Excursions from Chiang Rai. Chiang Rai: how to get there, where to live, what to see

Chiang Rai, Thailand- from a remote hill tribe town nestled in the picturesque surroundings of the mighty Mekong. Chiang Rai was founded in 1262 as part of the Lao-Thai Lanna Kingdom. It became a Siamese territory in 1786 and eventually one of the 77 provinces of modern Thailand in 1910.

The city of Chiang Rai brings back memories and exotic images. mountain range in Chiang Rai borders west side with Burma and Chiang Mai, and in the southeast is located famous mountain and Phu Chi Fa Nature Reserve. But otherwise the landscape in Chiang Rai Thailand is mostly flat and the land is agricultural.

The city of Chiang Rai in Thailand is bounded on the north by the Kok River and bordered on the east by Highway No. 1. Old city Chiang Rai was built on the site ancient settlement Lava or Mon in the early 14th century. Today, little remains of the old city, but there are walls and a moat.

So, what is Chiang Rai, where is it located and what is there to do there? Chiang Rai is the northernmost province of Thailand. Tourists rarely get here and even less often on their own, because the main attraction here is the famous white lacy temple of heaven and hell ( white temple in Chiang Rai). And for the more curious, there is also the Black Temple and the village of the long-necked Karen tribes. A large number of the population of the hill tribes converted to Christianity, so in the city of Chiang Rai in Thailand you can see, in addition to Buddhist temples, also Christian churches, as well as Islamic mosques and Chinese temples.

The high western mountains, inhabited by numerous hill tribes, were, until recently, quite wild places. Today, these destinations are becoming more famous for travel, mainly due to the coffee and tea plantations, as well as the town of Mae Sai in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, known as the site of the illegal trade of dubious Chinese goods, duty-free cigarettes and counterfeit Viagra. Many illegal drugs still pass through the Burmese border. So rural areas of Chiang Rai see more police on the roads than any other Northern province.

The city of Chiang Rai has a local population of approximately 200,000. It is a small and calm town, although there are also places for tourists: several restaurants serving international cuisine, a brand new shopping center with all the famous foreign brands, supermarkets and a cinema.

Chiang Rai (Thailand), basically an inconspicuous provincial town. Entertainment in Chiang Rai - pthe coastal area where the river descends into the town of Tha Ton in Northern Thailand. Another attraction is the night market. Also in Chiang Rai there are quite decent and nice places to stop and eat. Chiang Rai Thailand is also a transport hub for the region due to its central location and airport.

Many ATMs can be found on Phaholyothinу street. The largest shopping center is Central Plaza Chiang Rai.Chiang Rai has several extraordinary places that are worth visiting. These are the Black Temple of Chiang Rai (Baan Dam), the famous White Temple of Wat Rong Khun in Thailand and Wat Huai Sai Khao. The White Temple in Chiang Rai is perhaps just his business card. This place is definitely not to be missed in the city.

White Temple in Chiang Rai (Wat Rong Khun)

The White Temple of Chiang Rai, Wat Rong Khun is without a doubt the most famous and most photographed temple in Chiang Rai province. It is also one of the most beautiful (and unconventional) temples in Thailand. The color of the white temple signifies purity. The temple was built according to the design of a local artist in 1997, who took 15 years to turn his idea into reality.

Inside the white temple in Chiang Rai, Wat Rong Khun, you can find not only statues of Buddha, but also images of Superman, Batman and Neo from The Matrix. In general, the author’s very unconventional approach to creating the temple is obvious, who, by the way, believes that this project will give him immortality.

White Temple in Chiang Rai Wat Rong Khun is located 12 km south of Chiang Rai, near Pahonyothin Road. It is open daily from 6:30 am to 6 pm. Entrance to the White Temple in Chiang Rai, Wat Rong Khunw, is free.

Doi Mae Salong Village and Mountain, Chiang Rai

In the mountainous northern part of Chiang Rai city there are several interesting villages. One of the most picturesque of them is Mae Salong, located 74 km northwest of Chiang Rai city. There is a special atmosphere there, and everything around is reminiscent of China, and by the way, most of the residents have Chinese roots and even speak Chinese to each other.

The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking. Very atmospheric, quiet and peaceful place. There are few tourists, life seems to have stopped. There are also numerous scenic routes along tea and coffee plantations. You can just walk around these places and enjoy yourself away from the hustle and bustle. If you rent a motorbike, the trip will also be very exciting.

