When did the Twin Towers terrorist attack occur? American fairy tale about a plane crashing into the Pentagon

Irrefutable evidence

Alexander Tarasov

Review of the book by Thierry Meyssan “September 11, 2001. Monstrous fraud." M.: Moscow branch of the publishing house "Karno", 2003.

This book created a sensation and instantly became a bestseller in France, and then in other countries. European countries. In the United States, the authorities prevented the publication of this book for more than a year, but it was still published - and immediately became a powerful aid for the anti-war and “anti-globalization” movement. The fact that Meyssan’s book not only did not become a bestseller in our country, but, on the contrary, was actually silenced, is a shameful phenomenon, which speaks of the corrupt, puppet nature of the political system.

Immediately after September 11, 2001, a variety of people in our country - from representatives of leftist and Muslim circles to the respectable TV academician from the pro-government channel V. Pozner - began to publicly explain to the United States that since America has created such a planetary system in which all the benefits and wealth the “third world” flows into the USA, and the people of the “third world” only get poverty, disease, hunger, war and death, it is naive to expect that the “third world” will endure this forever and will not strike back at America sooner or later.

The reality turned out to be much worse. It turned out that the “third world,” with all its hatred of America, is not yet capable of an action on the scale of September 11th. It turned out that September 11 is a monstrous provocation, the “worldwide arson of the Reichstag,” organized by far-right “hawks” from the ruling circles of the United States itself. Thierry Meyssan's book proves this, literally leaving no stone unturned from the official version of the US administration.

To begin with, T. Meyssan analyzes the story of the attack of a Boeing 757-200 aircraft on the Pentagon - moreover, precisely on the sector of the building where the Army Counter-Terrorism Directorate was located. The first thing T. Meyssan establishes is that no Boeing crashed on the Pentagon! And that's why:

1) The size of the hole in the wall of the building (recorded in photographs and film documents - before the facade collapsed) does not correspond to the size of the plane: the hole is much smaller (P. 18-20). If we assume that only the nose of the plane crashed into the Pentagon - and then for some reason the car stopped dead in its tracks, without even touching the building with its wings (which cannot be, given the speed at which the Boeing was flying - from 400 to 700 km / h – and the weight of the machine is 115 t) (p. 16, 18), then

2) The wings, fuselage and tail of the Boeing must remain outside and not be damaged. However, they are not there - not even in the very first photographs taken at the moment when fire trucks had just arrived at the Pentagon, but had not yet begun to extinguish the fire inside the building (p. 20);

3) If the rest of the plane had exploded and burned outside, there would have been debris left behind. There are none - not a single one (P. 19-22)! Moreover, during the explosion and fire outside, the surroundings of the Pentagon in this place should have been severely damaged: lawns, fences, pillars, car and helicopter parking areas. They are intact (p. 17);

4) The most reasonable thing, if you intend to inflict maximum damage on the Pentagon with an air strike, is to bring down the Boeing onto the roof of the building (you won’t miss: the Pentagon occupies an area of ​​117,363 sq.m). But terrorists, on the contrary, choose to strike the facade, risking missing, since the height of the building is 24 m, while the height of the plane itself is 13 m (p. 17);

5) The plane crashes into a building, flying strictly horizontally, between the first and second floors - while the very height of the Boeing is such that it COULD NOT crash lower than between the third and fourth floors(p. 17); besides, during a horizontal flight close to the ground, the plane somehow miraculously did not knock down trees, poles, fences (and did not even damage them with the air stream!), car and helicopter parking lots (p. 16-17);

6) Despite cruising speed and weight, the plane only penetrated the outer wall of the building, which is incredible (p. 18);

7) The size of the fire in the Pentagon did not correspond to the amount of fuel on board the Boeing. Moreover: Arlington County fire crews were not allowed by special services to the scene of the explosion and fire (p. 21), and fire chief Ed Ploger, when asked by reporters about fuel, said something incredible: “We found something that we took for a puddle, just in the place where we think the nose of the plane was” (p. 22). Thus, something completely ridiculous turns out: part of the fuel ignited during a collision and explosion, but part did not. T. Meyssan uses the word “surrealism” in this regard (p. 21);

8) None of the surveillance cameras recorded the Boeing (p. 22);

9) The air defense services of Washington and - separately - the Pentagon “did not notice” the Boeing (p. 13-15);

10) On the Boeing 757-200, at the moment of hijacking, the transcoder (an automatic transmitter that sends an identification signal and flight data to dispatcher consoles) turned off. It is impossible to disable the transcoder (p. 185);

11) After losing contact with Boeing, NORAD (Aerospace Defense Command) began searching and intercepting the plane North America), controlling all airspace, which sent three F-16 fighters from a base in Langley to intercept. Visual contact was established with the Boeing in the air. But the Boeing evaded (!) NORAD tracking, dodged (!) fighters and attacked the Pentagon (p. 14-15, 22), which is simply impossible to believe;

12) As it turned out, the explosion hit exactly the sector of the Pentagon that was under repair. The Anti-Terrorism Directorate has already been evicted from there, the Naval Command Center has not yet been moved in. The premises were occupied mainly by civilian personnel working on their equipment. That is why the victims were mostly civilians and only one general was among the dead. This also explains the small number of deaths - 125 people (p. 18-19);

13) To deliver a blow of such increased precision to such low altitude in the city, you need to train on the ground many times in order to know all the obstacles (which the “Arab terrorists,” of course, could not do) and, moreover, to be a pilot of the highest class (p. 25).

Based on all this, T. Meyssan came to the conclusion that the official version of the “crash of a plane captured by terrorists on” - linden, which he called a "bloody reenactment".

No plane fell on the Pentagon; the explosion was carried out inside the building by people who had access to the Pentagon and had the ability to freely deliver a large supply of explosives inside the building.

At the same time, the Boeing 757-200 American Airlines Flight 77 really disappeared along with all the passengers. T. Meyssan asks questions: who killed them and where are they? He believes that sooner or later the American administration will have to answer these questions (p. 24).

However, some assumptions can be made now. If the Boeing is nowhere to be found, it was most likely drowned (along with its passengers) in the ocean. And, in addition, the damage to the Pentagon that Meyssan described could be caused not only by a directed explosion from the inside, but also by a cruise missile strike from the outside. It is obvious, however, that only they can attack the Pentagon with a cruise missile - and only on the orders of the highest authorities.

Actually, T. Meyssan could have stopped at exposing the “attack on the Pentagon” - this is quite enough to prove that September 11, 2001 organized by the American administration: only knowing in advance the date, time and nature of the attack on the Twin Towers, it was possible to stage a “bloody reenactment” in the Pentagon.

But Meyssan did not limit himself to the Pentagon. He drew attention to a lot of absurdities with the attack on the World Trade Center. Firstly, NORAD was unable, oddly enough, to find direction and intercept the planes that attacked the Twin Towers. Secondly, on these planes, as on the Boeing 757-200, transcoders were disabled.

By the way, the signal from a civilian transcoder disappears if you equip the transcoder in advance with not only a civilian, but also a military code - and upon command from the ground (or in accordance with the program embedded in the on-board computer), switch the transcoder from a civilian code to a military one: civilian radars are equipped with filters , making them “blind” in relation to Air Force objects (p. 15, 185).

And after a series of consultations with experts, Meyssan came to the conclusion that amateur pilots could not get into the middle of the “twin towers” ​​with such accuracy (and even at low altitude in the city, where flying is devilishly difficult).

The wingspan of the Boeing 767 is 38 m, and the width of the tower is 63 m; it is enough to deviate to the side by 5 m - and the attack on the towers would fail. It should be taken into account that at a speed of 700 km/h and the weight of the Boeing, the pilots had only 0.3 seconds to adjust the course (p. 32-33)!

