Pink pyramid in Dahshur. The Pink Pyramid and its Unsolved Mysteries

The Dahshur necropolis is located 30 kilometers south of the city of Giza, respectively, 35 kilometers from Cairo. You can get here for 80-100 Egyptian pounds.

If you decide to come to Dahshur on your own, we strongly recommend that you pay the driver for downtime. Catching a taxi back will be extremely problematic; it is better to pay 20 pounds to the driver to wait for you.

It is best to come to Dahshur as part of an organized excursion. This is the cheapest, easiest, and safest way.

Dahshur is the furthest necropolis of ancient Memphis and has few visitors. Of course, there have been no cases of kidnapping of tourists here yet, but any such deserted place in Egypt poses a potential danger to a foreigner.

The excursion is also convenient because in one day you can see all the largest and interesting pyramids in Egypt. You look at the Dahshur necropolis. Tourists see all this in one day and for only 50-60 US dollars. A tour is ideal.

Working hours

From 8-00 am to 17-00 pm.

What's the cover charge

Entrance to the territory of the Dahshur necropolis costs 40 Egyptian pounds. Entrance inside the pyramid is free.

How much time should you plan for your visit?

One hour is enough to see everything interesting inside and outside.

What is inside

Tourists can get inside freely and free of charge. On some Internet sites they write the following phrases: “You can walk freely inside the pyramid.” The phrase sounds very funny, since the passage inside is just over a meter wide and about a meter high.

The passage is about 60 meters long and slopes downwards at an angle of 27 degrees. If you are short in stature, you will be able to move along it crouching down. Tall people have to walk on their haunches, which is very difficult.

The descending passage gives way to a horizontal one about 10 meters in length, and after it the first burial chamber begins, where you can finally straighten your back.

Conclusion. If you are tall (1.8 meters and above) and want to get inside the Pink Pyramid, then stock up on pants that you won’t mind throwing away. Or the second option - take with you knee pads, which are used by skateboarders and rollerbladers (photo). Then, while moving, you will be able to kneel, and moving around will be much easier.

The burial chamber is spacious. The most interesting thing for tourists here is the stepped ceiling 12 meters high. However, there is nothing more to see here; you can move on to the second burial chamber.

A very narrow passage in the southern wall leads into it. Outwardly, it is very similar to the first chamber, except for one element - a wooden staircase. This staircase was built by modern archaeologists. Climbing along it, you will come to another passage that leads to the third burial chamber.

The second burial chamber has its own peculiarity - it is located exactly in the center of the pyramid, which is very rare. The first two chambers are at ground level, and the third is already laid out inside the masonry. Later, the idea of ​​organizing a burial chamber directly in the masonry was used and developed by Pharaoh Cheops, the son of Snefru.

It was the third chamber that was allegedly used as the burial place of Pharaoh Snofru. Three cameras were made to protect against robbers, that is, the first two of them were false.

Even such tricks did not help. Like all the pyramids of the Ancient Kingdom of Egypt, this one was completely robbed. This happened during the era of the First Transition Period - a moment of anarchy in Russia, when almost all ancient monuments were damaged.

The third chamber is the largest in size, the ceiling height is 15 meters. The floor of this cell was badly damaged, and it is believed that the robbers were looking for other hidden rooms.

This concludes the tour inside the Pink Pyramid. Now you have to go back through the same meter-high passage, but up. By the way, it’s easier to go up, since even a tall person can move while crouching.

Tourists are surprised that the walls of the passages and burial chambers are completely empty. There are no inscriptions, bas-reliefs or frescoes. The tradition of painting the walls of tombs appeared later - during the reign of the V dynasty.

Pink pyramid- the third tallest pyramid of ancient Egypt and the tallest among all the buildings of the southern necropolis, located near Dahshur, 26 km. from Cairo. The first capital of united Egypt, Memphis, was located nearby.

Sneferu, the great builder of Egypt

The construction of the Pink Pyramid dates back to XXVI BC, the time of the reign of Pharaoh Snofru, father of Cheops (reigned 2613-2589 BC). His name appears several times on the walls of the pyramid premises and parts of facing slabs found nearby. Sneferu became famous as a statesman, a talented military leader, he led large-scale construction throughout the country and remained in the memory of subsequent generations as an ideal ruler. But his main merit to his descendants is the beginning of the construction of huge pyramids of a classical form, while the previous ones were stepped and much smaller in size.

