Volcano in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa

Kilimanjaro is a word familiar to us from childhood, also known from the stories of the writer Hemingway. Every tourist and traveler dreams of seeing with his own eyes the “crown of Tanzania” at least once in his life, and maybe even climbing to its top, to an unreal height, into the kingdom of eternal snow (by the way, it is she who appears in “The Lion King”). Let's take a little closer look at Tanzania's most famous landmark, the... high mountain Africa, which local residents called the "sparkling peak", from Kilimanjaro.

Location of Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is not really a mountain, as many people believe, it is a dormant volcano, it was formed from a huge number of layers of tephra, frozen lava flows and ash. According to scientists, Kilimanjaro was formed as a result of the movement of layers of the earth's crust millions of years ago. So, it is located in Tanzania, in the territory East Africa and rises above sea level to 5895 meters.

Animals of Kilimanjaro

The enormous size of this volcano has created a unique and amazing climate that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. Here you can see many small rivers and streams; they are formed when glaciers melt. In the lower part there is a spacious savannah, here you can find funny monkeys, a family of leopards and lions, servals, funny and slightly clumsy honey badgers, huge elephants, giraffes, zebras and many small rodents. In addition to the diverse animal world, Mount Kilimanjaro boasts mountain swamps and endless meadows, which are strewn with flowers and lush herbs, and after climbing a little into the mountains, the real African desert, where only lichens, moss and cacti reign.

Kilimanjaro weather and climate

Since the mountain is located almost on the equator of our globe, here almost always good weather, so nothing will interfere with your ascent, with the exception of the rainy season, when quite a lot of precipitation falls in the area. Experienced travelers say that best time for climbing - these are the periods from August to October, and from January to March, it is at this time that warm, clear weather sets in.

The peculiarity of Mount Kilimanjaro is that in its example you can see all types of climate on our planet, at the base you will be greeted by the humid tropics, and as you climb an arid desert, a dank hill with endless cold winds and, finally, a snow-capped peak where it never melts snow. Therefore, if you still decide to climb the mountain, prepare for sudden changes in temperature: from + 30, to +15, 0 and minus temperatures, it all depends on the level of ascent, time of year and route.

Tours to Mount Kilimanjaro

If you decide to visit national reserve Kilimanjaro, the first thing you need to do is find the town of Moshi, it is the closest to the reserve. There you can easily find
tourist agency, which cooperates with the reserve and buy a tour. Will be happy to accompany you on your adventure professional guide, personal porter and cook. As they say, every whim is for your money. But the sensations and incredible views that await you at the top are worth your money, your work, and several days of travel. You will be able to see the inner crater of the volcano, eternal ice, and also enjoy the stunning scenery of the valley and the reserve. In addition, the tourist will be able to easily see the seven trails along which the climb to the most unique attraction of Tanzania occurs.

Video: Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

The most interesting routes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

The first conquerors of Kilimanjaro were Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller, this happened more than 100 years ago in 1889. Since then, experienced climbers have laid out more than a dozen routes, which differ in the complexity of the climb and the level of mountaineering training; there are trails for beginners and real pros. If you still decide to conquer this peak, then total time, which includes ascent and descent, will take approximately 5 to 9 days. And now we present to your attention the most interesting and popular routes for climbing Kilimanjaro.

Lemosho Trail

Lemosho is located on the western part of the mountain, it is considered the most suitable for acclimatization of tourists in the area. Climbing this route it costs more than usual, so you won’t find a huge number of tourist groups here. The high cost is more than compensated by the amazingly beautiful views, because Lemosho is considered one of the most picturesque trails on Kilimanjaro.

Marangu Trail

Many people know this route under another name: the Coca-Cola route. It received this name during the first trips to the mountain, when tourists simply threw garbage along the side of the road, and most often it was plastic bottles of a well-known drink. Now the route is carefully monitored, garbage is systematically removed, sprinkled with gravel, and where the path passes through deep streams, small bridges have been built. The trail is located in the southeast of the mountain and is the most popular among tourists due to the ease of climbing. Moreover, this is the only
a route trail where stationary camps for overnight stays are located at various levels of ascent, where there are all the benefits of civilization: electricity, a toilet, a small canteen, a medical and rescue center.