Black Temple of Chiang Rai Baan Dam

If there is a white temple in the city of Chiang Rai, Thailand, then there must be some kind of opposite. And there it is, too—the black temple in Chiang Rai—another highly ambitious project by another local artist. The temple illustrates the darkness in humanity. The entire temple is done in red and black colors and is decorated with skulls, skins and various other animal parts and creepy artwork.

The Black Temple of Chiang Rai (Baan Dam) is located approximately 10 km north of Chiang Rai off the Phahonyothin Highway leading to the Thai-Burmese border at Mae Sai. The temple is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm. There is tourist centre, a gift shop, and also a small cafe.

Temple of the Emerald Buddha Wat Phra Kaew

Of course, this is not the most popular temple among tourists in Chiang Rai. Everyone has heard about the white temple in the city of Chiang Rai (Thailand), but few have heard about Wat Phra Kaew. However, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Wat Phra Kaew, is one of the most significant cultural and religious sites in Chiang Rai province. This temple gained fame when it was struck by lightning in 1434. An emerald Buddha statue was found in the rubble. Since then the temple has been called that way. The statue itself was long ago taken to Bangkok, and a malachite copy of that same emerald Buddha remained in Chiang Rai.

It is still not known exactly where the Buddha statue came from in the temple. There is a version that it was created in India about 2000 years ago and brought to Sri Lanka, then to Cambodia and at the end of the 14th century it ended up in northern Thailand.

Chiang Rai Clock Tower

The clock tower traditionally marks the center of the province. In Chiang Rai, this clock tower is one of the best and most beautiful in all of Thailand.

Singha Park, Chiang Rai

The park is little known among tourists (yet). main reason Why most people would like to come here is the massive golden lion statue of Singh. A very picturesque place.

Why go to Chiang Rai in Thailand?

The path to the golden triangle on the border with Chiang Rai also runs through Chiang Rai. It is the junction of three rivers and historically (formerly) a drug-offshore zone. Selling drugs was prohibited and severely punished, so they came up with a way to circumvent the law, to exchange goods in the middle of the confluence of three rivers, during a decline in the water level, where a small island was formed for several people.

In fact, there is nothing beautiful or important in this triangle, a common lure for gullible tourists. Most often, it is under this program that tourists who travel to the north of Thailand buy themselves a one-day excursion from.

On your own in Chiang Rai Thailand those who want to carry out a visa run (extending their stay in Thailand by crossing the border and returning to the country one day for a new stamp) or desperate backpackers who want to visit Laos and are heading, as a rule, to.

Town Chiang Rai (Thailand) small, no different from others of its kind, quiet, but the influence of Laos, and therefore of France and America, is clearly felt here, and prices are 20-30% higher than Thai ones. There is little left of Thailand here, it feels like a completely different country and people, although it would seem like a hundred kilometers away…. In general, there is hardly any need to go here specifically, only if you intend to cross the border on your own and head to the wonderful, mysterious Laos.

That's all for now. Today I told about the city Chiang Rai in Thailand. This city is interesting in its own way; you can find a special charm and local flavor in it. And for tourists, this place is famous for the fact that the famous white temple in Chiang Rai is located here, famous among independent travelers. The White Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand can be seen in pictures of Thailand and also in the list of the most interesting places in Thailand.

Our first trip to the north of Thailand ended in the city of Chiang Rai. In this post I will talk about the main attractions of Chiang Rai, as well as our general impressions about the city.

White Temple (Wat Rong Khun)

The White Temple in Chiang Rai is the main attraction of the city, for which tourists mainly come here. Construction of the temple began in 1997 and is still ongoing. It is being built at his own expense by one of the most talented living artists and architects in Thailand, Chalermchayu Kositpipat. Exhibitions of his work can be viewed in neighboring buildings. The talent of this man is truly limitless, his paintings and bronze sculptures are simply amazing in their beauty (they cannot be photographed). By the way, the gold clock in the center of Chiang Rai is also his work. Entrance to the territory of the white temple is free.

All tourists visiting the white temple in Chiang Rai are given the opportunity to contribute to the construction of the complex. For 30 baht you can buy an aluminum heart and write your wishes on it. Later, all these hearts are collected and used to form the ceiling in various outdoor structures on the temple grounds. It looks very nice. Few people turn down the opportunity to “publish” their dreams in such an energetic place.

