Superjet 100 cockpit detailed poster. Modifications of the Sukhoi Superjet cabin using the example of several airlines

If you are planning a short-haul flight, there is a chance that a Sukhoi Superjet 100 will be served on the ramp: the cabin layout and the best seats are presented below. The airliner with the certification name RRJ was developed by Russian aviators with the participation of foreign companies. It became the first product of the domestic aviation industry whose noise characteristics received good marks when tested for compliance with European standards.

Model features

The Superjet is designed according to a classic aerodynamic design: the airliner has a horizontal tail (stabilizer) located after the wing. The design is common in military and civil aviation, since it ensures flight safety and optimization of takeoff performance.

The model is equipped with SaM146-1S18 engines: they are produced at a Franco-Russian plant. The option made it possible to increase the range of flights, passenger capacity and take-off weight (the indicator at which a ship can take off while complying with safety rules).

Another feature of the Sukhoi Superjet is the use of composite materials to reduce the weight of the aircraft. In the future, designers plan to increase their share, but the process is slowing down due to additional research. Representatives of JSC Sukhoi Civil Developments emphasize that they are going to study the impact of sudden temperature changes on materials.

As for the cockpit, it is equipped not with standard steering wheels, but with sidestick joysticks. This made it possible to free up space for a convenient and ergonomic arrangement of other devices, as well as improve visibility of the panel. To ensure effective operation of the sidesticks, the Fly-by-wire system has been introduced: the movements of the joysticks are transmitted by electrical signals.

Development history

After the collapse of the USSR, the production of airliners stopped, and airlines used aircraft produced earlier. But in the 2000s. the resource turned out to be exhausted, so the state announced a competition: projects of new models were presented at it.

The future version of the Sukhoi Superjet won, and after 3 years the designers began the 1st assembly. The model was put into operation in 2011 on flights of the Armenian carrier. Now Aeroflot has become the main operator.

Aircraft modifications

In addition to the basic modification, the following options have been developed:

  • Sukhoi Superjet 100B-VIP is an administrative and business version of the aircraft. It combines the comfort and versatility of airliners designed to transport officials with the reliability of designs for scheduled airlines.
  • Sukhoi Superjet 100LR (SSJ100 LR) is designed for short- and medium-haul flights. The modifications, which at one time became revolutionary for the Russian Federation, made it possible to increase the range by 1,400 km. Based on this version, the Sukhoi Superjet 100LR-VIP model was also released.
  • Sukhoi Business Jet is produced according to individual orders. The model is operated by the Border Service of Kazakhstan.

All models have received international certificates, so they can also be used by foreign carriers.

What projects are in development

The designers expect to implement the following projects:

  • The Sukhoi Superjet 100SV is planned for production in 2019, and it will be able to make its first flight in 2020. The capacity is going to be increased to 125 passengers.
  • Sportjet by Sukhoi will be designed to transport athletes.
  • Suhkoi Superjet 75, designed for 75 passengers, will be operated on routes up to 2 thousand km long. The developers hope that it will allow companies to reach a new business segment.
  • Sukhoi Superjet 100R will include an increased share of Russian components.

As for the results of the already created models, in 2018 it turned out that their flight hours on Russian airlines decreased. But for foreign companies the indicator increased, and there were no complaints about profits. This is due to the fact that Russian carriers problems began with the supply of components. To correct the situation, a set of measures was introduced to increase flying hours: it is too early to assess its effectiveness.


Which companies operate it: present and prospects

As for the operation of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft, reviews from companies are positive. The liners are used by the following carriers:

There are also models in the air fleets of Armenia, Laos, Mexico, Indonesia and Switzerland. The manufacturer plans to expand cooperation with companies operating in Ireland and Italy. There is also the possibility of concluding contracts with Asian carriers.

Sukhoi Superjet 100: video

How to choose the best seats: interior layout

For those wishing to board the Sukhoi Superjet 100, the cabin diagram will help them find the best options. The standard seating arrangement, designed to carry 87 passengers, is used by both Aeroflot and foreign enterprises.

Business class features

The seats in this class of service on the Superjet 100 are comfortable. They are arranged in 3 rows according to a 2-2 pattern. True, passengers seated in the first row will have less legroom due to the partition; You won't be able to put things on the floor either. There is also a toilet nearby, which can be a nuisance. But in any case, you will be more comfortable than in economy class.

