its second name is a baggage calibrator (or validator). Take a closer look, there should be a metal stop next to each section of a particular airline. Just put a suitcase, bag or backpack in it and make sure your luggage gets in and out without any problems.

As we already wrote above, an air carrier employee will ask you to perform this procedure only if he sees obvious excesses in dimensions.

However, travelers note that some domestic carriers, seeing that the soft bag is wrinkled and fits normally into the calibrator, force the passenger to take it out, straighten it, and they themselves measure all the parameters manually with a ruler. As a result, there is an additional charge for oversized hand luggage. Interestingly, airlines from other countries have not yet been seen in such situations.

When checking weight, things are even simpler. Hand luggage is rarely weighed. This usually occurs during check-in at the counter, weighing and transferring large suitcases to the luggage compartment. And only if the receptionist has a suspicion that you are about to burst under the weight of your carry-on luggage. But this is not a reason to carry bricks in your backpack and violate the required maximum 10 kg. If the airline trusts you, you should respect its rules.

What should I do if my hand luggage is larger than the allowed size?

Firstly, Try to avoid situations with excess weight or larger dimensions of hand luggage than established by the rules.

Secondly, Air carrier loyalty depends on many factors. If the registrar sees that your suitcase with hand luggage is only 2 cm more than the norm, and you have no other luggage to rearrange your things, then, most likely, he will have mercy and turn a blind eye to this minor nuance ( remember the life hack with a soft bag, which is easier to fit into the limiter than a plastic suitcase!).

Low-cost airlines with cheap tickets are very zealous about maintaining dimensions and weight. It's better not to joke with them.

However, there is a limit to everything. Even a beloved passenger from expensive ticket the airline will ask you to pay extra for oversized hand luggage if your suitcase is 5 cm larger than the standard limit. This is a matter of respect for the airline and other passengers. The rules are the same for everyone. And if a person is not sure about the correct size and weight of his luggage, which he plans to take with him on the plane, he should prepare a reserve amount, which will insure him in case of compensation to the carrier for excess weight and excess in centimeters. Pleasant flight!

Flying by plane is a convenient and fast way of transportation, which allows the traveler to arrive at his destination in a few hours. To ensure a safe flight, airlines have developed special rules for passengers, and special attention is paid to sending items.

How much baggage can you carry on a plane?

U major carriers There are established rules for the carriage of baggage on an airplane, which stipulate the requirements for the size of checked luggage. The cargo is individually registered for each passenger. It is important to know the weight standards, which can vary greatly depending on the type of vessel and the specific air carrier. It is better to check the permitted dimensions on the company’s website.

In addition to weight, there is quantification. For example, a bicycle will be regarded as one piece of luggage, and its dimensions and weight are not important. Some companies offer gradation by class, i.e. The more expensive the ticket, the more free cargo you can carry. If the suitcase exceeds the permissible limit, the excess can be paid separately. The rules for carrying one free baggage are as follows:

  • business class - no more than 32 kg, and the width, height and thickness of luggage should not exceed 158 cm;
  • economy class - luggage weight no more than 23 kg, size in three dimensions - up to 158 cm;
  • for small children without a seat, luggage can be up to 10 kg, dimensions - no more than 115 cm.

What can you take on a plane?

When planning a vacation abroad, read in advance the baggage rules on the plane of the country where you want to fly. Sometimes a list of permitted items is indicated on the ticket. You should study the airline's restrictions in advance, otherwise during inspection all prohibited items will be confiscated. The rules for transporting baggage on an airplane contain a list of acceptable items that can be carried on the plane:

  • electronic gadgets: telephone, laptop, smartphone, camera;
  • money and documents;
  • warm clothes;
  • set of medicines;
  • inflatable pillow;
  • wet wipes;
  • food (you should not take highly crumbly and perishable foods).

Rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane

Items allowed to be carried on board are called hand luggage. The size of such luggage must not exceed the norm established by the airline's rules. A pressing question is how much does baggage cost on an airplane and whether you need to pay separately for hand luggage. If the cargo carried on board does not exceed 10 kg, then no additional fee is charged for such baggage. As a rule, the price for reloading varies from 30 to 70 euros. Payment of the entire cost of excess volume can be made at the front desk.