Machame Trail

Machame is located on the western part of the mountain and is considered one of the most difficult to climb, with frequent ascents and descents, so it is popular only with experienced travelers and climbers. If you come to the Kilimanjaro Nature Reserve during the rainy season, it is better to use another trail, as the route is very eroded and dangerous for climbing.

Rongai Trail

Rongai is the only northern route, a narrow path leads to Kibo (the central volcano of Kilimanjaro), through one of mountain peaks– Mawenzi. This is perhaps the least crowded route, but it is recommended for climbing during the rainy season, since this area has minimal rainfall and there is no strong wind.

Umbwe Trail

Umbwe passes through south side and is rightfully considered the most difficult route to climb. This is a short, winding and straight trail starting from Camp Barranco. The descent takes place along another trail - Mweka. Due to the rather sharp ascent, steep descents and dense jungle, you will have absolutely no time for acclimatization, so the route is intended only for strong travelers who are confident in their strength and body. Climbing Umbwe takes 5-6 days, but if you want to enjoy incredible views and wonderful nature, then spend 7-8 days on the route.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the heart of Africa, it is a stone giant, it is a real treasure trove Tanzania. If you are ever lucky enough to travel this African country, then don’t miss the chance to take part in what will probably be an incredible and exciting adventure in your life, to appreciate the majestic thousand-year-old volcano and wild nature untouched by man.

Tanzania- this is the only state whose name combines the names of two united countries: TANGANYIKA + ZANzibar = Tanzania.

A lot of interesting things could be said about her. About the British-Zanzibar war, which lasted... 38 minutes. About a strange epidemic of uncontrollable hysterical laughter that happened in 1962. Tanzania has ocean sea kale farms and citizens speak 127 languages. Here the authorities were not afraid to move the capital of their country from a large port city to a village, in the vicinity of which ostriches and giraffes still roam. By the way, a third of the country is occupied by protected natural areas. And Tanzanians have something to protect and show!

Our information:

Official name: United Republic of Tanzania.

Location: East Africa.

Territory: 947.3 thousand km².

Population: over 51.8 million people

Declaration of Independence (from Great Britain): Tanganyika - December 9, 1961; Zanzibar - December 10, 1963

Capital: Dodoma(since 1993).

Official languages: English and Swahili.

A little history of Tanzania.

The cradle of humanity.

Visitors to Tanzania can see Africa's largest lake, Lake Victoria. They can also climb the highest mountain on the continent - Kilimanjaro. But between these two objects lies the Olduvai Gorge. And in importance it is not inferior to its two famous neighbors.

Olduvai is a giant crack that stretches for 40 km, and the depth... If you were to build a 30-story building at the bottom, its roof would be exactly at the level of the edges of the canyon. In 1911, in pursuit of a rare butterfly, a German entomologist fell into it. Rising to his feet with difficulty, he walked along the bottom of the crevasse and noticed that the walls of the cliff clearly revealed the layers of the earth from past eras. The undisturbed layers made it possible to fairly accurately date the finds buried in the canyon walls. Ideal place to read the chronicle of the Earth!

After World War I, the British took Tanganyika from Germany. In the 1930s, an expedition of British archaeologist Louis Leakey arrived in the gorge. He was born in neighboring Kenya and arrived on the expedition with his colleague wife and eldest son. Having started excavations, they, of course, could not know that the work would last... forty years! And that the findings will shock the entire scientific world.

On the very first day, Leakey discovered primitive tools. Then a real cemetery of animal bones was found. It was a trap where ancient hunters drove animals. They also dug up the bones of monkeys in the gorge, which could well be the ancestors of gorillas and chimpanzees. But the main finds - the remains of Stone Age people - were not found for a long time. Finally, in 1959, while Louis was ill, his wife Mary discovered the skull ancient man unknown species. Massive, with powerful jaws, it clearly ate only plant foods.

