Mont Saint Michel: island landmark in France. Mont Saint Michel, France

St Michael's Mount is similar to fairytale fortress in the middle of a river valley. The stone island of Mont Saint-Michel rises at the confluence of the Cusnon, Sé and Selun rivers. The height of the rocky island reaches 78 meters.

Mount St Michael looks like a fairy-tale fortress in the middle of a river valley. Stone Island rises at the confluence of rivers Cusnon, Se and Selyun. The height of the rocky island reaches 78 meters.

Once upon a time, the rock massif was part of the mainland; it was called “Mont Tombe”. From the top of the mountain, the Druid tribes worshiped the Sun. In the first years of the 8th century, a huge flood occurred here. The river overflowed, part of the bank went under water. The mountain moved away from the mainland and became an inaccessible island during the tides.

In 708 Bishop Ober There was a vision from the city of Avranches. The Archangel Michael appeared to him and ordered him to build a chapel on Mont Tombe. From then on the island began to be called Mont Saint-Michel. In 966, Benedictine monks settled here. They created an abbey in which fifty brothers lived. The monastery buildings were erected in the Romanesque style, with its characteristic powerful columns and giant arches.

In 992, a fire destroyed almost all the buildings of the monastery. In 1023, construction began on a new monastery church. The work continued for almost a hundred years. The tower and nave remain today from the buildings of that period.

In 1090 Abbey of Saint-Michel was subjected to the first siege (then there was Civil War between brothers - sons of William the Conqueror). At the beginning of the 12th century. the northern wall collapsed, after which construction of a stone tower began (it has survived to this day). The abbey became a center of pilgrimage for believers in Western Europe. In 1204, during the capture by the king Philip Augustus Normandy, the monastery buildings were damaged, the settlement at the foot of the island was burned. To make amends, Philip Augustus donated a significant amount to the monastery. With these funds, a architectural complex, called "Miracle". This complex of buildings in the Gothic style became the most beautiful fortification in Europe.

In the years Hundred Years' War The British were unable to capture the small castle, but destroyed the city during their retreat. In the middle of the 15th century. Mont Saint Michel has been restored. Pilgrims again flocked to the abbey, but due to constant religious conflicts, the monastery gradually fell into decay.

In the years French Revolution was established on the island jail for political prisoners. It was abolished in 1863. Restoration work has begun. In 1892-97. architect Victor Pedigran rebuilt the monastery complex. A bell tower was erected, topped by a neo-Gothic spire with a gilded sculpture of the Archangel Michael. In 1963, the castle came under the auspices of the state and became architectural monument, and since 1979 - a UNESCO heritage site.

Since the end of the 19th century, the island has been connected to the mainland by a dam. A road was built along the dam, and the fortress became accessible to tourists.

The city is located on both sides of the street Grand Rue on the southeastern slopes of the island. Its residents serve the tourist complex and are engaged in agriculture. Tourists begin their ascent to the monastery at Royal Gate. At the beginning of the climb it is worth parish church of St. Peter. The street Grande Rue leads into the depths of the island, on both sides of which there are rows of small houses of the townspeople (XV - XVI centuries). The Grand Rue ends with a wide, steep staircase.

People go up the steps to the monastery and through Guardroom pass through Grand Degre stairs. From there you can get to terrace of Sault Gautier and on western terrace, from where the bay, the Chauzet archipelago and neighboring Tomblain Island are visible.

In the monastery you can see Eglise Abbaciale church(XI century) with a facade in a classical style, created in 1763. The last reconstruction of the vaults and choir of the temple was carried out in the 19th century. The courtyard of the monastery is famous La Merveille ("The Miracle"). Square courtyard with a carved gallery from pink granite hangs between earth and sky. From here you can go down to refectory, which is located at a 50-meter altitude. Next are Guest room And Crypt of the Great Columns(XV century). Behind it are the southern Saint Martin crypt, Chapel of Saint-Etienne And hospitals A. From here you go up the stairs to the covered walking gallery And Knight's Hall. The tour of the complex ends in the hall where pilgrims and beggars used to be received. Now there is a souvenir shop here.

Mont Saint-Michel has been sieged many times. It was never conquered, becoming a symbol of the French resistance. Its bastions helped the city withstand enemy sieges. Fortified structures existed in the 11th century; in 1311 new walls and a forstadt were built at the foot of the cliffs. Capital bastions were built during the Hundred Years' War. The first line of fortified structures defended the city, the second protected the monastery. Huge medieval cannons - bombards - were placed in horizontal loopholes on the towers. At the entrance to the city in 1524 a powerful Gabriel Tower.

You cannot visit the castle bastions alone. You need to be especially careful when walking here during high tides. The water rises quickly - within a day the level rises by ten meters, and you may not have time to reach the fortress walls. On such days, the castle again turns into an impregnable island.

Off the northwestern coast of France there are three rocky islands: Mont Saint-Michel, Mont Dol and Tomblain, of which only one is inhabited - Mont Saint-Michel. In 709 it was founded and consecrated in honor of St. Michael, from which it received its name. At the end of the 19th century, a dam was built to connect it with the mainland, and at the same time (in 1874) it was recognized as a historical monument. And since 1979, UNESCO has included it in the World Heritage Fund. With an indigenous population of less than 50 people, up to 3.5 million tourists and pilgrims visit it annually. So during your trip to France, do not miss the opportunity to appreciate the merits of the architecture and natural features of this island.