There is a list of things that a passenger can put in the cabin for free:

  • women's handbag, briefcase;
  • cane;
  • wheelchair, crutches;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • umbrella;
  • outerwear;
  • baby bassinet;
  • printed publications.

All these items do not need to be separately weighed and labeled. Regarding the transportation of oversized and non-standard items, for example, musical instruments, sports equipment, you should check with the carrier's airline managers in advance. In addition, you can take baby food on your flight, which you will need during the flight to feed your baby.

What not to take on a plane

Airplane baggage rules contain a list of prohibited items. An exception in many companies is the transportation of Duty Free store products: perfume, alcohol, cigarettes, drinks. All products must be sealed and packaged in the store itself or on board. Here is a small list of what is prohibited from being carried in hand luggage on an airplane:

  • manicure scissors, knives;
  • corkscrews;
  • blades, razors.
  • the new rule excludes any type of liquid (even water) if its volume exceeds 100 ml;
  • You also need to hand in cosmetics - creams, mascara;
  • You cannot carry weapons or their imitation with you;
  • jewelry and fragile items;
  • alcohol;
  • all types of gases.

Dimensions of hand luggage on an airplane

The dimensions of baggage carried on board are limited by the carrier's rules. The permissible dimensions for carrying luggage are the same in many countries. However, it is worth learning about all the nuances in advance so that during the inspection you do not lose your favorite items. The maximum weight of hand luggage on an airplane can be no more than 5 kg. For first and business class passengers, the norm is 7 kilograms (maximum).

Issues related to baggage acceptable for air transportation are quite worrying for many. After all, the rules are constantly changing, some of them becoming stricter. And for many passengers, the size of luggage on an airplane is of fundamental importance. important. Therefore, it is worth studying the issue in advance so that later, when checking bags into luggage and when weighing hand luggage, no serious problems arise.

Today, carriers use two systems, accepted as the main ones, which allow final calculations for the transportation of bags and suitcases. This:

  1. Weight system
  2. By number of seats

The first option is often used on flights departing to CIS countries and Asia.

An important point in the measurement system is permissible weight, i.e. the one that is carried free of charge. The gradation of the number of kilograms directly depends on the class of ticket. The following rules apply today:

  • 20 kg per 1 passenger in economy class
  • 30 kg – in business
  • 10 kg per child under 2 years old

In the first system for calculating how much luggage you can take on board, the following principle works: a passenger can take as many bags as he wants, but their weight should not exceed the permissible standard. You will have to pay for all the extra kilos.

The second system implies that the minimum free kilograms must be packed in only one bag or two, if this is provided for by the class of the ticket. That is, if a suitcase is filled by 10 kg, it will already take up the allowable number of seats, and for a second suitcase or travel bag that is not hand luggage, even if it is filled by 5 kilograms, you will still have to pay. This calculation option is used mostly in America. Among Russian companies, Aeroflot introduced a similar scheme most recently. In such a payment system, the bonus is the fact that here free rate slightly more baggage allowance:

  • For economy – 23 kg
  • For business – 32 kg

It is important to understand here that if passengers go on a trip together, their luggage cannot be added up. Everyone is responsible for themselves. As a result, if the bottom one has an advantage, and the other one has a shortage of kilograms in his suitcase, the first one will have to pay extra for the excess.

There is also a bonus for regular customers of the airline - they are provided with benefits on membership cards and for miles in the form of providing an additional number of seats on board the aircraft, or the option of adding a kilogram to the total amount of baggage weight is allowed.

Luggage dimensions

The dimensions of luggage, even for transportation in a special compartment of the aircraft, must be taken into account. Thus, a suitcase whose total width, length and height is equal to 1.58 m is considered standard and acceptable for transportation without any additional procedures other than weighing. This measure is valid for a system that takes into account the number of seats. In the weight system, this indicator should be equal to 2.03 m.

