Alushta map with transport application. Bus schedule Alushta, trolleybus station - Alushta, stop "bus station"

If you measure the route from point to point between objects in a straight line, then it will already be 1252.9 km or 778.5 miles.

Fuel consumption calculator on the route Moscow - Alushta when driving by car

Since fuel consumption and cost per liter may vary depending on vehicle- you can independently adjust these parameters using the fuel consumption calculator, and get a more accurate result of the cost of the trip. Fuel costs when driving a car will be 6164.268 rubles. for 150.348 liters, provided that the average fuel consumption is approximately 10 liters per 100 km, and its price is 43 rubles per liter.

To calculate fuel on the route Moscow - Alushta, adjust its cost and consumption per 100 km

Distance (km) Fuel consumption (l/100km) Fuel costs (RUB) Fuel quantity (l)

Travel time on the route Moscow → Alushta

Having left by car from the point of departure - Moscow, you will arrive in approximately 19 hours 53 minutes. get to your destination Alushta. By train, depending on the route and the duration of the stops, the journey will take approximately 23 hours 47 minutes. If you are planning a trip by plane, then it will take 1 hour 47 minutes to the village of Alushta. This distance can be covered on foot in about 11 days. 23 hours 32 minutes If you want to travel by bike, it will take 2 days. 16 hours 4 minutes The time calculation does not take into account forced stops along the route Moscow - Alushta.

We do not recommend covering such distances on foot or by bicycle.

The approximate route time does not take into account traffic conditions and forced stops along the route, as well as natural and human factors.

  • Let's compare travel time along the Moscow - Alushta route by car with other modes of transport, as well as on foot
  • 19 hours 53 minutes
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
  • 23 hours 47 minutes
  • 11 days 23 hours 32 minutes

2 days 16 hours 4 minutes

Where is Moscow located on the map? Look at the departure point Moscow on the map. Coordinates of the center of Moscow:- 37.61763, longitude - 55.75581. To find out where Moscow is located, you should zoom out on the map. Zoom in or out using the elements shown on the map as plus and minus signs in the right corner, or expand the map to full screen and rotate the mouse wheel.

The bus station, Alushta, is one of the main transport interchanges of the city. Every year the resort is visited by thousands of tourists, dozens of flights depart from here to almost all destinations, this is one of the most popular places for relaxation on Black Sea coast. The bus station serves intercity and local transport connection. The transit position (the city is located between the South Coast and Simferopol) contributes to the development of transport infrastructure.

The Alushta bus station was built in 1962 on the site of a large ancient Muslim cemetery. Locals We are confident that the souls of Crimean residents buried on the territory of the bus station will not rest until the building is demolished. These rumors arose due to frequent accidents in this area.

Most often, collisions, sometimes fatal, occur at the main junction of the Yalta-Simferopol highway and the Alushta embankment. The exact figure is known to traffic police officers, but they are stubbornly silent about it. In the meantime, vacationers from all countries of the former CIS come here and do not know how many decades the dead have been demanding reassurance.

The bus station is unique in that in 1959 a unique trolleybus line was laid from it to Simferopol. Two years later it was extended to Yalta. Trolleybuses still stop at the bus station.


The bus station is located in the center of Alushta, at st. Simferopolskaya, 1. This location allows you to quickly get to any point of the resort.

Most minibuses go directly to the bus station. Some flights stop next to it without entering the station. They drop off and pick up passengers at a stop opposite the bus station. This mainly applies to suburban routes, for example, from Rybachy.

Important information:

  • Flight schedules must be checked with the help desk in advance. During the high season, buses run much more often than in the autumn-winter period;
  • Through bus station Alushta passes routes that follow most major cities Crimea, Russia, Ukraine.

If you urgently need to get to Simferopol, and tickets for the next flights are sold out, just go to the other side of the road. From here shuttle buses They go every 10-15.

The building and territory of the Alushta bus station are equipped with:

  • Small waiting room (capacity only 20 people);
  • Luggage storage (opening hours: 07:00 – 20:00);
  • Ticket offices;
  • Vending machines where you can buy coffee, tea, soft drinks;
  • Food kiosks;
  • Terminals and ATMs.

Main routes

The bus station in Alushta receives a large number of flights every day that connect the city with nearby villages, other resorts and some cities outside the Crimean peninsula: Krivoy Rog, Odessa, Chisinau, Anapa, including Russian ones: Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Moscow, etc.