How to get to Mont Saint Michel from Paris?

There are three ways to get from Paris by rail:

· From Paris Montparnasse by TGV via Rennes (2 hours). Then from Rennes to Pontorson by train, and then by bus to Mont Saint-Michel or by direct bus from Rennes to Mont Saint-Michel.

· From Paris Montparnasse by TGV to Dol de Bretagne (2 hours 40 minutes), and from there by direct bus to Mont Saint-Michel.

· From Paris Saint-Lazare by train to Caen, then by train to Pontorson and from there by bus to Mont Saint-Michel.

Attractions Mont Saint Michel

Once you have reached the island, the entire visit can be called one continuous excursion. At the entrance to this medieval city there is the former premises of the Burgher’s Guardroom, where the tourist office is now located. Working hours:

· July-August: daily from 7.00 to 19.00.

· March-June and September-October: from 9.30 to 18.00 (break 12.30-14.00).

· November-February: from 10.00 to 17.00 (break 12.30-14.00).

Passing through Boulevard Gate and King's Gate, you will find yourself on the main street, Grande Rue, where you will find museums, shops and houses dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries.

· L "archéoscope - tells about the construction and history of Mont Saint-Michel;

· Historical Museum– there are exhibitions of ancient weapons, paintings and sculptures, and an idea of ​​local prisons and dungeons.

· Museum of the Sea and Ecology – tells about the connection between the city and the sea.

· Tiphaine House (le logis Tiphaine demeure de Bertrand Duguesclin) is a residence built in 1365 by Bertrand Duguesclin for his wife. Here you can see tapestries, furniture and paintings from the 14th century.

Museum opening hours: daily from 9.30 to 17.00. On the winter vacation All museums, except the maritime one, are closed. Tickets are sold at the door. Cost of visit:

· Subscription for 4 museums: for adults, over 25 years old - €18; for persons 18-25 years old - €9;

· Entrance to 1 museum for persons over 18 years old - €9.

· Children under 18 years old have free admission.

· Visitors under 18 years old – free.

Then along the route you come across the small parish church of St-Pierre, built at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries in honor of the patron saint of fishermen. Masses are held daily at 11 a.m. and on Saturdays at 6 p.m.

To get directly to the monastery, you need to climb the Great Steps of the Grand Degré. The abbey itself is open to the public every day except January 1, May 1 and December 25. Working hours:

You can visit it on your own or use the services of a guide (1 hour). Tickets are sold at the entrance to the monastery. Price:

· €9 – for persons over 25 years old (individual visit);

· €5.5 – for non-Europeans aged 18-25 years;

· €7 – for members of a group of 20 people;

· €30 – for schoolchildren (35 people + accompanying person);

· Children under 18 years old (when visiting with parents) – free;

· Citizens of EU countries or citizens of other countries permanently residing in France, under the age of 26 years - free.

Masses are held daily at 12.15 (Sunday at 11.30) and are free to attend.

The layout of the island's tourist sites can be seen on the plan, which you will find in the appendix under our article.

You can purchase a subscription for 4 museums using this link.

Ebbs and flows in Mont Saint-Michel

People also come to Mont Saint-Michel to see the largest tides in Europe. Twice a month sea ​​waters reach the walls of Saint-Michel. The exact dates of these events are listed at Greatest height water reaches 36-48 hours after the new moon and full moon, especially in the mornings and evenings. The difference in water levels is 15 meters, covering and exposing 15 km of areas adjacent to Saint-Michel. Be very careful if you plan to leave your car in the parking lot outside the fortress walls at this time - it may be washed away by water. It is better to arrive a day or two before the expected high tide and stay at a hotel.

Where to stay on Mont Saint Michel?

There are a sufficient number of hotels on the territory of this small island. 7 of them are located a couple of kilometers from the monastery, another 9 are located directly on the territory (these hotels). In addition, from February 15 to November 11, visitors can stay in an electrified campsite with 48 beds.

· Le relais Saint-Michel – 4 stars, outside the walls of the monastery – 39 rooms costing €270-560;

· La mere Poulard – 3 stars, on the territory of the monastery – 27 rooms costing €190-550;

· Saint Aubert – 2 stars, outside the monastery walls – 27 rooms costing €90-145;

· Lavieille Auberge – 2 stars, on the territory of the monastery – 11 rooms costing €120-200.

Where to eat on Mont Saint Michel?

On Mont Saint-Michel you can eat in hotel restaurants or in a dozen cafes and creperies, almost all of which are located on the territory of the monastery. Various seafood dishes are considered traditional menu items here; mussels are especially often ordered (moules de bouchot de la baie de Mont Saint Michel). And a huge omelet “from mother Poulard”, baked on the fire of the hearth, is exactly what gastro tourists come here for. “La mere Poulard” is prepared in the restaurant of the hotel of the same name. The meat of 3-6 month old “lamb from the salty fields” (l’agneau de pré-salé), with a high content of iodine and salt, is incredibly tasty. And in pancake shops you can treat yourself not only to the usual homemade pancakes, but also buckwheat pancakes. In many catering establishments, the menu is translated into various languages, including Russian. To taste all of the above, be sure to check out

· Traditional pancake house La Cloche;

· Cafe Mere Poulard;

· Restaurant Le Saint-Michel;

· Le tripot snack bar.

