Excursions on a retro steam locomotive. Steam Locomotive Museum, a real depot and a ride on a retro train

"Locomotive Walk" is unique excursion in retro style. During " Locomotive walk“You can really plunge into the old days and take part in life yourself railway the beginning of the 20th century, briefly become a passenger on a real retro train, feel the heat of a hot steam locomotive and hear the whistle that inspired many of our compatriots.
“Locomotive walk” will allow you to touch the antiquity, as well as learn the most interesting facts from the history of the railway, scientific and technological progress and Russia as a whole. The locomotive walk will be interesting for both children and adults; here everyone will find a good mood and experience the unique charm of the locomotive era.
The walk begins at the Riga Station at 12 noon with a tour of the History Museum railway equipment. The open-air museum displays more than 60 natural exhibits from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Here you can see the legendary sheep (Ov series locomotive), the FD series locomotive listed in the Guinness Book of Records, captured German equipment and much more.
A locomotive whistle will notify you of the start of boarding the retro train, which will be waiting for you at the exit from the museum. The retro train departs at 13:30. During the trip along the route Rizhsky Station - the ancient depot "Podmoskovnaya" (Krasny Baltiets station, Sokol metro area), passengers of the retro train are accommodated in carriages (seats), and a restored steam locomotive from the early 20th century is used as a locomotive. During the journey you will be offered tea.
The retro train will take you to the old depot, built in 1901 and still in operation. Here you can observe with your own eyes the maneuvers of a steam locomotive, the work of the depot, and also see railway buildings and structures of the early 20th century. The culmination of the program will be the turning of the locomotive on the turntable (possible, provided there is a free circle), and filling the locomotive with water (possible, provided there is a free branch).
At the end of the “Locomotive Walk”, the retro train will take you back to Rizhsky Station (arrival at 15.15)
"Locomotive Walk" will give you the opportunity to ride on a real steam locomotive, take unique photographs, unforgettable experience and a great mood for the whole day.

Duration of the excursion:
2 hours 30 minutes
Travel time by train: ~ 20 minutes.
Excursion program:
Guided tour of the Museum of the History of Railway Equipment. (Attention! A ticket to the museum must be purchased independently before the start of the excursion, 40 rubles - adult / 25 rubles - child, large discounts for preferential categories of citizens).
Walk on a retro train from Rizhsky station to the Podmoskovnaya depot ~ 20 minutes.
Visit to the old Podmoskovnaya depot
At the end of the excursion, the retro train will take you back to Rizhsky Station (arrival at 15.15).
Cost: for adults - 700 rubles, for children (under 14 years old) - 500 rubles.

Collection at 12.10. Starts at 12:20.
We meet at the Rizhsky station near the entrance to the Museum of the History of Railway Technology.
The end of the tour at the Rizhsky railway station at 15:15

The price of the excursion includes: tour of the museum with professional guide(a ticket to the museum can be purchased for an additional fee, the cost for adults/children is 40/25 rubles, payment on the spot before the start of the excursion, at the museum ticket office), a trip on a retro train, a tour of the ancient Podmoskovnaya depot.

Attention! If for technical reasons we cannot show you the locomotive turning around or refueling with water, then as compensation we will offer you a visit to the “locomotive booth”, where you can observe the work process of the driver and his assistant.

Helpful information:
- You will spend most of the time outdoors, please dress appropriately for the weather and wear shoes, preferably without heels.
- Attention! You will visit an operating depot, be extremely careful and attentive, children must always be in sight, it is advisable to hold the child’s hand.
- Attention! Our retro train runs within the general train schedule, so please do not be late for boarding, the train starts moving minute by minute, and latecomers are not welcome. ]]>

By this tour It is possible to change the time of collection and departure due to the peculiarities of the work of JSC Russian Railways. Please specify exact time collection one day before departure.

