Unbelievable but true in good quality. Unbelievable but true! Strange cloud formations over Panama City Beach

Humanoid flying creature, mysterious clouds, a stone stuffed with diamonds, a boy who is unfamiliar with feelings of thirst and hunger, rain of blue balls

From ancient times to the present day, science has been the best tool of mankind in the search for explanations of surrounding events. In any case, science is not yet capable of explaining everything in the world. Here is a list of the most unusual incidents of the last decade. How do you perceive such phenomena? How n riddles solved for the time being ? Or how real miracles?

14. Humanoid flying creature seen by Chile

In 2013, a strange message was received from a man in Chile who spotted a strange flying creature between the trees in Parque Busante in Santiago. He described it as an unusual Batman / Dracula hybrid: bat wings, a beak full of blade-sharp teeth, fearsome claws, and a long, rounded tail. Was this just a figment of a young man's imagination, or actual proof that prehistoric creatures are still alive?

13. Three-year-old boy recounting eerie details of his past life

Last year, a three-year-old boy from the city of Golan Heights, on the border of Syria and Israel, claimed to remember his past life, which ended with the blow of an ax. The boy took his parents to the scene of the alleged murder. A human skeleton was indeed found there, next to which lay the murder weapon, an ax. Of course, no scientific explanation for this phenomenon was provided, it will take years, if not decades, before this secret is revealed.

12. The young man woke up on fire

Last summer, police officers in Edmonton, a city in Canada, had to investigate the most unusual case in the history of their department. A twenty-two-year-old boy woke up from pain shock due to the fact that his body was covered with tongues of flame. According to witnesses, fire came out of nowhere on his body. The victim was diagnosed with second-degree burns, and all the doctors who examined him admitted that this was the first such case in their practice, and they could not give an explanation.

11. Human shadow in a photograph from Mars

Another incredible news from Mars has recently rocked the Internet. In the photograph taken by the rover, the shadow of a person standing next to the spacecraft is clearly visible. This miracle has two explanations in the circles of fans of the worldwide conspiracy: it is either an extraterrestrial civilization exploring the same planet, or this entire expedition to Mars is just a duck launched by NATO, and in fact there was no expedition, and all the photos were taken in the same studio where the rover landed on Mars.

10. A woman with an incredible experience of 1000 near-death experiences

Few people have ever had the good fortune (or failure, depending on the point of view) to have at least one near-death experience in their lifetime. Apparently, this does not apply to forty-nine-year-old Beverly Gilmore, who has had about one thousand similar experiences over the past thirty years. In 2013, scientists and doctors were researching this phenomenon: the case was identified as one of a kind, and no explanation was found for this strange man's flirting with death.

9. Strange cloud formations over Panama City Beach

During one of the rare snow storms, strange clouds formed over the beach in Panama City Beach, outward appearance like a tidal wave. So what was it? The most incredible theories suggest the ghostly influence of aerodynamics. We can only be sure that these unusual clouds have caused a lot of noise in the world community.

8. Sounds of the apocalypse all over Costa Rica

The strange sounds that disturbed the population of Costa Rica in 2012 became something of a global phenomenon. On January 9, 2012, thousands of Costa Ricans were awakened by a strange sound coming from heaven. Some people were so scared that they turned to special services to report apocalyptic sounds of unknown origin. The government's lengthy explanations about the usual thunderous noise raised even more suspicion.

7. A twelve-year-old boy has no feelings of thirst and hunger

The mysterious state of the twelve-year-old boy London Jones, who absolutely does not feel hunger or thirst, no doctor is able to explain. A boy from Cedar Falls felt something strange when he woke up on the morning of October 14, 2013. He felt dizzy and heavy in his chest. X-rays revealed an infection in the left lung, which was easily cured.

However, after that, the boy had no physical desire to eat or drink, although he could still enjoy the taste and smell of food. As a result, London has lost a lot of weight, and his parents have to constantly remind him to eat and drink.