On next year Leakey Jr. unearthed the skeleton of another humanoid creature. Nearby lay the bones of a wild cat with long, curved fangs. Which of these two turned out to be the hunter during their lifetime and which was the prey remained unclear. More importantly, the creature had a larger brain, it walked vertically on two legs, it was clearly not a vegetarian, and in general it was very similar to us. In the gorge they found rough pebbles with sharp edges. The tools turned out to be the oldest in the world - they were made two million years ago. Archaeologists have unearthed hundreds of them - chipped pieces of lava with sharp edges, jagged shards that can be used to cut and scrape, anvil stones, stone awls and much more. It is not surprising that their manufacturers received the name “skillful man” from scientists.

In 1976, the same tireless Mary, south of the gorge, discovered traces of two humanoid creatures that walked here 3.7 million years ago! Today, hundreds of tourists come here specifically to see the imprints of ancient feet in the frozen volcanic ash. Maybe it was a man and a woman walking side by side? Maybe their descendants live among us?

Olduvai Gorge has rightly been dubbed the “cradle of humanity.” After the findings here, it became clear that it was impossible to build a human pedigree as a straight chain, link by link. In East Africa, side by side, at the same time, and for a very long time, those creatures lived, some more or less similar to humans. Where and why did they appear? How did they live side by side for thousands of years? Why did they disappear, where did they settle? The Tanzanian land will surprise scientists more than once and make us think about the past and present.

Tanzania is a country of volcanoes. The volcano is extinct, but life is in full swing!

Do you know where the ashes came from, leaving behind a chain of prehistoric traces? Volcanoes, it turns out, are nearby. Eight pieces next to each other, all extinct, with settled craters. Two and a half million years ago, during an eruption, the top of one of them either exploded or collapsed after lava lakes poured out of the volcano. In short, at the site of the peak, an oval failure formed with steep walls inside and gentle walls outside - the Ngorongoro crater.

When viewed from an airplane, it looks like a stadium. Yes what! It is six hundred meters deep and from edge to edge – up to 25 km. Here it would be possible to freely place such a rather large city as Orenburg. True, no one will do this, since the crater has been inhabited for a long time.

Its slopes are covered with green shrubs, small but dense forests and savannah. Yellow-barked acacias, which for some reason are called mimosas, are not uncommon here. Herds of ungulates roam among the tall grass: antelope, zebra, buffalo. The rare and endangered black rhinoceros has found refuge in Ngorongoro. The trunks of some trees are covered with steel mesh - protection from elephants, who like to scratch their sides. Monkeys are jumping and making noise in the forests. At the bottom of the crater there is Lake Magadi, it is fed by dozens of streams flowing down the slopes. Hippos mill about in the water and on the marshy banks. Luxurious people look at them pink flamingos. From their flocks of thousands, it seems that the lake is illuminated by a glow even at noon. Simply paradise!

The peaceful situation is disturbed by hunting predators: fifty lions, cheetahs, hyena dogs, leopards, jackals, big-eared spotted cats - servals. In time immemorial, they came here following the prey, and stayed that way. In general, Ngorongoro has its own natural community. And it’s true: why climb steep slopes and move somewhere when there is plenty of food and water? Of course, there are predators too, but where are they not? This is how they live generation after generation, without leaving their native crater. Only a few fleet-footed antelopes and zebras leave here during the rainy season.

Thousands of years ago, people began to settle in Ngorongoro. The last to come here were the Masai people, hunters and herders. They did not comply with the hunting prohibitions introduced by the Europeans and, in the end, the Africans were evicted from here. Then they returned without permission. When the territory became a protected area in 1951, houses for guards and scientists appeared on the slopes. Biologists work here all year round. According to their recommendations, for example, fires are started in the crater. It turns out that the savannah needs them, otherwise the perennial dry grass deprives the ungulates of nutritious food. The reserve buys plots of land outside its borders and transfers it to those Africans who agree to move from the slopes of Ngorongoro.

Fenced by the mountain slopes, Ngorongoro seems to be created for displaying animals. It is included in the list World Heritage and is classified as one of the seven wonders of African nature (along with the Sahara and the mass migration of animals from Kenya). Tourists flocked here in the thousands. We even had to make two aircraft pads on the edge of the crater. Outside, small hotels have been built on the crater ridge. From them, every morning, chains of tourists reach the entrance to the crater. The rules are strict: everyone must return before dark (7 pm). This precaution is not superfluous - it protects animals and people from each other.