Traveling along the Small Railway Ring of Moscow on a real old steam locomotive is a unique opportunity to plunge into the charming, ancient atmosphere of the railway. A train headed by a real steam locomotive built at the end of the 19th century will arrive at the Rizhsky Station. You will sit comfortably in the comfortable soft chairs of the carriage, our “retro train” will begin its journey along the small railway ring of Moscow, which celebrated its 100th anniversary. The 54-kilometer-long line dates back to 1908, when regular traffic opened here. This highway is a very interesting structure, which has no analogues in the world.
Unusual views of the capital from the train windows: ancient stations of the early 20th century, fences, ancient and majestic Novodevichy Convent, a new bright landmark of Moscow City, Ostankino TV Tower, VDNKh, Botanical Garden, « Izmailovo Kremlin" Along the route, the retro train crosses the Moskvure River four times along the Dorogomilovsky, Luzhnetsky, Novoandreevsky and Danilovsky bridges. The locomotive will arrive at the Rizhsky station, where you will continue the tour with a tour of one of the most elegant and ancient stations in Moscow. The Rizhsky Station building was built at the end of the 19th century, as part of the construction of the Vindava Railway, according to a design not without the famous St. Petersburg architect Brzhozovsky. There are many legends associated with this station and interesting stories which our guide will tell you. At the end of the excursion, you will be able to independently visit the unique museum of steam locomotives (located at the right end of the station).

Duration of the excursion: 4 hours.
Travel time by train: 2 hours 30 minutes

Excursion program:

Excursion to Rizhsky railway station;

- Sightseeing tour on a retro train along the Small Railway Ring of Moscow, with a fascinating story from the guide.

ATTENTION! Due to enhanced security measures, photo and video filming at stations is strictly prohibited!

At the Rizhsky Station you can independently visit the Museum of the History of Railway Equipment for an additional fee. fee. (Tickets can be purchased at the museum box office, price per adult/child - 40/25 rubles, independent inspection of the exhibition).
Attention! Our journey begins and ends at the Rizhsky station (Rizhskaya metro station).

Cost adult/child - 1170 rub.
Group meeting at 8:40 at Rizhsky station, entrance No. 1,
A guide with a sign “On a retro train along the Moscow railway ring.”
Start of the tour - 8:50

The price of the excursion includes:
A ride on a retro train along the small railway ring of Moscow;
Travel information from a professional guide;
Excursion to Rizhsky railway station;

Helpful information:
- Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear shoes, preferably without heels.
- Attention! Our train runs within the general train schedule, so please do not be late for boarding, the train starts moving minute by minute, and latecomers are not expected.
- Attention! Be extremely careful and attentive on station platforms.


11:45 – Rizhskaya metro station (Railway Transport Museum), right side of the Rizhsky station (in front of the ticket offices).

12:00 – start of the museum tour

13:11 –

14:35 –

Hotel information

10:00 – Rizhskaya metro station (Railway Transport Museum), right side of the Rizhsky station (in front of the ticket offices).

10:15 – start of the museum tour, located under open air, where more than 60 natural exhibits of the railway era of the 20th century are presented. Here you can see the legendary “sheep” (Ov series locomotive), the powerful FD (“Felix Dzerzhinsky”), the captured German TE locomotive, the American Ea and much more.

11:22 – departure of the retro train to the Krasny Baltiets platform(trip duration – 15 minutes).

Tour of the Podmoskovnaya depot, built in 1901 and still in operation. Here you can see a turntable, fan stalls, a water tower, a hydraulic pump, a replica of the Cherepanovs' steam locomotive, and a sectional view of an E-series steam locomotive. The program also includes visits to museum exhibitions.

13:19 – departure of the retro train back, towards Rizhsky Station (trip duration – 15 minutes).

Additional charge

  • tea, cookies on the train;
  • photography in the museum.

Place and time of collection

Collection at 10:00 am. Departure at 10.15 from the station. Rizhskaya metro station, on the right side of Rizhsky station (in front of the ticket office)


Train schedule may change. You will receive information about departure times by email 1-2 days before the tour date.

Please arrive on time: Museum tour railway transport starts strictly at the designated time.

Attention! When booking, you must indicate the exact series and number of your passport or birth certificate number (for children under 14 years old) date and place of birth.


“Locomotive Walk” is an excellent option for spending time in Moscow for those who are interested in steam locomotives and everything connected with them. Recommended not only for children, but also for adults!

The big locomotive adventure consists of several parts:

Part I - Museum of Railway Equipment at the Riga Station of the Moscow Railway

It all starts with getting acquainted with the stationary exhibition. What's missing here! The museum contains a huge collection of historical examples of equipment of the last century - locomotives, carriages, special railway equipment. All of them are witnesses and participants in more than a century of history of the domestic railway industry.


There are also recognized monuments of science and technology. For example, the legendary steam locomotive of the Ov series, which received the affectionate nickname “Sheep” among its drivers. This is the most honorable exhibit and a real “pearl” of the railway collection. Its age is more than a century. This is the most popular pre-revolutionary locomotive. But only 4 copies have survived to this day.




