Types of aviation enterprises. Development of an aviation enterprise

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State SAS

TO private UTA(France).



Airport classification. Purpose and objectives airport enterprise

Regulations on a\p. RF International airports are airports through which international air transportation is permitted in accordance with the established procedure and where appropriate customs, border and sanitary-quarantine control is ensured.

Domestic airport includes airports that do not have permission to operate international aviation flights, transportation through which, as a rule, is carried out within Russian Federation and without undergoing customs, border and sanitary-quarantine control procedures carried out in international airports. Depending on the set status:

Airports of federal significance (constituting the main key elements of the national air transport system of the Russian Federation, ensuring the stable functioning of international relations of the Russian Federation, the volume of transportation is at least 500 thousand passengers, allowing flights of aircraft of 1st and 2nd classes)

A\n of regional significance (a\n, is not federal; located in administrative centers regions. main: the scope of work is interregional mainline transportation)

A\p local air lines (a\p in which the main volume of work consists of intra-regional air transport transportation, as well as flights on the use of aviation in the national economy)

Airports are divided into classes:

Non-class >10 million passengers per year. 1st grade: 7-10 2nd grade: 4-7 3rd grade: 2-4 4th grade: 500 thousand.

5th class: 100-500 thousand. Not classified:< 100 тыс.

Special purpose

Airports must help meet the needs of the population of the serviced territory for aviation services, guarantee users equal opportunities in the provision of services, effectively operate and expand production capacity in accordance with the needs of the air transport market

Main tasks of airports

Performance of works and services on service at the airport aircraft airlines- servicing passengers, baggage, handling cargo, mail, refueling with fuels and lubricants and special fluids, regulation air traffic in the airfield area, provision of flight catering, supply of heat and electricity.

Ensuring compliance in the airport area with the requirements established by current legislative and regulatory acts in the area flight safety, servicing aircraft, passengers, baggage, mail and cargo.

Security aviation security(creation and operation of an aviation security service, airport security, aircraft and civil aviation facilities, screening of crew members, service personnel, passengers, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies, preventing and suppressing attempts to seize and hijack aircraft).

Expansion of the sphere services passengers and airport clients.

Construction and maintenance necessary facilities to ensure takeoff, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft, as well as to ensure the activities of airport services.

Organization and holding emergency rescue work.

Maintaining foreign economic activity, conclusion of commercial, technical and other agreements (agreements), contracts with foreign legal entities and individuals in accordance with current legislation.

Implementation of activities for environmental protection on the territory of the airport and adjacent areas.

OST 54-1-283.02-94

Aircraft accident investigation. Basic concepts, goals and objectives

Aviation accidents, depending on their consequences, are divided into:

aviation accidents with casualties (catastrophes);

aviation accidents without casualties (accidents) APBChZh.

Aviation incident- an event related to the use of an aircraft that occurred from the time a person boarded the aircraft with the intention of flying until the time when all persons on board for the purpose of flight left the aircraft, and due to deviations from normal operation Sun; crew; flight control and support services; influences of the external environment.

Serious aviation incident- an aviation incident, the circumstances of which indicate that an accident almost occurred.

Aircraft accident with loss of life (catastrophe)- an aviation accident that led to the death or disappearance of any of the passengers or crew members.

Aviation accident without loss of life (crash) - an aviation accident that did not result in loss of life or loss of any passengers or crew members.

The main purpose of the AP investigation– establishment of factors, conditions and circumstances related to the incident, the study and analysis of which will make it possible with reasonable probability to establish their causes and consequences, as well as develop proposals for the prevention of incidents for these reasons in the future. Investigation is a process that includes the collection and analysis information on the event, conducting the necessary research, establishing the causes of the event and developing recommendations to eliminate incidents.

An accident investigation includes: - preliminary work; - search and rescue work; - organization of an accident investigation commission; - accident investigation and final work.

AP investigation commissions are appointed by order of the department that is conducting the investigation. The composition of the commission must be formed within 2 hours after receiving the initial report of the incident.

The formation of an investigation commission is made from the most qualified specialists who have experience in investigating accidents and have high business qualities. For the objectivity of the investigation of accidents, the commission should include persons who are not directly related to this accident and are not responsible for it. The commission consists of a chairman , deputy and members of the commission.

