Secrets of Baku: The Long History of Primorsky Boulevard. Embankment in Baku - seaside park and other attractions Length of the embankment in Baku

Baku Seaside Boulevard is one of the attractions of Baku, a favorite vacation spot for Baku residents and city guests. In 2009, he celebrated his 100th anniversary. The length of the park is about this moment 9 km 700 meters, after general reconstruction it will be 25 km.
Start of construction
The history of the Baku boulevard dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the Baku city government repeatedly discussed the issue of creating a seaside boulevard. But only in 1909 were concrete steps taken, initiated by the Azerbaijani engineer Mamedhasan Hajinsky. The city authorities allocated 600,000 rubles for the construction of the boulevard. Baku patrons also provided material support. The city authorities announced a competition for best project, in which about 30 specialists took part, among whom were prominent architects and civil engineers. The winner of the competition was G. M. Termikelov. First, the coastal area located between the pier of the Caucasus and Mercury society and the house of Seid Mirbabaev was landscaped. Nowadays this territory stretches from the Puppet Theater to Azneft Square. Territories were cleared, trees and shrubs were planted, and flower beds were laid out. According to the design of engineer N. Baev, a bathhouse was also built on the boulevard, which looked like a fairy tale summer palace. In the 40s, due to rising water levels in the Caspian Sea and partial reconstruction of the boulevard, the bathhouse was liquidated. By the beginning of the 50s, the length of Primorsky Boulevard was already 2.7 km, from the ship repair plant. "Paris Commune" to the new marine passenger station.
70s and 80s
In 1966, according to the design of the architect M. Huseynov, on Primorsky Boulevard, in the area of ​​​​Azadlyg Square, an area open to the sea was created, which ended with descents to the sea, decorated with parterre greenery, flower beds and a cascade of fountains. In 1967, M. Huseynov was trained new project reconstruction of the entire Primorsky Boulevard. Due to a significant decrease in the level of the Caspian Sea, which reached its lowest level in 1977, as a result of which a wide strip of the former seabed was exposed, work was undertaken to create a second lower terrace of the Primorsky Park, where alleys, lawns and fountains were built.
Due to a sharp rise in the level of the Caspian Sea in the 90s, a significant part of the Primorsky Park was flooded, including the walking overpass, boat pier and yacht club. As a result of the reconstruction work, the lower terrace of the boulevard was raised by several meters.
Recent history
In 2007, in the Primorsky Park, opposite Azneft Square, a musical fountain, which has no analogues in the world, was opened. In 2008, construction of the second fountain, built opposite the Government House, was completed. 15 attractions, the Mirvari cafe, the Bahar cinema, a summer children's theater and a parachute tower, built on the initiative of the former mayor of Baku Alisha Lemberansky, were updated and restored.
In connection with the presidential decree, a general reconstruction of the Seaside Park began in 2008, for which the Baku City Hall will allocate 500 million US dollars. The territory of the Primorsky Park will be increased fivefold. Its length will stretch from the sea station to the village of Zykh and from the Palace of Hand Games to the Bibi-Heybat Mosque. Large-scale reconstruction will be completed before 2015.
Governmental support
By order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev dated December 29, 1998, Primorsky Boulevard was given the status National Park.
By decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated January 10, 2008, taking into account the importance of Primorsky Boulevard for the history, culture and environmental safety of the people, the Primorsky Boulevard Office was created under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic. In accordance with this decree, major improvement of the Primorsky National Park was started.

The pearl of Baku is Primorsky Boulevard. This most beautiful place Azerbaijan. On the boulevard there are cafes, restaurants, parks, museums, cultural objects, architecture and attractions. Guests of the city will be interested to know the history of this place. Primorsky Boulevard is the heart of the country. The place has the same significance for Azerbaijan as Red Square for Russia.

The history of the creation of the embankment in Baku

Until the 2019 century, Baku was surrounded on both sides by fortress walls. From the side of the Caspian Sea, the city was protected by a wall, in the place of which today we see Primorsky Boulevard. The wall was demolished in the 60s of the 19th century. A space 30 meters wide was left along the shore, which was later used as an embankment. Moorish-style buildings were erected along it. Warehouses with goods intended for trade with the Persians and piers for steamships were still functioning.

Construction of the boulevard began at the beginning of the 20th century. The city government, together with private benefactors, allocated a colossal amount for those times for the foundation. The design was entrusted to the architect G. M. Temirkelov. The first attraction was the summer bath. Flower beds were laid out around it, trees were planted, and the bathhouse itself resembled a palace.
Subsequently, the embankment was reconstructed several times due to periodic flooding from the sea. During one of the reconstructions, the summer bathhouse had to be demolished. But today Baku Boulevard is at its best.

