Disputed border territories. Islands in Corisco Bay

In 2014, Crimea "returned to its native harbor." How legitimate this is from the point of view of international law, we will not argue. But the fact remains: Ukraine considers this an annexation, and it is unlikely that in the near future it will recognize this territory as Russia. This means one thing: Russia's disputed border territories will be a stumbling block in international politics for a long time. However, Ukraine is not the only power that has claims against us. The controversial ones have created difficulties in international politics for many years. What states and why want to bite off a piece of land from us? Let's try to figure it out.

At war

Few people know, but de jure, our country is officially in a state of war with a neighboring country. No, not with Ukraine, as many might think. Despite the loud statements of "occupation by Russia", no announcement was made by the Poroshenko regime. Aggressive rhetoric sounds only for the internal electorate.

We are currently at war with Japan for two reasons:

  • Russia is officially the legal successor of the USSR. This means that all the single international legal treaties now relate directly to us. Some say this is unfair. They say there were many republics, but only Russia is responsible. But it was necessary to ask our deputies about this in the early nineties, who received the entire gold reserve of the Union and a permanent member of the Security Council with the right to veto any UN decisions.
  • It is we who own the lands that we inherited after the collapse of the USSR, which our eastern neighbor claims.

What does Japan want from us?

The disputed territories of Russia and Japan are located among the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. The Kurils include four islands that are part of our country: Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Hamobai archipelago. In 1956, the USSR was ready to transfer two islands (Hamobai and Shikotan). For ourselves, we wanted to leave Iturup and Kunashir, in which a powerful military infrastructure has already been created, and the islands themselves are considered strategic objects. The country rising sun was already ready to make concessions, but the United States intervened. They demanded that Japan not conclude such agreements and insisted on the return of all the islands. However, the USSR did not agree to this. As a result, no one gave anything to anyone. The disputed territories of Russia and Japan are with us. Let's go deeper into history. When exactly did the problem start?

Synod Treaty on Friendship and Trade

Disputed territories of Russia ( Kurile Islands) did not always belong to us. In 1855, Nicholas I signed a trade agreement with Japan, according to which Russian empire has no historical claim to the four disputed islands. Modern skeptics believe that this was a forced step. Russia was dragged into the Crimean War, in which we fought at once against all the developed countries of Europe. That is, Nicholas I had to look for allies in the East, but there was no one besides Japan. And she was still weak militarily and economically. Just started to come out of self-isolation.

The position of the opponents of the transfer of the Kuril Islands is based on the fact that it was Russia that discovered these islands, which is not entirely true. The distance between them and the main Japanese territories is such that they observe each other from spyglass... There was no point in "opening" these territories to the Japanese. They were already, in fact, open and were under their control back in the 17th century.

Exchange of territories

The Synod Treaty (1855) did not resolve the issue of Sakhalin. Both Japanese and Russians lived in this territory. Historically, it turned out that our compatriots settled in the north, and Asians - in the south. As a result, Sakhalin became a joint territory, but no one had de jure rights. The position was changed by the treaty of 1875. According to it, all the islands in the Kuril Islands were transferred to Japan, and Sakhalin went to our country. Thus, the historically disputed territories of Russia (the Kuril Islands) should belong to the Land of the Rising Sun, if not for further events.

Russo-Japanese war

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 ended with the signing of On it, Russia gave up southern Sakhalin. This gives the supporters of imperialism a reason to assert that the treatise of 1905 crossed out all the previous ones. It follows from this that previous agreements on the transfer of the Kuril Islands can be disregarded. However, the tsarist regime, the Provisional Government and the Communists in 1917 did not dispute these territories with documents.

The Second World War

Great Patriotic War ended in May 1945. However, the Second World War was still going on. Japan was the strongest state in the Pacific after the United States. The Kwantung Army in Manchuria, Korea and Mongolia numbered up to a million people with high morale. The Soviet Union agreed to the transfer of the army from Germany to the east, with the Allies sanctioning the return transfer of South Sakhalin and the disputed Kuril Islands. After the approval of the West, our grandfathers, instead of going home and establishing a peaceful life, were drawn into hostilities even before September 2. Because of this, as expected, the disputed territories of Russia appeared.

Results of the confrontation with Japan

Modern pro-Western human rights activists unanimously assert about the "illegal occupation" of the Kuril Islands. Of course, historically we can agree that they did not belong to our country from the very beginning. However, human rights activists forget that after the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. South Sakhalin went to Asian state... Territorial gains are often the result of war. If this principle is used in the construction of international borders, then many countries must completely redraw their borders.

"Catherine, were you wrong?"

Are there disputed territories of Russia and the United States? Every Russian patriot will say “of course”. Alaska, which was sold, and some even claim that it was allegedly leased by Empress Catherine II. Where does this myth come from? Unclear. But the sale of Alaska took place relatively recently. In 1867, Russia sold this territory for $ 7.2 million. Of course, we can say that it was a lot of money back then. But actually it is not. All territories that the United States conquered from other countries (England, Spain, Mexico) were subsequently purchased. And these amounts were twice as much - from $ 14 million. In fact, Alexander II sold out twice. However, let's try to figure out why this was done?