Having extra space will allow you to stretch your legs.

The best options in the business compartment are the 2nd and 3rd rows. The legroom here is 1.5 times more than in the budget part of the cabin. In the 3rd row, noise can be heard from the "economy" mode, since the partition is quite thin.

Economy class cabin

As for the location of economy seats on the Superjet 100, they occupy rows 6 to 20. The seats are placed according to a 2-3 pattern, with seats E considered the worst option: they are located far from the porthole, which does not allow you to enjoy the views, and from the aisle. But, if you often get up to go to the toilet, then the option will be more convenient than choosing a seat by the window. After all, you only have to bother one neighbor!

The design of the cabin does not imply the presence of seats near emergency exits, so the Space + category is represented only by the 6th row.

When choosing, consider the following:

  • Best places are in the 6th row as you will get more legroom. There are no seats in front, and you won’t encounter a situation where your neighbor reclines his back, preventing you from sitting comfortably with your laptop. But the width of the seat will be slightly smaller, since the pull-out tables are mounted on the armrests. The latter do not fold completely, which can cause inconvenience. The disadvantages include the fact that this row is occupied by passengers with small children. Also, companies charge an additional fee for reserving seats in the 6th row, since they are classified as Space +.
  • Seat 6D has the added disadvantage of bumping into the seat for business class passengers who decide to use the rear toilet.
  • In rows 7-19 there are standard options: there is not much legroom, but you will not feel much discomfort.
  • Traveling in row 20 will not be a pleasant experience. The backs of the seats do not recline, so sleeping will be difficult. The proximity of the toilet, where other passengers constantly look, also plays a role. It's a little more comfortable in seats 20A and 20F, located near the windows: you won't be disturbed by people scurrying along the aisle. Worst options- 20C, 20D and 20E.

Choose places by checking the map and make your trip comfortable. And a photo of the interior of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 will help you finally get your bearings (click to enlarge).

Sukhoi Superjet 100, I think many have heard about this plane, and some even managed to fly on it. Now I can also say that I flew on the Superjet 100, I was even lucky enough to pilot it!

Photo from the Internet.

I’m sitting in the pilot’s seat of a Sukhoi Superjet 100, in front of me is a large panel with various sensors and diagrams. Probably, if I had studied flight simulators before, I would feel more confident, but now I’m completely at a loss - what to grab, where to look ? However, I have no reason to worry, the co-pilot is next to me, he can completely calmly take control of the plane, and of course, we have one of the best instructors at the pilot training center with us, and under his strict guidance we will now take a training flight on the Superjet 100 The fact that this is a simulator is very quickly forgotten, here everything happens for real, in real time, and for real. The cockpit completely replicates the real cockpit down to the millimeter! This training complex is designed to practice various regular and emergency situations in heaven and earth. And the artificial picture behind the porthole, created using a computer, only adds realism to what is happening.

The principle and purpose of the simulator is still the same, training pilots and simulating various situations for pilots to practice actions. And of course, control and testing of new units. It is worth noting that not only pilots work on the simulators, but also electronics specialists, engineers and other specialists who, in one way or another, test hardware under different operating conditions of the aircraft.

There are no people indifferent to this simulator. It is clear that we are new to this business, we are interested in everything, and we want to touch every detail. But even all the specialists who accompanied us and were at the stand at that moment gathered with interest near the pilot and commented with interest on his actions. It seems to me that in such a job it is impossible to just work from 9 to 18 and receive a salary; people come here who like their work not for the money, but for the process itself. By the way, operating a combat SU-35 is not at all similar to operating a Superjet (and it would be strange if it were similar) and before my eyes, the pilot crashed the car several times.

Another funny moment: in a dark room, after several minutes of watching the scenes unfolding on the screen in front of the fighter, your head really starts to spin! To avoid crashing to the floor, I had to turn away from the wall on which the flight projection took place. The men told stories about how all sorts of specialists came to the stand “for a minute” and spent hours in the booth. It’s very cool when all the parameters are real and you can control such a car in real time. Moreover, the task can be changed, complicated or simplified; fans of flight simulators would certainly appreciate this simulator.

In general, what can I say, although my acquaintance with Sukhoi was short, I really liked both the process itself and people’s attitude towards the topic. I hope that I will have the opportunity to visit the same or similar object and will have more time to delve into the topic and reveal it in more detail. I am sure that I have seen the smallest part of the huge iceberg of our aviation industry, and there is a huge number of all kinds of delicious stories ahead.