Sights of the embankment in Baku

Today, Primorsky Boulevard is located along the Caspian Sea. It starts at the maritime terminal and ends near the State Flag Square. It will take several days to explore all the sights of the boulevard in detail.

Seaside Park

Simultaneously with the construction of the boulevard, the city government gave the order to develop a park on its territory. Today the Primorsky Park has been given national status. Rare species of trees, shrubs and plants are planted here.

Exotic baobabs and cacti coexist with traditional trees.

Parachute tower

In the first half of the 20th century, a parachute tower was erected. Its height is 75 meters. The chosen shape is unusual - in the form of a drilling tower. These days, the tower has been restored and decorated with lighting.

Little Venice

Another unusual location of the park is canal system "Little Venice". Here everyone can feel like an Italian and swim through the canals on a real gondola.

Color-musical fountain

The main attraction of Primorsky Boulevard is the color and music fountain. It is located in the Seaside Park. Color music is turned on after dark every summer evening and gathers many spectators around.

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

The museum houses a collection unique in its scale, which includes 1 million carpets. The museum building is made in the shape of a rolled carpet. Among the exhibits are original carpets in the form of world maps and paintings. Visitors can see with their own eyes how weavers work. The craftswomen use handlooms and weave carpets in the traditional way. Review of the museum

Area of ​​the national flag

For Azerbaijanis, the area of ​​the state flag is of particular importance. On an area of ​​60 hectares there is a flagpole on which flies National flag countries. Its dimensions are 35 x 70 meters. The structure weighs 220 tons. On the square you can see other national symbols of Azerbaijan - a map of the country and a coat of arms, made of gilded bronze.

Old Town – Icheri Sheher

The atmosphere of ancient Baku can be felt in the old part of the city, called Icheri Sheher, which means Fortress. The buildings are surrounded by the walls of an ancient fortress. The quarter is residential and is officially considered a historical and architectural reserve. Here you can see ancient fortress– The Maiden Tower is 28 meters high.

Flame Towers

From any point on Primorsky Boulevard you can see another ancient attraction - the Flame Towers. The height of the towers is 182 meters. The name of the buildings was not chosen by chance. The shape of the towers is made in the form of flames. Their image can be seen on the city’s coat of arms.


On Primorsky Boulevard you can not only see historical and cultural sights, but also relax. Entertainment is varied. Some people will enjoy walking along the wide embankment or sitting in cozy cafes.

Article by O. Bulanova about the history of the creation of Primorsky Boulevard in Baku

According to numerous polls, the majority of Baku residents believe that the face of the city is definitely Primorsky Boulevard. This is truly the sea facade of Baku, which for almost two centuries determined the face of the capital of Azerbaijan.

History of Primorsky Boulevard, including the embankment, which was worn in different years different names, incredibly interesting. In 2009, the centenary of the boulevard was solemnly celebrated, but its history is much longer.

Conversations about the need for an embankment in Baku have been going on for a long time, various options were discussed.

According to the original version of the project, between the fortress wall that surrounded Icheri-Shekher from the sea and the buildings behind it, it was planned to lay a street of unprecedented width for that time - 18 m. On one side, the street would be limited by the fortress wall, on the other side by the rear facades of the buildings . With significant elevation changes new street would not be able to play a significant role in the city and would be architecturally inexpressive.

Therefore, in 1865, the Baku military governor and manager of the civil part, Lieutenant General Mikhail Petrovich Kolyubakin, submitted a petition for the demolition of a section of the old fortress wall that separated Icheri Sheher from sea ​​coast and “by its uselessness hindered the free movement of air.” Permission was obtained and the wall was demolished.

However, after the demolition of the wall, the need for architectural design of the embankment immediately began to be felt. Therefore, the proceeds from the sale of the stone of the demolished wall (44 thousand rubles) were “used for the construction of a pier,” newspapers of those years wrote, “and an elegant stone embankment, which was soon decorated with a number of beautiful private houses.”

Baku owes its first improvement to the architect Karl Gustavovich Gippius, who, by the way, defended the Palace of the Shirvanshahs when they tried to adapt it as a city prison. K. Gippius participated in the formation of a number of streets and in the design of the first houses on the embankment. Connoisseurs and historians are well aware of his watercolor of 1867, which depicts the embankment and the houses on it, including the governor’s house (later it housed a medical workers’ club with an attached third floor, and now the Four Seasons Hotel stands on this site).

