Vorontsov Palace how to get there. Famous Alupian terraces

Vorontsov Palace in Alupka (Crimea) is rightfully considered one of the pearls of the peninsula. An elegant and, at the same time, majestic structure is located at the foot of Mount Ai-Petri. It is surrounded by a unique park complex, and from the main staircase you can see amazing view to the Black Sea.

The palace complex fits organically into the surrounding landscape due to the fact that its location corresponds mountainous terrain. That is why the palace has such an original image. The Vorontsov Palace in Crimea and the adjacent park often became a film set. At least 17 films have received recognition from the general public.

Ticket prices for the Vorontsov Palace in 2019

Ticket prices are indicated on the official website of the complex. They depend on the selected exhibitions and excursions.

  • Separate expositions and exhibitions: adults - from 50 to 350 rubles, students, pensioners and teenagers 16-18 years old - from 25 to 200 rubles.
  • Walking tours of the park: adults - 100 rubles, students, pensioners and teenagers 16-18 years old - 70 rubles.
  • Excursions around the park by electric car: 800 rubles. from a group of 4-20 people.
  • For preferential and free category of visitors, as well as for children from 7 to 16 years old: a fee of 70 rubles is charged. for the use of audio guides.
  • “Single ticket” (all expositions and exhibitions): adults - 830 rubles, students, pensioners and teenagers 16-18 years old - 450 rubles.

Opening hours of the Vorontsov Palace

You can visit exhibitions, temporary and permanent exhibitions daily from 09:00 to 17:00. However, the State Rooms and South Terraces are open until 20:00 on Saturdays. Tours of the palace park are available at 11:00; 13:00 and 15:00, but only if there is a group of 15 to 20 people. There are options hiking and trips by electric car. A “single ticket” can be purchased on any day except Monday and Wednesday.

History of the Vorontsov Palace

The first owner of the palace was His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov, a descendant of an ancient family known since the 14th century, a hero-order bearer who participated in many military campaigns and retired with the rank of Field Marshal, Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor-General, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences . After his death in 1856, the palace was owned in turn by the prince's close relatives. After the revolution, the facility was nationalized.

The period of construction of the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea dates back to the period 1828-1848. Quit-rent serfs were involved in heavy work, and the relief finishing was carried out by hereditary stonemasons, and manually. First, the Dining Building was erected, then the Central Building. Already in the forties of the 19th century, a billiard room, outbuildings, towers, guest and utility buildings, as well as a library appeared. Sappers worked hard on the ledges of the South Terrace. Thanks to them, the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka acquired a luxurious grand staircase, on the pedestals of which lions made by the Italian master Giovanni Bonnani were installed in 1948. This was the final chord in the design of the overall ensemble of the palace complex.

Already in 1921, the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea, which never changed its common name, turned into a museum. During the Second World War there was no time to hide the exhibits, so many of them were taken away by the occupiers. The amounts stolen turned out to be colossal. During the Yalta Conference (February 1945), the palace temporarily became the residence of W. Churchill and his retinue. Until 1956, a government dacha was located here. Subsequently, a decision was made to reopen the museum, which is still functioning, but in a new status. In the 90s of the last century, the complex began to be called a palace and park museum-reserve.


In the appearance of the building, elements of different eras and a successful combination of architectural styles are visible - strict English, with a neo-Gothic direction, and lush oriental, neo-Moorish. An interesting fact is that the palace began to be built according to one project (by the Italian Francesco Boffo and the Englishman Thomas Harrison), and ended according to another (by the famous British eclectic architect Edward Blore). By the way, the latter did not visit Alupka while working on the project, as he was too busy with orders from the royal family in his homeland.

The main material for the construction of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka is diabase, which is superior in strength to granite stones. The museum-reserve includes five separate buildings, courtyards, a terrace, a front and additional staircase, and a park area.

