Majestic mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Mountains of Kyrgyzstan Peaks of Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK, February 23 – Sputnik. Most of the territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by mountains, which is why the republic is one of the favorite places for climbers around the world. For mountain climbers, our country is a real paradise. The Sputnik Kyrgyzstan news agency has compiled a list of the seven highest peaks in the republic.

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1. Pobeda Peak- the highest mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan. It is located in the mountains of the Tien Shan range east of Lake Issyk-Kul, closer to the Kyrgyz-Chinese border. Pobeda Peak, like Lenin Peak, was one of the five seven-thousanders former USSR. Its height is 7439 meters above sea level. The summit was not summited until 1956.

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Lenin Peak

2. Height of Lenin Peak— 7134 meters above sea level. The mountain peak is located on the Chon-Alai ridge, located between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Lenin Peak was first conquered in 1928.

© Photo / Gennady Zakirov

Khan Tengri Peak or known in mountaineering circles as the “lord of the sky”

3. Khan Tengri Peak or known in mountaineering circles as the “lord of the sky” is located on the Tengri-Tag ridge, located on the border of Kazakhstan, China and Kyrgyzstan. Its height is 7010 meters above sea level.

4. Military Topographers Peak, 6873 meters above sea level, located in the Central Tien Shan on the Muztag massif.

The next three peaks are located in the same area, but are slightly inferior in height to Military Topographer. Thus, in the upper reaches of the South Inylchek glacier there is a series of famous six-thousanders: Friendship Peak(6,800 meters), peak tent(6,700 meters) and Chapaev Peak(6371 meters).

website- Over 90% of the territory of our homeland is covered with mountains, it is not for nothing that Kyrgyzstan is called the country of heavenly mountains. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the highest seven-thousander peaks, low altitudes, and incredibly beautiful landscapes are concentrated in a small area. In total, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan there are 14 peaks over 6000 m high and 26 peaks higher than Mont Blanc (4807 m), the highest point in Europe. Our mountains belong mainly to the Tien Shan mountain range, a relatively smaller part is located in the Pamirs.

The name "Tien Shan" is translated from Chinese as "Heavenly Mountains"

The first mentions of the Tien Shan range appeared in ancient times. According to ancient writings and notes from travelers, expeditions to these places have been made since ancient times, but all of them are now more like legends than reliable facts. For the first time, the Russian explorer Pyotr Semenov spoke about the secrets of the Tien Shan in the mid-19th century, thanks to which he received his second surname, Tianshansky. The name "Tien Shan" is translated from Chinese as "Heavenly Mountains". The Tien Shan ridge is the longest ridge (2800 km) not only in Kyrgyzstan, but throughout Asia, in the central part of which the most high peaks our country - Pobeda Peak (7439 m) and Khan Tengri Peak (6995 m). In addition to them, there are 40 more peaks on the ridge with a height of more than 6000 meters.

Pobeda Peak is the highest peak of the Tien Shan

The highest point of the Tien Shan is Pobeda Peak (7439 m), discovered in 1943, the northernmost seven-thousander on the planet, located on the Kyrgyz-Chinese border, in the Kokshaal-Too ridge, east of Lake Issyk-Kul. It is called the most inaccessible, most formidable seven-thousander - this peak makes very high demands on the physical and moral preparation of climbers. The history of the conquest of Pobeda Peak is complete interesting facts. In 1936, a group of climbers climbing Khan Tengri, then considered the highest peak of the Tien Shan, noticed that another mountain rose nearby, rivaling Khan Tengri in height. Two years later, an expedition of climbers led by famous researcher Tien Shan, Professor A. A. Letavet. The leader of the expedition’s assault group was Leonid Gutman, a participant in the ascent of Khan Tengri in 1936.

On September 19, 1938, three from the group of Professor A. A. Letavet climbed the mysterious peak and gave it the name of the peak of the 20th anniversary of the Komsomol. Experts compared photographs taken in 1938 by Gutman and in 1958 by V. Abalakov, and established that they were taken from the same place. Thus, it was possible to prove that the climbers from Gutman’s expedition were the first to conquer Pobeda Peak. This is how Pobeda Peak, the highest peak of the Tien Shan, was discovered.