Emperor Alexander announced his intentions to sell Alaska 10 years earlier. Historians have found a correspondence with brother Constantine. In it, the emperor consulted about the sale of North American possessions. Why did he do it? Was this necessary? Objectively speaking, yes, since the expediency of such an agreement is confirmed by the following facts:

  • The weakness of Russia militarily and economically. Our country was physically unable to gain a foothold in this territory. In addition, it was necessary to choose: to gain a foothold in America or to Far East... The loss of both was a reality. The government correctly decided that the preservation of America with the loss of the Far East would subsequently lead to the loss of the first component.
  • The growing strength of the United States. Of course, by 1867, the United States itself was not going to take Alaska from Russia, as it did with Mexico, Spain and France. But the idea of ​​a "United America" ​​was already in the air at that time. Alaska was only a matter of time. By 1867, the United States simply had no time for Russia with its northern territories. In addition, the expansion of the population to Alaska posed the threat of free reunification with the rest of the United States by the population. In this case, Russia would have received nothing.
  • Allied relations with the United States and the hostility of Old Europe. Russia at this time surrounded itself with enemies. The Crimean War showed who is who. In this situation, the emperor decided to transfer the North American territories to his allies for money, since the likelihood of the capture of this territory by England or France was high. Our sailing fleet could no longer resist the steamers, especially on such distant lands from the capital.

Bottom line: Alaska was sold for half the cost the US paid its enemies after the annexation war. Conclusions suggest themselves. The USA did not really need this territory at that time either. Congress didn't want to buy it. Few expected what would happen in 100-150 years. About huge natural resources this territory, too, no one guessed.

However, the presence of the disputed territories of Russia and the United States exists without Alaska.

The treaty of 1867, although it alienated North American lands from us, however, the sea line was not finally determined. The parties proposed different methods of delineation:

  • Russia is a loxodrome. On the map, a straight line, a bend on a plane.
  • USA - orthodromy. On the map, a bend, on a plane is a straight line.

As a result, they agreed on an alternative: the line was in the middle between the loxodrome and orthodrome. However, this conflict has not been fully resolved. The United States took advantage of the Soviet Union's weakness and imposed a new treaty in 1990 that significantly worsened our position in the region. But so far the treaty has not been ratified by our country, which gives the right to consider it null and void. Now this territory is considered controversial, and actions that can somehow aggravate relations in this territory are not being taken.

Disputed territories of Russia with other countries

However, Japan and the United States are not the only countries with similar problems. The presence of disputed territories slows down international cooperation. What other states have claims against us? There are actually not so few of them:

  • Norway;
  • Ukraine;
  • Estonia;
  • China;
  • Denmark;
  • Canada;
  • Iceland;
  • Sweden;
  • Finland;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Iran;
  • Lithuania;
  • Latvia;
  • Mongolia.

The list is, of course, impressive. But why are there so many countries? The fact is that the disputed territories of Russia and neighboring states are not only lands, islands, but also water shelves, sea border areas. Many countries belong to the Arctic powers. Today there is a battle for a new continent. So far, only by legal and scientific methods.

Battle for the Arctic

Several states are fighting for the Arctic at once. This is the only mainland that did not participate in the colonial division. This is understandable: who needs ice? This was the case until the moment when mankind could not technically and economically develop new hydrocarbon deposits in the north. But the situation has changed. High prices for oil, the development of science and technology has made it profitable to extract gas and oil from northern ice... Several countries were drawn into the new colonial division at once: Russia, Canada, USA, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway. In general, those countries that directly border on the Arctic.

In the south, the water area of ​​the Caspian Sea cannot be divided by Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan.

Disputed territories of Russia and Finland: it's not just the Arctic

Russia and Finland have complaints not only about the Arctic. The stumbling block with the northern neighbor is Karelia. Before the Winter Campaign of 1939, the Soviet-Finnish border ran just north of St. Petersburg. The leadership of the USSR understood that in the event of an impending war, this territory would be a good springboard for an invasion of our country. After some provocations, the Winter War of 1939-1940s began.

As a result, the USSR suffered heavy human losses and was not ready for such a war. However, the result was positive: the territory of Karelia became part of the Union. Today, Finnish revanchists are demanding that Russia return these lands.

"What are you, your royal muzzle, scattering state lands?"

I would like to recall the famous phrase from the famous comedy movie. But this is no laughing matter. Until 2010, there were disputed territories of Russia and Norway in the water area of ​​the Barents Sea. We are talking about a pool of 175 thousand square meters. km. Until 2010, the parties found a compromise: both countries are engaged in fishing here, and the extraction of hydrocarbons was banned. Everything would be fine, but geologists have found huge reserves here. And here, as the saying goes, our officials were “blown away”. Russia voluntarily gave up 175 thousand square meters. km. fishery waters in exchange for joint production of gas and oil. A short-sighted step, especially with today's low prices for oil. In addition, an entire northern fishing industry was destroyed with one signature.

Is it all for China?