The professionals told Meyssan that there was a way to accurately hit the target: follow the radio beacon. If you install radio beacons in the towers, then the planes will approach them automatically (to the point that you don’t even need to capture them for this, you just need to put the corresponding program into the on-board computer - and then you can control the plane from the ground, they have such technology, it’s called she is "Global Hauk") (p. 33-34).

Meyssan began to search - and found out that There really were radio beacons at the World Trade Center, which apparently turned on shortly before the attack! Their signals were recorded by radio amateurs, since the beacons interfered with transmissions from television antennas installed on the tower (p. 33).

Meyssan was also interested in the collapse of the towers. He found calculations by experts who claimed that the WTC towers could not have collapsed under the influence of the gravity of the aircraft and the temperature of the fire. Moreover, Meyssan found an official statement from firefighters who claimed to have heard explosions at the base of the towers and demanded an independent investigation into the cause of the collapse (which killed many of their comrades) (p. 34).

Meyssan was even more interested in the collapse of “Building No. 7” of the World Trade Center complex, into which no plane crashed. “Building No. 7,” surprisingly, collapsed inward, as if in a directed explosion.

The New York Times found that Building No. 7 housed Secret CIA base, engaged in economic espionage around the world and was in acute conflict with political departments and the General Staff (p. 35-36). The destruction of this base certainly cannot be associated with an “air attack.”

Then T. Meyssan drew attention to the unexpectedly small number of deaths in the ruins of the WTC: 2843 people, including passengers and crews of two Boeings, as well as police officers, firefighters and rescuers who arrived at the buildings - despite the fact that in the WTC towers at the time of the first aircraft the impact there were up to 40,000 people (and even just the total number of employees on the upper floors cut off by the flames should have been at least 4,800 people) (p. 36-37).

Meyssan found a publication in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, in which Misha Makover, director of Odigo, one of the leaders in the field of electronic communications, said that the company received warning of the upcoming terrorist attack 2 hours before it– with a proposal to evacuate personnel (p. 38). It is interesting that after this publication, the FBI prohibited employees of the Odigo company from communicating with the press (p. 104).

T. Meyssan draws an analogy with the famous explosion of the federal building. Alfred P. Murrah in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. The explosion, according to the official version, was organized by Timothy McVeigh, a member of the far-right paramilitary organization "Militia" (created during the " cold war"themselves for the deployment of partisan actions on American territory in the event of its occupation by Soviet troops). In Oklahoma City, only 168 people died because the vast majority of those working in the building were suddenly given half a day off work. Meyssan believes that this was done by the FBI to reduce the number of victims (the FBI controls the “Militia” and, therefore, knew in advance in all details about the impending explosion) (p. 38-39).

Finally, Meyssan unearthed an amazing recognition of President Bush Jr., made by him in Orlando (pcs.).

The President said that on September 11, shortly after the first air attack on the World Trade Center, he was shown on television footage of a plane colliding with the tower - and while he was watching this footage, the President's chief secretary, Andy Card, burst into the room with the words: “A second plane hit the tower. America has been attacked” (p. 40).

However, unlike the collision of an airplane with the second tower of the World Trade Center (which the whole world could watch in live), footage depicting the first collision was discovered much later - 13 hours after the events, when the Gamma agency published the filming of the Naudet brothers. Therefore, Meyssan concludes, the president was shown other footage - footage of secret filming taken by the intelligence services. But since the special services conducted such filming, it means that they knew in advance about the place and time of the events (p. 40-41).

T. Meyssan makes the following general conclusion: the planes were directed to the World Trade Center building by radio beacons; the companies and institutions located in the buildings (at least some of them) were warned about the terrorist attack in advance in order to reduce the number of human losses; all three collapsed buildings were blown up by charges from the ground.

After which Meyssan asks (not without sarcasm): “Could such an operation be conceived in the caves of Afghanistan, controlled from them and carried out by a handful of Islamists?” (p. 41). And Meyssan puts forward a version conspiracy within the US administration, the CIA and the military elite.

The first thing he pays attention to is thorough intimidation of President Bush by part of his entourage. The plane Bush is flying on - according to CONPLAN, which comes into effect in emergencies (like 9/11) - suddenly "disappears." In fact, the presidential plane is first driven to the base in Barksdale (Louisiana), and then to the base in Offutt (Nebraska). Between the bases, Bush's plane, escorted by fighter jets, flies at low altitude and zigzags, as if hiding from radar and anti-aircraft fire. At the bases themselves, the president is driven along the runways in an armored car, citing protection from snipers (p. 44)!

T. Meyssan also draws attention to mysterious fire in the White House, which arose between the two attacks on the World Trade Center towers (40 minutes before the second collision). Footage of the fire was broadcast on ABC (p. 50).

This strange fire, all information about which later completely disappears, cannot be attributed to air attacks. But one can, however, although Meyssan does not do this, remember that high-ranking American officials on September 11 named the White House as one of the targets of terrorists (according to some statements, it was the plane that fell in that should have dived on it; according to others, the White House was the original target of the airliner that eventually allegedly attacked the Pentagon).

But something didn’t work – and the fire turned out to be “unnecessary”. Agency reports about the explosion on Capitol Hill also turned out to be “superfluous.” But, by the way, after the fire, the White House staff, led by Vice President Cheney, as well as congressmen, were forcibly evacuated “to safe places.”

It is interesting that Meyssan found out exactly what plan of action to defend the White House was carried out after the evacuation of others. This was a scheme to protect the White House not from a plane crash or bombing, but from an assault by a landing party(p. 50)!

As Meyssan established, on September 11, the intimidation of the already not very smart president (and at the same time, apparently, other “intractable ones”) reached an unprecedented level: the president’s press secretary, Ari Fleischer, and then official representatives of the intelligence services reported that the White House Secret Service had received telephone messages from the attackers, in which they warned (why, I wonder?) that they were going to attack the White House and the presidential plane - and, most incredible, the callers used secret codes and ciphers of the presidential office, as well as a number of special services: narcotics, National Intelligence Agency (NRA), Air Force Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, State Department intelligence agencies, etc. Each of these codes and ciphers is super-secret and known to an extremely limited circle of people, and no one has the right to have several codes at once (p. 46-48).

It is impossible to imagine that al-Qaeda, or the Taliban, or Iraqi intelligence would be able to obtain such a number of super-secret ciphers and codes. If anyone could do this, it was perhaps Soviet intelligence during the heyday of the USSR (and even that is doubtful).

Meyssan drew attention to two things: firstly, having such a set of ciphers and codes, the attackers could usurp the powers of the president, including command and control of troops. The only way to counter this was to ensure the personal presence of the President at the US Strategic Command Center at Offutt Base (which was done) (p. 49). That is, Bush was frightened by the fact that “terrorists” could seize control of armed forces USA!

The second thing Meyssan drew attention to: if the attackers entered into negotiations, it means they put forward some demands or an ultimatum. Kamikazes do not enter into negotiations. Meyssan suggested that Bush entered into these negotiations and succumbed to blackmail, after which “the threat receded” (p. 49). This means that the blackmailers were anyone, but not Islamic terrorists.

And T. Meyssan makes the following conclusion: the terrorist attacks in Washington (including the arson in the White House) were organized by people who contacted the president using secret codes and ciphers and who presented him with an ultimatum. Overwhelmed by their capabilities, Bush accepted the ultimatum - and continues to govern the country.

