Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? How many people died in the September 11 terrorist attack.

On September 11, 2,977 people died - 246 in four planes, 2,606 in the World Trade Center towers, 125 in the Pentagon building.

It’s unrealistic to talk about everyone in a live journal format - in a bookPortraits 9/11/01 containing the official list and brief information about most of the dead, about seven hundred pages. You have to choose, and for a blog onRussianlanguage the choice is obvious.

Memorial in Brooklyn

In 2005 in Asser Levy Park (Brooklyn)A memorial dedicated to those killed on September 11th was erected.

The names are engraved on the memorial plaque, and the list is preceded by the words:

In memory of those killed as a result terrorist attack September 11, 2001, people of different ages, nationalities and religions...

What unites them is that they all come from former USSR, orRussians American style.

There are 18 people in total on the list, but"our"More died that day. I could only find information about 26, some of them very brief.


The portraits are grouped by companies where the deceased worked or where they went on business.

Windows on the World
North Tower, floors 106, 107

11 September restaurant complex Windows on the World was preparing to receive, in addition to regular clients, participants in a conference organized by a large publishing and financial company Risk Waters.

At the time of impact, there were 73 restaurant employees, 92 conference participants, 4 construction contractors and 3 patrons in the restaurant.
They all died.

Valery Tsoi, Zhanetta's father:
On August 23, 2001, we saw off our daughter Zhanetta in the USA.
At that time, she applied for a lottery in which a green card was played. And so it happened that she won. In January I received a visa, and in August they went to America with the whole family.
In New York, she was offered a job as a translator at the head office. She was in seventh heaven. She was supposed to go back to work on September 17th. But she was asked to leave a week earlier.
If she had stayed until the end of her vacation, she probably would have... would have survived. But they asked - and she came out.
On September 10, she went to work. This tragedy happened on the 11th.

Gennady Boyarsky was one of 11 employeesAmerican Expresswho worked as consultants inMarsh & McLennan.

Aon Corporation
South Tower, floors 92, 98-105

Tatyana ended up in America, working as a guide for a Russian travel company. She was very entrepreneurial - in addition to working in a variety of places (from a Medicaid office to a computer school), her business list included buying, renovating and flipping houses in the New York City suburbs.

After being laid off at a Connecticut company, she quickly found work at Regus when the company opened an office on the 93rd floor of the South Tower.

The last words her family heard from her was a message on her telephone answering machine asking them not to worry about her because the plane had crashed into another skyscraper.

Terrorist attack on the World shopping mall in New York divided the history of the United States of America into before and after. The three thousand people killed in the explosion of the Twin Towers is an irreparable loss for the American people. Question: “Who blew up the towers?” For many it remains open to this day. There are too many logical inconsistencies in the official version of the investigation.

Mission Possible?

According to the official version, the twin towers were destroyed due to the explosions of planes that rammed the buildings. The fire that broke out during the attack weakened the metal structures and the building collapsed. Then the same thing happened to another skyscraper.

Ordinary people are still perplexed: how could people from Arab countries, whose names were previously known to the intelligence services, come to the United States, undergo training to pilot passenger Boeings, carry dummy firearms on board aircraft, and capture several at the same time? aircraft and ram several buildings with enviable accuracy?

This whole operation looks incredible in appearance, but, nevertheless, theoretically it is feasible. Much more complex questions to the commission involved in the investigation are asked by experts who have received the results of analyzes obtained after examining the wreckage of the twin towers. At the scene of the tragedy, traces of explosives and thermite were found - a substance that reaches a temperature of 1500 degrees when burning. But let's talk about everything in order. Let's consider the main conspiracy theories of explosions.

Analysis of building debris taken to landfill

Less than a month after the terrorist attack, the US Army invaded Afghanistan, destroying the hotbeds of terrorism, and at the same time writing off its debts, destabilizing the situation in the region and laundering multi-billion dollar investments in the military industry, in which, as it became known during the election campaign Hillary Clinton, Washington “hawks” have not only state, but also personal interests.

