Nord Wind Airlines Boeing 777 200. Nordwind Airlines

If you are planning a long trip and have already chosen a route, the next step you should take is to decide on the model of aircraft on which you will fly. This is not easy for an inexperienced tourist, so in this article we offer an overview of the Boeing 777 200 aircraft model with a cabin layout, which will make it easier for you to decide what to look for when you travel.

The Boeing 777 200 entered production and made its first flight in 1994. Since then, it has been actively used by leading airlines for long-haul and intercontinental flights. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is the first aircraft that was completely designed using computer graphics. In 1997 he set a real record in passenger aviation- done trip around the world over a distance of over 37 thousand km with the longest landing of only 2 hours! And in 2003, an unprecedented incident occurred that proved the high safety of this transport - after the failure of one of the two jet engines it flew for another 177 minutes, allowing the crew to successfully land and save hundreds of passengers.

Based on numerous reviews from passengers who flew on the Boeing 777 200, its main advantages can be identified:

  • soft takeoff and landing;
  • low noise level - the engines are practically inaudible even in the tail section;
  • the cabin is equipped with a modern video system with high-quality screens mounted in the backs of the seats;
  • in Boeing 777 200, the backrests of business class seats are characterized by increased comfort and ergonomics;
  • the backs of the chairs recline to an almost horizontal position, they are equipped with special powerful reading lamps, as well as lumbar supports and massage systems;
  • Convenient folding shelves for hand luggage.

Depending on the configuration of the Boeing 777 200, its capacity ranges from 306 to 550 seats. The most commonly used are Airbuses that accommodate 306 and 323 passengers, divided into 3 or 4 classes of service (in addition to the standard three, the Imperial class is sometimes introduced). At the same time, the interior is so spacious that it allows you to feel comfortable even when completely full.

Boeing 777 200 aircraft diagram

The Boeing 777 200, like others, has “ best places", there is a standard, but there are also those whose flight may cause some inconvenience. In order to decide what is right for you, you should familiarize yourself with the Boeing 777 200 seat map and their features.

For example, let's take the standard Boeing 777 200 layout with 323 seats, without imperial class.

  • Rows 11-26 – seats with an increased level of comfort. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the first and last rows may create some inconvenience. For example, tall people may find it difficult to place their legs in the first row due to the partition, and in the last row, for the same reason, it may be difficult to fully recline the backrest. Also, some passengers may be confused by the proximity of toilets, near which queues may accumulate. For the same reasons, rows No. 30, 50, 51, 64 should be avoided;
  • seats C and G of row 52 will appeal to those who like to stretch their legs on a long-distance flight - there are no seats in front of them.

In the diagram presented, unfilled squares indicate standard seats, red ones indicate clearly uncomfortable seats, and yellow ones indicate those for which passengers have comments. The best places are marked in green.

Please also note that seat and aisle widths vary from class to class. For example, the width between the rows in the premium class is 125 cm, and the economy class is only 21 cm.

Other Boeing models with interior diagrams:

Airlines operating the Boeing 777-200

The wide-body long-haul passenger aircraft is operated by many global air carriers.

The most famous operating companies:

  1. Russian airline Nordwind AirlinesNorth wind") - in the aviation fleet there are 6 Boeing modifications 777-200ER.
  2. IrAero, a Russian carrier based in Irkutsk, operates 3 basic version aircraft on its routes.
  3. In the fleet of the flag carrier of Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Airlines 2 Boeing passenger 777-200LR.
  4. Singapore's national airline, Singapore Airlines, operates 8 aircraft of this model.
  5. Flag carrier " International airlines Ukraine" has 3 modern airliners in its aviation fleet - Boeing 777-200ER.

An aircraft of this model is also in service Air airlines Canada, Air China, Air France, Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Korean Air, British Airways, etc.

Despite the release of new modernized Boeing 777 models, the 777-200 version of various modifications remains in demand among many air carriers around the world. Serial production of the passenger model continues.

In nineteen ninety-four, the American holding made a real breakthrough in the field of aircraft construction, introducing the two hundredth series of the Boeing 777. Main feature This new product was due to the fact that exclusively computer graphics were used in its development. This aircraft model has received well-deserved worldwide recognition. Despite the fact that more than twenty years have passed since the creation of the airliner, these aircraft are still used by large transport companies. In our article, we propose to consider the question of what the layout of the Boeing 777-200 cabin looks like.

The Boeing 777-200 aircraft is designed specifically for long flights

Model features

The release of the two hundredth model of the seven hundred and seventy-seventh Boeing greatly influenced the further development of the aviation sector. It was from this moment that many construction companies aircraft

, abandoned manual drawings in favor of modern technologies. The basic model of this airliner was used as a prototype for creating new modifications. On its basis, the “ER” series aircraft was created, designed to serve long-distance flights. In addition, the “LR” model was created, used at ultra-long distances.

