What are the best seats to choose in a reserved seat carriage? Which carriage is better to choose on the train? The best compartments on the train.

When traveling by train, passengers can independently choose the right places in the wagon. The most convenient way to do this is to have a diagram of the carriage before your eyes.

When purchasing a ticket on the Tutu.ru website, passengers select seats either on the train car diagram, or by indicating only a range of seats. When choosing, you can see in advance which seats are already occupied and which are free. The numbering of seats in the carriage begins from the conductor's compartment.

The most popular way to travel by train is in a reserved seat. It has 54 seats, of which 18 are side. Traditionally, even places are at the top, and odd places are at the bottom. Seats 37 and 38 are much disliked by passengers. Not only are these “side seats” of dubious comfort, but they are also located near the toilet. However, if the destination is popular or the journey is short, these places are actively sold out along with others.

The compartment car has 36 seats, distributed over 9 “compartments”. One compartment has 4 shelves: two lower and two upper. The arrangement of seats in the carriage here is organized according to the same principle as in the reserved seat: even numbers are at the top, odd numbers are at the bottom. Upper berths in compartments are often sold at a discount and are sometimes even compared in price to travel in a reserved seat. There are sockets in the carriage not only near the toilets, but also in the corridor, so recharge mobile phone it will be possible without problems.

Traveling in SV or luxury can be called one of the most comfortable. 18 people can travel in one sleeping car at a time, two in each compartment. The arrangement of seats here is simple - there are no upper shelves.

IN international trains you can find double, triple and four-seater coupes. Such trains run to the Baltic countries and the European Union. The numbering principle here is the same as on other trains. However, in three-seater coupes it is different: the middle seats will be those ending in “3” and “4” - for example, 13 and 14.

The high-speed trains Sapsan, Lastochka and Strizh are equipped with seated carriages of different classes. When choosing a seat, the passenger is primarily interested in how he will sit - against or in the direction of the train. Most often, you can pre-select the location of interest in the car, but sometimes the cars can “turn over” when forming a train. In a seated carriage, when choosing a seat, you need to be especially careful so as not to be crushed under your neighbor’s knees the whole way. Most often, it will not be possible to indicate the required seats on the train on the map, so you need to know the “comfort range” in advance. As a rule, this is the middle.

A diagram of the carriage with seats usually hangs near the ticket office at the station. This does not mean that you will now have to go there - when buying a ticket on Tutu.ru, you can choose a comfortable arrangement of seats on the train on an interactive diagram, where you can see the free shelves, their tier, and also list the services that a passenger of a particular type of car receives .

When planning to travel by train, you should think about which car is better to choose on the train: reserved seat, compartment type, SV or seated. A reserved seat car is the most common type of passenger carriage in Russia, however, as in all CIS countries, it consists of 9 compartments with 6 seats each, for a total of 54 in 1 carriage. There are folding tables in each compartment and in the side seats. There is a passage between the 4 compartment seats and the 2 side ones. The carriage has 2 toilets, titanium for heating water, 2 vestibules, and a compartment for conductors.

Why is the reserved seat carriage so popular? The point is that this a budget option long-distance trips, during which you can relax and sleep. A reserved seat car is also called a sleeping car open type. The socket is located opposite the toilet, in the second and eighth compartments (numbers 39-40 and 51-52). Usually those who want to charge their gadgets (during long trips) more than the sockets themselves.

Places 1-4

Comfort while traveling plays a big role. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously which seats in the reserved seat are best to take.

Seats 1 to 4 are located near the conductors' compartment and the toilet. They are classified as "bad". The trip will be accompanied by passengers constantly going to the toilet, to the car conductor, to the exit at intermediate stations, and this will happen around the clock.

Reserved seat scheme

The advantages include the proximity to the exit of the carriage, which is important for travelers with heavy luggage.

Important! Charging laptops and using tees and extension cords is prohibited.

Seats 5-32

From 5 to 32 - the best places in reserved seat carriage. These are the shelves in the middle of the compartment section of the carriage.

Note! The windows in the third and sixth compartments do not open. And if such a coupe does not yet have air conditioning, then the trip will be a big test, especially in the summer.