6. A mysterious stone full of diamonds was found in Russia

A strange large stone was dug up in Russia two months ago. It is surprising that it contains about thirty thousand solid diamonds. This reddish-green stone is insanely rare and unusual, and therefore it was donated to science to find out its composition and origin.

5. Billions of strange creatures flood the beaches of the United States

An incredible number of creatures known as Veella were nailed to the west coast over the past few months. These blue creatures began to appear off the American coast in such numbers that their number is estimated to be in the billions of organisms. No one can give an exact explanation of this phenomenon.

4. Strange glow over the Pacific Ocean

Two Russian pilots, while flying over the ocean, observed a strange but beautiful glow underwater near Kamchatka. They noticed this unusual phenomenon on the way from Hong Kong to Alaska. It all started with a bright underwater flash that gradually developed into a constant orange-red glow.

There was no storm in this region or any other phenomena that could cause this glow. Moreover, this is the first such recorded case.

3. The shores of Norway were washed with fish on New Year's Eve

In 2012, thousands of dead herrings covered the shores of northern Norway, and then disappeared in an even more strange way. Real calculations of the number of fish did not take place, because people did not even have time to start counting, as all the fish disappeared. Again, no explanation was found.

2. Rain of blue balls

Following the thunderstorm, a downpour of blue spheres, about 3 centimeters in diameter, fell on England. And after the downpour, the sky turned yellow. A local eyewitness found several spheres and reported that they had an outer shell and soft inner contents, they did not smell, were not sticky, and did not melt. What was it? We'll probably never know.

1. And in Arkansas it rains with dead birds

Inhabitants small town in Arkansas witnessed a truly eerie sight in 2012, when about five thousand blackbirds fell dead from the sky in the early hours of the new year. What's even stranger is that this is not the first time this event has been overwhelming. local residents... Exactly the year before, exactly the same thing happened.

One day you will wake up and do not recognize yourself ... You will hear what the neighbors are whispering about in bed behind the wall. You will remember every word of the article you glimpsed yesterday. You will see water dripping in the kitchen. No wonder. You have become superman! Unrealistic? Really! In the program "Inexplicable, but a fact" on the TNT channel, you could only watch it. And now you can learn all this. Myself. With this book. However ... Perhaps you are already a psychic, you just do not know about it.

A documentary book dedicated to the supernatural abilities of a person. Five main topics are revealed: extrasensory perception, magic of power and influence on people, developed human feelings, achieving immortality, healers. All chapters are connected by a logical chain of research by the author of the book and are complementary to each other.

According to the plot of the book, the author conducts a detailed study of each topic, trying to separate reality from fiction, to show that, despite the huge number of delusions, something unusual really exists.

In addition, since the author is trying to prove the reality of this or that phenomenon, he invites the reader to check it all for himself, describing a variety of training exercises and tests. This moment will allow the reader to touch the topic personally. This is probably one of the most interesting parts of the book. Moreover, most of such exercises and tests are described for the first time and opens a person's eyes to their real capabilities, which, as it turns out, are not always far from fantastic limits. The practical possibilities on most topics can also be traced in the descriptions of the experiments of the author himself, who during his life managed to try a lot of this.

The main informational emphasis is placed not on well-known facts, but on those that have not yet been used up in various kinds of television programs, including "Inexplicable, but fact", and books, that is, the events of the most recent vulgar and even occurring at the current moment.

The main feature is the description of all topics as objectively as possible. Since there is a lot of deception in this direction, most of the book describes real cases and abilities, and charlatans and their exposures take up a minimum of space, and we are only talking about them if it looks sensational. This approach allows anyone to read this book, both a believer in all miracles and a pragmatist who perceives nothing without proper evidence.


"Inexplicable but the fact":


Do you want to know who you were in a past life? Puzzling over another dream? I wonder if there is life after death? Then read the second book of Mikhail Raduga "The Riddles of a Man" based on the popular TV program "Inexplicable, but true." Sensational revelations of people who have experienced clinical death, practical advice on how to discover in yourself the ability to see through walls and memorize kilometers of texts. Be the first to know about it from the book - deciphering the mysteries of a person!