The best time to visit Mont Saint-Michel is considered to be July-August.

Have a nice rest!

Mont Saint-Michel (Le Mont-Saint-Michel) is a unique architectural complex consisting of a medieval abbey and a tiny commune near its walls, located on a small rocky island off the northwestern coast of France in the English Channel department.

Foundation and first centuries of history

The first buildings on the island of Mont Saint-Michel date back to 708. According to church traditions, their construction began after the Archangel Michael appeared three times to the Bishop of Avranches, St. I will give orders to build a temple on the island. According to archaeological data, it was built in the form of an artificial grotto on the site of even earlier chapels of the 6th century.

Since 933, following the Norman capture of the Contentin Peninsula, Mont Saint-Michel became an important fortress remaining in Breton hands. Around 966, the abbey became the property of the Benedictine Order. The construction of the Romanesque church of Notre-Dame-sous-Terre dates back to around this time.

In 1022, under the leadership of Abbot G. de Volpiano, construction of a new temple in the name of St. began on the upper platform of the island. Petra is 70 m long, partially based on earlier buildings. The church is crowned with a statue of St. Michael, rising to a height of 157 m. A dormitory was built near it, where the monks and the abbot lived.

Age of Prosperity

In the 12th century, the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel became one of the main centers of pilgrimage in Western Europe, and his wealth increased every year. Around 1184, Abbot R. de Torigny added two towers to the western façade of the church.

In 1204, Philip Augustus's Breton soldiers were able to capture the island and burn most of the abbey's buildings on the northern slope of the cliff. After the restoration of the abbey, during the heyday of the monastery, up to 60 monks lived in it.

In 1211, the next stage of construction work on the island began. Over the course of 17 years, a new monastery complex was built. In its eastern part there is a Romanesque style refectory with excellent acoustics. Next to it there is a kitchen room, and a level below there is a hall for receiving guests.

In the western part of the monastery, a chiostro courtyard surrounded by galleries was built. Later, three large windows were cut into the wall overlooking the bay. Under the pavement of the courtyard there was a scriptorium and workshops, and even lower there were rooms for chaplains and basements.

From the citadel of the spirit to the prison casemates
Signs of the abbey's decline appeared during the Hundred Years' War and became especially clear after its unsuccessful siege of 1424-1434 by the British. Despite the construction of a royal residence in 1470 and then a new central building in late Gothic style in 1520, its “golden years” were already behind it.

The Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel was completely abandoned during the French Revolution of the 18th century. Most of the monastery buildings until 1863 were used as a political prison with the ironic name “Mountain of Freedom”. In some of them, before the ensemble was declared a historical monument in 1877, there was a straw hat factory.

A tourist route

In 2014, the architect D. Feichtinger designed and built a new pedestrian bridge from continent to island. The abbey's bastions were built during the Hundred Years' War. Their first line is to protect a small town on the island. In 1524, the engineer G. du Puy built the Gabriel Tower at the entrance to the city, providing a wide view and a large field of fire for the besiegers.

On the square at the entrance to the fortress there is a fountain in the shape of a scallop shell. A staircase leads from it to the next courtyard to the “guard house” near which English bombards of the 15th century are installed. Through the gate, built in 1435 by the architect L. d'Estuville, tourists enter a tiny square and the Grand Rue street, flanked by 19th-century houses. There are museums of the history of the island and the archbishopric here.

Protected by the barbiken behind the bridge and the canal is the Court du Boulevard. One of the buildings located on the square housed the residence of the royal representative on the island. Next, a narrow path between two rows of houses leads to the gates of the abbey. It is situated between two towers, and the courtyard beyond is dominated by the east front of the abbey and the silhouette of Corbyn Tower. Built in the XI-XVI centuries. it covers an area of ​​about 55 thousand m2 and is an example of a fortified monastery.

Mont Saint Michel(Mont Saint-Michel) or Mount of the Archangel Michael is a small rocky island-fortress on the northwestern coast of France. This island is the only inhabited of the three islands in the Bay of Saint-Michel. A city was built on the island, which has existed since 709.

The abbey castle of Mont Saint-Michel is one of ten!

Plan of Mont Saint Michel:

  • Abbey
  • Wonderful building
  • City
  • Watch Terrace

The main attraction of the French province of Normandy is Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, overlooking a huge sandy bay. Since time immemorial, a huge number of pilgrims from all over Europe have flocked to this abbey in order to come into contact with the shrines.

The history of the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel began with a chapel, which was erected on a granite rock-island in 708 by the Bishop of Avranches Saint-Aubert.

Currently it has about a hundred inhabitants. In 1879, the island was connected by a 2 km long dam to the mainland. Mont Saint Michel b is a granite formation with a diameter of 930 m and a height of 92 m, which is located at the mouth of the Cusnon River. Every 24 hours 50 minutes the bay experiences high and low tides, the strongest in Europe. The water can extend 18 km from Saint-Michel and spread up to 20 km inland. At high tide the island is completely surrounded by water, and at low tide the mountain is surrounded by sand. The tide height reaches 14 meters.

Mont Saint Michel is a granite formation with a diameter of 930 m and a height of 92 m located at the mouth of the Cusnon River. Here is the highest tide in Europe, up to. 14 m. At high tide, the island is completely surrounded by water, reaching right up to the walls. At low tide the mountain is surrounded by sands.