One fine summer day I was invited on an excursion to the hangar of the flight test complex of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft JSC, in the city of Zhukovsky, it was an offer that could not be refused. Today I will tell you about the Russian aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100. If you are interested then go ahead...

After the collapse of the USSR aviation industry, the SSJ100 aircraft is the only civil aircraft in Russia that was designed, put on the wing, certified and put into mass production. As of July 1, 2015, the 100th Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft is in production.

Is 100 planes a lot or a little? The first Sukhoi Superjet 100 was rolled out in 2007; the airline began delivering the aircraft in 2011. For example: the first Yak-42 aircraft entered service with Aeroflot at the end of 1980. By 2003, about 183 aircraft had been built. Between 1970 and 1998, 918 aircraft of the Tu-154 family were built. One of the most popular passenger aircraft, assembled in the Soviet Union, the Tu-134 was produced from 1966 to 1984; in total, 854 aircraft of all modifications were built (all figures are approximate, taken from open sources).
It’s up to you to decide whether it’s a lot or a little, for me it’s Far East This is the most optimal aircraft for flights across the region; it is not clear why Aeroflot did not transfer the Sukhoi Superjet 100 to its subsidiary in the Far East, Aurora Airlines.

SSJ100 is a commercial aircraft created using latest technologies, designed to transport passengers on both short-haul and medium-haul routes. The aircraft is completely designed using digital technology. Its production uses technologies that have not previously been used in Russia, such as jigless assembly, automatic docking of airframe units and many others. Maximum cruising speed Sukhoi Superjet 100 - Mach 0.81, which corresponds to approximately 860 km per hour at an altitude of 8,850 meters or above flight level FL 290. This means that the SSJ100 can fly at the same flight levels as the short-haul Boeing 737 and Airbus 320, optimizing thereby not only fuel costs, but also the flight time from point A to point B.
The flight range for the extended range version is 4578 km. The aircraft can be operated in a wide range climatic conditions at temperatures from minus 54 to plus 45 degrees Celsius: and this, as you probably already understood, the whole globe.

The holder of the type certificate for the SSJ100 aircraft is the company " Civil aircraft Sukhoi" - they are developers. To achieve the competitive advantages of their aircraft, they invited world-famous companies to the project, such as Thales, Safran, Messier Bugatti Dowty, Liebherr... After all, this global trend- international integration in the aviation industry. Suffice it to recall the Dreamliner, A380...

The production of the aircraft and its final assembly are carried out by the Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft CJSC with the direct participation of other factories in Russia, where the components of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 are manufactured. Currently, the production capacity of the plant allows the production of up to 50 aircraft per year . The branch makes full use of lean technologies. Their use is aimed at increasing the efficiency of production and its planning. Lean technologies are based on modern techniques, optimization of the equipment procurement process, and minimization of labor and time costs.
At the Komsomolsk-on-Amur branch of JSC "GSS" at the end of 2013, a multimedia training system was put into operation, allowing for the development of skills in testing SSJ100 aircraft systems in production. The “SSJ100 Aircraft Systems Testing” simulator reduces the time required to prepare employees for work in a specific area and develops the ability to test the performance of aircraft systems before transferring it to the next stage of assembly.

All models of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family are equipped with two SaM146 turbofan engines manufactured by PowerJet. The SaM146 engine was specially developed for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 type aircraft. PowerJet is a joint venture between Snecma (Safran group, France) and NPO Saturn (Russia) with equal shares. The SaM146 engine combines the successful experience of the CFM56 with the use of modern technologies and a reduction in the number of components by 20%, resulting in significantly reduced operating and maintenance costs while achieving high performance and reliability indicators.
If anyone doesn’t know or has forgotten, let me remind you that CFM56 engines are one of the most common in the world. Their history begins with use on the Boeing 737 aircraft. Boeing aircraft The 737 has been powered exclusively by CFM56 engines for over 25 years. CFM56 engines are also installed on the Airbus A320 and Airbus A340-200 and -300 and other models of civil and military aircraft.

Snecma Safran Groupe (France) is responsible for the production of: high-pressure compressor, combustion chamber, high-pressure turbine, drive box, digital engine control system, power plant integration, support for flight and ground tests. JSC NPO Saturn (Russia) is responsible for the production of: fan, booster, low-pressure turbine, final engine assembly, engine acceptance testing.

