Tallest statue in the world. Tallest statues in the world

To perpetuate something by creating a monument has always been considered a noble deed. Every country has monuments of different sizes, beautiful and ugly, there are historical monuments, and there are humorous ones.

The largest monument to Lenin

On the territory of the former Soviet Union There are still many monuments to Lenin. In some places they have, of course, been demolished, but some still stand. There are such monuments abroad.

The largest is located in the city of Volgograd. It is installed on the banks of the Volga and faces it. The overall height is fifty-seven meters. The sculpture itself is twenty-seven meters high, and the pedestal rises thirty meters. This monument is recognized as the largest, which is why it was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is included in the section of monuments erected to real people.

The opening took place in the spring of 1973. The material from which the sculpture is made is monolithic reinforced concrete. Rigidity was achieved thanks to steel ropes stretched inside. The pedestal is built on stilts and completely covered with granite blocks. Its weight is nine and a half thousand tons.

On the site of this monument, from 1952 until the early seventies, there stood a monument to Stalin, made of the rarest native copper. After it was demolished, the pedestal remained empty for several years. It turns out that the pedestal is much older than the Lenin monument.

The largest monuments in Russia

Of the huge number of monuments in Russia, the monument to Peter the Great is recognized as the largest. It is also called “300 years of the Russian fleet” and is located in Moscow. Its height is ninety-eight meters. The sculptor is Zurab Tsereteli.

Before the monument to Peter the Great appeared, the largest in Russia was the Motherland, standing in Volgograd. Its height is only two meters lower and is ninety-six meters. The sculpture is called “The Motherland Calls!” This is part architectural ensemble and its compositional center. The total weight of the sculpture is eight thousand tons.

A monument to Alyosha was erected in the city of Murmansk. He rises, standing on a hill " Cape Verde" Year of installation: 1974. He looks at the valley, which is called the Valley of Glory, where bloody battles took place. A similar monument was erected in Bulgaria. The height of “Murmansk Alyosha” together with the pedestal is forty-two and a half meters. Alyosha is a broad-shouldered warrior in a raincoat. It can be seen from anywhere in the city, since the cape on which it stands rises one hundred and seventy-three meters above sea level.

One of the symbols of the USSR era is the monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”. Its height with the pedestal is fifty meters. It is installed in Moscow. There is also a monument to Gagarin, cast from titanium, installed on a forty-meter pedestal.

The ugliest monuments

Not all monuments are beautiful. There is a rating of the ugliest and strangest. The monument to Abbot Faria in India in Goa is recognized as such. He portrays the abbot during a hypnotic session with a patient.

The metronome located in New York is considered an ugly monument. This “work of art” was created in 1999. There is a monument to Michael Jackson in the UK. It is installed near the stadium of one of the football clubs. The customer of such a terrible statue is the owner football club Al-Fayed.

The monument to Peter the Great, which is located in Moscow, is also recognized as ugly. They even wanted to dismantle it, but the cost of dismantling is too high. In the city of Seoul there is a monument whose name is “Amabel”. The monument is a strange metal structure. She resembles a rose. Since it turned out to be expensive to dismantle and send this monument to a museum, it was decided to hide it with the help of several trees.

In the city of Prague there is “Pissing Men” - a fountain in the form of two men more than two meters high who urinate in a pool. In the city of Diesburg in Germany there is a disgusting monument “Savior of Life”. This multi-colored, tasteless creation is a plump woman, dressed in a swimsuit, who merged in ecstasy with an incomprehensible creature resembling a bird on thick legs. A monument to the twelve-meter finger was erected in Paris.

Tallest monument in the world

Of all the tall monuments on the planet, the champion for several years was the statue of Buddha, which was installed in Japan. The opening took place in 1995. The material used to make this giant is bronze. Its height is one hundred and twenty meters, of which ten meters is the height of the base and ten meters is the height of the lotus platform. The observation platform was built at an altitude of eighty meters. A special elevator takes those who wish there.