Norway is not the only country to have received a generous territorial gift from us. There were disputed territories of Russia and China. In 2004, our country gave up the disputed island of Tarabarov and part of the Ussuriysky island to the "celestial". However, not all so simple. Having received one part of the territory, China immediately demands another. Now we must, according to Chinese historians, give away part of the territory in Altai and the Far East. And we will not talk about the huge territories in Transbaikalia, which have been leased for half a century. Today these are our territories, for now, but what will happen in 50 years? Time will tell.

If you look at the map, you can clearly see the borders separating one state from another. Everything looks clear and unambiguous. Unfortunately, the reality is not so rosy. Borders change every day: some states disappear, others appear, and still others seek to expand their territory at the expense of their neighbors. We offer an overview of the disputed territories, which are claimed by several powers, not recognizing the rights of each other.

Greece and Turkey could never coexist peacefully, and the Cyprus problem gives them the opportunity to fully express their dissatisfaction with each other. After several times the territory of the island passed from hand to hand, now it is divided into two parts. 37% is under Turkish control, 63% of the southern part is the Republic of Cyprus, between them there is a buffer zone under NATO control.

These cities on the northern coast of Morocco are Spain's only remaining territories in Africa. Morocco regularly appealed to the Spanish government to grant them independence, but the local population vehemently rejected such an idea. At the moment, they are officially part of the EU.

Relations between the Singaporean and Malay governments have never been easy, and most recently Malaysia accused Singapore of illegally managing its lands. Point 20, a small piece of land reclaimed from the sea in Singapore, Malaysia claims to be in its territorial waters.

People are ready to fight in modern world for anything, and the island of New Moor is a confirmation of this, not even an island, but a spit with an area of ​​10 square meters. It appeared in 1970 in the Bay of Bengal after a cyclone and disappeared in 2010 due to rising sea levels. India and Bangladesh fought for him for 40 years.

Another surprising territorial dispute regarding uninhabited island in the North Atlantic. It is claimed by Great Britain, Iceland and Ireland.

Although no one shed blood for this territory, it is still divided long ago, empty and hypothetically. And therefore, ownership issues constantly arise.

The controversy began when an Argentinean whaling company established a base in the Falkland Islands around the time Britain annexed them. During the Falklands War, they briefly fell under the rule of Argentina, but soon returned to British jurisdiction.

Although there is no sharp conflict between Great Britain and Spain over territories, they are still opponents in this matter.

The region, which is mainly a desert, is one of the most sparsely populated areas in the world. It once belonged to Spain, but now it is claimed by Morocco and the Sahara Arab Democratic Republic.

It has long been known that Sudan is not calm at all. For many years the country has been torn apart by civil war and bloodshed, and South Sudan has achieved its independence. Abyei is a region located at the very center of the conflict between the two countries. And although it is claimed by South Sudan, it is ruled by its northern neighbor.

Unusual disputed territory. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that they are not fighting for it, but two countries are trying to get rid of it - Egypt and Sudan.

Despite the independence gained in 1981, Belize has been fighting off Guatemala's territorial claims for 30 years. On some maps of the restless neighbor, Belize is listed as the 23rd arrondissement.

If you think that if three million people proclaim independence and form a new state, then all the other 200 countries will happily nod their heads and recognize it, then you are wrong. In 1991, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia, but no one blinked an eye. Perhaps you should have chosen a different name for the state?

More recently, there was a war between Argentina and Britain, which ended with the recognition of the status of the islands British territory... And in 2007, the President of Argentina again proposed to resume negotiations.

Although most of the world community perceives Tibet as autonomous region within China, the Tibetan government in exile in India strongly disagrees.

After decades of violent conflict, Kosovo, part of Serbia, declared independence in 2008. Since then, it has been recognized by 88 countries, including the United States, Britain and France. Russia and China, not to mention Seribia, were categorically opposed.

Although the Kuril Islands officially became part of the USSR after the end of World War II, Japan still calls them its northern territories.

The narrow strip between Ukraine and Moldova turned into a self-proclaimed republic, which was recognized only by two countries - South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which themselves are in the same status. For the rest of the world, it is an autonomous territorial unit within Moldova.

After World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided along the 38th parallel. As a result, the DPRK was formed in the north, and the Republic of Korea in the south. Both states claim their rights to the entire peninsula, once this already led to the Korean War, after which a demilitarized zone appeared between them.

There are two countries claiming the name "China". These are the PRC and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Both are completely unprepared to admit the existence of each other and declare claims to the same territory.

21. Spratly Islands

The two self-proclaimed republics have been seeking independence from Georgia for about a century. Fierce confrontation continued in the region, in which the Russian Federation helped them. As a result, only a few countries recognized their independence - Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and several Pacific islands.

The territory of Kashmir, located between India and Pakistan, is effectively divided between three forces - India in the south, Pakistan in the northwest and China in the northeast. Neither side agrees to recognize the rights of others to these territories.

One of the most contested regions on the world map for many centuries. The territory passed into the hands of various states many times. After the creation of the State of Israel in 1947, the situation has not improved, there are constant shots here, and occasionally there are serious military clashes.