The chairman of the commission is the senior official for the investigation of the AP. All his orders and instructions are subject to compliance by all members of the commission and officials taking part in the investigation.

Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, the chairman holds an organizational meeting, at which he announces the order to appoint the commission, creates subcommittees and appoints its chairmen. The commission hears the responsible persons who took the initial measures to investigate, checks the implementation of measures by officials of the department on whose territory the incident took place ( circumstances of the incident, carrying out emergency rescue operations, interviewing the crew, and, if necessary, passengers and witnesses regarding the circumstances of the accident, inspecting the scene of the incident)

Inspection of the scene of the incident is the primary task of specialists who arrived for the investigation. It allows you to get a clearer and more complete picture of the circumstances under which the incident occurred, and based on this, outline further work. The main attention during the inspection should be aimed at identifying factors that will help determine possible flight path, position and configuration of the aircraft and its approximate speed at the moment of impact.

Photography is the best means of recording an incident and should be widely used during investigations. Photographing the scene of the incident, the general picture of the scattering of debris and their condition is carried out before a detailed investigation.


1. The federal system was developed in accordance with the international document of the ICAO: with guidance on power supply for the protection of information technology and was presented as a whole. Legal and organizational measures aimed at preventing illegal actions against civil servants.

2. Main task Federal system is to ensure the safety of life and health of passengers and crew members

aircraft, ground personnel of airlines, security of aircraft and airport facilities by implementing measures to

protection against acts of unlawful interference.

3. The measures provided for by the Federal system apply to civil aircraft, national and foreign

operators (airlines), as well as in relation to airports.

5. Failure to comply with or violation of the Norms, rules and procedures for aviation security by aviation enterprises, airports,

Operators are subject to cancellation of licenses (permits), and passengers and shippers are subject to liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Aviation security is ensured by a set of measures providing for the creation and operation of aviation security services, security of airports, aircraft and civil aviation facilities, screening of crew members serving

personnel, passengers, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies, preventing and suppressing attempts to seize and hijack aircraft.

9. The regional department of the FAVT exercises control over the implementation of aviation enterprises, airports and operators air transport conditions of certification and licensing in terms of aviation safety.

10. Aviation enterprises, airports and operators ensure compliance with the requirements of the Norms, rules and procedures for aviation security.

Requirements regulatory documents on ensuring aviation security at airports

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 1997 No. 60-FZ “Air Code of the Russian Federation”. The requirements of international standards and recommended practices are reflected in Articles 83, 84 and 85 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ “On Countering Terrorism”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 No. 897 on the approval of the Federal system for ensuring the protection of civil aviation activities from acts of unlawful interference;

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 25, 2007 No. 104 “On approval of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections”;

Order of the Federal Air Transport Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 30, 1999 No. 120/971 “On approval of instructions on the procedure for transporting weapons, ammunition and cartridges for them, and special equipment transferred by passengers for temporary storage during the flight by civil aviation aircraft”;

Manual on the security of aircraft and civil aviation facilities (NOVSO GA-93);

Model Regulations on the Airport Aviation Security Service (approved and put into effect by Order of the Minister of Transport of Russia dated October 17, 1994 No. 76);

Regulations on access and internal control at airports, airlines, organizations and institutions of civil aviation (approved and put into effect by order of the Federal aviation service Russia dated January 20, 1998 No. 22);

Instructions on measures to prevent and suppress the seizure and hijacking of aircraft and other acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation (approved and put into effect by interdepartmental order dated January 10, 1995);

Memo to the aircraft crew on actions in emergency situations (approved by the Director of the FAS Russia dated October 14, 1997 No. 66/i-DSP).

Rules for inspection of civil aircraft. Approved and put into effect by order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 238.

Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated October 16, 1998 No. 310 “On professional training in aviation safety of aviation personnel, students of educational institutions, and civil aviation workers of the Russian Federation.”

Planning solution for the cargo yard, its area. Loading and unloading front

The cargo yard is part of the fenced service and technical territory of the airport, intended for loading and unloading operations, parking, travel and

maneuvering a car Vehicle airport, shippers and consignees.