Compartment part

About the side places

The side seats are in the range from 37 to 54. They also have their own characteristics, knowing which you can confidently decide whether to buy them. Sometimes a ticket for the 54th upper side seat is not sold, then it is used for business purposes.

The disadvantages of “side panels” include:

  • The smaller width of the shelf, which brings significant discomfort to most people and does not provide the opportunity to fully relax, lying straight up.
  • The disadvantage of the lower side seats is their design, since the table unfolds from the middle part of the seat. In order to eat at the table, the passenger above will have to disturb the neighbor below if he is resting. This often leads to disputes and discontent on both sides.
  • The side seats are considered “pass-through”. It is almost impossible to place your legs comfortably, because your neighbor’s legs are probably already under the table, and people walking back and forth prevent you from turning towards the aisle.

Among the advantages of side rails, one can note their availability: they often remain on sale in almost any direction the train travels. And people who are not tall can easily sit on the “second floor” without worrying that their legs will touch people passing by.


Riding on the sides should not bring discomfort if the trip does not last long.

If two people you know well are traveling, it is ideal to purchase tickets for the upper and lower side reserved seats.

Seats near the restroom (from 33 to 36)

Tickets with numbers 33-36 can be safely classified as “inconvenient”. Their disadvantage is their location near the toilet, which can be accompanied by very unpleasant odors, constant slamming of the door and draft. Passengers are very reluctant to buy these seats, just like the side ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of upper and lower shelves

Another important point in order to choose the most comfortable places in a reserved seat carriage, know the features of the upper and lower shelves.

The advantages of the upper shelves are that no one will disturb them; at any time of the day you can sit comfortably and read a book, sleep or watch your favorite movie.

The disadvantage is that it is inconvenient for elderly people, those with children, or those who are overweight. Climbing to the top is not an easy task for them. The category of people who avoid high seats also includes passengers who are afraid of falling while sleeping. In addition, in order to eat at a table, you often have to disturb the neighbor on the bottom shelf.

Upper shelves

It can be quite stuffy in the upper seats, especially if the ventilation of the carriage is not good enough, when it is a hot summer. To take your luggage, if it is in a specially designated compartment under the bottom bunk, you will have to disturb people.

The advantage of the bottom shelf is that you don’t have to climb onto it. This is the main advantage. The bottom is comfortable both to sit and lie down. You can look out the window, this will pleasantly relieve the situation on the way. To eat, you don’t need to ask anyone to vacate the seat at the table.

There are few disadvantages, but they do exist. It is almost impossible to sleep during the daytime. The upstairs neighbor will often come downstairs, for example, to go to the toilet, sit, or eat. Since the passenger in the upper bunk has every right to occupy a seat below during the daytime, this will not allow the passenger seated below to be alone in his own thoughts. From time to time you will have to watch the legs of the neighbor above, who is crawling “groaning” into his two-story apartment.

Note! You need to choose the tickets that suit you in advance, since the “good” ones are sold out first.

Features of travel for a specific category of passengers

Before deciding which seats are best for a reserved seat on a train, you need to select a passenger category:

  • pregnant women;
  • aged people;
  • suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, vestibular system;
  • children.

Due to their physiological characteristics, such people need to buy comfortable seats in advance, preferably lower ones. Woman in position or old man They are unlikely to be able to climb onto the top seat without assistance, much less get off it. A child may simply fall from the top shelf. Passengers with children warn their children that we are traveling in a reserved seat and remind them of the rules of safety and behavior on trains.

With various diseases accompanied by impaired movement and coordination, a trip on the second floor can become quite traumatic. In such cases, it is better to choose seats on the lower shelves and not far from the toilet, or to take the Russian Railways Lastochka train with seated carriages.

Traveling in a reserved seat can be pleasant and comfortable if you take care of it in advance and buy the most convenient seats for yourself, based on some of the above features.

Nowadays, traveling by train is one of the safest. Today there are several types of trains and carriages - luxury, SV or sleeping car increased comfort, coupe, reserved seat and seated carriage.

Econom-class train– a budget type of passenger car.

The name of the reserved seat car comes from the German “Platz-Karte” or “reserved seat” - this is what is called additional to the main one. travel ticket card for a seat on long-distance trains.

