Koper Slovenia. Koper - the main trading port of Slovenia Food

Koper, Slovenia: the most detailed information about the city of Koper, the main attractions with photos and descriptions, location on the map.

City of Koper (Slovenia)

Koper is a city in the southwestern part of Slovenia on the Adriatic coast in the Obalno-Kraška region. Geographically located on the Istrian peninsula. Koper is the largest city on the Slovenian coast with a rich history, a large sea ​​port with picturesque historical center, in which buildings and structures from the times of the Venetian Republic have been preserved.


The history of Koper begins in the times Ancient Greece. Even then, an ancient settlement was founded here, which was called Aegis. After the Greeks, the city became part of the Roman Empire and received the name Capris, which over time transformed into Koper.

With the collapse of the Roman Empire from the 6th century, the city, like all of Istria, was first under the rule of Byzantium, then the Lombards, Franks and even Avars. In the 9th century, Koper was embroiled in the struggle between the Venetian Republic and the Holy Roman Empire. After this, Emperor Conrad II granted the city privileges.

In the 13th century, Koper was annexed to Venice. At this time the city experienced a golden age and became largest city and the port of Istria. At the end of the 18th century, the city became part of the Habsburg state. Koper remained part of Austria until the First World War. After the war and before World War II, the city was part of Italy. As a result of the Second World War, Koper became part of the free territory of Trieste, in 1954 it became part of Yugoslavia, and in 1991 - independent state Slovenia.

Climate and weather

Koper is located in a humid subtropical climate zone. Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. The rainiest months are September and November. The driest month is July. The warmest months are July and August. The coldest is January. Winter is very mild with very rare frosts and snow cover.


The traditional cuisine of Koper is Istrian. It is a mixture of Mediterranean, Slovenian and Italian traditions. The main characteristics of Istrian cuisine are a large number of herbal ingredients, spices, seasonal vegetables, fish and seafood.

Traditional products are Piran salt (mined in the city of Piran), olive oil, wine, cheese, asparagus.

Istria has a rich winemaking tradition. Among the local wines, you should pay attention to Malvasia (white), Refosk (red), Muscat (white).

Sights of Koper

Koper's old town boasts interesting sights and architecture from the Venetian Republic period.

The Praetorian Palace is one of the symbols of Koper. A beautiful building in the Venetian Gothic style, built in the 15th century. Situated on central square old town.

Another interesting building in the Venetian style is the Loggia Palace. The palace is located on Titov trg square opposite the Praetorian Palace. Built in the 15th century.

Muda Gate is the former main city gate, built in the Renaissance style in the early 16th century. Today, this gate is the only surviving one of the 12 city gates.

Fountain da Ponte

Fountain da Ponte - the largest fountain of Koper, a kind of copy famous bridge Rialto in Venice. The fountain was built in the second half of the 17th century.

The House of Carpaccio is a 14th-century building in the Venetian Gothic style, in which the famous 16th-century Venetian artist lived.

Rotunda of St. Elijah or Dormition of the Virgin Mary

The Rotunda is one of the oldest surviving buildings in Koper. This ancient Romanesque baptistery is located in the heart of the old town. The rotunda was built in the 11th century.

Among other ancient buildings, it is worth noting the rotunda of St. John the Baptist. This building in the Romanesque-Gothic style was built between the 10th and 12th centuries.

Assumption Cathedral - main temple Kopera, built in the 15th century. The origins of the cathedral date back to the 12th century. The building combines Gothic and Renaissance styles. Inside the church you can see several valuable paintings, including a masterpiece by Carpaccio. Also located here is the stone sarcophagus of the patron saint of Koper - St. Nazariya. A high 37-meter bell tower adjoins the cathedral building. Once one of the defense towers, it boasts the oldest bell in Slovenia and a great view.

Video - the city of Koper.

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Koper is located on the Adriatic coast, and its shores are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Piran. The city is located on the Istrian peninsula, in close proximity to the Italian border and has the status of the country's main port. It has a long history and has many unique architectural structures, and is also famous for its music and folklore festivals, which annually cause high audience excitement.