Flights depart to any corner of Crimea, starting from Kerch and Chernomorsky and ending with Sevastopol and Armenian. Regular routes are organized on:

  • Simferopol;
  • Yalta;
  • Evpatoria;
  • Feodosia;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Dzhankoy;
  • Kerch;
  • Zander.

Most often, buses go to Simferopol, Yalta and Rybachye.

From Simferopol to Alushta

You can get from Simferopol to Alushta by buses departing from the Kurortnaya station (located next to the railway station). Travel time: about an hour. You can also use the services of minibuses that depart to Yalta or Alushta from the trolleybus stop.

The cost of tickets for minibus taxis is slightly higher, but they will deliver you to the bus station faster.

There are direct flights from Simferopol airport.

Alushta is the pearl of the South Coast Crimean peninsula. You can get there by bus or trolleybus. They regularly run from the capital of Crimea and Yalta. Because of its location, the resort is often used as a transit base before climbing the mountains or leaving for other cities on the peninsula.

On the page is a map of Alushta with streets. Resort on south coast Crimea, Ukraine. We look at a detailed map of Alushta with house numbers and streets + Yandex search. Weather today in the region.

More details about the streets of Alushta on the map

Located in the south of the peninsula, here. The city is located 30 km from Simferopol. Detailed map city ​​of Alushta in good quality shows all objects and areas, including st. Gorky and Partizanskaya.

You will find detailed information about the location of urban infrastructure in the city - shops, squares, houses, streets. Lenin and Krasnoarmeyskaya. The city streets of Alushta - Oktyabrskaya and Tourists, are also within sight.

The satellite map of Alushta from the Google service is waiting for you in its section. Here you can use the Yandex search to find the required house number on the city map in real time, and see the entire Alushta region of Crimea. Previously, the same method was carried out in the mode online search.

For a detailed view of the surrounding area, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. In front of you interactive map city ​​of Alushta and the region, move its center to find the streets - Naberezhnaya and Komsomolskaya, 15 April and Beregovaya.

Coordinates - 44.6777,34.4042

The content of the article:

Alushta: how to get there?

After the separation of Crimea from Ukraine, some of the routes that could be used to get to Alushta were blocked. But there are still many ways to get to Alushta. You can use your favorite mode of transport. You can even walk there. This option, by the way, will be one of the most interesting and picturesque. But it is only suitable for avid tourists.

The distance between the central transport interchange - Simferopol and Alushta is 48 km. So the walking option is only available to avid tourists. For everyone else, it is better to use one of the types of public transport.

Important tip : “Never use the services of taxi drivers who offer very cheap and fast transportation to Alushta. Usually their prices are 10 times higher than real ones. Sometimes more"

Getting to Alushta by plane and trolleybuses (Option 1)

When thinking about how to get to Alushta by plane, you should take into account that you will have to travel with transfers. The airport is located in Simferopol, but there are no problems getting there. A ticket to Simferopol can be purchased without problems in Moscow, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Magnitogorsk, Rostov-on-Don, Tyumen and Voronezh.

And upon arrival, right at the exit from the terminal you can see trolleybuses № 55 to Yalta and 54 to Alushta. You can board any of them, since the path to Yalta goes through Alushta. The price of a ticket to Alushta will be 66 rubles. Main, warn the driver about your destination.

international Airport Simferopol – Photo 02

You can use minibuses and get to railway station. Trolleybuses always go from there too № 51 to Alushta and №52 to Yalta. Their parking lot is located under the clock tower. You can also buy a ticket there for 55 rubles.

Trolleybus- This a budget option. Tickets are cheap, there are no amenities, especially in the summer, when you have to stand for 2 hours due to the large influx of tourists. Therefore, it is used only by those who do not mind their own nerves. The ticket price is minimal, but it is always preferable to use the services of the bus station " Resort", which is located directly opposite the trolleybus parking lot at the railway station. Also for only 106 rubles. You can go by bus directly from the airport.

Trolleybus is one of the main city modes of transport - Photo 03 Trolleybus traffic diagram on the Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta section - Photo 04

We get to Alushta by buses and minibuses (Option 2)

Again, we assume that we have already successfully reached Simferopol. In addition to the airport, there are 2 more main places where guests of Crimea come. This is the central bus station and railway station, usually the 2nd option.