In 2008, a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha was opened in Myanmar, which, together with the pedestal, rises one hundred and thirty meters, its height without the pedestal is one hundred and sixteen meters. It was built with donations from ordinary people over twelve years.

The tallest monument in the world is the Buddha of the Spring Temple, made of copper. It is installed in one of the Chinese provinces. Its height with the pedestal is one hundred and fifty-three meters. The total height of the complex, taking into account the hill on which the statue stands, is two hundred and eight meters.

Monuments are fundamental creations. And there is beauty that is very easy to destroy - for example, fragile butterflies. But these creatures can also be quite large. For example, according to the website, the wingspan of the world's largest butterflies exceeds 30 cm.
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Large size is one of the parameters with which you can become famous throughout the world. Glorifying great gods, great victories, great people, or simply their loved ones, modern sculptors create giant monuments, hoping that their creations will live on for centuries. Actually, maybe some of these giants will remain on Earth forever, and distant generations of people will study these buildings, just as we studied the pyramids or some Colossus of Rhodes. In the article we have listed the 15 tallest monuments in the world.

For a comparative analysis, we took monuments higher than 40 meters. The truth is that most of the giants were erected in China and Japan, and represent various forms of Buddha on earth. But if all the Big Buddhas of Asia are included in the Big Ten, then there will be no room left for other statues at all.

Washington Monument 169 meters

This obelisk was erected in Washington, USA, as a monument to George Washington, the first president of the United States. At that time, and before construction Eiffel Tower, it was considered the tallest structure on Earth.

Victory Monument 141.8 meters

The monument was opened on May 9, 1995 and is part of the entire Victory Memorial complex in Moscow. Its height of 141.8 meters was not chosen by chance - 10 cm for each day of the war.

Spring Temple Buddha 128 meters

The tallest statue in the world depicting Buddha Vairocana. Moreover, 20 meters high is occupied by a pedestal in the shape of a lotus. It was erected not so long ago, in 2002. Buddha towers over the village of Zhaocun in Henan Province in China.

Daibutsu Ushiku 120 meters

The statue depicts Amitabha Buddha. And also, 20 meters of its height is taken away by a flower-shaped platform. The statue was created in 1995 and installed in the city of Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan.

Lezhong Sasazha 116 meters

This huge sculptural structure is located in Sikaing County in Myanmar. The official height of the standing Buddha statue does not take into account the pedestal of 13.4 meters. Another Buddha lies at the foot of the standing one; it was erected almost 17 years earlier.

Goddess Guanyin Statue 108 meters

The statue is located near the Nanshan Temple in the city of Sanya, on Hainan Island in China. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the island, and the faces of the others are towards the sea. Construction took six years and was completed in 2005.

Cristo Rei (Christ the King) 103 meters

The statue of Jesus Christ is located in the city of Almada, Portugal. The portico base raises the statue 75 meters above the ground. The height of Christ himself is 28 meters.

Motherland 102 meters

This monument stands in Kyiv on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is part of the complex National Museum history of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." and was erected in 1981. The height of the sculpture from the pedestal to the tip of the sword is 62 m. The official height of the monument is considered to be the base.

Monument to Peter the Great 98 meters

Statue of Liberty 93 meters

It is often called the symbol of the USA. This was a gift from French citizens for the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution. The height is calculated taking into account the base and pedestal. The height of the statue itself is 46 meters.

The Motherland is calling! 85 meters

The statue is included in the set “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad”, which is located on Mamayev Kurgan In Volgograd. At the time of its creation, the sculpture was the tallest in the world. The height of the female figure without a sword is 52 meters.

Maitreya Buddha statue 74 meters

The Buddha is carved directly into Mount Lingyunshan, near the city of Leshan. Three rivers meet here Chinese province Sichuan. This giant began to be carved back in 713, and the entire construction lasted 90 years. Until the mid-17th century, the body of this Buddha was hidden up to the neck by a 13-story temple called the Pavilion of the Great Image. But later the Temple burned down.