The reserved seat carriage contains 9 compartments with 6 seats each, for a total of 54 seats. The compartment has 6 shelves for passengers, 2 tables, 3 luggage racks and 3 luggage compartments under the passenger shelves.

In a reserved seat car there are two toilets in opposite parts of the car. There is usually a water heater where passengers can get hot water for tea.

Coupe- This is a type of passenger carriage, characterized by a greater level of comfort than a reserved seat. In a compartment, as in a reserved seat, there are 9 or 10 compartments, separated from each other by partitions and a door from a common corridor. The compartment, just like the reserved seat, has two toilets and a water heater.

The most important difference between a reserved seat and a coupe is that there are no partitions between the compartments for passengers, as well as doors separating the common passage. In the place where there is a common passage in the compartment, in the reserved seat car there are additional upper and lower side seats.

Unlike a reserved seat carriage, a compartment carriage does not have side seats. Typically, a compartment has 4 sleeping berths for passengers, a table and a luggage rack. Sometimes it is possible to have individual air conditioning. There is usually a mirror hanging on the compartment door.

Another important difference between a coupe and a reserved seat is the increased length of the sleeping bunk due to the absence of side seats.

The capacity of a compartment car is less than a reserved seat (36 seats in a compartment compared to 54 seats in a reserved seat).

An important difference between a reserved seat carriage and a compartment carriage is the price of the ticket: a compartment ticket is usually 2–3 times more expensive.

Often the impression of a trip is formed at the very beginning, and the presence or absence of a good mood can be influenced by the chosen seat on the train. You need to know some nuances to choose a good place.

Choosing a seat in a compartment carriage

  • “Bad” places, of course, are considered to be the 9th compartment close to the toilet, as well as the 1st compartment, next to the conductor and the second toilet. That is, places 1-4 and 33-36. Such places are usually the last to be purchased.
  • They are also considered more comfortable lower shelves they have odd numbering, and on our website they are indicated by a number with an orange stripe below. Upper shelves have even numbering.

Choosing a seat in a reserved seat

  • Just like in compartment cars, seats close to the toilet are considered the least comfortable. These are places 1-4 and “sides” 53-54 and 33-36 and 37-38.
  • Naturally, the lower shelves and the shelves in the “compartment” are considered more comfortable. Side seats are less in demand
  • Compartments No. 3 and 6 are also equipped with emergency exits, and the windows in their compartments cannot be opened, just like in compartment cars.
  • The last upper seat in a reserved seat car (the next 37th is already on the side) is 36. It differs from the other upper seats in that it is equipped with a partition. For tall passengers this may be an inconvenience. This seat also does not have a footrest to lean on to climb onto the shelf.
  • Places No. 1, 2, 35 and 36 are slightly shorter than others, which should also be taken into account by people with above average height. The standard length of the lower shelf in a reserved seat carriage is 177 cm, and the upper one is 167 cm. The width is 60 cm.

Econom-class train

Which seats are the lowest in a reserved seat carriage?

The numbering of seats in the carriage begins from the compartment conductor. The most popular way to travel by train is with a reserved seat. It has 54 seats, of which 18 are side. Traditionally even the seats are at the top, and odd– lower.

Car layouts for Intercity+ trains

InterCity (InterCity) is a class of high-speed intercity trains in a number of European countries, the distinctive feature of which is that they make intermediate stops along the route only at major cities country or at hub stations.

This is what distinguishes InterCity class trains from commuter and passenger trains.

Name InterCity assigned to the class of such trains by analogy with the day train of the same name, which was introduced in the UK on the London-Birmingham route in 1950. This was the branded InterCity train, and it is the name of this train that is considered original, and all subsequent names of similar InterCity class trains around the world are borrowed.

In 1966, British Railways adopted the InterCity brand for all its express trains on all domestic routes, and in 1986 the term was adopted by British Rail's InterCity Express Train Sector. As a result of railway privatization in the UK, the term "InterCity" is no longer officially used, but most people still refer to high-speed long-distance trains as such.

Now train class InterCity ply in most large countries- so, today these trains carry passengers to 22 European countries.

In Ukraine, InterCity and InterCity+ trains appeared largely due to the country’s preparation for the championship EURO 2012- despite the fact that the Ukrainian Railways planned to introduce high-speed trains of this class at the beginning of the last decade.