If your luggage is beyond the scope, for example, you are taking skis, a bicycle and other oversized items with you, you will have to check them in at a separate counter, and in some cases you will even have to pay extra. Baggage on an airplane has the same parameters in terms of size and weight in 2018, but it is worth remembering that the situation may change.

After all, the principles for determining the luggage allowed on board are determined by the carrier himself. And it’s worth regularly checking the corresponding section on the airline’s website or calling hotline so as not to get into trouble.

Excess baggage

Baggage that exceeds the limits stipulated by the ticket in terms of weight or number of pieces is called excess baggage. And in most cases you will have to pay extra for it. There are, of course, carriers who allow a slight excess - a kilogram or two - without additional payment. But for the most part, you will have to pay money for every kilogram in excess. The cost of excess baggage varies from carrier to carrier. It is worth clarifying in advance how much money you will have to pay for an excess of things if there is no opportunity or desire to shell out the excess.

Heavy luggage

Special attention is paid to luggage that weighs over 30-32 kg. This one is called heavyweight. This also includes those options that go beyond the permissible dimensions:

  • Skis and sports equipment
  • Musical instruments such as guitar or double bass
  • Household appliances, such as an oven or refrigerator

Such cargo can only be transported by agreement with the carrier - he must be notified in advance. On the day of departure, you must arrive early, because... Checking in such luggage takes some additional time. It is worth understanding that the air carrier may refuse to carry luggage, for example, if the luggage compartments are small or there is no space in them.

Fragile luggage

There may be a need to carry fragile luggage - glass, decorative elements, paintings, etc. In this case, you will also have to register it separately and put a corresponding mark on the cargo. If your luggage fits the dimensions of hand luggage, the optimal solution would be to carry it with you into the cabin - this will ensure the integrity of your items.

The issue of carrying hand luggage in 2018 does not lose its relevance. Moreover, the data on it is constantly changing. Changes made to the law are now in effect. Previously, hand luggage included up to 10 kg of free weight, now from 5. But at the same time, air carriers independently determine how much weight they allow to be carried on board. Thus, the country's major airlines announced that they will remain at 10 for now - both for regular tickets and for non-refundable ones.

In general, on average, the following options for carrying hand luggage apply:

  • In business class – 1 piece weighing 15 kg
  • Economy – 1 piece 10 kg

It is important to consider the dimensions of the bag so that it fits all restrictions. So, hand luggage must be packed in a bag 55 cm high, 40 cm wide, 20 cm thick. Some carriers, such as Aeroflot, plan to check compliance with dimensions using special limiting frames, which will allow you to immediately determine all the necessary parameters.

We take you to the salon without registration

Carry-on and other baggage options include the following items:

  • Costume
  • Laptop
  • Video and photo cameras
  • Mobile phone
  • Books, newspapers and magazines
  • Outerwear
  • Ladies handbag
  • Briefcase
  • Cane and crutches
  • Umbrella

You can also take baby food and a baby carrier with you to the salon without any registration.

Packing hand luggage

The following are checked in as carry-on baggage in the aircraft cabin:

  • Glasses repair tools
  • Pacemaker
  • Pharmaceutical devices that you can only keep on your person
  • Robot toys
  • Razors
  • Eyelash curler
  • Oxygen cylinders for medical purposes, etc.

Carefully study the baggage allowance to avoid any troubles with their transportation. And if you have any doubts about a particular baggage item, it is better to arrive at the airport in advance to arrange everything correctly, pay for it, or set aside any excess.

Every year, air travel experiences changes regarding the size and weight of baggage allowance. To know what bags and suitcases you can take with you, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the requirements for luggage of the largest Russian airlines. One such airline is Aeroflot. Let's try to find out what baggage allowances Aeroflot has adopted in 2020.

What caused the changes to baggage rules?

At the beginning of 2020, passengers were overwhelmed by a wave of changes related to the new rules for the carriage of luggage: the system for checking bags and suitcases became more serious, and the requirements for the size of hand luggage also changed. According to experts, such changes are associated with the receipt of a large number of complaints about the lack of space for personal belongings on board the aircraft.