Video tour of the white temple in Chiang Rai:

Black Temple (Baan Dam)

The Black Temple in Chiang Rai is not, in fact, a temple. It's just a big black house with a common interior space, in which some installations and exhibitions of contemporary art periodically take place. The territory of the black temple is quite large and includes many medium and small sized buildings. The whole complex is permeated with a gloomy mood of death, skulls and skins of killed animals lie everywhere. The place is quite interesting, but does not make a particularly strong impression. By the way, it is also being built by a modern Thai architect at his own expense.

Doi Tung Royal Villa

We set aside a whole day to visit the Doi Tung Royal Villa. It is located 55 km from Chiang Rai. We got there by bike in about an hour and a half. At first the road goes along a wide highway, and the last 16 km you need to climb uphill along a winding serpentine road with very beautiful views.

The attraction consists of four objects, for the entrance to each of which you need to pay separately, or you can buy a complex ticket. We decided to visit three objects that are located in close proximity to each other: the interactive pavilion, the Mae Pha Luang flower garden and the royal villa itself. Tickets cost us 190 baht per person.

In the interactive pavilion you can get acquainted with the history of the Thai royal family and important events in life in Thailand. Quite a fascinating excursion.

Just outside the interactive pavilion is the entrance to the Mae Pha Luang Flower Garden. There's not much to say about him. The garden is naturally very beautiful and there is a huge amount that can be done there. nice photos. The Thais are great masters at creating beautiful gardens and parks.

Just after the flower garden, a little higher on the mountain, is the Doi Tung Royal Villa. The house is built entirely of wood in the style of a Swiss chalet. The villa is operational and members of the royal family periodically relax there. At the entrance to the building we were given audio guides on English language, with the help of which we got acquainted with some interesting facts from the construction of the villa and the life of the queen mother. Filming inside is prohibited.

Search for a hotel in Chiang Rai:

With this, our trip to the north of Thailand has come to an end, and now we are already in the capital of Malaysia, where the Formula 1 racing stage is taking place from March 28 to 30 (post Trip to Malaysia for Formula 1 in March 2014). Also, after returning to Pattaya, we will write a final post about our northern trip, in which we will talk about the most memorable moments and financial expenses.

Northern woman:


Chiang Rai is older than Chiang Mai and was founded in 1262 by King Mengrai (1239-1317), who used it as his residence. Previously in this convenient location On the Kok River, a tributary of the Mekong, the Lava and Moi tribes settled for centuries. For many years the city was under Burmese rule and only in 1786 (four years after Bangkok became the capital) it became part of Thailand. Little is known about its previous history, but the further development of the city turned out to be closely connected with the history of Chiang Mai and Chiang Saen, located 60 km away.

How to get there

  • By car:
    from Lampang on national highway No. 1 (240 km), from Chiang Mai on highway No. 107 almost to Phang, then highway No. 109 and No. 1 (268 km).
  • By bus:
    from Chiang Mai and Bangkok (from the Northern Bus Station) daily.
  • By plane:
    from Bangkok and Chiang Mai up to six flights per day.
  • By train:
    closest railroad station- Chiang Mai (180 km).

What to see

Wat Phra Kaew Don Tau

It was in Chiang Rai that the famous Jade Buddha was found, which was kept for many years in the Phra Kaew Don Tau Temple (now in the Phra Kaew Temple in Grand Palace, Bangkok). In 1434, one of the chedi wats of Phra Kaew Dontau was struck by lightning; As a result of restoration work, a nondescript plaster figurine was found. However, under the plaster, a 75-centimeter jade statue of Buddha was discovered, which attracted the attention of King Mengrai.

He certainly wanted to get the statue to his capital. However, it was decided to leave the decision to the elephant on whose back the precious burden was attached. At the decisive fork, the animal turned not to Chiang Mai, but to neighboring Lampang, where the Jade Buddha stood in the Phra That Lampang Luang wat until 1468, and from here it eventually ended up in Chiang Mai and in 1782, after further vicissitudes - to Bangkok. The Phra Kaew Don Tau Temple has particularly beautiful wooden facades with carvings and paintings. This temple complex, like the neighboring Wat Phra Sing, was built in the 15th century. Both sanctuaries were restored and rebuilt many times.

Wat Mung Mueang, Wat Chet Yot

Mung Mueang Temple has a beautiful carved pediment and several Buddha statues in the Chiang Sai style (XI-XVI centuries). Wat Chet Yot is distinguished by a gracefully proportioned vihan and a chedi with seven turrets on a rectangular base.