Tanzania: Mount Kilimanjaro!

In the northeast of Tanzania, among the desert plain, is the highest point in Africa - the majestic volcano Kilimanjaro (5,895 m).

It rises above the Masai plateau, which lies at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.

The top of the dormant volcano is covered with a snow-white cap of snow, which sparkles impressively in the rays of the bright African sun.

Perhaps that is why the local population gave it such a name - Kilimanjaro, which translated from Swahili means "sparkling mountain"

In ancient times, the tribes inhabiting this area, who had never seen snow in their lives, were sure that it was covered with silver.

But for a long time they did not dare to check their assumptions, since many frightening legends were associated with the volcano, telling about evil spirits, who lived on the top of Kilimanjaro and guarded its treasures.

And yet, after some time, the local leader sent a small detachment of the bravest warriors to conquer the mysterious peak.

Upon arrival, they immediately began to examine the “silver” lying everywhere, but, to everyone’s surprise, it instantly melted in their hands.

On the “sparkling mountain” there was nothing but eternal cold snow.

Then the aborigines, feeling the cold of the silvery ice cap, gave the giant volcano another name - “The Abode of the God of Cold.”

Many legends associated with Kilimanjaro have survived to this day.

Local residents believe that the top of the volcano is inhabited by gods, and the caves and ravines of the mountain are inhabited by pygmy gnomes who hunt and gather. Weather conditions, according to local beliefs, are associated with the mood of the evil spirits living on the mountain.

The beauty of Mount Kilimanjaro can be seen for many kilometers around the surrounding Tanzanian and Kenyan savannas.

Its outline is sloping slopes rising to an elongated, flat peak, which is in reality a giant 2-kilometer caldera - a vast basin at the peak of the volcano.

On very hot days, you can contemplate a fantastic picture: from a distance, the bluish base of the mountain becomes almost indistinguishable against the background of the savannah, and it seems that the snow-covered peak is floating in the air.

And the clouds floating around, often flying below snow cap, enhance this effect.

The first mentions of huge snowy mountains date back to the 2nd century AD. e. They were applied to geographical map Ptolemy.

However, the official date of the discovery of the “sparkling mountain” is considered to be May 11, 1848, when it first appeared before the eyes of the German pastor Johannes Rebmann. Since 1861, attempts to conquer the peak began: in the same year a height of 2500 meters was conquered, in 1862 - 4200 meters, and in 1883-1884 and 1887 a point located at an altitude of 5270 meters was reached.

All these numerous ascents were made by the Hungarian Count Samuel Teleki. Already in October 1889, the German traveler Hans Meyer, in company with the Australian climber Ludwig Purtscheller, managed to reach the top of Kilimanjaro.

Kilimanjaro is a dormant, nearly conical volcano composed of multiple layers of tephra, solidified lava, and volcanic ash. According to scientists, it was formed as a result of several volcanic movements more than a million years ago.
It includes three main peaks, which are also extinct volcanoes: Shira (3962 m) located in the west, Mawenzi (5149 m) in the east, and in the central part there is the youngest and high volcano- Kibo (5895 m), on which there are multiple cascades of ice terraces.

Uhuru Peak, located on the rim of the Kibo Crater, is the highest point on Kilimanjaro and all of Africa.

Volcano Kibo:

Kilimanjaro has had no documented eruptions, but according to local legends, the last major volcanic activity occurred approximately 150,000-200,000 years ago.

As a result of research carried out in 2003, scientists discovered the presence of lava just 400 meters below the crater of Kibo, Kibo, the highest peak of Kilimanjaro.

Although no negative predictions regarding volcanic activity have been made yet, gas emissions regularly occur at the top of the volcano, which can lead to its collapse, which in turn will cause a major eruption.

Kibo has experienced several landslides and landslides in the past, creating an area known as the “western gap.”
Today there is a lot of talk about global warming, which is contributing to the fact that the famous Kilimanjar glaciers are rapidly melting.

Scientists explain this phenomenon not by global warming, but by the falling level of daily precipitation, which is necessary to restore the glacial mass.