This can only happen if The September 11 terrorist attacks were carried out by a group at the very top of the US military and political elite, – and only if these terrorist attacks were intended to force the president to change the nature of US foreign and domestic policy.

The Islamic trail was falsified. Moreover, it was falsified extremely poorly, primitively, and unconvincingly. And only the monstrous hysteria perpetrated by the American authorities and the media gave this trail a semblance of credibility...

The terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, claimed the lives of a huge number of people. 2973 people died, and this, you see, is a significant figure.

Preceded by the hijacking of four planes heading to California and eastern part USA. The planes' tanks were full, so you could say they turned into guided missiles.

At 8:45, one of the planes, a Boeing 767, crashed into the North Tower. 92 on board (11 crew, 5 terrorists and 76 passengers). The plane crashed into the gap between the 93rd and 99th floors. The fuel, which flared up in the tank, rushed down like a column of fire, killing even those people who were in the foyer. At 10:29 the burning building collapsed, burying a huge number of people with it. The number of the plane that crashed into the Twin Towers is AA11.

At 9:03, a plane also crashed into the South Tower; it was the second Boeing 767. The impact occurred between the 77th and 81st floors. There were 65 people on board the plane (5 terrorists, 9 crew members and 54 passengers). At 9:59 local time, the burning building collapsed. Aircraft number - UA175.

There were two more planes. One of them struck the Pentagon, this happened at 9:40. 184 people died. And the last one fell in the forest of Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. We were able to look at the recordings from the so-called “black box”. It became clear that the terrorists dived down when the resisting passengers tried to break into the cockpit. There were 44 people on board.

According to journalists, some passengers were able to call their relatives from the hijacked planes. People reported terrorists: there were 4 people on one board, 5 on the other. There is an opinion that this data was specially fabricated by the FBI, because there was one call that caused great mistrust. The son called his mother and when she answered the phone, he said: “Mom, it’s me, John Smith.” Agree, it is unlikely that he would actually start a conversation by introducing his last name.

Not a single person on board could survive. 274 people died on board planes (terrorists are not counted), 2602 people in New York (both on the ground and in the towers), 125 people in the Pentagon.

It wasn't just the Twin Towers that were damaged. Five more buildings were either destroyed or heavily damaged. A total of 25 buildings were damaged, and 7 had to be demolished.

What are the consequences of this terrible tragedy? Two skyscrapers and an adjacent wing of the Pentagon were destroyed. About 10,000 people died three thousand Human. The New York Stock Exchange suspended its operations for two days. The area adjacent to the site of the tragedy was completely covered with ashes. The President announced the terrorist attack served the United States with Afghanistan, and then with Iraq.

The tragedy received national status, and the news of it flew across the world in a matter of seconds. It was not for nothing that these buildings were chosen by the terrorists, because the Twin Towers were the pride of the United States.

The towers were built in the 60s, at which time America's prestige was shaken. It was decided to build something gigantic, grandiose, stunning, in order to restore people's optimism and faith in themselves and the future. No one imagined that the “project of the century” would turn into the main “tragedy of the century.”

The photo was taken before the Pentagon collapsed. Where is the plane, where is the giant hole in the wall? The photo shows a small burning hole, but there was no way a plane with a wingspan of approx. 38 meters.

  • According to bin Laden, units of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda have nothing to do with the events of September 11 in New York and Washington. The terrorist said that the hijackings were organized by enemies of Islam and Christianity. “Countries such as Israel, India, Russia and Serbia could organize terrorist attacks. We should not ignore the fact that Jews are dissatisfied with the election of George Bush as president,” bin Laden said in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Takbir. (eleven)
  • 2002 - Bush and his junta managed to redirect America's anger from Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein. This is one of the greatest PR stunts in history. According to a recent public opinion poll, one in two Americans now believes that Saddam Hussein was involved in the attack on the World Trade Center. The stupid American masses have once again shown that they will believe anything they are told on TV. What country is still preparing an insidious attack on America? (5)
  • Have you ever seen photos or videos of a plane near the Pentagon or one that crashed near the forest? No, no one saw them, because... they don't exist. But there is filming where the “crash” site is simply scorched earth. These planes didn't exist! Here are 2 photos of the Pentagon immediately after the explosion.
Boeing height approx. Somehow only the first floor was breached by 13 meters, although the height of the building is approx. 24 meters).

Left: apparently the plane folded its wings and disappeared without a trace into a small hole. Right: This is what the impact hole should have looked like.

  • Nero set fire to Rome to blame Christians.

    1964 - The Americans pretend that they were fired upon by the Vietnamese. This becomes the official reason for the start of the war, which claimed the lives of 58,000 American soldiers and 3.1 million Vietnamese fighters and civilians.

    1979 - Italy. The CIA creates terrorist groups in Italy that were supposed to discredit the pro-communist Red Brigades. For this purpose, attacks were carried out on civilians, which were then attributed to the communists. In 1979, there were about 2,000 assassination attempts.

    1983 – Grenada. The reason for the start of the US military operation was the taking of American students hostage. US President Ronald Reagan\Ronald Reagan stated that “the Cuban-Soviet occupation of Grenada was being prepared,” and also that weapons depots were being created in Grenada that could be used by international terrorists. After the capture of the island by the US Marine Corps (1983), it turned out that the students were not being held hostage, and the warehouses were filled with old Soviet weapons. Before the invasion began, the United States announced that there were 1.2 thousand Cuban commandos on the island. Afterwards it turned out that there were no more than 200 Cubans, a third of them were civilian specialists.

    The Americans failed in an operation during which they wanted to detonate a nuclear warhead at an Iraqi military plant. Perhaps in order to later inform the world about the dire danger of Iraq and send troops there, but the exact details are unknown.(14)

    1993 - 1st attempt by American intelligence agencies to undermine the old and dilapidated World Trade Center. The explosives were incorrectly positioned and did not work as expected. All the blame was placed on Islamic terrorists.

    1995 - State Department bombing in Oklahoma City. Again the handwriting of the special services, again innocent people are accused of being guilty (in the end, the case is pinned on one person who is executed). There is no proper panic, therefore it is not possible to push through the New World Order. But 58% of Americans agree with the reduction of their rights for the sake of a more effective fight against terrorism, which is what is happening. After the bombing, President Clinton legalized the right of the police to commit any crimes against the constitution in the interests of fighting terrorism. As in the case of the World Trade Center, certain categories of workers were warned in advance about the impending “terrorist attack” and did not come to work. In this case, these were all employees of the Bureau for Sales Control alcoholic drinks, tobacco products and weapons."

    September 11, 2001 - 2 planes crash into the same World Trade Center. The government claims that there were 4 planes, although there is not a single eyewitness to their crash, nor are there any photographs or videos. The shock was strong enough to persuade 94% of Americans to justify military action "even if many thousands of innocent civilians were killed." A new redivision of the world in favor of the United States begins, which the Americans proclaimed on September 11, 1991. Again they used an attack on themselves as an excuse.