Palace inside

The official website of the Vorontsov Palace offers several interesting exhibitions for visiting. The main exposition of the complex is the State Halls, located in the Main building of the complex. Their decoration has been preserved almost in its original form. The design and decoration of the Front Office are made according to all the rules of the English style. There are portraits of the first owner, as well as his comrades who participated in the Battle of Borodino. A Chinese cabinet is capable of surprising visitors with elaborately decorated furniture and rice straw mats that occupy most of the surface of the walls. The lobby with wooden profiled ceilings, simple furniture and fireplaces decorated with diabase portals is adjacent to a vestibule in which there is an embroidered image of the Persian Shah. The Blue Living Room amazes with its sophistication and amazing stucco ornaments, once made by a serf master.

In the Winter Garden you can see climbing ficus, preserved since 1838, and rare exotic plants. There are interesting sculptures and a fountain here. The state dining room of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka (Crimea) resembles a knight's castle. It features an original balcony for musicians and a fountain shaped like a fireplace. The State Rooms are completed by the Billiard Room with artistic canvases placed on the walls.

The next exhibition includes the one-story Shuvalov outbuilding, to which only people close to the family of M. S. Vorontsov’s daughter had access. The cozy house has several rooms, each of which is interesting in its own way. Next, you can go to the butler’s apartment, located in the Utility Building, and see how the prince’s service staff lived, receiving full board, and even a salary. Here you can also look into the Vorontsov kitchen. And finally, another exhibition of the “Southern Terraces” includes the main staircase, sculptures of lions, flowering flower beds and cascading fountains.

In addition to the main objects of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, temporary and permanent exhibitions are located on its territory. Among them are Russian and Western European porcelain facades, paintings by artists of different periods, including the second half of the 20th century, sculptures, graphics, etc.

Vorontsov Palace Park

The lower part of the park is characterized by the Italian regular style. Around the palace complex, mainly coniferous trees grow - spruce, fir, cedar, pine and cypress, so the area always remains green. In spring and summer, magnolias, exotic shrubs and the amazing cercis bloom in the park, the trunks of which in April are densely covered with purple-crimson flowers reminiscent of moths. The park of the Vorontsov Palace is incredibly beautiful, and walking through it is an incredible pleasure.

Vorontsov Palace - how to get there

There are several options for visiting the palace and park complex in Alupka. Two routes pass through the city - upper and lower, so you can get here from different settlements peninsulas connected by the Yuzhnoberezhny and Sevastopol highways.

From Yalta

There are two regular buses on the route Yalta - Vorontsov Palace - No. 132 from the center and No. 102 from the bus station. They stay within walking distance of the attraction - just a 10-minute walk. The stop for minibuses running between Yalta and Alupka (No. 107 and 115) is located a little further from the complex - a 15-minute walk.

From Sevastopol

You can get to the Vorontsov Palace by direct bus "Sevastopol - Alupka" either to the "Avtostanciya" stop and walk, or to the "Pitomnik" stop with a transfer to city bus No. 1A, which runs along circular route. Exit at the “Center” stop.

From Alushta

The route Alushta - Vorontsov Palace consists of two stages. First you need to take the Crimean trolleybus No. 53 to Yalta, and then transfer to a bus or minibus(description above).

From Simferopol

From Simferopol to trolleybus station Yalta, located near the Bus Station, can be reached directly from Simferopol Airport by trolleybus No. 55 or from railway station flight No. 52. Another option involves a transfer connection in Alushta from trolleybus No. 51, going from the Simferopol railway station, or No. 54, departing from the airport, to trolleybus No. 53, going to Yalta. Next, the path to the Vorontsov Palace - how to get there is described above. You can get to Yalta faster by intercity transport.

Crimean taxi drivers and private cab drivers know very well where the Vorontsov Palace is located, so they deliver passengers not only from Yalta, but also from Foros, Gurzuf, Alushta and even Simferopol. At independent trip By car you will have to take care of the navigator in advance.

Important information Until October 2017, it was possible to get to the Vorontsov Palace by sea. Currently, the Alupka pier is closed due to its destruction

By car

See GPS coordinates above. It is better to park in the village; there is no parking near the palace.

From Alupka bus station

Walk along the Palace Highway to the palace. The journey takes approximately 18 minutes.

From Yalta

From the bus station, or the Skazka zoo. Bus 102. Go to the Alupkinsky Park stop.