Some researchers believe that the volcano is awakening, resulting in its heating and, as a result, the melting of the ice cap.

The concern is that over the past 100 years, the amount of ice and snow covering Kilimanjaro has decreased by more than 80%.

In 2005, for the first time in 11 thousand years, their almost complete melting occurred.

At the current rate, the disappearance of Kilimanjaro's snow is expected to occur between 2022 and 2033.

Glacier on Kilimanjaro in 2007:

Kilimanjaro in 2012. View from above:

The area occupied by the volcano is 64 km wide and 97 km long.

Such enormous size allows Kilimanjaro to form its own climate.

At an altitude of about 4000 meters above sea level, you can find numerous small streams and rivers born in glaciers, which carry life-giving moisture to pastures and fields.
The world of flora and fauna in the Kilimanjaro region is extremely rich and diverse.

In the lower part of the mountain, at an altitude of up to 1000 meters, there are savannas inhabited by monkeys, leopards, servals and honey badgers.

Interestingly, on the lower slopes of the mountain there are coffee plantations and banana groves, and there are corn crops.

At an altitude of 1800 meters, the domain of humid equatorial forests begins.

The territory, located at an altitude of 2800-4000 meters, is covered by mountain swamps and meadows strewn with colorful flowers.

Here you can find animals such as giraffes, elephants, lions, as well as some rodents.

Starting at 4400 meters, closer to the top, the kingdom of the mountain desert begins, where only alpine lichens and mosses survive.

Above is a world of cold snow, in which only cold stone and ice can be seen.

Kilimanjaro Glacier at an altitude of 5800 meters:

On the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro live the Chaga mountaineers, who, like their ancient ancestors, are engaged in agriculture.

They are the ones who grow coffee and banana plantations in the local warm and moderately humid climate.
The territory of Kilimanjaro has the status of a National Park, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro has been particularly popular among outdoor enthusiasts for many years.

Today there are several tourist routes.

The most popular among them is Marangu or the “Coca-Cola Route,” which tourists cover in 5-6 days.

The presence of mountain shelters, which eliminate the need to pitch tents, greatly simplifies the task.

The "Whisky Route" or Machame is the most beautiful route, the duration of which is slightly longer than the previous one - 6-7 days.

The northern slope of the mountain has only one trail - Rongai.

On average, it takes tourists 5-6 days to overcome it.

The longest western route lies across the Shira plateau (5-6 days).

The Umbwe route is one of the most difficult - it runs through dense jungle, which requires some physical preparation.

When conquering Kilimanjaro, many tourists need adaptation to get used to the mountain climate and avoid altitude sickness.

Among the conquerors of Mount Kilimanjaro there are record holders.

In 2001, an Italian named Bruno Brunod completed the Marangu route in just five and a half hours.

In 2004, Simon Mtui, a native of Tanzania, climbed the difficult Umbwe Trail and descended to the Mweka Pass in just 8 hours and 27 minutes.

The Tanzanian did not stop there and two years later walked the Umbwe trail there and back in 9 hours 19 minutes.

The first women's record belongs to the Englishwoman Rebekah Rees-Evans, her result of climbing the Kilimanjaro peak is 13 hours 16 minutes.

The youngest conqueror of the huge volcano is the American Keats Boyd, who reached the summit at the age of seven.

The majestic volcano Kilimanjaro has been a muse for many creative individuals - books have been written about it, films have been made, songs have been dedicated to it.

Some of the most famous literary works that mention the African giant include Ernest Hemingway's story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" (1936), Ray Bradbury's story "The Car to Kilimanjaro" (1965), and Olga Larionova's novel "The Leopard" from the top of Kilimanjaro" (1965).
Based on the book "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" in 1952, Henry King made a film of the same name. Famous volcano can be seen in the science fiction film “Independence Day” (1996) and in the film “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life” (2003).

To get to Mount Kilimanjaro you first need to get to the very Big City Tanzania - Dar es Salaam. The next goal is the city of Moshi, located at the very foot of the volcano. The distance from Dar es Salaam to Moshi is 560-600 km, which is best covered by a bus leaving early in the morning to reach the final destination before nightfall.