According to old traditions, present-day Koper is usually divided into mainland and island. Focused on the mainland modern buildings and high-rise buildings, while the buildings are quite dense and therefore create a certain feeling of cramped space. The island part is covered in the romance of the Middle Ages and is represented by the best examples of architecture from the times of the Venetian Republic, which gives this part of the city a pronounced Italian flavor. Koper has a well-developed infrastructure and well-established transport connection With neighboring countries and other regions of Slovenia, but at the same time the choice of hotels is very limited. However, the few hotels that the city has are different high level comfort, a wide range of amenities and excellent quality of service. Guests of Koper have the opportunity to have a lot of fun strolling along the city promenade and enjoying views of the Bay of Piran, tasting dishes in local restaurants, sunbathing, exploring colorful sights or doing exciting activities. boat trips along the Adriatic.

general information

The territory of the city is small and amounts to only a few tens of square meters. km, with a population of less than 24,000 people. It is interesting that more than 10% of the townspeople are Italians, and in addition to Slovenian, Italian is also considered the official language here. Local time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour in summer and 2 in winter. Time zone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in summer time of the year. Telephone code(+386) 05. Official website www.koper.si.

A brief excursion into history

Initially, on the site of modern Koper stood the ancient Greek city of Aegis, during the period of the Roman conquest, which was called Capris. After the fall of the Roman Empire, for several centuries these lands were captured by the Franks, Lombards and numerous Slavic tribes. Only in 1278, after joining the Venetian Republic, the city entered an era of prosperity and soon became the largest port in Istria. In 1797, Koper became part of Austria, and between 1805 and 1813, it was occupied by Napoleonic troops, then returned to Austrian possession. Modern history The city was first marked by the entry into the united Kingdom of Serbs and Croats, which later transformed into Yugoslavia and exited it as part of independent Slovenia.


On weather Kopera greatly influences Mediterranean climate. In winter it is relatively warm and average temperature air fluctuates between 0 and +4 degrees. At the same time, there is little precipitation and almost all of it occurs from November to March. In the summer, on clear and sunny days, the thermometer rises to +23 - +25. It is best to visit the city during this time period, which is the most pleasant both for relaxing at sea and for a rich excursion program.

How to get there


To travel along the coast by land, it is best to use buses or taxis. Car rental points are available for those interested.


Koper has a good pebble beach, as well as several concrete platforms equipped with stairs. Of course, they are not suitable for families with children, but for those who like to swim, they are just right. Meanwhile, given the abundance of yacht moorings, it must be admitted that the water here is not very clear, so beach holidays here are not as popular as in other Slovenian resorts.

Attractions and entertainment

One of Koper's most notable architectural structures is the Praetorian Palace, built in the mid-15th century in a distinct Venetian Gothic style. Directly opposite, the Loggia Palace attracts attention, with its unique art gallery, where paintings by outstanding medieval masters are exhibited. Among other important historical sites, it is worth highlighting the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, with the tomb of St. Nazarius, the patron saint of the city, the exquisite palaces of noble Venetian families, Armerigonia, Totto and Belgramoni Tacco, as well as the famous Rotunda of the Ascension, built in the 12th century. In addition to excursions and walks along the city streets, guests of Koper can appreciate the variety of entertainment programs.

The main places of mass gathering intended for family vacation, serve as a local zoo, with an impressive territory, and an excellent water amusement park, where there are attractions for every taste. There are many interesting things to do in the city's surroundings tourist routes for fans of mountaineering and connoisseurs of natural beauty. The main event for the townspeople and guests of Koper is the Seaside Summer Festival, which is always extremely fun and interesting.


The city's restaurants, cafes and pizzerias offer a wide selection of all kinds of culinary creations to suit every taste, from widespread Slovenian soups to traditional Italian pasta. Considering that the city is a kind of symbiosis of the cultures of these two countries, local dishes also have characteristic national traits. Balkan and Italian wines, which have a high reputation in Europe, are very popular.


Shop shelves and souvenir shops display an impressive range of goods, from Italian shoes and clothing to exquisite jewelry and perfumes.

For most tourists visiting Koper for the first time, this city makes a strong impression with its unique charm and flavor. Despite its small territory, it has a mass interesting places and attractions, annually welcoming thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Once in the small town of Koper in Slovenia, a person simply loses touch with reality! This is the Slovenian Riviera, which is so similar to sunny Italy. Narrow streets, cozy courtyards, lots of sun and excellent air. Previously, this amazing settlement was located on an island called Koziy. But then they built a dam, and this small island simply merged with the continent. But even today it has remained “independent” and amazes with its originality and wonderful climate, which allows you to restore your health. Located in the town largest port Slovenia, ships with cargo from all over the world come here.

Kaleidoscope of history

Koper is a kind of symbiosis of Slavic and Latin culture. Thanks to Italy's close proximity, the country's traditions and heritage are highly valued. Venetian pointed towers, southern cuisine, small courtyards with plastered walls - everything emphasizes the Italian flavor. In Koper they speak two languages ​​- Italian and Slovenian, they have “equal rights” and even there is a representative of the Italian minority in parliament.