Khan Tengri: “Bloody Mountain” or “Lord of the Skies”

Not far from Pobeda Peak rises Khan Tengri Peak (6995 m). Its name translated from Turkic means “Lord of the Sky” or “Lord of the Heavens”. Until recently, the height of Khan Tengri was 6995 m above sea level, but according to the latest data, the height is 7010 m, however, some people are suspicious of this. Some argue that this height is determined taking into account the thickness of the ice, others see the reason in the title of “Snow Leopard”, because in order to get it you need to conquer five peaks, not four, with a height of over 7000 meters in Central Asia.

Buried on the peak of Khan Tengri (Kan-Too means “Bloody Mountain”) is a capsule that contains a message from previous climbers who conquered the mountain to future ones. Each new climber who climbs to a height digs up a capsule and writes his message in pencil - it is impossible to write in ink - writes his name, date of ascent and buries it again. Despite the large number of accidents, many climbers still try to climb Kan Too Peak.

Pamir-Alay - seven-thousander mountains of Kyrgyzstan

Pamir - “Roof of the World”, the highest mountain system in all post-Soviet space, spreads over an area of ​​60,000 sq. km and is a highly branched network of ridges covered with eternal snow and endless intermountain valleys that make up the Pamir Highlands. However, Kyrgyzstan owns only the most extreme region - the northern slopes of the Trans-Alai Range and the northern parts of the Pamir-Alai, which includes the Alai Valley, as well as the Turkestan and Alai Ranges.

Sacred mountain Sulaiman-Too

The sacred mountain in the city of Osh, which in June 2009 became the country's first monument World Heritage. The mountain is a five-domed limestone outcrop, stretching from west to east. Its length is more than 1140 m, width - 560 m. Since ancient times it had a sacred meaning, as evidenced by preserved petroglyphs. Today Mount Sulaiman-Too is a kind of Mecca, which is last hope for many of its visitors. The majority of whom are women. Someone asks Sulaiman-Too for well-being for the family, someone for health, someone for procreation. People believe in the magical properties of the ancient sanctuary.

Mountain peaks:

Aitmatov Peak
A mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan, located in the central part of the Kyrgyz ridge, in the area of ​​the Salyk glacier. The height of the peak is 4650 m. The mountain received its name in 2000 in honor of the outstanding Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov. Until this moment she was nameless.

Vladimir Putin Peak
The peak is located in the Tien Shan mountain system. Located in the Chui region. Named in 2011 in honor of the second president Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Boris Yeltsin Peak
The peak is located on the Terskey Ala-Too ridge of the Tien Shan mountain system. Located on the territory of the Issyk-Kul region. Renamed in 2002 in honor of the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin.

Lenin Peak
Mountain peak located on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. One of the “seven thousand meters” - the highest peaks of the former USSR. One of the highest peaks in Central Asia, located in the Pamir mountain system.

Free Korea
A peak located in the Tien Shan mountains in the Kyrgyz range, in the Chui region, in the territory national park Ala-Archa. Its height, according to various sources, is 4740-4778 meters.

Semenov Peak
Mountain peak in the Central Tien Shan. The highest point of the Saryzhaz ridge (5816 m). Rising above the valley with the Northern Inylchek glacier. The peak was named after Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov, who explored the Central Tien Shan in 1857.

Corona Peak

Korona Peak (4860 m) is located on the territory of the Ala-Archa National Park. From afar, the six peaks resemble a crown, which explains their name. The mountain slopes reach a height of 600 meters, the northern slope - 900 meters.

Kyrgyzstan is unique country in the world, which, so to speak, is all located in the mountains. Judge for yourself, the lowest point of Kyrgyzstan is at an altitude of 132 meters above sea level, and the territory below 1000 meters above sea level is only 5.8 percent of the entire territory of Kyrgyzstan.

Suusamyr Mountains

The majestic Pamir Mountains

For your information, 22.6 percent of the country's territory is located at an altitude of 1 to 2 km above sea level, a little more than 30 percent is at an altitude of 2 to 3 km, 34 percent is from 3 to 4 km and 7 percent is at an altitude of over 4 km. km from sea level.