Following the Sheep is a tender carriage - the one that transports a supply of coal and the legendary heated train - a carriage in which people and horses were transported during the First World War, which received its name because of the potbelly stove installed in the center.



Nearby is another Soviet-made steam locomotive, FD - “Felix Dzerzhinsky” - one of the most powerful Soviet locomotives of the 30s.


The guide will tell you about all this and much more. In our case, the most colorful Evgeny Lushin, who in the past worked as a locomotive driver on steam locomotives and knows everything about steam locomotives and their history, seems to be everything. And a little more. (If you ever plan to go on this excursion, ask him, you won’t regret it!!!)


And he will not only tell, but also show! For example, how carriage couplings worked.


Facts, stories, references, explanations flow in an endless stream... The excursion seems to be designed for children, but adults also listen with their mouths open.
For example, do you know why some locomotives were painted green and others black? No?





The green ones carried passengers, and the black ones carried cargo!


If excursions are not your format, then each exhibit has a sign with a description. You can read it... Although this, of course, does not compare with the story of a real driver who lives by this topic...


After all, he tells not just bare facts, but also shares his emotions, which are sometimes difficult to hide. For example, the annoyance that steam locomotives are no longer being produced...

They stopped producing them literally one day, when at the next meeting figures were announced indicating the ineffectiveness of locomotive traction. All 30%. The electric locomotives that appeared at that time were much more efficient in absolute numbers. But the speakers did not explain that electric locomotives require a gigantic infrastructure. Hundreds of kilometers of wires, power plants, maintenance and much, much more - all this was left outside the scope of the report. Thus, “inefficient” steam locomotives are a thing of the past.





More than half a century has passed since then... But in terms of horsepower and average speed Steam locomotives of those years are almost no different from modern ones.
While we are walking around the museum, a real steam locomotive passes us! It's so everyday... But on this line it's par for the course!


Most of the museum exhibits are also on the move. Although they almost never travel outside their museum, they have all the necessary equipment for this.




You can touch the locomotives, you can even stand on the steps to get a better shot.



Some locomotives have open driver's cabins for access. You can not only go there, but also twist all sorts of handles, taps, etc. to your heart’s content.





It is absolutely impossible to go around the museum at one time, especially with a tour, when they not only show you the exhibits, but also tell you a lot of interesting things about each of them...


Therefore, we limit ourselves to the locomotive sector and move on...

Part II - Retro train

A natural continuation of stories about steam locomotives is a ride on one of them! This is a completely worthwhile adventure, although at first glance it seems that it is more interesting to observe from the outside than from the inside.


A trip on a steam locomotive is different from a trip on an electric train. Not to mention that from time to time, clouds of smoke fly past the window, and passengers waiting on the platforms stare with all their might and reach for their gadgets to take photos.

The very feeling of the ride is different... The locomotive moves more jerkily, with constant small jerks. This is related to the operation of steam engines and is the first and surest sign that you are being carried by a steam locomotive.
During the trip, you can have a snack, drink tea/coffee... Or buy souvenirs as a keepsake.



And the guides continue to tell different Interesting Facts and in between they entertain the children with games and competitions.


The trip takes a little over 10 minutes. Our station is the Red Baltic platform.



Part III - Podmoskovnaya depot

The Podmoskovnaya depot is no longer a museum, but a real working depot. It has recently been carefully restored and tours are being offered in full swing. The locomotives here are not just displayed as exhibits, but actually live, are refueled, repaired, maintained and driven, so when walking you need to be very careful, which is what the guide warns about.


Everything here is as close as possible to how it was before. There is a water tower, which now, of course, no longer fulfills its direct duties, but serves as an architectural monument. And several residential buildings where employees used to live. It’s funny that these houses did not belong to any streets, but in the postal address they wrote what kind of house it was from a water pump.



Nowadays locomotives are refueled at the side from a special pump.


The main highlight on the cake is the turntable. Real, working! If you're lucky, you might even see him in action. We had incredible luck. The crane started to turn around.





There is no convenient tourist route at the depot; you have to walk straight along the rails. But this only makes it more interesting!




Strictly speaking, this is not exactly a depot. It is classified as a "museum-industrial complex". It is here that the educational and methodological base for the professional training of locomotive crews is based.
The school of locomotive control is akin to folk crafts. They stopped training machinists back in the 70s, and there are no professionals left in this field. At first they tried to invite electric train drivers, but they say they were reluctant. No one wanted to exchange the comfortable chairs of a modern cabin for the heat and dirt of a steam locomotive. But now, with the advent of the school, the situation has changed a little. There are a lot of enthusiastic young people at the depot who come purposefully to learn this particular profession.