During one of the commercial flights, during landing, the SSJ100 collided with a goose, which hit the engine. The running engine spun the bird and knocked it out through the cold circuit, causing some damage to several fan blades. However, the pilots landed the plane without any problems.

The SSJ100 aircraft is equipped with a tricycle landing gear. The controlled front and main supports are retracted into niches in flight and are completely covered with flaps. To ensure high weight perfection, the main landing gear supports are made according to a two-strut design.
The chassis design, developed by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft JSC together with Messier Bugatti Dowty, is completely identical to both the basic version and the extended-range version of the SSJ100.

And here is the most important thing in a modern aircraft, its “brain”, namely the on-board computer that controls all systems. High flight safety is achieved through optimal piloting of aircraft in automatic mode and protection of the flight control system from random errors. The remote control system is based on three two-channel upper-level computers (PFCU - Primary Flight Computer Unit), complementing two-channel lower-level computers (ACE - Actuator Control Electronics). PFCUs process command signals from the cockpit, autopilot and avionics to optimize aircraft performance in all flight modes. The level of functional richness implemented in the PFCU was developed taking into account the experience of the Sukhoi Design Bureau in creating a control system with automatic limitation of the maximum and operational flight parameters for manual and automatic control.
Thus, it is ensured highest level safety at all stages of flight not only due to the high reliability of aircraft systems, but also due to the unique functionality of protection against errors associated with the “human factor”. The SSJ100 will be the first regional aircraft with CDS of this level. In the event of a number of serious failures on board, the control system will switch to a backup control loop, providing flight performance at the level of a non-automated (conventional) aircraft.
By the way, in cold weather of -45 degrees Celsius, the plane spent the night on the apron of the Yakutsk airport; to launch it, it was enough to warm up the compartment with the main computer to a temperature of -30 degrees. The entire aircraft is ready for powering up and starting up the APU. Further heating of the cabin and cabin, right up to the boarding of passengers and the start of the engines by the aircraft crew, was carried out using a standard SCV with air bleed from the APU.

Now let's get on board the plane. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft JSC positions the Sukhoi Superjet 100 as an aircraft in the cabin of which passengers feel as comfortable as in the cabin of a long-haul aircraft. The salon is presented in a 3+2 scheme. Passengers have easy and convenient access to shelves that easily accommodate IATA approved rolling suitcases. hand luggage(extremely permissible dimensions 24×16×10). Volume luggage racks also allow passengers to freely place any outerwear, regardless of the time of year or region. The photo shows a Sukhoi Superjet 100 for Gazprom Avia with tail number RA-89050. At that time, the airliner was being prepared for delivery, so the interior was wrapped in cellophane.

There are three toilet rooms in the aircraft cabin for this customer. The toilet in the rear service area is adapted for passengers with reduced mobility. Look how big it is, by the way, the Mexican company Interjet, which successfully operates the Sukhoi Superjet 100, made it an individual toilet room for women.

For comparison, here is a standard toilet room, which is located in the front of a Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft.

Control of various systems of the passenger cabin for the flight attendant, as you can see here you can adjust the cabin lighting, temperature, there is also an alarm for smoke detectors in the toilet rooms, so that gentlemen, smokers on the plane are fraught with smoking.

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 for Gazprom Avia is leaving the hangar. By the way, this aircraft has already been handed over to the airline and can now be seen on the country’s air routes. We will also leave the hangar and move to the apron, where we will continue to inspect the airliner using the example of one of the prototype aircraft.

In front of you is an experimental aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 with tail number RA-97005, it is called “Pyaterochka” here.

In 2013, an aviation incident occurred with this aircraft in Iceland. At the final stage of certification tests to expand operating conditions - automatic landing (certification program for the ICAO CAT III A category) in a crosswind, when landing with a simulated failure of one engine, the aircraft touched the runway with the landing gear retracted.
Then many aviation experts buried it, they said, and the funniest thing is still saying, that the plane was lost. But with the help of the GSS team, the plane was repaired and flew to its home base in Zhukovsky. Now, as before, he is involved in testing.

The plane has been participating in the flight test program for a long time, where it has not been, so it is not surprising that the seats in the cabin do not look as new as those on board the Gazprom Avia airliner, which we just visited. But this does not prevent us from appreciating the increased living space for each passenger: the large seat pitch in the basic configuration of the SSJ100 aircraft (32 inches / 81.28 cm) allows even tall passengers to feel comfortable on board. Notice how large the windows are; photographing the earthly landscape and the air will be a pleasure.