    Let's add to this list countless smaller episodes when Americans carried out terrible crimes against their opponents with their own hands in order to win the world community over to their side. The “terrorist attack” of September 11, in principle, is no different from the actions of fictitious Viet Cong units, which the Americans instructed to kill and rape the Vietnamese to discredit the National Liberation Front. It is no different from the “finds” of fictitious communist weapons depots in El Salvador. It is no different from the fictitious Symbionese Liberation Army created by the CIA/FBI to discredit genuine revolutionaries.” (1, 2, 13, 15, 24)

  • Download file: Here you can watch a video presentation of facts refuting the official version of the United States (Flash player required, approx. 3 MB).
  • “In 1997, when Bush was governor of Texas, the BBC aired a report about Taliban leaders flying from Afghanistan to Houston to meet with executives of the oil company Unocal and negotiate the possibility of building a gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Gathering information on the feasibility of such a thing The project was entrusted to the Enron company - the same corporation that was the main sponsor of your election campaigns - both gubernatorial and presidential. The construction of the gas pipeline was to be carried out by the Halliburton company. At that time, it was headed by Dick Cheney, the current vice-president. -President of the United States. For what reason did the state of Texas accept these representatives of the government of terrorists on its soil? "(7)
  • San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, 8 hours before the start of the “terrorist attacks,” received a call from Condoleezza Rice advising him not to fly to New York, which he was scheduled to do on September 11. (25)
  • "According to the Times of London, Bush allowed a private plane from Saudi Arabia to cross into the United States to round up and transport out of the country a dozen relatives of bin Laden. This happened in the coming days and weeks after the events of September 11. Bin Laden's relatives did not were called in for questioning by neither the police nor the FBI; not a single attempt was made to find out whether they had any information. important information". (7)

    "Major international corporations, including Microsoft, UBS and Compaq, were among those who made donations to Islamic charities, which US officials say were among al-Qaeda's leading financiers ), Osama bin Laden's organization. (9)

  • As you know, the hole at the site of the plane crash in Pennsylvania was filled with debris “smaller than a cigarette pack,” i.e., the plane exploded into tiny pieces (see photo gallery). However, even if some powerful explosive, such as RDX, had been loaded into it to fill the Boeing’s entire carrying capacity, even then the fuselage of the aircraft would not have been torn apart to the level of a puzzle. The duralumin from which aircraft bodies are built is not a brittle metal - this is not the phosphorus steel of bomb and shell bodies. (18)

    In October 2001, attackers mailed envelopes containing anthrax spores to a number of government agencies, including Congress, and television networks. In December 2001, the FBI admitted that the anthrax spores found in the mail were of American origin. “They were manufactured here,” FBI Assistant Director Barry Mohn told the Boston Globe. He referred to the results of a laboratory analysis. However, Mon refused to go into details. Earlier, thanks to the American media, a version about the Iraqi origin of the dispute became widespread. The republics of the former Soviet Union were often mentioned in this connection. (19) The use of letters as a tool for the spread of deadly bacteria was not news to South African specialists who worked on the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons commissioned by the apartheid regime as part of the fight against the national liberation movement in Southern Africa. Anthrax was one of hundreds of toxins produced at the Roodeplaat laboratory in the 1980s. Moreover, it was successfully transformed into a form that allowed it to be used as a “weapon.” The technology of applying anthrax spores to everyday objects, including letters and stationery, for the purpose of killing people was used as part of Project Coast for the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons with the help of the American CIA. Speaking at the trial of project leader Dr Water Basson in Pretoria, microbiologist Mike Odendaal said he had worked with 46 strains of anthrax bacteria. In particular, at the direction of research director Andre Immelman, he applied anthrax spores to several packs of cigarettes. These packs, he said, were distributed among “enemies of the South African state” in Angola and Namibia. Odendaal introduced anthrax spores into chocolate and mixed them with glue, which was used to seal letters.(10)

  • “After the collapse of the “evil empire”, the USSR, America lost the basis for heroic worldwide expansion. Not everyone could answer the simple question “why America should and must be the leader of humanity?” The blessed Clinton years, when the American stock exchanges were bursting with growth higher than the sky empty computer actions, added doubts about the world-historical role of the United States as a country-messiah, the only and last empire of good. It was necessary to bring America out of its afternoon hibernation, to remind it of its messianism. It was not by chance that the Washington super-hawk, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul. Wolfowitz, so similar to the caricature Reagan from the Crocodile magazine of the early eighties, said shortly after Bush Jr.’s accession to the throne: for us to shake ourselves up and remember our destiny, America needs a new Pearl Harbor. The “correct” disaster did not take long to happen. wait". (29)
  • in July 2001, international terrorist Osama bin Laden, who was already on the international wanted list, was treated in an American clinic in Dubai (UAE). There he met with the head of the legal representative office of the CIA in the UAE. Bin Laden was allegedly treated by American doctor Terry Callaway, who heads the urology department at a Dubai clinic. Until recently, the United States also had quite partnership relations with the Taliban. Thus, on May 17 of this year, US Secretary of State Colin Powell announced the transfer of 43 million dollars to the Taliban in gratitude for the destruction of poppy fields in Afghanistan. About where exactly the money went and whether it was poppy fields actually destroyed, no one knows.(20)
  • In this interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat, Osama bin Laden said that he believes that the organizers of the terrorist attacks in the United States were the Jewish community of Florida, which “did not forgive George Bush for electing him in the presidential elections in the United States.” Relieving himself of blame for the terrorist attacks, bin Laden, in particular, says: “Neither I nor my al-Qaeda organization have anything to do with those who attacked America. They could be anyone - people who are part of the American system, but at the same time opposed to it, or some group that intended to turn this century into a century of confrontation between Islam and Christianity." Speaking about the evidence of his guilt that the US intelligence services intend to present, bin Laden, according to the Ummat newspaper, says: “Ask the intelligence services about this, they receive billions of dollars every year for this. We are against the American system, but we are not against the American of the people, Islam does not allow the killing of innocent men, women and children, even in times of war." (22)
  • The Americans continue to claim that there were no explosions in the World Trade Center buildings. Were! It's hard to lie when there are witnesses. Both buildings were pre-planted with explosives, which helped bring down the skyscrapers so beautifully. You can listen to excerpts from two Amer. reports. CBS television channel, which reports explosions inside buildings.
  • It is interesting to observe America's reaction to the emergence of information that exposes the official version. At first, there were numerous attempts to put pressure on the governments of other countries to ban the publication of certain books, especially dangerous for the United States was T. Miessan’s book “A Monstrous Fraud. No Plane Fell on the Pentagon.”

    Download file:, because it contained unique photos The Pentagon, where the absence of an airplane in front of the Pentagon is clearly visible (see photo gallery). The reaction was the opposite; the book was translated into 28 languages ​​and sold millions of copies. There were telephone threats and media campaigns against journalists who dared to question the claims of American propaganda. Then came a series of “documentary” films where the “conspiracy theory” was supposedly exposed. Let's consider one of them, “September 11 did not happen” (DER 11. SEPTEMBER FAND NICHT STATT). It was shown throughout Europe in 2004. The authors claim that this very “conspiracy theory” was invented... by communists and fascists who have personal scores to settle with America. A kind of communist conspiracy of paranoids. Argumentation? She simply doesn't exist. The filmmakers use a well-tested technique - they don’t even try to prove, refute, or explain even the most ridiculous inconsistencies of the official version. Instead, they are trying to create an extremely negative image of someone who thinks with his own head instead of believing Bush Jr. The authors are trying to convince the viewer that if you are not a communist, fascist or paranoid, then you will believe in the American version without any evidence. Even worse, the host reports with a look of horror on his face that some people still believe that America really wants to rule the world and that the war in Iraq is about oil. “If you don’t believe in the American version of the terrorist attacks, then you don’t believe in the genocide of the Jews during World War II, you don’t believe in Freedom and Democracy, which are incompatible with any conspiracy theories, but you believe in the nightmarish “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” by the Russian production. Only totalitarian states are capable of conspiracies; such practices are incompatible with democracy,” this is his message. Obviously, the author himself does not notice that he is trying to make us believe in a communist conspiracy to discredit the United States as an "empire of good." It even goes as far as outright insults like “those who don’t believe in the official American version are idiots, helpers of terrorists, paranoids.” Such arguments do not explain the absence of Boeing from the ruins of the Pentagon. But there is also in this film interesting information- for example, you can find out that in Germany 20% of the population believes that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were carried out by the American government.