Scarlet poppies against the background of snow-white mountains of the Kyrgyz Alatoo

In this regard, Kyrgyzstan is a favorite place of pilgrimage for many climbers, mountain lovers active rest, as well as supporters of the now fashionable ecotourism. For these purposes, Kyrgyzstan has the entire list of necessary attributes. In particular, there are numerous Mountain peaks and peaks designed for both beginner climbers and those with a high cross-country ability. At your service are a countless number of different mountain routes, which are accessible even for small children. And the beautiful, stunning landscapes opening from the mountains will not leave anyone indifferent.

Alpine lake Karasuu

But most importantly, all the mountains of Kyrgyzstan are located in close proximity to transport routes, which makes them even more accessible.

"Fairy Tale" Teskey Alatoo

Kyrgyz horsemen against the backdrop of the Talas Mountains

Main mountain systems of Kyrgyzstan

The mountains of Kyrgyzstan belong to the mountain systems of the mighty Tien Shan and the no less majestic Pamirs. At the same time, the Tien Shan, which means “heavenly mountains,” occupies a significant part of the country’s territory.

The majestic peak of Pobeda above the clouds

Khan Tengri is one of the seven-thousanders in Central Asia

On the territory of Kyrgyzstan there are 3 of the 5 seven-thousanders in Central Asia, in particular, Pobeda Peak (7439 meters above sea level), Lenin Peak (7134 meters) and Khan Tengri Peak (7010 meters). Two more seven-thousanders are located in Tajikistan (Communism Peak - 7495 m and Korzhenevsky Peak - 7105 m). For your information, climbers who conquer all of the above 5 seven-thousanders receive the honorary title “Snow Leopard” and a corresponding certificate.

Kemin Mountains

Snow-white peaks of Teskey Ala-Tau

Main mountain ranges on the territory of Kyrgyzstan are the following (sorted by ridge length):

Ridge name

Length (in km) Width (in km) Average altitude above sea level (m) Highest I ridge point


582 54 4500

Pobeda Peak (7439m)


454 40 3700

West Alamedin Peak (4855m)


354 40 4290

Karakol (5280m)

350 20 4450 Tandykul (5880m)


300 30 4430

Sable Peak (5621m)


285 32 4200 Chok-Tal (4771m)
Talas 260 40 3930

Manas Peak (4488m)

250 40 5460 Lenin Peak (7134m)
Chatkal 225 30 3800

Chatkal-Aflatun (4503m)

206 62 3620 Kara-Kulzha (4940m)
At-Bashi 140 30 4300

Erme (4786m)

6-05-2014, 20:02

Mountain peaks

  • Aitmatov Peak
    A mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan, located in the central part of the Kyrgyz ridge, in the area of ​​the Salyk glacier. The height of the peak is 4650 m. The mountain received its name in 2000 in honor of the outstanding Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov. Until this moment she was nameless.
  • Boris Yeltsin Peak
    Mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan. The peak is located on the Terskey Ala-Too ridge of the Tien Shan mountain system. Located on the territory of the Issyk-Kul region. Renamed in 2002 in honor of the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin.
  • Vladimir Putin Peak
    Mountain peak in . The peak is located in the Tien Shan mountain system. Located in the Chui region. Named in 2011 in honor of the second President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
  • Lenin Peak
    A mountain peak located on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. One of the “seven thousand meters” - the highest peaks of the former USSR. One of the highest peaks in Central Asia, located in the Pamir mountain system.
  • Pobeda Peak
    Mountain peak, the highest point of the Tien Shan (7439 meters). Located on the border of Kyrgyzstan and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, in the Kokshaal-Too ridge, east of Lake Issyk-Kul, 16 km southwest of the Khan Tengri peak. It is one of the five seven-thousanders of the USSR (now the CIS), climbing which gives the right to receive the honorary title “Snow Leopard”.
  • Free Korea
    A peak located in the Tien Shan mountains in the Kyrgyz range, in Kyrgyzstan, in the Chui region, in the territory of the Ala-Archa National Park. Its height, according to various sources, is 4740–4778 meters.
  • Semenov Peak
    Mountain peak in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. The highest point of the Saryjaz ridge (5816 m). Rising above the valley with the Northern Inylchek glacier. The peak was named after Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov, who explored the Central Tien Shan in 1857.
  • Sulaiman-Too
    The sacred mountain in the Kyrgyz city of Osh, which in June 2009 became the country's first World Heritage Site. The mountain is a five-domed limestone outcrop, stretching from west to east. Its length is more than 1140 m, width - 560 m. Since ancient times it had a sacred meaning, as evidenced by the surviving petroglyphs.
  • Khan Tengri
    Pyramid peak in the Tien Shan on the Tengri-Tag ridge on the border of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and. Height – 7010 meters (with the glacier), excluding ice thickness – 6995 m. Its name translated from Turkic means “Lord of the Sky”. Tien Shan (Heavenly Mountains) are located in the center of the area of ​​residence of the ancient Turks.

