Crimea Feodosiya seaside village. Primorsky village, Crimea: seaside holidays, how to get there, hotels

Not far from Kerch and Feodosia, in the arms of the Black Sea, a small cozy village. This is Primorsky in Crimea, beach holiday here you will remember forever! Endless sands, clear waters, wonderful weather until late autumn and an atmosphere of total relaxation. You are invited to visit an unusual resort, ready to acquaint you with miraculous masterpieces of nature.

beach photo

Primorsky can hardly be called the epicenter of entertainment, inviting tourists, but it has its own advantages. This is a wonderful warm sea, which is distinguished by its purity and excellent azure hue. The beach season starts early, already in mid-May they swim. The entrance to the sea is gentle, the depth is gained after 10-15 m. The bottom is without stones, there is a shell rock.

The beach is well equipped, there is everything you need for enjoy your holiday. You can rent an umbrella and a sun lounger. No problem with entertainment - ride a jet ski, "conquer" a banana.

A beach holiday in Primorsky, this can be seen in the photo, not only allows you to enjoy the beauty of the sea. You have a unique opportunity to be alone with nature. To do this, it is enough to walk literally 200-300 m both in the western and eastern directions - you are the only visitor to the beach! Moving east towards Cape Chauda, ​​you will come across an area where you will not meet people for many kilometers.

Behind the cape - wastelands Kerch Peninsula, you can reach Mount Opuk. And here is a wonderful surprise - sheer huge rocks protrude directly from the sea. They are called Ghost Ships - a real masterpiece.

Sights of Primorsky with photo reports

In addition to the magnificent endless beach, you can see the picturesque lakes - Adzhigol, Kamyshovoe and Front (reservoir).

If you want to drive a car - be sure to plan trips to the largest mud volcano Jau Tepe, located near the village of Vulkanovka. This is a grandiose hill rising 60 m from the ground, but you can drive to the top by car. Now the miracle of nature is sleeping, but only a couple of decades ago it was active.

Wonderful beaches for everyone - reviews of tourists

Who can plan a vacation in Primorsky? All without exaggeration! Stunning climate, clean sea and air, peace and quiet, charming sunsets. Rest without fuss and hassle is mainly preferred by families with children, although there are enough young people here. There are discos and cafes in the village, but they do not interfere with tourists.

Vacationers note that a trip to Primorsky leaves a lot of positive. Wonderful sand, you can always retire. Feature - affordable housing even in the high season. You can always rent an apartment or a room, and there are enough hotels.

How to get there?

Primorsky is located 15 km from the glorious Feodosia, behind the village of Beregovoe. Buses and minibuses constantly run here, it is inexpensive to go by taxi.

Another option is to leave Kerch, a distance of about 10 km.

What about housing?

In addition to benevolent "private traders" offering great prices for apartments, you will always have a choice:

  • Seaside courtyard (hotel) - the best institution in the village. Located on the first line from the sea, good rooms with all amenities. Excellent cuisine, decent service and affordable prices.

  • Guest House Uyut is a wonderful private house where you will get a clean room. Excellent hosts, silence, you can order breakfast or eat in your own dining room.

  • Philadelphia is a new guest house that will delight high level comfort and service. There is everything you need - a beautiful cozy courtyard, barbecue, parking.

A beach holiday in Primorsky in Crimea is a wonderful vacation, romantic trip and just a few days of peace and tranquility.

Video from the beach

In the east of the Crimean peninsula, 14 kilometers northeast of Feodosia, there is a rather large urban-type settlement - Primorsky. It is located on the Ak-Monai Isthmus, on the highway Simferopol - Feodosia - Kerch P23, on the very shore Black Sea coast, in the Feodosia Gulf.

The village of Primorsky, today, is considered one of the largest on the peninsula, the population is 15,000 people. Previously, this entire territory was called Hafuz, and a Tatar settlement with the same name was also located here. Before the revolution, it had a Russian name - Dalnie Kamyshi. Subsequently, there was a merger with the village of Hafuz. Not far from the village of Dalnie Kamyshi, a border outpost-kardon was erected. During civil war, after the defeat in 1920 of Baron Wrangel, the outpost was destroyed. In its place, for another decade, local residents grazed their cattle. At the beginning of 1930, in Dalniye Kamyshi, the Soviet government organized the collective farm "January 9", and a large livestock complex was built on the site of the outpost.