The terrorist attack freed the hands of US intelligence services, which received the right to listen to other people's conversations and read other people's letters, not only on their own territory, but in any corner of the world. Even the leaders of the G7 countries have no right to their little secrets from Washington. This was clearly demonstrated by the scandal surrounding phone tapping. Angela Merkel.

There are many supporters of the idea that American intelligence services at least knew about the preparation of terrorist attacks, and most likely played a key role in the preparation. Only with the support of "Big Brother" could Islamic radicals with ties to al-Qaeda find themselves on US soil, receive top-notch flight training, end up on board planes with gun-like items, hijack planes and fly them into the wrong direction. predetermined goals.

Like a house of cards

Looking at the collapse of the Twin Towers, experts agree that it looks a lot like a controlled explosion. Such explosions are used when it is necessary to demolish a large building in a densely populated area of ​​the city. Explosive engineers, having studied the design of the structure, calculate the power of each charge placed at the base of the supporting structures. As a result, the demolished object should fold like a house of cards, so that each wall rushes inward.

When carrying out such events, residents of nearby houses are evacuated just in case. If there is an error in the calculations or some charges do not work, the building, instead of folding inward, may fall on its side, and then the destruction will be much greater than planned. Looking at the video, it’s hard not to be amazed at how neatly and how quickly the towers fold. It looks like real professional explosives experts worked on this.

Well, what about airplanes? After all, thousands of people saw them, and they were captured on film. Proponents of the controlled explosion theory are confident that the planes were needed for a beautiful picture and so that ordinary people would not have questions: how could a bunch of terrorists deliver tons of explosives into two carefully guarded buildings in the center of New York and set the charges in such a way that they would collapse fully?

As for the plane that hit the Pentagon, it may not have been there at all. Images taken immediately after the attack show destruction, but do not show any details of the Boeing. The plane could explode, but it could not dissolve. Large pieces of the fuselage and engines should be visible. In addition, the damage to the building is too minor for a large passenger airliner to invade. They are more reminiscent of the consequences of being hit by a cruise missile, and terrorists simply could not have such missiles.

Who shot down the fourth plane?

There was also a fourth hijacked airliner, which the terrorists planned to aim either at the White House or at the Capitol. But he did not reach his goal. According to the official version, the passengers began to fight the terrorists and, as a result of a fight that broke out on board the plane, the plane crashed to the ground. Some conspiracy theorists are confident that the plane was shot down by the American military. This theory is confirmed by the fact that the debris was scattered at a great distance from each other. But several passengers managed to call their loved ones before the crash; even recordings of these conversations were preserved, confirming the official version.

Small atomic bomb

There are so many different opinions about the September 11 tragedy that some of them are even completely fantastic and incredible. For example, they say in all seriousness that a small atomic bomb was exploded under each building. Allegedly, the developers who planned to build the Trade Center were given a condition by the New York authorities - to provide for the possibility of dismantling the building. After all, it is clear that sooner or later it will fall into disrepair, and demolishing such a huge structure at that time, as it seemed then, would be much more difficult than building it. And for subsequent dismantling, the builders allegedly placed a nuclear charge under each building. But this theory is easily refuted by critics. On the spot nuclear explosion, even if small, there should be an increased level of radiation. But he was not observed.

She's also a victim

According to the official version of the American government, the most painful issue is the third tower that collapsed during the terrorist attack. This skyscraper was called the Seventh Tower of the World Trade Center. This building was not hit by a plane, however, it collapsed overnight, like the two twin towers.

According to the official theory, the cause of the collapse was a fire that spread from neighboring towers. Allegedly, the communications through which water was supplied to the building to automatically extinguish the fire were destroyed, the fire engulfed the building, the structures could not stand it and collapsed.

Half of Americans surveyed a few years ago were unaware that three buildings were destroyed in New York City during the 2001 events. Many of those who know do not believe that the 47-story structure could instantly collapse as a result of a fire. In the United States, activists have repeatedly demanded a new investigation into the case and the publication of the results of the investigation, but the authorities did not hear them or simply did not want to hear them.