Mountain ranges

  • Alai ridge
    Mountain range of the Pamir-Alai mountain system in Kyrgyzstan and partly in Tajikistan. Height up to 5539 meters. Separates the Fergana and Alai valleys. The length of the granite-gabbro Alai ridge, between the Zeravshan mountain node in the west and 74 ° 48 "E in the east. Length is about 400 kilometers; the ridge is covered almost throughout its entire length with permanent snow and is replete with glaciers, especially in the west. The total area of ​​glaciation is 568 km² The passes are very high and difficult.
  • Atbashi
    Mountain range in the southern part of the Inner Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. Separates the Atbashi depression in the north from the Chatyrkol depression and the Aksai syrts in the south. The length of the ridge is 135 km, the maximum height is 4786 m.
  • Borkoldoy
    Mountain range in the Inner Tien Shan, in the southeastern part of Kyrgyzstan. The length of the ridge is about 100 km. The average height is 4300 m, the maximum elevation (in the western part) is 5049 m. There is significant glaciation on the northern slope. The ridge is composed of crystalline schists, marbles and granites. Semi-desert vegetation predominates on the slopes, while higher up there are rocks and screes with sparse xerophytic vegetation.
  • Jamantau
    A mountain range in the Tien Shan, in Kyrgyzstan, located northwest of Lake Chatyr-Kul. In the west, beyond the gorge of the Arpa River, it adjoins the Fergana Range. The length of the ridge is about 70 km, highest point– Karamoinok (4121 m). The ridge is composed of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The northern slope is gentle, the southern slope steeply drops to the Arpa valley. The ridge is covered with sparse steppe vegetation, and higher up – with alpine meadows.
  • Jetim
    Mountain range in the Tien Shan, in Kyrgyzstan, south of Terskey-Ala-Too. The length of the ridge is about 120 km, the maximum height is 4931 m. The Naryn River flows along the southern foot. Steppe, meadow and meadow-steppe vegetation grows on the slopes. In the eastern part there are glaciers.
  • Dzhumgaltau
    Mountain range in the northern part of the Tien Shan, in Kyrgyzstan. The ridge extends in the sublatitudinal direction for more than 100 km. The maximum height is 3948 m. In the west, the Kökemeren River gorge separates it from the Susamyrtau ridge. Dzhumgaltau is composed of tuffaceous sandstones, calcareous-mica shales and granites. On the slopes there are meadows with dwarf juniper trees, meadow steppes with shrubs, areas of juniper forests and spruce forests.
  • Zaalaisky ridge
    A latitudinal ridge separating the Pamirs and the Alai Valley. The highest point of the Trans-Alai Range is Lenin Peak. The ridge has significant glaciation. From the tops of the ridge there are views of the Central Pamirs, in particular the peaks of Communism and Korzhenevskaya.
  • Trans-Ili Alatau
    Mountain range in the north-west of the Tien Shan (on the border with Kyrgyzstan). It extends for 360 km along 43° N. w. The prevailing heights are 4000–4600 m, the highest point is Talgar Peak (4973–5017 m). The northern slope is relatively flat, strongly dissected by the left tributaries of the Ili River, the southern slope steeply drops off to the valleys of the Chilik and Chon-Kemin rivers (the right tributary of the Chu).
  • Inylchektau
    Mountain range in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. Located in the basin of the left tributaries of the Saryjaz. The ridge stretches in a sublatitudinal direction between the Inylchek and Kaindinskaya valleys. Its length is about 65 km, maximum height is 5697 m. The ridge is composed of metamorphic shales and limestones; covered with eternal snow and glaciers. On the slopes there are numerous rocks and screes, at the foot in the west there is a high-mountain semi-desert.
  • Kaindy-Katta
    Mountain range in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. Located in the Saryjaz River basin, it stretches south of the Kainda Valley. The length of the ridge is about 65 km. The maximum height is 5784 m. The ridge is composed of metamorphic shales and limestones. Covered with eternal snow and glaciers, especially in the eastern part. The slopes are dominated by rocks and screes, and at the foot in the west there is a high-mountain semi-desert.
  • Kakshaal-Too
    A mountain range in the Central Tien Shan system, on the border of Kyrgyzstan and China. The length of the ridge is about 400 km, the highest point is Pobeda Peak (7439 m). The ridge is composed of clayey shales, sandstones, limestones, intruded by granite intrusions. The predominant alpine terrain with with total area glaciation 983 km². On the northern slope there are steppes, on the southern slope there are meadow steppes and alpine meadows.
  • Kyrgyz ridge
    A mountain range bordering the Chui Valley and the Moyynkum Desert from the south. Kirghiz is one of the mountain ranges of the internal Tien Shan in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, partly in the territory of neighboring Kazakhstan.
  • Koksuysky ridge
    Located in the Western Tien Shan, on the border of Kyrgyzstan and. The length is about 70 km, the average height is about 2000 m. From the southeast it borders the valley through which the Koksu River flows, flowing into the Charvak reservoir.
  • Kuylyutau
    Mountain range in the Central Tien Shan, in Kyrgyzstan. Located between the Kuilyu and Uchkel rivers (Saryjaz basin). The length of the ridge is about 50 km, the maximum height is 5203 m. The ridge is composed of limestones, metamorphic schists, and granites.