The town has many cozy hotels that convey all the local flavor.

You can get to the mountain only with a special permit, which can be obtained by any of the travel agencies that exist in abundance in Moshi.

There they also help tourists organize their ascent by finding a suitable route, choosing a guide and time.

In the northeastern part of the African state of Tanzania, between the Serengeti and Tsavo national parks, there is Mount Kilimanjaro, which gives its name to the only mountain national park in Africa. With its size, the mountain competes with its counterparts on other continents: Kilimanjaro is the fourth highest mountain of the “seven peaks”. It has no equal on the continent, so it rightfully received the nickname “roof of Africa”. In addition, Kilimanjaro is the largest in the world separately standing mountain: the length of the base reaches 97 km, and its width is 64 km.

General information

The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro consists of three extremities extinct volcanoes of different ages. The height of the mountain is 5895 meters, so it is not surprising that in its upper part there is snow all year round. From the Swahili language, which is the national language of Tanzania, the word “kilimanjaro” is translated in meaning as “sparkling mountain”. The local peoples who traditionally inhabited the lands around the Kilimanjaro volcano and who had never known snow believed that the mountain was covered with silver.

Geographically, Kilimanjaro is located very close to the equator line, however, large differences in mountain peaks predetermined a change in climatic zones, which is expressed in the growth and settlement of species characteristic of areas of other latitudes. In fact, Kilimanjaro is active volcano or extinct? This issue is sometimes controversial, since the youngest part of its geological origin sometimes shows signs of volcanic activity.

Another feature of Mount Kilimanjaro is the rapid melting of the snow cap. Over a hundred years of observation, the white cover has decreased by more than 80%, and over the past half century, the African mountain has lost most of its glaciers. There are remnants of snow cover on two peaks, but according to experts, they too will be completely lost over the next 15 years. Scientists say the cause is global warming. Photos of Mount Kilimanjaro from different years of the last century eloquently demonstrate the reduction and gradual disappearance of white areas on the tops of the mountains.

Flora and fauna

The slopes of the mountain are covered with dense tropical forests and surrounded by endless African savannas. Flora and fauna national park Tanzania is rich in species common in these places, as well as unique and endangered ones, for the sake of which the reserve was created.

The large-scale territory of the mountain, both in height and in width, accommodates almost all zones characteristic of the highlands of Africa:

  • the southern parts are covered with savannas of varying heights up to 1 thousand meters and at approximately an altitude of one and a half km on the northern slopes;
  • foothill forests;
  • mountain forests – from 1.3 to 2.8 km;
  • subalpine marshy meadows;
  • the alpine tundra is the most extensive found in Africa;
  • The top sections of the mountain are occupied by alpine desert.

Forest areas located above 2,700 m are included in the protected zone of the national park. The vegetation of Mount Kilimanjaro deserves special attention. Many species characteristic of much more northern latitudes, as well as ancient and bizarre plant forms, grow here. This is croton, calodendron in the forests of the northern and western parts of the mountain (at altitudes from 1500 to 2000 m), cassipore is common even higher. On opposite slopes, ocotea (or East African camphor tree) occupies similar heights. In the areas above them there are rare tree ferns, which are found up to 7 meters in size.

Mount Kilimanjaro lacks the belt of bamboo rainforest found in other similar mountainous areas in Africa. The subalpine zone on different sides is covered with dense vegetation of hagenia and podocarp. The alpine tundra is dramatically different in its appearance and occupancy by living organisms. Plants that are well adapted to harsh high-mountain conditions predominate here - heather, immortelle, adenocarpus, potea kilimanjara, waxweed, African myrsina, as well as numerous herbs from the hardy sedge family.

The fauna of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is no less diverse and amazing. One hundred and fifty species of mammals - almost 90 of them inhabit forests. These include several groups of monkeys, dozens of species of predators, antelopes and bats. The most common in the forests are leopards, monkeys, galagos, buffaloes and others.

bearded man

Two hundred African elephants travel in the floodplains of the Namwai and Tarakia rivers, periodically climbing to considerable Kilimanjar heights. Where the forests end, small insectivorous mammals live. The slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro are replete with a variety of birds. There are about 180 species of birds here, including: barnacle vulture, common stonechat, Hunter's cisticola, thread-tailed sunbird, white-cheeked raven.