It is important to note that domestic transport companies do not use the latest modification on their flights. The length of this airliner is about sixty-four meters, with a wingspan of sixty meters. One of the features of this aircraft is its high cruising speed , which is nine hundred five kilometers per hour. This aircraft is capable of covering a distance of fourteen thousand kilometers.

  1. It should be noted that the shipbuilding company supplied the market with several versions of this liner, differing in the type of cabin layout:
  2. An aircraft with a single economy comfort class, designed for four hundred and forty passengers.
  3. An airliner, the cabin of which is divided into a business class and an economy compartment, with a total capacity of four hundred passengers.

An aircraft with three comfort classes and three hundred and six seats. Quite interesting is the fact that the width of the cabin is only six meters. The seats in the economy compartment are installed according to the “three-four-three” pattern. The first class compartment uses a three-three-three formation. Business class is considered more comfortable, since the seats in this zone are set according to the “two-three-two” pattern. The places located from the thirty-ninth to forty-second lines of the standard modification deserve special attention. When installing seats in this part of the aircraft, a “two-four-two” scheme was used. The last line has only four passenger seats.

If you intend to travel on this aircraft, it is recommended that you carefully study the seating layout.

People wishing to get window seats are advised to choose seats marked "A" and "L". However, before making the final choice, it is necessary to carefully study all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular location.

Basic modification of the airliner Standard models of the seven hundred and seventy-seventh Boeing are used by the domestic company North Wind. Air Park this organization includes two units of this modification. The base model's interior is divided into two separate comfort classes. Business class has only six rows of seats arranged in a two-two-two configuration. Distinctive feature This scheme is to move the last row away from the partition dividing the salon. This means that even those passengers who choose a seat in the last row will be able to fully recline their seat in order to create comfortable conditions

for the flight.

Boeing version 777-200LR holds the record for longest non-stop flight The economical part of the cabin starts from the fifth line. Considering questions about what a Boeing 777-200 Nord Wind looks like, the cabin layout and seating layout, it is necessary to note one interesting fact . This aircraft does not have a row of seats number thirteen. Its absence is explained by the superstitions of engineers. It should also be noted that there are no seats from the fifteenth to nineteenth and from the fortieth to the forty-fourth lines. These places were used to organize utility rooms. In the economy zone, the distance between the rows of seats is only seventy-four centimeters.

The fifth line has only four seats, located in the central block. The main disadvantage of these places is the distance from the windows. The standard seat installation scheme was used by engineers only starting from the sixth line. This means that travelers who choose the fifth row are forced to look at the partition during the entire flight. The fourteenth, thirty-ninth and fifty-eighth rows deserve special attention, behind which there are technical rooms and evacuation hatches. This means that chairs installed in this area do not have a mechanism to change the position of the backrest.

The seats in the twentieth row are installed according to the scheme that was used to create the fifth row. One of the main disadvantages of the twentieth row is the increased noise level in this part of the cabin, which is explained by its proximity to the restroom. It should also be noted that in this part of the cabin there is quite limited space for movement. The only advantage of these seats is the double chairs. The seats in the twenty-first row, marked with the letters “H” and “C,” have similar shortcomings. However, these disadvantages are compensated by the ability to stretch your legs and take a comfortable position.

The seats installed from the twentieth to the thirty-ninth line have the disadvantage of the absence of portholes in certain parts of this area. Those travelers who prefer window seats are advised to coordinate this issue in advance with representatives of the carrier service. Many experts note the convenience of the tail section. Particular attention should be paid to the forty-fifth line, located behind the emergency exits. The main disadvantage of these places is the proximity to the toilets, which makes this area one of the noisiest parts of the ship. Those tourists who are concerned about the issue of comfortable movement are advised to pay attention to the fifty-four line, where the seats are installed in a “two-four-two” pattern. The seats in the last line are considered the most uncomfortable, as shaking is felt more strongly here.

Boeing 777-200 "ER"

Aeroflot uses a different modification of this aircraft, called “ER”. Considering the question of what a Boeing 777-200 looks like, the Aeroflot cabin layout, it should be mentioned that in this case the cabin layout differs from the standard modification.

  1. The cabin of this aircraft is divided into three separate areas:
  2. Business Class.
  3. Improved layout.

There are many configurations of this aircraft, depending on the seating arrangement it can accommodate from three hundred to five hundred and fifty passengers

Business class consists of two lines of seats, where the seats are installed in a “two-three-two” format. These places have no pronounced disadvantages, which allows tourists to travel with maximum comfort.