In 1938, not far from the villages of Dalnie Kamyshi and Khafuz, a shipbuilding plant, as well as a torpedo sighting station, began to be built. Somewhat later, a small settlement was built for the builders and workers of these enterprises, which was given the name South Point. After the start of the Great Patriotic War the construction of the plant is stopped, all the plant equipment is dismantled and, together with all the workers, they are evacuated inland. During the period of German occupation, all factory buildings were completely destroyed. The Red Army soldiers liberate the village of Dalnie Kamyshi only in mid-April 1944, and already at the end of the same month, the active restoration of the plant from the ruins begins. Today this shipyard is called the Feodosiya PO "More". He is in production sea ​​vessels for various border services(hovercraft and hydrofoils, as well as high-speed planing boats). In the 1950s, active renaming of many settlements in the Crimea began. In May 1952, the village of South Tochka was merged with the village of Khafuz, and then Dalnie Kamyshi was added to them. This locality becomes an urban-type settlement and receives its new name - the village of Primorsky.

Many researchers believe that the Tatar toponym Hafuz comes from the Arabic-Turkic “hafiz”, which means “knowing the Koran by heart”. In other words, this is a respected Muslim who was ranked among the clergy, due to the fact that he knows the texts of the entire Koran by heart.

All this, of course, is correct, but they do not take into account that in addition to this, Hafuz is the most ancient kind of Karaites. This surname was widely known throughout Tsarist Russia, as well as on the territory of the Crimean Khanate and in Ottoman Empire. Hafuz has the same meaning in both Karaite and Tatar languages. Throughout Hafuz, no enlightened Muslims have ever been found. Until the 20th century, there was only a shop and a tavern. The locals called him “At Hafuz”. And the village and the adjacent territories were in the possession of the Karaite Hafuz. From his surname came the present name of the village. About ten descendants of this ancient family still bear this surname. All live mainly in the city of Feodosia. The rest have dispersed or changed their family name, they try not to mention their roots. At the moment, Primorsky is a successfully growing resort, which regularly attracts a large number of tourists.

The resort village of Primorsky is a continuation of the Feodosia resort. This place has magnificent sandy beaches and developed infrastructure. On the offensive summer season life in Primorskoye boils and is filled with a unique resort spirit and beach fun. You can get to Feodosia by taxi or public transport so you will be only 14 km from the city center.

How to get to Primorsky in Crimea for vacation

By plane

closest and convenient airport, which receives flights from most cities in our country, is located in. Recently started working new terminal Simferopol airport.

Trolleybuses 17 and 20 go past the new terminal to the old terminal. There is a bus station at the old terminal. From there there are buses to Feodosia.

Alternatively, you can get to the Kurortnaya station by bus No. 49 or trolleybuses No. 17, 20. You can also fly to Krasnodar or Anapa airports.

By train

From most Russian cities passenger train you can get to Krasnodar and Anapa. Because railroad bridge to the Crimea has not yet been built, you need to transfer to a bus that goes along the Crimean bridge. Buses run from Kerch every 1.5 hours to Feodosia with a stop in Primorsky.

By bus

From Simferopol you can get to rest in Primorsky in Crimea by bus. They regularly depart from the bus station-2 "Kurortnaya" and follow to Feodosia.

From the central bus station of Feodosia to Primorsky can be reached by suburban buses departing every hour. You can also take a bus from Krasnodar, Anapa or the large transport hub Temryuk on the Taman Peninsula.

By taxi to Primorsky

Taxi to Primorsky is most often ordered from Kerch (86 km) or Simferopol (124 km). The average cost of the trip will be 25 rubles per kilometer. At the airport of Simferopol there are stands for ordering an official taxi.

By car

The path to the south of Russia from the central part goes along the M4 Don highway, and then through the Crimean bridge.

Climate in Primorsky, Crimea

The climate in the village of Primorsky (Sudak) is close to the Mediterranean, and the steppe terrain and breezes provide some elements of the continental climate. At the peak of the season, daytime temperatures are above +30 degrees. Humidity in this part of the peninsula is moderate.

Guest houses and hotels in Primorsky

Renting a room on vacation in Primorsky in Crimea is cheaper than in Feodosia, and therefore many tend to come here. The room can be rented in the private sector, as well as in new buildings of the village. Prices start from 300-400 rubles and vary depending on well-known factors, such as the month of arrival, the number of guests, general living conditions and distance from the embankment.

Guest houses are scattered throughout the village. Prices start from 600-1200 rubles. You can pay attention to guest houses"Solar", "Victoria", "Philadelphia".

In Primorsky, you can find good hotels, the living conditions in which can be compared with the level of three stars and above. Some hotels are striking in their size and low prices for quite good living conditions. The cost starts from 800-1300 rubles. Among them are the hotel "Prichal - Primorsky", "Primorsky yard", "Primorets" apartments, boathouse "Primorets".