A documentary cognitive book about the mysteries of the human being and its nature. The book is devoted to several specific topics: clinical death and experiences during this process, reincarnation and the role of human will in it, brutalization of people in the wild, suicide riddles and the practical development of prophetic dreams.

A separate chapter is devoted to each topic, but they are all closely intertwined with each other and make up the overall picture. The author aims not only to tell in the most curious and new way about the known phenomena, but also to create from them general description man, as a multi-structured being, where every detail can respond to another, it seemed completely unrelated.

The paramount importance in the book about the riddles of man is given to the knowledge and information that will be useful to the reader regarding himself. This is a lot of applied practical information. These are tests that allow a person to see from the outside who he is and assess his opportunities and dangers.

Since many of the questions described in the book, one way or another, have already been voiced more than once by other authors and the media, the author approached them from the newest and most interesting side, citing many new and little-known facts that sometimes draw completely different conclusions. what is commonly believed.

Another feature of the book for the TV show "Inexplicable, but a fact" is an extremely pragmatic and, at the same time, not at all skeptical approach to the description of most controversial phenomena. After reading the book, a person will not receive any unconfirmed knowledge. He will not be instilled in any stupidity, and at the same time he will have the entire spectrum of related knowledge that allows him to draw the most objective conclusions himself. To achieve this, the author replaces the widespread fantastic absurdities with no less surprising and more proven facts. However, there is no strong pressure on a person's views, which allows both skeptic and occultist to read the book with interest.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Unknown nature

Ask in the nearest stores (MAP OF BOOKS)!

According to the author, there is nothing more mysterious and mysterious than the phenomena that we meet in everyday life. Our world, in its key properties, represents the most important mystery for the human mind and modern civilization.

Mikhail Raduga, the founder of the Out-of-Body Travel Center, is making an attempt to understand natural phenomena that have aroused the constant interest of mankind for decades:

- the secrets of the unique place on the planet Earth - Lake Baikal;
- riddles of water and a story about its true capabilities;
- "endless" end of the world - why it never comes;
- ominous black places in all corners of the world;
- new alternative energy sources based on natural resources.

The book, created for the TV program "Inexplicable, but Fact," provides fascinating and little-known facts about the unknown nature of planet Earth. The author examines the phenomena from all sides, taking into account the latest relevant research in this area.

Practical assignments complement the theory. You will be able to predict when to wait for the end of the world and how to prepare for it in order to survive in the most disastrous conditions. You will learn where on Earth there are black places and how they can be identified in order to avoid a tragic encounter with them. You will learn how to program water, which is real even from the point of view of the most rational and scientific views on life and its properties.

Perhaps this and much more will make you even closer to a perfect and developed person who realizes his role and place in the world around him.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Ask in the nearest stores (MAP OF BOOKS)!

What is a UFO and where to look for it? Why are we ourselves aliens? Why is the Criminal Code involved in the story with the humanoid Alyoshenka? What is a soul and how to communicate with spirits? Who invented Satan and what is the mystery of the numbers 13 and 666? Where to look for the lost and Parallel Worlds? When will the Matrix be created? The reader will find answers to all these questions in the new book from the series "Inexplicable, but true." As well as the facts of the existence of a different mind on the Moon and Mars, the most haunted places, a real way to see the deceased and much, much more based on the latest discoveries and research of the author.

A documentary book describing the author's research on such issues of the unknown as extraterrestrial intelligence, ghosts and spiritualism. The peculiarity of the book lies in several basic principles: exclusively the newest facts or poorly known details of hackneyed stories, an absolutely sober and rational approach, innovation in relation to many theories and views on them.

In the first half of the book, in its first two chapters, the greatest bias is made towards issues related in one way or another to extraterrestrial intelligence. These are all known and there is no theory to explain the phenomenon. This is a mass of little-known and studied facts on this issue. These are new ideas and assumptions. A separate conversation is about the concept of "Kyshtym humanoid", in which the author found the answer to all questions, using only testable and logically justified inferences and research methods.