WITH south side The lower part of the mountain is occupied by a city surrounded by a 15th century fortress wall.

The entrance to the city is protected by a system of gates and barbicans. Through the outer gate, one enters the outer barbican, then through the Boulevard gate into the next barbican, called the Boulevard. Further beyond the moat is the large Royal Gate with an arched passage and a drawbridge. Next to the main gate there is a narrow gate with its own drawbridge. The bridge is raised by a lever-type mechanism. Adjacent to the Royal Gate, flanking it, is the round Royal Tower, the first tower of the outer wall. The outer wall, flanked by nine towers, rises along the mountainside to the abbey, and is completed by the Claudine Tower.

Inside the wall, on a slope, there is a city consisting of almost one narrow street.

In front of the entrance to the abbey there is a barbican protecting them, surrounded by a battlement with two gates. One of the gates is located on the side of the city road, others open onto the narrow Watch Terrace, which goes around the monastery from the north and ends with access to the road through a narrow door in the Claudine Tower.

The barbican is dominated by the tall, multifaceted Raven Tower and the twin round towers of the abbey's main gate. Behind the gate is the large vaulted Hall of the Guard, from which the Great Staircase leads to the upper terrace, running between the lower floors of the temple building and the living quarters of the abbey.

The core of the abbey consists of two parts - the temple with the premises located underneath it, and the so-called. Miracle, a three-story tower reinforced with buttresses, adjacent to the temple on the north side.

The temple is mostly Romanesque, but the choir was built only in the 16th century. on the site of what collapsed in 1421. To prevent it from repeating the fate of its predecessor, the Crypt of the Great Columns was built at the base. Its 10 columns with a diameter of 5 m support the new choir.

The top floor of the Miracle is occupied by a courtyard with a colonnade running along the perimeter and a vaulted refectory.

Below the refectory there is a large Guest Room with two huge fireplaces at the end of the room and another fireplace in the center of the inner wall. Notable visitors were received in this hall. Next to it, under the courtyard, is the so-called. The Knights' Hall, which received this name for its splendor. The castle is decorated with numerous carved columns. This hall served as a place of work for the monks, where they copied texts.

Under the Guest Hall there was an almshouse, and under the Knight's Hall there were storage rooms. Under the temple there are numerous crypts and chapels. The total number of rooms in the abbey exceeds 50. They are connected by numerous staircases and corridors.

History of the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel

In 966, Benedictine monks, with the permission of the Pope, founded an abbey here and built a monastery with the money of the Duke of Normandy, Richard I. In 1017, Abbot Gilderbert II began the construction of the central monastery building, the construction of which was fully completed only five centuries later.

Thanks to the work and faith of the Benedictine monks, a simple chapel over this long period of time turned into a majestic abbey, built from granite quarried on the Chauzet Islands.

At the beginning of the 12th century, Abbot Roger II began construction of a tower on the northern slope, which now includes the Knights' Hall and the Refectory. At this time, the abbey was already one of the pilgrimage centers of Europe. The influence of the monastery is growing. The abbey received English and French kings, and was granted several possessions in England.

In 1204, King Philip Augustus of France captured Normandy. The ally of the French king, Guy de Tours, captured and burned the settlement near the monastery, as a result of which the monastery itself was seriously damaged by the fire. Philip Augustus, in order to atone for his guilt, donates a huge sum to the abbey, and also finances the construction of a structure on the northern slope, later called the Miracle. In 1128, the construction of the Miracle was completed.

Until the 14th century the monastery did not change. Successive abbots gradually built up the island. The Hundred Years' War that breaks out between England and France leads to the fact that the abbey is deprived of income from its English possessions.

In 1356, the British attempted to take the monastery, but the siege was unsuccessful. In 1386, the abbot of the monastery, Pierre Roy, for security purposes, significantly strengthened the entrance to the monastery, and also built three towers. Subsequently, Abbot Robbert Jolivet, who replaced Roy, erected fortress walls at the foot of the monastery.

During the Hundred Years' War in 1424, the British again besieged the monastery. For ten years, suffering huge losses, they tried to get beyond the castle walls to no avail. But the French defended the abbey. The British never managed to take the island, but they completely destroyed the town that had formed over the past centuries at the base of the monastery. In 1450, the English were defeated at the Battle of Formigny and expelled from Normandy.

In 1469, the French king Louis XI established the knightly order of St. Michael in the abbey. In 1523, construction of the Gothic choir began. This year, the monks are deprived of the right to choose the abbot of the monastery. Now only the king has this right. Appointed by the king and not by clergy, the so-called “abbots” are completely devoid of spirituality. This leads to the monastery's treasury being spent for other purposes. All this deprives the monks of the desire to live in a monastery. Flow of pilgrims to Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel gradually dries up. By 1580, only 13 monks lived in the monastery. Fourteen years later, the bell tower is completely destroyed by a lightning strike. Due to the small number of monks, the temple remains dilapidated for decades. In 1662, the abbey, which had fallen into disrepair, was replaced by nine Benedictines from the Saint-Maur congregation.

In 1176, there was another fire that destroyed the Romanesque entrance to the temple. The current system of choosing monastery abbots continued to have its destructive effect until 1870. During the French Revolution, the abbey was closed and turned into a prison. The monks are expelled, and all things from the monastery are sold.