Genghis Khan statue 50 meters

The monument to the founder of the Mongol Empire is located where? In Mongolia! In the city of Tsonzhin-Boldog. A huge horse and rider are installed directly on the art gallery building. There is an observation deck in the horse's head.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin 42.5 meters

The monument is located in Moscow and was installed in 1980. The stella and statue were symbolically made of titanium, a metal used in the construction of spaceships.

Freedom Monument 42 meters

Among themselves, residents of the city of Riga call this monument Milda. It was installed in 1935 in memory of the fighters for the independence of Latvia. The monument stands on Brivibas Boulevard, which translates as “Freedom Boulevard”.

18 Tallest Statues of Christ
In Catholicism, the degree of faith is determined not only by the observance of rituals, but also by external symbols

South America, Asia and Catholic Europe are the regions where the largest statues of Christ are located. His tallest monument is located in Bolivia - 34.2 meters. If we take into account the crown, then the tallest statue of Christ is in Poland, 36 meters.

For a long time, various countries of the world competed with each other in gigantomania - who would put the most big statue Jesus Christ, and, therefore, will defeat everyone else in the level of faith.

Cristo Rey - Mexico, height 20.5 meters

This statue stands in Cerro del Cubilete, Guanajuato, at an altitude of 2,700 meters above sea level. The statue was completed in 1944 and its style is described as Art Deco. This is one of the most significant religious monuments in the country and is located in geographical center Mexico:

Statue of Christ the Redeemer Maratea - Italy, height 21.25 meters

This statue was made of white and blue-gray marble obtained from quarries near the city of Carrara. Unlike most other statues, built with donations from the public, the Cristo Redentore was built at the expense of one man - businessman Stefano Rivetti:

Cristo de las Noas - Mexico, 21.78 meters

The statue project began in 1973 and lasted 17 years. At the foot there is a restaurant:

Christ of the Pacific - Peru, 22 meters, as well as a pedestal 15 meters high

This statue was a gift from Peruvian President Fujimori to his people. When the embezzler ruler was removed, they wanted to dismantle the statue as “a legacy of the reactionary regime.” But thousands of people at the rally defended Christ:

Christ of the Sacred Heart - Mexico, 23 meters

The statue is made of fiberglass and stands near the town of Rosarito. Rare case of a colored statue of Christ:

Broken Christ - Mexico, 25 meters

The statue is located in the town of San Jose de Gracia, and annually attracts up to 100 thousand pilgrims:

Christ Roy de Houches - France, 25 meters

Located in the town of Le Houches, Haute-Savoie. It was built during the year - from 1933 to 1934:

Christ of Mercy - Nicaragua, 26 meters

Erected in the town of San Juan del Sur, the tallest statue in Central America:

Statue of Christ the King - Colombia, 26 meters

Located in the city of Cali, built in 1953. Located at an altitude of 1440 meters above sea level, weight 446 tons:

Christ Rhea Delhi - East Timor, height 27 meters

This statue is a gift from the Indonesian government (in 1996, when East Timor was still a province of this state - it gained independence in 2002). Made of copper, consists of 27 sections.

Christ the King - Portugal, 28 meters

Construction of the statue began in Lisbon in 1940 and was completed in 1959. It is considered a symbol of peace, saving Portugal from the horrors of World War II:

Christ Ricusitado (Risen One) - Mexico, 30 meters

The statue is located in the cemetery of the town of San Rafael. Built in 1970 from pink granite:

Blessing of Christ - Indonesia, 30 meters

The statue is located in the city of Manado. It is made of 35 tons of stainless steel and 25 tons of steel threads. The local Catholic community raised money for the statue. The statue is unusual in that it is tilted 20 degrees forward:

Christ. Located in Rio de Janeiro. Built in 1926-1931. In 2010, the fingers and eyebrows of the statue were damaged by a thunderstorm, after which lightning rods were installed in it:

Christ of Vung Tau - Vietnam, 32 meters

The statue is located in the city of Vung Tau; its construction began in 1974 and was completed in 1993. The metal rays in the halo are a lightning rod. The statue is made of concrete with granite inserts:

Christ the King - Poland, 33 meters + crown 3 meters

Together with the crown, it is the tallest statue in the world (36 meters). 33 meters - symbolizes the age of Christ. Made of concrete and fiberglass, weight 440 tons:

Christ of Peace - Bolivia, 34.2 meters

The statue also has a pedestal 6.2 meters high. Located in the city of Cochabamba at an altitude of 2840 meters above sea level. The heaviest statue of Christ in the world - 2220 tons. The staircase inside the statue (1399 steps) leads to observation deck located in the head.

1.Bronze statue of Buddha Ushiku Daibutsu, Japan.

Ushiku Daibutsu, located in Ushiku, in Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan, is the tallest free-standing bronze statue in the world. Built in 1995, the total height is 120 m above the ground, including a 10 m base and a 10 m lotus platform. An elevator takes visitors to a height of 85m above the ground, where the observation deck is located.

2. Guanyang Buddhist statue, Sanya, China.

Sanya is located in the smallest province of China people's republic Hainian, on the southern coast of the country. Yalong Wan is a local park located on the coast 7.5 km southeast of Sanya City. The main attraction of the park is the 108-meter statue of Guanyin.

This statue was completed in May 2005 and is one of the tallest in the world.

3. Yellow Chinese Emperors Huangdi and Yandi, China.

The 103-meter-tall statue is located in China and is a sculpture of two ancient Chinese emperors - Huangdi and Yandi.

4. Motherland, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Monument-sculpture of the Motherland, standing in Kyiv on the high right bank of the Dnieper. The height of the Motherland sculpture is 62 meters, the total height with the pedestal is 102 meters.

5. Monument to Peter I, Moscow, Russia

The monument to Peter I by Zurab Tsereteli was erected by order of the Moscow Government on the spit of the island of the Moscow River and the Obvodny Canal in 1997.

The total height of the monument is 98 meters.

6. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York, USA.

The world's embodiment of Liberty, commonly known as the Statue of Liberty, is a colossal statue donated to the United States by France in 1886, installed on Liberty Island in New York at the mouth of the Hudson River.

7. Sculpture The Motherland Calls, Volgograd, Russia.

Sculpture “The Motherland Calls!” - the compositional center of the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd. The work of sculptor E. V. Vuchetich and engineer N. V. Nikitin. Built in 1967, height 84 meters.

8. Maitreya Buddha Statue in Leshan, Leshan, China.

The statue is located east of the city of Leshan in Sichuan province, at the intersection of three rivers. Construction took place over 90 years. The height of the statue is 71 m, the height of the head is almost 15 m, the shoulder span is almost 30 m, the length of the finger is 8 m, the length of the toe is 1.6 m, the length of the nose is 5.5 m. It is recognized as a monument World Heritage UNESCO.

9. Bamiyan Buddha statues, Afghanistan.

Two giant statues Buddhas (Buddha of Bamyan) - 55 and 37 meters, part of a complex of Buddhist monasteries in the Bamiyan Valley in central Afghanistan, located 230 km north of Kabul. The statues were barbarically destroyed, despite protests from the world community and other Islamic countries, in 2001 by the Taliban, who believed that they were pagan idols and should be destroyed. Japan, Switzerland and UNESCO, among others, have expressed support for the restoration of the statues.

10. Statue of Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Christ the Redeemer Statue - a huge Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ, 32m high and weighing 1000 tons, is located on the top of the 710m Corcovado mountain overlooking the city.

A powerful symbol of Christianity, the statue has become an icon of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Without a doubt, the obelisk of Bayonet, Brest, Belarus deserves our attention.

The bayonet - obelisk (all-welded metal structure, lined with titanium; height 100 m, weight 620 tons) is part of the Brest Fortress - Hero memorial complex.

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