  • Kungoy-Ala-Too
    Mountain range. Along with the Trans-Ili Alatau, it forms the Northern Tien Shan. The ridge is elongated in latitudinal terms (from west to east) and has a length of 275 km in a straight line. It borders from the north the basin in which Lake Issyk-Kul is located (from the south the same basin is limited by the Terskey Ala-Too ridge).
  • Moldotau
    Mountain range in the Inner Tien Shan, in central Kyrgyzstan, south of Lake Sonkel. The ridge stretches generally from west to east, between the valleys of the Kökemeren and Naryn rivers. The length of the ridge is about 150 km. The maximum height is 4185 m. It is composed mainly of limestones. On the lower sections of the slopes there are mountain steppes and meadows, above there are areas of spruce forests and juniper forests.
  • Naryntau
    Mountain range in the Inner Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. It stretches almost latitudinally along the left bank of the Naryn River. The length of the ridge is about 130 km. The maximum height is 4530 m. The ridge is composed of limestones, granites, and metamorphic schists. The northern slope is steep with rocky gorges, the southern slope is flatter, with clay-sandy hills at the foot. Mountain-meadow and meadow-steppe landscapes, rocky highlands with rocks and screes on steep slopes dominate. Areas of spruce forests have been preserved in the gorges.
  • Saryjaz
    Mountain range in the Central Tien Shan, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and part of Kazakhstan. It is located between the Saryjaz River in the north and its left tributary the Inylchek River in the south. The length of the ridge is 113 km, width – up to 16 km. The average height is 4370 m, the highest point is Semenov Peak (5816 m). The ridge is composed of metamorphic schists, granites, and marbled limestones. Permafrost rocks are common starting from an altitude of 3000 m.
  • Sonköltau
    Mountain range in the Tien Shan, in the southeastern part of Kyrgyzstan. It arcuately frames the basin of Lake Sonkel from the north. The length of the ridge is about 60 km, the maximum height reaches 3856 m. It is composed mainly of limestone. On the northern slope and at the top of the ridge there are alpine meadows, on the southern slope there are subalpine meadow-steppes and steppes.
  • Susamyrtau
    Mountain range in Kyrgyzstan, in the Inner Tien Shan system, southeast of Talas Ala-Too. The length is about 125 km; maximum height - 4048 m. The ridge is composed mainly of granites and metamorphic schists of the Lower Paleozoic. There are glaciers. In the western, lower part, the ridge is broken through by the through gorge of the Chichkan River (the right tributary of the Naryn). Landscapes of mountain meadows and rocky highlands predominate.
  • Talas Ala-Too
    A mountain range located in the Western Tien Shan system. Most of it is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, and part of it is in southern Kazakhstan). This ridge separates the Talas Valley from other ridges and valleys of the Western Tien Shan and the western part of the so-called Inner Tien Shan. The length of Talas Ala-Too is about 270 km, the most high peaks up to 4.482 m – Mount Manas.
  • Terskey Ala-Too
    Mountain range bordering the Issyk-Kul basin from the south. The Terskey Ala-Too ridge is located in the north-eastern part of Kyrgyzstan and closes the basin of Lake Issyk-Kul from the south. Its ridge stretches in a latitudinal direction for 375 kilometers and rises in its highest part, located south of the city of Karakol (formerly Przhevalsk), to 5281 meters above sea level (Karakol Peak). The average height of the ridge is about 4500 m. The Terskey Ala-Too ridge is very beautiful in its diversity of landscapes. In one day you can see the beauty of red sand cliffs, wild forest and snowy peaks spread widely over the greatest lake Issyk-Kul. Each gorge is unique and inimitable in its design.
  • Turkestan ridge
    A high-mountain ridge of latitudinal direction, about 340 km long, belonging to the Gissar-Alai mountain system. Through the mountain junction of Matcha, the ridge joins the Alai Range in the east, and extends to the Samarkand Plain in the west. The northern slope is long and gentle, with juniper forests and woodlands, the southern slope is short and steep, with rocks and screes. From the south, the Zeravshan River Valley is separated from the Zeravshan Range.
  • Fergana ridge
    A mountain range in the Tien Shan that stretches from southeast to northwest, separating the Fergana Valley from the Inner Tien Shan. The length of the ridge is 225 km. In the southeast, where the ridge is most elevated, it adjoins the Torugart and Alaikuu ridges through the Syok pass. The ridge has an asymmetrical structure with long and gentle southwestern slopes and steep northeastern slopes. The spurs of the Fergana Range include the Babash-Ata, Suugan-Tash, Soryun-Döbe and others.
  • Chatkal ridge
    The mountain range in the Western Tien Shan, bordering the Fergana Valley from the north-west, has a length of about 200 km, with a height of more than 3000 meters, for example Mount Big Chimgan with a height of 3309 m, Mount Kyzylnura with a height of 3267 m and Okhotnichy (Aukashka) peak with a height of 3099 m , coniferous-deciduous forests, juniper woodlands, alpine meadows. It is located on the territory of the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan and the Jalal-Abad region of Kyrgyzstan.