The “Intercity Plus” class includes electric trains made by the Korean Hyundai (HRCS2) and the Ukrainian Tarpan and the Czech Skoda. HRCS2 Hyundai runs on railway routes Ukraine currently has more (a total of 10 trains were purchased), while trains "Tarpan" Only two were built: Ekr1 and Ekr2.

The Ukrainian train is capable of carrying 612 people, while the Korean one is 579. Also, unlike the Korean one, the Kryukov Carriage Works train has only two first-class cars, while the HRCS2 has three.

Hyundai train carriage diagrams

So, the Hyundai Rotem HRCS2 train has only 9 cars, which in turn are divided into first and second classes. The first class is cars No. 2, 5, 8, the second class is No. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9.

At the same time, the numbering of seats in the first class is arranged according to the scheme 2+2, and in the second class 2+3. The first carriage has space for five wheelchairs.

The first carriage. Second class

Cars No. 2, 5 and 8. First class

In first class carriages, sockets are located in each row of seats, in second class carriages - every row.

Car No. 3. Second class

There is a bar in the third carriage.

Car No. 4, 6 and 7. Second class

Car No. 9. Second class

Tarpan train carriage diagrams

Cars No. 1 and 9. Second class

There are only 20 seats in the first and last carriages. There are two blocks of 4 seats with tables.

Cars No. 2 and 8. First class

Car No. 3, 6 and 7. Second class

The second class carriages (except the fifth and fourth) have 94 seats. There are 4 blocks of seats with tables.

Car No. 4. Second class

The fourth carriage can accommodate 112 passengers.

Car No. 5. Second Class

In the fifth car there is a buffet, seats for the disabled and a toilet for the disabled.

Skoda carriage diagram

The double-deck electric train of the EJ 675 series produced by Škoda Vagonka consists of six carriages with first and second class seats.

In the first and last there are places for the disabled (special platforms for raising and lowering wheelchairs and toilets adapted for passengers in wheelchairs), and in the fifth there is a buffet. There are only two such Czech-made trains operating in Ukraine.

The electric train is equipped with air conditioning, sockets and Wi-Fi.

The train operator is Yuzhnaya Railway. The train is designed for interregional transportation (Intercity), it can reach speeds of up to 160 km/h; anti-vibration and noise-reducing materials were used in the production of the Skoda body, so despite the high speed, travel in it is quite comfortable.

On the lower floor, seating is arranged in a 2+2 pattern in blocks of four, while on the upper floor you can find 2+1 combinations and single chairs. If they wish to travel alone, passengers can buy a ticket without neighbors nearby. The seats in relation to the direction of travel can be turned not only in the direction of travel and against, but also perpendicularly.

In total, the train can carry 634 passengers.

Skoda train carriage diagrams

Car No. 1

A total of 46 places including those intended for the disabled. On the second level there are chairs with tables (they are shown in blue rectangles on the plans), they are more popular than ordinary ones and are often the first to be purchased.

No. 2, 3, and 4

No. 5. Buffet

№ 6

In the salon of the first floor there are places for the disabled (indicated in the diagram by the corresponding pictograms), and on the second floor there are tables for two, three and four people.

Are you getting ready to travel and don’t know which car to choose on the train? For some, this issue is less important, but if there is still a difference, it is better to contact the cashier in advance in order to have more possibilities for maneuvers and choose the most suitable place.

Most railway carriers are ready to offer passengers several types of carriages. They are distinguished by their comfort and cost.

This carriage has free-standing soft chairs with armrests; the carriage is somewhat similar to a salon intercity bus or an airplane, but there is much more space.

You can buy a ticket for a seated carriage if the trip lasts several hours and the body does not have time to get tired of the monotonous posture.

Seated carriages may differ in the number of seats, their location and class of service.

Despite the individual seats, the seated carriage will not be best choice for long trips

Econom-class train

This is the most common type of carriage, combining relative comfort with low cost. The carriages have nine compartments, each with six seats. There are no doors between the compartments; they are connected by a common corridor.