Well, now from your own example (and I’m not even small at all), you see how much space there is, to be honest, not many long-haul aircraft can boast of such a pitch of seats.

Many have encountered this: I went to the toilet room at the back of the plane, and then they began to feed the passengers and then I had to wait until the passage was cleared. On the Sukhoi Superjet 100 you can forget about this; the wide central aisle in the aircraft cabin ensures that during the flight you can easily move away from the trolley for drinks or in-flight meals.

Now let's move on to the cockpit, the ease of control of the SSJ100 is ensured by the use of a modern, intuitive flight deck with the latest developments in Thales avionics and a fully digital fly-by-wire flight control system. In short, by moving the control levers in the cockpit, using sensors installed on them, they are converted into digital electrical signals, which are sent through electrical wiring to the control system computer. At the same time, signals are received there from sensors of angular velocities, overloads, angles of attack and slip, an air signal system computer and a number of other devices. The computer, in accordance with the control algorithms embedded in it, converts these signals into control electrical signals of the control drives. At the same time, it can also serve as a flight limiter: to prevent exceeding the established limits on overload, angle of attack and other parameters. In this way, the likelihood of the aircraft falling into undesirable flight modes is significantly reduced: stall, spin, etc. (photo courtesy of GSS JSC).

The design of the “Dark and Quiet” cabin, as well as its ergonomics, equipped with wide liquid crystal displays provide the crew with unsurpassed situational awareness, productivity and efficiency, and there is also a weather radar that predicts changes in wind direction (photo courtesy of GSS JSC).

Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture via Airborne Full Duplex Data Exchange (AFDX) improves reliability and optimizes maintenance costs while significantly reducing space, weight and power requirements. Airborne Addressing and Relay System (ACARS). Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM). Optional dual electronic flight documentation system (Electronic Flight Bags). Mid-air collision avoidance and ground approach early warning system (T2CAS). Radio navigation system for instrument approach support (ILS) category CAT lllA.

The designers preferred the side stick to control the aircraft over the traditional steering wheel, as a result of which the Sukhoi Superjet 100 became the first Russian serial civil passenger aircraft with a sidestick. Side-stick (English: Side-stick - side control stick) is a manual control device for an aircraft that allows you to change the roll and pitch of the aircraft. Unlike the traditional control stick, installed in the center of the cockpit between the pilot's legs, the sidestick is located to the right of the pilot (if it is a military aircraft), or on the sides of the cockpit (in a passenger aircraft). Thus, the sidestick of the pilot sitting on the left (pilot) is located to the left of his seat, and the sidestick of the pilot sitting on the right (co-pilot) is located to the right of his seat. Control knobs in on a passenger plane are not directly connected to control planes. On the SSJ100 aircraft, the sidesticks of the PIC and the co-pilot are independent. Any movement of the sidestick is processed by on-board computers and the information is transmitted via wires to hydraulic actuators, which come into action and make the necessary movements of the steering planes. Both sidesticks are specially designed for left and right hands so that pilots do not experience any discomfort. When both handles are deflected (if they are both turned on), the signal is summed. The sidestick is equipped with a button to disable the autopilot and enable priority between the two handles.
Side stick controls are used in many modern fighter aircraft such as F-16, Mitsubishi F-2, Dassault Rafale, F-22 Raptor, as well as civilian aircraft. aircraft, such as the Airbus A320 (became the first passenger aircraft equipped with a sidestick), Airbus A380.

But next to it stands a Sukhoi Superjet 100LR with tail number RA-97006. This experimental aircraft was painted at the beginning of 2015 and the corporate symbols of Sukhoi Civil Aircraft CJSC were applied to it.

This concludes my story about the Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft. I hope you liked the plane as much as I did. The plane is decent, new, modern and safe. For complete happiness, all I had to do was take a flight on it (I haven’t flown yet) and visit the factory in the city of my youth on the banks of the Amur River. It will be interesting to read your impressions, reviews and opinions about this aircraft, write in the comments.

On May 31, the transfer of a new Superjet to Aeroflot took place - a machine with serial number 95025. And then, in February, in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, I watched the third test flight of this aircraft.