On September 11, 2001, one of the worst terrorist attacks in human history occurred in the United States. The victims of the September 11 terrorist attack were 2,977 people, another 24 people are still considered missing. According to the official version, the attack was carried out by al-Qaeda. 19 terrorists, divided into 4 groups, hijacked 4 scheduled airliners. One of them was aimed at the Pentagon building, the second fell in Pennsylvania, and the other two, as you know, crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center.

The official cause of the September 11 tragedy is still criticized both by journalists and numerous supporters of the “conspiracy theory”, and by witnesses of the terrorist attack. In particular, video footage of the collapse of the Twin Towers suggests that the buildings collapsed as a result of controlled demolition. Thus, supporters of the “conspiracy theory” claim that the September 11 terrorist attack was carried out by the US government. Disputes on this matter are still ongoing.

World Trade Center

According to Nils Harritt of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, Jeffrey Frerer of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Brigham Young University, and his colleague Stephen Jones, traces of “thermite” and “nanothermite”—explosives used to demolition of dilapidated buildings. However, this version of scientists has been severely criticized. Firstly, it does not have any scientific evidence, and secondly, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NITS) claims that a lot of “termite” is needed to demolish the World Trade Center, but later scientists stated that the support beams of the towers -twins were damaged by a “super termite”. Finally, thirdly, the beam samples that the scientists examined could have been cut with contaminated tools, for example, an acetylene torch, which left traces of “thermite.”

Even if the claim about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center is false or incorrect, how then can the rate of destruction of the building be explained? The National Institute of Standards and Technology says the impact passenger plane and the subsequent explosion of its fuel caused the steel beams to weaken. Their version is based on the assumption that, as a result of the rapid combustion of fuel, the steel beams weakened, causing the upper slabs to collapse onto the lower ones, and due to the force of gravity, the collapse of the lower slabs followed. Proponents of the “conspiracy theory” responded by saying that neither before nor after the September 11 terrorist attack, not a single tower collapsed as a result of a fire. NITS countered by saying that no tower had ever been attacked by a passenger aircraft before. However, the official version does not explain why both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed with tremendous speed, and numerous witnesses to the tragedy said that they heard several explosions in the buildings before the collapse.

Thus, the reasons for the collapse of the World Trade Center during the September 11 terrorist attack still remain unknown and raise a lot of questions that neither the official version nor the assumptions of the “conspiracy theory” supporters can answer, since both of them have their own shortcomings and inconsistencies .

Plane crash in Pennsylvania

One of the planes hijacked by terrorists is known to have crashed in an open field in Pennsylvania near the village of Shanksville. Flight 93 was the only hijacked plane to fail to reach its target. According to the official version, the passengers on the plane rebelled, resulting in a struggle between them and the terrorists, which subsequently led to the crash of the plane.

According to another version, the plane was deliberately shot down by the US Air Force. This is stated, in particular, by theologian David Griffin and software engineer Jim Hoffman. According to them, some heavy parts of the plane, such as engines, were found several kilometers from the crash site, which indicates that the plane exploded in the air. However, this version was later refuted, stating that large debris from the plane, including engines, were in the immediate vicinity of the crash site. Nevertheless, local residents Indeed, the remains of an airplane were found even at a distance of more than 8 kilometers from the crash site, but in this case we are talking about light materials, for example, scraps of insulation.

In addition, the version of the plane being blown up looks ridiculous. If Flight 93 had really been shot down by the US Air Force, it would have been only in order to prevent another terrorist attack, but against the backdrop of the assumption of a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, such actions of the American government are at least illogical.


Another mystery of the September 11 terrorist attack is the attack on the Pentagon. According to the official version, a passenger plane crashed into the US Department of Defense building. However, some argue that there was no plane, and that the Pentagon itself was hit by a cruise missile launched American intelligence agencies. To prove their words, they cite the size of the hole in the wall of the building, which was too small to speak of an attack by an airplane.

The official version is supported by the wreckage of a Boeing found near the Pentagon: landing gear, nose cone and seats from the cockpit. In addition, the official version is supported by the testimony of witnesses who personally saw the plane before it struck the Pentagon. However, supporters of the alternative theory claim that all the evidence was fabricated.