In the second half of the book, the focus is on researching cases and theories regarding otherworldly beings: ghosts, ghosts, brownies, poltergeists, and many others. The author relies only on the most proven and sober theories and facts, based on his ideas, which he directly expounds in the book.

The nature of the content and description of the book is designed so that any person, both mystic and pragmatist, can be interested in it. The point is in one main factor: the author approaches very critically to facts and theories, passing them through the prism of a scientific and rational view, which allows you to weed out all nonsense, but leave those rare pearls that are true and real confirmation of the existence of supernatural phenomena that are not subject to easy and unambiguous explanations.

It is especially worth noting that the entire book is far from being a source of endless information cut off from a human being. Quite the opposite, in many moments it contains practical information... Not only does a person get into the essence of the issues under consideration as much as possible and feel his involvement in them, many tests are offered to his attention, which always open a person's eyes to his real capabilities and characteristics, which cannot but be interesting.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Ask in the nearest stores (MAP OF BOOKS)!

The familiar world around us carries in its usual manifestations much more surprising and truly unknown than it seems to us. It is enough only to take a closer look at the essence and collect the most incredible, but completely real information, which is what the author of the book did in the wake of the unique program “Inexplicable, but true”.

In this book, the researcher of the unknown Mikhail Raduga concentrated his attention on such natural, social and surrounding phenomena as the end of the world, black places on Earth, the mysteries of water, the supernatural secrets of Lake Baikal and new sources of energy. The reader, in addition to cognitive information, will find a number of practical knowledge and pass many tests that determine his personal attitude to a particular issue.

An informative documentary book dedicated to the most common and close to nature phenomena of an unknown and extremely curious nature. In working on it, the author was guided exclusively by sober and reasonable approaches, facts and theories, which ultimately gave a completely balanced result, not containing utter nonsense, but also not related to complete nihilism in relation to inexplicable phenomena. In addition, the book is built on the principle that the information described in it necessarily carries new information that has been described in few places and has not yet managed to enter the archives of the unknown.

The chapters of the book, which is the fifth continuation of the series about the inexplicable, written for the transmission "Inexplicable, but a fact", are devoted to the widest range of general natural phenomena that can have a universal and universal scale. Moreover, the story begins with the burning issue that has worried mankind for more than one thousand years - the end of the world. In this context, many cases and specific dates are described when this catastrophic event was expected in the past and is still expected in the future. Attention is also paid to general terrestrial problems, often of an ecological, cosmic or social nature, which can lead to the most real end of the world without any mystical and phantasmagoric views, but only from the point of view of common sense.

In addition, issues are considered lost places in nature, their explanations, types and places of localization. No less attention is paid to the energy problem that is so exciting for the whole world in the new millennium, which is increasingly becoming an edge for many states. In this context, a lot of ideas, sometimes crazy in nature, were considered for the implementation of new sources, which no one even suspected.

However, the main focus of the book is on water. This point is considered in two chapters at once: about water in a general sense and about the amazing Lake Baikal, its secrets, properties and fantastic riddles. As for the chapter on water, it focuses on its role in the world and in human civilization. Described are both fantastic and completely descriptive and known to science information, the knowledge of only one of which by an ignorant person can cause him extreme surprise.

The ideology of the book rests on the plausibility of the data it contains, which excludes misleading the reader. It is densely saturated with the most diverse and sometimes incredible practical information that a person can use in his daily life. It also has a lot of tests that give each reader the opportunity to assess their role in relation to the issues that are being considered.

Live bridges, lips growing in forests and flying ferrets. Does this happen? Unbelievable but true.

Growing lips

There is no other such plant. Nature's Kiss is one of a kind, and nowhere else in the flower world is anything like it. This is psychotria sublime (Psychotria Elata) - a flower in the form of scarlet lips.
The glossy red leaves are the perfect attraction for the plant's main pollinators, butterflies and hummingbirds, which drink nectar and transfer pollen from flower to flower. "Lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now under threat of extinction due to deforestation.