Until the 19th century, the city of Kapodistrias (as the Italians called it) was an island. Then they erected many architectural monuments– Tito Square with the Praetor's Palace and Loggia. Today it is so pleasant to sit here with a cup of aromatic coffee, enjoying the views of the city and the architecture of old castles.

Only in Koper you will see two completely different cities. The mainland part of the settlement consists of tall modern houses, cramped streets, numerous hotels and expensive apartments. The island part has tiled roofs of low buildings, ancient cathedrals and temples, and a pronounced Italian flavor.

Koper Climate

Surprisingly, the Slovenian resort is located on only 30 km of coastal zone, but this did not stop it from turning it into the real pride of the country. Sandy golden beaches, clearest waters Adriatic Sea and excellent maritime climate. Koper rarely experiences gusty winds or heavy precipitation. WITH early spring Sunny, warm days dominate here, and comfortable conditions for relaxation last until late autumn. And even in winter it is very pleasant here to enjoy the healing air, walk along the coast and drink the unique mineral waters that the fertile land gives.

The legacy of ancestors

Koper is not only a famous health resort, where people come to enjoy unique mineral springs. This is real Cultural Center countries where everything breathes history. If you want to witness Italian pomp, you need to see the Praetorian Castle, it was built in 1464 (Venetian Gothic). Opposite it is an art gallery with a rich collection of paintings from the 15th century and modern paintings.

The amazingly beautiful palaces of Armerigonya, Totto, Belgramoni-Tacco have become a real treasure of the city. Are proud local residents and pompous temple buildings. Cathedral Dormition of the Mother of God (erected in the 15th century), the main shrine of the townspeople, the tomb of St. Nazarius, is also kept here. There is a legend that protects the city from enemies and all kinds of natural disasters.

The oldest place in the city, the Rotunda of the Ascension, is definitely worth seeing. It was built in the 12th century. Little tourists will appreciate the local zoo. This is not just a place for entertainment and contemplation of rare animals - a research center operates here.

But for the fans active rest Koper will be a real discovery. The huge amusement park (water) amazes with many attractions. There are even swimming pools with artificial waves and specialized ponds for the youngest tourists. Mountaineering lovers will appreciate the resort with its steep cliffs that hang over the Adriatic coast.

Ahead for impressions

If all the wellness procedures have been completed, and you are tired of the relaxing bliss of the beaches? Welcome to numerous singing festivals. This is a real extravaganza of music of various styles; musicians from all over Slovenia and other countries come here. A grandiose performance awaits you, especially since festivals are held regularly. The most famous of them is the Primorsky Summer Festival.

Healing and restoring strength in Koper

Slovenia is, first of all, a climate favorable to humans. And natural treasures in the form of thermal and mineral waters allow you to quickly get rid of many chronic diseases. Koper is famous for the fact that it has a Pannonian, alpine maritime climate - such a tandem is rare and it is precisely this that has such a positive effect on the human body. The air is saturated with minerals, salt water relieves respiratory diseases and dermatological pathologies. Another pearl of Slovenia – healing mud. These are inorganic or organic peloids that saturate the skin with beneficial chemical compounds.

They also deserve special attention. The water in them is recognized as healing; it is ideal for daily use; it replenishes the body with minerals and rare acids. Therefore, people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders come to Koper to enjoy this water, which has no analogues in the world. Also here, healing peat and fango are used to treat some diseases. These substances have a positive effect on the skin - they tighten it and slow down the aging process.

If you find yourself in Koper, be sure to visit thermal springs. These waters can activate the body’s internal reserves, and you will forget about viral infections for a long time.

Hotels in Koper

There are not many apartments in this city, but those that exist are comfortable and convenient for those who come to improve their health. Apartment & Suites Venezianaexcellent hotel in Italian style, it boasts excellent infrastructure, delicious cuisine and picturesque views from the windows of the rooms. Hotel Vodisek– affordable accommodation, good service, there are many cafes and restaurants on the territory, their own gyms and saunas. Studio Morsal great place to relax peaceful rest, it is conveniently located, you can quickly get to any part of the city and to the beach.

A trip to Koper is not easy pleasant stay on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Only here you can enjoy the gifts of nature that will help you become healthy and strong. If you have small children, such an exciting trip will be a luxurious gift. The baby will improve his health while arriving in a mild, warm climate, and will receive a lot of impressions from this amazing peninsula.

The sea coast of Slovenia is very small - only 30 km, but at the same time the country offers all the most attractive components sea ​​holiday. The same can be said about picturesque Koper. For anyone who has already visited this sunny resort, the memories bring a joyful smile and a desire to return to this corner of the Adriatic.