Whether it was al-Qaeda or the US government who carried out the 9/11 attacks, they each had their own motives and certain benefits.

Al-Qaeda, for example, called the September 11 attack a revenge for the aggressive US foreign policy towards Islamic countries.

Possible motives of the United States seem much more interesting and reasonable. After the events of September 11, for the first time in history, Article 5 of the NATO treaty was invoked, allowing military action in the event of an attack on one or more countries of the North Atlantic Alliance. For example, the terrorist attack became the beginning of the so-called “War on Terrorism,” which justified the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In addition, it was because of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 that the National Security Act and the Patriot Act were adopted, which significantly curtail the rights and freedoms of ordinary American citizens. In normal times, the US government would face civil protests when passing such laws, but the September 11 terrorist attacks created favorable public opinion regarding measures taken to protect against terrorist attacks. Thus, the adopted acts allowed law enforcement agencies to invade the privacy of citizens, and the US National Security Agency justified the launch of a secret operation to wiretap telephone conversations of ordinary Americans based on the events of 9/11. In fact, the US government used the September 11 terrorist attack to take control of the citizens of its own country.

There are other motives that explain the version of US involvement in the September 11 terrorist attack. So, in documentary film"Zeitgeist" American director Peter Joseph claims that the declared "War on Terrorism" allowed the investment fund "Carlyle Group" to make a huge fortune from the supply of weapons. This was previously stated by the director of the film “Fahrenheit 9/11” Michael Moore, according to whom one of the largest investors in the company was the family of Osama bin Laden. An interesting fact: the elder and his son George W. Bush, as well as former US Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci and former US Secretary of State James Baker, previously worked for the Carlisle Group.

The debate about who was actually involved in the September 11 terrorist attack continues to this day. Proponents of the “conspiracy theory” blame the US government for everything, finding more and more evidence of this. In turn, the authorities try not to enter into controversy, preferring to refer to the official version of the events of those days. In the words of both, there are both rational explanations for what happened, and obvious inconsistencies, and sometimes downright delusional assumptions. In any case, whatever goals the true organizers of the September 11 terrorist attack pursued, they clearly did not cost the lives of those almost 3 thousand people who became victims of someone else’s hatred or ambitions.

September 11, 2001 a new “Pearl Harbor” happened for America. The Twin Towers fell, the Pentagon was attacked, 4 were stolen passenger airliner and people died. In a word, catastrophic event with loss of life, which completely turned the course of the usual peaceful life of carefree US citizens upside down: a “war on terrorism” was declared, searches of passengers were introduced at every airport before boarding, a couple of “draconian” laws were adopted, and they decided to implant “chips” into citizens’ bodies so that everyone would be “ under control and accounting." In a word, “now I don’t take a step without permission from the authorities.”

The official version goes like this:

“On September 11, 2001, 19 suicide bombers hijacked 4 civilian airliners, 2 of which attacked the World Trade Center buildings ( further - World Trade Center) in New York, namely, the World Trade Center building 1 and the World Trade Center building 2, the third plane attacked the Pentagon building, and the fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania before reaching the attack site.

Al-Qaeda was blamed for the attacks. The war on terrorism has begun.

Okay, now we’ll see how modern myths are made, how you are forced to believe what your eyes cannot believe, and how you are asked to take the “word” of the government, intelligence agencies and pocket scientists and specialists.

Let's consider this myth, as always, from 3 sides.

World Trade Center attack 1.

World Trade Center attack 2.

Fall of the World Trade Center 1.

The fall of the World Trade Center 2.

CONCLUSION: As you can see, the fall is happening vertically down, without deviations to the right or left, straight onto its own foundation, forming huge clouds of dust. The blow to the first tower was exactly in the center, the blow to the second tower was tangential, without touching the central columns. However, the tower with the tangential impact collapsed first.
The main thing is that you see both towers fell onto their foundations. And the fall happened very quickly, almost with free fall speed (10 meters per second, with acceleration) as if inside at all there was no concrete and steel, which should keep all this mass in weight for the last 38 years! 415 meters of steel and concrete fell in 12-14 seconds. It's incredibly fast!