From Soviet Square, or Marshak Square. Bus 32. Go to the Alupkinsky Park stop.

From Sevastopol

From the Central Bus Station. Buses to directions: Koreiz. To the Alupka bus station. The journey takes approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Bus schedule:

From Simferopol

From the Kurortnaya bus station (near the railway station). Buses to the directions: Simeiz, Kastropol. To the Alupka bus station. The journey takes approximately 3 hours. Bus schedule:

From Alushta

From the bus station. Buses to directions: Simeiz. To the Alupka bus station. The journey takes approximately 2 hours. Bus schedule:

From Partenite

First, take bus 110 to the Yalta bus station. Next take bus 102. Go to the Alupkinsky Park stop.

From Gurzuf

First, take bus 31 to the Yalta bus station. Next take bus 102. Go to the Alupkinsky Park stop.


Vorontsov Palace is one of the most popular palace and park complexes in Crimea. An outstanding architectural monument of the 19th century. in neo-Moorish style.

The palace was built between 1828 and 1848. by order of the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory, Count Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov. This was his summer residence. The author of the palace project is the English architect Edward Blore. According to his plan, the palace had to fit perfectly into the mountainous landscape of the area. Architectural style - oriental (neo-Moorish). The sculptures of lions in front of the palace entrance were made by Italian sculptor Giovanni Bonnani.

Each hall and room of the palace has its own original interior and name: Blue Living Room, Chinese Study, Winter Garden, Calico Room, etc. Currently, the interiors of the palace's state rooms are well preserved.

The park of the Alupka Palace was designed and organized by the German gardener-botanist Karl Antonovich Kebach in the period from 1824 to 1851.

After the revolution of 1917, the palace was nationalized. In 1921, a museum was opened here.

During the Second World War, many exhibits were stolen. Only a small part of them were returned.

During the Yalta Conference of Leaders of the Allied Countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, a delegation of Winston Churchill stayed at the Vorontsov Palace.

Later, until 1956, the palace building was used as a state dacha, after which a museum was reopened here, which in 1990 received the status of the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve.

The exposition of the palace museum contains more than 26 thousand exhibits. Here you can see the original rich interiors of nine state halls, as well as individual exhibitions: “Family Gallery of the Vorontsovs”, “Collection of Professor V.N. Golubev”, paintings by the Soviet people’s artist Yakov Aleksandrovich Basov, the exhibition “Maps of Crimea”, an exhibition of paintings of Ukraine and etc.

Due to its unique architecture and location, the palace has often become a film location. He can be seen in such famous films as: “Scarlet Sails”, “Sky Swallows”, “Ten Little Indians”, “Assa”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, “Stove-Benches”, “Hamlet”, “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” " and etc.

I love Crimea dearly, especially it South coast. Last year I was on vacation with my child in Alushta and I wanted, among many, to visit the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka. You can get to the urban district of Yalta, in which it is located, by car, by public transport (trolleybus or shuttle buses) and by sea.

By car

The distance along the M-26 and M-18 highways from Alushta to Yalta is 35 km, then another 17 km from Yalta, and you are there. Depending on what you want to see in Alushta (Vorontsov Palace and landscape park, tasting rooms PA "Massandra" or take the cable car to Ai-Petri), you should adjust the stop.

If you need to visit the main attraction of Alupka - the Vorontsov Palace, then you should get to the stop of the same name and park the car. By the way, there are fewer and fewer free parking spaces on the South Coast, so be prepared for this. It is better to park on the top platform before the stop. The palace is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This also needs to be taken into account in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams. Driving early in the morning or at lunchtime is best.

Advice: To visit the palace, it is better to purchase a comprehensive ticket. It will cost 380 rubles for an adult, 200 for a child.

The route is mountainous, so the elevation changes are sharp and sharp turns will not let you relax.

By public transport

The easiest way to get from Alushta to Alupka is through Yalta. Buses or route trolleybuses depart from the Alushta bus station every half hour or hour. At the Yalta airport station you should change to shuttle buses 27 and 32 and in 30 minutes you are there.