1. This machine with manufacturer serial number 95025 is preparing for its third test flight. On May 31, the plane was handed over to the customer, Aeroflot airline. Peeking out from behind it is a car with the number 95028. It made its first flight on March 24 and will soon depart for the Mexican airline Interjet.

2. Initially, the Superjet cabin was designed with control columns, but after several meetings with representatives of airlines (and not only from Russia), the control wheel was replaced with a side handle at the design stage. When talking with test pilots during the press tour, some said that the steering wheel on the Dreamliner 787 is already a thing of the past and Boeing will be forced to make its next aircraft with a side stick.

3. The cockpit is completely English-language (even the documentation for the aircraft is now in English). English language). There is no Russian version and there never will be. And why? English has become the standard in aviation. I saw the cockpit of the Tu-204, from the number of Russian abbreviations, known only to the designers, my brain howled and collapsed. I don’t argue, it’s a matter of habit, but why reinvent the wheel if there are already proven standards.

4. On the left screen, where Thales is written, and which is still covered with a protective film, you can display anything you want - pictures from cameras, documentation, diagrams, maps, etc. There is a regular Windows there. It’s true that it’s not so easy to upload anything there. Despite the USB connector, you can insert a flash drive, but the system will not see it - authorization is required. And, of course, this is a separate system that has nothing to do with aircraft control

5. The cockpit was designed by two departments of the State Aircraft System - the cabin crew assembled the consoles, and the avionics department developed the display. Test pilots made a huge contribution to the ideology of the cockpit and display.

6. Thank you kukuksumushu for my photo. By the way, all the lighting in the cabin is LED, with the exception of magnetic compass— it has internal lighting with incandescent lamps.

7. Equipping the cabin for the duration of factory testing and flight. Parachutes (tests, after all) and chairs with additional loads that “sit” in them. They provide the necessary alignment of the aircraft.

8. Rear sealed frame. On the right, near the door, there is an emergency recorder and an online system for transmitting data to the ground about the condition of the aircraft.

9. As I already said, the plane leaves the factory exactly like this. The installation of the interior is carried out either in Ulyanovsk or in Venice.

10. The windows of the new plane are very clean!

11. Aviation is very conservative and any innovations are difficult. There are many reasons, I won’t go into details. This applies to both complex new systems and a simple indicator. For example, installing a front toilet occupancy light on the overhead head (the idea was introduced by Yablontsev) required a long battle with the interior and remote designers to link them with each other. We did it.

12. The SSJ100 engine has a bypass ratio of 0.53 - 0.93 (this depends on the engine model) lower than the CFM-56, which is found on the B737 and A320. At the same time, if we compare the SSJ100 engine with Soviet-made engines - the D-30 and its modifications, which were installed on the Tu-134, Tu-154 and Il-76, then the Superjet has a by-pass ration of 3.17 more. The bypass ratio has a positive effect on specific fuel consumption and a negative effect on speed characteristics, i.e. As the flight Mach number increases, the engine with a lower bypass ratio begins to win. But to obtain this gain, the difference in degrees must be small (the D-30 will never win over the CFM-56), and the engine must also have a good margin in the temperature of the gases behind the turbine. Due to the fact that the SaM-146 is better in both of these parameters, today it is the best engine in its thrust class in terms of altitude-speed characteristics, both in terms of thrust and specific consumption.

13. It’s time to roll out our board from the workshop.

14. This is his third flight under the factory test program. Here the airliner learns to fly.

15. In the hangar there is another aircraft for the Mexican Interjet with serial number 95028.

16. But before the first flight it is necessary to pass tests at LIS.

17. Then jogging begins with the front leg lifting off. In the process, information is taken from ACMS - aircraft central monitoring system. All information from all on-board systems is collected there, analyzed and provided to the technical crew, with recommendations for eliminating or identifying potential or detected failures. And, if everything is in order, then the board departs for its first flight.

18. Unlike railways, where there is an alert pedal, such systems are not used in aviation, since they always lead to additional workload for the operator. For a high-speed train driver, this is not scary, because he is actually an observer; the route and speed limit are maintained automatically (I’ll say right away that there are different control systems, both manual and fully automatic). The plane flies mainly under the control of the crew, even when flying under autopilot. Maintaining the route is the responsibility of the pilot. The air traffic controller only coordinates and directs. The pilot needs state monitoring that does not require additional actions from him. Work on such systems has made the most progress in combat aviation, to determine the moment of pilot incapacity and transition to fully automatic control. For civil aviation, the principle of intra-crew cross-checking still applies.