Weather conditions of Mount Kilimanjaro

The climatic zonation of the Kilimanjaro natural complex in Africa is reflected in temperature regimes and weather conditions in general. The rainy season is well defined here, the weather is changeable, temperatures fluctuate greatly at different altitudes, depending on the time of day. For the base of a volcano, 28–30°C is typical, and starting from three thousand meters and above, frosts down to –15°C are typical. On the slopes of the mountain the following stable climatic zones are distinguished.

At different times of the year, depending on the slope and altitude, cloudiness of varying degrees, increased or moderate precipitation, and thunderstorms are observed. All this affects the visibility and comfort of being on the slopes - the Kilimanjaro volcano in Africa is a favorite place for climbing its colorful peaks.

It is believed that the peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania are accessible all year round. However, there are periods that are more convenient for climbing, periods that are more difficult and even dangerous. The most suitable periods are from July to September and January to February. At that time weather the most favorable, and the months coincide with the summer or New Year holidays of tourists. Mountain tours in Tanzania are accessible from various points at the foot. They usually last from 5 to 8 days.

The routes are varied due to the vastness of the territories crossed, acquaintance with the diversity and features of each climate zone. Tours to the highest points of the volcanic extremities end at sunrise, after which the return journey begins. There are 6 routes in total, mostly by name settlements, from which they originate:

  • Marangu;
  • Rongai;
  • Umbwe;
  • Machame;
  • Lemosho;
  • northern traverse.

An expedition to the crater is offered as an additional route.

Hiking in Tanzania is not something to do alone. Any mountain is a serious test for climbers, even with many years of experience. In addition, to conquer the mountain you need special equipment and equipment, the total weight of which is always better to share with someone. Despite the fact that climbing the mountain is possible in the direction from Kenya ( northern slope), and Tanzania, by agreement between the states, only Tanzanian routes are laid and serviced. The Kenyan slope is not equipped with the appropriate infrastructure.

In order to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles on the way to conquering the peak, important conditions must be met.

  • Mandatory participation of a guide and assistants (at least 1-2 people), without them it is not possible to climb.
  • Appropriate equipment, special shoes, thermal underwear (possibly more than one set), insulated and waterproof things.
  • Sufficient physical training, body hardening, strong immunity, responsible attitude to health, competent distribution of energy and strength.

In addition, you will need food, personal hygiene products, and items to ensure basic comfort. A complete list of what is needed for climbing is presented on the website of the company organizing tours in Tanzania. There is also a list of recommended things that are desirable to have with you, but not necessary. So, in addition to clothes and warm things, you must have with you a sleeping bag, sunglasses, a headlamp, trekking poles, and a water flask. In addition to this, the organizing company usually provides a tent, a camping mat, dishes, and camping furniture.

The estimated cost depends on the route, the duration of the ascent, the number of people in the group, and separately agreed conditions. Amounts start from US$1,350 (Marangu route, 8 days) and reach US$4,265 (1-person route with expedition to the crater). In this case, you also need to take into account where Mount Kilimanjaro is located - the company’s service may include a transfer from the Tanzania airport or you will have to get there yourself.

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Some interesting facts

  1. Compared to other mountain peaks, the Kilimanjaro volcano does not seem to be such an insurmountable obstacle, nevertheless it highest points reaches only 40% of climbers.
  2. The mountain is accessible not only to absolutely healthy tourists: in 2009, 8 blind climbers were able to climb to its peak, and with their action they helped raise funds for 52 blind children.
  3. The oldest climber on Kilimanjaro was 87 years old.
  4. Every year, about 20 thousand people attempt to climb the mountain.
  5. Almost 10 people die here every year while climbing.

Mount Kilimanjaro is not only a unique natural Park, full of amazing creatures, but also a real adventure. And to feel the surge of emotions, to become the owner unforgettable impressions, touch the majesty of Africa - for this you need to visit Tanzania and personally see the unsurpassed qualities of Kilimanjaro.

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