The last territorial conflict in the modern history of Ukraine and Russia.

No one undertakes to predict how such conflicts could end, but scientists have brought them into

On September 28, 1939, the Treaty of Friendship and the Border Between the USSR and Germany was signed. It was signed by the German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Molotov. We decided to talk about five disputed territories of Russia with other states.

The treaty between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union was concluded on September 28, 1939. It was signed after the invasion of Poland by the armies of Germany and the USSR by the German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Molotov. According to this agreement, the territory of Poland was divided between Germany and the USSR. The text of the treaty and a map with the border line between the USSR and Germany were published in the Soviet press. Under this agreement, Lithuania passed into the sphere of influence of the USSR. This ensured the Soviet Union the non-interference of Germany in relations with Lithuania, which as a result led to the establishment of the Lithuanian SSR on June 15, 1940.

Disputed islands

The Kuril Islands include 30 large and many small islands. They are part of the Sakhalin Oblast of Russia and are of great military-strategic and economic importance. However, the southern islands of the archipelago - Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai group - are disputed by Japan, which includes them in the Hokkaido prefecture.

The principled position of Moscow is that the southern Kuril Islands became part of the USSR, of which Russia became the legal successor, and are an integral part of the territory Russian Federation on legal grounds following the results of the Second World War, enshrined in the UN Charter, and Russian sovereignty over them, which has the appropriate international legal confirmation, is beyond doubt.

In Japan, they say that the northern territories are centuries-old territories of this country, which continue to be under the illegal occupation of Russia. According to the Japanese position, in case of confirmation that the northern territories belong to Japan, it is ready to flexibly approach the time and procedure for their return. In addition, since Japanese citizens living in the northern territories were forcibly evicted by Joseph Stalin, Japan is ready to come to an agreement with the Russian government so that the Russian citizens living there do not suffer the same tragedy. In other words, after the return of the islands to Japan, she intends to respect the rights, interests and desires of the Russians now living on the islands.

They took one and a half islands

The problem of the disputed islands of Tarabarov and Bolshoi Ussuriisky arose in 1964, when the new project border agreements between Russia and China. And the story was like this. In 1689, the Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed, when Russia recognized China's rights to lands on the right bank of the Amur and in Primorye. In the middle of the 19th century, taking advantage of China's weakness, Russia annexed 165.9 thousand square kilometers Primorye, which were under joint management. China was left without access to the Sea of ​​Japan. During World War II, an agreement was concluded between Stalin and the PLA commander-in-chief Mao Zedong, who controlled the northern regions of China, to draw a border line along the Chinese banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers. Thus, China was actually deprived of the right to use the fairway of these rivers, but received support from the USSR.

In 2004, an agreement was signed between Russia and China on the Russian-Chinese state border on its eastern part. The document defines the passage of the border in two sections: in the area of ​​Bolshoi Island in the upper reaches of the Argun River ( Chita region) and in the area of ​​the Tarabarov and Bolshoi Ussuriisky islands at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri rivers near Khabarovsk. Tarabarov was completely given to China, and Ussuriysky was only partially. The border line, according to the document, runs both in the middle of the rivers and on land. The territory of both sites (about 375 sq. Km) is divided approximately in half.

Wanted to chop off a piece

Estonia claims the Pechora district of the Pskov region and the right bank of the Narva river with Ivangorod. On May 18, 2005, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Estonia Sergey Lavrov and Urmas Paet signed treaties on the state border and delimitation of sea spaces in Narva and Gulfs of Finland, securing the passage of the state border between the two states along the former administrative border between the RSFSR and the Estonian SSR "with minor adjustments on the basis of adequate territorial compensation." One of the main subjects of negotiations on the Russian-Estonian border is the "Saatse boot". It was planned to transfer it to Estonia, exchanging it for other territories. The treaty was not ratified by Russia due to amendments made by the Estonian side.

Fish war

For almost half a century, Russia has been waging an undeclared fish war with Norway. Most of the fighting takes place on the territory of the famous "twilight zone" in the Barents Sea. It is a contested body of water about half the size of Germany or Italy, two-thirds of the UK.

The essence of the dispute boils down to the fact that Russia drew a border along the coast of Svalbard, Norway believed that the border should be equidistant from Svalbard on the one hand and Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya on the other. Since the states were on friendly terms, the dispute about the border rarely resulted in any actions, and occasionally the detention of Russian fishing vessels took place. However, in the future, the dispute escalated, since hydrocarbon reserves were discovered in the Barents Sea, including in the disputed territories. In April 2010, the parties agreed that a new delimitation line would divide the disputed territory into two equal parts; the 40-year-old dispute was finally settled on September 15, 2010 after the signing of an agreement "On the delimitation of maritime spaces and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean" transfer of 90 thousand sq. km. in favor of Norway.

Crimea - a territory of disputes

For many years, the controversy around, perhaps, the most beautiful and favorite resting place of the Soviet people, does not subside. Crimea is not only an “all-Union health resort”, but also a strategic territory.