You can get directly from Alushta to Alupka on intercity flights “Simferopol-Simeiz”. You will spend almost two hours on the road. You need to get off at the stop (highway). The distance to the Alupka bus station from this stop is about 7 km. If your luggage is small and you are mobile and active, then this option is for you.

Where to buy bus/trolleybus tickets

A/station "Alushta" starts operating from 6:30 to 21:30 in the off-season and until 23:00 in the summer. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the station, online or from the cashier on the bus.

Tickets for passing buses are purchased based on the time of their arrival in Alushta at the ticket office or online.

Ticket prices

Ticket for an adult passenger on the route Alushta-Yalta - from 52 rubles, from Yalta to Alupka - 30 rubles. A ticket on the Alushta-Alupka route for an intercity bus will cost 150 rubles.

Marine mode of transport

In the high season, motor ships will take you from Alushta (Professor's Corner) to Alupka (or Yalta, and then minibuses 27, 32 to Alupka) in three hours. In winter, boats and motor ships do not operate. If you have a strong vestibular apparatus, this type of movement guarantees you excellent photos of the coast from the sea, the unique Ayu-Dag (bear-years), the buildings of the former Soviet pioneer camp "Artek", the Yalta Swallow's Nest, and if you're lucky, then contemplation of dolphin games. Departures daily at 9:40, 12:45 and 16:40.

Where to buy tickets

You can buy a ticket in the sea terminal building on the street. Lenina, 6.

Ticket prices

Ticket from 300 rub. plus baggage allowance.

Plane and train

I don’t consider these types of transport along the route due to the short distance.

Excursion route to the Vorontsov Palace (duration 7 hours): Alushta – Alupka (palace and upper park) – view of bird home from the upper observation deck - Alushta.

Vorontsov Palace called the Alhambra of Crimea, since the southern façade facing the sea resembles the Alhambra palace complex - the residence of Arab rulers in the city of Granada, Spain.

In 1824, Count Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov, appointed by Emperor Alexander I to the post of Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory (which included Crimea), invited the German botanist Karl Kebach to Alupka, and he began planting work in the future Vorontsovsky Park. In turn, the Italian architects Francesco Boffo and the Englishman Thomas Harrison began work on designing the palace, and in 1828 the foundation and the first masonry of the portal of the central building were built. But two years later, Count Vorontsov gave the order to suspend the construction of the future palace, deciding to change the original plan and entrusting the design to Edward Blore, a famous architect from England. Although Blore himself never visited Alupka, it was he who made the most significant contribution to the creation of the palace in the form in which it is known now. Built from diabase (volcanic rock), the palace organically fit into the coastal landscape and acquired its unique appearance.

From February 4 to February 11, 1945, a conference of the leaders of three allied states – the USSR, Great Britain and the USA – was held in Crimea. Vorontsov Palace in Crimea was the residence of the British delegation led by Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

On the southern facade of the palace there is Lion's Terrace, where three pairs occupy a special place white marble lions. As you climb the stairs to the palace portal, you will notice that the first pair of lions is sleeping, the second is waking up, and the third is awake, so that no one goes unnoticed on the approaches to the palace.

Inspection of the interior Vorontsov Palace will begin with a vast front courtyard located in front of the northern façade. This is where all excursions from Alushta gather. The first section of the museum presents an exhibition of documents, ancient drawings and lithographs. On the walls of the Calico Room are paintings by the great artists I. Aivazovsky, J. Miville, S. Shchedrin. The Small and Blue living rooms and the lobby are striking in their decoration. The transition from the Blue Living Room to the State Dining Room, which is the most spacious hall in the palace, is the Winter Garden, where among the plants there are marble sculptures - copies of statues of the famous gods of antiquity by the masters L. Marchest and C. Corbellini.

Composition Vorontsovsky Park, in which you will enjoy a walk, is inextricably linked with all the architectural elements of the park. The Yalta-Simeiz coastal road divides the park into a lower park, which is famous for its copy of " Fountain of Tears", and lion terrace, and the top one, dedicated to the mountains, which is filled with random stone chaos and beautiful ponds.

After getting acquainted with the viewpoints and exotic vegetation of the Upper Park, you will go to the village. Gaspra on the top observation deck for a photo shoot overlooking the Castle of Love –