Features of passenger baggage control

Every person preparing to fly for the first time should become familiar with the passenger baggage control system so that they know what to be prepared for. The following features of the baggage transportation system are distinguished:

  1. All things a person takes with him on a trip are divided into hand luggage and luggage itself. Carry-on luggage includes small bags and briefcases that a citizen can take into the cabin. A special tag is attached to it, indicating that we have a certain type of luggage in front of us. This marking will be, first of all, important for airline and airport employees, and not for the passenger himself. Items that cannot be taken on board an airplane are called baggage. They are given in advance upon check-in on board the plane.
  2. All things that a citizen wants to transport with him on an airplane are subject to a mandatory preliminary inspection procedure. All this is done for safety reasons. Things carried by a person can be checked not only at the check-in counter, but also before passport control. At some airports, another personal security screening area may be located right in front of the boarding gate. The number of security screening areas depends on the airport.
  3. Possibility to carry allowed baggage free of charge. If a suitcase brought by a citizen weighs more than what is allowed by the airline, then you will have to pay extra for it. In other cases, the passenger can count on his belongings being transported free of charge. The cost of baggage transportation is automatically included in the price of the plane ticket.

Hand luggage

In 2020, the following requirements were established for the carriage of hand luggage on board an aircraft:

  1. Dimensions can be no more than 55x40x25 cm. This means that if your bag does not meet these dimensions (exceeds them), then it will be transferred to the status of luggage. Previously, the last figure was 20 cm, but in 2018 (due to numerous requests from passengers) it was increased by 5 centimeters. This significantly distinguishes Aeroflot’s requirements compared to others major airlines(S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines, UTair). Their requirements remained the same - 55x40x20 cm.
  2. The weight of hand luggage cannot exceed 10-15 kilograms. The final weight depends on the class chosen by the person. If a passenger flies in business class, then the upper limit for the weight of hand luggage will be 15 kilograms. When choosing other classes (“Comfort” or “Economy”), the passenger will be able to carry only 10 kilograms with him.

Important! Airport and airline representatives take carry-on baggage requirements seriously, so every item a passenger wants to carry as carry-on baggage will be checked. To check whether a passenger's bag meets the airline's requirements, airport officials use a special frame. If the baggage fits within this frame, it can be carried into the cabin.

What can you take on a plane?

There is a whole list of things that can be carried into the aircraft cabin. These include:

  1. Bouquet of flowers.
  2. Package from a duty-free store. Its dimensions should not exceed 115 cm (length, width and height are summed up).
  3. A small briefcase, handbag or backpack, the total size of which does not exceed 80 cm and weight - 5 kilograms.
  4. Outerwear. Its citizen can freely carry it into the aircraft cabin in order to feel comfortable during the flight.
  5. The suit is in a special case. Many diplomats often travel on business and carry suits with them. To prevent them from getting jammed, special covers are used. The ability to carry a suit into the aircraft cabin in a special case allows a person not to worry about the safety and cleanliness of his clothes.
  6. Food for children.
  7. Solid foods (cookies, chocolate, fruit, etc.).
  8. A folding stroller, the dimensions of which do not exceed 42x50x20 cm, and the weight is 7 kilograms.
  9. Medicines necessary for a person in flight.
  10. Musical instruments whose dimensions do not exceed 135 cm in the sum of three dimensions. The violin, saxophone, etc. satisfy these requirements. You can also transport a guitar whose dimensions exceed 135 cm, but the carriage of such hand luggage must be agreed upon with airline representatives in advance (36 hours before departure). If the traveler decides to transport musical instrument, then he must remember that it will become the only place in his hand luggage. The remaining things will have to be taken in luggage.

Important! Previously, you could carry a camera, laptop or umbrella separately from your carry-on baggage, but now these items must be placed in your carry-on baggage. If a passenger takes an umbrella-cane with him, he will have to check in her luggage, since it will not fit in a backpack. Aeroflot changed the requirements for bringing these items onto an aircraft only in 2020.

