What can you do during the holidays? Vacations at home: what to do

Autumn holidays last only a week, and this is far from the best week of the year. It’s slushy outside, my mood is so-so, I want to sleep until lunch, bury myself in the TV and watch cartoons.

But best vacation- change of activity, so don’t waste time and take the holidays into your own hands.

A few rules for a good holiday:

  • In the first two or three days, which fall on the weekend, allow your child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, get stuck on your tablet, take a walk to the nearest cinema - that’s welcome. Autumn holidays are needed for a break. A few days of seal rest will be just right.
  • Then you need to do your homework to forget about them, like nightmare, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the homework is not done, but time passes.
  • And only then get serious about having fun.

Where to go on vacation

Don't sit at home. If you can’t get away for a week and go to Russia, spend more time outdoors. When you get tired of collecting leaves and acorns for crafts, come up with something more exciting.

Museums, exhibition centers and theaters are preparing special programs for the autumn holidays. In just 10 minutes spent looking at posters, you will create a program for your entire vacation.

Allow your child to choose which events he wants to attend, so as not to drag him out of the house against his wishes.

2. Travel to another city


A good way to spend your holidays when... hometown everything has already been examined. The main thing is not to choose an excursion to travel agency, but go on your own.

Choose one of the nearby cities, find the attractions you want to visit, book a hotel for a couple of days and go.

Explain to your child how to use city maps, how to navigate unfamiliar streets, how to politely ask for directions and find out where the bus is going. These are even more interesting to study than new museums and exhibitions.

At the same time, you will show your children how to plan a trip, where and how to buy tickets, and what services to use to find a hotel. This will be useful for high school students, especially if they are going to study in another city.

3. Find the deepest puddle in the park

There is no use fighting bad weather, so use it. Fun for younger students: take rubber boots, a stick, a marker and a ruler. Apply markings to the stick and go measure the depth of the surrounding puddles. Write down the results in a special notebook. In this case, each puddle must be sketched.

If you take measurements every day for a week, you will get a finished project that will be useful at school. This will help you look at the slush from a different angle and spur interest in research.

4. Lay out a leaf maze


On a walk in the park, take advantage of what nature has provided and create a labyrinth out of leaves. You'll do a great job at first to make an interesting path. Then the children will have a great time playing with it.

5. Ride a horse

We're not talking about a five-minute ride in the park, but about a full-fledged lesson in an equestrian club. Horseback riding is an active sport that will keep you warm in any weather. And getting to know the horses will lift your spirits: the horses are warm, huge, each with a unique character.

6. Take part in a charity event

With older students, volunteer: help organize a charity event, spend a day at an animal shelter, plant a tree, or help clean up the playground. Socially useful work ennobles and provides a lot of interesting experience.

What to do at home

When the rain and wind keep you outside, find activities to keep you warm and cozy. Some people like quiet activities, while others don’t want to sit at the table and assemble yet another craft from leaves and pine cones. For such people there are more interesting entertainments.

7. Organize a board game championship


Bring out a new board game every night to keep the whole family occupied. Record the results in a table so that at the end of the holidays you can summarize the results and distribute prizes.

Aerobatics is to come up with your own board game, draw cards and write down the rules.

8. Start doing exercises

On autumn holidays Don't go too far out of your routine. After the first days of unbridled rest, you need to return to the working rhythm so as not to go to school completely overwhelmed.

But try waking up your child early during the holidays. It's time to introduce a family routine with some fun music into the daily routine.

9. Have a pajama party

At school, children communicate a lot with classmates, so during the holidays there may not be enough of a team, especially towards the end of the week. Invite your child to invite friends to a pajama party with watching cartoons (or movies, depending on the age of the child), funny and not entirely healthy snacks, and horror stories.

10. Get a pet


If you wanted, then autumn holidays is the time. The child will have a lot of free time, which he will spend on a new friend, and the animal will be able to adapt to your home within a week.

During the holidays, the child will learn the basic rules of caring for an animal and will be able to integrate communication with it into his schedule.

11. Have a dress-up marathon

This requires a little more imagination than other activities, but the end result is more fun.

