Consequences of Irma in Florida. Florida begins to recover from Hurricane Irma

Florida has begun recovery from Irma. Photo by ABC News

“I have not had internet since Irma hit. The hurricane caused a lot of damage in Miami. Millions of Florida residents are without power,” says Twitter user Makada.

We should not forget about the looters who are rampaging through Miami, taking advantage of the situation. One of the YouTube users posted a video of the robbery of one of the supermarkets.

Miami-Dade County police arrested 28 people for theft and looting during Hurricane Irma.

Earlier, law enforcement officers caught nine robbers red-handed in the city of Fort Lauderdale. The attackers tried to rob a pawnshop during a storm. Similar cases were observed in Texas during the recent Hurricane Harvey.

Crisis in the Florida Keys
Jane O'Brien, a BBC correspondent from Miami, reports on the situation in the Florida Keys:
Overall, Miami could have been much worse off. The center of the hurricane did not pass through the city itself, but it heavily touched the Florida Keys (the chain coral islands at a distance of about 25 km from the US coast). It is to the islands that the attention of rescuers is focused.

Communications with the islands were still poor on Friday. A number of people evacuated and stayed in the same hotel as us, and they had difficulty maintaining contact with relatives who remained behind.
Reportedly, about 10 thousand people remained on the islands to wait out the storm. We don't know what's wrong with them now.
The first thing rescuers have to do is check how many of the 42 bridges connecting the islands remain intact. If at least one is not functional, then problems may arise - one of the islands may become isolated.

The entire area of ​​the islands is closed - it is impossible to get there until the authorities finish assessing the damage.

Scale rescue operation
More than 6.5 million homes across the state of Florida remain without power. For example, in Collier County, 90% of homes have no power. In Miami, 80% of all high-voltage wires were down, and large areas of the city were flooded, although the city suffered no catastrophic damage compared to many other parts of the state. Many people report that, in addition to electricity, water supply to their homes is intermittent.

Drone video from the city of Naples, on the Gulf Coast about 200 kilometers northwest of Miami, showed rows of destroyed single-story homes and flooded streets between them.

President Donald Trump has pledged a large budget to help Florida, calling Hurricane Irma a “huge monster.”

The money will go to medical service, clearing debris, restoring power supply and repairing buildings.

Manager rescue work in Monroe County (pop. 73,000), Martin Senterfitt says a large rescue mission organized by the Air Force and National Guard will soon arrive in the state, the Miami Herald reports.

The mission should include “emergency burial teams” in the Florida Keys, which are part of Monroe County.

The director of the state government's department of rescue programs, Brian Kuhn, told reporters that it would be impossible to determine the exact number of victims before the rescue operation began.