Liquids on board

Requirements apply not only to things, but also to transported liquids. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. Their capacity should not exceed 100 ml.
  2. They must be packed in transparent, resealable bags so that airport officials can inspect the contents of the bag in case of suspicion.

Important! The rules for transporting liquids include not only drinks (juices, water), but also sun cream, shower gel, shampoo, and mascara.

Transporting animals on board the aircraft

Aeroflot provides its passengers with the opportunity to transport animals, but imposes certain requirements for their import:

  1. Preliminary approval with the airline. If a passenger needs to transport a pet, he must notify airline representatives in advance. A passenger's request to transport an animal is reviewed within 1-2 days, after which the airline makes its decision.
  2. Additional payment for transporting a pet. The final cost depends on the direction and duration of the flight. For international flights it is approximately 75 euros, and for flights within Russia – about 4 thousand rubles.

Important! Not all animals can be transported on board. Rodents, reptiles, fish and arthropods are strictly not allowed on board. Pugs and Pekingese cannot be transported either, because they are brachycephalic dog breeds.

Free baggage allowance: size and weight

Aeroflot has rules and regulations for carrying not only hand luggage, but also luggage that is checked into the luggage compartment of the aircraft. The amount and weight of baggage at Aeroflot depend on the selected flight class.

By general rule, the size of such baggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 158 cm.

Important! The key role when flying on Aeroflot flights is played by the number of luggage pieces.

Cost of additional space and excess baggage

If the dimensions, weight or number of pieces of luggage exceed the established baggage allowance at Aeroflot, then the passenger will have to pay extra for their transportation on board the aircraft. Aeroflot sets the following tariffs for the carriage of additional, excess baggage.

Conditions for transporting oversized baggage

There is not only standard, oversized baggage, which is checked in by the passenger upon check-in, but also so-called non-standard baggage. Oversized luggage includes luggage whose weight ranges from 32 kilograms to 50 kilograms, and whose size exceeds 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Most often, airline representatives encounter the following types of oversized baggage:

  1. Equipment for skiing or cycling, playing golf or hockey. 1 person can carry 1 set of equipment for each of the listed sports types free of charge.
  2. Fishing equipment. Fishermen can bring 2 fishing rods and 1 set of fishing tackle free of charge.
  3. Weapons and ammunition for them. You can transport 1 weapon for free. To transport it, you need to coordinate the transportation with the airport in advance (36 hours before departure) and obtain permission.
  4. Baggage carried in passenger seat. It includes items that require special transportation conditions. All luggage must be carefully packed. This will avoid the possibility of damage during transportation. The dimensions of such luggage at Aeroflot cannot exceed the dimensions of 135x50x30 cm, and its weight should not exceed 80 kilograms. To carry such baggage, you need to coordinate this with the airport service in advance, and also pay extra at the rate for one more passenger seat.
  5. Baby stroller.
  6. Wheelchair.
  7. Pet. Can be placed both in the aircraft cabin and in the luggage compartment. Transportation is possible only with prior agreement with Aeroflot representatives.

Question answer

Question: What does 1PC/2PC/3PC mean on the ticket?

Answer: These are designations showing how many suitcases you can take with you. RS is an abbreviation of the English piece, which literally means “piece”. Thus, 1PC is 1 piece of luggage that a citizen can check into the luggage compartment for free.

Question: How much alcohol can I carry in my luggage?

Answer: You can carry no more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages in sealed, undamaged packaging in your luggage.

Question: what to do if Aeroflot lost your luggage?

Answer: Like any other airline, Aeroflot can lose luggage. If this happens, the passenger must follow a number of steps to return the missing items:

  1. Contact the search service personnel in the arrival area.
  2. Write a corresponding statement.
  3. Track wanted status. The search case is assigned a specific number by which you can follow the luggage search procedure. You can track your search in a special section on the Aeroflot website.

Aeroflot representatives must search for luggage within 21 days. Found luggage must be delivered by airline employees to the client’s home. If the luggage was not found, the passenger can submit a written claim to the airline and demand compensation for damage and payment of monetary compensation.