A little history

Koper is not only the largest seaside town in Slovenia, but also the main seaport of the country. In the old days, Koper was located on Goat Island. By 1825, the island was connected to the mainland, but still, paying tribute to tradition, the city is divided into mainland and island parts.

Mainland - modern city: The buildings here are tall and the buildings are cramped. The island part has a completely different appearance: cathedrals, old houses with tiled roofs, in the architecture of which the influence of Italian traditions is clearly visible. This is understandable: the Slavs settled here in the 8th century, a century later they established close ties with the Venetian Republic, and by the 13th century. Koper was annexed to Venice. As often happens, the Venetians, protecting Koper from external enemies, gradually became the rightful masters of the city. Hence the Italian style in architecture, cuisine, music. There are even two full-fledged languages ​​here: Italian and Slovenian.

However, for my rich history The city has been part of many states: ancient greece and Rome, the Venetian Republic, Austria, the Free Territory of Trieste, Yugoslavia and finally Slovenia (since 1991).

How to get there

A new modern highway connects Koper with the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, and picturesque coastal roads with Istria (Croatia) and Trieste (Italy). It turns out that your holiday in Koper can be diversified with impressions from excursions not just to other cities, but also to other countries. The coastal cities of Slovenia are easily accessible by sea: boats connect Koper with Izola, Portorož, Piran and other cities. The city also has railroad station However, in this region of the country the train is not a priority mode of transport.

Search for flights to Ljubljana (closest airport to Koper)

Weather in Koper

Koper Hotels

Unfortunately, Koper cannot boast big amount hotels, but those that exist are very well equipped and have all the capabilities to make the stay of their guests pleasant and comfortable.

Entertainment and attractions in Koper


The city has preserved many monuments from the period of the Venetian Republic, very original and interesting. The most famous building in Koper is the Praetorian Palace, built in 1464 in the Venetian Gothic style on the central square of the city - Titov Trg. Opposite the Praetorian Palace is the Loggia Palace, which houses an art gallery with rich collection paintings from the 15th century, and modern, very favorite among tourists cafe.

The palaces of Armerigogna, Totto, Belgramoni-Tacco once belonged to representatives of noble Venetian families, and today they adorn city streets. Koper is also proud of the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, which was built in the 15th century. The main shrine of the cathedral is the tomb of St. Nazarius, the patron saint of the city.

The oldest building in the city is the Rotunda of the Ascension, built in the 12th century.


One of the city's most attractive attractions is the zoo. It is not only an amusement park, but also a famous research center. The zoo is huge and contains a wide variety of animals, which is why many tourists choose Koper as their holiday destination.

The city is also interesting for lovers of active recreation: it is huge modern park water entertainment offers many attractions for every taste and age. Koper has long been favored by fans of mountaineering: in the surrounding area there are many steep cliffs, where you can hone your mountaineering skills, and at the same time admire the beauty of the Adriatic coast.


Another factor that makes the city attractive not only for lovers beach holiday, are numerous festivals of choral singing. One of the most famous - the Primorsky Summer Festival - brings together many musical groups from Slovenia and other countries every year, as well as spectators who truly enjoy this vibrant holiday.

The small Slovenian Koper is very attractive for tourists - it is the most lively city this sunny country, because it is its main port, as well as the center of the automotive industry. In addition to beaches and a mild climate, it also attracts with a variety of ways to spend time, attractions of interest to the general public, and shopping opportunities. And most importantly, a traveler here will not be bored at any time of the year. However, first things first.

Koper: how to get here

Slovenia is a small speck on the map, but in reality you can cross it all in three hours by car. And Istria, the Slovenian coast, where the treasured Koper is located, has a coastal length that does not exceed 46 km. Only 27 thousand people live in the city itself.

You can get to the city of Koper from Russia in various ways - let’s briefly look at them all:

  1. Airplane. A well-known three-hour route is “Moscow - Ljubljana” (100-700 euros one way). Further 130 km by car rented at the airport to Koper, or by train - in this case you will have a 2.5-hour train trip costing 9 euros per picturesque places. An alternative is an hour and a half bus ride (11 euros) or a taxi transfer (from 120 euros). An alternative may be flights "Moscow - Pula", "Moscow - Venice".
  2. Train. The most optimal is the 28-hour Moscow-Vienna route (150-200 euros). From the final point, also by train to Ljubljana, and from there by the methods already described in the first paragraph to the city of Koper in Slovenia. By the way, in the summer months the trailer car "Moscow - Koper" runs (61 hours on the way) - detailed information Only Russian Railways can advise on the relevance of the route.
  3. Automobile. From Moscow to Kopra is approximately 2.5 thousand km. Road travelers will have to overcome Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Austria to end up in Slovenia (you can first estimate this route on the map). Travel time is about 3 days, it is greatly influenced by the duration of passage of the Belarusian-Polish border. With the cost of all insurance, the trip will cost 250-280 euros one way.