Living leaf

Either a leaf, or a twig. It is actually a fantastic flat-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage coloring, geckos sway a little, resembling a leaf swaying in the wind. In a terrarium where there is no wind, it looks more than funny.
These unique reptiles living in the forests of Madagascar are unmatched in their ability to mimic fallen leaves. Unrivaled camouflage masters!

Painted mountains

The Danxia landscape (in Chinese "pink clouds") in China is called a unique type of earth's surface, which is characterized by red sandstones and steep cliffs created by nature. The colorful mountains in China were formed from red sandstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous period (a period from about 120 million years ago to about 65 million years ago). They contain many dinosaur fossils and plant remains from that period.

Underground caves of Cappadocia

The ancients underground caves Cappadocia in the territory of modern Turkey was once inhabited. The steep slopes carved into the soft tuff of the room made up a whole disguised, secret underground world.
Derinkuyu (tur. Derinkuyu - "deep well") is an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring town of Kaymakli, it is one of the best examples of underground residential buildings. The city was built in the II-I millennium BC. e, discovered in 1963 and two years later open to tourists. Here people for centuries hid from the raids of nomads, religious persecution and other dangers. Reaching a depth of about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people along with food and livestock. Scientists believe that only 10-15% of the entire territory of the city has been explored.
There were all the necessary amenities here: living quarters, ventilation shafts and wells, barns and stables, kitchens and canteens, bakeries, presses for pressing oil and grapes, barns and wine cellars, churches and chapels, as well as workshops where everything needed was made. There is information that in underground city there was even a cemetery.

Butterflies 88 and 895.

Kallikors are unusual butterflies found in Central and South America. Their wings are adorned with numbers 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The natives consider meeting her a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bike

This mysterious tree-embedded bicycle is located on Vashon Island in Washington state. They say that in 1914 the young boy went to war, leaving his "two-wheeled friend" chained to a tree trunk. But this guy never returned from the First World War, and the tree had no choice but to grow with the bike. Decades have passed, and living and nonliving have grown together.
But skeptics of a beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the state of the bicycle with the climate of Vashon Island and say that in a hundred years only hardly recognizable pieces of rusty metal would remain in the tree ...

"Living Bridges"

In the area of ​​the town of Cherrapunji in the north-east of India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainiest place on Earth, bridges grow from the roots of rubbery ficus. The "construction" process lasts 10-15 years. Living bridges can be up to 30 meters long and can support the weight of more than 50 people.

Weasel flying on a woodpecker

In one of the British parks, the photographer managed to capture an amazing scene: a woodpecker flying with a caress on its back. And while it looked funny, it was really about the woodpecker's survival. Weasels feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker had not found an opportunity to throw the predator off his back, he would have gnawed his throat.
The bird landed about 20 meters from the observers. Freed from the dangerous burden, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of a tree.

Snow pipes

These smoking pipes form in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In the arctic regions, steam escaping from the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around the volcanic hole. Looks very fabulous.

A snake is not a snake

It's a caterpillar. But at the moment of the threat, she turns into a snake, skillfully imitating her appearance and movements, pulling her legs in and inflating her head. Grasping the tree with its hind legs, it lifts the front part of the body and bends like a poisonous snake preparing to throw. The triangular head, ferocious eyes and shiny scales all create a rather menacing appearance that often scares off potential enemies. Who will contact such a "predator"?

Goats on the tree

What you see in these photos may seem like photoshopped, but there are indeed goats in Morocco that can climb trees. There are few pastures in this country, and hungry animals have to “graze” on trees called Argan.

Our world is full of wonders. They surround any of us from the first minutes of our birth. If you think more deeply, then the very fact of our life with you is already an incredible and supreme miracle. Scientists have calculated that the birth of a person into the world is one chance in a billion billion that has fallen to the lot of people who have ever lived, live and have not yet been born into this world. But if the appearance of a person into the world has long been explained biologically, then Bigfoot, UFOs, brownies, crop circles, Chupacabra, Nessie, Bermuda Triangle- these are unexplained facts to this day! Let's talk about them.