The territory of the cargo yard is determined by the following parameters:

The number of loading and unloading places (posts) on the side of the city and the platform;

Dimensions of the design type vehicle;

Standard distances between vehicles standing at the warehouse ramp for loading and unloading, between vehicles moving towards each other, standing at the warehouse ramp and moving vehicles;

Standard distance from a moving vehicle to the border of the passage;

Coefficients that take into account fencing, landscaping and security measures.

total area The cargo yard territory includes three zones:

Zone A is the territory located on the side of the airfield and intended for the movement of specialized vehicles that provide loading and unloading and

transportation of goods from warehouses to airplanes;

Zone B is a territory located on the city side and intended for the movement and placement of freight vehicles that provide loading and unloading of goods,

those exported to the city and those arriving from the city;

Zone C is the territory located at the end of the main building of the cargo complex, connecting zones A and B and intended for the passage of vehicles, the placement of specialized warehouses and structures.

The optimal number of loading and unloading places for vehicles at a cargo warehouse is determined according to the theory of queuing by finding the optimal utilization rate of the service device (unloading station), which depends on the ratio of operating costs of loading and unloading places and all costs caused by vehicle downtime associated with servicing and waiting his.

35. Location of the cargo complex on the general plan of the airport. Purpose and requirements for it: operational, technical and economic, labor protection and environmental protection

The cargo complex is designed to carry out all operations for receiving, issuing, sending, processing and processing cargo.

The cargo complex is adjacent to the cargo apron on the airfield side (in most cases, part of the general passenger apron). The layout of the cargo complex should ensure the efficiency of the technology for processing, storing, receiving and issuing cargo, ease of orientation and the minimum length of vehicle routes within the complex. Car roads to the cargo complex can cross the station area and the direct access routes to it.

The master plan of the cargo complex should be a set of interconnected buildings, structures and zones.

The building of the cargo complex houses: rack and container warehouses, premises for perishable products and live cargo, and other storage facilities, administrative and office premises, areas for maintenance and routine repair of mechanization equipment, battery charging stations.

On the STT side, a cargo yard adjoins the commercial warehouse. It is designed for loading, unloading and maneuvering vehicles of shippers and consignees, as well as for parking and operation of loading and unloading mechanisms and other moving mechanization equipment.

To process postal correspondence, mail transportation departments (MPD) are provided at airports. At airports of classes I, II, and III, it is necessary to provide a separate building for the public transport facility to accommodate production, administrative and office, household and utility premises, as well as premises of public organizations.

Buildings and structures for freight transportation services should be located on the STT, taking into account general requirements: maximum reduction of cargo flow paths; minimal distance of a group of buildings and structures for freight transportation from the passenger platform.

The airport's cargo and passenger complexes must be connected by an intra-port highway. Roads to the airport cargo complex should not cross the station area.


Power supply to cargo complexes of groups I and II should be carried out from two external independent sources via two cable lines, group III - 1 source

The following types of artificial lighting must be provided in premises on the territory of cargo complexes: working lighting; emergency lighting; evacuation lighting; security and protective lighting; obstruction lights.

Cargo complexes should provide means of intra-airport telecommunications that ensure the organization of networks: telephone communications; operational loudspeaking communication; local telegram delivery; radio communications; radio warnings and radio installations; electroclockification.


When designing cargo complexes, fire safety measures must be carried out in accordance with the chapters of SNiP 2.11.01-85 “Warehouse buildings”, 2.09.02-85 “Industrial buildings”, 2.01.02-85 “Fire standards”.


When designing airport cargo complexes, an integrated sewerage system should be provided for discharging domestic and industrial wastewater into the general airport sewerage system.

To collect and dispose of solid household and industrial waste, waste containers should be provided in cargo complexes.

Requirements for cargo accepted for transportation. Packaging and labeling.