Seasons in Koper

It is worth noting that in the port of Koper in Slovenia, the seasons begin not on the first day, but on the 22nd. The “hottest” season here is the end of July - August, but, as we have already said, there will be something to keep you busy all year round:

  1. Winter. The city is decorated for Christmas like a gingerbread house - from the main streets and shopping centers to kindergartens. Koper also attracts attention at this time with global holiday sales with discounts of up to 70%. Also in winter, for lovers alpine skiing and snowboarding you get the chance to try out the nearby famous
  2. Spring. From March to May the temperature here rises from +12 to +21 degrees. This is the best time to enjoy local asparagus and cherries and see the sights. Many people appreciate this time of year because Koper and Slovenia are in spring period not oversaturated with tourists.
  3. Summer. Best time for a beach holiday on the shores of the Koper Bay of the Adriatic Sea - the water temperature ranges between +22...+25 degrees, the air temperature - within +26...+29. At this time, a lot of music, children's, and culinary festivals are held.
  4. Autumn. From September to November the temperature will drop from +22 to +13 degrees, but in the first it is still quite possible to swim in the waters of the bay. This time is appreciated for the significant reduction in prices in hotels.

Accommodation in Koper

The city is convenient because, regardless of where you stop, all its delights will be within walking distance from tourists.

Apartments are available for accommodation (Apartment & Suits Veneziana, Apartment in Koper) at a price of 50-100 euros/night per family, hotels (Zusterna, Pristan, Koper) - about 50 euros/night, Histria Koper, Hostel Museum) - 15 -30 euro/night.

Landmarks: Koper, Slovenia

So, what you must see in the city itself:

  1. Titov Torg Square: Praetorian Palace, which dates back to 1254, St. Mary's Cathedral of the 12th century, cafe and art gallery Loggia, Armeria and Forestia - buildings of the 15th-16th centuries.
  2. Chevlyarskaya street: “medieval” lanes, Barbabian Palace (1700).
  3. Prešernov Square: Muda Gate from 1516, Da Ponte Fountain with four splashing deities.
  4. Piazza Carpaccio: stone house of the most famous painter, Column of Justina (1572), Venetian well, Tavern (ancient salt warehouse).
  5. Kidricheva Street: Totto ex Gavardo Palace, Baroque Belgramono-Tazzo Palace (XVII century) - location of the Kopra Local History Museum.
  6. Brolo Square: former Brolo granary (1392), Church of St. James.

The surroundings of Koper in Slovenia are also interesting:

  • Sotserb Castle;
  • Lipizzaner Stud Farm;
  • Škociansky inlet;
  • Cape Debeli Rtich;
  • Postojna Jama;
  • aquarium in Piran;
  • Predjama Castle;
  • Zusterna water park;
  • the nearby town of Izola.

Holidays in Koper

The city has two city beaches: the central one and Zusterna beach (1 km from Kopra). The season officially begins on June 15, but the beaches are open from the first.

Tourists should also visit wonderful local festivals:

  1. Carnival is a similarity to Russian Maslenitsa, held at the end of February.
  2. Sweet Istra (carnival of sweets) - mid-September.
  3. Squid Festival - early July.
  4. Yellow Night is the most grandiose holiday of the year, celebrated on the last weekend of July, which is dedicated to the traditions of the Slovenian people.

Sports recreation here is mostly related to aquatic species- windsurfing, kayak, jet ski, diving, etc. You can get around the city on bicycles - both regular and 6-seater, which are rented at special racks, of which there are plenty in Koper. You can also find trendy bars (Snack Bar 1964, Lord Byron), night clubs (Tivoli, Paprika), and casinos.

In winter they operate ski schools, fairs of relevant equipment - the nearest GLCs can be found both in Slovenia (Bovec, Maribor Pohorje, Kranjska Gora), and in Italy and Austria.

Kopra food

Tourists in Koper note large portions, high quality dishes coupled with affordable prices. So here's what to try:

  • wonderful;
  • risotta, pizza, pasta;
  • grilled squid and osverti (deep-fried);
  • Balkan Čevapčić;
  • pancakes with jam, chocolate, nut butter;
  • Tarimisu, Pana Kota.

Those who want to cook their own food can look into inexpensive supermarkets Euro Spin and Lidl.

Koper in Slovenia is a small port city that combines a wide variety of recreational activities, which is why visiting it is interesting at all times of the year. They also have a mild climate, reasonable prices, and the friendliness of the local population.