Rental of property

In Primorsky, you can rent a one-room apartment from 1000 -1200 rubles per day. If you need a small cottage, then you can rent this kind of property with 2-3 bedrooms for an amount of 1,500 rubles. It is best to book accommodation in advance, having discussed with the owner all the nuances of the lease.

The beaches of Primorsky (Feodosia)

Beach along the promenade

This beach is well equipped and has a sand and pebble surface. Its length is several hundred meters, and its width is about 30 meters. Coastline divided by concrete breakwaters, the infrastructure and layout is not bad. The embankment is laid out of paving stones and has metal fences. Along it are catering points and small temporary shops. Water attractions are present.

concrete beaches

The beaches on the southern outskirts of the village were once well equipped. There is a rocky surface here, and therefore, for two hundred meters, concrete slopes were equipped, on which it was possible to sunbathe. Now it is impossible to sunbathe there, as the waves broke the structures and fittings stick out from all the steps. Nevertheless, there are lovers of seclusion, and you can lie down on a hill on the grass. The water is clean.

wild beaches

Sandy beaches stretch to Primorsky directly from Feodosia. Wild beaches beyond the outskirts are sandy formations up to 30 meters wide. The infrastructure for recreation in Primorskoye on the seashore is completely absent, but you can take a break from the outside world in peace and tranquility.

Private beaches

Private beaches have a hotel "Katyusha", "Villa Nimfey", "Primorsky Yard", and in the north there is a private beach of boathouses. The infrastructure is good, entertainment is available.

What to do on vacation in the Crimea in Primorsky

There are practically no entertainments and sights in Primorsky. But you can take a bus or taxi and be in and.

There are many discos, cozy cafes and a dolphinarium in Beregovoye.

In Feodosia, you can visit the architectural landmark of the Genoese fortress, an art gallery. Aivazovsky and the museum of the writer A. Green. In Feodosia, you can also fly with an instructor on a paraglider or take lessons and master the art of flying.

Cafe in Primorsky

IN resort village Seaside there are many catering points and this is especially true of the waterfront.

The average check for a complex lunch in the dining room will be 150-250 rubles. And you can sit in a cafe in the Crimea in Primorsky on vacation and taste dishes of European, Oriental or Russian cuisine within 500 rubles.

Primorsky is a small urban-type settlement with a well-developed infrastructure. There are many new buildings that give the village a modern look. On vacation in Primorsky in Crimea in 2018, you can rent a house inexpensively, which attracts tourists here. Wide sandy beaches give the place a special charm. The embankment of the village is also well equipped, and in numerous cafes you can not only have a delicious meal in the Crimea on vacation in Primorsky, but also admire the stunning views of the coastline.

The resort village of Primorsky is located on the Eastern coast of Crimea, 15 km. from Feodosia. The settlement was founded as a working settlement for the employees of the "More" plant. The same plant where hovercraft were produced in Soviet times.

Today, Primorsky is developing as beach resort. Because it only happens in last years, there are still not very many hotels and mini-hotels.

It's calm inexpensive resort Crimea. Families with children, elderly tourists and those who are looking for a sparsely populated place can be advised to rest here.

settlement Primorsky

Primorsky infrastructure

It cannot be said that civilization is completely absent in the village. And even, on the contrary, Primorsky is better developed in terms of infrastructure than some other villages on the peninsula. There are enough shops, there are supermarkets, many cafes and restaurants. There are even nightclubs. The tourist infrastructure is concentrated on the embankment. Most of the establishments are open only during the peak season - that is, from July to August. The rest of the time - it's quiet and smooth.

The only point that I have already mentioned is that there are practically no hotels and boarding houses in Primorsky. Housing for tourists is represented by the private sector and apartments.

There are no sights in Primorsky, so I will not even display a separate subtitle. For excursions you will have to go, at least, to neighboring Feodosia.

Seaside beaches

In fact, the beach strip stretched from Primorsky to Feodosia itself. The best, cleanest and most comfortable (albeit wild) beaches are outside the village, towards Beregovoy.

There are several beaches in the village itself. Peschanka beach begins behind the military unit. Pretty good option for family vacation. A multi-kilometer beach strip, although not equipped, there is a cafe here. And the bottom is flat and sandy, the depth is small. It is also convenient that you can drive to the beach by car.

At 50 meters from the embankment there is a small sandy Children's Beach. The name speaks for itself. The bottom here is sandy, shallow and gently sloping. The beach is equipped with awnings, you can rent a sun lounger.

At the entrance to Primorsky - sand beach Cafuz. There are slides on this beach, you can ride a catamaran or a jet ski.

Seaside beaches

How to get to Primorsky

If you arrive by plane, you will need to get from the airport to the Simferopol bus station. Here take a bus to Feodosia, and from Feodosia you can take a minibus to Primorsky.