Location 10. Crop Circles

Crop circles are geometrically correct circles with diameters from 1 to several tens of meters. but the fact! As a rule, they are formed by ears growing in the fields, involuntarily laid on the ground in one single direction. It should be especially noted that the ears do not break, but simply nestle, continuing their natural growth. Crop circles are a massive phenomenon, usually there are from 3 to 70 of them within one area of ​​the field.

The incredible stories of farmers associated with the appearance of crop circles, as well as various observations, more than once forced ufologists to doubt the natural origin of this phenomenon. After all, not a single person, with all his diligence and desire, can lay the ears so accurately and not damage their stems. Of course, crop circles are a mysterious and still inexplicable phenomenon of either Mother Nature or outside forces.

Scientists-ufologists put forward several versions that somehow explain these inexplicable facts. Some say that this is the result of an overdose of fertilizers or a peculiar effect of a fungal infection on them. Others speculate that crop circles are caused by the influence of air vortices on field vegetation. Some farmers generally say that these are traces of mating games organized by field hedgehogs and badgers.

At present, the military is also involved in this problem. They are considering a field-test version of some new type of secret weapon. In general, the phenomenon of crop circles is still a mystery to humanity. It is worth noting that in 1980, a record was set for the number of laps on the field: more than 500 laps were recorded in the UK then!

Location 9. Bermuda Triangle

Once upon a time, a Spanish navigator by the name of Bermudez discovered islands in the Atlantic, surrounded on all sides by reefs and shoals that pose a danger to ships. He was lucky: he passed them safely, calling them the Devil's Isles. Later they were named Bermuda. Nowadays, this place has a notoriety: it is a dangerous area for navigation and air travel. And its borders have expanded significantly.

Currently dangerous area the whole area located in Atlantic Ocean between these very islands: Puerto Rico, the Florida Peninsula and Bermuda. This zone also got its name - the Bermuda Triangle. It is here that those associated with the disappearance of ships, planes and people take place. It is noticed that it is in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle that the conditions of sea and air navigation bring significant difficulties to people.

Again, this place found its sad fame because of the planes, ships and inexplicable loss of life. For example, in December 1945, a whole squadron of US Air Force patrol aircraft got into this zone at one time. The commander of this flight only managed to transmit the following by radio: “All the instruments on board have failed! Our planes are off course! God, the ocean looks strange! " After that, communication with the crews of all these aircraft was cut off.

The investigation did not clarify anything at all. The Bermuda Triangle has remained the eternal mystery of mankind. In the future, more and more cases of the disappearance of ships and aircraft that fell into the zone of the mysterious triangle occurred. In the second half of the 20th century, they began to seriously study this natural phenomenon. The inexplicable things happening in the Atlantic between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico are forcing scientists to come up with new hypotheses.

However, there is still a sign of mystery in this place. And this is connected either with a lack of facts, or with a deliberate distortion of certain evidence. Be that as it may, but scientists do not exclude manifestations in this zone of still unexplored natural anomalies. Some experts believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a giant pathogenic and uncomfortable zone in which hurricanes originate, as well as unusual atmospheric phenomena that generate electrical interactions between water and air.

Place 8. The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids

The pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs who once ascended the throne. The richer and more powerful the ruler was, the more magnificent his tomb was. The inexplicable facts of history are primarily associated with the mysterious construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. According to historians, their construction lasted from 2700 to 1800 BC. But this is not the mystery at all! Scientists say that ordinary mortals in those days could not have erected such serious and practical structures.

The total weight of the stone blocks specially processed for the pyramid and laid in it was calculated. This weight is 6.5 million tons! While some scientists believe that the construction of one such tomb took 20 years with the participation of 100,000 people, others refuse to believe it at all. According to the second, even such a huge army of builders would not be able to cope with such a task in two decades without special equipment.

Scientists-skeptics assure that such a task would be overwhelming for them, saying that all this is simply incredible facts. In addition, it is assumed that the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids was not carried out all year round, but only in those intervals when the Nile River flooded, suspending the work of construction people associated with agriculture... Many hypotheses have been put forward today, but none of them stand up to criticism and testing of strength.