In 1991 when the breakup took place Soviet Union, relations between Ukraine and Russia have deteriorated. The people living in Russia, after the loss of so many territories, remembered the Crimea, which could be returned, because many did not approve of its transfer to Ukraine in 1954. At the same time, 80 percent of Crimean residents stated that they consider themselves citizens of Russia, and Crimea is part of its territory. But Ukraine had one very significant lever of pressure on Russia - the Black Sea Fleet. In January 1992, the then President of Ukraine L. Kravchuk announced the taking of the Black Sea Fleet under his tutelage. This was a ruin for Russia. But the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine is a very huge loss for Russia.

Territorial dispute is an international dispute between states over the legal belonging of a certain territory. The demarcation differences of the parties, as well as the unilateral territorial claim, are not a territorial dispute.

Currently, about 50 countries of the world dispute certain territories from their neighbors. According to the estimates of the American researcher Daniel Pipes, there are 20 such disputes in Africa, 19 in Europe, 12 in the Middle East, and 8 in Latin America.

On the post-Soviet space the most serious territorial dispute arose from Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory in the south-west of Azerbaijan inhabited by Armenians. In 1991-1994. a war was fought between Armenia and Azerbaijan for the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Nowadays, Nagorno-Karabakh is de facto independent state, calling itself the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Azerbaijan and the international community consider Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan.

In December 1963, in connection with the aggravation of relations between Cypriot Greeks and Turks caused by outside interference in internal affairs Cyprus, the joint activities of the Greek and Turkish members of the House of Representatives ceased. Turkish Cypriots do not participate in the work of the House of Representatives, Council of Ministers and other state bodies of Cyprus. The Greek communal chamber was abolished in March 1965. The Turkish Cypriots in December 1967 created a “temporary Turkish administration”.

The executive council of the "interim Turkish administration" headed by the vice-president of the republic exercised executive power in the Turkish regions of Cyprus. On February 13, 1975, the leadership of the Turkish community unilaterally proclaimed the so-called “Turkish Federal State of Cyprus” in the northern part of the island. Rauf Denktash was elected the “first president” of the “Turkish federal state of Cyprus”. In June 1975, the Turkish community approved the constitution of this “state”. On November 15, 1983, the Legislative Assembly of the "Turkish Federal State of Cyprus" unilaterally proclaimed the so-called. independent Turkish-Cypriot state, which is called the "Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus”. The “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” has so far been recognized only by Turkey.

Some islands Kuril ridge are the subject of Japan's territorial claims against Russia. The Japanese link the conclusion of the peace treaty with the solution of the problem Southern Kuriles.

Kashmir is a disputed area in the far north of the Indian subcontinent. India lays claim to all of its territory. Pakistan and China dispute the rights of India, and Pakistan initially put forward claims to the possession of the entire region, and now it has actually included in its structure the northwestern part of Kashmir. The northeastern part of the territory of Kashmir is under Chinese control. The rest is occupied by the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

One of the most important problems in relations between China and India over the past fifty years has been the unresolved territorial border dispute over Tibet... On August 25, 1959, the first well-publicized Sino-Indian armed incident occurred. Following this incident, the PRC made significant territorial claims to India.

The conflict between Syria and Israel has not been resolved for Golan heights... In 1967 they were occupied by Israel. In 1973, the UN established a buffer zone between the Syrian and Israeli forces. In 1981, the heights were annexed by Israel. The new status is not recognized by the world community.

Argentina claims to Falkland Islands (Malvinas) in the South Atlantic. Disputes between Argentina and Great Britain over the ownership of the islands began in the early 19th century, when the first British settlers appeared on the islands.

Territorial dispute erupts between Canada and Denmark Hans Islands located near Greenland. Large deposits of oil and gas have been discovered offshore between Greenland and Hans, and both countries are claiming these resources.

Strategic islands Bassa da India, Europa, Juan de Nova and Glorioso (Indian Ocean off the African coast of Madagascar) are the subject of a dispute between France and Madagascar. Now controlled by France.

December 1996 rocks of Imia(Greek name) or Kardak (Turkish) in the Aegean Sea became the reason for the conflict between Greece and Turkey. The conflict was stopped by the international community, but both countries did not abandon their claims.

Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 65 islands, the largest of which is Diego Garcia, with an area of ​​40 sq. km, is the subject of a dispute between Mauritius and the UK.

Spratly Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean - the subject of a dispute between China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Since 1984, Brunei has also claimed part of the archipelago. The struggle for these islands has led to many armed conflicts. In particular, in 1974 there was a naval battle between the Chinese and South Vietnamese navies.

Paracel Islands in the South China Sea are the subject of a dispute between China and Vietnam. China took over the islands in 1974 and is now home to a Chinese-built air force base.

Senkaku Islands The East China Sea is now the subject of a dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan, but is controlled by the Japanese Navy. Oil reserves have been discovered near them.

Islands in Corisco Bay on the coast West Africa, the largest of which is Bagne Island, with an area of ​​several hundred square meters, is the subject of a dispute between equatorial Guinea and Gabon. The reason for the dispute is in the unsettled state borders that were formed in the colonial era.