Neighborhoods of Chiang Rai

Malau Reservoir

The local population loves to relax on the located in most beautiful place Malau Reservoir (take national road no. 1 south, then take road no. 109 towards Fang).


Highway No. 110 north leads to Maesai (63 km), the most northern point Thailand (1010 km from Bangkok). This small border town with bustling markets used to lie on an important trade route to China. Here you can get a one-day visa to Myanmar using your passport as collateral.

Luang Cave

Luang Cave (Tham Luang) is the largest (5-10 m high) of four caves discovered several years ago south of Mae Sai. For the first kilometer you can simply walk along it, using the stairs and paths. The remaining six are best left to speleologists with special equipment.

Wat Phra That Doi Chom Thong

Wat Phra That Doi Chom Thong is very popular among pilgrims; located at the foot of Thong Mountain (1330 m). At the beginning of March, tens of thousands of people flock here by car, bus, motorcycle and simply on foot. A 17 km long steep path leads to the temple, starting from Highway No. 110 near the village of Huai Krai. From the top a magnificent panorama of northern Thailand opens, for which alone it would be worth climbing here. The temple buildings themselves are of recent construction and are of no interest. Near the Burmese border in the town of Mae Chan, there is a training center (Mae Chan Community Station), where specialists teach mountaineers alternative occupations to opium production.

If you go further along the unpaved road behind the Community Station, you find yourself in Kosenchay, an Akha village. The wooden swing at the entrance to the village is used in fertility ceremonies. Large families live in huts on stilts with low-hanging roofs. Akhu dwellings are divided into male and female halves. Most hill tribes have their own language and animistic beliefs. All things seem to them to be under the control of spirits. So, in the water, in their opinion, they live evil spirits, so mountaineers try to avoid washing as much as possible.

Since 1976, the Thai government has been taking measures to assimilate the hill tribes, which, however, is moving very slowly. The Akha, living in the mountains around Chiang Rai, have retained their cultural identity to the greatest extent. They still practice traditional crafts. The government maintains several offices in Chiang Rai of the Thai Hillcraft Foundation, an institution that markets silverware, embroidery and textiles.

It is strictly not recommended to go to the mountain tribes without a guide who knows the language and the area. Language difficulties can lead to misunderstandings with unpleasant consequences. It goes without saying that unobtrusiveness is implied (especially when it comes to photography).

Chiang Rai (Chiang Rai, Chang Rai, Changrai, English name Chiang Rai) is a city in, the capital of the province of the same name. Located on the Mae Kok River, 800 km from Bangkok, 150 km from Chiang Mai and 65 km from Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Laos. total area together with the surrounding area - 60 sq. km. The population, excluding tourists, is 68,000 people.

Chiang Rai is the most northern city Thailand, interesting not only from a tourist point of view, but also for long-term stay. Of course, even further north are the Golden Triangle, Mai Sai, Chiang Khong and other small settlements. But foreigners visit there for a maximum of 1-2 days, since there are few interesting sights and the infrastructure is very poorly developed.

The city is small, you can easily walk from one end to the other in 1.5-2 hours, if not less. There is all the infrastructure: a shopping center with a cinema, a night market with a food court, restaurants, bars, banks, travel agencies, etc. Chiang Rai is famous primarily for the unusual White Temple, which is located 10 km south of it. Is launching pad for trips to the Golden Triangle, which is an hour and a half away.

Chiang Rai on the map of Thailand


The city of Chiang Rai was founded by King Mengrai in 1262. Until 1281, it was the capital of the Lanna Kingdom. Then, for several years, the city of Lampun became the center, and after that, in 1286, the capital was moved to Chiang Mai. For a long time it was captured by the Burmese. In 1899, the territory was annexed by the Kingdom of Siam.

Only in 1933 did Chiang Rai fully become part of Thailand, becoming one of its provinces.

Who should go

Why do tourists come to Chiang Rai, and some stay here for weeks and months? There may be several reasons. There are day-trippers who arrived here as part of an organized excursion, for example, from Chiang Mai, Bangkok or Pattaya. They only briefly explore it, visiting a couple of temples. Their main goal is the White Temple, located 12 km to the south and the Golden Triangle - 65 km to the north.