With the arrival of Napoleon III Mont Saint Michel regains its former glory, the prison is abolished, and the monastery is declared a national treasure of France. Work begins on its restoration.

The mid-20th century was marked by the return of the monks to the rocky island. In 1979, the abbey was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The French themselves think Mont Saint Michel"the eighth wonder of the world." Still active today Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, which has become a real fortress, which amazingly combined military and religious architecture, rightfully deserves this title.

Today this ancient abbey, stunning with its grandeur and the splendor of the surrounding nature, receives about three million tourists a year

In modern art, Mont Saint-Michel served as the prototype for the fortress of Minas Tirith in the cult trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” by Peter Jackson based on the book by Professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The famous English composer M. Olfrid, fascinated by the dark beauty of the island, dedicated the composition of the same name to him in the album “Voyager”. It was this island that the swindlers from the French comedy “Incorrigible” tried to save from their enemies.

The famous abbey of Mont Saint-Michel embodies the whole medieval history France. After the French Revolution, the Benedictine abbey served as a prison, and today it is visited by tens of thousands of tourists. Nestled on a small rocky islet on the northwestern coast of France and connected by a causeway to the mainland, Mont Saint Michel Since 1979 it has been recognized as a monument of world significance.

The island, crowned with the spire of the abbey, amazes with its grandeur. During high tide (and here is the highest tide in Europe - up to 10 m) the water arrives at a speed of 20 km/h, and the fortress built on a high rock (78 m) can only be reached by boats. At low tide you can simply walk on dry land without even getting your feet wet. Abbey of Mont Saint Michel- This is one of the main attractions of France and the real pride of the province of Normandy.

By attendance Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel can compete with the Eiffel Tower itself - more than 3.5 million people visit it annually. Small - only a kilometer in diameter and eighty meters above sea level - the island is connected to the mainland at low tide, and at high tide, perhaps the highest in the world, it is completely surrounded by the sea.

At low tide, pilgrims reached the abbey along the seabed. Now, for convenience, they have built a dam - surrealistically thin, like a stretched string. How could it be otherwise, if many thousands are trying to get to a tiny town where only 138 people live at the foot of a Gothic monastery. To tirelessly wander among the unreal, vertically inclined stone labyrinth of museums and temples, looking for ever new delightful corners.

Tradition says that Archangel Michael himself appeared to Bishop Aubert of Avranches in a dream and ordered to build a church on the rocky island. The skeptical cleric was not inclined to trust his dreams, and then the angry Archangel touched the monk with his finger (Obert’s relics are still kept in Avranches; they say the dent in the skull is quite significant). The incentive worked. In the place where the bishop discovered a grotto on the mountain, he ordered the construction of a basilica.

In the 10th century Mont Saint Michel The Benedictines moved from Saint-Vendria. And right up to the 16th century they built, built, built. There were funds - the island of the Miracle of St. Michael became one of most popular places pilgrimage. This is still the case today.

One of the special places in Christianity is occupied by the image of St. Michael. This is not just an archangel, but a warrior and intercessor. He accompanies the souls of the righteous to Heavenly Jerusalem, helps them on their way and protects them from lurking demons. In addition, it is he, according to the Apocalypse, who must stand at the head of the heavenly army in the last battle of good and evil. According to biblical legend, Archangel Michael fought with Satan in the form of a dragon and plunged him into the abyss of water. The battle ended on a mountain that later received the name Mount St. Michael. This is probably why temples high in the mountains are traditionally dedicated to St. Michael. The famous abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, which is located on a small (about 900 meters in circumference) rocky island of the same name and which was destined to become one of the main pilgrimage centers of medieval Europe, was built on the same principle.

Associated with the emergence of the abbey beautiful legend. In 708, the city of Avrange, located in the north of Brittany, near its border with Normandy, was ruled by Bishop Aubert. One night the bishop heard the voice of St. Michael, who demanded that an island rock, located next to the city and separated from it by a strait, be dedicated to him.

Ober did nothing, believing that he had been misled by his visions. The Archangel appeared to the bishop several times, predicting miracles that he would perform in order to strengthen Christians in their faith and convince the bishop. For example, one of the miraculous deeds of the archangel was a flying bull seen by people, which was then found on the top of a rock. The Archangel was impatient with the bishop's inaction and, on his next visit, plunged his finger into Aubert's skull, finally convincing him (the bishop's skull with a regular rounded hole is still kept in a glass cube in the abbey).

After this, Bishop Aubert, as Michael demanded, sent his people to Italy, to Monte Gorgano - since it was believed that the Holy Angel in Rome and Mount Monte Gorgano on a rocky island in the Adriatic were the traditional places of the appearance of the archangel. They returned and brought sacred relics - a piece of the red robe that the archangel wore during one of his apparitions and a fragment of the sacrificial stone on which he placed his foot.

Upon their return, Aubert began the construction of a chapel on Mont Tomb (the original name of the island). People's work was facilitated by the intervention of divine forces - for example, a large stone that was hindering construction was turned out by the light touch of a child; there was a shortage on the mountain drinking water- a miracle helped to find a source of life-giving moisture, which was then called the Saint Aubert fountain. Thus, Aubert settled on a rocky islet, which gradually became known as Mount St. Michael, in order to devote himself to the service of God and his archangel.