Cargo is accepted for transportation under the following conditions:

the import, export or transit of cargo must be permitted by the laws and regulations of the country into, from, or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out;

the dimensions of the cargo must ensure its free loading and unloading, placement in the luggage and cargo compartments of aircraft and its securing;

when transported on scheduled passenger aircraft, the weight and dimensions of the cargo must not exceed the limits established by the rules and instructions;

all required documents must be attached to the cargo; the cargo should not create a danger for the aircraft, people and property on it, and due to its properties should not create inconvenience for passengers. Cargo exceeding the established limits in weight and dimensions may be accepted for transportation only with the consent of the carrier. Dangerous, radioactive and perishable cargo, animals and other special types of cargo can be accepted for transportation in accordance with the rules and instructions.

The dimensions of the cargo space are limited by the dimensions of the loading hatches and luggage compartments. cargo compartments aircraft.

Weight transported by aircraft cargo is limited by the maximum commercial load of the aircraft.

Cargo is processed by the carrier or service organization on the basis of a contract.

Cargo must be packed in containers, containers, etc., ensuring protection of the cargo from damage, spoilage and loss.

The packaging of the cargo must ensure that it can be securely secured on board the aircraft.

Each package must have shipping and transport markings.

GOST 14 192-96 “Cargo marking”

Marking - applying signs, inscriptions and drawings to identify cargo and indicate methods of transportation, handling, storage. Each piece of cargo must be legibly and securely marked with the shipper's address.

The marking must contain the following information:

Main inscriptions (full name of the consignee, destination, number of batches and serial number this place)

Additional inscriptions (full name of the shipper, point of departure, inscription of the airport of departure, which consists of 11 characters, includes the invoice number, three-letter code of the departure airport, number of places in a given shipment)

Information labels (gross weight, net weight, overall dimensions, cargo volume cm3). Handling signs - indicate methods of handling cargo. Markings - additional inscriptions, if it cannot be expressed with a sign (dark on a light background)

Packaging is a set of measures and materials to prepare products for transportation and storage. Packaging must comply with regulations and be dry and clean; without sharp protrusions and corners;

ensuring the safety of the cargo for the entire duration of the VP. Container for liquid to withstand

internal excess pressure when external atmospheric pressure drops. The packaging must be sealed when transporting goods with declared value. Transfer cargo with poor packaging is repacked at the airport

transfer (expenses at the expense of the departure airport).

Transport packaging is an element of product packaging, usually located in consumer packaging and is intended for protection, exposure to external factors and to ensure ease of loading/unloading, transportation, storage, fastening to transport media. (type of container - classification unit , defining the container by shape (box, bag); type of container - classification unit. defining the container by material (cardboard or wooden boxes).

Classification of carriers (airlines). Goals and activities of the carrier (airline)

State are airlines of former socialist countries, most airlines of developing countries, as well as certain airlines of developed countries that were founded by the state or nationalized: British Airways (UK), Air France(France), KLM (Holland), etc. A number of airlines are international associations owned jointly by several states - airline SAS belongs to Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

TO private airlines include airlines owned by one owner or family - a small number of small airlines, as well as the so-called computer airlines and air taxis. Among large and medium-sized private airlines, it is known, for example, UTA(France).

Corporate are companies whose owners are formally joint-stock companies.

By nature of flights: domestic, international, mixed.

Based on the range and direction of flights, airlines are classified into mainline, regional and local.

By type of transportation: passenger, freight, mixed.

By type of operations – regular and charter.

By fleet size and volume of transportation – large, medium, small.

Target: The main purpose of commercial air transport is to carry commercial cargo - this is cargo transported on a commercial basis, i.e. for determining
divided fee - passengers, luggage, cargo and mail. Development of the route network.

types of airline activities:

· performing scheduled and charter passenger and cargo air transportation.

· sale and booking of air tickets

· aircraft maintenance, aircraft repair

· Non-aviation activities: car rental, hotel booking.

1. For the purposes of this Code, an aviation enterprise is understood as a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, which has the main goals of its activities to carry out for a fee air transport passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) performance of aviation work.

2. Creation on the territory of the Russian Federation aviation enterprise with the participation of foreign capital is permitted under the conditions that the share of participation of foreign capital does not exceed forty-nine percent of the authorized capital of the aviation enterprise, its director is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the number of foreign citizens in the governing body of the aviation enterprise does not exceed one third of the composition of the governing body.

