A selection of places where people, planes and ships disappear

The Bermuda Triangle is far from the only place in the world where various kinds of anomalies occur. In different parts of the planet, people, trains, ships, planes and even entire army units disappear without a trace. It is about these places that we decided to talk today and collect them into a single selection.

Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Of course, in the first place in our ranking of the most mystical places on the planet is the Bermuda Triangle, which is a section between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.

The Bermuda Triangle has earned itself the fame of a mystical place due to the disappearance of ships and aircraft in its waters; over the past hundred years, according to various sources, about 100 ships have disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda region. The most famous case is the disappearance of a link of five torpedo bombers that departed on December 5, 1945 from the US naval base in Fort Lotherdale and disappeared without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. Their fragments have not yet been found. The materials of this case were classified for many years. There were cases of discovery in the Bermuda triangle of completely serviceable ships without signs of the presence of a crew or passengers on them.

Scientists find nothing mystical in the Bermuda Triangle

The first mention of this mystical place was made in 1950 by the Associated Press correspondent Johnson. In his article, he gave the name to this place "The Devil's Sea", its own world-famous name "Bermuda Triangle" it received in 1964 from the author of the article "Deadly Bermuda Triangle" Vincent Gadis.

Scientists, however, do not find anything mystical in this place and believe that the Bermuda Triangle is simply a difficult area in terms of navigation. Nevertheless, many books and films have been written about the Bermuda Triangle, and interest in this place is still very high.

Black Bamboo Hollow, China (Heizhu)

This place, located in the southern part of China, is considered one of the most mystical places on the planet.

Its fame is due to the fact that many people disappeared without a trace here under mysterious circumstances. In addition, accidents and deaths regularly occur in the valley. In 1950, an aircraft crashed here, the crew of which did not report the crash, and no technical problems were identified with the ship. There is also a known case when an entire expeditionary group disappeared in the Black Bamboo Hollow.

There is a known case when an entire expeditionary group disappeared in Heizhu.

The leader of the expedition lagged behind the group and then described how a thick fog suddenly began to rise around him, and he felt some inexplicable fear and froze in place as if rooted to the spot. When the fog disappeared, along with it disappeared the members of the expedition, who were never found, as well as all the equipment. There is a version according to which there is a zone of transition to parallel worlds in the Heizhu Valley, and the pairs of rotting plants located here have an impact on human consciousness.

A cloud of fog near the Turkish village of Anafarta

The fog cloud has figured in many other stories with no trace of disappearance. On August 12, 1915, the battalion of Colonel Hores Bosham and the volunteer company of Captain Frank Beck, which were part of the Norfolk regiment of the British army, were ordered to occupy a height near the Turkish village of Anafarta. Fulfilling a combat mission, 250 soldiers and 16 officers entered a strange foggy cloud that covered the approaches to the forest.

The cloud of fog has featured in many stories of disappearing without trace.

Nobody ever saw these people again, although the British until the mid-60s did not give up hope of finding at least some traces of the disappeared military. In 1967, among the classified materials related to the operation in the Dardanelles, a report was found about the allegedly found bodies of missing soldiers, but only two of them were identified. And, what is noteworthy, even General Ian Hamilton, who sent the units of Bosham and Beck into battle, did not recognize them - and he, according to contemporaries, knew almost every soldier of the Norfolk regiment by sight.

Roman tunnel

On July 14, 1911, a pleasure train left the Roma railway station for a "cruise" arranged by the Sanetti firm for wealthy Italians. 106 passengers viewed the sights that surrounded the new section of the road. The train was approaching a super-long, by the standards of the beginning of the 20th century, a kilometer-long tunnel. He entered the tunnel , but on the other hand never appeared. He was not found when inspecting the tunnel. It should be noted that this tunnel is not at all similar to, for example, the Moscow metro, where a couple of railway stations can easily disappear. No, this is just a kilometer-long tube with rails that does not have any branches and is visible through. However, the train disappeared without a trace.

The alarmed railroad workers carried out a thorough inspection of the tunnel, but they did not find any traces of the crash either. Instead, two passengers from the missing train were found. They were in a state of deep shock.

After a while, having come to their senses, they managed to tell that everything around the train was suddenly covered with a milky white fog. As it approached the tunnel, it thickened and turned into a viscous liquid. Then they were seized by a terrible attack of panic and they jumped out on the move, since they were in the vestibule of the carriage. The rest of the passengers clearly did not have time to follow their example. The victims suffered from sleep disorders and other psychological deviations caused by severe stress for a long time, but then they gradually returned to normal. The train never showed up.

In 1911, an entire train with 106 passengers disappeared in a Roman tunnel

Frightened by the precedent, the Italian railway services chose to close the tunnel to traffic and even blocked the entrances with stones. During the war, an aerial bomb dropped its vaults, burying this mystery forever.

15 years later, a relative of one of the missing passengers came across a strange entry in the archives. It stated that 104 Italians appeared in Mexico City in 1845, claiming that they had arrived by train from Rome. Then they were considered crazy. This is evidenced by the records of a psychiatrist from Mexico. The further fate of these people remains unknown. Eyewitnesses noticed that the clothes and things of the Italians did not correspond in any way to the 40s of the 19th century. Some things have survived to this day, for example a snuff-box with the numbers "1907".

Howland Islands over the Pacific Ocean

One of the most famous accidents in aviation history is the disappearance of American female pilot Amelia Earhart. She disappeared in her twin-engined monoplane Electra near Howland Island over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 in an attempt to fly around the world.

Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean

For almost 80 years, researchers and ordinary people who love everything mysterious and interesting have been trying to answer the question: where did Amelia Earhart disappear? Wishing to make aviation history, Earhart decided to embark on a 29,000-mile air journey around the world. On July 2, 1937, Earhart's plane disappeared in an unknown direction. Earhart left a radio report of bad weather shortly before her disappearance. The plane disappeared.

When, according to calculations, the Lockheed Electra ran out of fuel, the US Navy immediately began a search and rescue operation. It was the largest and most expensive such operation in the history of the American Navy. A multitude of ships, including the world's largest aircraft carrier Lexington and the battleship Colorado, left bases in California and Hawaii and immediately headed for the central Pacific Ocean. Ships and 66 aircraft surveyed 220,000 square miles of water surface in 2 weeks; many small uninhabited islands and reefs have been tested, but all efforts have been unsuccessful. After 14 days, the leadership of the fleet said that there was no more hope: apparently, Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, having crashed, died in the ocean. Thus, despite an unprecedented search, Earhart was never found. On January 5, 1939, she was declared dead, although unofficial searches continued much later and in fact are being undertaken in our time.