Location 7. Bigfoot

Many incredible stories, exciting the imagination of the inhabitants, are associated with their meetings with the so-called Yeti, or Bigfoot. This is by far one of the most amazing mysteries of cryptozoology - the science of unusual animals and humans ever seen on our planet. At present, a great many different testimonies have been collected about the meetings of people with these huge and shaggy humanoid creatures.

Collected many and indirect evidence of the existence of the Yeti, all kinds of prints allegedly of his paws on snow and soft ground. Some witnesses generally brought pieces of wool, allegedly torn from Bigfoot. Scientists have already created a whole base based on the classification of certain evidence (not evidence!) Of the existence of Bigfoot. Many of them are so picturesque that scientists practically have no doubts about their authenticity.

But, oddly enough, the more reports of meetings with the Yeti appear, the more and more scientists have doubts about its existence: some seemingly inexplicable materials of the meeting with the Yeti are, it turns out, fakes! The casts of the footprints of these creatures turn out to be artificial, and photo and video filming is made by means of editing and special effects. Even pieces of wool allegedly belonging to the Yeti, after appropriate laboratory tests and analyzes, are recognized as gross forgeries. Therefore, the sensation has not happened yet.

Location 6. Nessie

"Unbelievable but true!" - this is what cryptozoologists say about the legend associated with the existence in one of the Scottish lakes of a certain monster from prehistoric times. This lake is called Loch Ness, and it is located in the northwest of Scotland among many mountain ranges. arose about 300,000,000 years ago. His maximum depth- 300 meters. According to the urban legend, a strange creature of enormous size settled in its depths. Scientists have christened this monster with a very cute name - Nessie.

This problem was taken care of not only by cryptozoologists, but also by paleontologists, because the Loch Ness monster is not a monster from fairy tales, but just a plesiosaur, which miraculously survived to our times. Reports of meetings with Nessie accumulated with great speed: someone watched the monster ashore, someone saw its head sticking out of the water along with its neck. There are also eyewitnesses who allegedly saw Nessie with a whole brood of cubs. The Loch Ness mystery has attracted and continues to attract tourists from all over the world.

Inexplicable cases of meeting people with Nessie and today stir up the professional interest of scientists in this. legendary lake... Until now, paleontologists and cryptozoologists come there, they take samples of soil and water, trying to catch at least some kind of relationship with Nessie. Currently, scientific expeditions are conducting serious research, capturing the underwater world of the lake on video cameras and using sonars. Video filming, made in one day, showed only a water column with undefined moving objects, which in most cases turn out to be

For the sake of fairness, we note that sometimes objects that vaguely resemble flippers attached to some kind of huge carcass fall into the lens of video cameras. On the shore, from time to time, one can see traces similar to those that a massive animal, leaning on flippers, can leave behind. The surface of the lake is monitored around the clock, data are checked, and reports are compiled. But all this cannot be called irrefutable facts, so the mystery of Loch Ness has not yet been solved.

Location 5. Chupacabra

The inhabitants of our planet are not limited only to Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. A striking example of this is the Chupacabra. The first part of this word is translated as "suck", and the second - "goat", literally - "goat vampire". There are already legends about this mysterious animal all over the world: this creature kills domestic animals (sheep and goats), sucking blood out of them.

Currently, the Chupacabra has become the heroine of books, various feature films, TV series and cartoons. Outwardly, this animal resembles either a dog or a jackal. Often, evidence proving the existence of the Chupacabra turns out to be photographs of any mutated animals: wolves, foxes, dogs. There is currently no reliable information about the existence of this inexplicable animal.

Location 4. Unclean power

Not all of us, of course, have come across this, but we have all heard more than once that sometimes some inexplicable things can happen in the house: spoons fall from tables, dishes are broken, even standing on the table, some sounds are heard, etc. .d. It is generally accepted that all this is the tricks of the brownie. Of course, no one really knows what he looks like, but his image has become firmly established in Russian folklore, which made him such a sweet and charming "old man."