Although all this, of course, is very difficult. The equipment in the depot is mostly from the beginning and middle of the last century. Spare parts for it have not been produced for a long time, and it must be handled with the utmost care. For example, the boiler must be kept hot almost constantly if the locomotive is running. The more often it cools down and reheats at startup, the faster the boiler fails. A faulty boiler modern conditions- This is a decommissioned locomotive. In total, there are eight cars in operation at the depot, each with a driver, his assistant and a fireman.



A sectional view of a steam locomotive is presented in a separate room! This real steam locomotive, out of order and beyond repair, which was converted into a visual aid to demonstrate how steam traction actually works. For clarity, the “hot” parts of the locomotive are colored red, and the cold ones, respectively, blue.


Those who are especially curious can climb in and look into the firebox from the driver’s side.


Part IV - apotheosis

Getting to know steam locomotives is impossible without one, the smallest, but most striking detail...


The culmination of the locomotive day is the rise into the driver's cabin of a working locomotive! This attraction is available at the end of the tour. And, I must say, it is in demand among both children and adults...

Here you can no longer twist or touch anything. But the driver will open the firebox door slightly so that you can feel the heat and see the flames and will certainly step back... Scary!



But how many impressions, emotions and memories remain after this! Both parents and children are delighted... In general, do not miss one of the most exciting entertainments in Moscow.


All appearance passwords can be found on the website

For this tour, it is possible to change the time of collection and departure due to the peculiarities of the work of JSC Russian Railways. We ask you to check the exact collection time one day before departure.

Traveling along the Small Railway Ring of Moscow on a real old steam locomotive is a unique opportunity to plunge into the charming, ancient atmosphere of the railway. A train headed by a real steam locomotive built at the end of the 19th century will arrive at the Rizhsky Station. You will sit comfortably in the comfortable soft chairs of the carriage, our “retro train” will begin its journey along the small railway ring of Moscow, which celebrated its 100th anniversary. The 54-kilometer-long line dates back to 1908, when regular traffic opened here. This highway is a very interesting structure, which has no analogues in the world.
Unusual views of the capital from the train windows: ancient stations of the early 20th century, fences, the ancient and majestic Novodevichy Convent, a new bright landmark of Moscow City, Ostankino TV Tower, VDNKh, Botanical Garden, Izmailovsky Kremlin. Along the route, the retro train crosses the Moskvure River four times along the Dorogomilovsky, Luzhnetsky, Novoandreevsky and Danilovsky bridges. The locomotive will arrive at the Rizhsky station, where you will continue the tour with a tour of one of the most elegant and ancient stations in Moscow. The Rizhsky Station building was built at the end of the 19th century, as part of the construction of the Vindava Railway, according to a design not without the famous St. Petersburg architect Brzhozovsky. There are many legends and interesting stories associated with this station, which our guide will tell. At the end of the excursion, you will be able to independently visit the unique museum of steam locomotives (located at the right end of the station).

Duration of the excursion: 4 hours.
Travel time by train: 2 hours 30 minutes

Excursion program:

Excursion to Rizhsky railway station;

- Sightseeing tour on a retro train along the Small Railway Ring of Moscow, with a fascinating story from the guide.

ATTENTION! Due to enhanced security measures, photo and video filming at stations is strictly prohibited!

At the Rizhsky Station you can independently visit the Museum of the History of Railway Equipment for an additional fee. fee. (Tickets can be purchased at the museum box office, price per adult/child - 40/25 rubles, independent inspection of the exhibition).
Attention! Our journey begins and ends at the Rizhsky station (Rizhskaya metro station).

Cost adult/child - 1170 rub.
Group meeting at 8:40 at Rizhsky station, entrance No. 1,
A guide with a sign “On a retro train along the Moscow railway ring.”
Start of the tour - 8:50

The price of the excursion includes:
A ride on a retro train along the small railway ring of Moscow;
Travel information from a professional guide;
Excursion to Rizhsky railway station;

Helpful information:
- Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear shoes, preferably without heels.
- Attention! Our train runs within the general train schedule, so please do not be late for boarding, the train starts moving minute by minute, and latecomers are not expected.
- Attention! Be extremely careful and attentive on station platforms.