What pills for motion sickness in transport can be used for children?

Propensity for motion sickness in transport not uncommon in children. The problem causes trouble not only for the baby, but also for his parents.

In a child, motion sickness is accompanied by dizziness and other symptoms. Various factors can cause this condition.

In some cases, motion sickness in children is not triggered by natural reactions of the body, but serious illnesses... Every parent should know about motion sickness pills in transport for children.

Is this a disease?

Motion sickness is negative reaction of the body arising when traveling on a specific or all types of land or air transport.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the general health of the child.

In some cases, the cause of motion sickness in children is a pathology, which in medical practice is called kinetosis(or motion sickness).

The basis of this condition is the mismatch of the vestibular apparatus, the central nervous system, musculo-articular sense and the visual analyzer.

Peculiarities kinetosis:

  1. Kinetosis is not a disease; pathology is a specific response of the child's body.
  2. In most cases, the symptoms of kinetosis disappear in adulthood.
  3. The risk group for kinetosis includes children from 2 to 12 years old.

Causes and provoking factors

The main and most common cause of motion sickness in children is immaturity of the vestibular apparatus.

This feature is due to natural reasons (some systems of the child's body continue to form until the age of seven).

In some cases, babies develop intolerance to travel in a specific mode of transport (for example, only in buses, or only in cars). The causes of motion sickness include many factors.

Provoke the tendency to motion sickness in a child may be the following factors:

  • hereditary predisposition to kinetosis;
  • fear or stressful situation before the trip;
  • diseases that negatively affect the vestibular apparatus;
  • excessive delight during the trip;
  • too fast driving of transport;
  • natural immaturity of the vestibular apparatus;
  • eating before the trip.

Could it be a symptom of a serious illness?

The child's tendency to motion sickness in transport can be not only a manifestation of the immaturity of the vestibular apparatus, but also a concomitant symptom of some deviations in the work of the internal systems of the body.

To find out the exact cause of such a pathology, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination at a medical institution.

Motion sickness may manifest because of the following pathologies:

  • neurological disorders;
  • pathology of ENT organs;
  • progression;
  • disorders of the digestive system.

What happens in a child's body?

Why do children get seasick on the road? With motion sickness, excessive irritation of the vestibular apparatus of the child's body occurs. This body located in the inner ear... Its main function is to ensure the correct coordination of movements.

Through the system of semicircular tubules, the vestibular apparatus transmits information to the brain.

In a child, due to the immaturity of this organ, this process can occur with impairments. One of the consequences is the tendency to motion sickness in transport.

Features of the changes in the child's body during motion sickness:

  1. During the trip, in front of a child's eyes objects flash environment, resulting in irritation of the vestibular apparatus (natural and normal process).
  2. Due to the immaturity of some functions of the brain, information received from the vestibular apparatus is perceived in a distorted form.
  3. The irritation of the vestibular apparatus is transmitted to central nervous system(cause of kinetosis).

How do you know what is seasick?

The signs of motion sickness in children appear according to a single algorithm.

At first, the baby feels weak, then he is worried about seizures nausea, and there is vomit.

Additional symptoms may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the baby's body. The intensity of symptoms ranges from minor manifestations of discomfort to fainting.

Symptoms of motion sickness child are the following conditions:

  • dizziness;
  • bouts of vomiting and nausea;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • moodiness and irritability;
  • different intensities;
  • excessive sensitivity to odors;
  • shallow breathing;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • feeling anxious;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • increased salivation.

What to do?

If during the trip the child begins to show symptoms of motion sickness, then the development of this condition can be avoided. Some tips will help reduce the discomfort of the baby and eliminate the risk of vomiting.

There are a few rules you should try to observe before the trip. For example, the likelihood of motion sickness decreases in the evening and at night. During movement or flight, you need to distract the baby so that he looked out of the porthole or window less.

If you experience symptoms of motion sickness, you can take the following measures:

  1. The child should only look at stationary objects or forward onto the road (not into the side windows).
  2. The kid can be asked to do several deep breaths and exhalations(or yawn).
  3. Access must be provided fresh air if possible (for example, open a window or get out of the car).
  4. Anyone can help reduce the symptoms of nausea. citrus fruit or peppermint candy(you can ask the baby to lick a slice of lemon, eat a slice of tangerine or orange, breathe in the zest).
  5. You can relieve the child's condition with techniques acupressure(the bridge of the nose at the inner parts of the eyebrows, a dimple between the index and thumb).
  6. You can eliminate nausea with essential oils(a few drops of lavender, lemon, mint or chamomile oil should be applied to a handkerchief and brought to the baby's nose for a few seconds).

Preparations and folk remedies

Most medicines designed to treat motion sickness symptoms have age restrictions. up to twelve years old.

When choosing funds in this category, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions, but it is better to select them with the help of consultation with a specialist.

Some remedies for motion sickness can be used folk recipes. First, you should exclude the risk of the child for individual components.

Funds and medications against motion sickness for children:

Plasters and bracelets: advantages and disadvantages

Alternative drugs for motion sickness are bracelets and patches with a similar effect. The main advantages such means are ease of use, no risk of an allergic reaction and the ability to use in babies from one year old.

Up to 18 months, kinetosis rarely manifests itself in babies and is isolated cases, so bracelets and plasters can be called universal remedies.

Operating principle bracelets and plasters:

  1. The bracelet contains a special ball that affects certain points on the child's wrist (the likelihood of nausea when traveling is greatly reduced).
  2. The patches are impregnated with components that have a certain effect on the digestive system, smell and vestibular apparatus of the baby (ginger, dope flowers, peppermint).

Plasters and bracelets for motion sickness have some limitations.

Such funds must be well fixed, otherwise their effectiveness will decrease.

The bracelet can arouse the child's interest and become the subject of the game... If the ball is displaced from a certain point of the wrist, then the effect of eliminating motion sickness will not occur.

How to choose a seat in the transport?

To reduce the risk of motion sickness in a child in transport, you can try choose the right place.

Compliance with some rules will help increase the comfort of the baby and alleviate his condition when the first symptoms of kinetosis occur.

If the child falls asleep on the road, then the risk of unpleasant symptoms will be significantly reduced.

Rules for choosing a seat in transport to exclude motion sickness:

  1. The child should sit in the direction of travel (reducing the risk of negative effects on the visual apparatus and the central nervous system).
  2. The seat of the child should be located at the front of the bus (the least vibration is ensured).
  3. When choosing a place for a baby, it is recommended to give preference to the seats located next to the opening windows.
  4. In a car, a child with a motion sickness tendency should sit in the middle of the rear seat.

Do I need to eat before traveling?

Feed your baby just before the trip not worth it.

Feeling hungry can also trigger motion sickness.

The best option is to eat at least in an hour and a half before the planned trip.

Do not give children vegetables, fruits, legumes, meat soups, which can provoke difficulty in digestion or fermentation in the intestines.

How to train the vestibular apparatus?

In most cases, the symptoms of kinetosis are eliminated when the child grows up, but the process of formation of the vestibular apparatus can be accelerated with the help of a special training.

If the family has its own car, then it is recommended to start transporting the baby for short distances. from an early age. The earlier and more regularly such trips are carried out, the lower the risk of kinetosis will be.

The methods of training the vestibular apparatus in children are as follows tricks:

Kinetosis and propensity for motion sickness in transport can be transmitted by inheritance. If one of the parents has a weak vestibular apparatus, then this feature can also manifest itself in children.

In some cases, travel intolerance persists for life. The only way to alleviate the condition is to take special medications.

Motion sickness, causes and ways to help a child - a doctor's emergency Komarovsky:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!