Seats from the third to sixth rows belong to the class with an improved layout. It should be noted here that in the sixth line, when installing seats, the “two-three-two” scheme was used. Those travelers wishing to take window seats are advised to book seats marked "A" and "L". This row has the same disadvantages and advantages as other seats located after the screen separating the salons.

The economy compartment originates in the tenth row. In front of this row there is a kitchen and sanitary blocks. This aspect must be taken into account when choosing seat. The main advantage of the tenth line is the availability of free space in front of the chair. However, this advantage is offset by the increased noise level. Before choosing seats located from the twelfth to twenty-seventh lines, it is recommended to contact the airline staff and find out about the availability of windows in a particular area.

Experienced travelers do not recommend choosing seats in the twenty-ninth and forty-third rows. This recommendation is explained by the lack of a swivel mechanism in the chairs. According to experts, the removal of the rotating mechanism is due to the close proximity of the seats and partitions separating the technical block. The thirtieth line is located after the evacuation hatches, next to the sanitary room. In this part of the cabin the noise level is significantly higher compared to other lines. In addition, shaking is felt more strongly in the rear of the aircraft.

Married couples are recommended to choose seats in the forty-first or forty-second line, where the “two-three-two” pattern was used when installing seats. Their only drawback is their proximity to the toilet. In addition, the back of these seats does not recline completely.

When booking air tickets and choosing a seat on an aircraft, there are many different factors to consider.

Those travelers who wish to relax during the flight are advised not to choose seats located next to the sanitary and technical blocks. Armchairs located in the rear section have the disadvantage of not being able to recline the backrest. This choice can cause severe discomfort during long flights.

The Boeing 777-200 made its first flight in June 1994, and its commercial operation began in May 1995.

Conclusion In this article, we examined the question of what a Boeing 777-200 looks like, the cabin layout, and the best seats. For those tourists who are going on their first air travel on on this liner

, it is recommended to consult with airline representatives about the features of the chosen seat. Many tourists print out a map of the plane in advance so that they can select one of several selected seats during check-in. This approach allows you to get only pleasant impressions from the flight. Nordwind Airlines' fleet includes three Boeing 777-200 aircraft. Side numbers aircraft data: VP-BJB, VQ-BUD and VP-BJF. The planes are far from new and have flown for several airlines. These include companies from Asian countries

  • - China and Vietnam:
  • The VP-BJB made its first flight in January 1998. Between 1998 and 2013 it was operated by China Southern Airlines.
  • The VQ-BUD aircraft made its first flight in September 1998. It was operated at different times by Aeroflot - Russian Airlines and Vietnam Airlines. Nord Wind came into use in May 2014.

The aircraft's cabin has a two-class layout (business and economy classes). Capacity is 393 people. This is 70 more people than the same company Transaero will intervene in (323 people in total). There are two explanations for this. Firstly, the Nord Winda plane has a very small business class - only 6 seats, the remaining 387 seats are in economy class. Secondly, the arrangement of seats in the rows of economy class played a big role. Nord-Wind has a 3-4-3 scheme (Transaero has a 3-3-3 scheme). This is a rather compact option, which is why it is necessary to use narrower seats and narrow the aisles between the rows.

Selecting the best seats on a Boeing 777-200

Diagram of the aircraft cabin, presented on the official Nord Wind website:

Let's move on to analyzing the best and worst places in this interior layout.

Row 1. Business class aircraft. There's nothing special here. The distance from the seat to the partition is 127 cm. The seats themselves are approximately 1.5 times wider than in economy class. There are comfortable retractable footrests. There are six such places in total.

Row 5-6. First row of economy class Boeing 777-200. Good places

for flight, but with some disadvantages. Let's start with the positives. Since it’s the first row, no one will lean back on you. The second point is that there are no toilets or kitchens nearby, which means it’s more peaceful here.

The disadvantages are that the distance to the partition is not very large. The knees fit without problems, but you won’t be able to fully extend your legs. Also, the presence of a partition in front of your eyes can spoil the impression of the flight a little. The seat pitch in the economy row is 74 cm.

Row 12. The diagram shows that the seats are located close to the kitchen, which means there is a little more movement here. Also, the seat backs may be limited in reclining due to the partition behind the row. Not the best seats in the cabin for a flight.

Row 20. A rather contradictory row of seats. On the one hand, there is no row in front, which means no one will lean back on you. On the other hand, there is not much space up to the partition (disadvantages of the 5th row). In addition, there are toilets and a kitchen nearby, and this causes additional inconvenience (passenger movement, bustle, slamming doors, smells, etc.).

Rows 30 to 39. According to reviews from passengers, these rows of the plane are more stuffy due to the lack of an individual air conditioning system. Cool air begins to flow from the 20th row, so it does not always reach the last rows. Not the best choice for people with poor health.