2. What the fall of WTC 7 looked like. A building without a plane, without an attack, but fell next to the first two on the same day.

The building fell on its own foundation. Few people even know about this building. Most people only know about the 2 Twin Towers that fell on September 11, 2001, and too little was said “officially” about the third. The report mentions exactly 1 line, but there is no plane, so it’s not interesting to talk about.

Look at the picture, it is located almost across the street, and it was almost not affected by either seismic or physical covering.

Nevertheless, this particular building of 47 floors, built of steel and concrete, which was not hit not only by planes, but also by rockets, satellites, etc., suddenly 200 meters high “ fell» from the fire on September 11. In the official version they wrote “ fell due to fire". The funny thing is that not a single concrete building in the history of construction has ever fallen from a “fire,” except for the American World Trade Center, of course.

3. And this is what the “controlled demolition” of a building using explosives looks like.

So that you understand, the main task " controlled demolition» - remove the building so that neighboring buildings are not damaged. That is, you have to lay the building CAREFULLY ON ITS SAME FOUNDATION so that it does not fall to the sides or touch the neighboring ones. In the last video you will see unsuccessful options when not everything went according to plan and neighboring buildings were damaged! Placed on the foundation in the form of fine dust is considered “ aerobatics"from the demolitionists.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

FAILED demolition of the building!

Okay, where are the explosions, you tell me? A good question if you have never thought about what kind of explosions there are in general. The ones you are used to seeing are called "Explosion", that is, an explosion directed outward. The shock wave from it diverges to the sides...

Schematically, Explosion looks like this:

In contrast, there is "Implosium", that is, an explosion directed inward. This is how nuclear charges are detonated when explosives are placed around a plutonium core, which compresses the plutonium into a critical mass, and it explodes. Most likely, this is where the Implosium technology was applied. The explosions were aimed at cutting the internal steel beams so that they would not prevent the building from falling.

Schematically, Implosium looks like this:

As a result, you end up with these cut beams. It’s as if they were “walked through with a hot knife.” Imagine that the thickness of the steel in this particular beam is 12 cm. It's like your PALM! Even along the edges you can see the melted metal and the slag that remains in its place.


Fire? Do you seriously think that fire cuts so neatly and only in one place?

Yeah. This is the same explanation as

orange is an apple
(towers fall from fire)

and the eyes say that

orange is "Orange"
(towers fall from explosives)

who do you believe? Eyes or ears?


or this?

Conclusions of the “Digital Universe”: the buildings were demolished using standard “controlled demolition” technology. It means that explosives was placed in them much before the planes hit them. The planes were only an external special effect. BUT this is cool! On a plane, crash into tall buildings, and then blow them into dust! Only Hollywood can work on such a scale. Then they came up with a theory about al-Qaeda and suicide bombers, and a new holy war began - “ war on terrorism". There are no winners in it, there are no losers in it, because there is no specific enemy. Terrorism is an endless struggle, and that's exactly what's profitable US military-industrial complex. There, in the end, there are eternal government orders, and an eternal flow of money for specific corporations and specific people. They will remain in power for the coming decades, because it is always necessary to “protect” society from the next “terrorists”. And it doesn’t matter that these “terrorists” are not sitting in the caves of Afghanistan, but somewhere much closer... in the offices of special services, in intelligence offices, where educated people with good technologies sit.

This is how myths are created in the 21st century. Remember the technique.

Next we will look at the attack on the Pentagon and the plane crash in Pennsylvania on September 11th. You will see that there is even less truth there than here. But this is how propaganda works, and most people don’t even think about the fact that they are being deceived in a blatant and cynical manner.

Ten years ago, a tragedy occurred in New York that forever changed the lives of millions of people around the world. All these ten years we have been learning more and more details about the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, but no one would dare to say that it has become completely clear what and why happened on the morning of that autumn day V largest city USA.
We decided to introduce our readers to an article published on the website of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, which contains facts that allow us to better understand and more acutely feel the horror of the tragedy, symbolized by the two numbers 9/11.