  • at least five of the 19 terrorist hijackers who carried out attacks in New York and Washington completed flight training at military bases in the United States. (21)
  • "At least 15 of the 19 terrorists who participated in the operation were citizens of Saudi Arabia. But Bush, nevertheless, began to bomb Afghanistan. Was there an error in aiming? Or was it too risky to attack a country that supplies America with 25% of gasoline? As soon as it was The campaign to establish control over all of Afghanistan was completed, Bush immediately appointed a former adviser to one of the oil corporations as the head of the interim government. Then one of the former members of the Unocal board was appointed as the new ambassador to Afghanistan, and, a few months later, an agreement was signed. construction of a gas pipeline."(7)
one plane made three small holes in each of the buildings that were pierced through

maybe it happened because the building was hit by three missiles?

  • Let’s not forget that retaliatory strikes were carried out on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, where not such ordinary people are sitting, but, frankly speaking, military and economic bandits engaged in economic enslavement and the destruction of entire nations. Millions of “ordinary Americans” squealed and sang joyfully when American missiles, bombs, and shells killed civilians on all continents of the planet. And here's the result. As they say: “Oh, you sang? So go and dance!” Americans will have a lot more to “dance” in the frying pan that the United States constantly keeps hot for other nations, because the overwhelming majority are too accustomed to seeing themselves as rulers of the world. Therefore, today 71% of Americans support war and extremely brutal revenge against terrorists. And with all this, they are trying to move us to tears with the current situation in the United States. TV announcers repeat: “An incredible tragedy that has never happened in the history of mankind!” And the millions of people destroyed by America in Korea and Vietnam!? And the genocide of Russia, which annually decreases by more than a million people? They want to touch us by the fact that as many as 3 minutes of mourning have been declared throughout Europe. But why did “civilized” Europe and “super-civilized” America not declare mourning, but, on the contrary, rejoice during the broadcasts of the brutal execution of the Supreme Council in 1993? We are told that under all conditions terrorism is very bad. And what about the rabid state terrorism of the USA? Is it good that the United States has long ago turned the UN into an international terrorist organization, under whose flag the extermination of millions of people is openly carried out? Familiar logic: whoever is strong is right! But what should someone do who does not have such strength and who is constantly being crushed by someone else’s evil force? Let us assume that these terrorist attacks were actually committed by representatives of some Arab states. But how else, besides terror, these small states can fight the terror of the monstrous US military machine? How else can we bring America to reason? Judging by the highly qualified execution, the September 11 operation could only have been carried out by professionals from government intelligence services, and quite possibly American ones. And how shameful is it to present as evidence of the Arab trace such nonsense as a “suddenly discovered” car with “accidentally” left instructions for operating a Boeing in Arabic and the Koran! The provocation of the American intelligence services could have been carried out to protect Israel, so beloved by America. And we know how the Israeli invaders became more active after the terrorist attack. American Democrats could also organize a provocation in order to discredit the Republicans and, most importantly, prepare for their victory in the next elections. But, if we talk about the purely American origin of this provocation, then its most likely motivating factor may be simply the constant desire of the United States to fight with someone in order, firstly, to keep the world in fear, and secondly, and this is the most the main thing is to crawl out of economic crises and, moreover, to make profits from these wars. The United States generally needs constant duty reasons for war, and when a reason to fight exists without a well-defined “culprit” from whom a “scapegoat” can be made, then this is for them best option, because it allows you to rush at anyone. In this case, bin Laden is simply a godsend for America. What is especially good is that it is not known where he is. Maybe in Afghanistan, maybe in Pakistan, Iraq or anywhere else, and therefore anyone can be bombed. And, of course, if bin Laden had not existed, America would have invented him. By the way, that’s essentially how it was. America not only invented, but actually created at one time both bin Laden and the Taliban movement itself to fight Soviet Union. (17)

Why was the lawn in front of the building covered with gravel immediately after the fire in the Pentagon was extinguished? Maybe so that it would not be visible that there are no traces of an airplane impact on the grass, which, according to the official version, initially fell on the lawn?

  • 2004. At least 76 percent of Internet sites of radical Islamist organizations close to Al-Qaeda are based in the United States and Canada. This was reported yesterday by the Algerian newspaper Expression, which refers to a report received by the Washington Research Institute for Middle Eastern Information. “At a time when the “total war” against terrorism led by Washington and its allies has reached its climax around the world, radical groups close to Bin Laden continue to conduct propaganda via the Internet, with at least 76% of their sites located on American soil,” quotes newspaper excerpt from the report. According to its authors, in the United States, in particular, 25 websites of “only one organization close to Al-Qaeda” are based. Two websites of the Algerian radical Salafist group of preaching and jihad are also located there. Islamist electronics specialists, the report notes, have settled also in Great Britain, Russia, the UAE, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries. From there they conduct propaganda, take responsibility for terrorist attacks, and serve as a connection between various Islamist groups.(30)
  • Izvestia (12.09), calling the United States an “empire of good” (!??), writes: “Is it even worth talking about some kind of inadequacy today? These will not be “targeted strikes” on terrorist bases, but full-fledged military operations against entire peoples." And with cannibalistic delight they report that “the demand from Russia is now different.” "Vedomosti" demands that the Russian leadership decide who it is with: "with the defending civilization or with those from whom they are defending themselves?" The newspaper asks: "Will leaders of rogue countries visit the country... or will Russia finally become a sincere partner of the club of civilized states?" “Rogue countries”!.. No, this expression, constantly used today, not only smacks of fascism, it is direct evidence of the very real fascism that the United States has long been sick with and with which they seek to infect all their lackeys. The most famous US agent V. Posner, having recently gathered a gang of “political scientists”, tested their loyalty to their overseas master with the question: “Who should Russia be with - with the West or with terrorists?” And what should highly paid Judases do if Putin has long rushed to declare that “we are with America”? Some, however, fiddled around a bit, trying to portray intelligence and pangs of conscience, but in the end everyone joined the general opinion that Russia should be sold. And how many such scoundrels publicly compete today in selling Christ! It is possible to understand them. After all, they are all direct debtors of America. She made capitalism for them in Russia, today she feeds them and ensures their safety. You can understand. But you also need to remember it well! (17)

Ann Coulter is a political analyst and journalist who not only regularly publishes in right-wing newspapers, but also regularly appears on popular talk shows on US TV. In a word, a celebrity. However, she gained great fame after September 12, 2001, when she wrote in the New York Daily News: “Now is not the time to accurately identify the direct culprits of this terrorist attack... We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."(16)

  • Zinoviev A., philosopher, writer, scientist: “For me personally, the events in New York and Washington remind me of the beginning of the Second World War, when the Nazis organized a provocation against Poland by staging an attack on the German border town of Gleiwitz.” (12)
  • Bush signed plans to "fight terrorism" around the world, including the occupation of Afghanistan, on September 10, and the bombings did not occur until September 11. (27)
  • August 2002 - 52% of Russians surveyed continue to think that the Americans “got it right” on September 11, 2001. (28)
On the right is an authentic photo of Osama bin Laden from 1998.