Think about what each new day will be dedicated to. For example, Monday - the sea, Tuesday - the sky, and so on. On Monday, put on vests or something striped, assign roles (who is the captain, who is the boatswain) and until the end of the day, communicate as if you were on sailing ship. During the day, have time to scrub the deck, load supplies into the hold (that is, go to the store and fill the refrigerator). At the same time, tell your child everything related to “sea” matters: why watches are needed, why a compass is needed, how to navigate by the stars, and so on.

This marathon can be combined with any other entertainment. Choose exhibitions, cartoons and games on a given topic.

Make costumes from scrap materials. Dressing up helps you quickly immerse yourself in the topic. Don't forget to take photos in your outfits.

12. Prepare new sweets every day

Cookies, pies and everything that will help you get more warmth and energy on autumn evenings. At the same time, teach your child to cook.

13. Make a feeder


It will soon become very cold, but you will have time to make a bird feeder from anything: wood, a tin can or a plastic bottle. Perhaps it will be useful not only for birds.

The long-awaited one has come New Year, with which I, dude, congratulate you! An impressive holiday is ahead, and this prospect warms the heart in the winter cold. And now you’ve eaten too much Olivier, gotten drunk on champagne, and you’re sitting at home and thinking: what am I going to do with a week of free time? Just don't try to waste it, dude! Enjoy your time. What to do this holiday week?

Complete a computer game

It so happened that I started the text with a topic in which I am an absolute noob. I've played so many games in my life... You can count them on the fingers of one hand. However, I really enjoyed them! I remember once, during my school days, I spent everything the winter vacation to complete the favorite game of that time - “Heroes of Might and Magic 3”. It was a delight! If you are determined to spend your time at home and not show your nose outside (it’s cold!), prepare a strategic supply of chips and quick cereals (when your stomach starts to hurt from chips, you will remember my words) - and go ahead!

Read one book - completely

Do you think it won't work out in a week? How will it work out! You underestimate yourself. Here is a living example of how people can read quickly: I once read an entire novel in a day. And not some empty detective story, but “The Collector” Fowles. It was during the winter session, an exam on foreign literature was approaching, and Fowles lay unread. The day before the exam, I pressed my butt to the couch and started reading. Then I lay down. Then he sat down again. Then I read in the kitchen. In short, I read all day. And I read it! Nobody demands such feats from you, but reading one book from cover to cover during the holidays is an honor.

View the filmography of one director or actor

Don’t follow the lead of the TV, which pushes “The Lord of the Rings” on you every New Year’s holiday. Who hasn't seen The Lord of the Rings? Or lazy, or someone who finds the fantasy genre unpleasant - there are also such people. Instead, come up with an alternative program for yourself. Have you always missed the work of a certain director? Do you want to fill the gap? Interested in how a particular actor has changed throughout his career? It's time to satisfy your curiosity and fill this gap in your horizons. I did this with several directors, and I’m happy with the result.

Sort things

Do you know what's hidden in your desk? Are you sure you know the contents of your wardrobe? Aren't you worried that the mezzanine is about to collapse on you under its own weight? You shouldn't be so confident in yourself. Practice shows that absolutely every house is teeming with a variety of rubbish. Old notebooks, books, clothes, small things of all kinds, newspapers, video cassettes, audio cassettes and disks, a broken Soviet-era camera, ski poles on the balcony - you are the owner of a huge pile of things you don’t need. The holidays are long, you are guaranteed to get tired of lazing around in the mysterious glow of the Christmas tree garland. To avoid getting bored, you can allocate one day for each separate area of ​​the apartment or piece of furniture. Two hours of excavation - and you're free! Get down to business and rid your home of the remains of the past year. He has already gone!

Organize correspondence

I am more than sure that you have friends and relatives with whom you have not been in touch for a long time. Some traditionally moved to St. Petersburg, others to Goa, my grandmother has been living in the village since time immemorial, and a classmate has been in Germany for a year. And you're probably wondering how they're doing there. At least a little bit. Well, satisfy your curiosity, and then discuss it with a friend. Yes? And in general, it’s human to keep in touch. Previously, you made excuses by saying that you don’t have time, that you’re busy, that your mouth is full of worries - but now what kind of mouth do you have when you’ve been sitting on your bed for a whole week? Get to the computer and start writing a letter!