In 966, the Duke of Normandy gave the island to the Order of Benedictine monks, who founded Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. Construction on the island continued until the 19th century, gradually turning the island into a small town. Wonderful Gothic architectural ensemble The abbey is crowned by a beautiful church located on the top of the island, at an altitude of about 90 meters above sea level. It is built on three crypts, the oldest of which dates back to Carolingian times.

The building's impressive nave was built in the 11th century in Romanesque style, and its eastern chancel (choir) was rebuilt in Flamboyant Gothic style in 1450-1521. The floor of the church is on the same level as the third floor of the adjacent monastery buildings, which gives the structure the appearance of a stern and impregnable stronghold. The tower and spire, topped by a statue of St. Michael, date from a later period - they were built in the 19th century.

The outer walls of the beautiful Gothic monastery of La Merville, which means "The Miracle" (13th century), combine the power of a fortress and the simplicity of church architecture. The monastery is decorated with double rows of columns supporting pointed arches with wonderful floral patterns and a huge number of sculptures. The most remarkable part of the building is the refectory with high narrow windows and the romantic Hall of Knights, where the proud defenders of the fortress gathered. Below the monastery buildings are clustered residential buildings, some of which date back to the 15th century. The only street that exists here runs through the island, and most of the buildings are connected to each other by complex internal passages and steep staircases.

Extremely difficult to access due to its island position, in the 13th century the monastery was additionally surrounded on the southern and eastern sides by powerful defensive walls with round towers and projections and with a single fortress gate.

Thanks to this, the abbey successfully withstood sieges during the Hundred Years' War between England and France in the 14th and 15th centuries and during the French Wars of Religion in the second half of the 16th century.

In the 18th century, the abbey fell into disrepair and was closed during the French Revolution. From the time of Napoleon I to 1863 Mont Saint Michel was a state prison, and then was declared a historical monument and restored. Now Mont Saint Michel is one of the main tourist centers France.

Over the past centuries the sea has receded and now most of the time Mont Saint Michel surrounded by shifting sands, and only during high tides does it become an island. Such tides are observed here during the autumn and spring equinoxes - the water level rises by 10 meters per day - these are the strongest tides in France, and at low tide the sea moves 25 kilometers from the coast. Now a dam has been built and a highway connects the island to the mainland, making it convenient for visiting.

And as a result of changes in the contours of the shores, vast areas appeared that were completely abandoned by the water. This soil, salted by sea water, gradually became overgrown with grass, which the sheep liked very much. The meat of the sheep bred here contains excess salt and has a special taste - it is almost immediately suitable for consumption; their wool also has special properties - things made from this wool turn out to be very fluffy.

  • In 1874, Mont Saint Michel was recognized as a State Historic Monument.
  • In 1972, UNESCO added Mont Saint Michel to the List of World Heritage Sites.
  • The French consider Mont Saint-Michel and its bay the “eighth wonder of the world,” and the Europeans consider it “the wonder of Western Europe.”
  • When the tide goes out, you can go around Mount Saint-Michel, but you need to be careful and don't go too far from the foot of the mountain - there is a high risk of getting into quicksand.
  • The castle island of Mont Saint-Michel was the prototype for the fortress of Minas Tirith in the popular film “The Lord of the Rings”.
  • In our time Mont Saint Michel becomes an island only 2 times a year. This happens due to the fact that over the past centuries the sea has receded - now most of the time the castle is surrounded by sands, but 2 times a year (during the autumn and spring equinoxes) during strong tides it becomes

The castle, or rather the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, is one of the most beautiful, unusual and unique buildings not only in France, but also in the world. According to statistics, in terms of popularity among tourist sites this place is on par with Eiffel Tower, which is truly impressive.

In the north-west of the province of Normandy, among the silt and sand, this fortress rises, occupying the entire island. It is the only inhabited one of the three located in the Bay of Saint-Michel. The island rises to a height of about 79 m and has a diameter of only 1 km.

The two provinces of Brittany and Normandy have not been able to divide the fortress island for many centuries. The border is the Couesnon River, which flows at the base of the fortress. Distance to Paris 285 km. In 1874, the island was given the status of a historical monument.

Since 1979 it has been under the protection of UNESCO.

The uniqueness of the fortress island lies in its location. Twice a lunar day (24 hours 50 minutes) the bay experiences high and low tides, the strongest on the European coast and the second in the world. This falls on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, as well as on the 2nd or 3rd day after the new full moon.

The water flows out to a distance of up to 18 km and spills down to 20 km. The duration of this natural phenomenon can occur within 8 hours in winter, an hour more in summer. The maximum water speed is 6 km/h.

There are several ways to get to the castle island. On weekends, Flixbus buses depart early in the morning from the Défense district of Paris and return late in the evening. Travel time is 5 hours, the cost of a round trip ticket is about 50 €.

On weekdays, a high-speed train departs from Montparnasse train station to Rennes. Then, you need to transfer to the local Keolys bus. There is an opportunity to purchase combination ticket train-bus. One way price is about 50 €.

If you travel by car, you will have to leave the car 12 km away in the village in a parking lot for 11.5 € per day, then cover the remaining distance by bus for free.

The bus itself is unusual - its walls are covered with wooden slats. The last 300 m must be covered on foot; in the Middle Ages this was done in a carriage. Now such a trip on horse-drawn transport will cost 5.3 € per person.