On the left is a frame from a videotape shown by American authorities in December 2001. (Shadows have been removed from the photograph, tones have been sharpened and the focus has been corrected.) This tape allegedly proves the involvement of "terrorist number 1" in the September 11 attacks. However, we clearly see in the left photo a man with a much wider nose, fuller and with completely different facial features. (23)

The chronology of the events of September 11, 2001 states that the events at the Pentagon occurred between the attacks on the Twin Towers and their collapse, namely:

8:46 - strike on the north tower of WTC,

9:03 - strike on the south tower of WTC,

9:37 - strike on the Pentagon,

9:42 - ABC report about a fire in the White House (in the EOP building),

9:59 - WTC south tower collapses,

10:10 - collapse of part of the Pentagon buildings,

10:28 - collapse of the northern WTC tower,

10:37 - Flight 93 crashes over Pennsylvania,

17:20 - collapse of the WTC7 building,

18:00 - CNN and BBC report on explosions and shootings in Kabul,

19:30 - The US government denies any involvement in the explosions in Kabul and

20:30 - blames Osama bin Laden.

For those who have just joined us, I remind you that it is night in Kabul; who, why and in what way destroys government buildings there remains unclear. But the world's attention is focused on the events in New York and Washington.

The official version of events states that the attack on the Pentagon was carried out by a Boeing 757-200 passenger plane belonging to American Airlines; approximately here such.

At 8:20 he took off from Dulles Airport on the route Washington - Los Angeles (flight 77), and at 8:50 he was allegedly captured in the air by terrorists who threatened either with paper knives or with the presence on board bombs.

Immediately after this, the plane allegedly turned around over Ohio to return to Washington to attack the Pentagon. But since by that time the plane's transponder (the answering machine for communicating with radars) was turned off, air traffic controllers lost it, so 36 minutes, undetected by anyone, Flight 77 allegedly flew towards Washington.

At 9:32 a.m. dispatchers air traffic At Dulles Airport, a large unidentified plane is spotted, and at 9:34 a.m. the command is received to evacuate the White House. At 9:35, Vice President Dick Cheney, according to him, is picked up by burly guys from the Secret Service and literally forcibly taken into an underground tunnel.

But this strange, large, incredibly fast and maneuverable plane, later identified as Flight 77, changes direction and crashes into the Pentagon building, precisely into the wing where repairs are being carried out and there are practically no personnel.

64 passengers on Flight 77 and 125 people in the Pentagon building are believed to have died as a result of this event.

To further the story, we need to briefly outline some technical data.

The Boeing 757 aircraft has the following characteristics:

Width (diameter) of the fuselage - 3.7 m;

Height (including rear vertical tail) - 13.56 m;

Fuselage length - 47 m;

Wing span - 38 m;

Total take-off weight - up to 123 tons;

Empty weight of the aircraft - 58 tons;

The power plant is two turbofan engines under the wings, weighing 5 tons each.

In general, this is a large passenger aircraft. If it flies past you at a distance of up to several kilometers, it is impossible to confuse it with anything else, except perhaps a different make or model of aircraft.

The Pentagon is the main headquarters of the US military department, the largest administrative building in the world. Located in the suburbs of Washington, on the banks of the Potomac River. Pentagon building is a huge equilateral pentagon, the length of the side side is 281 m, and the height (of five above-ground floors) is 23.5 m.

A simple geometric calculation shows that the ratio of the horizontal and vertical dimensions of this structure is 1:18.4.

Pentagon building represents five separate concentric pentagonal structures with transitions at the corners, which merge into larger structures on some internal faces. But since the attack hit the “classical” location of this complex, we are wondering what the internal structure of these rings is.

The construction dates of the Pentagon, falling during the Second World War, mark only the first stage in the creation of this superstructure. During the Cold War, this complex of buildings underwent serious modernization and strengthening at least twice, which were also designed to withstand damaging factors. nuclear explosions in case of war with the USSR.

In this photos the side cut of the first outer ring is clearly visible. This five-story building consists of small rooms, separated by very thick brick walls and reinforced concrete floors.

If the Los Angeles Times is correct, the Pentagon, as part of its modernization, was reinforced with "a grid of steel columns and beams to withstand bomb blasts." Apparently, they mean something like this columns.

And so, the official version claims that the Boeing-757 passenger plane,

hitting into the lower part of the outer ring, pierced three Pentagon rings through and through ring C

like this outlet, wherein

practically without damaging the facade and without leaving a single fragment of an airplane or human bodies either inside or outside the building.

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but this version only reminds me of the stories of Baron Munchausen.

Naturally, such an absurd story about the events in the Pentagon immediately caused a flurry of objections from skeptics and an entire army of independent researchers. All their arguments against the official version can be boiled down to three main considerations.

Firstly, what will poor America do if it suddenly begins to be attacked by some potential enemy, whose missiles and aircraft are not equipped with transponders with answering machines tuned to the FAA radar system? And after all, no one will give 36 minutes of time to build up and search for each such threat... In other words, the “loss” of a huge aircraft in airspace the east coast of the United States during the crisis in 2001 seems incredible.

Secondly, The method of hitting the Pentagon building with a hypothetical passenger plane is impossible from an aerobatic point of view. There is no way an aircraft like Boeing-757 could reach the target with such accuracy and speed (about 900 km/h) at almost zero altitude in conditions big city. In short, passenger aircraft They don’t fly like that in principle, and even less so when piloted by some incompetent terrorists.

And finally Thirdly, an aircraft made of duralumin alloys and a carbon fiber front fuselage fairing does not penetrate through three huge buildings made of reinforced concrete and brick. Moreover, weapons that could do this do not exist in nature. Destroy any building to hell - that's welcome, but cut right through three powerful buildings, simultaneously causing a huge fire- this is not about our modern weapons...

These three main considerations have given rise to many books, articles, and films from hundreds and thousands of independent researchers and organizations. Their argument seems logical, complete and comprehensive.

As in the case assassination of President Kennedy, in the story of the attack on the Pentagon there is a number of contradictory testimonies that, even if one wants to, cannot be fit into a single logical hypothesis, remaining within the framework of the concepts of traditional physics.

For example, the first media reports about the explosions in the Pentagon were accompanied by such different assumptions that it was time to suspect that different witnesses saw different events.

Unlike the version that a plane hit the Pentagon (which was not announced immediately, but later became the main, official one), in the first minutes after the attack there was information that the attack was carried out either by a helicopter, or a cruise missile, or either a truck filled with explosives, or some explosions simply occurred in the Pentagon (in the form of a “brazen attack” according to US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld).

In any case, none of the witnesses in the first minutes after the explosion spoke about the plane. To top it all off, there was serious panic on S. Washington Blvd when just before the explosion something several lamp posts were knocked down, flying over the heads of stunned drivers so low that, according to some witnesses, it even cut off the antenna on the jeep.

I do not accept the irony of some researchers regarding the fact that the lamp posts were later pulled out and thrown onto the roadway to create the actual base for the airplane version for the simple reason that in this case there would have to be a large army of witnesses to how and when this was done. But there are no such facts. After all, while the Pentagon was burning, heads turned in that direction automatically.

In addition, the highway was not closed to traffic, but only a ban was announced on filming the burning Pentagon, allegedly in order to preserve military secrets. The most resourceful witnesses captured precisely these fallen pillars, including in the background almost intact burning facade of the Pentagon building, on Cell phones and cameras immediately after the disaster.

After these pillars, on the way to the facade of the Pentagon, our object managed to destroy and at the same time set fire to transformer booth, located behind a small mesh fence.

Honest researchers rightly note that after such two additional collisions - with poles and a transformer - any aircraft, even a special cruise missile for fighting bunkers, must completely or partially destroy its aerodynamic planes, while losing at least part of its speed or altitude, which was already almost zero.

And further, at this zero altitude the object was able to penetrate through the three rings of the Pentagon at an angle of approximately 60 degrees relative to the plane of the facade, making rings C in the wall like this outlet.