Others come on their own to get to know the history, sights and spirit of the city in more detail. They usually explore all the temples, visit the night market, and ride around the surrounding area.

Still others specifically travel to Chiang Rai to long term, because we are tired of crowded popular resorts Thailand and their hot weather.

Chiang Rai has everything you need to stay for a week, a month, a year or a lifetime. The climate is especially pleasant – not humid and cool at night (+12…+18). The city has a large selection of accommodation, prices start from 80 baht per day for a place in a dormitory and from 250 baht for a private room with shower and toilet. There are numerous restaurants, bars, cafes, tour desks, and motorbike rentals at your service. Everything you need can be bought at the night market, in the Big C hypermarket and a huge mall Central Plaza (with a cinema, Robinson store, Tops supermarket and a bunch of boutiques).

Despite such infrastructure, Chiang Rai can be explored on foot if desired (although it will not take one or two hours). In size it can be compared with Pattaya. But only in size, everything else is very different. The city is very calm, in the evenings the activity is only near the night market and the bus station.

Inside Thailand you can get there by plane or bus; there are no trains to Chiang Rai.

Almost all popular airlines fly: Thai Airways, Nok Air, Air Asia, Bangkok Airways and others. There are direct flights from Bangkok, Krabi, Udon Thani, Phuket and Koh Samui.

Cheap flights to Thailand

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.

You can take buses from almost anywhere in Thailand. The easiest way to buy tickets is at your nearest travel agency or . You can also leave from the nearest bus station.

There is a ferry from Chiang Mai from the pier to Thaton (3-4 hours), for some this will be a good alternative to the serpentine road to Chiang Rai.



Chiang Rai is not a resort for beach holiday. However, 4 km from the city there is a place on the river for recreation local residents, which can roughly be called a beach. In principle, you can go there to sunbathe, get a massage right on the shore, ride a boat on the river and enjoy the beautiful views. It's unpretentious to even take a swim. But the water is muddy, the coast is so-so.

There is no smell of tourists here because they know nothing about this place. But Thais come here only in the evenings, after work or on weekends. But don’t think that there are crowds of locals here. Not at all! The author of these lines was on the beach on Sunday at 10 a.m. - there was no one there (see photo). The place is well equipped, there is a toilet, shower, canopies with sun loungers and a fan! In a word, comfortable stay provided for you. The only negative is that the sand here is not as beautiful as on the sea, sometimes with green grass. In general, in appearance it quite resembles a beach next to a river somewhere in central Russia.

What to do and what to visit

There are quite a few in Chiang Rai, mostly represented by old ones. Unfortunately, they are not as ancient as those in Chiang Mai or Ayutthaya, but still deserve your attention. Ironically, the most popular is the White Temple, which is located outside the city and is a very young complex, built only in 2008. However, the construction has not yet been completed and new fragments and structures are added to it every year.

There are several ancient temples and remains of the stone wall that surrounded the city from the time when Chiang Rai was part of the Lanna Kingdom. Also of interest Temple Wat Phra Kaew, which is located in the historical part of the city. It was here that the statue was found, which is now located in the temple of the same name in Bangkok. A copy of it is now installed here.

In the province of Chiang Rai (not in the city itself), the tribes of long-necked women are of tourist interest, to whom you can book an excursion at any travel agency.

Well, and of course, beautiful nature- green meadows, majestic mountains, waterfalls, caves, hot springs.

And from here you can go to Burma or Laos; the trip will take 1.5 and 2.5 hours, respectively, by bus. Also a mandatory point is to visit where the borders of three countries meet (despite this, you cannot cross the border at this place and get a visa). It takes 1.5 hours to get there to the north.

The atmosphere in Chiang Rai is completely different, unlike any other place in Thailand. This is not a remake like Pattaya, which was a godforsaken village 60 years ago. Here you will see the city with rich history, which dates back more than 700 years. This place is definitely worthy of your attention!


It is no secret that in the central and southern parts of Thailand the climate cannot be called comfortable: during the day +30...+35, and at night +26...+28, i.e. There is no escape from the heat and high humidity even after sunset. Chiang Rai in this sense is simply paradise, especially for long-lived people, the temperature is really the same during the day, but after 18 o’clock it begins to drop sharply, reaching +25 in the evening, and +15…+20 in the morning. Plus the humidity is much less. Many people stay here to live precisely for these reasons - on the one hand, there is an excellent climate, and on the other, a fairly calm place, albeit with all the necessary infrastructure. There are never crowds of tourists in Chiang Rai - neither in the low season nor in the high season.