3. Operator - a citizen or legal entity who has an aircraft by right of ownership, on a lease basis or on another legal basis, uses the specified aircraft for flights and has an operator’s certificate (certificate).

Operator requirements are determined by federal aviation regulations.

4.Usage an individual, a legal entity of an aircraft for the purposes specified for state aviation and (or) experimental aviation, as well as the use of a light civil aircraft of general aviation or an ultra-light civil aircraft of general aviation does not entail the obligation for an individual or legal entity to obtain a certificate ( certificate) of the operator or a document equivalent to this certificate (certificate).

Comments to Art. 61 VZK RF

In accordance with the Federal Aviation Rules “Certification requirements for operators of commercial civil aviation. Certification procedures,” the operator has an organizational structure, aircraft (ownership, lease or other legal basis), aviation personnel and a production base for the organization, production and ensuring flights in accordance with the requirements of regulations governing the activities of civil aviation. To carry out air transportation and the planned flight program, it must also have aircraft in the quantity determined by the aircraft turnover schedule, taking into account their reservation.

The operator must ensure the availability of a production base equipped to organize and perform the necessary work to maintain the airworthiness of aircraft, analyze flight information, collect and process data on the reliability of aviation equipment and flight safety, record and store operational and technical documentation and numbered documentation for the main and aircraft components, operational management and control of aircraft flights, training of aviation personnel. And also confirm the availability of sufficient financial resources and property for the safe operation of aviation equipment and maintaining the required level of airworthiness of aircraft, including the availability of a repair fund, for organizing and ensuring flights of the declared aircraft and the quality of services provided, as well as for organizing the training of aviation personnel. The applicant (operator) develops and implements in its organization a flight operations manual, a maintenance manual and a quality manual, containing rules, procedures and standards for the organization, production and provision of flights established and accepted for execution by the operator's aviation personnel.

The operator must have an aeronautical information service or appoint a responsible person if the provision of aeronautical information is carried out under contracts with third parties. To obtain a certificate, the operator develops a business plan containing justification for the possibility of carrying out the planned flight program within 24 months and ensuring that the costs of its implementation are covered without income within three months from the start of work. The operator must organize flight work in accordance with the requirements of regulations governing the activities of civil aviation.

The use of civil aircraft for general aviation flights by a legal entity or individual who does not have a general aviation operator certificate is not permitted. A general aviation operator certificate is issued and extended for a period of up to 5 years. Upon initial registration of the applicant as a GA operator with the right to perform international flights, a GA operator certificate is issued for a period of up to 2 years. A GA operator certificate cannot be issued to two or more legal entities or individuals and cannot be transferred by one legal entity or individual to another. The issuance of GA operator certificates, extension of their validity and (or) amendments to GA operator certificates are carried out by interregional territorial departments and territorial air transport departments of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

Usage airspace of the Russian Federation is carried out by the GA operator in accordance with the requirements of the air legislation of the Russian Federation and the flight operations rules established in civil aviation. The GA operator (applicant) organizes in accordance with the requirements established in civil aviation:

creation of the necessary base for storing aircraft, performing work to maintain their airworthiness and storing operational, technical and numbered documentation for the main and component parts of aircraft;

providing maintenance and repair of declared aircraft;

recording data on aircraft failures and malfunctions;

accounting of aircraft operating hours;

processing of flight information if there are flight recorders on board the aircraft;

medical, meteorological, air navigation and other types of flight support;

ensuring (implementation of measures) aviation security.

Aircraft belonging to the GA operator (applicant) declared for flights for general aviation purposes are allowed for operation in the presence of airworthiness certificates (certificates of airworthiness), certificates of state registration. Aircraft are equipped in accordance with established requirements to perform the declared types of flights in the declared regions. An application for registration as a GA operator and extension of the validity period of a GA operator's certificate is submitted to the relevant territorial air transport authority of the Ministry of Transport of Russia at the main location of the applicant's (GA operator's) aircraft used for general aviation purposes, according to the form. The General Operator's Certificate comes into force on the date indicated therein. Copies of the GA operator's certificate, applications and documents attached to it are stored in the territorial air transport authority of the Ministry of Transport of Russia that issued the GA operator's certificate. Information on the issuance of a GA operator's certificate, extension of its validity or amendments to the GA operator's certificate is sent by the territorial air transport body of the Ministry of Transport of Russia within 3 working days to the specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation in electronic form via telecommunication channels in the established format in the amount application data for inclusion in the consolidated information database. In the event of a violation by the GA operator of the restrictions set out in the annex to the GA operator's certificate, which is an integral part of the said certificate, the rules for the operation of aircraft, as well as the rules for using the airspace of the Russian Federation and the rules for flight operations or their provision, threatening flight safety and (or) aviation security, the territorial air transport body of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, which issued the GA operator certificate, may impose restrictions on the validity of the GA operator certificate, its validity may be suspended or the GA operator certificate may be cancelled.