In general, during the reign of Sneferu, the construction of two pyramids began, the Rose Pyramid and the Broken Pyramid, also located near Dahshur. Scientists have not yet given an answer to the question of why the pharaoh needed to build two tombs.

Snefer is also credited with building the step pyramid at Medum. He actually expanded and completed this tomb, but its construction was conceived and started under his predecessor Huni.

What is a pyramid

The pink pyramid is the most regular and perfect structure of this type, an almost exact geometrically isosceles triangle. This gives it amazing harmony. Its height is 104.4 m, the dimensions of the base are 218.5 x 221.5 m. Externally, the Pink Pyramid is noticeably different from its relatives by the lower slope of the edges - 43°22" versus the 51°-52" later adopted as a standard. The total volume of construction is 1,694,000 cubic meters. At the time of completion of construction it was the most high building in the world.

The pyramid got its name from the color of the stone it was made of - in the rays of the setting sun the blocks turn pinkish. But this is not a consequence of the architect’s plan. Initially, the edges were lined with white limestone slabs, but in the Middle Ages almost all of the cladding was removed and used to build houses in Cairo. Only a small number of slabs near the surface of the earth have survived. The main material of the pyramid has a natural pinkish tint.


The entrance to the tomb is at a level of about 28 m. Near the entrance there is a stone, which, according to the Egyptians, is a restored pyramidion, which crowned the entire structure in ancient times. However, scientists reject this possibility, since the size of the stone is too small for such a huge monument as the Pink Pyramid.

From the entrance, a narrow and low descending corridor 62 meters long leads deep into the pyramid. Its height and width are a little more than a meter. The passage leads to three successive chambers, two of which are at ground level, and the third is deep in the masonry. The ceilings of the first two chambers are stepped, tapering upward, their height is 12 meters. The chambers are connected by low, narrow passages, which were apparently hidden in ancient times. Many researchers believe that the two chambers were designed to divert the attention of robbers from the third, the real burial room of the pharaoh. It is much more spacious than the first two, and the ceiling height reaches 17 meters.

However, all precautions turned out to be unnecessary, since, according to archaeologists, no one was ever buried in the Pink Pyramid, and it was completed during the reign of Cheops, 10 years after the death of Snofru. But, one way or another, the robbers got to the third cell, the floor of which was badly damaged. Apparently, the attackers were looking for other secret premises. This could have happened in the 23rd century BC, during a period of anarchy when almost all the significant tombs of the Old Kingdom were looted.

Some written sources claim that the original plan called for the construction of an entire burial complex, similar to the one built at the Bent Pyramid. It is even reported that a funeral temple was erected, but archaeologists did not find any traces of it. But the Pink Pyramid looks great even without satellites and is one of the most remarkable monuments of ancient Egyptian civilization.


On the territory of the Dahshur necropolis in Egypt there are three large pyramids, of which the largest is the Pink one. It is believed that the pyramid received its name because of the color given to its edges by the sun's rays. If you look closely, you can really notice - not bright pink, of course, but a slightly pinkish tint.

It was originally white because its walls were covered with white limestone, which has not survived. This is not surprising if you consider how many centuries have passed since the creation of the huge architectural structure- Pharaoh Snefru, who is credited with building a giant tomb, reigned in the 27th century BC! The structure, which is in honorable third place in height after the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre, was made in compliance with all necessary proportions.

It is considered to be the world's first even isosceles pyramid. Why is the Pink Pyramid dated back to the reign of Sneferu? No specific evidence has yet been found, except that the name of this ruler of Egypt was inscribed in red paint on the walls of the structure. Translated, it means “Created Flawlessly” or “Perfect Work” - this rightfully refers to the pyramid itself.

The entrance is located at an altitude of about 30 meters. Inside, an inquisitive researcher will find three rooms. And, by the way, any guest of Egypt can become such a researcher - since the 90s. last century, the pyramid was opened to visitors. A narrow, square-shaped tunnel leads visitors down to three chambers. As many as 63 meters of underground galleries must be overcome to get to the place of the pharaoh’s last earthly refuge.