  • Korzhenevsky Glacier
    A complex valley glacier on the northern slope of the Trans-Alay Range (Pamir). Located east of Lenin Peak, at the headwaters of the Dzhanaidartak River in Kyrgyzstan. The length of the glacier is 21.5 km, area – 73 km². The feeding area is located at altitudes up to 6200 m, the firn line is at an altitude of 5100 m. The glacier flows in a deep valley and descends to 3840 m. Two-thirds of the tongue is covered with a moraine cover.
  • Lenin Glacier
    Mountain basin glacier on the northern slope of the Trans-Alay Range (Pamir), in Kyrgyzstan. The length of the glacier is 13.5 km, area – 55.3 km². An extensive firn basin lies at the foot of Lenin Peak (7134 m), the firn line is at an altitude of 5300 m. The tongue of the glacier descends to 3760 m, from where the Achiktash River, the left tributary of the Kyzylsu, begins. The right tributary of the glacier is pulsating: in 1945 and 1969 it cracked and advanced by 500 and 1000 m.
  • Mushketov Glacier
    A valley tree-like glacier in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, located on the northern slope of the Saryjaz ridge, at the headwaters of the Adyrtor River, a left tributary of the Saryjaz River. The length of the glacier is 20.5 km, width – from 1 to 1.8 km. Area – 68.7 km². The feeding area lies in a huge cirque at an altitude of 4500–5500 m, the firn line is at an altitude of 4100 m. The tongue of the glacier ends at an altitude of 3440 m. The lower part of the glacier is covered with moraine for 5 km.
  • Petrov Glacier
    Glacier in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, located in the Akshiyrak mountains. It gives rise to the main source of Naryn - the Kumtor River. The glacier's area is 73.9 km². Length – 14.3 km, width at the bottom – up to 1.8 km.
  • Semenov Glacier
    Glacier in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan. Located on the northern slope of the Saryjaz ridge in the upper reaches of the river of the same name. The glacier is about 21 km long and up to 1.5 km wide. The glacier was discovered in 1857 by Russian explorer Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov (later Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky), in whose honor it received its name.
  • Northern Inylchek
    A complex valley glacier in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, in the upper reaches of the Inylchek River, a left tributary of the Saryjaz. The length of the glacier is 38.2 km, area – 181.2 km². Previously, Northern Inylchek merged with the Southern Inylchek glacier, and is currently connected to it by a section of dead ice that serves as the bottom of Lake Merzbacher and Lake Superior.
  • South Inylchek
    Valley tree-like glacier in the Central Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, in the upper reaches of the Inylchek River, the left tributary of the Saryjaz. Southern Inylchek is the largest glacier in the Tien Shan. Its length is 60.5 km, area – 567.2 km². The glacier begins in huge cirque-shaped firn pools at an altitude of up to 7440 m. The tongue of the glacier, whose length is 43.2 km with an average width of 2.2 km, descends to 2800 m.