Climatic conditions, best time to travel

When choosing the time to travel to the castle-island, you need to focus on the weather forecast for the north of France, the province of Normandy. The special location near the ocean should be taken into account. The wind blows freely here, which is especially felt on observation platforms.

Due to the constantly wet sand around, there is often fog in winter, and high humidity in summer combined with the scorching rays of the sun. Of course, before walking near the mountain you need to know the tide schedule. After all, the water comes quickly, at the speed of a running person, and sometimes it can reach 40 km/h.

Local guides They will tell you that in the old days the wave swallowed up inattentive wanderers and even entire crews. The most favorable time to visit this “eighth wonder of the world,” as the French call it, is considered to be spring and autumn. There are a lot of tourists here in summer.


Every day, at intervals of several minutes, a bus runs between the island and the mainland. The first flight is at 7.30, the last one is at midnight. Electric buses have an unusual design: the driver's cabin is located in the front and rear. They were designed specifically for Mont Saint-Michel. Travel is free, travel time is 12 minutes.

There is a very interesting thing going to Mont Saint Michel sightseeing bus. Its special feature is that it is double-sided!

There is also an alternative transport: a cart pulled by a pair of Norman draft horses. Capacity 24 people, price 5 €.

Historical reference

Mont Saint-Michel (France) was originally built as a monastery. Unusual phenomenon of that time: everything French castles were erected for protection, in the form of defensive outposts. As legend has it, in 708, the Archangel Michael appeared to Bishop Aubert of Avranches and directed him to build a temple on Mogilny Hill (the first Christian hermits lived and died here).

The bishop, deciding that he had misinterpreted the vision, ignored it the first time and the second. Finally, for the third time, when the archangel burned a hole on Ober's head, he decided to begin construction.

According to the vision, it was at the site of the granite ledge that the meeting of two opposing forces took place: good and evil. The forces of light won, and it was in honor of this victory that the monastery was built. Over the course of 2 centuries, the island has become a place of pilgrimage.

Concerned about the popularity of the canons, Duke Richard I of Normandy replaced the local monks with Benedictines in 966. They were good builders. A small settlement was built for the pilgrims. A temple with adjacent buildings was erected on the top of the hill.

Today, only one wall remains of the original structure, and the skull of Bishop Aubert is in the Basilica of Avranches. In 1204, the French captured Normandy and burned the monastery. To make amends, the French king decides to donate a huge sum to restore the monastery.

In the northern part of the island, the creation of the La Merveille complex began, which means miracle. Construction work lasted 17 years. In such an incredibly short period of time, a masterpiece of architecture appeared, recognized as an example of medieval Gothic.

By the 13th century, several hundred Benedictine monks lived within the walls of the abbey. During the Hundred Years' War, the abbey had an independent status and was protected by free knights. They successfully defended their home. Most of western France was then captured by the British. To this day, a list of free knights, defenders of the fortress, has been preserved on a stone slab.

The decline of the abbey's power began already during the Hundred Years' War. At the end of the 16th century, only 13 monks remained. In the 18th century, the monastery finally fell into disrepair and was closed during the French Revolution. Until 1863, the abbey building was used as a prison. Napoleon III announced its liquidation, and the monastery received the status of a historical monument.

The abbey church was repeatedly subjected to lightning strikes and fires. To protect against natural phenomena, a 6-meter lightning rod in the form of a spire was installed in 1897. Today it is decorated with a decorative figure of Michael the Archangel with a sword. Over the years of its existence, the abbey church completely burned down and was rebuilt. In 1966 the monks returned to the abbey.

The main stages of the history of the island - the abbey:

Event Time (century, year)
The appearance of the settlement 708
Construction of the abbey XI – XV century
A causeway connecting the island to the mainland 1879
Historical monument status Since 1874
UNESCO is listed among world heritage humanity 1979

Getting to know the monastery, attractions

Entrance to the fortified city is free. After passing through the Royal Gate, then along the only street in the city, Grande Rue, there is an ascent along cobbled stone streets up to the abbey church.

Locals call this path the “outer great climb.” After all, the width of the street is only 2 m, the alleys that go to the side are very narrow, you even have to move sideways. How many mysteries do these ancient buildings contain... There are many shops and restaurants along the way. Previously, these were the houses of abbots.

The city population, including the mayor, is no more than 30 people. They all work in the service sector and have small farmland. In the 19th century, as a result of reclamation work, land was freed for agricultural work. The meat of lambs raised here has a special taste and has been awarded the AOC quality mark. This happens thanks to grass irrigated with sea water.

So, further along the way is the Church of Joan of Arc. But what does this Maid of Orleans have to do with the abbey? After all, at the time of her execution in 1431, Mont Saint-Michel did not belong to the territory of France. It was a feudal independent city.

There are 4 museums on the castle grounds:

Walking through the narrow stone labyrinth, in addition to shops, you come across a post office building on the way. This is a great opportunity to send a postcard from the Abbey to friends or yourself.

At the end main street Steep steps lead to the upper tiers of the complex. This circumstance should be taken into account, since not everyone will be able to overcome such a rise. In front of it is the Church of St. Petra with a cemetery.

Tour of the Abbey

Most of the island, 55,000 sq m, is occupied by a Benedictine abbey - this is a unique and best example of French medieval architecture. Medieval craftsmen managed to “wrap” the granite cliff with stone buildings.