Each compartment of the reserved seat carriage is equipped with tables. Third shelves and compartments under the seats allow you to accommodate even the largest luggage without taking up useful space. Old trains with reserved seat carriages may not be the most comfortable for travel. A fully occupied carriage can be cramped and stuffy. But in branded trains reserved seating is much newer and more comfortable: with air conditioning, dry toilets and big amount sockets

There are separate carriages of the general type - the same reserved seat with three seats on the bottom bunk. Common carriages have several serious disadvantages:

  • reserved seat berths lack a headrest and a soft backrest; sitting on them is not very comfortable;
  • due to the lack of armrests, a feeling of cramping is created;
  • tickets for a general carriage are usually sold without specifying a seat.

General carriages are the least comfortable, but they are cheap.

This type of carriage involves dividing seats into blocks of four each, with a total of 32 or 36 seats. Some carriages can be equipped with an additional compartment for two seats - numbers 37-38. The compartments are completely isolated from each other, the door is locked. Each compartment has a hanger, hooks for clothes, a table, a mirror, and instead of a third shelf there is a special niche for luggage.

Compartment cars are in demand due to their successful combination of comfort and cost. There are not many people in the carriage, there are no extraneous conversations, personal belongings are guaranteed to remain safe. Frequently, carriers hold promotions in which the upper bunks in a compartment cost approximately the same as seats in a reserved seat.

The compartment is comfortable, and you don’t have to worry about the safety of your things

Such carriages are usually equipped in such a way as to create the feeling of being at least in a three-star hotel room. A soft carriage can have from 4 to 6 compartments, which differ in layout and number of beds. Each compartment has a TV, air conditioning, an armchair, a soft sofa, a shower, and a dry closet. Every morning a fresh hot breakfast, a terry towel, and a shower set are brought to the soft carriage. Of course, you have to pay dearly for luxury - a ticket for a soft carriage can cost more than air travel.

You have to pay for convenience

Luxury carriage

SV type cars resemble compartment cars, but are more comfortable. The standard suite has 18 seats, two in each compartment, and no upper shelves. Among the advantages of the suite are the presence of a call button for the conductor, air conditioning, and sometimes even a TV.

Like a soft carriage, a luxury will cost much more than a classic coupe - (by 60-100%).

The choice of carriage on a train should depend on key factors such as cost, duration of the journey and the level of comfort required. If you are not used to noisy companies and value cleanliness and order, you will have to fork out money, especially when you have to travel far. At the same time for short trips and picky passengers have much less expensive offers.

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Any trip begins with the road. And if you (unfortunately) do not choose travel companions, then choose comfortable place- is quite real. Children and people who rarely travel, due to the “novelty”, may not care at all whether they travel in a reserved seat or a coupe, on the lower side or on the upper one near the toilet. For example, I would rather postpone the trip than ride on the top shelf, especially in a reserved seat. Together with uticket.ua, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the nuances, thanks to which you can grab a better place for yourself.

Selecting a seat in a compartment carriage:

© uticket.ua
  • “Bad” places are considered 9 compartments (close to the toilet), as well as 1 compartment, next to the conductor and the second toilet. That is, places 1-4 and 33-36. Such places are usually the last to be purchased.
  • They are also considered more comfortable lower shelves, they are oddly numbered. Upper shelves have even numbering.
  • It is also worth paying attention to coupes No. 3 and 6, in such coupes windows don't open. They are considered equipped with emergency exits.
  • The standard length of the lower shelf in a compartment car is 184 cm, and the upper one is 183 cm. The width is 60 cm.

Selecting a seat in a reserved seat:

© uticket.ua
  • Just like in compartment cars, seats close to the toilet are considered least comfortable. These are places 1-4 and “sides” 53-54 and 33-36 and 37-38.
  • Naturally, are considered more comfortable lower shelves, and shelves in the "compartment". Side seats are less in demand
  • Compartments No. 3 and 6 are also equipped with emergency exits, and the windows in their compartment do not open, as well as in compartment cars.
  • The last upper seat in a reserved seat car (the next 37th is already on the side) is 36. It differs from the other upper seats in that it is equipped with a partition. For tall passengers this may be an inconvenience. This seat also does not have a footrest to lean on to climb onto the shelf.
  • Seats No. 1, 2, 35 and 36 are slightly shorter than others, which should also be taken into account by people with above average height. The standard length of the lower shelf in a reserved seat carriage is 177 cm, and the upper one is 167 cm. The width is 60 cm.

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