On the way inside the rings E, D and C this object was able to make

Here such destruction,

and then - disappear in the courtyard between rings C and B.

I consider the surviving glass on the windows of the inner wall of ring C to be a very indicative fact for my hypothesis, a couple of meters from which something broke through a thick brick wall reinforced with reinforced concrete, the reinforcement from which sticks out in the hole. hole.

There is also such a moment in the official chronology of events.

At 10:10, i.e. at the same time with collapse of part of the outer ring The Pentagon, the eastern sector of US air defense prohibits its fighters from opening fire.

An interesting fact is the impressions of Dallas airport controllers, who, after a large unidentified mark appeared on their radar screens, first decided that “ this is one of those guys sent to protect our president", referring to a military fighter or interceptor.

But then, based on the size of the mark, they identified the object as a large passenger plane, which, however, cannot fly at such a high speed at such a low altitude, nor can it make such sharp turns. They were confused...

These are the basic facts. Let's now give the floor to David McGowan to pose the right questions:

« So what crashed into the Pentagon that morning? Did American Airlines Flight 77, missing from radar screens for half an hour and undetected by America's state-of-the-art air defense system, suddenly and inexplicably appear in the skies over Washington?

Did it then perform a high-speed maneuver typically beyond the capabilities of a Boeing 757 (according to some eyewitnesses) and begin approaching the Pentagon at high speed and at such a ridiculously low altitude that it cut off a car antenna?

Did he really carefully twist five sturdy steel lampposts and slam one of his wings into a large generator and still maintain an arrow-straight and perfectly stable approach to the Pentagon?

And did it really then crash into the Pentagon with such enormous force that it was able to penetrate more than 300 feet (91 meters - stand.NET ) reinforced concrete obstacles standing at an angle? And he did all this without anyone capturing a single frame on film or videotape?

Or did something else crash into the Pentagon? Can we say with certainty that something actually crashed into the Pentagon? Was it all done with explosives planted inside and possibly outside the building? If so, what tore those lampposts out?

Can we hope to find answers to all the lingering questions surrounding the Pentagon attack? Or was this barrier built in such a way that it could not be taken? »

Views: 5,768

The whole world remembers the date fifteen years ago, when on September 11, already distant 2001, terrible terrorist attacks were committed in the United States of America, dividing history into two stages: the period before this event and after. Unfortunately, the truth about 9/11 was carefully kept secret.

According to the official version of the White House, terrorists hijacked 4 planes, 2 of which crashed into the buildings of the New York World shopping center, and the third plane was aimed at the Pentagon headquarters in metropolitan Washington. Another airliner, possibly being shot down American Air Force, fell in an open field. As a result of these tragic events, at least 2,977 civilians died, and another 24 are considered missing. This event had a tremendous public resonance. To put it figuratively, fundamental American symbols were destroyed: military power and money. Millions of Americans and television viewers from other countries watched the attempted attack on the Pentagon and the destruction of shopping centers. Futuristic pictures from American blockbusters have become reality.

The tragic event that happened in that terrible September has two versions of what happened. According to the official interpretation, the “attack on America” was the work of the organizer of the terrorist Al-Qaeda and terrorist No. 1 Osama Bin Laden. This, of course, is not true about 9/11. As follows from official reports, lightly armed terrorists managed to hijack planes and successively attacked not only the Twin Towers trading towers, but also the US Department of Defense building. Organized by the "forces of evil" terrorist attacks in the USA, which caused not only destruction, but also numerous casualties, could not remain unpunished, and the White House declared “war on all world terrorism.” However, there is another version of what happened. She talks about the involvement of secret intelligence services and senior American government structures in this action that they initially planned. One way or another, the world was destabilized in any case. And then American President Bush “responded to the terrorists with war.”

The truth about September 11 or why doubts arose

Despite the fact that the Americans have always been considered masters of large-scale staging, doubts about the reliability of the official version arose immediately. The Pentagon building had not yet burned down, but experts and individual journalists had already paid attention to significant nuances. The fact is that even with a non-expert look at the burning building, it was impossible to detect the slightest sign that a Boeing had crashed into it. Moreover, there was no trace of a plane crashing somewhere near the Pentagon. Damage was visible only in the wall of the building, but the debris was so small that it fit in the palm of a man. No fragments of the fuselage, wings or tail were found, and there was no objective evidence that an actual aircraft crashed into the Ministry of Defense building, collapsing a section of the structure. It was recorded that the floors between the floors had collapsed. However, this did not happen immediately, but only 45 minutes after the start of the “attack”. The absence of certain fragments of the Boeing was explained by the fact that except for the black box and the steering wheel, everything burned down. Then the question arises: do modern Boeings really have the ability to remove engines and fold wings? After all, judging by the size of the gap, before the plane crashed into the building, it “folded its wings.” These questions remained unanswered. The Pentagon's perimeter is stuffed with ultra-modern surveillance cameras, but only 5 years later individual footage was published. However, they were made with a delay and in such a low quality resolution that they did not at all dissuade the skeptics of the official interpretation of events. Not only military experts, but also civilians with the courage and basic knowledge in these areas remained of the opinion that the destruction in Washington had one single “entry hole” and was characteristic of a fired missile, but not of a plane carrying a suicide bomber.

In this regard, the words of retired Major General of the US Armed Forces, Mr. A. Stubblebine, are indicative, who not only visually assessed the damage, but also carried out professional measurements of the length of the nose compartment and the position of the functional wings of the aircraft at the time of the so-called collision. In addition, the depth of physical damage to the US military building was studied. There is only one conclusion: the hole in it was not made by an airplane. At the same time, a turbine was discovered in the breach, which looks like an important functional part of a combat missile. It is noteworthy that on the eve of September 10, the then head of the Ministry of Defense, Mr. D. Rumsfeld, was forced to make a public statement that the main military department of the United States was experiencing serious financial difficulties. Moreover, the Pentagon was unable to report to the Senate commission on where 2.5 trillion was spent. dollars It goes without saying that after the explosions in some of the Navy headquarters buildings, the issue of lack of financial resources was forgotten, and the Pentagon budget, on the contrary, was increased. According to political scientists, it is also very suspicious that after this action no one not only went to prison or was fired, but did not even receive an official reprimand. It is reliably known that signals of attack by one or another weapon existed. However, nothing was done to prevent it.

Even more questions arose about the nature of the New York skyscraper tragedy. The fact is that history has already known episodes when planes rammed skyscrapers. The consequences of such events are incommensurate with the tragedy of September 11th. So, for example, in 1945, an active military bomber crashed into the 73rd floor of New York's tallest skyscraper at that time, the Empire. Then two entire floors burned out, but the fire was extinguished by local forces in 40 minutes. This building still serves its owners to this day. What did we observe in the episodes with the “twin towers”? In the case when a complete and even collapse of a supporting structure consisting of 80 columns occurs, there is no need to talk about any influence on this process of an airplane crashing into the building. Engineering columns of a general design cannot cease to exist in the entire building at the same time. The technical nature of the destruction in this case can only have one explanation: the use of high-quality explosives. But ordinary Americans and the whole world were presented with a different explanation: a 110-story skyscraper after an airplane attack collapsed as if knocked down due to a fire. In the hundred-year history of this type of high-rise building, there has not been a single case where it collapsed from the consequences of a fire. Even if we imagine for a moment that such a thing happened, a building of such a design can never fall so perfectly evenly, as if it were carried out according to a geometric ruler. Moreover, besides the “twins” there was also a neighboring building No. 7. It also applies to the World Trade Center infrastructure. The Boeings of the “terrorist forces of evil” did not hit it, and the fires that broke out there at first did not foretell anything terrible. However, this building also collapsed, as if knocked down. These terrible images still stand before my eyes.