  • Bedel
    Pass in mountain system Tien Shan, across the Kokshaaltau ridge. Located on the border of Kyrgyzstan and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, at an altitude of 4284 m above sea level. There is a road connecting the pass with the village of Barskaun, located on south coast Lake Issyk-Kul. Near the pass is the source of the Yshtyk River. Historically, the pass served as an important caravan road along the Great Silk Road.
  • Kyzyl-Art
    Pass in the Trans-Alai Range on the Pamir Highway on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The Osh-Khorog highway goes through the pass. The height of the pass is 4280 meters above sea level. From the north, from the Alai Valley, the ascent to the pass is quite gentle, along a picturesque gorge, where panoramas of glaciers and snow-capped peaks open up. The descent from the pass to the south into the wide desert valley of the Markansu River is relatively steep.
  • Taldyk
    The pass in the Alai Range is oriented from north to south and connects the Gulcha River valley in the north with the Alai Valley in the south. The height of the pass is 3615 m. The highway passes through the pass - a section of the Eastern Pamir Highway, connecting the city of Osh with the village of Sary-Tash in the Alai Valley.


  • Akshiyrak
    Mountain range in the Tien Shan, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Forms a watershed between the upper reaches of the Naryn and the rivers of the Saryjaz basin. The massif consists of three en echelon parallel ridges of sublatitudinal strike. The length is about 50 km, the maximum height is 5126 m. It is composed of metamorphic schists, limestones, and granites. Highland - subnival and glacial-nival landscapes dominate.
  • Hissar-Alay
    Mountain system in Central Asia, part of the Pamir-Alai. Gissaro-Alai is located west of the Pamirs, between the Fergana Valley in the north, the Karshi steppe, the Tajik depression and the Alai Valley in the south. East End system is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, the middle one is in Tajikistan and the western one is in Uzbekistan. The length of Gissaro-Alai from west to east is about 900 km, the width in the western part is up to 150 km, in the eastern part – up to 80 km.
  • Pamir-Alai
    Mountain system in southeast Central Asia. Administratively located on the territory of Tajikistan, partially in Kyrgyzstan (in the northeast), Uzbekistan (in the west) and Turkmenistan (in the southwest); eastern and partially southern edge enters China and Afghanistan.
  • Tien Shan
    A mountain system located in Central Asia on the territory of four countries: Kyrgyzstan, China (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region), Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Kyrgyz giants, stone giants, great heroes forever turned into idols, every day trying to prove to themselves and each other that they are not only higher than the sun itself, but can reach the farthest star with their icy top. So what am I talking about? Oh yes, about the mighty, invincible Kyrgyz mountains - the Tien Shan and Pamir.