Theoretically, there should have been a sarcophagus in one of the chambers, but it was never discovered. But one of the researchers who carried out the excavations found a wooden coffin here, and in it - someone’s skeleton. It is clear that the skeleton could not belong to the pharaoh, and the Egyptians never buried their almighty rulers in simple wooden coffins, which means that all these remains are traces of a later time. Where could the sarcophagus and mummy have disappeared to? So far this is one of the mysteries of the pyramid.

The second mystery is why Sneferu built himself three pyramids? Pink is the northernmost of them. Maybe he didn’t like something during the construction process, and he decided to proceed with the second construction? It is currently difficult to answer this question. Perhaps in the future scientists will “get to the bottom” of the truth. We can just take a trip to the Pink Pyramid and go inside. This is a truly unique opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of past centuries.

And in the literal sense - over the past millennia, due to the lack of opportunity for fresh air to penetrate inside, today in the passages and chambers there is a strong smell of ammonia, which can cause irritation of the respiratory tract. The “ventilation” passages are now being cleaned, but a lot of work is still required there. If you are not frightened by such trifles, then welcome to visit the ruler Ancient Egypt, to his last earthly home.

The pink pyramid is called a unique building. After all, this structure is the first attempt to build a classical pyramid, and its design also differs from the structure of the Great Pyramids of Giza. A unique feature of the Pink Pyramids is the low sloping degree of the walls; practically this pyramid can be called a regular isosceles triangle. And the Pink Pyramid is located in Dahshur, it is only 26 kilometers from Cairo. The stone giants are located in this small village. There used to be many pyramids here, however, only the Pink and Broken Pyramids have survived to this day. However, they are priceless historical monuments. Note that the Pink Pyramid is called the most accurate and “correct” pyramid. Compare it with.

Features of the Pink Pyramid

Today, the Pink Pyramid ranks third in height, 104.4 meters. As for the name, the limestone of the pyramid has a pink tint during sunset, which is why it is called the Pink Pyramid. However, the pyramid was originally covered with white, shining limestone. But in the Middle Ages it was most likely removed for the construction of houses. Among tourists, the Dahshur burial complex is quite popular place. That’s why the Pink Pyramid attracts people so much. In addition, there is no entrance fee, which increases its popularity. However, there is a high concentration of ammonia, so care must be taken. Very interesting for tourists.

The pink pyramid is distinguished by its unique construction technology and the resulting shape. By the way, the quality of construction can only be compared with the Bent Pyramid. The Pink Pyramid is not only an ancient, but also a mysterious structure. Experts still cannot solve the mystery of this pyramid. It is believed that the construction of the Pink Pyramid is associated with Pharaoh Snofru. However, they claim this only because a couple of inscriptions were found on the facing slabs, where the name of this pharaoh appears. This ancient structure is also considered the largest structure of the Dakhshur necropolis. Tourists are advised to visit

The pink pyramid is the largest of the three great pyramids, located on the territory of the Dahshur necropolis.

The name is associated with the color of the stone blocks, which turn pink in the rays of the setting sun.

It is the third tallest (104.4 m) pyramid in Egypt, after Khufu and Khafre at Giza.

Hajor, CC BY-SA 1.0

The Pink Pyramid did not always have its current color. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone.

Currently, white limestone is almost completely absent, because... back in the Middle Ages, a significant part of it was removed for the construction of houses in Cairo, as a result of which pinkish limestone was exposed.

This pyramid is attributed to Snefru, as his name was found inscribed in red paint on several casing blocks.

Ivrienen, CC BY-SA 3.0

The pink pyramid of Pharaoh Snefru in Dahshur, at the time of its construction in the 26th century. BC e. was the tallest building on Earth.

Its base is 220 m, height - 109.5 m (originally), 104 m (today).

GDK, MONNIER Franck, CC BY 2.5

It is also considered the world's first successful attempt at building a "true" isosceles pyramid (has a regular stereometric pyramidal shape), although the angle of its sides is only 43° 22" compared to the later norm of 51° 52".

In addition, it is characterized by an extremely low slope of the walls (base 218.5 × 221.5 m with a height of 104.4 m).

The volume of the pyramid is 1,694,000 m³.


The entrance through a sloping passage on the north side leads down into three adjacent chambers, approximately 17 meters high, which are accessible to the public.

Visiting the pyramid should be done with caution due to the pungent odor caused by the concentration of ammonia in its premises.