The structure of the church, consisting of two 3-story buildings, is supported on a platform 80 m long. The skill of calculations of the architects and builders of that time is amazing. This allows us to call San Michele a miracle of architects. There is a service in the church every day, admission is free.

There is a fee to visit the upper tier, where religious attractions are concentrated. Price for adults is 10 €, children are free. The church of La Merveille consists of three floors. The guardroom is the fortified entrance to the abbey. The complex includes a cloister (inner courtyard), a hall for guests and a refectory.

The patio now looks flourishing, with arches around the perimeter. Initially there was just a stone bag that served as a place for prisoners to walk. There were no stone arches around the perimeter. The cloister became so at the beginning of the 20th century, and the garden appeared in 1965.

Immediately behind the cloister is the refectory or refectory. The floor was paved with tiles in 1968, and bas-reliefs on the walls appeared in 1991. The abbot received guests in the guest room. It contains two large fireplaces intended for cooking and heating food.

Behind the guest room, through a gallery, visitors enter a former ossuary - a place where the bones of the dead removed from graves are kept. There is a huge wooden wheel installed in 1820 to lift food for prisoners and guards. Now it is a copy of that medieval one. The wheel was turned by 2 horses.

Mont Saint-Michel (France) has preserved to this day only some fragments of the interior of the abbey, dating from the 12th-15th centuries; the main part of the building dates back to the period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The organ located in the temple was installed in 1965.

In the abbey complex there is a striptorial - a library with manuscripts recognized as part of the world cultural heritage. WITH upper terrace There is a magnificent view of the surrounding area and the bay.

Until 2015, there was a dam connecting the monastery to the land. Parking was located right under the rock and was free. Under the pretext of a worsening environmental situation, it was decided to move the parking lot away from the island, demolish the dam and build a bridge.

Local kitchen

The city has restaurants and cafes where you can have a tasty meal at reasonable prices. There are no fancy French restaurants here. All places where you can eat are located on Grande Rue.

Among local dishes, seafood is especially popular, local lamb meat is especially good.

Guests are also offered the signature royal omelet “Mama Poulard”, which is cooked over an open fire, and buckwheat pancakes.

Service is quick everywhere, as the flow of tourists is huge at any time of the year. The average bill is 12-25 €, dinner with alcohol will cost 80-120 €. Sandwiches and snacks to take away cost 3-4 €.

Restaurants are usually located at hotels. Service in such establishments occurs slowly, but this does not bother visitors.

After all, through the panoramic windows of restaurants you can watch the ebb and flow of the tides or simply enjoy the landscape.

Where to stay

Travelers have a choice: stay in a hotel outside the walls or nearby in the town of La Caserne. In the city, all hotels are located on the main street. Despite the large number of hotels on the island, they are still not enough. Accommodation must be booked in advance.

Mont Saint-Michel (France) offers hotels located on the first floors of buildings from the 15th-16th centuries. The most popular is the La Mare Poulard 3* hotel. It is located in the city center, the windows open great view to the bay, abbey or ancient buildings. The local restaurant serves the famous omelet, and you can buy groceries in the shop.

The hotel has free Wi-Fi, parking, and family rooms. Hiking and cycling excursions can be organized for guests. The cost of a double room in June 2019 is about 300 €.

Auberge Saint Pierre is considered the best hotel, according to tourists. It is located at the very top of the mountain in a 14th-century timber-framed mansion. The hotel features elegant French interiors. There are two-level rooms. Breakfast " Buffet", Wi-Fi. Room price is about 200 €. On the territory of the castle there are only 9 hotels of 2-4 stars, there is a camping site open from February 15 to November 11.

At La Caserne, hotel rooms are more comfortable, parking is convenient and stormy night life. Room price in a 2* hotel from 55 €. There are no hostels in the area; you can stay at the auberges de jeunesse - a youth hostel.

There may be age restrictions, for example up to 30 years. You can rent a room in a private house; perhaps conversations with local residents will help you learn a lot more about the fortress island.

There are large hotels and motels along Highway D-976, closest to the island. There is a railway station 6 km from the island in the town of Pontorson, and buses leave regularly to the fortress. For example, the Montgomery Hotel is located in a historic building and the Bretagne Hotel has good restaurants.


On the lower tier of the main street there are all the shops and souvenir shops. Tourists take home ceramics, porcelain and copper products. Tablecloths, alabaster figurines of chimeras, and sets of knightly armor at huge prices are in great demand.

The abbey sells numerous booklets, gift books and guides. The prices are quite affordable. You can bring butter cookies “from Mother Poulard”, Brittany pies “Quin-aman” and salted caramel.

The shop “Aux 3 Croissants” sells traditional Brittany and Normandy carpets, woven items, jewelry, and porcelain.

Excursion programs

A ticket purchased to visit the abbey entitles you to join one of the excursions, which are conducted in several languages. Duration 45 -60 minutes. The tour schedule is posted at the entrance to the complex. In July and August the abbey is open to visitors in the evening.

From 7.00 to 21.00 you can walk through the gardens every day. When video and music equipment is installed in the abbey, you can stay on the premises until 24.00. Visit from 21.00, price for adults 10 €, from 13 to 24 years old – 7 €.

One of the most unusual islands in the world, Mont Saint-Michel captivates with its uniqueness, mystery, and antiquity. France is no less proud of the abbey than the famous Eiffel Tower.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

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