The remarkable Azerbaijani architect Gasymbek Hajibababekov (1811-1874) took on the construction of the embankment. The ancient Maiden Tower - the symbol of Baku - then played the role of a lighthouse, and it is difficult to say whether this amazing monument would have survived to this day if not for this circumstance. G. Hajibababekov carried out significant engineering and planning work on the improvement of the embankment, was involved in its construction and issues of supplying fresh water.

In 1867, according to his design, a water fountain (also visible in the watercolor by K. Gippius) and other structures were built on the future Azneft Square, a wide sidewalk lined with trees was planned, and between the plots of private property there were alleys 13 m wide. Through them from the embankment there were views of the expressive architecture of the Baku fortress - Icheri Sheher.

After this, the embankment received the status of a boulevard, which, according to contemporaries, became a decoration of the city. It must be said that the embankment was the object of close attention of the city authorities also because the governor’s house was located on it. In 1882, it was planned to build a boulevard on the embankment, designed by the architect A. Koshkin.

But despite all the efforts, the embankment still remained not the most attractive and comfortable part of the city, because it housed numerous private piers of trading firms and shipping companies with warehouses and other buildings that cluttered and polluted the seashore so much that even the activities carried out on it the improvement was reduced to nothing.

For example, the shipping company "Caucasus and Mercury" built a pier and a number of other structures on the embankment, dividing the coastal strip into two parts: Aleksandrovskaya embankment (in honor of Emperor Alexander II) was located along Icheri-Sheher approximately from the future Azneft Square to the future Theater dolls, which, of course, did not exist then, and Petrovskaya, walking in an easterly direction further along coastline. Therefore, in 1897, a barrier was built that separated a 50 m wide area from the sea, clearly marking the boulevard as an integral architectural structure.

In 1900, the city's Garden Commission decided to build a large nursery for ornamental trees on the embankment, and from that moment on, active landscaping of the boulevard began. A detailed landscaping project, taking into account the width of the alleys and their length, types of trees, shrubs, etc., was drawn up by civil engineer (architect) Kazimir Skurevich, a Pole in the Russian service, together with the city gardener Vasiliev.

In the first years of the twentieth century. The boulevard already had a rather attractive appearance, the embankment continued to be captivated by piers and berths. The mayors began transforming the embankment into an excellent transport route, as well as into a place of recreation and a city park only in 1909, and this date is considered the official year of the “birth” of the Baku Boulevard. As the Caspian newspaper reported in issue No. 77 of 1909, “The Duma allocated 10 thousand rubles for the construction of a boulevard on the embankment.”

The talented engineer Mamed-Hasan Gadzhinsky (not to be confused with Isabek Gadzhinsky, the owner of the beautiful house to the right of the Maiden Tower) took up the noble task of improvement; The talented German architect Adolf Eichler also took part. Projects were drawn up for large pavilions on the embankment in the Art Nouveau style under the loud names "Olympia" for the cinema and the Eldorado restaurant, fountains and gazebos, as well as stairs leading to the sea.

The boulevard did not yet turn out to be very long: the plans of the organizers very quickly collided with the interests of big capital - there were few people willing to sacrifice their docks, warehouses and marinas. Therefore, at first the coastal area was landscaped, located between the pier of the Caucasus and Mercury society and the house of Seid Mirbabaev, i.e. Alexandrovskaya embankment itself. No one dared to encroach on the interests of the Caucasus and Mercury society.

Subsequently, the amount of allocations was increased to 600 thousand rubles. Baku patrons also provided material support. The city authorities announced a competition for the best project, in which about thirty specialists took part, among whom were prominent architects and civil engineers. Territories were cleared, trees and shrubs were planted, and flower beds were laid out.

In addition, a competition was announced for the design of a bathhouse with a restaurant, as well as for thirteen kiosks for various purposes. The project of the civil engineer and at the same time the city (chief) architect of Baku Nikolai Grigoryevich Bayev (1878-1949) won, and in 1914 the Alexander Bath was built. The wooden bathhouse on stilts, according to contemporaries, “attracted attention with its original architecture,” looked like a fairy-tale summer palace, on the roof of which there was a comfortable solarium with a shower. This bathhouse completely transformed the appearance of the boulevard.

By the way, this bath is not the first. Before it there was another, also called Alexandrovskaya. It was built in 1884 according to the design of the civil engineer and city architect in 1881-1886, Mikhail Dmitrievich Botov (1855-1886). The Botovskaya bathhouse was incomparably simpler in architecture, and it had fallen into disrepair over thirty years.

The Baevskaya bathhouse was demolished in the early 60s, due to the rise in water levels in the Caspian Sea and the partial reconstruction of the boulevard. Although old Baku residents still regret the lost beauty...