1. The number of children who lost their parents as a result of the tragic events of September 11th was 3051. 17 children were born later to women who lost their husbands during the terrorist attack. Nine months after the attack, New York's birth rate was 20% higher than the year before.

2. According to research, alcohol consumption in New York in the weeks following the attack was 25% higher than a year earlier. Tobacco consumption increased by 10%, marijuana by 3.2%, and church and synagogue attendance by 20%.

3. The total value of works of art lost as a result of the terrorist attack exceeds $100 million. Among the lost masterpieces are a series of Entablature paintings by Roy Lichtenstein, works by Pablo Picasso and David Hockney, many other original objects, interior elements, and so on.

4. One of the unknown heroes of this day was the guide dog, Labrador Roselle, who led her blind owner Michael Hingson from the 78th floor of the North Tower to his friend’s house. The dog recently died.

5. It took firefighters 100 days to extinguish all the fires caused by the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC).

6. The parents of 22-year-old Lisa Ann Frost, who was on United Flight 175, waited nearly a year before rescuers sifting through the wreckage at the crash site were able to find anything that belonged to their daughter. Only 291 bodies were found intact.

7. In total, workers had to sift through more than 1 million tons of structural debris and debris in search of remains and objects that belonged to the victims of the terrorist attack. They found 437 watches and 144 wedding rings.

8. Three hours before the attack on the World Trade Center, at Princeton University, a system called the Random Event Generator issued a message about an imminent catastrophic event.

9. The section of the Pentagon building into which the plane hijacked by terrorists landed was subjected to reconstruction shortly before the attack, during which the walls and windows of the mission were especially strengthened. Some windows near the impact zone remained undamaged.

10. The four most popular queries on Google in the week of the attack were as follows (in descending order): Nostradamus, CNN, The World Trade Center, Osama bin Laden.

11. The bestselling novel in America in 2001 was Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne, written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

12. When the leader of the terrorist group, Mohamed Atta, went through security at the Boston airport on the morning of September 11, the security information system responded to his name and the terrorist’s luggage did not get onto the plane.

13. Hundreds of monuments, flagpoles and crucifixes around the world are made from metal taken from the site of a terrorist attack. In particular, a monument in the city of Padua, Italy, was made from the metal of the North Tower.

14. Defense system personnel airspace The United States (NORAD - the North American Aerospace Defense Command), a week before the terrorist attack, conducted exercises in which officers practiced the situation of four aircraft being hijacked by terrorists. Another round of training was scheduled for the morning of September 11th.

15. Six months before the terrorist attack, the 99-year lease for the World Trade Center buildings was purchased for $3.2 billion by Larry Silverstein's development firm. He is currently restoring an office and shopping center next to the memorial complex and museum.

16. At the beginning of this year, the number of victims of the September 11 terrorist attack increased by one and reached 2,753 people. A medical center in New York concluded that Jerry Borg, an accountant and part-time actor, died at the end of 2010 from a lung disease caused by dust from the ruins of the World Trade Center.

17. Five terrorists lived and prepared to hijack planes, immediately before the attack, in a motel located near the National Security Agency.

18. The black boxes of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon were found on September 12, 2001. As US Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld later reported, the voice recording data from one of these boxes could not be read. It is believed that this is the only time in 40 years that no information could be found on a recording device from the nose compartment of an aircraft.

19. During the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, a store where they sold the Koran and a room for Muslim prayers was destroyed.

20. John Patrick O'Neill, the FBI special agent who investigated the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and the activities of al-Qaeda, left the service due to disagreements with his superiors. He later took the position of chief of security at the World Trade Center, where he died on September 11, 2001.

21. Scientists used the three-day ban on flights over US territory after September 11 to study the impact of jet aircraft on climate. They found that on these three days it was somewhat warmer during the day and slightly colder at night than usual. The researchers saw the reason for this in the traces that jet engines left in the atmosphere and which are actually artificial clouds. During intensive flights, these traces reflect part of the sunlight during the day, and at night, on the contrary, retain heat.