From the point of view of scientists, a brownie is a paranormal phenomenon concentrated in an invisible bundle of energy. Parapsychologists are sure that the brownie is a thinking creature who can read the thoughts of the owners of the house in which it lives. One of the phenomena of the brownie is the unexplained cases of his meetings with young children. Psychics say that in a house where there are children, this clot of energy can take the form of a large toy. Children often see him, but cannot explain anything to adults.

Place 3. Dreams and dreams

Inexplicable riddles lie not only in nature, but also in the consciousness of the person himself. These are, for example, our dreams. In the old days, a person believed that his soul at night embarks on some kind of journey through the outside world. There she allegedly receives either a divine revelation or a corresponding warning of danger. Today such dreams are called prophetic, or prophetic. Scientists still cannot explain this nature of dreams. Most likely, our brain is very well developed intuitively, which allows it to "draw" warning dreams in our minds.

Often, dreams have some kind of chaotic nature: a person who wakes up after that remembers only a certain episode or an excerpt from what he dreamed. In this regard, there is an inexplicable, but rather frequent phenomenon: often in a short moment between sleep and reality, we, not realizing what is happening, attract some phantasmagoric image to everyday problems, and vice versa. As a result, we get a real "vinaigrette" from reality and illusion.

Location 2. UFOs and aliens

Many unexplained facts of the world are not (and never will be) as popular as UFOs, or unidentified flying objects. Someone jokingly remarked: "While scientists around the world are tracing the evolutionary development of organisms, studying meteorites and taking samples of lunar soil, ordinary people habitually observe UFOs." On the one hand, objects of extraterrestrial origin are fables, but on the other, where do their photographs come from, published on the pages of magazines, newspapers and on the Internet?

According to the concept outlined in the popular television series: “NASA. Inexplicable materials ", over the past decades, world researchers together with ufologists have done a tremendous job: they compiled a catalog of possible representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. This allowed them to divide all space aliens into two groups:

  • humanoids,
  • non-humanoids.

What is the difference between them? As the name suggests, representatives of the first group are similar to an earthly person. They are considered anthropomorphic and their height ranges from 0.7 to 3.5 meters. Parts of the body do not always have a proportional shape: the head is large, the limbs are thin and long. They can be dressed in both casual and strange clothes and have a habit of imitating the person they like in everything.

According to the data presented in the same series “NASA. Unexplained materials ”, the researchers include all other extraterrestrial beings as representatives of the second group. These aliens can have completely different appearances, and their bodies can take any shape. These creatures were the favorite characters of many famous Hollywood directors who shot such blockbusters as "Alien", "Critters", etc.

Incredible facts about UFOs and aliens constantly excite the minds of not only ufologists, but also the inhabitants of the entire planet Earth. After all, it may turn out that our "neighbors" in the galaxy, and possibly throughout the entire Universe, fly to us! But is it worth blindly believing the numerous eyewitness accounts, more than half of which are empty forgeries? We will probably disappoint you, but so far earth scientists do not have reliable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials.

Place 1. Life after death

The afterlife, or the life of the soul after the death of a person, is a philosophical and religious view of the continuing conscious life of people after their death. Unexplained facts and related situations are today, perhaps, the most important theme of the spiritual life of a person. In principle, people from century to century were interested to know what will happen after their physical death.

Currently, this aspect of the spiritual being of a person is strictly prescribed in each of the existing religions. The curiosity associated with the afterlife never ceases to thrill our minds and tickle our nerves. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all ideas about a new life are conditioned by a person's belief in immortality and reincarnation (transmigration) of his soul, in resurrection from the dead, in posthumous retribution. It is these inexplicable facts that are reflected in religious and philosophical-religious worldviews.

The phenomenon of clinical death, well-known to all of us, is also closely related to it. Scientists and doctors pay special attention to it. Many people who have experienced so-called clinical death talk about certain visions that have visited them at that moment. Here's what's important: they all have a spot of light ahead and a feeling of flying / falling towards it. The question of the nature of the origin of such near-death visions is still the subject of scientific disputes and discussions among scientists. It is believed that all these are processes that occur at the time of clinical death directly in our brain. However, even this today is just a hypothesis.