View photos

This advice is only for those who have not yet left their parents' nest. The activity is sentimental, tearful, but painfully pleasant. Every home has special place where the photographs are located. There are photographs of young mothers and fathers in which you “were not yet in the project”, there are photographs where they themselves are still children: mother in tights gathered at the knees and with bows sticking out, father with a youthful mustache and in sports uniform - and that's not all. There you can find photo cards with images of grandparents, yourself as a newborn, polaroid photos of a funny format where you are at a wax figure exhibition or at the zoo. There are photographs of your school childhood, you are against the background of wallpaper on which posters of The Prodigy and Scooter hang, you are devouring a cake for your birthday, but here is the end of albums and the beginning of the digital era. If you like to be nostalgic, go for it.

Get back into the old ways of playing board games

On New Year holidays everyone is always at home, and from time to time guests drop by - fertile ground for long-forgotten entertainment. Our first lot is lotto! When was the last time you played lotto? This is a very funny event, especially when the guy taking the kegs out of the bag knows all the jokes. The next lot is cards. My family game is “Thousand”, it is played by three people. This is for those evenings when you don't have guests. Or they will. In short, when there are three people who are not averse to it. “I Believe It or Not” and fools of all stripes also go well. The mirror one makes everyone especially happy. Why are you all with these fashionable ones, the old thing is charming in its simplicity!

Get some sleep

This item is by default attached to any other item you choose. Getting enough sleep during the holidays is a sacred thing. I urge you not to interfere with this in any way. Don't lie down every day at three o'clock in the morning, staring at TV. This will prevent you from getting proper rest. Don’t exhaust yourself with endless and, moreover, unproductive sitting on social networks. Sleep abundantly and with pleasure! Next time you will have this opportunity only in May, and there are still a good six months before them.

What to do during the holidays and what to do for your child if his vacation takes place at home? We offer several win-win options for spending your free time fun and usefully.

The long-awaited autumn holidays for both children and their parents have arrived. Although they do not last long - a week, not the best option for a child it will be to spend them all in front of the TV or computer. Such a pastime will bring little joy and positive emotions to a teenager. Life circumstances and financial capabilities do not always allow you to travel to some country. Based on all this, a completely logical question arises: what to do at home during the autumn holidays? There are many ways to usefully spend your vacation time; we divided them into two categories: with and without visiting public places.

What should children and teenagers do during the holidays? Places to visit.


When thinking about where and how to spend the autumn holidays, the first thing that comes to mind is excursions. You can organize them for your children yourself or join school ones, which will be much more convenient and cheaper. Schools typically spend two to three excursion trips for the holidays. What are the advantages of such trips? Firstly, both the child and the teenager will spend their free time fun and interesting, visiting new places with friends. Secondly, this is a great opportunity to expand your horizons and see a lot of interesting places, both in their small homeland and in other cities. In addition, if a child has any problems communicating with classmates or has no friends, such trips bring them closer together.

There are a huge number of places that will be interesting to visit. For example, the Boldino autumn at the estate of A.S. will make an indelible impression on children and adults. Pushkin (village of Bolshoye Boldino Nizhny Novgorod Region) or a trip to St. Petersburg.

Circles and sections

If a child is too tired at school to engage in additional activities in some clubs or sections, then the holidays are the right time for such leisure time. The most important thing is that the child himself wants to go to these classes so that they do not become a burden to him. The repertoire here is huge, the most popular and useful can be called: classes on English language, swimming, drawing, music, dancing, handicrafts. High school students will certainly appreciate driving courses or wrestling classes; girls will enjoy a week of fitness or yoga.

Cinemas, theaters, museums

Cinema - perfect place for leisure activities. Children are happy to go to an interesting film, both with friends and with their family. The main thing is to try to choose a movie according to age. The modern generation visits theaters and museums less often, but still try to lure your child to at least one performance, at least one exhibition. In addition, the theater season opens in the fall.

And if a child doesn’t like to leave the house or it rains throughout the holidays, what should he do?

The choice, although somewhat narrowed, still remains wide enough to spend the autumn holidays at home in a fun and interesting way.