Nowadays, holidays in small seaside villages located near the known Black Sea resorts. It's a good place to spend time with the whole family. good beaches and cheap housing make holidays here desirable for many Russians, especially with children. Such a place is the village of Primorsky. Feodosia is only 15 kilometers away. With modern transport facilities, getting to popular attractions and entertainment facilities will not be difficult.


On sandy shore Theodosian Gulf, 15 kilometers from the ancient and beautiful city Feodosia, the village of Primorsky is located, in which 12.6 thousand people live. Its location is called the Ak-Monai Isthmus and is the narrowest point between the Crimea and This is the largest village in the Crimea. The highway M23 Kerch - Simferopol passes through the village of Primorsky to Feodosia.

To the west of the village is a local celebrity - a drying salt Lake Adjigol. Between the lake and the sea passes the main road M17, its section Beregovoye - Primorsky.

Settlement formation

Once upon a time there were two villages on the site of the village: Khafuz (Primorsky) and Dalnie Kamyshi. Not far from them, in 1938, the construction of a shipyard and a town for workers and employees began, which at that time was called south point. The plant operates to this day, but has a different name - PO "More". This enterprise builds hydrofoil ships from light alloys.

Later, the South Point and both villages merged into one settlement, called Primorsky. In Soviet times, it was actively developing, but the years spent as part of Ukraine made themselves felt: the infrastructure of the village stopped developing, and, most interestingly, people began to leave the village. The statistics speak for it.

In numerous reviews of the village of Primorsky (Feodosia), vacationers speak positively about the rest, however, they complain about poor infrastructure. But life does not stand still, Primorye is changing from year to year better side and is becoming more and more popular.

Primorsky development

Now most of the population of the village is engaged in providing tourism services. Primorsky has all the data for the development of tourism: clear sea, excellent sandy beach, a large number sunny days per year, proximity to Feodosia. Guests who want a quiet and a relaxing holiday on the seashore.

Actively developing private sector for the provision of housing in the village of Primorsky. Feodosia, located just a few kilometers from the village, serves as a positive incentive for tourists. In recent years, new cafes, eateries, shops have opened.

Seaside beaches

The sandy shores of the village serve as a continuation of the famous Feodosia Golden Beach. It is made up of sand and crushed shells. Its length from the city of Feodosia to the village of Primorsky is 15 kilometers. The beaches of the village are clean and equipped. The shore of the Feodosia Gulf in these places is flat, with a gentle bottom, which is very convenient for vacationers with children. There are also small-pebble beaches.

In Primorsky there is a Sandy Beam beach, which is quite far from the village. Due to its remoteness, there are few people here, mostly travel lovers who come here by car and with tents. There is no vegetation here, so you should take a large umbrella or awning with you.

You can get to fixed-route taxi#4: after final stop walk for about 30 minutes. It is advisable to bring food with you, since there is no other trade besides peddlers of pies.

Where to stay

As the reviews show, people who once visited the village of Primorsky, Feodosia, continue to come here every year. The village becomes almost native thanks to local residents. They are friendly, welcoming, always welcome guests. A favorable atmosphere, sunny weather and gentle warm sea will be remembered by holidaymakers for a long time.

Recently, the village has been growing, new guest houses, boarding houses, and recreation centers have appeared. It is not difficult to choose housing according to your needs and adequate cost.

You can rent a detached house or a room in the private sector for the required time. In order not to get into unforeseen situations during the high season, book your accommodation in advance. This can be done by phone, via the Internet or by sending a written request, not forgetting to indicate the details: Feodosia, Primorsky township, postal code 298176.


Recently, many catering outlets have opened in the city. Travelers say that the cafe cooks delicious food, and the prices are several times lower compared to Feodosia.

All boarding houses provide catering services for an additional price. Those who prefer to cook on their own will have no problem with cheap products in the local market or in private stores, of which there have recently become a sufficient number.

Excursions and entertainment

As we have already emphasized, the main advantages of resting in the village are cheap housing, delicious food, inexpensive products on the market and the proximity of the Primorsky village to Feodosia. You can easily book any excursion at any tour desk. In Feodosia, one of the oldest cities in Crimea, there are many museums and attractions: the Aivazovsky house-museum, the gates of the Genoese fortress, Pushkin's grotto, magnificent squares, parks and fountains. Excursions to Koktebel, Saki, Sudak, Kerch, Yalta and other cities of Crimea.

With children, you can go to the dolphinarium, an amusement park, water, horseback and walking tours, go water skiing, motorcycles, hang gliders. For those who like to have fun, there are many bars and cafes. You can leave in the evening for Feodosia and have fun in cooler places.