Read in detail about.

Sights are the main thing worth going to for tourism purposes, since there is no sea here, only a river with a small beach. All interesting places theoretically you can watch it in 1 day, but to do this you will have to get up early in the morning and return home in the evening. In our opinion, there is no need to rush and not limit yourself one day excursion, because there are also several museums here that are of undoubted interest to inquisitive tourists.

If you live in the city center and not in the surrounding area, then almost all of Chiang Rai's attractions will be within walking distance. The only exceptions are the White Temple and the beach. But it is worth keeping in mind that walking around the city for many hours in the midday heat is not a pleasant pleasure, so it is better to explore all the interesting places with the help of a rented motorbike (200-250 baht). You can also rent a tuk-tuk for these purposes. Their main parking lot is located next to the old bus station, where all buses from different cities Thailand, including Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

The attractions located in the city are only a small part of what can be seen in these parts. Many come here to then go to the Golden Triangle, ethnic tribal villages, hot springs and waterfalls. To see all this, it is better to book a tour with one of the local travel agencies. This way, you will be spared the need to rent, study and search for information about each place.

For your convenience, at the bottom of the page there is a Google map, where we have marked all the most important things. So, what is worth seeing in Chiang Rai?

Temples Chiang Rai

Golden Triangle

Old city walls

In the past, the city was the capital of the Lanna Kingdom for several decades, which later became part of Thailand. From that time the old stone walls remained. Unfortunately, this attraction is poorly preserved (unlike the walls of Chiang Mai). There are two places in the city where you can see the tall old walls - on the main road leading to the airport (near the King Mengrai Monument) and next to the Tung Garden Museum. In other places there are only low remains of walls.

This a good place relaxation right in the city center. Its area is small, but there is quite a lot of greenery and plants. Two pretty sculptures of girls in skirts made of flowers attract attention.

Many come here to look at the museum with national costumes. Externally, it is a two-story wooden building, made in an old style. Inside there are figures of people in different clothes. Free admission.

Hilltribe Museum

The museum tells about the ethnic minorities of the Kingdom of Thailand who live in the mountains. You can see household items, clothing, traditional homes and much more. The room is small, located on the second floor of the Population and Community Development Association (an organization dedicated to the promotion of ethnic groups in the country). Opening hours: weekdays from 9 to 18, weekends from 10 to 18. Entrance 50 baht. Located in the city center (closer to the north), near the Tung Garden.

Oub Kham Museum

It will be of interest to anyone interested in the history of the Lanna Kingdom, the capital of which was this city for many years (later it became Chiang Mai). The most interesting exhibits are the golden ball and the golden gilded throne from Chiang Tung. You can also see jewelry, clothing, sculptures, royal regalia from the 15th century and much more. There are interesting things from Myanmar, Vietnam and China.

The museum is located in the north-west of the city. Is private. Entrance 300 baht. It is located on the right side of the road (if you are driving from the city center) and is difficult to see from the street. So watch carefully so you don't miss out.

King Mengrai Monument

This monument is the most important attraction in Chiang Rai for local residents. After all, it was Mengrai who founded this city in 1262. Therefore, it is not surprising that Thais come to worship him every day, offering incense, flowers and garlands of flowers. Behind the monument is a huge golden trident.

Located in the north of the city, on the left side of the road leading to the airport (at the crossroads).

Clock tower

The tower was erected in 2008 by the same architect who worked on the White Temple. Built as a sign of respect to King Rama IX. After sunset it is illuminated from all sides. Located almost in the city center, a 10-12 minute walk from the bus station and night market.

The site is a center for preserving the culture of the Lanna Kingdom. Consists of 5 parts:

  1. Botanical garden and park.
  2. Golden Pavilion.
  3. Little Golden Pavilion.
  4. Art gallery.
  5. Place for rituals.

The entrance ticket costs 200 baht. Opening hours: 8:30-16:30. Every day except Monday.

Beach on the Mae Kok River

The beach is located about 5 km northwest of the city on the banks of the Mae Kok River. Ideal place for relax. There is even some infrastructure: massage beds with fans, cafes, toilets. The sandy area is small, about 500 meters, but there are many other places where you can enter the water.

It is also worth walking or driving a couple of kilometers to the west along the coast - from there you will have very picturesque views of the river and hills (see photo).