Row 39. Uncomfortable places. The seat backs are limited in reclining due to the partition from the toilets and the emergency exit. But the chair will be reclined on you without any problems, which will leave even less space. There will also be increased passenger traffic throughout the flight.

Row 45. Good places to fly, but with characteristic disadvantages. An emergency exit at the front gives you extra legroom and no one will throw the back of your seat back on you. These are the advantages. The disadvantages are the close proximity of toilets. Also, seats A and K may not have armrests on the side of the aircraft.

Row 46. The seats rest against the wall, so row 6 has disadvantages. There are also toilets nearby.

Row 53. Seats in diagram C and H. The narrowing of the aircraft fuselage begins here, so the outermost aisle seats are subject to constant contact with passing passengers and flight attendant trolleys.

Row 54-56. Extreme places They have only two seats, so they are convenient for flying in pairs.

Row 57-58. Some of the most uncomfortable places

for the flight. The row is characterized by all the disadvantages inherent in rows 38 and 39. Namely: there is no possibility to recline the chair, high noise and smells from the toilets, constant bustle and queues.

The Boeing 777-200 aircraft is designed specifically for long flights. The aircraft was created in the early 1990s and has been in active operation since 1995. The length of the aircraft is 63.7 meters, the wingspan in various modifications varies from sixty to 64 meters, and the cabin width is almost six meters.

The Boeing version 777-200LR holds the record for the longest non-stop flight.

There are many configurations of this aircraft; depending on the seating arrangement, it can accommodate from three hundred to five hundred and fifty passengers.

Boeing 777-200 of Nordwind Airines

If you are flying Nordwind

Nordwind Airlines has two Boeing 777-200 aircraft in its fleet, in the 777-200ER configuration, which includes 393 seats, divided into business and economy classes. Below is a layout of the Boeing 777-200 cabin and the best seats in the cabin to choose from.

This modification of the cabin provides the following breakdown of seats by row: three in the first row, three in the last and four seats in the middle. Toilets are located at the beginning and end of the cabin, there are two bathrooms in different parts of the cabin, utility and kitchen facilities are located at the head and tail of the aircraft, one kitchen is located in the middle of the cabin. There are only six seats in business class, all located at the front of the cabin. Economy class starts from the fifth row.

The fifth and sixth rows of seats are good in their own way, but there is also a fly in the ointment. The downside of these seats is that in front of you there will be a blank wall separating business class from the rest of the cabin. In addition, you won’t be able to stretch your legs, there simply won’t be enough space, and the dining table will have to be taken out of the armrest. But in front of you there will be no annoying neighbors who would recline their chairs. The same advantages and disadvantages are observed throughout the 20th row, as well as on places D-G the twenty-first row, but instead of the business class wall, there will be a toilet in front of you.

Business class aircraft

Rows twelve to fourteen (except for the last three seats in row 12) have a small radius of seat back adjustment because they are located next to the kitchen. In rows 38 and 39 the same problem is observed, only the reason is the proximity of the bathrooms. Another disadvantage of the close location of the WC is the constant flow of passengers past your seat.

The seats in the 45th row are comfortable, since this is where the emergency exits are located, which means there is additional space. But the row 46 next to it is limited in maneuvers - again the proximity of the toilets is to blame.

The seats in the last rows from 54 to 56 are quite comfortable where there are two people. The fuselage narrows at the tail, so there are fewer seats. But rows 57 and 58 are an extremely bad choice. The seats do not recline, and there is a toilet and utility room behind.

Presented before you is a Boeing 777-200 Nord Wind, the cabin layout of which contains the best and not so good seat options. When buying a plane ticket, be sure to pay attention to what seat you are buying, don’t get into trouble - choose seats in which you will enjoy the flight.

Choosing Aeroflot aircraft

Aeroflot has at least thirteen such aircraft. The airline operates aircraft of the 777-200ER modification, the most modern of all existing ones.

The aircraft cabin is divided into three classes: business, comfort and economy, and can accommodate 402 people.

Toilets and galleys are located at the tail and head of the aircraft, as well as at the beginning, middle and end of the cabin. The seats are arranged according to the pattern: “three chairs-four-three chairs.” The fuselage tapering towards the tail suggests a two-four-two configuration. The most seats are in economy class, thirty are in business class, the rest of the seats belong to the “comfort” category.

When flying on a Boeing 777-200 (cabin diagram), the best seats are, of course, located in the classes top level. However, if your choice is economy class, then pay attention to the following rules for choosing a comfortable seat so that the flight brings you only joy.

Economy class starts from the 17th row, where it is quite convenient to fly, since there is a emergency exit, and this is a guarantee of free space around. Two seats in the 18th row, namely C and H, are the most comfortable, as they are located far from the utility rooms, and there are no other seats in front of them.

The seat pitch in the economy row is 74 cm.