San Andres Islands and Providencia in the Caribbean are the subject of a dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia. This territorial dispute is extremely difficult to resolve, because the maritime borders of not only Nicaragua and Colombia, but also Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica and Panama depend on the ownership of the islands.

Island Abu Musa and the Tanb Islands (Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Strait of Ormuzd) - the subject of a dispute between Iran and the United Arab Emirates. The islands are now controlled by Iran, which took control of them in 1971. The conflict between Iran and the UAE periodically flares up and turns into a phase of exchange of harsh statements.

The most peaceful dispute proceeds over territory of Antarctica claimed by seven states: Australia, France, Norway, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom, with the last three countries challenging a number of territories on the ice continent with each other. Since all claimants to the territory are parties to the Atlantic Treaty signed in 1959, which recognizes the sixth continent as a zone of peace and international cooperation, free of weapons, the transition of these disputes to a military stage is practically impossible.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

There are quite a few territorial disputes over the nationality of certain islands and territories and, as practice shows, it is rather difficult to resolve them.

For half a century, relations between Russia and Japan have been overshadowed by the question of the unsettled status of the four islands of the Kuril ridge. The solution of the Kuril problem has been postponed indefinitely, but relations between Russia and Japan are only suffering from this.

Often the islands of discord become a pretext for political and diplomatic battles and sometimes lead to bloody armed conflicts. The reason for the battles, as a rule, is not the islands themselves, but what is next to them - oil, areas of commercial fishing, etc. The possession of one or another island gives the state the right to economic control over a vast area of ​​the ocean. At the same time, sometimes the claims of powers for a piece of land forgotten by God are sometimes perceived as a political curiosity.

One of the textbook examples of the successful settlement of a territorial dispute is the dispute over the uninhabited island of Clipperton, which was waged by France and Mexico. At the beginning of the 18th century, the island was discovered by the British pirate Clipperton, in 1855 France declared it its territory on the basis that Clipperton had been a privateer in the service of the King of France for some time. In 1897, the island was seized by Mexico, which declared it its property on the grounds that it was located near its territorial waters and was actively used by Mexican fishermen and sailors. In 1935, international arbitration awarded the right to the island of France.

In the 1970s, compromises were reached between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar (Hawar Islands). In 2000 Saudi Arabia and Yemen decided on jurisdiction over the Farasan Islands, and Yemen and Eritrea, through international mediation, agreed on the fate of the Hanish Islands.

Falkland Islands (Malvinas). South atlantic

Two large islands and about 100 small ones. The islands were discovered by the British navigator Francis Drake in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries (independently of him, these islands were discovered by the Spaniards). And since then, the UK believes that they are under British jurisdiction. However, they are located near the Argentine coast and about 16 thousand km from London. Disputes between Argentina and Great Britain over the ownership of the islands began in the early 19th century, when the first British settlers appeared on the islands. In 1980, about 1.8 thousand people permanently lived on the islands.

In 1982, Argentine troops captured the Falklands. These actions were condemned by the UN Security Council. The British Expeditionary Force, arriving at the islands, drove the Argentines back. During the fighting, 250 British and 750 Argentine soldiers were killed. Argentina has not renounced its rights to the islands. The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future, as large deposits of oil have been discovered in the Falklands region.

Machias Seal Island. North Atlantic, Gulf of Maine off the coast of the United States and Canada

The two-hectare island is claimed by the United States and Canada. Machias Seal Island was first landed by an American captain in 1826. However, in 1828 a British outpost was established there (Canada was part of the British Empire). Diplomatic battles over the ownership of a piece of land were fought in the middle of the 19th century, but gradually lost their intensity. Now this question comes up periodically in the press. The diplomatic departments of both states prefer not to raise it. Now there is a lighthouse on the island and two keepers live permanently - Canadian. In addition to them, several million seabirds live on the island. American and Canadian tourists are free to visit the island.

Islands in the Gulf of Corisco Bay. Coast of west africa

Several tiny patches of land, the largest of which is the Bagne Islands, with an area of ​​several hundred square meters, are the subject of a dispute between equatorial Guinea and Gabon. The reason for the dispute is in the unsettled state borders that were formed in the colonial era. Clashes between police, military and civilians of both states have been ongoing for about 20 years, since it is in this area that fishermen of both countries conduct intensive fishing. Attempts by the Organization of African Unity to resolve the conflict, undertaken in the mid-1980s, have not led to concrete results. In the 1990s, oil fields were discovered in the area, making the settlement of the dispute an even more difficult problem.

Hans Island. North Atlantic, near Greenland

The small island is not indicated on all geographical maps. Denmark claims that the island was discovered by the Vikings, geographically closer to Greenland than to Canada and therefore belongs to her. Canada refers to the fact that the island once belonged to Great Britain. Near the island, there is an active fishing, and the Eskimos use it for migrations. At the end of 2002, Denmark sent a patrol ship to the island to demonstrate its priority. The move sparked outrage in Canada. The parties are currently negotiating the fate of the island.

