Suburban bus schedule Alushta. Bus schedule Alushta, bus station

Currently, the Alushta bus station allows passengers to use 175 buses. They associate this locality with many others and are both passing through and starting their journey from this station.

If you need to leave Alushta bus station as early as possible, take the first bus Simferopol Airport, bus station - Yalta. It departs at 0 hours 30 minutes.

The bus station will say goodbye to the last Kerch-Yalta bus at 22:25. . Most buses from here leave in the morning.

Bus parking in Alushta, the bus station is on average 3 minutes.

Our website provides you with a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the most current schedule buses at the Alushta stop, bus station and many others. All information provided is exactly the same online scoreboard bus stations. To buy a ticket for the Simferopol Airport bus, bus station - Yalta or any other, contact the ticket office of the nearest bus station.