Get busy studying

The holidays are a great time to brush up on problematic subjects and prepare for the new quarter. You can read the largest works from the school curriculum, which you don’t have time to read during your studies. Still, despite the best wishes of parents, you should not overload your child with studying during the holidays, a maximum of 2-3 hours a day, the optimal time is an hour.


Every person has some kind of hobby for which there is always sorely not enough time. The child is no exception to this. Let him do what he loves: draw, sculpt, make crafts, read books, arrange alphabetical order your toys or magazines. You don't have to completely rule out video games if your child enjoys it. After all, the main thing is that it brings him pleasure. If your child has not yet developed a hobby, help him by offering him different options or what you yourself were interested in as a child.

Household chores

While teenagers mostly prefer to spend time with their friends, children usually have strong attachments to their parents. So, cleaning up together, going to the store, or preparing dinner will not only teach your child to work, but will also bring pleasure to both of you. But the most important condition for having a fun autumn holidays at home is the psychological and physical state of the child himself, so the most important component is not so much the organization of children's leisure time, but the maintenance of comfort, peace and coziness in the house.

The long-awaited holidays are ahead, but what interesting things will you do during them? Stay at home and watch movies on your computer? Well, I do not! You definitely need to read these ideas for an unforgettable vacation.

I want to say that there are many options for classes, if you have your own options, please write them in the comments.

What to do on vacation

1. Rent a car, scooter, jet ski and have fun! It's not as expensive as others say.

2. Check into a hotel located in a neighboring city

3. Collect various beautiful shells near the seashore

4. Make yourself breakfast in bed and watch interesting movies with a snack all morning! It is possible with a girl.

5. Spend everything holidays with your friends for an overnight stay or invite them to your place

6. Before go on vacation clean your camera of old photos, because new photos will definitely appear there during the holidays

7. Grab your friends and go outdoors!

8. Go to unknown places in your country, find beautiful ones, romantic places and take a photo of them.

9. Before the holidays, find several restaurants, clubs and other entertainment venues where you would like to visit, write them down, and be sure to visit them during the holidays!

10. Ride a bike with friends. To the neighboring city and back.

11. Buy tickets to an unknown country (which you haven’t been to yet and don’t even know about) and fly there for 1-2 days.

12. Go to a museum with your girlfriend or boyfriend!

13. See a dormant volcano live

14. Find out undersea world from personal experience

15. Go to a match

16. Take a ride in a limousine

17. Fly to the most popular beaches on our planet Earth

18. Go to the zoo

19. The Great Wall of China?

20. Fly to India, you won’t regret it!

21. Take a shower under a waterfall!

22. Rent a yacht for 1-3 days and learn how to use it!

23. Swim with dolphins

24. Take a ride in a jeep

25. Take a train ride

26. During the holidays, take a day to explore the sea creatures in the aquarium.

27. Have fun in the aquarium

28. Sing at a karaoke bar

29. Go to the cinema

30. Visit your grandparents

31. Play online games for girls. This summer activity will give you a reason to do something during the holidays in your free time.

What to do during the summer holidays if you are already tired of thinking about it, and there is no promise of a vacation as such? A children's song says: holidays are needed to relax. Although the concept of “rest” for modern children often looks like a long sleep with breaks for food, TV, tablet, computer or smartphone. Books, communication with friends, and active games are not of interest to them. And even less often, teenagers think about what to do during the holidays in order to spend them usefully.

Children on vacation

Parents can make their children's holidays fun

Adults can distract a child from gadgets. Turn holidays into bright holiday, traveling abroad or relaxing in a camp is not for everyone. And it’s not necessary, because holidays with children in Ukraine are quite possible. If you think carefully about what your child should do during the holidays, you can find many options.

For those who haven’t figured out what to do during the holidays, we invite you to familiarize yourself with ideas for a fun and useful pastime. What to choose is up to you, but remember that it should be interesting to the child.

What to do on spring break

Spring holidays are short, and March weather is rarely conducive to long walks. Parents should think in advance what to do spring break children.

A few ideas:

What to do at home during the holidays - top best tips

You can have fun and relax with your family if your parents have thought in advance about what to do at home during the holidays:

What to do on summer holidaysin the city?