Islands of San Andres and Providencia. Caribbean sea

A group of islands and coral reefs located off the coast of Nicaragua. There are a number of resorts on them. The islands are the subject of a dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia. In 1928, the two countries signed a treaty recognizing Nicaragua's sovereignty over the Mosquito Coast and Colombia's sovereignty over the islands. In 1979, after the victory of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua, Managua announced that it would denounce the 1928 treaty under the pretext that in 1928 Nicaragua was under US control. The islands were declared an integral part of Nicaragua.

This territorial dispute is extremely difficult to resolve, because the sea borders of not only Nicaragua and Colombia, but also Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica and Panama depend on the ownership of the islands. With the mediation of the Organization of American States, the parties agreed not to use force in resolving this conflict - all military formations and warships have been withdrawn from the disputed zone.

Sapodilla Cayes Islands. Caribbean sea

The islands are part of a barrier reef. Nobody lives on them. The Belizean government declared its sovereignty over the islands, prompting protests from neighboring Honduras and Guatemala, who also claimed their rights to these pieces of land. The subject of the dispute is, first of all, the fish stocks of this region, as well as their tourism opportunities (they are visited by 9 thousand tourists annually). The parties exchanged notes of protest and are now preparing claims for filing in international courts.

Navassa Island. Caribbean sea

The island, with an area of ​​approximately 10 km², is located between the coasts of Haiti, Cuba and Jamaica and is currently the subject of a dispute between the United States and Haiti. In 1857, American entrepreneurs began developing the guano reserves on the island, and the United States declared it its territory. In 1858, the Haitian Empire made a similar statement. There were no armed conflicts between the parties to the dispute. In 1898, the development of guano was completed and the island lost its permanent population. There is a lighthouse on it and Haitian fishermen periodically land. The United States plans to create a nature reserve on it.

Perejil Islands, Velez de la Gomera, Penon, Chafarinas, etc. Strait of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea

These uninhabited islands are the subject of a dispute between Spain and Morocco (formerly a Spanish colony). Small islands are constantly used by drug dealers, smugglers and illegal immigrants. In addition, they are located in a busy seafaring area.

In July 2002, Moroccan troops captured the island of Perejil and left a garrison of six. Spain first tried to resolve the conflict diplomatically, and then landed a ranger landing and reclaimed the island. Neither side suffered losses. Morocco, which managed to declare Perejil its territory, called Spain's actions a declaration of war, but did not take any retaliatory steps. The parties refused direct negotiations, so the conflict was resolved with the help of mediators. Today, state flags or other signs are not installed on the island. nationality and there are no permanent military posts.

Imia Island (Cardak). Aegean Sea

In December 1996, the rocks of Imia (Greek name) or Kardak (Turkish) became the reason for the conflict between Greece and Turkey. The history of the islands' ownership is rather complicated. They were part of Ottoman Empire before Greece gained independence in the 18th century. After that, no one claimed the islands until the Dodecanese archipelago, which includes Imia, was occupied by Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1923, the islands were ceded by Italy to Greece. In the 1970s, Turkey issued a number of statements proving that Italy, which had seized these islands from Turkey, had no right to transfer them to Greece.

In 1996, a Turkish ship was wrecked off the coast of Imia, which turned for help not to the Greeks, but to the Turks. This was the beginning of the conflict, because Greece perceived the entry of the Turkish military rescuers into its territorial waters as an act of aggression. A week later, a correspondent for the leading Turkish newspaper Hürriyet landed on the island, tore down the Greek flag that was flying on the island, and set up a Turkish one. A few hours later, Greek sailors landed on the island and restored the status quo. Military squadrons of both states began to cruise near Imia.

The conflict was stopped by the international community, but both countries did not abandon their claims. Attempts to resolve the issue in an international court are rejected by Turkey, which believes that its historical rights to these territories do not need confirmation, and the treaties referred to by the Greeks were not approved by the League of Nations (the forerunner of the UN).

Islands of Bassas da India, Europa, Juan de Nova and Gloriosus. Indian Ocean near the African coast of Madagascar

The strategically important islands (the largest has an area of ​​200 m²) are the subject of a dispute between France and Madagascar (a former French colony). The conflict did not go beyond the framework of the exchange of diplomatic notes. Now controlled by France.

Tromelin Island. Indian Ocean, near the East Coast of Madagascar

Subject matter of dispute between France and Mauritius. The conflict did not go beyond the framework of the exchange of diplomatic notes. Now controlled by France.

Chagos Archipelago (practically, the geographical center of the Indian Ocean)

65 islands, the largest of which is Diego Garcia, with an area of ​​40 km². Subject matter of dispute between Mauritius and Great Britain. Diego Garcia is home to a large air base of great strategic importance. From it, in particular, American bombers made combat missions during military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Once Mauritius and Chagos were a colony of France and were under a single government. Then these colonies were captured by Great Britain. After it was decided in 1965 to grant independence to Mauritius, Great Britain seized Chagos from it. In 1972, when the decision was made to establish a military base, Great Britain resettled approximately 2,000 of the archipelago's indigenous inhabitants (mainly the descendants of black slaves) to Mauritius. Now they are demanding the return of their lands. The conflict did not go beyond the framework of the exchange of diplomatic notes and protest demonstrations.