The embankment was a wide spatial composition; in combination with the boulevard, the greenery of numerous trees (which, by the way, were selected very thoughtfully - taking into account not only the survival rate, but also taking into account the shading they create, which modern landscape designers do not think about at all), this section of the city was very picturesque and represented the busiest part of it. It is no coincidence that contemporaries noticed that the most brilliant part of Baku is its embankment.

By the beginning of the 50s. the length of Primorsky Boulevard was already 2.7 km - from the ship repair plant. Paris Commune to the new passenger sea terminal. In the 60s, after the construction of a new seaport, the boulevard was extended to the current Azadlig Square in front of the Government House. At that time the square was named after Lenin. The author of the project was the architect M. Guseinov.

In 1966, according to the project of this architect, on Primorsky Boulevard, in the area of ​​​​Azadlig Square, an area open to the sea was created, which ended with descents to the coastline, decorated with parterre greenery, flower beds and a cascade of fountains. In 1967, M. Guseinov prepared a new project for the reconstruction of the entire Primorsky Boulevard.

Due to a significant decrease in the level of the Caspian Sea, which reached its lowest level in 1977, as a result of which a wide strip of the former seabed was exposed, work was undertaken to create a second lower terrace of the Primorsky Park, where alleys, lawns and fountains were built.

At the same time, the boulevard grew in width: due to the drop in the level of the Caspian Sea, a wide, shallow strip was formed, above which its lower terrace was erected. But it soon became clear: the sea had not retreated forever. The rise in the level of the Caspian coincided with the political and economic unrest of the 90s. The lower terrace of the boulevard - a walking overpass, as well as the boat pier and yacht club were flooded, trees began to die from the salt water, and in some places reeds even appeared. As a result of the reconstruction work, the lower terrace of the boulevard was raised by several meters.

Stretching for several kilometers, the Primorsky Boulevard has been a favorite place for many generations of Baku residents to relax, walk, and meet with friends. Its green spaces included such a wide range of flora that it was rightly called a national treasure.

Today, the Baku embankment in its former form lives only in the memory of the older generation of Baku, but the Primorsky Boulevard, updated in the spirit of modern requirements, which, by the way, received the status of a National Park in 2007, will continue to remain the pride of the residents of the capital of Azerbaijan.

- this is one of the most beautiful cities peace with ancient history and modern construction technologies. It harmoniously combines old neighborhoods and glass skyscrapers, green parks and urban business districts. The pride of the capital's residents is the Baku embankment, which is called Primorsky Boulevard. Its length is almost 20 km, and the history of the street began in the first third of the 19th century, when city authorities first began to raise the issue of improvement seashore.

Back to the past

The first real project for the construction of an embankment in Baku and financial resources for its implementation appeared in 1909. Improvement work began from modern building puppet theater to Azneft Square. Flowerbeds and squares appeared on the seashore, and the city bathhouse built there looked more like fairytale palace.
In the post-war years, Primorsky Boulevard was extended and expanded, and in the 70s a decision was made on global reconstruction due to the exposure of part of the seabed near the coast.

Walk with pleasure

It is pleasant to stroll along the Baku embankment at any time of the year. Restored and updated cafes, attractions and memorable places are of undoubted interest both for guests of the Azerbaijani capital and for its residents:

  • The musical fountain opposite Azneft Square is a landmark and a colorful show of world significance. It first started working in 2007 during festive events in honor of the city day.
  • The parachute tower is made in the shape of an oil tower and has a height of 75 meters. It is located on it electronic scoreboard, informing about time, date, air temperature and wind strength. The building was inaugurated in 1936 and was used for its intended purpose for a long time. Today the Parachute Tower is one of the memorable landmarks of the capital.
  • System of walking canals "Little Venice" – favorite place family vacation on the Baku embankment. Built in 1960, the attraction offers the opportunity to take a gondola or motorboat ride and dine at a beach restaurant.

City's legends

Business card Azerbaijani capital, the medieval Maiden Tower greets everyone who comes to the city from the sea. It was built in the 12th century in the coastal part of old Baku. The main citadel of the city fortress is now listed World Heritage UNESCO.

When coming to Baku, you should definitely visit Primorsky Boulevard. Guests of the city will find here a variety of attractive places: museums, attractions, parks, cafes, restaurants and much more. The boulevard itself is incredibly beautiful and diverse. Its central part amazes with the richness of greenery and flowers, and the steps of the coastal strip end right at the sea water.

Main attractions

In terms of its importance for the country, Primorsky Boulevard in Baku can be compared with Red Square in Moscow or St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. Unique objects of history, culture, and architecture are literally at every step here.