19. To ensure the required level of flight safety, all aircraft systems must meet strict reliability requirements. At the same time, the cost and development time of any system grow almost exponentially depending on the required level of reliability, because Demonstration of compliance is made through an enormous amount of testing over the entire expected field of use. By the way, it is precisely because of these requirements that the cost of aircraft and development time are now many times greater than at the beginning of the jet era. Since collision avoidance systems between aircraft and/or collision with terrain (TCAS, GPWS, T2CAS, TAWS) must be widespread and be able to be installed on aircraft produced earlier, and the basis for eliminating this event was and remains compliance with the prescribed flight plan, then For these systems, the aviation authorities of the ICAO Contracting States, which includes Russia, decided to adopt a level of reliability corresponding to advisory-type systems. This made it possible to create such systems in a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost. But this level of reliability allows for the possibility that false triggering of such a system in flight is not completely ruled out. Therefore, it is possible to turn it off if the crew accurately recognizes the incorrect operation of this system. But if the system is key from the point of view of ensuring flight safety, then manually disabling it is impossible.

20. An example of such a system on the SSJ100 is the means of limiting flight limits implemented in the control system. These algorithms meet the highest reliability requirements and cannot be disabled by the crew in flight. Hydraulic system, power supply system, control system, warning and alarm system, aircraft navigation system, etc. all of them cannot be turned off by the crew in flight. By the way, the example of a modern car is quite acceptable. For example, the important ABS system can only be turned off manually by pulling out the fuse; to turn off the power steering or brake system, they must be disassembled, but the ESP auxiliary system can be turned off with a button. Again with a caveat, sometimes it happens that you can’t turn it off completely either.

21. “Low-hanging” engines still cause a lot of battles on these Internets of yours. They say that they will suck up the garbage, stones, snow, water, sand and other things that are lying on the strip. But, for example, Aeroflot, as of October 2012 (no other information could be found to date), has not yet had a single engine removal due to foreign objects. And recently, at the end of 2012, an Addendum to the Aircraft Type Certificate was received regarding the condition of the runway covered with snow (up to 60 mm), slush (up to 13 mm) and wet snow (up to 15 mm).

Yes, you can just watch this video - the pool test. For some reason, water doesn’t want to get into the engine.

22. In the class of regional aircraft, the SSJ-100 is the only aircraft today with a fully remote control system without a mechanical reserve. And it’s really not an easy matter to ensure the required level of reliability with such limitations in airframe volume and development cost, because the cost of one Superjet is an order of magnitude less than that of the mainline A380 or B787 airliners. By the way, the development of the SDU for the B787 and A-400M began almost simultaneously with the SDU for the SSJ100, so here we can talk about parity in the level of technology.

23. Refueling the plane before departure.

24. White parts are parts made of composites.

25. Interestingly, the aircraft are sent on test flights without any tail numbers on the fuselage or wings.

26. Like a self-portrait :)

27. Switches in DIRECT MODE were installed only on experimental machines. They were necessary for certification tests. There are no such switches on production machines. A normal flight is carried out with the control system operating in the main NORMAL MODE, without control of its operation by the crew. The reliability of the SDS monitoring algorithms has been established at such a level that any spontaneous movements of the rudders, requiring the crew to disable the SDS manually, are completely excluded, in case of any failure condition or the presence of errors in the software of the SDS computers. Certification tests included a large volume of checks, including checks for breaks in drive feedback lines, jamming, mismatches of input signals, short circuits in the cable network of the control system and software errors in the main circuit, etc.

28. This plane took off for the first time on February 22. After being transferred to Aeroflot, he carries the airborne one - RA-89014.

29. During the experimental flights, the aircraft underwent the most severe tests in all flight modes, including critical angles, flutter, etc. Flutter tests were carried out in January-April 2009 on aircraft 95003 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The Superjet has a maximum indicated operational speed of 308 knots (570 km/h) or Mach 0.81. During the tests, a speed of 375 knots (695 km/h) or Mach 0.88 was achieved - the car moved towards these numbers gradually, in small steps. At each new speed and Mach number, a special “platform” was performed on which, using a special oscillation generator included in the SDU circuit, harmonic oscillations of the aircraft’s control surfaces were excited in different control channels: rudder, elevator, and ailerons - in synchronous and asynchronous modes. Only after completing these modes (with a 20% excess of operational parameters) was the aircraft certified for flutter.