Summer is a joy for children and a headache for parents who have no idea where to go on vacation and how to make their leisure time interesting. Ideally, one of the adults can devote as much time as possible to the child. If this works out, then the teenager or preschooler will definitely not be bored.

Rope park with ladders

The sea for children is an all-time classic

Holidays at sea with family

Sometimes parents are faced with the problem of where to go on vacation to a pond; you can take, for example, the famous Shatsk Lakes in Volyn with crystal clean water, or you can go to the sea. In summer the choice is wider than at other times of the year:

  • Koblevo − large resort Black Sea coast, on the territory of which there is a large water park. The length of the recreation area is 7 km. Tourists can stay in boarding houses, recreation centers, hotels and private houses, and the developed infrastructure is suitable for families with children.
  • Zatoka is considered a relatively “young” resort, but its popularity is growing rapidly. Along the entire spit there are sandy clean beaches, attracting many tourists every year. You can stay either in a boarding house or in the private sector, the level of comfort in which is often not inferior to hotel conditions.
  • The Iron Port will be of interest to those who do not know where to go on summer vacation so that it is inexpensive. The level of housing prices depends on the degree of comfort, and the number of bases and boarding houses allows you to choose a place with an acceptable price.
  • Skadovsk is suitable for the health and treatment of children. Air enriched with useful substances has a beneficial effect on the human body, which is why there are so many sanatoriums here. Excellent climatic conditions, shallow sea near the shore and sandy beaches Every year they attract married couples with children.

The baby is already “on her suitcases”

Holidays with children at the seaside in Ukraine can be interesting and useful, but it is advisable to book tickets and tours in advance, especially if the child is looking forward to the sea.

Where else can you go with children - the best places in Ukraine

Waterfall "Vir" near the village of Buki

People don't only go to the sea on vacation. Where to go on summer holidays? Here are the top 5 best places for holidays with children (for any time of year):

  • Oleksandria Park in Bila Tserkva will win over both children and adults. You will spend hours looking at sculptures, waterfalls, and looking at the surface of the water. The beautiful arboretum with romantic colonnades, bridges, gazebos and ponds will be remembered for a long time;

Bila Tserkva - Alexandria Arboretum
  • Grand Canyon (Buki village) are considered one of the most beautiful places, of which there are many in Ukraine. Waterfall, clear river, sheer cliffs canyon, all this makes you think of adventure, and fresh air together with grandiose impressions gives only a good mood;
  • Glukhovancient capital hetmans will allow you to plunge into the era of the Cossacks, admire luxurious architecture bygone times. The colony apple tree and the unusual history of its appearance will leave an indelible impression. After all, the miracle tree is 200 years old;
  • Sofievsky Arboretum − hand-made illustrations for Greek poems, a gift for a beloved woman. Is in cozy town− Uman. Attracts hundreds of tourists every year from different cities and countries. If you don’t know where to go with your children on vacation, include Sofiyivka on your list of must-see places;
  • Chigirin It is considered a sacred place that is worth visiting at least once in your life. Its main attraction is called Castle Hill and the hetman's residence complex, which includes many interesting buildings. In Kholodny Yar you can feel the spirit of the rebellious Cossacks, and the Scythian Wall is considered a mystery equal to the Egyptian pyramids.

If this list is small for you, you can safely go on a trip with your child in Lvov on a bright tram, and at the same time see the local attractions. You can stock up on popcorn or cotton candy during your trip to make it more fun. Truskavets It is also famous for its parks, sculptures and playgrounds, where you can also improve your child’s health.

Holidays with a child in Ukraine in the summer can be eventful and educational, because the country has many interesting and beautiful places. Excursions to famous cities and mysterious ancient castles are especially interesting for teenagers who are attracted by everything unknown and mystical.

When thinking about what a teenager should do during the holidays, we must not forget that entertainment should be harmoniously combined with relaxation, communication with peers, reading books and “time for yourself.” Do not force your child to constantly read or study foreign languages. There should be classes, but in a reasonable amount, only useful ones.

Computer camp, have you heard of this?

If possible, hire a tutor to “pick up” what your child did poorly at school. There are summer language, art, creative, math, computer and other camps . There children study and relax, communicating with peers. A boy or girl will have less time for computer games and social networks, and parents will not worry about what their children are doing during the holidays in their absence.