There are no problems with getting to Alushta from the central bus station. From time to time there are buses from there, but much less often than from the station. Therefore, it is better to cross the road and take bus route 64 or 65. And there at the station, as already mentioned, there are 2 options, besides trolleybuses.

Railway station building in Simferopol - Photo 05 Simferopol bus station – Photo 06

First option- withstand a long period of time summer time queue at the box office and buy a ticket to Alushta for 95 rubles. Buses leave every 15 minutes, so in a maximum of 45 minutes you can leave further. If there are still empty seats on the bus, the driver, having left the station, picks up additional passengers and a little cheaper. The main thing is to agree with him in advance.

And a little to the side there are always minibuses that offer to get to Yalta and Alushta. If you contact them, they will take you across the road to the parking lot under the Lenin monument. There is always a free minibus there, which departs as soon as it is full. Their ticket costs a little more (150-200 rubles) than on the bus, but this is the fastest and most comfortable way to get to Alushta from Simferopol. Therefore, you can ignore those who offer to travel for 1000-1500 per person. It is these taxi drivers that were warned about at the beginning of the article.

Traveling by bus – Photo 07 Minibuses – Photo 08

There are no other options to get from Simferopol to Alushta other than a personal car. And for those who have not used the services of buses, trains or planes to shorten their journey to Alushta, it is worth considering several nuances of the road to Crimea using a personal car.

How to get to Alushta by private car

Since travel from the Ukrainian side is practically blocked, there is only one option left - the ferry. All buses to Simferopol and Alushta also go through it. By the way, you can only get to Alushta directly from Novorossiysk, Krasnodar or Stavropol.

Option 3: ferry and car route

Personal car - The best way for travel. There is no option that would offer greater freedom in how to get to Alushta. You can completely plan the entire route and outline a number of places along the way that you can visit. Also - no connection to the public transport schedule, with the exception of the ferry.

But in any case, from Moscow to Alushta, which is 1440 km, through Krasnodar. From Krasnodar to Alushta there will be only 450 km to travel. And the path will pass through the port of Kavkaz, Kerch and Feodosia. And then - along the South Coast or through Simferopol. The first option is faster.

But in any case, without the ferry, the Kerch Strait, even though it is only 4 km away. in length, do not swim across. The ferry goes in both directions every hour around the clock. Ticket prices for adults are 162 rubles, for young passengers under 12 years old - 81 rubles, under 6 years old - absolutely free. Transporting a car will be more expensive - 1190 - 2486 rubles. By the way, the driver and passengers are also required to buy tickets.

Ferry for cars – Photo 09
Ferry for cars – Photo 09 Traveling by ferry – Photo 10

In general, everything looks great, but there is one small nuance, or rather two. First - queue. It is always huge, so you will have to wait a lot of time on the shore of the strait. The second interesting point - weather. Strong waves or fog - the crossing does not work. So at this point you should be patient and wait. Otherwise, the road will not be particularly difficult.

New bus schedule in the direction of Alushta, Trolleybus station - Alushta, the bus station stop currently consists of 53 public transport units. You can go on the road in the morning, afternoon or evening.

If you need to get to your destination Alushta, bus station stop as quickly as possible, we recommend taking the Alushta - Simferopol bus. It departs from the Alushta bus station, Trolleybus station at 21:00. and arrives at the Alushta bus station, bus station stop at 21:30. Travel time for you will be 3 minutes.

The Alushta - Simferopol bus travels the longest. Therefore, if the duration of the movement is not particularly important to you, then come at 21:00. to Alushta station, Trolleybus station. In 3 minutes, having covered the entire distance, you will arrive at final stop Alushta, bus station stop.

All buses (including route buses) along the route Alushta, Trolleybus station - Alushta, stop "Avtovokzal" make a number of stops where you can change to another public transport. View all bus stops between settlements Alushta, Trolleybus station and Alushta, bus station stop you can on our website.

The presented schedule is fully consistent online scoreboard bus stations on the route Alushta, Trolleybus station - Alushta, bus station stop. The data obtained is current, since we regularly update all information on the site, but no one excludes the possibility of operational changes. For this reason, always check the information at the bus station help desk.