Aviation factories are enterprises engaged in pilot construction and serial production of aircraft, on-board systems and equipment, and aircraft engines.

Aircraft manufacturing is an independent branch of mechanical engineering, specializing in the production of highly complex products that require high-precision processing. Aviation factories are closely connected by production cooperation both among themselves and with enterprises in other industries, receiving from them a variety of semi-finished products and structural materials (standardized parts, bearings, wheels, radiators, axle shafts, landing gear, propellers, gas and water pipes, etc.) necessary for the production of final products. The largest Russian aircraft factories are integrated into the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), founded in 2006.

For the production of aircraft, not only metals (aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, etc.) and light alloys are used, but also a large variety of non-metallic materials, represented by various types of wood, fabrics, leather and its substitutes, glass, plastics, varnishes , adhesives, rubber and products made from it, etc.

The main production processes in aircraft manufacturing are presented:

  • procurement of parts;
  • their processing;
  • assembly of individual components and assemblies;
  • assembly of the whole product.

Aviation factories use the following shop organization systems:

  • aggregate, or subject-specific, in which each workshop is engaged in the production of any large aircraft unit, starting with blanks for it and ending with its assembly and finishing (such a system provides for the organization of fuselage, center section, chassis-frame, etc. workshops);
  • technological, or functional, in which factory workshops are grouped taking into account the similarity of technologies, in each workshop certain technological operations necessary for the production of all aircraft units are performed: for example, in the blanking and stamping workshop they process sheet metal, in the mechanical workshop - machining of parts, in metalworking and welding - processing and welding of components, in workshops for detailed and aggregate assembly - assembly of parts and assemblies, etc.
  • mixed, recognized as the most rational, in which procurement shops are organized on a technological basis, and assembly production operates on an aggregate basis.

The first aviation enterprises in Russia appeared in 1909-1911: aircraft production was carried out by the Dux plant in Moscow, the First Russian Aeronautics Partnership “S.S. Shchetinin and company" and the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works in St. Petersburg. Until 1917, there were 15 aircraft factories in Russia with a total number of employees of about 10 thousand. In 2009, 400 thousand people worked at 106 aircraft industrial enterprises, of which about 100 thousand were employed at the UAC. In 2011, there were 29 civil aircraft were produced.

Aviation enterprise

(eng. aircraft enterprise) - in the air legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of its organizational and legal form and having the main goals of its activities to carry out for a fee air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and (or) performance of aviation work (Article 61 of the WHO of the Russian Federation *). Creation of A.P. on the territory of the Russian Federation with the participation of foreign capital is allowed under the conditions that the participation of foreign capital does not exceed 49% of the authorized capital of the A.P., its head is a citizen of the Russian Federation and the number of foreign citizens in the governing body of the A.P. does not exceed 1/3 of the composition of the governing body. Features of the commercial activities of Russian and foreign entrepreneurs, as well as individual entrepreneurs, are determined according to the rules of Chapter. IX WHO of the Russian Federation.

Large legal dictionary.


    2010. See what “Aviation enterprise” is in other dictionaries: Aviation enterprise

    2010.- (English aircraft enterprise) in the air legislation of the Russian Federation, a legal entity, regardless of its organizational legal form and form of ownership, which has the main goals of its activities to carry out air transportation for a fee...

    2010. Encyclopedia of Law - 1.3.1. An aviation enterprise is a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership, which has the main objectives of its activities to carry out air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and... for a fee.

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