Color-musical fountain

Created in 2007, the color and music fountain is now considered the main attraction of Primorsky Boulevard. It is located in the Primorsky Park. Its intricate water jets, soaring into the dark southern sky to the beat of the music, attract many people every evening. There are simply no analogues to the Baku fountain in the world.

Seaside Park

Seaside Park is an example of a creative approach to arranging a green oasis within the city. It began to be created simultaneously with the boulevard - in 1909. Now it deservedly bears national status.

Dozens of tree species, countless shrubs and ornamental plants thrive in the park. From the exotic - an alley of giant cacti and blooming baobabs.

The 75-meter parachute tower in the form of a drilling tower, built in 1936, is of interest. It was recently restored and now shines invitingly with its original lighting. Another popular park attraction is Little Venice, a system of artificial water channels with real gondolas delivered from Italy.

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

The area occupies 60 hectares, and in its center there is a flagpole 162 meters high. The dimensions of the flag are 35 by 70 meters. The total weight of the structure is 220 tons.

The square also contains other state symbols - the coat of arms, anthem and map of Azerbaijan, made of gilded bronze. The State Flag Museum is also located here.

Old city

Most of the remarkable places along the embankment were built relatively recently. But there is one place where the atmosphere of the old city still lives - Icheri-shekher, in common people - the Fortress. This is the oldest residential quarter in the city, which is still surrounded by fortress walls. In the 1970s, it was recognized as a historical and architectural reserve of Baku.

The Maiden Tower is an ancient fortification of the old city, clearly visible from the embankment. The height of the tower is 28 meters.

Flame Towers

From the seaside boulevard of Baku there are beautiful views not only of the Caspian Sea, but also of the main city attractions. One of them is located near the embankment, and is visible from almost any point on it - these are the 182-meter Flame Towers. The architecture of the tallest buildings in the city follows the shape of flames, similar to those immortalized on the coat of arms of Baku.

Behind the skyscrapers you can see the main city landmark - the Baku TV Tower, 310 meters high.

Entertainment and relaxation

You can stay here all day, but it will fly by like a minute. Any person who finds himself on Primorsky Boulevard will definitely find entertainment to suit his taste. Lovers of a relaxed lifestyle walk along the wide, landscaped promenade, sit in cozy cafes and tea houses. Tourists flock to the Ferris wheel to explore the city's features from a 60-meter height.

Even at night you can spot intellectual game lovers on the boulevard - huge chess pieces standing right on the paving slabs. It has become a tradition to hold various street exhibitions. There is a train ride for children, which adults would also like to take a ride on.

Tourists who are interested in history will definitely turn to the ancient palace of the Shirvanshahs, wander through the narrow streets of the old city, and find time to look at the ancient building of the Puppet Theater. Fans of an active lifestyle will be interested in a large Water Palace And boat trips on boats. The Mugama music center awaits music lovers.

For those wishing to have fun and go shopping, a variety of entertainment centers, including the largest shopping and entertainment center in the capital, Park Boulevard.

A developed infrastructure has been created in the area of ​​the boulevard: shops, catering establishments, hotels, entertainment establishments. Travelers, like local residents, will find here everything you need for a comfortable and interesting pastime.

History of creation

Once upon a time, a wall stood near the shore of the Caspian Sea, protecting the city from enemy raids from the sea. But in 1909, the Baku City Council, after long discussions, allocated a fantastic sum of 600,000 royal rubles for the construction of a new boulevard on the coast. Philanthropists also contributed. The best architects and builders took part in the construction competition, and in the end they chose the project of G. M. Temirkelov.

The first attraction of the new boulevard was the summer bathhouse, more like a palace from a fairy tale, surrounded by luxurious flower beds and green trees.

Due to fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea, the coast was periodically flooded. Therefore, from the 1940s to the present day, the embankment has been repeatedly reconstructed and expanded. As a result, every year the Baku Boulevard became more beautiful and larger, although it lost some of the buildings, including the summer bathhouse.

Today, the coastal boulevard stretches from the maritime terminal to the State Flag Square. City planners plan to increase the length to 25 kilometers.

Panorama of the alley near Sahil station - Google Maps

How to get to Primorsky Boulevard in Baku

  • Metro to Sahil station (see map of the Baku metro).
  • By bus, routes No. 88, 120, 124, 207 to the Park Boulevard stop (see list of public transport routes)
  • By taxi. It is convenient to order a car through an application on your smartphone: Uber, Taxify, Maxim, etc.

Route from Baku Airport to Primorsky Boulevard - Google Maps

Baku Boulevard on video - YouTube