But such tests on the An-148 flutter have not been carried out. Instead, the aerodynamic model was purged. This led to the fact that during a training flight the An-148 went beyond the maximum maximum speed, “caught” flutter and collapsed.

But, it should be clarified that blowing in a pipe and a mathematical model is also a very difficult matter: due to the fact that this is a very dangerous form of vibration of the structure, the main part is done in a wind tunnel and using numerical methods. For this purpose, a special, dynamic-like model is made, a very complex and expensive thing, by the way, which is blown to the modes of occurrence of various forms of flutter. Based on these tests, the mathematical model of the aircraft is adjusted, which is used for numerical studies and determination of “weak points” that need to be corrected in order to avoid resonance of the airframe structure when exposed to aerodynamic disturbances in a given range of flight speeds. Flight tests are carried out to verify the consistency of the mathematical model actual plane. In these tests, the aircraft is brought close to the critical flutter speed, but never reaches it.

And this is how we tested it in a side wind. This is a trailer for a film, but in my opinion it is much more interesting than the film.

30. Tons of material about Superjet tests -

31. The plane has already been transferred to Aeroflot. By the way, this is the first aircraft with a new, complete interior configuration and with more complete installed equipment. .

As a bonus, a 30-minute film about crosswind tests.

Many thanks to all GSS employees for their openness and willingness to share information about the aircraft.

The open architecture of the avionics complex was designed by THALES based on integrated modular technology. This made it possible to reduce the number of structural units of the complex by approximately 15% and thereby simplify its maintenance. To simplify maintenance of the aircraft as a whole, an on-board maintenance system is provided that is capable of detecting failures down to a structural unit in all major aircraft systems. At the same time, the basic avionics configuration is more functional compared to its closest competitors: it includes a triple VHF communication system with the ACARS function, a second-generation T2CAS collision avoidance system, and the ability to land according to ICAO category IIIA.

Due to the automatic piloting mode of the aircraft, not only additional gains in fuel efficiency are achieved, but also high flight safety, because in this mode, the fully remote flight control system (FCS) is protected from accidental errors. The fail-safe remote control architecture eliminates the need for mechanical redundancy entirely. Repositioning of the horizontal stabilizer is also carried out electrically. This helped optimize its dimensions for a high degree of controllability. The Superjet 100 is the first to use algorithmic protection against runway tail contact during lift-off, eliminating the need for mechanical shock absorbers found on other aircraft.

SaM146 engines are manufactured by PowerJet, a joint venture between Snecma (France) and NPO Saturn (Russia), taking into account all the requirements of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family of aircraft. The new modular SaM146 engine combines the successful experience of using CFM56 with the use of modern technologies and a reduction in the number of components by 20%, significantly reducing operating and maintenance costs while achieving unrivaled performance and reliability. The latest third-generation Autonomous Digital Engine Control (FADEC) system with redundancy optimizes flight operations while reducing fuel consumption. The interchangeability of components of the left and right engines allows us to reduce the range of necessary spare parts. It is possible to replace the blades without removing the engine from the wing. Thanks to new technologies embedded in the SaM146 engine, all aircraft in the family exceed current ICAO noise and emissions requirements. Nacelles with high sound absorption and low drag provide increased comfort inside the cabin.

The SSJ100 cockpit is equipped with intuitive controls and an electronic display and alarm system of the latest Thales avionics suite and a fully digital fly-by-wire flight control system. Fully digital fly-by-wire flight control system with side-stick controls optimizes aircraft performance, reduces crew workload, reduces fuel consumption and provides protection against aircraft overrun.

The "dark and quiet cockpit" concept provides superior situational awareness and crew working environment, thanks to an ergonomic cockpit design with five large LCD displays.

The DSUP is based on three upper-level computers (PFCU - Primary Flight Computer Unit) and complementary lower-level computers (ACE - Actuator Control Electronics). PFCUs process cockpit commands to the ACE and optimize aircraft performance in all flight modes. At the same time, at the first serious failure there is no need to switch to direct control, and the flight characteristics remain at a sufficient level of controllability. The high performance technology and weight perfection of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 is also achieved by the implementation of a fully fly-by-wire control system for retracting/extending the landing gear and the braking system.