But something else is even more terrible. Any professional architect or specialist from sapper units will confirm the objectivity of the conclusion that the planes and the fire have nothing to do with the fact of these destructions. Elementary laws of physics indicate that controlled explosions of buildings filled with civilians were organized in New York. These conclusions were confirmed by the results of the work of 8 scientists who carefully examined samples from the site of the tragedy and came to the conclusion that the towers of the shopping center were clearly destroyed by a pre-planned series of sequential explosions, which involved the use of thermite mixtures. The official version does not mention or explain in any way the presence of chemical nanothermite at the site of the destruction of skyscrapers. But in some simply incredible way, at the site of the explosion that destroyed a huge skyscraper, the passport of one of the terrorist hijackers survived. As is known, al-Qaeda and the CIA had long-standing ties and, as it turns out later, it was American intelligence agencies helped a master terrorist enter the territory of the United States. As the author of the famous film “9/11” Thierry Meyssan cogently reported, American diplomats received instructions from senior CIA officials providing for the issuance of visas to “double agents” of the American Central Intelligence Agency and the corresponding service of Saudi Arabia.

To this day, professional military and intelligence officials believe that the official White House version does not stand up to criticism. The actual coordinators of the September 11 tragedy were the American intelligence services, the current authorities and personally the vice president of the then administration, Dick Cheney. As follows from the statement of Mr. R. Steele, a former high-ranking CIA officer, it was Cheney who could, but did not stop the planned attack, which was used for the purposes of the White House. The Vice President of the United States scheduled special counter-terrorism exercises on September 11, which diverted the attention of American air defenses. In addition, it is known from reliable sources that Dick Cheney gave a personal order to the FBI to destroy information confirming that the intelligence department of the intelligence service was well aware of the names of the terrorist hijackers. The organizers of these terrorist attacks were confident that the world would never know the truth about September 11th.

What happened next

Most of the then-active American elite needed to destabilize the world situation and was looking for an enemy. Moreover, the version that such an enemy was skillfully created by them is increasingly relevant. Less than 3 months later, the United States launched the well-known military operation on the territory of modern Afghanistan, the goal of which was to catch and neutralize the “chief terrorist” Bin Laden. 10 years passed and he was caught. True, not in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan, where he lived in his own house. However, there are also many questions left in this story. No one saw the body of the world-famous terrorist. He was allegedly thrown from an American warship into the ocean. The question arises: “Why was everything done this way?” To make it impossible to identify the body and find out the truth? The new Afghan war lasted 13 years and supposedly ended in 2014. But she did not bring peace to this land. According to official Western data, at least 3.5 thousand military personnel died there. No one has counted the exact number of killed and deceased Afghans. But another “result” of this military operation is reliably known: in 13 years, the area sown with Afghan opium poppy reached a record value of 250 hectares (more on this). Readers should be reminded that more than 40% of Afghan drugs go to Russian Federation and countries of the former USSR.

The protracted struggle with Bin Laden was not enough for the White House. In 2003, they landed in Iraq: their last days Saddam Hussein lived. There was no direct connection between the then leader of Iraq and terrorist No. 1. However, is this important to the aggressive Yankees?! Moreover, they are fighting under the banner of a “just war against terrorism” and eliminating the “nuclear threat” in the Middle East. Next was Libya. At the same time, the chaos in Iraq directly contributed to the creation of new “terrorists No. 1” in the person of the “Islamic State.” It's time for bloodshed civil war in Syria and the ensuing migration crisis of unprecedented scale in the EU.

Who are the judges?

The horror happening in the Middle East today is a direct consequence of the events of fifteen years ago. If we accept the official version of the White House as correct, then the actions of the authorities and the Pentagon can be called unprofessional, negligent and thoughtless. If you follow a more objective alternative version, the situation is much worse. After all, cooperation and use of terrorists for their own purposes is a real crime. As the former head of the US Armed Forces High Command, Tommy Franks, once let slip, the December invasion of Afghanistan was being prepared long before September 11. The military only expected a pretext, and politicians and intelligence agencies provided it. Today, it is no secret to many that Dick Cheney unofficially headed Kellogg Brown and Halliburton. During the period when the American administration successfully exploited the theme of September 11 to justify the illegal landing in Iraq, it was these firms that received access to Baghdad oil and most of all military contracts. The hunt for the “world's main terrorist” lasted for 10 years. According to many independent experts, this is exactly how much time the States needed to implement a certain part of the planned programs. When this topic exhausted itself, Bin Laden was “successfully eliminated” by special forces. But the fact that the body of the most wanted man in the world, who gave a free hand to the “fighters against terrorism”, was not presented to the public looks at least strange.

Taking advantage of this tragic date for ordinary residents, September 11, the Americans persistently trumpeted to everyone about their difficult fight against terrorism. However, time puts a lot of things into place. Today, many already understand that all these declarations were in fact the use of terrorism to fight unwanted governments and peoples of these countries. In the wake of chaos and unrest that comes to this or that country, together with the champions of democracy, Americans solve their business and geopolitical problems. The United States itself also adopted the well-known Patriot Act. This legislative document at the federal level “freed the hands” of the government and intelligence services in matters of control, supervision and surveillance of both its own citizens and unwanted persons from abroad. The reader may ask: “What about the notorious democratic freedoms and rights?” It's actually simple. When the White House needs it, all “democracy” fades into the background. Moreover, there is such a convenient sign: “for the sake of national security.”

Global and private dividends

Thus, as horrific as it may sound, 9/11 allowed the United States to address both global geopolitical and local private interests. Neoconservatives and Dick Cheney have increased the profitability of their funds and the profitability of their own companies many times over. The budgets of the CIA, FBI and the “damaged” Pentagon were significantly increased. Such states as Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Saudis removed Saddam Hussein and were interested in striking Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. Israel was maximally satisfied with the Islamophobic position of the United States, which united these two police states. This allowed Israel to receive even more American money. It is noteworthy that until recently, the White House did not want to make public 28 pages of the final 850-page conclusion of the commission, which was engaged in a detailed investigation of the events of that terrible autumn. In August 2016, the Americans had to do this. It turns out that the United States for a long time kept silent about the fact of financing those terrorist operations. Today, the US Congress passed a law that allows relatives of dead ordinary Americans to file claims against the CA. However, there are serious players in Riyadh. They immediately threatened to “dump” all their American assets. For the information of readers, this amount is at least about 750 billion dollars. The Americans prefer that this part of the assets be in the hands of the Saudis. Therefore, poor Obama immediately promised to veto the initiative of the American Congress. Dirty politics and business rule this world. Is it possible to call all this something else?

All that remains is to sincerely sympathize and empathize with all the victims of that autumn of 2001 and their loved ones. And also to all those who died every day or were left homeless over the past 15 years of the “American fight against terrorism.” The White House and American intelligence agencies did not just start a new war in Afghanistan or the Middle East. September 11 became, in a way, the starting point of the desire to reformat the entire world order. But in this regard, the overseas hegemons have not succeeded in everything. After all, many people know and are already openly talking about the fact that the US “strategic plans” included provocations of war and chaos in the territory new Russia. The strong Russian government, which the country simply needs at this stage of development, as well as a competent policy of extinguishing the hotbed of hostilities in the Russian Caucasus, forced overseas authors to somewhat modify the prepared scenarios. However, tensions in today's world have once again reached the levels of the worst periods of the Cold War. The balance of power is very fragile. The consequences of any new war could be disastrous. Will there ever come a time when these elementary truths will be understood in Washington? I really want to believe that “yes”.