“Heavenly Mountains” (as the name “Tien Shan” is translated from Chinese) long chains stretch from west to east with 88 powerful ridges. In their central part - the Central Tien Shan - are located the highest peaks of Kyrgyzstan - , whose height is 7439 meters, and , 6995 meters high.

The Tien Shan ridge is the longest ridge not only in Kyrgyzstan, but throughout Asia. Its length is 2800 km, width - 800 km. In addition to the peaks of Khan Tengri and Pobeda, there are approximately 40 more peaks on the ridge with a height of more than 6000 meters. The ridge covers several states, but mostly lies in the territory. It is divided into the following zones: Central, Northern, Western, Southwestern, Internal and Eastern Tien Shan. Each of these zones is of a characteristic alpine type.

The Tien Shan Mountains have a considerable area of ​​glaciation - 10.2 thousand sq. km. The largest area of ​​glaciation here is located in the ridges of the Central Tien Shan. Other centers are the Trans-Ili Alatau, Terskey-Alatau, Akshiyrak, Kokshaltau ridges, and in the Eastern Tien Shan - the Iren-Khabyrga and Halyktau ridges. Complex valley glaciers flow down from the ridges of the Central Tien Shan; the largest of them are (its length is 59.5 km), (38.2 km) and the most significant glacier of the entire Eastern Tien Shan - Kara-Dzhailau (34 km).

The first mentions of the Tien Shan range appeared in ancient times. According to ancient writings and notes from travelers, expeditions to these places have been made since ancient times, but all of them are now more like legends than reliable historical facts. The expedition of the Russian explorer Pyotr Semenov in the mid-19th century shed light on the mystery for the first time. Heavenly Mountains" Thanks to his research, Semenov even received a second honorary surname from the tsar - Tienshansky.

Now as for legendary mountains Pamir. In Kyrgyzstan there is only the northernmost part of the Pamirs, represented by northern slopes Trans-Alai ridge and the northern part of the Pamir-Alai - the mountains that separate the Pamirs and Tien Shan and which include the Turkestan and Alai ridges. Among these ridges, the Zaalaisky (the northern border of the Pamirs) stands out, stretching 200 km from west to east, from the confluence of the Muksu and Kyzylsu rivers to the Irkeshtam peak on the border with China and further along Chinese territory for another 50 km. His average height 5500 m. And it is famous for the fact that its highest point is the legendary and beloved in mountaineering circles, whose height is 7134 meters.

So, three Kyrgyz seven-thousanders:
3. (up to seven thousand, this peak is only five meters short, but based on the fact that in terms of the difficulty of climbing it is in no way inferior to a seven-thousander, it was decided to give it exactly this honorary status).

Lower peaks in Kyrgyzstan, most often used for trekking:

    Adygene Peak (4393 m) - located on the territory of the Ala-Archa National Park, height;

    Chapaev Peak (6371 m) - located in the Central Tien Shan, in the Muztag massif;

    Corona Peak (4860 m) - located on the territory of the Ala-Archa National Park;

    Gorky Peak (6050 m) - lies in the Pobeda massif;

    Free Korea Peak - located on the Ak-Sai ridge in the territory of the Ala-rcha National Park;

    Peak Karakol (5216 m) - located in the Oguz Bashi massif on south coast lakes Issyk-Kul;

    Manas Peak (4482 m) - the highest point of the Talas Range;

    Peak Marble Wall (6400 m) - located in the Central Tien Shan, in the Muztag massif;