South Talpatty Island (New Moor). Indian Ocean, in the Ganges delta

The "new" island - South Talpatti - Bangladeshi name, New Moor - Indian - arose as a result of land reclamation by the waters of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. The island has essential, because from it you can control the process of shipping in the busy delta. In addition, significant oil reserves have been explored nearby. So far, the conflict has not passed into an active stage, since it is not clear what India and Bangladesh should divide - even accurate maps of the island are now missing.

Abu Musa Island and Tanb Islands. Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz

The subject of dispute between Iran and the United Arab Emirates. The islands are now controlled by Iran, which took control of them in 1971. The history of ownership of the islands is confusing: at first they were part of Persia and Iran, in the 19th century the British drove out the Iranians and created their own naval base there to fight pirates, and when the UAE was granted independence, they transferred the rights to these islands to the new state. The Iranians seized these territories two days before the withdrawal of British troops and the formal declaration of independence of the UAE. The conflict between Iran and the UAE periodically flares up and turns into a phase of exchange of harsh statements.

Spratly Archipelago. Pacific Ocean

A group of about 100 islets and reefs in the South China Sea. Approximately 7 billion tons of high quality oil have been discovered nearby. The oil is shallow, but international energy companies refuse to develop these fields until the nationality of the islands is resolved. A dispute between China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines - these powers have deployed garrisons on 45 islands. Since 1984, Brunei has also claimed part of the archipelago, but there are no Brunei soldiers in the conflict zone yet. The struggle for these islands has led to many armed conflicts. In particular, in 1974 there was a naval battle between the Chinese and South Vietnamese navies. In 1988, the Chinese sank a Vietnamese transport carrying soldiers.

Paracel Islands. Pacific Ocean. South China Sea

The subject of dispute between China and Vietnam. China took over the islands in 1974 after a fierce battle with a South Vietnamese garrison. Today, the islands are home to several hundred people, who mainly fish and maintain a large air force base built by China. The islands are of great strategic importance - they are a kind of "key" to the South China Sea. In addition, the waters adjacent to them are rich in fish.

The island of Pedra Blanca (Pulau Batu Puteh) and two small islets. Indian Ocean, Singapore Strait

The islet is a disputed territory between Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore built a lighthouse on the island, sparking protests from Malaysia. The island has no economic value and can only be used as a navigational landmark. The parties perceive their rights to these territories as a matter of national honor. Singapore and Malaysia are constantly negotiating the fate of the islands, and the navies of both countries are conducting exercises near them.

Matthew and Hunter Islands. Pacific Ocean, roughly halfway between Australia and South America

The islands were once jointly owned by France and Great Britain and were administratively part of the New Hebrides archipelago. In 1975, France officially declared the islands its territory. In 1980, the New Hybrids gained independence, became the Republic of Vanuatu, and claimed the islands. In 1982, the islands were officially declared part of Vanuatu (under the names Unaenag and Umaenupane). There is a small French garrison on the islands. Sovereignty over the islands gives the right to claim control over a significant part of the Pacific Ocean.

Takeshima Islands (Tok-Do, Liancourt). Pacific Ocean, between South Korea and Japan

The uninhabited islands (total area of ​​about 250 square meters) were discovered by French sailors, and since 1904 they have been declared part of Japan. They were under the administration of Korea, which at that time was part of the Japanese Empire. After Korea gained independence, it made claims to the island. In 1952, South Korea officially declared Takeshima its territory and planted its flag. In response, Japanese sailors landed on the island, arrested six Koreans, and hoisted the Japanese flag. A few hours later, the superior forces of the Koreans recaptured the islands. For six decades, South Korea has erected a radio station on the island, a lighthouse and constantly maintains a garrison of 12 people on it. All of these acts triggered notes of protest sent by the Japanese Foreign Ministry. Negotiations on the fate of the island have been going on since 1965.

In Japan, there is a "Takeshima Society", which demands the return of the original Japanese lands. She organizes many actions together with the "Society of Northern Territories", demanding the transfer of four islands of the Kuril ridge to Japan. Control over Takeshima gives the right to control over 20 thousand km² of ocean rich in fish.

Senkaku Islands. Pacific Ocean, East China Sea

Eight islets with a total area of ​​7 km². Oil reserves have been discovered near them. The islands were discovered by Chinese sailors, but in 1895 Japan declared them its property, which the then Chinese government did not pay attention to. The islands are now the subject of a dispute between Japan, China and Taiwan, but are controlled by the Japanese Navy. Periodically extremist demonstrators from Japan, China and Taiwan head to the islands and try to install national flags... Sometimes these actions turn into violent fights with representatives of the opposite camp or the Japanese military. In 1996, one person died as a result of such a collision. In 2003, the Japanese government announced that it intended to lease three islands to a Japanese entrepreneur. Taiwan and China immediately issued harsh statements condemning the decision.